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2021-05-09 Deal with Stronghold of Fear 与惧怕的营垒争战

发表于 2024-01-08

We’ve talked about “Maturity and Sonship” over several Sundays. 前几个主日,我们一直在分享生命的成熟和儿子的名分Now we know there’s a journey involved for us to reach full sonship,现在我们知道,为长成完全成熟神儿子的身量,这需要经历一个过程,and to get ready to reign with Christ when He returns. 为让我们能预备好,在基督再来的时候与祂一同执掌王权。On the journey of being mature, have you ever experienced this? 在这个长大成熟的过程中,你有以下的经历吗?you can concentrate on watching TV for hours but can’t even concentrate on reading the bible for 10 minutes? 你可以集中精力一连几个小时看电视,但却不能专心读圣经10分钟?Or you keep telling yourself ‘don’t worry’, but you can’t control your worrying. 你一直告诉自己“别担心”,但你无法控制自己的担忧。Or you keep telling yourself ‘I should love’, but you can’t stop counting other’s faults? 你一直对自己说“我应该去爱”,但你却不能停止数算他人的恶? Or you keep telling yourself ‘God has got my back’, but you still can’t overcome the feeling of fear? 或者你一直对自己说神是我的帮助”,但你却仍然无法战胜惧怕? Something is there in your heart that hinders you from living in Christ’s victory. 在你心里有东西拦阻你活在基督的得胜里。 

We’re called to overcome! 我们是被呼召要成为得胜者!We’re called to be mature (overcoming) sons. 我们是被呼召成为成熟(得胜的)儿子的。It doesn’t mean we’ve already got there. 但这并不意味着我们已经得着了。It means we need to engage with the Holy Spirit, 这意味着我们需要与圣灵建立好的关系, so that we can get there. 我们才能达到目标。 For those who are led by the Spirit are sons of God. 因为凡被神的灵引导的,都是神的儿子。We’ve gotta be aware of spiritual warfare, 我们必须意识到属灵争战,the kingdom of Satan is waging war against the Kingdom of God within and through us. 撒旦的国度正在我们里面,也借着我们跟神的国度争战。That’s why we’re called to tear down strongholds, 这就是为什么我们被呼召去攻破坚固的营垒,and to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ, 将一切心思意念夺回,使我们顺服基督,so that the Kingdom of God can reign in us as it is in heaven. 这样神的国就能在我们里面掌权如同在天上一样。Today, we’ll again look at 2 Cor 10: 3-5, 3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments (imaginations, kjv) and every pretension (high things that exalts itself, kjv) that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.今天,我们将再次分享 林后 10:3-5  3 因为我们虽然在血气中行事,却不凭着血气争战。4 我们争战的兵器,本不是属血气的,乃是在 神面前有能力,可以攻破坚固的营垒,5 将各样的计谋,各样拦阻人认识 神的那些自高之事一概攻破了,又将人所有的心意夺回,使他都顺服基督。


1, The battlefield of the mind. 心思意念是属灵战场 


v.3 Paul the apostle clearly points out, that the battle is not a physical battle. 使徒保罗清楚地指出,这场争战并不是物质世界的战争。though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  因为我们虽然在血气中行事,却不凭着血气争战。Though we live in the material world, we don’t fight the war in the material realm. 虽然我们生活在物质世界里,但我们的争战不是在物质的领域。Since we don’t fight against people like the world does. 既然我们不像这个世界去跟人打仗。 v.4 says, we’ve gotta pray and rely on the mighty power of God to demolish strongholds within us which oppose our spiritual growth and God.  第四节说,我们就必须祷告和依靠神的大能大力攻克我们里面拦阻我们属灵成长和敌对神的坚固营垒。 


