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2019-02-23 Christ Jesus Our Healer 基督耶稣,我们的医治者

发表于 2024-01-08

 (Matt 8: 14-17) (马太福音814-17)

“If God really loves us, why is there so much suffering, sickness, and sadness in this world? 如果上帝真的爱我们,为什么这个世界上有这么多的痛苦,疾病和悲伤?“If God really loves me, why does He allow me to suffer so much pain in this life? ” “如果上帝真的爱我,他为什么要让我生命中承受这么多的痛苦?” We always hear these sorts of questions around us from the society we live in. 我们总是从周遭的人群里听到这样的问题。Where do we find the right answer, so that we aren’t affected by negativity?从哪里可以找到正确的答案,这样我们就不会受到消极情绪的影响?In the bible! 在圣经里!The truth can set free us from all kinds of lies! 真理可以使我们从各种谎言中脱离出来!Our God loves us and the people in the world, Jesus came to save and to forgive. 神爱世人,耶稣来拯救和赦免。

Over the last two weeks, we looked at Matt 8, from v.1 – v.13在过去的两周里,我们分享马太福音第八章,从1-13节。when Jesus mercifully touched the leper and healed him, and then He healed the servant of the centurion. 耶稣动了慈心,摸了大麻风病人,治好了他,后来又治好了百夫长的仆人。

Today, we are gonna look at v.14-17does Jesus care about our households? 今天,我们来看看1417节,主耶稣顾念我们的家人吗?Why does Jesus come to heal? 耶稣为什么医治病人?And what does Matthew tell us about this? 关于这些,作者马太跟我们说了些什么?

Let’s look at Matt 8:14-17 14 When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. 让我们看马太福音81417 节,耶稣到了彼得家里,彼得的岳母害热病躺着。

14 When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever耶稣到了 彼得 家里,见 彼得 的岳母害热病躺着。15 He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him. 耶稣把她的手一摸,热就退了;她就起来服事耶稣. 16 When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, 到了晚上,有人带着许多被鬼附的来到耶稣跟前,and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. 他只用一句话就把鬼都赶出去,并且治好了一切有病的人。17 This was to fulfil what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah 这是要应验先知 以赛亚 的话,说: “He took up our infirmities, and carried our diseases他代替我们的软弱, 担当我们的疾病。

 1, Does Jesus care about our households 耶稣顾念我们的家人吗?

Now, 现在,v. 14, Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever耶稣到了 彼得 家里,见 彼得 的岳母害热病躺着, he touched her hand and the fever left her耶稣把她的手一摸,热就退了。

There isn’t a lot of information here, but in Luke 4:38, “Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her.这里说的不多,但在(路加福音438这样记录:耶稣出了会堂,进了 西门 的家。 西门 的岳母害热病甚重,有人为她求耶稣。

We can see more information there, 1) that it was a Sabbath day, 2) Peter was married at that time, 3) his mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever. 这里我们可以看到更多的信息,1)那天是安息日,2)彼得那时已结婚了,3)他的岳母患上了高烧。4) They asked Jesus to help her. 他们请求耶稣帮助她。

Was the fever more than 40°? 发烧超过40°? We don’t know, but it was a high fever. 我们不知道,但的确是高烧。The disciples interceded for her due to this serious fever. 发烧太严重了,所以门徒们就为她代求。Peter’s mother-in-law could do nothing but lay in the sick bed.那时彼得的岳母除了躺在病床上什么也做不了。Have you ever experienced a time when you couldn’t even pray because you were so sick? and you needed others to intercede for you? 你有没有试过病到一个程度,连祷告都没办法、需要别人帮你代求?Probably we all go through tough times when we are too weak to pray. 我们或许都经历过难处,并软弱到无法祷告的地步。

