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2020-08-30 The Hope of Sonship (3) 得儿子名分的盼望(3)

发表于 2024-01-08



Last Sunday, we looked at “the orphan mindset vs the Son’s mindset”, 上周我们讲“孤儿的心与儿子的心”,and Joseph Zeng shared an amazing testimony with us. Joseph和我们分享了他奇妙的见证。Today, we’ll go on looking at this topic今天,我们继续这个主题- the orphan spirit and sonship. ——孤儿的灵和儿子名分。The orphan mindset can be an obstacle which prevents us from being transformed into Christ’s likeness. 孤儿的心态能阻挡我们改变像基督。Like we mentioned last week, 如我们上周提到,the orphan mindset is formed through our old habits, 孤儿心态在我们的旧习惯中长成形,believing that we have to live on our own and rely on the self.信的是我们必须自力更生靠自己。Now, we’re looking at  现在让我们来看:


The consequences of sin and of being an orphan. 罪和无父的后果


God our Father knows our ways. 神我们的父认识我们,He has compassion on us. 祂怜悯我们,He knows that sin turns us into orphans, 知道犯罪使我们成为孤儿,disconnects us from Him, 使我们与祂隔离,sin disconnects us from our destiny to be His sons, 使我们与成为祂儿子的命定隔离,He understands that we need time to cultivate a son’s mindset through faith in the truth. 祂了解我们需要时间,去借着信真理来培植一颗儿子的心, There’s no need to conceal our failures, 我们无需隐藏失败, because we’re on the way. 因我们仍在途中,His work is not yet finished in us.祂在我们里面的工尚未完成。 It’s a life-long journey to be transformed into His likeness. 转变像祂是一生的路程。

 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) 盗贼来,无非要偷窃,杀害,毁坏;我来了,是要叫羊(或译:人)得生命,并且得的更丰盛。 (约翰福音 10:10) Jesus came to restore our identity which is life in Christ. 耶稣来恢复我们的身份,这身份就是基督里的生命, And our inheritance which is an abundant life. 我们的产业是丰盛的生命,We’ll talk about that later on. 这点稍后再讲。 The enemy wants us to conceal our failures, 仇敌想让我们掩盖我们的失败,and hide our failures like Adam through feelings of shame and fear, 想让我们像亚当那样,用羞耻感和惧怕来隐藏自己的失败,so that we may continue our way of relying on ourselves, and say,以至于我们就继续倚靠自己,说, “I’m ok, I’ll do better…”,说:“我还行,以后我会做的更好……”


Doesn’t it sound so familiar? 听起来是不是很熟悉?In Gen 3, 创世纪3章, the first action after Adam and Eve lost  relationship with the Father because of sin and disobedience, 当亚当和夏娃犯罪悖逆神,失去与父的关系,他们所作的第一件事就是,Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. (Gen 3:7) 他们二人的眼睛就明亮了,才知道自己是赤身露体,便拿无花果树的叶子为自己编做裙子。(创世记 3:7). They immediately did something to make themselves feel better他们马上就做点什么,为让自己好受点, instead of turning to the Father to repent, 而不是马上悔改转向父, “I’ll do better on my own.” 他们是“我下次会再做好点”,Rather than, “forgive me, Father, I have done wrong.” 而不是“赦免我,父啊,我做错了”。


