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【罗8:18-19】我想,现在的苦楚若比起将来要显于我们的荣耀,就不足介意了。受造之物切望等候神的众子显出来。【Rom8:18-19】I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.

发表于 2025-02-13

是的,在地上,每一天都要读经、祷告,在每件叫“己心”“上下翻腾、波动”的事上求问神,自己的私欲在哪里,Yes, on earth, we must read the Bible and pray every day, and ask God about every matter that causes our "hearts" to "toss and turn" and where our selfish desires lie.并靠主的爱和十字架的大能放下自己,治死身体的恶行,不照自己的意思去想、去行,刚开始的操练真是苦楚的。We must rely on the love of the Lord and the power of the cross to let go of ourselves, put to death the evil deeds of the body, and not think or act according to our own will. The initial practice is truly painful.在遇见不明白的受屈、误解、病痛、逆境等事时,也是苦楚的。但我们的盼望不是在人,也不是在地上的好处,而是要被模成神儿子的样子。It is also painful when we encounter things like incomprehensible humiliation, misunderstanding, illness, and adversity. But our hope is not in people, nor in the benefits of the earth, but to be conformed to the image of the Son of God.以下是祷告The following is a prayer


主啊,感谢你的救恩,原来苦境是为叫我放下自己的想法。“为什么神要这样对我?为什么我的配偶、孩子、父母是这样?” Lord, thank You for Your salvation. It turns out that the suffering is to help me let go of my own thoughts. "Why does God treat me like this? Why are my spouse, children, and parents like this?"求你赦免我,从前因为顺服这些天然人的思想,就陷在抱怨和不解怨里,心里与人为仇,其实也与神的恩隔绝了,却不知道。Please forgive me. In the past, because I obeyed these natural thoughts, I fell into complaints and resentment, and my heart became hostile towards others. In reality, I was separated from God's grace, but I didnt realise it.如今,我宣告我相信苦难和不如意的环境,是你为要炼净我,让我放下自己的想法和意思,让基督的心在我里面为心。Now, I declare that I believe suffering and unsatisfactory circumstances are for You to purify me, so that I can let go of my own thoughts and intentions, and allow the heart of Christ to dwell in me.求圣灵破除一切我里面的不解怨的营垒,将我的心意夺回,顺服基督。May the Holy Spirit break down all the strongholds of resentment in me, take back my mind, and make me obedient to Christ.


基督为神的儿子,尚且不照自己的意思行,为天父的旨意传福音救灵魂,被合城的人拒绝;Christ, as the Son of God, did not act according to His own will, but was rejected by the whole city for preaching the gospel and saving souls according to the will of the Father.爱人,指正世人的行为是恶的,是为要救人脱离罪,却被人认为是僭妄的;为顺服父的旨意,被当成罪犯钉死十架…He loved people and pointed out that the behaviour of the world was evil in order to save people from sin, but was considered blasphemous. He was crucified as a criminal for obeying the will of the Father...虽受尽苦楚,却被父神升到荣耀里,远超过一切执政、掌权的、有能的、看得见的、看不见的,坐在权能父的右边。Although He suffered greatly, He was raised to glory by God the Father, far above all rulers, authorities, powers, visible and invisible, and sat at the right hand of the powerful Father.今天,凡这样心里信,并且内心和外在都这样跟随、祷告,与“己欲和罪”争战,顺服和遵行父神旨意,让基督的心在里面掌权,神的工就要在我身上成了。Today, anyone who believes this in their heart, and follows and prays in this way—both inside and out—fights against "self-desire and sin", obeys and follows the will of God the Father, and allows the heart of Christ to rule in them, will see God's work accomplished in their life.


“受造之物切望等候神的众子显出来。”原来,一切受造之物都在为这件事效力。"The creation eagerly waits for the sons of God to be revealed." It turns out that all creation is working towards this purpose.借着这经文,我信我身边一切出现的人和发生的一切事,原来都是在为这件事——“神的众子要显出来”而效力,就是要炼净我,不再是我天然人的心,而是让基督的心在里面活。Through this scripture, I believe that all the people and events around me are working towards this one thing—"the sons of God will be revealed." That is, to purify me, so that no longer my natural heart, but the heart of Christ will live in me.主啊,感谢你的美意,要我长成为儿子的身量,你安排了这一切。(可以思想你身边发生的事和人,悔改或感恩。)这是你的爱,我愿意接受你一切的安排。Lord, thank You for Your good will, to let me grow into the stature of a son, and You arranged all of this. (You can reflect on the things and people around you, repent or give thanks.) This is Your love, and I am willing to accept all Your arrangements.带领我读经、祷告,让我将你的话语藏在心里,让信、望、爱在我里面活出来,使人看见的不再是我,而是基督。Lead me to read the Bible and pray, let me hide Your words in my heart, and let faith, hope, and love live out in me, so that people will no longer see me, but Christ.可以继续代祷You may continue to pray.) (叶牧师Pastor Jane)


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