Jesus went to touch Peter’s mother-in-law because others had interceded for her. 耶稣去摸彼得的岳母,是因为有人为她代求. How often do you pray for other people who are unable to pray? 你是否常为一些不能祷告的人祷告呢?Perhaps there is a person in your household or in our church family? 也许你家里就有这样需要被代祷的人,或在我们教会有这样一个人?God is waiting and listening. 神在等候,倾听你祷告。

15, Jesus touched Peter’s mother-in-law, a sick woman, and she was healed. 15节,耶穌把她的手一摸,熱就退了;她就起來服事耶穌。In those days, if a Jew touched a sick person, he became unclean in people’s eyes. 在那个年代,犹太人若摸病人,在人眼中他就不洁净了。But Jesus not only demonstrates his power over disease and death, but also His compassion, in that He is willing to show His mercy to us. 但耶稣不仅彰显他有超越疾病和死亡的大能,还显明他的怜悯,就是他乐意怜悯人。

In Luke 4, it says that He rebuked the fever, and it left her, the word ‘Rebuked’ is translated from the Greek word “epitimao”, 在路加福音4章说,祂斥责那热病,热就退了斥责这个词是从希腊语中的“epitimao”翻译而来的,the same word used to describe the way Jesus spoke to a demon in Mark 1:25, “be quiet” said Jesus sternly 耶稣责备他说:「不要作声!」(马可福音)125中也用了同样的词:耶稣责备他说,不要作声

So this fever could have been caused by some form of demonic power, and when Jesus rebuked it, it departed from her. 因此,这种发热可以是从那恶者攻击来的,当耶稣斥责它时,它就离开了她。I’m Not saying that every fever is like this, because fever can be caused by inflammation. 不是说每一次发烧都是这样的,因为发烧也可能是因为炎症。

I witnessed some people in Asia, that when their children got sick, they rebuked the fever, but the fever was still there, they had to take their children to see doctors. 在亚洲我看到一些人,当孩子生病时,他们斥责那热病,但发烧仍然在,后来还是得带孩子去看医生。But I also experienced this only once during these 14 years of ministry, when I was ministering to the home church, a young girl who had a high fever, I enquired of the Lord, and the Lord revealed the cause of this fever, that it was due to unforgiveness and the involvement of evil powers.但在14年的服事中,我只有一次。当时我在家里的教会服事,有一个年轻女孩发高烧,我求问主,神就启示给我发烧的原因,是不饶恕和邪灵的攻击。And I heard the Lord say, “Tonight at 9pm the fever will leave. 我听见主说:今晚九点烧会退。”that was before 5pm. 那时还没到下午五点。

When people heard about this, 4 or 5 church members were sitting around the bed where the girl was lying with high fever, waiting, checking and praying. 听到这个启示后,四五个弟兄姊妹围坐在发烧女孩的床边,等候,查验,并祷告。Four hours later, suddenly, the young girl woke up and said that something suddenly left her. 四个小时后,突然,小女孩醒了过来,说有什么东西突然离开了她。We checked that it was just at 9 pm and the fever had gone. 我们一看时间,是晚上9点,烧退了。The home church experienced that forgiving others can close the door to the attack of evil powers from that case. 家里的教会因此经历了原来 饶恕他人可以向邪灵的攻击关门。

God is not a magic performer but a righteous and great God who leads us into His righteous path even through miracles. 神不是一个魔术师,祂是公义和伟大的神,即便借着神迹奇事,祂也为引导我们走义路。Jesus cares for you and your household’s wellbeing, He never wants you to be tortured by the evil one! 耶稣顾念你和你家人的(灵魂体)平安,绝不希望你受到邪灵的害!

“The Lord be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant. Psa 35:27,願那喜悅我冤屈得伸的(冤屈得伸:原文是公義)歡呼快樂;願他們常說:當尊耶和華為大!耶和華喜悅他的僕人平安。诗3527”

The same Jesus who healed Peter’s mother-in-law is waiting for us to intercede for those who are suffering, and for those whose relationships need healing, whether in our own household or in our church family. 耶稣医治了彼得的岳母,他也正在等候我们为家中或是教会中正在受苦的人,或关系破裂需要医治的人,代祷代求。For Jesus remains the same yesterday, today and forever! 耶稣昨日、今日、一直到永远,是一样的!