We see that the first consequence of sin, 我们看到犯罪的第一个后果,the first action of being an orphan is guilt. 成为孤儿后的第一个动作,是生出罪疚感。“ “I’ve done wrong, what should I do next? 我错了,该怎么办?I’ll make it up by doing something good instead.” 我得做点好事弥补一下。” I heard this 30 years ago when I was in my hometown: 三十年前我在老家听到一个说法,“if your spouse suddenly buys you a gift without a reason, “如果你老公(配偶)突然无缘无故给你买礼物,he might have done something wrong to you.”  应该是做了对不起你的事。”See看到吗? A sense of guilt drives people to do good. 负罪感驱使人去做好事。Some say, 有人说, “Western culture is a guilt-based culture. “西方文化是罪疚感趋势文化,It’s driven by the desire to be right, 被一种‘要做对事’的欲望驱使,They conceal themselves 他们掩盖自己,and they do good and try to get rid of guilt.”并靠做好事除去罪疚感。”But I’ve found it’s quite mixed in every culture, 但我发现罪疚感参杂在每种文化中,because it’s a result of sin and of being Fatherless.  因这是犯罪和无父的后果。The second consequence of sin, 犯罪的第二个后果,and the second action of being an orphan is shame. 为孤儿的第二个动作是,生出羞愧感。Guilt has to do with our behaviour, 罪疚感与行为有关,while shame has to do with our identity, 羞耻感与身份认同感有关,who we are. 影响我们对我们是谁的认定。


When we feel shame, 我们感到羞耻时,we tend to conceal who we are because we feel we are the problem. 会觉得问题出在我们身上,就不由自主地掩盖自己,“ “I’m not as good as him... 我没他好……I’m naked…”我赤身露体……”Shame is linked to comparison. 羞耻感与比较相连。“He has that, I must have it.” “他有,我也要有。”Because of shame, 因羞耻感,we do something by putting masks on our faces 我们就带上假面具(masks not to protect us from Covid-19, (不是防新冠肺炎传染的面具,but to conceal the real self是用来掩盖真我的面具),

“I don’t want people to know my real self.” “我不想人看见那个真正的我。” Or we just run away from the conversations, 或者,我们就逃离一些聊天,because we feel that we’re naked compared to others. 因感到自己和他人相比有如赤身露体一般。 Shame says that I am the problem, 羞耻感在说“我有问题”,something is wrong with me, 我不对劲, I’m not that good, 我不够好,I feel naked.”我感到赤身露体。”


But on the other side, 但另一方面,shame drives us to justify ourselves; 羞耻感驱使我们为自己辩护;shame drives us to pretend to be someone else, 羞耻感使我们装别人and to say, “I’m as good as him 并让人感到我和他一样好。If we allow shame to control how we think, 我们若让羞耻感掌控思想行为, we can still be controlled by the fatherless heart就还是被无父的心掌控,and not be set free from it. 不得自由。The other day, someone said to me, 有一天有人对我说,“I was ashamed because I’d made lots of mistakes.” “我犯的错太多了,我感到羞愧。” If you feel ashamed because you are not good enough, 你若因自己不够好而感羞愧,if you feel you are the problem, 你若觉得你有问题,who can fix you? 谁能解决你的问题? God, the Father! 神能,天父能!That’s why Jesus died on the Cross for us, 这就是为什么耶稣在十架上为我们死, “It’s finished!” “成了!”The consequences of being fatherless were dealt with on the cross.十字架解决了无父的后果。


Don’t go on in the old way! 不要继续走老路!Don’t allow the feeling of shame to rule in your heart! 不要让羞耻感在心中掌权!For we didn’t receive a spirit that makes us a slave to feel shame and fear again! 因我们领受的不是奴仆的心仍旧羞耻、害怕!We’ve received the Spirit of Sonship! 我们领受的是儿子的灵!Whenever we feel the sense of shame, 任何时候感到羞愧是,we need to run to God, 我们需转向神,and cry out, “Abba Father, 呼叫“阿爸,父,I’ve made mistakes, forgive me, 我犯错了,赦免我,It’s not because you’re not good enough, 不是因为你不够好,that’s a lie. 那是谎言”. it’s because I didn’t rely on you, 因我没有倚靠你,that’s the problem it’s the self 这是问题的所在

We need to forsake lies! 我们当离弃谎言!Because we’re slaves to what we obey. 顺从谁就做谁的奴仆,“You’re not good enough.” “你不够好。”“Satan, get behind me! “撒旦,退我后边去!that’s not because I’m not good enough, 不是因我不够好, it’s because I didn’t rely on the Source of All, so I failed; 我跌倒因我没有倚靠万有之源,it’s because I trusted in myself, I failed. 我跌倒因我信靠了自己。 Now I have turned to relying on God, I will find help.” 现在我转向倚靠神,就得帮助。 That’s the truth. 这就是真理。 Romans 8:14, because those who are led by the Holy Spirit are sons of God.814,凡被神的灵引导的,都是神的儿子。


