这圣洁属天的律法,属地的天然人怎么能守住呢?在人绝对是不能的,在神却凡事都能,因为圣灵赐在我们里面,就是来引导我们进入一切的真理。How can the natural man on earth keep this holy heavenly law? It is absolutely impossible for man, but everything is possible for God, because the Holy Spirit is given in us to guide us into all the truth.神是鉴察人心的,不是看我嘴巴怎么说,乃是深知我最深的软弱、惧怕。彼得在环境里,都会因惧怕人三次不认主,我不会比彼得强。God examines the heart, not what I say, but I know my deepest weakness and fear. Peter denied the Lord three times because of his fear of people in the environment. I am no better than Peter.求主带领我在你面前不逞强,只要承认自己的软弱不能,求告神,圣灵就会帮助我们,引导我们照神的旨意祷告。May the Lord lead me not to be stubborn before You. As long as I admit my weakness and inability and pray to God, the Holy Spirit will help us and guide us to pray according to God’s will. 以下是祷告:The following is a prayer:
主耶稣,感谢你!为我的罪舍命受死,又复活,将圣灵赐给我。有这宝贝在我里面,我还惧怕不会祷告吗?Lord Jesus, thank You! You gave Your life and died for my sins, and You resurrected, giving me the Holy Spirit. With this treasure in me, am I still afraid that I cannot pray?求主赦免我,看了自己就觉得“我不晓得怎样祷告”,可是真理说:“我们的软弱有圣灵帮助…圣灵亲自用说不出来的叹息替我们祷告。” May the Lord forgive me. I feel “I don’t know how to pray” when I look at myself, but the truth says: “Our weakness is helped by the Holy Spirit... The Holy Spirit Himself prays for us with unspeakable sighs.”阿门!我相信!圣灵就是神自己,你现在就住在我里面,求圣灵帮助我,教导我如何祷告。Amen! I believe it! The Holy Spirit is God Himself, You live in me now, please help me and teach me how to pray.
原来圣灵引导的祷告,不是照我自己的意思和眼见祷告,神是鉴察人心的,圣灵是照着神的旨意替圣徒祈求。It turns out that the prayer guided by the Holy Spirit is not praying according to my own will and vision. God examines the human heart, and the Holy Spirit prays for the saints according to God’s will.阿门!圣灵啊,清晨就求你鉴察我的心,看我里面有什么惧怕、担忧没有?有什么靠自己、逞强没有?有什么抱怨、不满没有?有什么不信、自义没有?Amen! Holy Spirit, please examine my heart this morning to see if there is any fear or worry in me. Do I rely on myself or seek to show off? Do I complain or harbour dissatisfaction? Do I have any unbelief or self-righteousness?(求问圣灵,等候光照…默想经文…Ask the Holy Spirit, wait for enlightenment... meditate on the scriptures...)
求圣灵引导我,将这些照出来的,将不合神旨意的意念和心思,都与基督同钉十字架。Please ask the Holy Spirit to guide me, and crucify these thoughts and ideas that are not in line with God’s will with Christ.求圣灵照着神的旨意带领我祷告、祈求,不是成就我自己的意思,乃是成就神的意思,叫基督的心在我里面为心。Ask the Holy Spirit to lead me to pray according to God’s will, not to fulfil my own will, but to fulfil God’s will, so that the heart of Christ will be in me. (靠着圣灵,凭着信心,自由地灵修、祷告…Relying on the Holy Spirit, by faith, free spiritual practice and prayer...) (叶牧师Pastor Jane)