2, Why did Jesus heal the sick? And what does Matthew tell us about it? 耶稣为什么要医治病人?门徒马太怎么说?

v.16-17 When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him到了晚上,有人带着许多被鬼附的来到耶稣跟前,, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick他只用一句话就把鬼都赶出去,并且治好了一切有病的人. 17 This was to fulfil what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah 这是要应验先知 以赛亚 的话,说: “He took up our infirmities, and carried our diseases他代替我们的软弱, 担当我们的疾病。

Some declare that we should never be sick because Jesus healed ALL the sick, for there is healing in the atonement and we are promised health in this life. 有人说,耶稣是医治了一切的病人,所以我们就永不会生病,因为医治在祂的救赎里面,并且神应许了我们今生的身体一直健康。Is this biblical? 这符合圣经吗?

To understand this verse we must understand that the reason Matthew quoted this Messianic prophesy from Isa 53 was to prove that Jesus was the Messiah King, who has power and authority over all sickness and evil powers. 要正确理解这句话,我们必须知道门徒马太引用来自《以赛亚书》53章关于救主的预言,是为了证明耶稣是弥赛亚,他拥有超越一切疾病和邪恶势力的能力和权柄。

1 John 3:8b(约一38下) tells us, The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work神的儿子显现出来,为要除灭魔鬼的作为。How?怎样除灭魔鬼的作为?By His atonement through his death. 通过他的死成就救赎。

Hebrews 2:14-15 Since the children have flesh and blood儿女既同有血肉之体, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death 他也照样亲自成了血肉之体,特要借着死败坏那掌死权的 —that is, the devil就是魔鬼— 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death并要释放那些一生因怕死而为奴仆的人。

It tells us that men are subject to slavery all their lives because of the fear of death, death came to the world because of sin (Romans 5:12), after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, mankind was subject to death. 人因怕死一生成为罪的奴仆,死从罪而来,死就临到世界(罗512)。亚当和夏娃吃了禁果之后,人就必定死。Of course, sickness can lead to death, that’s why people fear cancer or other fatal diseases. 疾病当然会导致死亡,所以人们才害怕癌症或其他致命疾病。

And the one who holds the power of death is the devil. 魔鬼就是掌死权的。But God has provided a cure for the fear of death, that is through Jesus Christ’s redemption to take away the sin of this world, and to free His people from the fear of death. 但神开出了怕死的解药,就是通过耶稣基督的救赎,除去这个世界的罪孽,使祂的子民从怕死中被释放出来。

Heb 10:12 But when Christ, had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God(来1012)但基督献了一次永远的赎罪祭,就在 神的右边坐下了,

It tells that Christ’s atonement paid the penalty for sin, so that we can be forgiven and may stand eternally justified before the Holy God. 这里说,基督为罪债付了赎价,使我们得赦免,在神面前永远得称为义。And we must understand that the purpose of the fulfilment of the sacrifice in Christ Jesus is to deal with sin, and to give us eternal hope, not just for temporary physical healing, although that may take place after we confess our sins (see James 5:14). 我们必须明白,基督耶稣所成就的救赎,目的是解决罪的问题,并带给我们永生的盼望,而不仅仅是暂时的身体医治,尽管我们认罪悔改后也可能病得医治(见雅各书514)

But God is eternal! 但神存到永远!All His intentions for us are for good in eternity. 祂向我们所怀的意念都是为我们永恒里的益处。

v17, Matthew quotes Isa 53:4 to prove that Jesus is the Messiah King, and that his healing ministry fulfilled this specific prophesy. 17节,门徒马太引用(赛534)来证明耶稣是弥赛亚,他的医治事工成就了这个预言。

"Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted他诚然担当我们的忧患, 背负我们的痛苦; 我们却以为他受责罚, 被 神击打苦待了。5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities哪知他为我们的过犯受害, 为我们的罪孽压伤。: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed因他受的刑罚,我们得平安; 因他受的鞭伤,我们得医治。Isa 53:4-5,赛534-5"

The Hebrew word for “grief” also can be translated to mean “disease” or “sickness,” or “weakness”, and “sorrows” has the idea of “pains”希伯来文“grief”一词,也可译为疾病、病痛、软弱;“sorrows”有“疼痛”的意思。The passage is referring to the forgiveness of sins or healing from our sins.  这段经文说的是罪得赦免,或者,罪得医治。This healing could be the healing of our relationships as we repent of our sins, and the healing of the soul that we may be free from all kinds of bondages, like lies, complaints, negative thoughts, unforgiveness, or mental pain or spiritual problems along with physical healing. 这种医治,可以是当认罪悔改时,我们的人际关系得到修复;或者是灵魂的医治,使我们脱离各样的捆绑,诸如谎言、抱怨、负面思想、不饶恕、精神痛苦、属灵问题等等,也伴随着身体的医治。

“he was pieced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities哪知他为我们的过犯受害, 为我们的罪孽压伤。Apparently, this refers to the salvation in Christ Jesus, that we may be made whole in the Lord spiritually and it doesn’t mean that we are promised a healthy body and will never get sick. 很明显,这是指在基督耶稣里的救恩,使我们在灵里得完全,但并不意味着我们被应许有一个健康的身体,永远不病。

Matt 8:17, “He took up our infirmities, and carried our diseases. 他代替我们的软弱, 担当我们的疾病。The Greek word for “infirmities” means “weakness or feebleness.” 希腊字“infirmities”,意思是软弱、虚弱;And the Greek word for ‘diseases” means just that – diseases. 希腊字“diseases”就指疾病。

Does Matthew misinterpret the quotation from Isaiah 那么门徒马太误解《以赛亚书》的经文了吗? Of course, not, he doesn’t. 当然没有。We must understand that the time when Matthew quoted Isa 53:4 was prior to Jesus’ crucifixion. 我们必须明白,门徒马太引用(赛534)的时间是在耶稣上十字架之前。

In the context, we see that Jesus rebuked the fever, and the fever left Peter’s mother-in-law, which implies that sin and demonic power were involved in the case, because unclean spirits can’t torment the holy Son of God, but only sinners. 我们从上下文看到,耶稣斥责高烧,彼得的岳母就退烧了,这意味着这发烧和魔鬼的工作有关,因邪灵不能害圣洁神子,只会害罪人。

She suffered in her mind, her soul and her physical body from that fever. 彼得岳母的心思、灵魂、身体,都因这烧受苦。Jesus set her free not just from the fever in her body, but also set her whole being free from the oppression of the enemy. 耶稣不但释放她,使她身体退烧,而且使她的全人从仇敌的压制中解脱出来。This is a good illustration for when ones receive God’s salvation, they are promised the freedom of their souls in Christ. 这是一个很好的实例,当人得到救恩时,在基督里就得了灵魂得自由的应许。

After Jesus resurrection, Peter the apostle realised that he needed Jesus’ healing for his soul. 耶稣复活后,使徒彼得意识到他需要耶稣医治自己的灵魂。For because of fear, he had denied the Lord three times before His crucifixion. 因为主被钉时,他曾因惧怕三次不认主。So in the Holy Spirit he wrote these words to clarify the real healing in salvation, which is like this: 他受圣灵感动,写下这样的话,来表明救恩中的医治:

In 1 Pet 2:24-25: and He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross他被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪, so that we might die to sins and live to righteousness使我们既然在罪上死,就得以在义上活; for by his wounds you were healed因他受的鞭伤,你们便得了医治。25 For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls你们从前好像迷路的羊,如今却归到你们灵魂的牧人监督了。