Asian culture is an honour and shame-based culture. 亚洲文化是面子文化。If you reach this standard, 你要是达到某个标准, if you have power, 你要是有权力, you have money…你要是有钱……you are honoured. 你就被尊重。If you don’t, you’re naked. 你要是没有,就是赤身露体。People fear losing face. 人们害怕丢面子, People fear losing the approval of the people around them. 害怕周围人不认同自己,They fear to be looked down on. 害怕被看不起。 This is the third consequence of being an orphan – fear. 这就是成为无父的孤儿的第三个后果—惧怕


Some cultures are fear-based. 有些文化基于惧怕感, We see that fallen emotions drive the worldly behaviour of the nations. 我们看见全世界人的行为导向都在被犯罪后的情绪所驱使When Adam lost his connection with the Father, 当亚当失去与父的连接,he became an orphan, 就成了孤儿, what he passed down to us is the orphan mentality - guilt, shame, and fear.并把孤儿心态传给了我们,就是负罪感、羞耻感和惧怕感。


Fear results in controlling behaviour, 惧怕就会去控制操纵fear makes you desperately wanna control. 惧怕让你极度想去控制  Fear tells you, when youre able to control惧怕使你觉得,若事情在你操控之下, you feel safe你就觉得安全. When you can’t, you don’t. 若你操控不到,你就感觉不安全However, when you try to control people, 然而,当你操控人 your relationship with them are broken你的人际关系就会破裂. When you try to control the situation当你想操控环境, you can’t, because you are not God,可惜你不是神,操控不到 so you feel frustrated,你就觉得沮丧 disappointed and hopeless.失望甚至绝望 That’s what the enemy wants to see from us. 这是仇敌想从我们身上看见的Fear leads you into a broken heart and broken relationships. 惧怕带你进入破碎的心和破败的人际关系 2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 提后1 It tells us that there’s a spirit called fear 这告诉我们有灵叫惧怕 but it’s not what the Holy God has given us 但这不是圣洁的神赐给我们的. It’s an unclean spirit who makes us fear. 这是一个邪灵,牠让我们惧怕What God has given us is the Holy Spirit神赐我们的是圣灵, who is the third Person of the Trinity 是三位一体神的一位The Holy Spirit offers us power, love and a sound mind. 圣灵赐我们刚强,仁爱,谨守的心 those who are led by the Holy Spirit are sons of God因为凡被 神的灵引导的,都是 神的儿子。The Holy Spirit leads us into God’s designed sonship. 圣灵引导我们进入神预定的儿子名分。


Apart from these three major consequences of having an orphan mindset, 除了这三个孤儿心态带来的主要后果,there’re other negative emotions which can also keep us from being transformed into Christ the Son’s character. 还有其它负面的情绪阻挡我们成为神儿子的性情。Emotions like blame, 像指摘,bitterness,苦毒, criticism, 论断,envy, 妒忌,and jealousy,嫉妒 etc. 等等。When Adam betrayed God and lost his connection to the Father, 当亚当悖逆天父丧掉了与父神连结的关系时,when God asked him,当神问他, “who did this?是谁做的这事? he quickly turned to blame, 他就转向责怪他人,“it’s not my fault, it’s her fault.不是我的错,是她的错 This’s the orphan mentality. 这是孤儿的心态。We need to turn from blaming others to seeking God’s will, 我们应从责怪他人转向寻求神旨意,because the Son Christ never blames, 因为基督从不责怪人,Our faults remind us that we need to connect with the Father to move, because He is the Source of all. 犯错误提醒我们,我们需要与父连接而行,因他是一切的源头。


