原来“顺从肉体,还是顺从圣灵”在信主这条路上,是那么重要。生命不长进,停滞不前,原来都是因为顺从了自己天然人的思想,吃分辨善恶树的果子,就死了,又与神隔绝了。It turns out that "obey the flesh or the Holy Spirit" is so important on the road to believing in the Lord. Life does not progress and stagnates. It turns out that it is all because of obeying one’s natural human thoughts and eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and then one dies and is separated from God. 惟有天天信,每时信靠圣灵,祷告,圣灵有治死私欲恶行的能力。惟有每个环境、每件事发生,每时信顺从真理,祷告靠圣灵治死身体的恶行,让基督的心在里面掌权,那才被神称是神的儿子…Only day by day, believe, believe every time. Rely on the Holy Spirit and pray. The Holy Spirit has the power to mortify selfish desires and evil deeds, Only… in every environment, in everything that happens Believe and obey the truth every time, pray, and rely on the Holy Spirit to mortify the evil deeds of the body, and let the heart of Christ rule within… Only then can God call him the son of God…以下是祷告:The following is a prayer:
主啊,你为我死在十架,还清了肉体所欠的罪债。已死的人是脱离了罪,我信这真理, 不要再顺从天然人,去喂养肉体。天然人是“他(她)对我好,我就对他(她)好; 他说难听的话,伤害我,我就讨厌,不理,恨他(她)。Lord, You died on the cross for me and paid off the sin debt owed by the flesh. The dead are freed from sin. I believe this truth. Help me to stop obeying the natural man to feed the flesh. The natural person thinks, "He (she) is good to me, so I will be good to him (her). He says unpleasant words and hurts me, and I hate, ignore, and resent him (her),He (spouse,children,parents... people around me uetc.)他(配偶,孩子,父母,身边的人等)做事合我的意、听我的,我就高兴,不合我意,不听话,甚至还顶撞,我就生气、恼怒、论断、不解怨了。顺从这天然人的律,给我带来什么呢? 除了不饶恕,犯罪,与神隔绝,人际关系破裂,什么好处也没有。If he (my spouse, children, parents, or people around me) does things the way I like and listens to me, I will be happy. If they are not according to my liking, disobedient, or even contradictory,I become angry, upset, judgmental, and unresolved. What will obedience to this natural human law bring me? (Except unforgiveness, sin, separation from God, broken interpersonal relationships, nothing good…
感谢主的救恩,你将圣灵赐给我,不是叫我对别人说‘你这是在伤害我…’而是叫我信基督你走的路…(思想主基督被拒绝,被鞭打钉死…还饶恕我们…的脚踪…)…靠你圣灵的能力去得胜有余…爱仇敌,胜过撒旦的诡计的…Thank You, Lord, for Your salvation. You gave me the Holy Spirit, not to tell me to say to others, "You are hurting me..." but to ask me to believe in Christ and the way You walked... (Think of the steps of the Lord Christ who was rejected, beaten, and crucified… and yet spared us…) I am more than a conqueror by the power of Your Holy Spirit… Loving the enemy is better than Satan's schemes…我愿意! 求主赦免我瞎眼,没有看见你的美意,在环境里,责怪了配偶,孩子,父母,身边的人…他们就是合我意…听我的,让我天然人舒服了,仍然是养肥了肉体,被天然人引导的,还是亚当,与神隔绝…I am willing! Please forgive me for being blind and failing to see Your good will. In the environment, I blamed my spouse,children... parents... people around me..because they didn’t align with my wishes..didn’t listen to medidn’t make my natural man comfortable... still fattening the flesh, being guided by the natural man, or Adam… separated from God…
…求圣灵破除我从前因在环境里不信…而在我里面建立的责怪别人、不饶恕、操纵、论断、恨人的营垒,弃绝一切的恶者从我里面出去!求圣灵将这真理存记在我心里“我并不是欠肉体的债……Ask the Holy Spirit to break down the strongholds of blaming others, unforgiveness, manipulation, judgment, and hatred that have built up in me due to unbelief in the environment. Reject all the evil ones and cast them out of me! Ask the Holy Spirit to keep this truth in my heart: “I am not a debtor to the flesh…我顺从肉体活着,必要死;若靠着圣灵治死身体的恶行,必要活着…当你安排人或事来炼净我时…带领我的眼睛不是看见人和事…乃是相信,这是你的安排,要我起来打美好属灵争战,将我的心意夺回,不再是顺从肉体死,乃是要顺从圣灵,凡被神的灵引导的,都是神的儿子。 (可以继续祷告,或代祷…) If I live according to the flesh, I must die; but if I am governed by the Spirit, the evil deeds of the dead body must die… When You arrange people or things to purify me, lead my eyes not to see people or things, but to believe that this is Your arrangement. You want me to rise up and fight the good spiritual battle and win back my mind… I no longer obey the flesh and die… but obey the Holy Spirit. Everyone who is led by the Spirit of God is a child of God”.(You can continue to pray, or pray for )(叶牧师 Pastor Jane)