圣洁的基督若住进我们的心,为要我们认识己罪,不再顺服己,乃是顺服基督,得丰盛义的生命。If the holy Christ dwells in our hearts, it is for us to recognize our sins, no longer obey ourselves, but obey Christ and receive the abundant life of righteousness. 我们虽蒙光照,常悔改,但神是公义的,断不以有罪为无罪,也要讨罚罪。讨罚的结果是“身体就因罪而死”。Though we are enlightened and often repent, God is righteous and will by no means leave the guilty unpunished—He will judge sin. The result of this judgment is that “the body dies because of sin.”因此,每天若为必死的身体打算、打扮,仍在无望中…“心灵却因义而活”。Therefore, if we spend each day planning and adorning our perishable bodies, we remain in hopelessness… Yet, “the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. ”肉体是无益的,叫人活的乃是灵。所以,神劝我们每天为“内心让基督的义掌权”而活,这样活着才是有价值的。以下是祷告:The flesh counts for nothing; the Spirit gives life. Thus, God exhorts us to live each day with “our inner being ruled by the righteousness of Christ.” Only in this way is life truly valuable. Here is the prayer:
主啊,感谢你指明我的方向,我的人生怎样活着才是有价值。Lord, I thank You for showing me the way and revealing how my life can be truly valuable. 从前我活着,就是为身体、肚腹,吃得好、穿得好,自己肉体舒服,别人也夸我,我就引以为豪。In the past, I lived for my body and my appetite—seeking good food, fine clothing, and physical comfort. I took pride when others praised me. 但是你真理告诉我,身体因罪而死。我若专注身体的需要,专心为吃喝、保全身体,不管内心是否是基督的义掌权,为必死的身体忙碌每一天,实在是无盼望的。But Your truth has taught me that the body is subject to death because of sin. If I focus only on my bodily needs, striving for food and self-preservation while neglecting whether Christ’s righteousness reigns in my heart, then I am laboring in vain for a perishable body and living without hope. 我相信神的话:“身体就因罪而死,心灵却因义而活。”主,你说:“不要为朽坏的食物劳力,乃要为存到永生的食物劳力。”阿门!I believe in Your Word: “The body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness.” Lord, You have said: “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life.”Amen!
主啊,求圣灵更新我的思想,真理使我得自由。求基督复活的能力破除我里面“一定要吃、一定要喝、一定要玩,不做或被阻止就难受”的捆绑。(具体的事,可以凭信心向主祷告。)Lord, I ask the Holy Spirit to renew my mind and let Your truth set me free. May the power of Christ’s resurrection break the bondage within me—the mindset that says, “I must eat, I must drink, I must entertain myself, and if I don’t or am prevented, I feel uneasy.”(I can bring specific struggles before You in faith.) 仇敌魔鬼就是要把为身体打算的辖制放进来,叫我在顺服神真理上不得自由。但我转向神,愿意放下自己,就得帮助。The enemy, the devil, seeks to enslave me with a mindset focused on bodily needs, preventing me from living in the freedom of obeying Your truth. But when I turn to You and willingly lay myself down, I receive Your help. 求主释放我的内心,使我可以自由地顺服基督的真理,以至于我的心灵因顺服基督的义而活。Lord, I ask You to set my heart free so that I may obey Christ’s truth freely. Let my spirit live through obedience to Christ’s righteousness.
哈利路亚!赞美主的恩典!心灵因义而活,不是行在外在,乃是活在里面。Hallelujah! Praise the Lord for His grace! “The Spirit gives life because of righteousness”is not merely an outward action but an inward reality. 求主引导我的心,当我懒惰读经、祷告时,求圣灵催促我的心。当我读你的话时,求圣灵开启我,供应我心灵每天的粮食,你鼓励我,使我心里有能力。Lord, I ask You to guide my heart. When I become lazy in reading Your Word and praying, may the Holy Spirit stir my heart. When I read Your Word, may the Holy Spirit enlighten me and provide my soul with daily nourishment. Encourage me, Lord, and strengthen my heart. 在遇到环境时,求圣灵将神的话释放在我里面,使我有能力转向神,不转向天然人的思想观,When I face challenges, I ask the Holy Spirit to release God’s Word within me, so that I may turn to You instead of following the natural thoughts of the flesh. 借着顺服真理的祷告,胜过体贴肉体的罪,让心灵因义而活。谢谢主耶稣,奉主名祷告!(可以继续祷告、代祷…)Through prayer in obedience to Your truth, help me overcome the temptations of the flesh and let my spirit live through righteousness. Thank You, Lord Jesus! I pray in Your holy name.Amen! (Feel free to continue in prayer and intercession…)(叶牧师 Pastor Jane)