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【罗8:32】神既不爱惜自己的儿子为我们众人舍了,岂不也把万物和他一同白白地赐给我们吗?【Romans8:32】He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

发表于 2025-02-21

神“不爱惜自己的儿子”并非冷漠,而是以最昂贵的代价,舍了最宝贵的儿子耶稣的生命。God “did not spare His own Son”—not out of cold indifference, but out of the greatest love, offering the most precious sacrifice: the life of His beloved Son, Jesus. 爱到极处,神愿意为罪人牺牲独生子,为要拯救我们的生命,还有什么好处会保留不给祂所爱的子民?To the utmost, God was willing to sacrifice His only Son for sinners, to save our lives. If He has given us His very best, what other good thing would He withhold from His beloved people?  而这一切的恩典都是神白白赐予的,不是我们做了什么好事赚取来的。谁像能我们的神?And all this grace is freely given, not something we could ever earn by our own deeds. Who is like our God?

天父舍弃独生爱子,是为担当我们的罪。我们被赎买回来,却已病入膏肓,无药可救。The Father gave up His only beloved Son to bear our sins. We were redeemed, yet we were already beyond cure, terminally ill with no remedy.  神又赐下圣灵,就是祂自己,把最宝贵的生命白白地赐给我们。天父如此慷慨,为什么我想要的,神并没有给我呢?But God gave us His Spirit—His very own presence—freely bestowing upon us His most precious life. If the Father is so generous, why has He not given me what I desire? 经上说神要把“万物和他一同白白地赐给我们”。万有都属乎神,得着神才能得着万有。Scripture says that God will “graciously give us all things” along with Christ. All things belong to God, and to gain Him is to gain everything.

我们看到神赐“万物”,只想得着地上的钱财、房屋、人前的荣耀…We often see God’s promise to give us “all things” and only think of earthly wealth, houses, and human glory. 却不晓得,神要把祂自己和祂的国赐给我们,使我们与他同坐宝座统管万有… But we fail to understand that He desires to give us Himself and His kingdom, making us co-heirs with Christ, seated with Him on the throne to rule over all.  主,求你赦免我,何等的愚昧,存着拜偶像的心,只想要“万物”,弃掉了万有的主,成为贫穷瞎眼的孤儿。今天有神作我们的父,我还要什么呢?Lord, forgive me for my foolishness, for my idolatrous heart that only longs for “things” while rejecting the Lord of all. I have become a poor, blind orphan. But today, if I have God as my Father, what more do I need?

主啊,你为我舍了生命,舍了万有,为要拯救我,你才是真正的宝贵,我只要得着你。Lord, You gave up Your life and all things to save me. You alone are truly precious—I desire only You. 感谢你借万事来炼净我的心,带领我迎接考试,赶出自己里面的鬼,除去里面的贪、懒、论断、惧怕、虚荣…Thank You for using all things to refine my heart, leading me through trials, driving out the darkness within me—greed, laziness, judgment, fear, vanity. 让耶稣谦卑、顺服、舍己、爱人的生命在我里面掌权,得着耶稣的荣美,成为真儿子,进入真荣耀中。Let the life of Jesus—humble, obedient, selfless, and loving—reign in me. May I gain the beauty of Christ, becoming a true son, and enter into true glory.

(付传道 Pastor Fu)


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