Then, Paul goes on to explain these strongholds 于是,保罗继续解释了坚固营垒。 in v.5, arguments (niv), (imaginations, kjv), pretension (niv) pride(ESV), high things that exalts itself, 在第5节中,争辩(niv),(想象, kjv),傲慢(niv)  骄傲(ESV),自高之事(拦阻人认识神的)all these words deal with the realm of the mind. 所有这些词都在说心里的事。Something in our minds opposes growth in the knowledge of God, it needs to be dealt with. 在我们心里有东西是拦阻我们在认识神上长进的,我们需要对付它。Paul has made it clear that being Christians, 保罗明确的说,作为基督徒,we’re not called to do things the way we used to do, 我们不会被呼召去像过去那样做事,we’ve gotta be aware there’s battlefield within us that is in the mind. 我们当意识到心思意念里面是战场。In Romans 8:7a, because the carnal mind is enmity against God.  87a 原来体贴肉体的,就是与神为仇 Gal 5:17, For what the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you want. 加拉太书 5:17 因为情欲和圣灵相争,圣灵和情欲相争,这两个是彼此相敌,使你们不能作所愿意作的。These bible verses clearly tell us, we’re involved in a conflict, something prevents us from doing God’s will, 这些圣经经文清楚地说,我们已经处在一场争战中,有东西在拦阻着我们遵行神的旨意,but this has nothing to do with other people,  但这与别人无关,it’s to do with the carnal mind, 它与我们属肉体的心思意念有关,we must take it captive and make it obedient to Jesus. 我们必须把自己的心思意念夺回来,使我们顺服耶稣。 


For instance, when you get offended and angry, you say, it’s he who got you angry.例如,当你生气的时候,你会说是他惹你生气的。But Jesus didn’t get angry when he was offended, 因为耶稣在被冒犯的时候耶稣没有生气,but we do.但我们会生气,why? 为什么?it’s something in us that causes us to get angry. 不,是你的内心里面的东西让你生气的。because we have pride and unforgiveness and assumptions in our minds,因为我们心里有骄傲、不饶恕和期望,which we need to take captive and make our thoughts align with Jesus.我们需要争战夺回,让我们的思想与耶稣合一。This’s our task! 这是我们的任务!Our task is to make our thoughts align with Kingdom protocol. 我们的任务是要让我们的思想与天国的法则合一。But if we’re offended and we hold grudges against people, 但如果我们被冒犯了,就对人不饶恕,we’ll lose the battle,  我们就输了and we’ll be defeated我们就被打败了, then afterwards, we need to repent.  然后,我们就要悔改。 


2, What is a stronghold?什么是坚固营垒? 


A Stronghold is an ungodly mindset. 坚固营垒是不属神的思维方式, It’s a way of thinking that keeps us self-focused. 是让人只顾自我的思考方式, It rests on willpower. 它照自己的意志行, It’s all about me, 中心都是自己,“You don’t love me…“你不爱我……you don’t care about me…你不关心我… If you think this way若你这样想, you won’t be happy你不会高兴, shifting blame like Adam keeps you under the power of stronghold and remain immature,像亚当那样责怪人把你自己放在营垒的权势下,让你不成熟。 Gal 5:13, You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 13弟兄们,你们蒙召是要得自由,只是不可将你们的自由当作放纵情欲的机会,总要用爱心互相服侍。(加513 We’re called to freedom. 我们蒙召是要得自由。The real freedom here refers to being set free to love and to serve one another humbly. 真正的自由在这里指的是得救后谦卑的去爱和服事的自由。Any thoughts in our hearts that stop us from learning to love and serve people are from a stronghold. 任何拦阻我们学习爱和服事他人的意念,都是从坚固营垒里发出来的,which prevents us from coming into the knowledge and experience of God. 坚固营垒拦阻我们认识神、经历神,It keeps us captive in darkness. 把我们掳到黑暗里。we need to deal with it. 我们要去处理它。So today, let’s look at a major stronghold, fear.今天,我们来认识一种主要的坚固营垒——惧怕。 


