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【罗 8:11】 然而,叫耶稣从死里复活者的灵若住在你们心里,那叫基督耶稣从死里复活的,也必借着住在你们心里的圣灵,使你们必死的身体又活过来。【Romans 8:11】 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal.

发表于 2025-02-09


道成肉身的基督来到地上,虽有一个身体,但使他胜过一切欲望、不犯罪的是住在他里面的神的能力。When Christ, the Word incarnate, came to earth, he had a body, but it was the power of God living in him that enabled him to overcome all desires and not sin. 圣灵有能力叫基督从死里复活,今天圣灵也一样住在我们里面,也必使我们必死的身体又活过来。The Holy Spirit had the power to raise Christ from the dead, and today, the Holy Spirit also lives in us and will make our mortal bodies alive again. 不是靠自己的保养和能力,乃是靠圣灵的能力!圣灵住在我们里面,实在是宝贝!It is not by our own effort or strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit living in us is truly a treasure! 宝贝放在瓦器里,要透出莫大的能力,是出于神,不是出于我们自己。Treasures placed in clay vessels must reveal great power, which comes from God, not from ourselves. 以下是祷告:The following is a prayer:


父神,感谢你给我们看见一条荣耀的道路,就是耶稣基督在地上的日子,顺服神的旨意至死,Father God, thank you for showing us a glorious path—that is, Jesus Christ obeyed your will to the point of death on earth, 但你却叫他从死里复活,远超过一切掌权有能的,坐在权能父的右边。but you raised him from the dead, far above all authorities and powers, and seated him at the right hand of the Almighty Father. 今天,你也将圣灵赐给我这信的人。若我跟随基督的脚踪行,顺服神的旨意至死,住在我里面的圣灵不单叫我复活,还要一起升到基督的得胜里!Today, you have also given me the Holy Spirit as a believer. If I follow in Christ’s footsteps and obey your will, even to death, the Holy Spirit living in me will not only resurrect me but also bring me into Christ’s victory! 何等荣耀、大有盼望的应许!What a glorious and hopeful promise!


求主耶稣赦免我,轻忽了你赐我的圣灵。你住在我里面,你的美意不是叫我再靠自己:“忍,做,忍不住就发怒、沮丧,体贴肉体进入死”,Lord Jesus, please forgive me for neglecting the Holy Spirit you have given me. You live in me, and your good intention is not for me to rely on myself again—to endure, strive, yet still fall into anger, depression, and indulgence in the flesh leading to death—乃是叫我靠圣灵,每一天都可以经历复活的能力。求圣灵引导我信,你在我里面的能力是何等的浩大!but rather for me to rely on the Holy Spirit and experience the power of resurrection every day. Holy Spirit, lead me to believe in the greatness of your power within me! 借着时时祷告,不住祷告,靠着圣灵随时多方祈求,叫看环境、看自己的感觉感受,和对别人的期盼与预期,都与你同钉在十字架上,就不轻易发怒了!By praying continually, relying on the Holy Spirit to pray in all circumstances, I surrender my environment, my emotions, and the expectations of others to the cross with you, so that I will not be easily angered! 将自己的心交托公义审判的神,信靠等候,相信圣灵也能将复活的能力释放在我里面,叫我在神面前活着。I entrust my heart to the righteous God who judges justly, trusting and waiting, believing that the Holy Spirit can release the power of resurrection in me, enabling me to live before God.


我的盼望不是靠着肉体活着,和世人一样等老、等死,乃是求圣灵带领我在地上,每一天都能真实地经历基督复活的能力,每一天认识神的荣耀多一点,My hope is not to live by the flesh, merely waiting for old age and death like the rest of the world, but to ask the Holy Spirit to lead me on earth so that I can truly experience the power of Christ’s resurrection every day and grow in the knowledge of God’s glory. 以至于不再惧怕“生老病死”。因为实际经历到了“借着住在我心里的圣灵,使我必死的身体又活过来”的能力!Through this, I will no longer fear birth, ageing, sickness, and death, because I have personally experienced the power of the Holy Spirit giving life to my mortal body!主啊,引导我心思想你的话语,时时依靠你的圣灵,得胜己的情绪每一天!赞美主!Lord, guide my heart to meditate on your word, always rely on your Holy Spirit, and overcome my emotions each day! Praise the Lord!(可以继续为每一天具体的事祷告、代祷…)(You may continue to pray and intercede for specific matters each day...)

(叶牧师 Pastor Jane)


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