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2021-07-25 Psalm23 诗篇二十三(5) The Lord with Us 主与我同在

发表于 2024-01-08

 In Psa 23, 在詩篇23中,King David revealed that God is a personal God. 大卫说神是与人建立个人关系的神 God values and seeks a personal relationship with each one of His people. 祂看重并寻求与每个子民建立亲密的个人关系。 Think about it, 想想看,if everyone in a church grows in their personal relationship with God like in the way David walked with God, 如果教会里每个人和神的关系都像大卫那样与神合一,how powerful that church would be? 这教会将何等大有能力呢? And what Kingdom influence would that church have on others? 这教会会给周围的人带去何等神国的影响力


Last Sunday we learnt that ‘God anoints my head with oil” not for ‘me’ to feel good, 上周我们分享了“神用油膏了我的头”不是要让“我”感觉舒服, while I’m still living my old life. 却仍然住在旧人里。 No, 不,it’s for ‘me’ to overcome my enemies, 那是为我们胜过仇敌, my old ways of thinking, 胜过我旧人的思维观, and Evil powers, 胜过邪恶权势, so that ‘my’ cup overflows to bless more and bring more back to God. 以致于“我的”福杯满溢,更多给人,也带领多人归主Then, David goes on to verse 6接下来第6节Surely your goodness and mercy will follow me, all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着我;我且要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永远。


1, The original meaning of some words.一些字词的原始含义

“Surely” could be translated as “indeed”, “absolutely”, and “beyond any doubt”. “必”可以翻译为“的确” “绝对”,“毫无疑问”。 The Hebrew word for goodness here is “tob”, “恩惠”在这里来自希伯来文“tob", which means to be good, pleasing and valuable. 意思是好的,令人喜悦的,宝贵的。The word mercy is “checed”, “慈爱”来自于希伯来文“checed", which is translated as “unfailing love” or ‘lovingkindness’.可翻成“不止息的爱”或“”。 So putting them together, 合在一起,David was saying, 大卫在说,“For sure, Lord, You are good, “毫无疑问,主是良善,and Your unfailing love chases after me and never gives up on me, 你不止息的慈爱追随着我,你永不放弃我,regardless of my failures, 无论我如何失败跌倒,indeed I know You’re my Shepherd all my life.” 确知你是牧养我一生的 After going through a wilderness experience for such a long time when he was in crisis and in dangerous, 在长期充满危机的旷野生涯里,even lacked food, 甚至连食物也没有, but all David needed God sufficiently provided. 充充足足的供应了大卫所需 


In 2 Samuel撒下 17:28-29, we see when David and his men was fled from Jerusalem because of his son Absalom’s betrayal.  因大卫的儿子押沙龙背叛,他和他的人就逃离耶路撒冷 Even at that time就算是逃亡, God sent three men who were not from Israel to meet their needs神差了3个不是以色列人来供应他们The bible says,圣经说 they 他们28 brought bedding and bowls and articles of pottery. They also brought wheat and barley, flour and roasted grain, beans and lentils, 29 honey and curds, sheep, and cheese from cows’ milk for David and his people to eat. For they said, “The people have become exhausted and hungry and thirsty in the wilderness.带着被、褥、盆、碗、瓦器、小麦、大麦、麦面、炒谷、豆子、红豆、炒豆、29蜂蜜、奶油、绵羊、奶饼,供给大卫和跟随他的人吃;他们说:『民在旷野,必饥渴困乏了。 In other words换句话说, they were fed enough nutrients他们得了足够的营养, such as carbohydrates有碳水化合物 protein有蛋白质and sugar有糖etc. You name it. 应有尽有Despite the wilderness experience尽管经历旷野God provided David sufficiently上帝足足供应了大卫 


Last week, we looked at the story of David and Nabal, 上周我们分享了大卫和拿八的故事, after David passed his testing of faith, 当大卫通过了信心试验, God gave all the foolish man’s possessions to David, 神就将这愚昧人的家产都给了大卫, including his wife, Abigail. 包括拿八的妻子亚比该。 It’s in vain for Nabal to greedily hold onto his possessions. 拿八死住自己的财产是无用的, It’s in vain for us to store treasures on earth like Nabal. 我们像拿八一样在地上积聚钱财也是无益的。Jesus says, 主耶稣说, Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” 于是对众人说:“你们要谨慎自守,免去一切的贪心,因为人的生命不在乎家道丰富。” (Luke12:15) In other words, 换句话说, a miser like Nabal, 像拿八那样的守财奴will both lose his life and his possessions. 生命和财产都会失去, But whoever trusts in Him will never be put to shame. 但唯有信靠神的必不至羞愧。 So think about it, which way is worthy for us to follow?  想想看,哪条路值得我们去跟随?