3, How can the stronghold of fear affect us? 惧怕的营垒对我们的影响 


In Matt 25:14-30 (kjv), 在,Jesus told a parable, 耶稣讲了一个比喻, the Kingdom of heaven was like a man, 天国就像一个人,that’s Jesus himself, 耶稣自己 who went on a journey, 要出外远行,and entrusted his property to three of his servants. 把他的财产托付给他的三个仆人。To one he gave five talents, 一个给了五千,to another two talents, 一个给了二千,and another one talent. 一个给了一千。 he selected the amount based on their abilities and he left. 他照着他们各人的才干给了不同的数目,就离开了。Since we’re given according to our ability to do what we’re called to do, 既然神是照着我们各人的才干呼召我们服事,we don’t need to compare ourselves with others, 我们就不需要和别人比较,because God won’t look for anything from us that we don’t have. 因为神不会向我们要我们所没有的。For example, 比如,if you’re only given the task to be an intercessor for the church, 如果你被呼召只是作一个教会的代祷者,He won’t ask you to be a musician. 祂就不会要求你去服侍音乐。 You just need to take what you’re given 你只需承担所给你的,and make it productive for the Kingdom.并为神的国度来结果子。 


The parable says, 这个比喻说,after a long time, 过了许久,when the Lord returns, 当主再来的时候,He’ll call us to stand before him to be judged, 祂会召我们站在祂面前受审判,because he wants to reward His faithful servants. 因为祂要奖赏那忠心的仆人。The one who got five talents earned five more. 领了五千的又另外赚了五千。The one with two talents gained two more. 领了二千的又另外赚了二千。The bible doesn’t say much about the faithful servants, 关于忠心的仆人圣经没有讲很多,rather, 然而,it gave us more verses about the unfaithful servant who was given one talent, 更多的经文讲述了那个领了一千银子的不忠心的仆人, it says, 圣经说,the one with one talent dug a hole in the ground 领一千银子的仆人在地上挖了一个洞,and hid his master’s money (matt 25:18). 把主人的银子藏起来(马太福音25:18)Then from v. 24 to v.30, 24节到30节,seven verses focus on the unfaithful servant. 总共七节经文讲述这个不忠心的仆人。Why? 为什么?It’s a warning to all believers. 这是对所有信徒的警戒。


First of all, 首先,we must be aware that none of these three servants of the Lord are non-believers. 我们必须意识到这三个人没有一个是不信的。Because Jesus calls them His servants. 因为耶稣称他们为祂的仆人。Secondly, 第二,they all have tasted the heavenly gift, 他们都尝过天恩的滋味,and received the Holy Spirit. 都领受了圣灵。 Because regarding the gifts we’re given as believers of Christ, 因为作为基督的信徒所得的恩赐,1 Cor 12 clearly explains, 哥林多前书12章清楚地解释说: 4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 4恩赐原有分别,圣灵却是一位。 All believers are given gifts by the Holy Spirit. 所有的信徒都从圣灵得着恩赐。In other words, 换句话说,whether the faithful or the unfaithful servant were all given gifts by the Holy Spirit,忠心或不忠心的仆人都从圣灵领了才干,and they all have a relationship with God.  都是与神有关系。 


What causes the one with one talent to become unproductive and an unfaithful servant? 是什么原因使那领一千银子的仆人成了无用又不忠心的呢? How can we avoid being like him? 我们如何避免像他一样呢? What lesson can we learn from the unfaithful servant? 从这个不忠心的仆人身上我们学到什么教训呢?v. 24-25, 24 “Then the man who had received one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’ 24那领一千的也来,说:‘主啊,我知道你是忍心的人,没有种的地方要收割,没有散的地方要聚敛,25我就害怕,去把你的一千银子埋藏在地里。请看,你的原银子在这里。’


It’s fear that caused this servant to be unproductive. 是惧怕使这个仆人成了无用的仆人。 Fear paralyzes us, 惧怕使我们瘫痪,and keeps us from faithfully using what God gives us to build up his church. 使我们不能忠心地用我们所领受的来服侍祂的教会。Let’s see what fear can do in our lives through his words. 让我们藉神的话来看惧怕在我们的生命中的作为。


