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【罗8:8-9】而且属肉体的人不能得神的喜欢。如果神的灵住在你们心里,你们就不属肉体,乃属圣灵了。人若没有基督的灵,就不是属基督的。【Rom8:8-9】Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in You. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.

发表于 2025-02-06


“而且”加重了语气,属肉体的不能得神的喜欢。"Moreover" emphasises the tone. The flesh cannot please God.属肉体的扫罗,虽然也为以色列打仗,但因不肯等候神,一看敌军来了,撒母耳又没到,因无信心就自己动手了。Although Saul, who was fleshly, also fought for Israel, he refused to wait for God. When he saw the enemy approaching and Samuel had not arrived, he acted on his own due to a lack of faith.被先知告诫那是没有遵行神的命令,他却说自己实在遵行了神的命令。The prophet warned him that he had not obeyed Gods command, but Saul claimed he had.又因嫉妒大卫,恨人杀人,活在天然人的惧怕、保全名誉、比较、嫉妒和人的面前,没有信心等候神。He was jealous of David, hated people, and killed them. He lived in the fear of natural man, concerned with reputation, comparison, jealousy, and what others thought, and did not wait for God in faith.因此,经上说:“耶和华也厌弃你作以色列的王。” Therefore, the Bible says: "The Lord has rejected you as king over Israel!" 以下是祷告:The following is a prayer:


主耶稣,你的圣洁、公义、慈爱的性情永不改变。你为圣洁和爱,舍命将我救回。Lord Jesus, Your holy, righteous, and loving nature will never change. You gave Your life to save me for holiness and love.思想你在十字架上为我付上的代价,受鞭伤,被辱骂,被藐视,让我看见你是我的主、我的老师、我的牧人。你在我前面走,你不体贴肉体,也不属肉体。Reflecting on the price You paid for me on the cross, being whipped, insulted, and despised, let me see that You are my Lord, my teacher, and my shepherd. You walked before me, not being concerned with the flesh, and You are not of the flesh.你在最痛的时候,都没有因肉体而犯罪。因此,父喜悦你,而属肉体的人不能得神的喜欢。Even in Your greatest suffering, Youdid not sin because of the flesh. Therefore, the Father is pleased with You, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.


我从前是属肉体的,一遇不利“己”的环境和人言,就没有信这是神给我的环境,是要我借祷告争战,救我脱离属肉体的想法。I used to be in the flesh, and when I encountered situations or words that were not favourable to "myself", I did not believe that this was the environment God gave me, nor that I was meant to fight through prayer and save myself from the fleshly thoughts.我随从自己天然人的思想去想,就得罪圣洁的神了。I followed my natural thoughts and sinned against the holy God.


今天,你的真理告诉我:“属肉体的人不能得神的喜欢。”Today, Your truth told me: "Those who are in the flesh cannot please God."遇事就照天然人的思想去想、去讨厌人、去抱怨、去发怒,甚至惧怕人而说谎,假冒伪善地活在人面前,是不能得神的喜欢的。When faced with challenges, I think according to the thoughts of the natural man, hate people, complain, get angry, and even lie out of fear of others, living hypocritically before people, which cannot please God.耶稣,你住在我里面,我就不再是属肉体,而是属圣灵的了。这不只是一个地位、一句空话。我相信圣灵与我的情欲相争。Jesus, You live in me, and I am no longer in the flesh but in the Holy Spirit. This is not just a position or an empty word. I believe that the Holy Spirit fights against my desires. “天然人的想法”叫我不服圣灵,但因我信,在信的人凡事都能,不是我自己能,乃是借着信心的祷告,圣灵能治死我肉体的私欲。"Natural thoughts" make me disobey the Holy Spirit, but because I believe that all things are possible for those who believe, not by my own strength but through the prayer of faith, the Holy Spirit can put to death the lust of my flesh.


主啊,求你在我正遇事急躁、要发怒、灰心看自己、沮丧、自、不饶恕人、惧怕人时,求圣灵带领我起来祷告。属肉体的不能得神的喜欢,我是属基督的。Lord, please ask the Holy Spirit to lead me to pray when I am impatient, angry, discouraged, self-deprecating, self-pitying, unforgiving, or fearful of others. Those who are of the flesh cannot please God, and I belong to Christ.圣灵,你在我里面是有能力的,引导我转向神,不转向自己。我相信你让我经历每一天发生的事,都是有你的美意。不是为看得见的,乃是为得看不见的丰盛生命。Holy Spirit, You are powerful in me, and guide me to turn to God, not to myself. I believe that You allow me to experience what happens each day for Your good purposes. It is not for the visible, but for the abundant life that is invisible.我信,我将我的情绪交托给你,赦免我一切的罪。奉主名斥责一切急躁、恼恨、谎言、抱怨、沮丧、自等离开我。I believe, and I entrust my emotions to You, forgiving all my sins. In the name of the Lord, I rebuke all impatience, anger, lies, complaints, depression, self-pity, etc., and ask them to leave me.是生是死,总叫基督在我里面为大。活出基督,就是我的喜乐。有圣灵在我里面,是我的力量,我的盼望是基督在我里面掌权,讨神的喜欢。赞美主!Whether in life or death, may Christ always be glorified in me. Living out Christ is my joy. Having the Holy Spirit in me is my strength, and my hope is that Christ will reign in me and please God. Praise the Lord! (可以继续在具体事情上祷告、代祷…You can continue to pray and intercede on specific matters...) (叶牧师Pastor Jane)


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