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【罗8:22-23】我们知道,一切受造之物一同叹息、劳苦,直到如今。不但如此,就是我们这有圣灵初结果子的,也是自己心里叹息,等候得着儿子的名分,乃是我们的身体得赎。【Rom 8:22-23】We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.

发表于 2025-02-16

自亚当夏娃犯罪,与神隔绝后,一切受造之物生存在世上,为的是什么呢?为的是等候得救。Since Adam and Eve sinned and were separated from God, what has all creation been living on earth for? To wait for salvation. 我们信而悔改,接受了圣灵,重生得救的时候,灵得救了。魂靠十字架的对付被圣灵引导,结出圣灵的果子也就能得救,When we believe and repent, receive the Holy Spirit, and are born again and saved, our spirits are saved. When the soul is led by the Holy Spirit through the dealing of the cross and bears the fruit of the Holy Spirit, it can also be saved. 不单地位上有儿子的名分,更要等候里面长成神儿子实际的身量。Not only do we have the status of sons in status, but we also have to wait for the actual stature of the Son of God to grow inwardly. 得着儿子的名分后,还要等候身子得赎,就是主再来时,赐下不朽荣耀的身体。After obtaining the status of sons, we still have to wait for the redemption of our bodies, that is, when the Lord comes again, He will give us an immortal and glorious body.

感谢主,借这真理更新我的思想观。从前我活着,是为生活、工作、赚钱、家庭、儿女等,为自己朽坏的事而活。Thank the Lord for renewing my mindset through this truth. In the past, I lived for life, work, making money, family, children, etc., and for my own decaying things. 但如今,你告诉我,我是圣灵初结的果子,你留我活在地上的目的是要我因信真理而顺服圣灵,结出仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制这些神的性情,But now, you tell me that I am the first fruit of the Holy Spirit. The purpose of keeping me alive on earth is to make me obey the Holy Spirit by believing in the truth, and bear the dispositions of God such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 不再是自己,乃是叫基督在我里面活。我活着的盼望,是等候主再来时,不是被责罚,而是被赏赐,得着儿子的名分的荣耀。It is no longer myself, but Christ lives in me. My hope in life is to wait for the Lord to come again, not to be punished, but to be rewarded, and to obtain the glory of the sonship.

这不是一个道理,乃是一条内心信而行的道路。求主赦免怜悯我,引导我的心,信而盼望这永恒的荣耀。This is not a doctrine, but a path of inner faith and action. May the Lord forgive me and have mercy on me, guide my heart, and believe and hope for this eternal glory. 那时,不再是“那人”,而是“神的儿子”了,身体得赎,将和父在圣城里永远在一起,永不分开!At that time, I will no longer be "that man", but "the son of God", my body will be redeemed, and I will be with the Father forever in the holy city, never to be separated! 何等美好的应许!感谢神给我这样的盼望!What a wonderful promise! Thank God for giving me such hope!

此刻,我就将我这朽坏的身体,再一次献上,给义做器皿,不再给罪和私欲做器皿。At this moment, I will once again offer my corrupt body to be a vessel for righteousness, and no longer be a vessel for sin and selfish desires. 我活着,是等候儿子名分的成就。因这盼望,求圣灵引导我做每一件事,I live to wait for the fulfillment of the sonship. Because of this hope, I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me in everything I do, 更新我的眼光,不再是为自己而做好,而是为求结出圣灵的果子,长成基督的身量,等候主再来,得赎的日子来到。to renew my perspective, to no longer do things for myself, but to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit, grow into the stature of Christ, and wait for the Lord to come again, and the day of redemption will come.感谢主!(可以继续为具体的事祷告、代祷,祷出信、望、爱的能力…)Thank the Lord! (You can continue to pray and intercede for specific things, and pray for the power of faith, hope, and love...)

(叶牧师 Pastor Jane)


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