阿门!我们得救不是在于自己的行为,做点什么好事就可以得救。就算是重生了,还有魂的生命需要凭信,借圣灵真理的光照,照出己的自私、自义、自我中心等败坏,舍己背起自己的十字架,向“己”的意思、私欲死,叫基督的真理一点点掌管魂的地土。Amen! Our salvation does not depend on our own actions. We cannot be saved by doing good deeds. Even if we are reborn, we still have soul life and need to rely on faith to illuminate our selfishness, self-righteousness, self-centredness, and other corruptions through the truth of the Holy Spirit. We must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and die to our "self" and selfish desires, so that the truth of Christ can gradually take over the territory of our souls.看得见的做事好、成功,不是我们盼望的;看不见的,在做事过程中的顺服——顺服真理、圣灵的祷告,治死虚荣、比较、看不惯、嫉妒…这些因“自我”而生出的恶,盼望基督的义在里面长大,才是我们盼望的!The visible things, like doing things well and being successful, are not what we look forward to; the invisible things—obedience in the process of doing things, obedience to the truth, the prayer of the Holy Spirit, putting to death vanity, comparison, disapproval, jealousy... these evils born of "self"—we hope that the righteousness of Christ will grow in us. That is what we look forward to!
主啊,求你借“得救是在盼望”这话来更新我的思想!天然人以为,有了圣灵的生命,重生得救了,就要做得好,样样都要让自己满意…但这样,我魂的生命得救了吗?若仍活在亚当里,就依然没有进入得救里;惟有在基督里,才是住在救恩里!Lord, please renew my mind with the words, “Salvation is in hope”! Natural people think that after receiving the life of the Holy Spirit, being reborn and saved, they must do well and satisfy themselves in everything... But in this case, is the life of my soul truly saved? If I am still living in Adam, I have not yet entered salvation; only if I am in Christ can I truly live in salvation!我的盼望,不是“看得见”的自己所做的事,而是在于“看不见”的基督的生命在里面长大,更多地管理我的思想、意志、决定和行为。求圣灵破除我一做事,就扎进事中,只看见人和事,而看不见神的思维习惯!因这样,我魂的生命仍会被负面情绪所辖制,一遇到不顺利,就恼怒、讨厌人、灰心…(可以祷告具体的事)。My hope is not in the “visible” things I do, but in the “invisible” life of Christ growing within me, controlling my thoughts, will, decisions, and actions more and more. I ask the Holy Spirit to break my habit of becoming immersed in everything I do, focusing only on people and things, and forgetting God in the process! Because of this, the life of my soul is still dominated by negative emotions. Whenever things go wrong, I become angry, hate people, and get discouraged... (You can pray for specific things).
“人所看见的,何必再盼望呢?”是的,感谢主将你自己赐在我里面,叫我有力量可以转回。这些“看得见的”不再是我的盼望,乃是因信,借着看得见的人和事,我信神你给我的安排,要我在里面亲近你,明白你的心意,就是放下自己的抓取…(抓什么呢?钱?成功?人的好评?儿女听话、有出息?对方要爱自己?…)"Why should anyone hope for what he has seen?" Yes, thank You, Lord, for giving Yourself to me, so I have the strength to turn back. These "visible things" are no longer my hope, but through faith, I see Your hand in the people and circumstances around me. You want me to draw closer to You, to understand Your intentions, which means letting go of my own grasping... (What am I grasping for? Money? Success? People’s praise? Children who are obedient and promising? The other person wanting to love me?)不再叫这些“看得见的”成为我的盼望,而是交托给看不见的神,叫基督的平安在我掌权;在不顺利的环境中,因信仍有盼望;在苦难中,因信仍有大喜乐;不再是自己,乃是基督在里面掌权而活!No longer will these "visible things" become my hope, but I give them to the invisible God, so that the peace of Christ may rule in me. In unfavourable circumstances, there is still hope through faith; in suffering, there is still great joy through faith; it is no longer myself, but Christ who controls and lives within me!
“但我们若盼望那所不见的,就必忍耐等候。”是的,主!祷告了,好像环境还是没有改变,但你是叫我的心改变!我愿意顺服,因我信:“若盼望那所不见的,就必忍耐等候。” "But if we hope for what we do not see, we will wait patiently for it." Yes, Lord! After praying, it seems that the environment hasn’t changed, but You have changed my heart! I am willing to obey because I believe: "If you hope for what you do not see, you will wait patiently for it."求圣灵引导我,祷告不灰心,祷告再祷告,忍耐等候神!一味地叫心顺服真理,不顺从己意,必会看见基督的义在我里面成形、长大…(可以继续为自己、为别人、为教会代祷…)I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me, to pray without losing heart, to pray again and again, and to wait patiently for You, Lord! If I blindly obey the truth instead of following my own will, I will surely see the righteousness of Christ taking shape and growing in me... (You can continue to pray for yourself, others, and the church..)(叶牧师Pastor Jane)