保罗提出了一个震撼人心的问题:“谁能使我们与基督的爱隔绝呢?” Paul posed a powerful and soul-stirring question: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?”这并不是一个等待回答的问题,而是一个充满信心的宣告——没有任何事物能使我们与基督的爱隔绝。This is not a question waiting for an answer, but a declaration of faith—nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. 没有!没有!即使患难、困苦、逼迫、饥饿、赤身露体、危险、刀剑…都不能使我们与基督的爱隔绝!Nothing! Nothing! Not tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, or sword—none of these can sever us from His love!
因为这爱是在耶稣基督里的!是在耶稣舍命的历史事实里的,是在耶稣从死里复活的大能里的,是在住在我们里面的圣灵里的!For this love is in Christ Jesus—in the historical reality of His sacrificial death, in the power of His resurrection, and in the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit! 三位一体的神永不离开我们!当患难困苦来临时,我们还能相信神的爱吗?The Triune God will never leave us! When trials and hardships come, can we still believe in God’s love? 多少时候,我们怀疑地质问神:主啊,如果你爱我,为什么我要经历这些痛苦?How often do we doubt and question, “Lord, if You love me, why must I go through this suffering?”
有时在黑暗之中,心中满了愁苦、重担:神在哪里?Sometimes, in the midst of darkness, our hearts are burdened with sorrow and distress, and we wonder, “Where is God?” 然而耶稣经历过最深的羞辱、弃绝、痛苦、死亡,祂替我们偿还了罪债,回转向祂,才发现祂一直都在,罪也不能使我们与基督的爱隔绝。 Yet, Jesus endured the deepest humiliation, rejection, suffering, and death. He paid the price for our sins, and when we turn back to Him, we find that He has been with us all along. Not even sin can separate us from the love of Christ. 当患难、困苦、逼迫来临时,祂要赐下够用的恩典,那正是信靠神,遇见神,经历神迹的时候。When tribulation, distress, and persecution come, He will give us sufficient grace. That is precisely when we trust in Him, encounter Him, and witness His miracles.
哦,主,感谢你借万事训练我们,顺境、逆境、高山、低谷,你依然在掌权。Oh Lord, thank You for using all things to train us. In prosperity or adversity, on the mountaintop or in the valley, You are still sovereign. 考试来临,你要提升我们的信心,使我们与你更加合一。是的,没有什么能使我们与神的爱隔绝!When trials come, You strengthen our faith and draw us closer to You. Yes, nothing can separate us from the love of God! 圣灵,帮助我心意更新,不再惧怕失败,在试验中因信真理,否定旧人的一切声音,更深经历你,得着宝贵的耶稣。Holy Spirit, renew my mind, cast out all fear of failure, and help me to trust in the truth during testing. Let me deny the voice of the old self and experience You more deeply, that I may gain the most precious treasure—Jesus Himself.(付传道Pastor Fu)