A, Fear distorts how we view God. A, 惧怕扭曲了我们对神的认识。 ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man... ‘主啊,我知道你是忍心的人,Because of fear, 因着惧怕,this man had a distorted view of what God was like, 这个人对神有歪曲的认识,he saw God as cruel, 他认为神是残忍的,and ready to punish him at any time if he did wrong. 如果他做错什么随时会惩罚他。In other words, 换句话说,fear produces bitter and anxious criticism.惧怕导致苦毒和忧虑的论断。


B, Fear causes us to take no risk for God’s call (v25). B, 惧怕导致我们不肯为神的呼召冒险(25) So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. 我就害怕,去把你的一千银子埋藏在地里。Because of the fear of making a mistake, 因为害怕犯错, the man chose to do nothing for the Kingdom, 这个人选择不为神的国做任何事,and he didn’t develop the gift he’s received to make it productive, 他没有使用神所赐的去结果子,rather, 相反,he lived his life just as everyone else does in the world. 他过着和世人一样的生活。


C, Fear causes us to become wicked and lazy servants. (v.26) C, 惧怕使我们成为又恶又懒的仆人。(26节) “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 主人回答说:‘你这又恶又懒的仆人,你既知道我没有种的地方要收割,没有散的地方要聚敛,Everything from the carnal mind is wicked and hostile to God. 体贴肉体的都是恶的,是与神为仇的。Fear causes God’s people to remain in the carnal mind and to be lazy. 惧怕使神的子民陷于体贴肉体和懒惰之中。In other words, 换句话说,another result of fear is laziness, 惧怕的另一个结果就是懒惰,to give up serving. 放弃服事。Once you become comfortable unwilling to take risks according to God’s call, 一旦你变得安逸不肯为神的呼召冒险, laziness follows.懒惰就随之而来。


D, Fear causes us to lose the reward. (v. 28-30) D, 惧怕使我们失去奖赏。(28 – 30) 28 So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.. 28夺过他这一千来,给那有一万的。29因为凡有的,还要加给他,叫他有余;没有的,连他所有的也要夺过来。God gives us talents in this life, 神在今生给我们 才干恩赐,is to help us to accomplish what we’re assigned to do, 帮助我们完成所托付我们的任务,in order that we can be prepared 使我们可以预备,to reign with Christ when He returns with His Millennial reign on earth. 当基督与祂的千年国度来到地上时,可以与祂一同作王。In Luke 19, 在路加福音19章,Jesus tells a similar parable, 耶稣讲了一个类似的比喻:when the Lord returns, 当主再来的时候, He’ll reward the one with one mina who earned ten to take charge of ten cities, 他会赏赐那个用一锭银子赚了十锭的仆人管理十座城,for his faithful work done in this life; 因他忠心于今生的服事。and the one who earned five will be given authority to rule over five cities,那赚了五锭银子的可以有权柄管理五座城, as a reward for what he has done in this life; 作为他今生所行的赏赐; but only from the one whose task remains unfinished, 惟有那未完成神的工的,Jesus will take away what has been given to him, 主耶稣要把所赐给他的才干恩赐夺去,and give it to the one who has already had ten. 给那已经有十锭银子的。Then, the unfaithful servant will take charge of nothing, 那么,这个不忠心的仆人将没有管理权,in other words, 换句话说,he will barely be saved 他仅仅能得救,and have no right to govern cities (1 Cor林前 3:10-15). 却没有权柄管理城市。2 Peter 1:3-11 also tells us 彼得后书1:3-11也告诉我们,that those diligent servants will receive a rich welcome into the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 那些殷勤的仆人必丰丰富富地得以进入我们主救主耶稣基督永远的国。 


4, How to overcome the stronghold of fear? 如何胜过惧怕的营垒? 