1. The fact of salvation (2:24a) "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross"救恩的事实(224上):他被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪。2. The purposes of salvation (2:24b) "... that we might die to sin and live to righteousness;" 救恩的目的 (2:24)使我们既然在罪上死,就得以在义上活; 3. The means of salvation (2:24c) "for by His wounds you were healed." 救恩的途径:因他受的鞭伤,你们便得了医治。

We can see that the word “healed” is referring to salvation, not physical healing. It clearly says that because of His wounds we are healed, and then, v.25 explains continually that the cause of the wounds is rebellion (going astray), but by his wounds we’ve been redeemed and now we belong to Jesus.  我们看到得医治一词指的是救恩,而不是身体的医治,这话清楚的说是因祂的鞭伤得医治,然后,25节继续解释这伤口的原因是背道,但借着祂的鞭伤,我们被拯救归于耶稣。

Although we can be healed physically in some cases, we still are not promised permanent physical healing by the atonement in this life – but in heaven. 虽然某些时候我们的身体确实得了医治,但给我们的应许不是 在今生身体会得永远的医治,而是将来在天上得不朽坏的身体。

(For instance, people like Nick Vujicic, an Australian evangelist, who has no arms and no legs, asked Jesus to heal him and to give him arms and legs – a healthy body, but God renewed his understanding of what does health look like? ) (澳大利亚布道家尼克胡哲,生来没有胳膊和腿,他求耶稣医治他,赐给他手臂和腿,使他有一个健康的身体,但神使他重新认识,真正的健康是什么。) That is the promised freedom in one’s soul in Christ. 就是神应许的,给人的灵魂在基督里的自由。

With God you can live a life of free from bitterness, fear and worries and being thankful in all circumstances! 在神里面你可以过没有苦毒、恐惧和忧虑的生活,并凡事谢恩!And being sharing in Christ’ joy, peace and victory! 和与基督同享喜乐,平安,得胜!This is the eternal hope we have in Christ. 这是我们在基督里永恒的盼望。

The bible tells us that even Paul the apostle got sick when he first preached the gospel to the church of the Galatians (Gal 4:13). 圣经提到保罗第一次向加拉太教会传福音时,也得病了(加拉太413)

When I first received Jesus as my saviour by confessing my sins, I was healed from 5 years of suffering from manic depression and other diseases, such as migraines, and cervical bone spur hyperplasia, but because we still live in this fallen world, and still have a sinful nature within us. 当我第一次接受耶稣成为我的救主,认罪悔改时,五年的躁狂症和其他疾病(如偏头痛和颈椎骨刺增生)就得了医治,但因我们仍然生活在这个堕落的世界,属罪本性仍然在我们里面。I have suffered other illness since then, such as flus or colds. 那以后,我还会得其他疾病,如流感或感冒。I believe that every Christian still faces physical problems in this life. 我相信每个基督徒在今生都面临身体的疾病问题。

Jesus is our healer! 耶稣是我们的医治者!Although He never promised us a healthy body in this life, Yet He promised His peace and comfort will be with us! 虽然他从未应许我们今生身体一直健康,但他应许,祂的平安和安慰将与我们同在!He tells us that we will have trouble in this life, but He leaves His peace to be with us! 他告诉我们,今生有苦难,但祂留下祂的平安给我们!We can ask for healing when we get sick, or before we go to see the doctor, but we are not to manipulate God that He must heal us according to our way. we are submitting ourselves to God. 我们生病时,可以向主求医治,或在看医生前祷告,但我们不是去操纵上帝,叫祂必须按照我们的方式医治我们, 反当顺服交托自己给神。God wants us to enjoy good health, but even if we lose it for Jesus’ sake, God is worthy to be praised! 神愿我们享受健康,但就算我们为了耶稣的缘故失去健康,神仍是配得称颂的!

