我们说我们爱神,可是真理说,若行事体贴肉体,无论看着有多善良,若体贴天然人的意思,就是与神为仇。We say we love God, but the truth tells us that if we live according to the flesh, no matter how good it may seem, to set our minds on the natural man is hostile to God. 因为律法要我们蒙光照,照出自己天然人的意思,与主基督同钉十字架。若我们觉得自己的意思很好,就是不服神的律法,就是不能服神。For the law requires us to be enlightened, to see that our natural thoughts must be crucified with Christ. If we think our own thoughts are good, we are not submitting to God’s law and cannot submit to Him. 这是何等大事啊!若在体贴人的意思里做事,做再多,都被神定为“与神为仇”的。以下是祷告:
How serious this is! If we act according to human thinking, no matter how much we do, God counts it as being hostile to Him. Here is the prayer:
主啊,求你怜悯我,引导我敬畏你的话。你爱我,为我的罪舍己,这爱引导我、激励我不再体贴肉体。Lord, have mercy on me and guide me to fear Your word. You love me and gave Yourself for my sins. This love leads and compels me not to set my mind on the flesh. 从前我做什么,都是自己认为对,就去做了。做完了,就觉得自己好,就看不惯和我标准不合的人。In the past, whatever I thought was right, I did. After doing it, I felt good about myself and looked down on those who did not meet my standards. 我快,就看不惯那慢的;我对,就讨厌那错的;我仔细,就看不惯那粗心的;我懂,就讨厌那不懂的;我会,就看不惯那不会的。If I was fast, I despised those who were slow; if I was right, I disliked those who were wrong; if I was careful, I looked down on those who were careless; if I understood, I was annoyed by those who did not; if I was capable, I despised those who were not. 若我觉得自己是好的,还被指出不好,就受伤、生气、恼恨了。原来我体贴自己的意思,就算是再好、再优秀,都经不起试验。一试,就试出是“亚当”的生命来。If I thought I was good and was told otherwise, I would feel hurt, angry, and resentful. Now I see that when I set my mind on myself, no matter how good or excellent I seem, I cannot withstand testing. The moment I am tested, it reveals the life of Adam in me.
如今,我愿意服神,信服基督,相信人的里面没有良善。老我里面再好,都是为私欲做事,得人虚浮的荣耀。惟有基督是良善。Now, I am willing to submit to God, to trust in Christ, and to believe that there is no goodness in man. No matter how good my old self may seem, it is always driven by selfish desires and seeks the empty glory of man. Only Christ is truly good. 主啊,你不将自己交给人的好评或坏评,只将自己交托按公义审判的主,只等神的判断显明出来。Lord, You did not entrust Yourself to human approval or disapproval, but committed Yourself to the One who judges righteously, waiting for God’s judgment to be revealed. 求主赦免我,宝血洁净我。从前是照自己认为的好坏对错而做事,果子结出来是不义。被说好,就得意;被说不好,就恼恨、羞愧、发怒。Lord, forgive me and cleanse me with Your precious blood. In the past, I acted according to my own sense of right and wrong, but the fruit it bore was unrighteousness. If praised, I became proud; if criticized, I became resentful, ashamed, and angry. 如今求圣灵砍断这样的律,更新我。在做任何事以前,先求主光照内心的动机,将那属肉体的,让自己满足,想得人夸奖的虚荣,与主同钉十字架。Now, I ask the Holy Spirit to cut off this law and renew me. Before doing anything, let me first seek Your light to examine the motives of my heart. May everything that belongs to the flesh—the desire for self-satisfaction and the vanity of seeking human praise—be crucified with Christ. 我只愿得神你的满足,讨你的喜悦,顺服真理,不顺服自己的私欲。I desire only to be satisfied in You, to please You, to obey the truth, and not to follow my own desires.
求主每天引导我的心,读你的话,祷告。让“里面的人”活在你面前,“外面的人”也就活在你面前了。Lord, please guide my heart every day to read Your word and pray. Let my “inner man” live before You, so that my “outer man” may also live before You. 求圣灵使我的内心与旧人的隐藏着恶动机的思想分离出来,让自由意志清洁地来顺服你的话,与主成为真朋友、真新妇,与主合一。Holy Spirit, separate my heart from the hidden evil motives of the old self, so that my free will may be cleansed and willingly submit to Your word. May I become a true friend and a true bride of Christ, united with You. 谢谢主耶稣,奉主名祷告。(也可以继续顺着圣灵感动祷告。)Thank You, Lord Jesus. I pray in Your name.(You may also continue praying as the Holy Spirit leads.)(叶牧师Pastor Jane)