Fear is a spirit, 惧怕是个灵,the Bible says. 圣经说:“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (提后177因为 神赐给我们,不是胆怯的心(直译:灵),乃是刚强、仁爱、谨守的心(直译:一个健全的头脑)。 When people fear, 当人惧怕时, it can give demons an opportunity to distort their view of God, 就给魔鬼有机会来歪曲他们对神的认识, “God is love, oh yah, but God doesn’t love me…” “神是爱,哦是的,可是神并不爱我…”Once God and His love has been distorted and kicked out, 一旦神和祂的爱被人扭曲和赶出去,fear comes in. 惧怕就来了。It says, 这句经文说,fear destroys the soundness of a mind, 惧怕破坏了人心智的健康,in other words, 也就是说,fear can cause people to lose their minds, 惧怕会使人失去理智,and lead to mental illness. 导致精神疾病。 Worry and anxiety are based on fear, 担心和焦虑是由惧怕引起的,which can cause weird behaviour, 这会导致怪异的行为,like compulsions, 比如强迫症,closing a door three times before leaving to ensure it is securely closed; 离开前要把门关三次以确保门真的关好了;or wearing a woolly hat in a 16-degree room 或者在16度的房间里戴羊毛帽子,because of the fear of getting a cold, etc. 因为害怕感冒,等等。


Recently, someone rang me and said, 最近,有一个人打电话给我说, that she had symptoms of a fast heartbeat, sweating, stomach problems and insomnia. 她有心跳加快、出汗、胃病和失眠的症状。 After prayer, I told the person, 祷告后,我告诉那人: “this’s because something has caused you to be overanxious. “这是因为有事情让你过度焦虑了。 Forgive the one who hurt you, 饶恕那个伤害你的人,trust in the Lord, 信靠神,do what the Lord says, 行神的话, the symptoms will leave.” 症状就会消失。” 


Then the person said, 然后那个人说:“yes, what you said was just what I’ve been going through.” “是的,你说的正是我所经历的。”So she did what the Lord said, 于是她照神的话去行, and the symptoms were gone. 症状就消失了Anxiety can cause physical symptoms. 焦虑会引发身体的症状。Anxiety and worry are rooted in fear, 焦虑和担心源于恐惧。“Oh, I’m so concerned that my car (wallet) will get stolen…”“哦,我很担心我的车(钱包)会被偷…” Really? 真的吗?Am I really concerned? 真的是担心吗? or Do I fear? 或者是因为里面有惧怕?Sometimes we use other words instead of fear, 有时候我们会用别的词来代替“惧怕”, we don’t call it fear, 我们不说“惧怕”, we name it by another name, 而是说另一个的词,we try to control it, 我们想竭力控制它,but we lose the opportunity to deal with it through God’s power.  但我们却错过了藉着神的能力去对付它的机会。 


Fear is a Spirit. 惧怕是个灵。If something triggers us, 我们要是被什么事触动,if we can’t stop worrying, 就止不住忧虑,or remain anxious imagining, 止不住焦虑地猜想: ‘what’s gonna happen? 什么倒霉事要发生?what's gonna happen next? 接下来会怎样糟糕? What if I make a mistake? 要是我错了怎么办?what if...” 要是……?  if you’re overwhelmed by worry about the future, 你若因担忧未来而压垮, it's pressure in your mind, 有压力在你心里,and you get angry, 然后你就发怒、and you get anxious and exhausted, 你就焦虑、精疲力竭,you can’t control yourself, 你控制不住,and you’re entangled by so much negative imagination of what’s gonna happen next, 被许多接下来会怎样的负面想象缠住,that’s the spirit of fear. 那就是惧怕的灵。That’s the work of the stronghold of fear, 那是惧怕的坚固营垒在运行, that’s demons work, 是魔鬼的工作not just your flesh.不是你肉体的事。You’re under that powerful pressure, 你在那个强压之下, that’s the spirit of fear. 那就是惧怕的灵。


Why can it keep us under that pressure? 为什么我们可以被控制在那强压之下? Because we’ve got used to giving our thoughts in to it. 因我们习惯了将心思意念交给它,There’s a stronghold, 那是坚固的营垒,a way of thinking which gives the enemy an opportunity to take our eyes off Jesus, 那是一种思维模式给撒旦机会使我们不再定睛耶稣, We’ve gotta learn to tear it down, 我们需要学会拆毁坚固营垒,and overcome it ,并且胜过它, through constant prayer trusting in God’s words, 藉着持续祷告信靠神的话,not trusting in what we see or feel. 不再相信自己的眼见耳闻。 We’ve gotta take our thoughts back and make them obedient to Jesus Christ.我们需要将心思意念夺回顺服耶稣基督。Romans 8:15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 1John 4:18, there is no fear in love. 1515你们所受的,不是奴仆的心,仍旧害怕;所受的,乃是儿子的心,因此我们呼叫:“阿爸!父!”(罗815 