Put your trust in the Lord! 当信靠主耶稣!For He is our Healer, the healing of our souls is much more important than healing the temporary body! 因为他是医治者,灵魂得医治,比暂时的身体得医治重要太多!Living a life of being watchful and thankful in every circumstance, can close the door for the evil one to destroy your well-being! 活出凡事谢恩,警醒、感恩,就可向那毁坏你全身平安的恶者关门。

Jesus our healer, the same yesterday, today and forever who still heals those who walk in His truth! 我们的医治者,耶稣,从昨日、到今日、到永远,仍不停止医治那些行在真理中的人(Ex 15:26)

3, Arise and serve起来,服事

After receiving Jesus’ salvation, whether you’ve received a physical healing or a spiritual healing, what is the restored purpose of God for your life? 你信主后,或者身体得了医治,或者灵性得了医治,你知道神对你生命蒙拯救后的计划吗?Where is the evidence of God’s salvation in your life? 你生命里得了神救恩后的证据在哪里呢?

In Luke 1:68, 73-74, Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, tells us this in the Holy Spirit, 在(路加福音16874-75)中,施洗约翰的父亲撒迦利亚被圣灵感动时说:

Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, 以色列 的 神是应当称颂的!because he has come to his people and redeemed them因他眷顾他的百姓,为他们施行救赎,…to rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and to enable us to serve him without fear, 75 in holiness and righteousness before him all our days  叫我们既从仇敌手中被救出来,  就可以终身在他面前, 坦然无惧地用圣洁、公义事奉他。 Peter’s mother-in-law set an example for us, v, 15 tells us, that she got up immediately and began serving the Lord. 彼得的岳母也给我们作了榜样,15节说,她立刻站起来,开始服侍主。

So brothers and sisters, we all have a similar call from the grace of God, that is to serve Him without fear in holiness and righteousness. 所以,弟兄姐妹们,我们从神的恩典中得相同的呼召,就是去坦然无惧地用圣洁、公义事奉他。In other words, with confidence in Christ we follow Jesus’ footsteps to serve, we are not just to be served but to serve one another in love. 换句话说,因信耶稣,我们就跟随耶稣的脚踪去服事人,我们不只是受人服事,也在爱中服事人。For we are called “let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbour. 因我们蒙召无论何人,不要求自己的益处,乃要求别人的益处。”1 Corinthians 10:24” (林前1024

Serving is a practical way of giving love to others, for Love is not self-seeking, by practicing love in the power of God to serve others, we ourselves also can be healed from fear! 服事他人是操练爱他人,因为爱不是求自己的意思,靠着神的能力服事他人爱他人,我们自己就从惧怕中得医治!Selfishness leads to fear自私自利引向惧怕, selfless serving in the Spirit leads to perfect love在圣灵中无私的服事引向完全的爱, and perfect love casts out fear完全的爱里,就将惧怕除去。

Where should we serve? 我们应该在哪里服事?We serve God in our families, in our work places, in our schools or in His church. 我们在家中,在工作场所,在学校,或在教会,服事神。Through serving in the power of the Holy Spirit by getting rid of complaining and arguing, and lying down our own interest and our own good to seek the good of others, we may be transformed into His Holiness and righteousness and be made whole! 藉着服事,在圣灵的大能除去怨言和争论,放下自己的利益求他人的益处,我们就能被改变,有祂的圣洁和公义,成为完全人!

Let me ask you some questions as we conclude 结束前我想问大家几个问题:

1, Do you believe that Jesus is waiting for you to intercede for your household (your own family and your church family)? If so, please pray for them right now. 你信主耶稣正在等候你为(自家的、教会的)家人代求吗?若果是,现在就请为他们来代祷。

2, What does Jesus took up our infirmities, and carried our diseases.” mean to you?“耶稣代替我们的软弱,担当我们的疾病”,这对你有何意义?

3, Are you living for Christ first and then for the good of others, so that you ensure that you are in the processing of healing of your soul? 你是否首先为主活、再为他人得益处而活,以至于使你的灵魂得着不断的医治?


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