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【罗8:29-30】因为他预先所知道的人,就预先定下效法他儿子的模样,使他儿子在许多弟兄中作长子。预先所定下的人又召他们来;所召来的人又称他们为义;所称为义的人又叫他们得荣耀。【Rom8:29-30】For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

发表于 2025-02-20

我们的信主,不是偶然,也不是我们拣选了主耶稣,不信佛或其他宗教,乃是在万古以前,神已经预先拣选了我们。Our belief in the Lord is not accidental, nor is it because we chose the Lord Jesus and decided not to believe in Buddhism or other religions. Rather, God chose us in advance before the beginning of time.并且,预先定下不单信主、被称义那么简单,更是要借着祂安排的各种环境,要我们被模成基督儿子的样子。Moreover, predestination is not as simple as believing in the Lord and being justified, but also requires us to be moulded into the image of Christs Son through various circumstances arranged by Him.在各种患难、逆境等不如己意的环境中,最终被炼净,放下自己,交托一切,顺服天父,不再是自己,乃是基督活,得荣耀。In various hardships, adversities, and other circumstances that are not what we want, we will eventually be refined, put ourselves aside, entrust everything to the Father, and no longer live for ourselves, but for Christ and His glory. 以下是祷告:The following is a prayer:


感谢天父,你预先拣选了我,不是单叫我信主称义,更要叫我丧掉己,被基督掌权得胜,成为儿子的生命,最终得荣耀的。Thank You, Father, for choosing me in advance, not just to make me believe in the Lord and be justified, but also to make me lose myself, be ruled and victorious by Christ, become the life of a son, and ultimately be glorified.从前因不明白,在困境中,我就灰心、沮丧、埋怨,责怪:“神啊,你怎么会这样对我?” In the past, because I did not understand, I became discouraged, depressed, complained, and blamed myself in difficult situations: "God, how could You do this to me?"如今,因信,我要宣告:“我是神预先知道的人,预先定下效法他儿子的模样。” Now, because of faith, I want to declare: "I am a person foreknown by God and predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son."神的儿子在地上,没有鲜花、掌声,没有好喝、好吃、好住,为救罪人奔波劳累,在船上都睡着了,还要被人定罪。The Son of God was on earth, without flowers, applause, good drinks, good food, or comfortable accommodation. He travelled and worked hard to save sinners, fell asleep on the boat, and was still condemned.在最痛的时候,没有恨逼迫他的人,反而为罪人舍命。主啊,求你赦免我从前看了环境,没有明白这是你的美意,就犯罪得罪神、得罪人…In His most painful time, He did not hate those who persecuted Him, but instead laid down His life for sinners. Lord, please forgive me for not understanding that this was Your good intention when I looked at the situation before. I sinned and offended both You and people...(可以具体祷告You can pray specifically.


如今,求圣灵更新我,一切都是为造就我放下自己眼中的梁木,不再自己判断好与坏,而内心起伏,乃是转向神,Now, I ask the Holy Spirit to renew me. Everything is to build me up to put down the beam in my own eye, no longer judge good and bad by myself, and turn to God.在任何环境,内心求问主:“主啊,你要光照我自己是怎样的心呢?神的儿子在这样的环境里,是怎样的心呢?In any situation, I will ask the Lord in my heart: "Lord, what kind of heart do You want to illuminate in me? What kind of heart does the Son of God have in such an environment?我愿意将我心交托给公义审判的神,不再自己断定好坏,乃是信而称义。” I am willing to entrust my heart to the righteous God of judgment, and no longer judge good and bad by myself, but believe and be justified."亚伯拉罕信神,就算是他的义了,亚伯拉罕的信是怎样的信呢?Abraham believed in God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. What kind of faith was Abraham's?(默想Meditate)我们信的是同一位主,我也愿意这样的死己,交托神。We believe in the same Lord, and I am willing to die to myself and entrust myself to God.(可以自由地灵修、祷告。You can freely meditate and pray.(叶牧师Pastor Jane)


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