What is envy? 妒忌是什么?The feeling of wanting something that somebody else has. 别人有的我也想要。What is jealousy? 嫉妒又是什么?Jealousy is the feeling of anger or bitterness or resentment that someone else has gained what you think you should have. 嫉妒是指别人得到了你认为你配得去得的东西而感到愤怒、苦毒或怨恨不平。When a person gets promotion,当一个人晋升了, or recognition, 受表彰了,or he succeeds. 或成功了。In the bible, 经上说,Joseph’s brothers hated and envied him, 约瑟的弟兄们就恨他嫉妒他,because his father loved him and because he had prophetic dreams from God. 因为他父亲爱他,又因为他从神得了异梦 Jesus Christ was envied by the religious leaders, 宗教领袖嫉妒耶稣基督,and the bible says,经上说, it was out of envy that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him (Pilate)祭司长是因为嫉妒才把耶稣解了来(给彼拉多) (Mark 15:10马可福音 1510).


Go back to Jesus’ day,回到耶稣的世代,the religious leaders, 那些宗教领袖们,they prayed, 他们祷告,they fasted, 他们禁食,they taught the word of God,他们教导人神的话语, but they’ were still like orphans without a Father.但是他们仍然像无父的孤儿一样。 Spiritual orphans are unsure of their place in God’s family, 属灵孤儿们不清楚自己在神国里的地位,they need to prove themselves or earn acceptance by performance in order to be recognised. 他们需要证明自己或通过表现来赚取接纳,为得人的认可。


Yes, we can do better, 你可以做好一点or you can perform better, 表演的好一点but it can’t help you achieve your goal of participating in God’s nature.但这不能帮你成就你的目标,就是与神性情有份 Whether we do better or not, 无论你做的好不好we’re still ruled by the self.你仍然是自己在掌权 But if we refuse the feelings of fear, 但若你拒绝惧怕or shame or whatever negative emotions或羞愧或任何负面情绪, and we embrace God’s love and pass the love to others, 你接受神的爱去爱 divine love drives out fear.神的爱赶走一些惧怕 If we live in fear, 如果活在惧怕里,we give no room for God to move, 神没法动工,whether in our household or in church, 无论是家庭里还是教会中,because we wanna control, 因我们想要控制,even when we read the bible,  pray, 即使我们也读经祷告, and want more of God, 想要更多追求神,if we fear, 但我们还是惧怕,we’ll end up in controlling, 结果是要控制,competition,比较, envy, 嫉妒,judgement, 论断,and bitterness, 苦毒,that are at the heart of fatherlessness.  这些都在那无父的人的心里。


Jesus came to show us the Father’s heart, 耶稣来把父的心向我们显明, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” 我喜爱怜恤,不喜爱祭祀。For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.我来,本不是召义人,乃是召罪人。 Matt 9:13马太福音913” That’s the Father’s heart, 这是天父的心,He wants to have mercy on us, 他想要怜悯我们,He wants to forgive and heal us from fatherless wounds;他想要饶恕和医治我们过去无父的创伤;and He wants to deliver us from the torment of evil spirits. 他想要把我们从魔鬼的欺压中解救出来。


He never wants His children to be performers in order to earn acceptance like spiritual orphans. 祂从不想让祂的孩子们像孤儿一样,要通过在人前去表演做好,去得人的认可。He wants our security to be rooted in His love and His unchangeable truth; 他愿我们的安全感是扎根在祂的爱和永不改变的真理中;He wants us to understand that we’re created differently, 他要我们明白我们每个被造生命都是不同的,we’re given different gifts, 都有不同的恩赐,which are for the common good of the body. 是为了整个身子的益处。There’s no need to compare ourselves to others, 无需与他人去比较,which only increases insecurity, fear and ingratitude. 那样只会徒增无安全感,惧怕和不感恩。


