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【罗8:20-21】因为受造之物服在虚空之下,不是自己愿意,乃是因那叫他如此的。但受造之物仍然指望脱离败坏的辖制,得享神儿女自由的荣耀(“享”原文作“入”)。【Romans8:20-21】For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

发表于 2025-02-14

自亚当夏娃犯罪以来,人、地和其上一切都遭了咒诅,都将进入死亡和变旧灭亡。Since the fall of Adam and Eve, mankind, the earth, and everything on it have been under a curse, destined for death and decay. 我们信主,虽有圣灵内住,仍被放在世上,这是神的安排。Though we believe in the Lord and have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we are still placed in this world by God’s design. 但我们不是跟随这世界虚空的律和肉体的律走,然后等死,乃是要靠圣灵脱离死和罪的律,得入“吃,不吃;玩,不玩;穿,不穿;做,不做”——However, we are not to follow the laws of vanity in this world or the desires of the flesh and simply wait for death. Instead, we are to rely on the Holy Spirit to be freed from the law of sin and death, entering into the freedom of “eating or not eating, playing or not playing, wearing or not wearing, doing or not doing”— 凡事都不因受拦阻而发怒的自由,得入住在主里爱神、爱人的自由。a freedom where we are not angered by obstacles, and ultimately into the freedom of loving God and loving others while abiding in the Lord.

主耶稣,感谢你让我看见,我有身体活在世上,如同保罗所说的:“我真是苦啊,想行的善行不出来,不想行的恶反要去行”,Lord Jesus, I thank You for allowing me to see that while I have a body and live in this world, I am like Paul, who said: “Oh, wretched man that I am! For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 不想爱世界,却不知不觉贪爱了世界,得罪了你还不晓得。I do not want to love the world, yet unknowingly, I have become attached to it, sinning against You without even realizing it. 原来,我虽在虚空之下,却可以脱离败坏的辖制,因为你将你自己赐在我里面。宝贝放在瓦器里,可以透出莫大的能力,But now I see that though I live under vanity, I can be freed from the bondage of corruption because You have given Yourself to dwell in me. This treasure is placed in a jar of clay so that the surpassing power may be revealed—这能力不是出于我的挣扎,乃是出于你神浩大的能力,可以带我进入像基督活在世上一样的自由。not from my own striving, but from Your great and mighty power, which can lead me into the freedom of living as Christ lived in this world.

主,你可以和罪人一起喝酒,却不被辖制,因你的动机是为顺服圣洁、爱的神去救罪人;Lord, You could drink with sinners, yet You were not controlled by it, because Your motive was to obey the holy and loving God in saving sinners.  可以被妓女亲脚,却不会淫乱,因你里面的动机是圣洁、爱神爱人;可以穿发光洁白的衣服,却不会自鸣得意,因你里面没有专注自己,而是专注父神。You could allow a prostitute to kiss Your feet, yet You were not defiled by immorality, because within You was holiness and love for God and people. You could wear radiant white garments, yet You were never proud, because Your focus was not on Yourself but on the Father. 主啊,救我!我的旧人是一吃喝,就专注吃喝,会被辖制“上瘾”;不吃就难受,失去自由。Lord, save me! My old self, once I eat and drink, becomes fixated on food and drink, enslaved by addiction. If I do not eat, I feel uncomfortable and lose my freedom.  一穿美衣,就专注自己的外形而得意,觉得“我还挺不错的”,或不接纳自己,觉得这样“不好看”,而失落、沮丧,失去爱的自由。一玩起来,就专注玩,有人拦阻就讨厌生气而犯罪。When I wear fine clothing, I become preoccupied with my appearance—either feeling proud, thinking, “I look pretty good,” or rejecting myself, feeling “I don’t look good enough,” and falling into discouragement, losing the freedom to love. When I play, I become absorbed in it, and if someone interrupts, I get annoyed and angry, falling into sin. 一做事,就因专注做事,做得不顺利就恼怒,失去顺服神的自由。When I work, I focus solely on the task, and if things do not go smoothly, I become frustrated, losing the freedom to submit to God.

今天,圣灵在我里面,我可以不再被旧人的败坏辖制。Today, the Holy Spirit dwells within me, and I no longer have to be enslaved by the corruption of my old self. 圣灵啊,求你引导我的心,每天读你真理,祷告得见你能力的面,因为真理可以使我得自由。Holy Spirit, I ask You to guide my heart—to read Your truth daily and to pray so that I may see the power of Your presence, for the truth will set me free. 当我吃、穿、玩、做时,圣灵啊,求你破除我里面“偏要行”的营垒,将我的心夺回,归给你掌权。一切都因你爱我,我也要爱你、荣耀你而行。When I eat, dress, play, or work, Holy Spirit, I ask You to break down the strongholds within me that insist on my own way and to take my heart captive, bringing it under Your rule. All of this is because You love me, and I also want to love You and glorify You in all that I do. 交托在你手中引导我心,照出我里面不合真理的动机——“自私、自义、自夸、自满”I surrender to Your guidance—shine Your light on the motives within me that are not aligned with Your truth: selfishness, self-righteousness, pride, and self-satisfaction. ——并将“为自己的私欲与你同钉十架”,叫基督的一切“为爱神、爱人的自由”在我里面引导我心,带领我在虚空的世上,活出神儿子的样式,荣耀你的名。(可以继续代祷…)Let me crucify my selfish desires with Christ so that the freedom of Christ—the freedom to love God and love others—may reign in my heart. Lead me, Lord, to live as a true child of God in this fleeting world, bringing glory to Your name. (Feel free to continue in prayer…)

(叶牧师 Pastor Jane)


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