使徒保罗宣告“谁能使我们与基督的爱隔绝呢?”他是带着极大的信心向两个国度在宣告。The Apostle Paul declared, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" He declared war on both kingdoms with great faith.无论何境遇,纵然终日被杀,人看我如将宰的羊,都不能使我与基督的爱隔绝。他用顺服和行动来显明他对基督的忠贞。No matter the situation, even if I was killed all day long and regarded as sheep to be slaughtered, it could not separate me from the love of Christ. He demonstrated his loyalty to Christ through obedience and action.因基督的爱,他忍受了许多的患难,许多的逼迫,他为了主的缘故多次经历死亡的危险,但他的心坚定于主,越发刚强壮胆。Because of the love of Christ, he endured many tribulations and persecutions. He experienced the danger of death many times for the Lord's sake, but his heart remained firm in the Lord and became stronger and bolder.
“我们为你的缘故终日被杀,人看我们如将宰的羊。”对使徒保罗来说,这些话实在是真实的,这些话是他每天都在面对和经历的。"For your sake we face death all day long;we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." For the Apostle Paul, these words were truly real. These words reflected what he faced and experienced every day.为着主的缘故所受的那一种患难、逼迫、危险……在人看来好像整天都是要死的,整天都是活不了的光景。The tribulations, persecutions, and dangers he suffered for the Lord’s sake… seemed to people as if he were dying all day long, living in a state where it felt as though he could not truly live.保罗爱主至深,他说:“是生是死都要让耶稣基督在我里面照常显大,”活着只为基督,只要基督,只有基督。Paul loved the Lord deeply. He said, "Whether I live or die, I will let Jesus Christ be magnified in me, as always." He lived only for Christ, only Christ, and only Christ.
此刻想到我的救主,至高却降到最卑,被这个世界厌弃、逼迫、嘲讽……但祂却说我就是为这个时候来的。At this moment, I think of my Saviour, who was the highest but fell to the lowest, was despised, persecuted, and ridiculed by this world... But He said that He came for this very time.多少属灵伟人他们真领受从基督来的爱,他们就轻看至暂至轻的苦楚,How many spiritual greats truly received the love from Christ, and they despised the most temporary and light sufferings.就算整天被杀,人看他们就是将宰的羊,任人宰割、欺负、逼迫,看似毫无希望,但他们深知,基督的爱给了他们无限的盼望,他们心里就有了极大的平安。Even if they were killed all day long, regarded as sheep to be slaughtered, allowing themselves to be slaughtered, bullied, and persecuted, it seemed hopeless, but they knew deeply that the love of Christ gave them infinite hope, and they had great peace in their hearts.
主啊,感谢你借着保罗告诉我什么才是真正的爱主,爱主是不顾性命的,爱主是不爱自己,爱主是要以受苦的心志作为兵器,借着患难困难是为了让我更明白从基督来的爱。Lord, thank You for telling me through Paul what true love for the Lord is. To love the Lord is to disregard one's life, to love the Lord is not to love oneself, to love the Lord is to use the will to suffer as a weapon, and to use suffering and difficulties to make me understand the love from Christ more.求主赦免我,许多时候只看到患难、困苦、危险、逼迫,只看到艰难的本身,我却不明白基督长阔高深的爱。Please forgive me, Lord, for many times I only see suffering, hardship, danger, persecution, and the difficulties themselves, but I don't understand the length, breadth, height, and depth of Christ's love.如今,我要效仿保罗的爱主,在各样逆境中,把主放在第一位,是为主的缘故终日被杀,人看我如将宰的羊,仍然宣告没有什么能使我与主的爱隔绝,我要用生命来荣耀祂。Now, I want to imitate Paul’s love for the Lord. In all kinds of adversities, I put the Lord first. Even if I am killed all day long for the Lord’s sake, and people regard me as a sheep to be slaughtered, I still declare that nothing can separate me from the Lord’s love. I want to glorify Him with my life. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)