In Luke 15, 路加福音15章中, there’s a parable, 有个比喻,talking about two sons. 讲到两个儿子。The younger son had refused to be with his father,小儿子不要住在父家, he had walked away from the father. 他离开了父亲,出去流浪了。After having squandered his money and suffered, he came back to the father. 在挥霍资财和遭遇艰难之后回到父亲身边,The elder son who was living with the father had also rejected his father, 那个与父亲同住的大儿子也拒绝了父,even though he had been doing everything the father ordered,虽然他每件事都照父亲说的去做,he still hadn’t understood his father’s heart. 但他还是不能明白父亲的心。They had both dishonoured the father. 他们两人都不尊重自己的父亲。What happens when you dishonour your father and mother? 如果你不尊重父母,你会怎样呢?Eph 6:2-3以弗所书 62-3 says,  “Honor your father and mother”要孝敬父母—which is the first commandment with a promise. 这是第一条带应许的诫命3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.使你得福,在世长寿。


If you dishonour your parents, 你要是不敬重父母,your life won’t go well. 你的日子就过不好。 Actually, 事实上, life didn’t go well for the prodigal son after he had dishonoured his father. 浪子不敬重他父亲,他日子真是不好过。Life didn’t go well for the elder son either, 大儿子的日子也不好过,after he had wrongly judged his father, 在他论断父亲后,he emotionally suffered rejection, 他情绪上承受被拒绝感、bitterness, 苦毒、envy, 嫉妒、resentment, 怨恨、 and anger, 恼怒就临到他,although he was with his father, 他虽和父在一起,he was still an emotional orphan. 他仍然是情感上的孤儿。


He said this, 他这样说,“all these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’ “我服事你这么多年,从来没有违背过你的命,你并没有给我一只山羊羔,叫我和朋友一同快乐。但这个儿子和娼妓吞尽了你的产业,他一来了,你倒为他宰了肥牛犊。”(路1529-30 When he nursed a grudge towards his father, 当他心里对父亲怀怨,his emotions weren’t good. 他情绪就糟糕极了。 When we nurse grudges against our father or mother, 我们若对自己的父母、 or our father-in- law or mother in law for whatever reason, 岳父母、公婆怀怨,不论什么原因,life doesn’t go well! 日子都不会好过! When we misjudge God, 我们若误会论断神,life doesn’t go well.日子也不会好过。We need to deal with that. 因此我们要处理这个问题。耶稣说Jesus says, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor – sick people do. (Matt 9:12)” 康健的人用不着医生,有病的人才用得着。”(太912 God wants to heal each wounded heart. 神要医治每一个伤口。Because the Father’s heart is to restore everyone, 因父的心肠是要医治修复每一个人, whether the prodigal son, 无论是浪子, or the religious one.还是活在律法主义辖制下的儿子。


In the OT, 旧约中after God had brought His son - the nation Israel out of slavery from Egypt, 当神将祂儿子以色列民从埃及为奴之地带出来, the first thing God wanted to deal with was the bitter heart. 神要处理的第一件事就是处理那‘苦的心’。 When we’re slaves of sin, 我们做罪的奴仆时,our hearts are bitter, 心是苦的,we may not feel it, 我们可能感觉不到,but our fruits show it. 但从果子就能看出来。When we’re bitter, we make judgements, 心苦毒时就论断, when our hearts are bitter, we grumble, 心里苦就发抱怨、 we murmur, 发牢骚、we get angry, 发怒、we feel disappointed灰心泄气when our hearts are bitter, we can’t see God’s good will. 心里苦我们就没法看到神的美意。We’re prone to a negative imagination, 我们就很容易照负面去想象, and we see things in a negative way. 于是看事情就负面。We all need to be free in the heart. 我们都需要心里得释放,So God deliberately had led the Israelites to Marah, 因此神特意把以色列民带到玛拉,where they couldn’t drink the water, 不能喝那里的水, because it was bitter. 因水苦。They immediately grumbled and got angry, 以色列民马上就发怒起怨言, even though they were out of Egypt, 尽管他们已出了埃及,(Egypt represents slavery), (埃及代表为奴之地), they were still influenced by the heart of slavery, 他们仍然是奴仆的心, so that they were still living in fear. 所以他们仍旧在惧怕中。