How to tear down the stronghold of fear? 怎样拆毁惧怕的营垒?Trust in God’s love; 信神的爱;Grow in the knowledge of God’s love; 在认识神的爱上成长;Forgiveness is the key to accessing God’s love; 饶恕是进入神的爱的关键;Accept Jesus’ forgiveness and forgive yourself and others; 接受耶稣的饶恕,饶恕自己,饶恕他人;Saturate your mind and heart in the word of God; 将心思意念浸泡在神的话中;Praise God and pray about the Word; 赞美神,祷告神的话;All strongholds are based on lies, 所有的坚固营垒都基于谎言only the power of Truth can tear down the strongholds of lies and set us free.唯有真理可以拆毁谎言的营垒,使我们得自由。 


It takes a process to transform our way of thinking. 拆毁营垒需要有过程来改变我们的思维模式。It takes time for us to stick with it. 需要我们花时间去坚持。Don't try to get your problems sorted quickly by a prayer, 不要想用一个祷告来快速解决你的问题,and then you go on your own way of doing life然后你就去继续你自己的生活方式, that’s not working那是行不通的。


Moreover, we must believe还有就是我们必须信, we don’t receive a spirit of fear that makes us slaves again to fear! 我们所受的不是惧怕的灵,让我们仍旧害怕!We’ve received the Spirit of sonship, so that we can call the almighty God, “Abba, Father”. 我们所受的乃是儿子的灵,因此我们呼叫阿爸,父He loves us very much! 神爱我们至深!Would you be willing to see your only son stripped, bleeding, crucified and suffering the pain of death to save others? 你愿不愿意眼眼睁睁看着为救他人而让你的独生子被鞭打、流血、钉在十字架上受痛苦? 


You wouldn’t. I wouldn’t either. 你不会愿意,我也不愿意。Because we don’t have that kind of sacrificial love for sinners. 因我们没有那样爱罪人以致牺牲的爱,But God has that love for us.但神用那样的爱爱我们。When His Only and sinless Son was hanging on the cross, 当圣洁无暇的独生爱子被挂在十字架上, He turned His face away, 神转脸不看,He didn’t look at the pain Christ suffered, 掩面不看受苦的基督,He looked at our salvation. 神定睛于拯救我们。Our Father God shared in our humanity,父神取了我们的血肉之体的样式,in order to set us free from the fear of death,为要拯救我们脱离怕死,by His death He destroyed the power of the devil for us, 祂藉着死败坏了掌死权的魔鬼,and He wants to give us all His has, 祂愿赐给我们祂一切所有的,His authority, His power and His Kingdom, That’s His love for us!祂的权柄、能力和国度,这是对我们神的爱! 


Fear might have been passed on to you when you were in your mum’s womb; 惧怕可能是你在妈妈的肚子里已经传给你了;something might have hurt you emotionally, 也许幼年时有某件伤心事使你惧怕, or threatened you physically in your childhood, 或是因某事感到威胁而惧怕,which caused you to think in an anxious way; 从而导致你有了焦虑的思考方式;You might have lost your father when you were young, 也许你小的时候失去父亲,or you might have had a dysfunctional family, 也许你长在破碎的家庭,or have had a father who wasn’t able to take his responsibility to look after the family well, 也许是你的父亲没有负上责任照顾家庭,it caused trauma in your heart在你心里造成创伤,and you’ve been driven by fear to work hard, 你被惧怕驱动而拼命工作,or to try to control everything, 或者你试图控制一切,when things get out of control, 当事情不受控制的时候,you become fearful, 你就变得恐惧、and you get angry, 你变得愤怒,and when you become grumpy, you hurt your family, 你发火就伤害家庭,coz you can’t control people and situations... 因你无法控制他人和环境听你的……For whatever reasonyou’re bound to the stronghold of fear.无论什么原因,你就被惧怕的营垒捆绑了。 


