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【罗8:17】既是儿女,便是后嗣,就是神的后嗣,和基督同作后嗣。如果我们和他一同受苦,也必和他一同得荣耀。【Romans8:17】Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

发表于 2025-02-12

原来神的救恩不单是得救、永远活着那么简单,更是受了儿子的灵,就要在各样困苦、逆境、不如意的环境里陶造磨练我们,God's great salvation is not only about being saved and having eternal life but also about being molded and refined through trials, hardships, and unfavorable circumstances. 要我们凭信顺服圣灵,成为儿子的样子。You have given us the Spirit of sonship, calling us to live by faith and obey the Holy Spirit so that we may be conformed to the image of Christ. 和他一同受苦,为顺服神,叫己意受苦,不得放纵易发火、自义的己,Lord, help me to endure suffering with Christ, to crucify my own will, and to put to death my fleshly desires—anger, self-righteousness, and self-indulgence.  要成为在真理里基督掌权的器皿。Teach me to submit to Your truth and let Christ reign in me, that I may become a vessel for Your glory. 不单得救,还要成为后嗣,拿到承受儿子产业的应许,与基督一同得荣耀。I do not seek only salvation, but I desire to be an heir—one who inherits the promises of sonship and shares in Christ’s glory. 以下是祷告:Prayer:

主耶稣,我既因信悔改接受圣灵住在我里面,我就是神的儿女了。Since I have repented in faith and received the Holy Spirit dwelling within me, I am now a child of God. 就像地上的富家生出儿女,就是后嗣,继承产业的。Just as a wealthy family on earth gives birth to children who are heirs and inherit the estate, I, too, am an heir of God’s kingdom. 但若为孩童时,却与奴仆毫无分别,惟有长成儿子的身量,才能真正继承产业,一同得荣耀。However, as long as I remain a child, I am no different from a servant. Only by growing into the full stature of sonship can I truly inherit the promise and share in His glory. 是的,我信“如果我和他一同受苦,也必和他一同得荣耀”。这荣耀不是我随自己的意思活着就能得的,而是要与他一同受苦。Yes, I believe that “if I suffer with Him, I will also be glorified with Him.”This glory is not something I can attain by living according to my own desires, but only by suffering with Him. 借着祷告,叫自己的意思、欲望、对错、好坏的断定受苦,交托神,被圣灵、真理管制、引导,才能荣耀神。Through prayer, I must crucify my own will, desires, and judgments of right and wrong, surrendering them to God. Only by being governed and led by the Holy Spirit and truth can I bring glory to God.

主啊,借这真理,求你更新我看“每件事、每个人”的观念。Through this truth, I ask You to renew my perspective on every situation and every person in my life.  旧皮袋里的观念是:我已经想好的,我认为对和好的事,我就去做。My old mindset—the old wineskin—tells me that when I have already made up my mind about what is right and good, I should simply go ahead and do it. (具体可以求圣灵光照:吃、喝、穿、用、计划、时间、各种观念等。)(Holy Spirit, please shine Your light on specific areas—my eating, drinking, clothing, possessions, plans, time, and various beliefs.) 别人(家人、孩子、同事等)不这样做或不同意,我内心就生气、看不惯、心里嘀咕…When others (family, children, colleagues, etc.) do not act as I expect or disagree with me, my heart becomes angry, impatient, and full of complaints. 基督为救我脱离罪,为顺服神,不照自己的意思,只求父的旨意成就,为我做了受苦的榜样。But Christ came to save me from sin, showing me the example of obedience to God. He did not seek His own will but only the will of the Father. 神的儿子都要在客西马尼园祷告三次,汗如血一样滴下,尽上全力,为不顺服己,只顺服父的意思来祷告,何况我呢?Even the Son of God prayed three times in Gethsemane, sweating drops of blood, striving with all His strength to deny Himself and submit only to the Father’s will. How much more should I?  我里面还有“有罪的旧人”的拉扯,岂不更要竭力呼求“阿爸,父”吗?I still struggle with the pull of my sinful old self—should I not cry out all the more, “Abba, Father!” with all my heart?

圣灵啊,求你引导我,提醒我,在环境里交托自己,来靠你。轻看地上“自己的意思”不得满足而带来的苦楚,信而仰望摆放在前面的喜乐。Holy Spirit,I ask You to guide me and remind me to surrender myself in every circumstance and rely on You. Help me to despise the suffering that comes from my own will not being fulfilled on earth, and instead, by faith, fix my eyes on the joy set before me. 祷告是为“叫荣耀的基督”在我里面掌权,得真自由。我信“地上的一切‘荣、辱、得、失’都将过去,惟有遵行神旨意的永远长存”。I pray so that the glorious Christ may reign within me, granting me true freedom. I believe that all earthly honor, shame, gain, and loss will pass away, but only those who do the will of God will remain forever. 阿门!主啊,引导我心来爱你,因为你先爱了我。在你的爱里,一切都不再重要了,除了让你在我里面活、荣耀你的名。Lord, lead my heart to love You, for You first loved me. In Your love, nothing else matters except that You live in me and glorify Your name. 带我在主内,在不信的外邦人面前,将福音的真谛活出来,能被你称赞“荣耀了你的名”,将来也能同享永恒荣耀。(可以继续代祷……)Help me to manifest the truth of the gospel among fellow believers and before unbelievers, that I may glorify Your name and one day share in Your eternal glory. (Continue in intercession…)(叶牧师Pastor Jane)


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