God asked Moses to throw a tree into the waters, 神指示摩西一棵树,把树丢在水里,and the waters were made sweet. 水就变甜了。What does that mean? 什么意思? The tree refers to Jesus. 那棵树代表耶稣, He is “The tree of Life” which heals the bitterness of sin. 祂是“生命树”,来医治因罪而生出苦的心。1 Peter 2:24, who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. (彼前2:24)他被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪,使我们既然在罪上死,就得以在义上活。因他受的鞭伤,你们便得了医治。 Christ Jesus bore our sins in His own body on the Cross. 耶稣基督在十字架上亲自担当了我们的罪。 The tree refers to Jesus and the power of the cross which ends the bitterness of sin. 那棵树代表的就是耶稣,和他的十字架的大能,特为来终结 因罪而生出的苦。


Do you know what Mary’s name means? 你知道“玛丽亚”这个名字什么意思吗? Originally, it is “Marah” or “Bitterness.” 玛丽亚这个字来自“玛拉”,苦的意思。 It seems that God is telling us, 神似乎在告诉我们, “I sent my Son Christ Jesus who was the life in Mary. “我差我的独子耶稣基督进到玛丽亚里面,他是生命, to heal the wounds of the heart and the bitterness of sin.” 是为要医治人心里的伤害和罪的苦。”


Turn to Jesus and take up your cross, 转向耶稣,背起自己的十字架, don’t allow the mentality of slavery to rule in you again, 不要再让奴仆的心态继续在你心里掌权, your wounds and the bitterness of sin can be healed. 你的伤痛和苦 就可以被医治, Because Jesus is our Healer and our Life-giver. 因耶稣是我们的医治者、生命的赐予者。The fatherless wounds can be the deepest wounds hidden in our hearts无父的痛可能是内心最深的痛, which block us from being transformed into his likeness. 这苦痛会拦阻我们改变成为耶稣的样式。We need God to heal them我们需要神的医治。


This’s why Jesus came to us, 因这个原因耶稣来到我们当中,he said , 他说, “the spirit of God is on me, 神的灵在我身上,he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor, 祂用膏膏我,叫我传福音给贫穷的人;in other words, 换句话说, the good news is that Jesus came to bring us back to the Father, 福音是耶稣来把我们带回天父身边,He wants to tear down walls, 祂要拆毁隔断的墙,He wants to lead us into a deeper relationship with Him. 祂要领我们进入和祂更深的关系, He doesn’t want to see wounded hearts become like the religious sons, 祂不甘心看到受伤的心一个个变成了像那个宗教徒的大儿子, serving, performing, working hard, 虽然服事、做事、劳苦,but still feeling jealous, resentful and bitter when something good happens for others, 可看到别人有好事情发生还是嫉妒、愤怒、苦毒,He doesn’t want to see His children still struggling for recognition, or for position, 祂不愿看到祂的儿女还在为得人的认可和地位在挣扎,or struggling for the freedom that the sonship brings through Jesus’ death and resurrection. 祂不愿看到祂的儿女还在不得自由里挣扎,那自由是儿子的名分借耶稣从死里复活带来的。


He wants us to be free in His love and power!祂愿我们在爱和大能里得自由!So that we’re free to love, 以致于当我们可以自由去爱,we’re free to bless others! 可以自由去祝福他人!We’re free to fulfil our life’s destiny! 自由去完成生命的命定! To represent our Father on earth! 在地上做天父的代表!


This’s our hope, 这是我们的盼望,that the Tree of Life which makes the bitter waters sweet is in us. 就是那使我们的苦水变甜的生命树正在我们里面。We need to cry out, 我们需要呼叫“Abba, Father, “阿爸,父,I need Your healing in my heart, 我需要你医治我心, I need Your forgiveness, 我需要你的赦免,I turn to You, 我转向你, and I’ll be restored…”我要被你恢复……” Let’s sing the last song “come to the Father”…让我们来唱“奔向天父”……


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