Let’s stand up. 请大家站起来,Let’s keep our minds focussed on Jesus. 让我们的心专注于耶稣, Let’s close our eyes for a moment. 我们可以闭一会儿眼睛。Today, 今天,you’ve come to the Father, 你来到父面前,you’re safe, 你很安全,God is willing to help us to overcome. 神甘心乐意帮助我们来胜过。Jesus says, peace I leave with you. 耶稣说,我把平安留给你们,My peace I give you. 我把我的平安赐给你们。This perfect peace overcomes fear, 这完全的平安胜过惧怕, it comes from trusting in the Father’s love.信神的爱就有这平安。Let’s tell Him, 让我们对祂说: “Father, I trust in You, “天父,我信靠你,I wanna grow, 我愿长大,I wanna become mature like the Son to love You and love others, 我愿成熟长大,像神儿子那样爱神爱人,because perfect love drives out fear. 因为爱既完全,就将惧怕除去。I need a breakthrough…我需要突破……Jesus, You know me very well. 主耶稣,你认识我,remind me what root cause of fear lies in the bottom of my heart that hinders me from love. 求你提醒我,我心底里有什么惧怕的根,阻挡我接受爱和去爱。 I’m willing to accept Your love, 我愿意接受你的爱, I’m willing to repent and forgive, 我愿意悔改,愿意饶恕,I get tired living with the stronghold of fear…活在惧怕营垒的影响下让我疲惫……free me to love…”求你释放我,使我可以爱……”Let’s sing the last song…让我们来唱最后一首诗歌…… 


Concluding prayer: 结束祷告: 

Jesus, Lord, thank You for paying the price for our liberty! 主耶稣,感谢你为我得自由付代价!Thank You for conquering the fear of death on our behalf. 谢谢你替我们战胜对死亡的惧怕。Now, we’re called to freedom. 如今我们蒙召要得释放,We’re called to liberty. 我们蒙召要得自由。We’re called free to love and to serve.自由去爱和服事。 We can tear down that stronghold through Your resurrection power. 藉着你死里复活的能力,我们可以拆毁坚固营垒, Today is our day to break our agreement with fear, worry, anxiety and control.今天是我们来断开与惧怕、担忧、焦虑和操纵控制的约定 的日子。 


You can say to Jesus: 你可以告诉耶稣:Father God, I can see something in my life, 父神,我看到我的生命中有东西,it's just there constantly, it's hindering me,常常阻挡我,- I want to overcome it! 我想要胜过!I want deal with it…我想要处理它…… 


You're a child of the living God! 你是永活真神的孩子!You are loved. 你是蒙爱的!You are blessed. 你是蒙福的!You have an inheritance. 你是有产业的, Freedom is your inheritance. 自由是属于你的产业。Love is your inheritance. 爱是你的产业。  


Is there any past pain you need to bring to the Lord? 你想起来过去有什么让你感到痛苦的事,你想要带到神面前吗?Is there any one you need to forgive? 你想起有什么人你需要饶恕吗?Are there any thoughts you agreed with that you need to repent of? 你内心接受过什么样的意念要为此悔改吗?Do you need to break your agreement?你想要断开这些约定吗? 


You can say to the Lord, 你可以对主说, “Father, “天父,fear was passed on to me through my ancestors when I was in my mum’s womb, 在我还在妈妈肚子里的时候,就从祖宗遗传了惧怕,because mum or grandma or …因我妈妈、外婆或者谁谁谁,used to be overwhelmed by fear and anxiety…常常充满惧怕和焦虑……”you can tell Jesus, 你可以告诉主耶稣,when you face uncertainty what’ll happen to you…每当你面对未来的不确定性……,you’re so anxious when you can’t stay in control…每当你感到失去控制,你就会极其焦虑…… 


