在肉体(亚当)里,就是罪的奴仆的心,是害怕的。害怕自己做得不好,被人说,不被肯定,不被尊重,不被爱,就拼命靠自己,讨人的欢喜。In the flesh (Adam), the heart of the slave to sin is fearful. Fearing that I do not do well, being criticised, not affirmed, not respected, and not loved, I try my best to rely on myself and please others.一感觉被冷落,就伤心,惧怕,生出毒根和刺,口中就说苦毒话。基督为世人钉在十字架上,彰显了祂的接纳。Once I feel neglected, I become sad and afraid, and poisonous roots and thorns grow, leading me to speak bitter words. Christ was nailed to the cross for the world, demonstrating His acceptance.有神接纳我,我接受了圣灵,乃是受了儿子的心。因此,在任何环境中可以祷告呼求“阿爸,父”。God accepts me, I have received the Holy Spirit, and I have received the heart of a son. Therefore, I can pray and call out "Abba, Father" in any environment.这爱给我力量,不再惧怕,乃是有力量转向神,内心就活在饶恕、接纳和爱里,去爱对自己不好的人,以基督的心为心。This love gives me strength, no longer fearful, but with the courage to turn to God, and live in forgiveness, acceptance, and love in my heart, to love those who are not kind to me, and to have the heart of Christ. 以下是祷告:The following is a prayer:
主耶稣,是的,从前因为惧怕被人拒绝,被人说不好,我就包装自己,不敢坦露自己的想法、感受,甚至说了谎,心里有受伤,还是在强忍,活在惧怕“被人怎么看,怎么想”里,就在外表活,内心却仍是“亚当”。Lord Jesus, yes, in the past, because I was afraid of being rejected and criticised by others, I packaged myself, did not dare to reveal my thoughts and feelings, and even lied. I was hurt in my heart, but I still forced myself, living in fear of "what others think", living on the outside, but still "Adam" in my heart.一感受到被“刺”,内心就生气、论断、不饶恕,无法爱了。靠外在行律法,真是苦啊,内里还是与神隔绝。Once I feel "pierced", I become angry, judgmental, unforgiving, and unable to love. It is truly painful to rely on the law to be practised outwardly, but still be separated from God inwardly.如今我宣告我相信,我所受的不是奴仆的心,仍旧害怕,所受的乃是儿子的心。Now I declare that I believe the Spirit I received do not make me slave, so that I live in fear again; rather, the Spirit I received brought about my adoption to sonship.基督来到地上,虽然没有人肯定祂,没有人体恤祂,家里的弟兄也不信祂,拒绝祂,在十字架上,连一起生活三年半的门徒都离弃了祂。When Christ came to earth, although no one affirmed Him, no one sympathisedwith Him, the brothers in His family did not believe in Him and rejected Him, and on the cross, even the disciples who lived with Him for three and a half years abandoned Him.
祂无罪被定罪,祂仍不害怕,因为祂信“人不能把祂怎样”。祂的爱,祂的赏赐,祂的肯定,祂内心一切的满足是从父而来。He was condemned without sin, but He was still not afraid, because He believed that "no one can do anything to Him." His love, His reward, His affirmation, and all the satisfaction in His heart came from the Father.思想基督时,我内心发热,圣灵和我的心同证我是神的儿女。神儿子的灵在我里面,就是要在各种不合我意的环境里,叫我呼叫:“阿爸,父”。When I think of Christ, my heart burns, and The Spirit Himself testifies with my spirit that I am God’s child. The Spirit of the Son of God in me makes me cry out: "Abba, Father" in all kinds of situations that are not in line with my will.因为我和道成肉身的基督所受的是一个灵,是大有能力,可以胜过一切的惧怕。Because I and the incarnate Christ have received the same spirit, which is powerful and can overcome all fear.求圣灵破除在我里面一切因惧怕被人看不起,被人拒绝,惧怕钱财不够等,在我里面仇敌的坚固营垒,将我的心意夺回,顺服基督的爱,爱里没有惧怕。May the Holy Spirit break all the strongholds of the enemy in me that are caused by fear of being looked down upon, rejected, and not having enough money, etc., and take back my heart, so that I can obey the love of Christ, for there is no fear in love.
“阿爸,父!”何等甘甜!"Abba, Father!" How sweet it is!有父接纳我,爱了我,是要我活出基督的样子,去爱更多还活在惧怕中的人,那没信主的,拜偶像的家人、亲戚、朋友、世人…The Father accepts me and loves me, so that I can live out the image of Christ and love more people who are still living in fear, those who do not believe in the Lord, idolatrous family members, relatives, friends, and the world…当我向他们传福音或接触他们时,求主赐我智慧、力量。撒旦就是要我“看他们的脸色、反应”,惧怕而自保。When I preach the gospel to them or reach out to them, may the Lord give me wisdom and strength. Satan wants me to "see their faces and reactions" and be afraid to protect myself.但求圣灵、真理引导我,阻挡一切黑暗入侵,带我内心呼求“阿爸,父!” But may the Holy Spirit and the truth guide me, block all the invasion of darkness, and lead me to cry out in my heart, "Abba, Father!"基督怎样住在神里面,求你也吸引我住在你里面,胜过一切惧怕,将你福音的真谛活出来,活出基督“死己的爱”和“接纳”,将人带到你的面前。Just as Christ lives in God, please also draw me to live in You, overcome all fears, live out the true meaning of Your gospel, live out Christ's "self-death love" and "acceptance", and bring people to You.奉主名祷告!I pray in the name of the Lord!(可以继续代祷You may continue to pray.) (叶牧师Pastor Jane)