But Jesus destroyed the power of the fear of death on the cross. 但主耶稣在十字架上已经败坏了惧怕的死亡权势,It’s finished! 已经成就了!What binds you to the family ungodly ties of fear and anxiety and anger are judgemental thoughts and unforgiveness, 是论断和不饶恕,把你捆在家族的惧怕、焦虑、恼怒产生的不敬虔魂结下,and you’ve gotta break them by the power of the Cross in faith.十字架的大能可以破除这些魂结。 


So now, you may say, 因此你可以说, “Lord, “主耶稣,thank You for the power of your forgiveness that can break generational strongholds and generational curse…感谢你饶恕的大能,能摧毁累代的营垒和咒诅……thank you for cancelling my debts by the shedding of Your blood…感谢你流宝血免去我的罪……forgive me for judging my mum…my dad for their anxious behaviours …求你赦免我因我父母焦虑的表现就论断他们…they got angry when they were afraid, 当他们惧怕时,他们就发怒, they put pressure on me when they feared.当他们害怕时,他们就加压力在我身上…I do the same to my children and the people around me when I fear and get pressure.我惧怕时,也对我的孩子和身边的人做一样的事…forgive me for hurting my children and others because of fear,赦免我因惧怕而伤害我的孩子和他人, and I also forgive my ancestors who hurt me because of fear饶恕我,我也饶恕那些伤害我的人…I’m tired with carrying the stronghold of fear and all sorts of burden我真的好累,背负这些重担和惧怕的营垒 使我好累… 


You‘ve break the curse of sin on that cross by the shedding of Your blood主,你在十字架上流血,破除罪的咒诅, I receive the power of Your forgiveness to forgive myself, for allowing the sense of fear to enter my mind and control my thoughts…我接受你饶恕的大能,来饶恕我自己让惧怕的感觉进到心里,控制我的心思意念……I break that agreement…我断开这个约……I break that agreement of anxious thoughts, 断开与焦虑的意念、fearful thoughts, 惧怕的意念、negative imagination…负面想象之间的约定,I take the authority You give me, 我拿起你赐给我的权柄,In the name of Jesus to break down the stronghold of fear, lies, worry and anxiety, let them go…奉主耶稣的名破除惧怕、谎言、担忧、焦虑的坚固营垒,离开我……I rebuke all forms of condemnation and accusation and lies to leave from my life…我斥责所有形式的定罪和控告离开我的生命。Lord Jesus, I trust in Your love, 我信靠你的爱,to love my mum and dad…来爱我父母。and to love my siblings来爱弟兄姐妹……and to my others去爱众人…thank You for loving me…感谢你爱我……unfailing love comes from my heaven dad…永不止息的爱来自天父……thank You for calling me Your child. 感谢你称我为你的孩子。I’m a child of the Living God. 我是永生神的儿子, I have almighty God to be my Daddy, 我有一位父,全能神是我父亲,You have got my back! I won’t fear! 你永远支持我,我就不惧怕!now cast all your anxiety on God for He cares for you...现在将你的忧虑卸给神 因祂顾念你。


Father, we Lift our hearts to You. 天父,我们向你举起我们的心, we surrender to Your love. 我们向你的爱降服。 Thank You for cleansing our hearts, 感谢你洗净我们的心,and turning our hearts from being entangled by fear to freedom, 让我们的心不再被惧怕缠绕可以得自由,we’re free to love! 我们可以自由的去爱!You’re the God who is Emmanuel, 你是以马内利的神, the God who is with us!  是与我们同在的神!The Lord is with us, Mighty warrior! 主耶稣与我们同在,有能有力的神!The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle! 有能有力的主,在战场上有能的主耶稣!We’re called to live like warriors, 我们蒙召成为勇士,because Father God You are a Mighty Warrior! 因父神是大能的勇士!Guide us to focus on what we’re called to be and to do -求你引导我们定睛于你要我们所是所作,to be sons成为全能者的众子,and faithful servants of the Almighty, 成为你忠心的仆人,ambassadors for the Kingdom. 成为你国度的大使。Thank You Lord.谢谢你,主耶稣。 




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