2, God’s love follows me all the days of my life神的爱一生相随

What a beautiful picture it is! 何等美好的画面!That God’s goodness and love chased after David his whole lifetime, 神的恩惠慈爱随着大卫一生to provide, 供应他,protect,保护他,correct,纠正他,renew,更新他, and make him mature in God. 使大卫在主里成熟长大。Even though David didn’t have the NT 尽管大卫年代新约,yet he knew God’s heart,他却认识神的心he knew that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. 圣经都是 神所默示的(或译:凡 神所默示的圣经),于教训、督责、使人归正、教导人学义都是有益的, (2 Tim提后3:16)” David never feared that God would rebuke him for his wrongdoings in his lifetime following the Shepherd, 一生跟随,大卫从不因神会责备他的过犯而惧怕, because his belief was that God’s mercy would lead him toward repentance continuously因他信神的怜悯是不断地引导他悔改 (Roman 2:4).

As long as he turned at God’s rebuke, he would be filled with God’s Spirit只要他因责备回转,神的灵就浇灌他 (Pro 1:23). Then, he would be able to overcome and mature. 因此他就能得胜生命成熟长大。That’s God’s love. 这就是神的爱,And that’s David’s pursuit, 也是大卫所追求的,so he rested in God’s salvation work through His Spirit. 此借着圣灵安息在神的救恩里。Without being led by the Holy Spirit, 若不是被神的灵引导, every work we do is just dead in God’s Kingdom. 我们所行的一切在神国里都是死的。Because The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. 叫人活着的乃是灵,肉体是无益的。 (  John 6:63) However, many people have questioned me, 然而,很多人会质问我, “Why does God always chase after me to remind me of the mistakes I’ve made in dreams?” “神为什么老用梦追着提醒我从前犯的错误People feel frustrated and ashamed and misunderstand what God’s love is like. 人们因误解神的爱而感到沮丧和羞愧But David didn’t fear or feel ashamed when shown how bad his sinful nature was. 大卫却不因显出他本性之恶而惧怕羞愧,Because his hope was that God would transform him through faith, 因他的盼望在于神必因他的信而更新他,that’s why God is called his Saviour. 这就是为什么他称神为他的救赎主。 


David had a different belief from everyone else, 大卫的信有别于他人的信 so his understanding of God’s goodness and mercy was distinguished from anyone else. 他对神的恩惠慈爱的理解也有别于他人Thus, God calls him, “A man after His own heart.” 因此神称他为“合神心意的人”,Jesus is called the “Son of David” and “the Root of David.”主耶稣也被称为“大卫的儿子”“大卫的根”。

Why do people get frustrated and feel ashamed, 人为什么会沮丧和羞愧,when God corrects them in words or dreams? 当神用话语和梦指正的时候? Because even though we know this in our heads,因我们虽然头脑里知道这道理,The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 你们所受的,不是奴仆的心,仍旧害怕;所受的,乃是儿子的心,因此我们呼叫:“阿爸!父!” (Romans 8:15)  


We say this in a church service, 在教会聚会里我们会说, “yes, God loves me and accepts me just like the Father accepted the Prodigal son. “是的,神爱我接纳我,像父亲对待浪子,Salvation is a free gift, 救恩是白白的礼物, so that He gives His Son Jesus Christ to save me and restore my identity in Him, 神舍弃爱子耶稣基督,为拯救我,恢复我在祂里面的身份,which I don’t deserve.这是我不配的。 Thank God for loving me. 感谢神这样爱我,Surely, Your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life…”我一生必有恩惠慈爱随着我....”


Yet, in our everyday lives, 然而在现实生活中, the true belief is revealed in this way, 所真正信的却是这样,“God accepts me because I’m better than that person, “神接纳我,是因为我比那人做的好that’s why I bitterly judge him as not good enough, 所以我苦毒论断他不够好,coz he deserves correction and blame. 因他该被纠正,该被骂。Surely, God’s club will follow me all the days of my life if I don’t do good enough. 我的一生必有神的大棒随着我,要是我做的不好的话Actually, I dwell in fear and shame in my everyday life. 其实,我每天是住在惧怕羞愧的殿中 Think about it, 想想看, is that true? 是不是这样?That’s why we miss the point that God’s love is to change ‘me’, 这是因为,我们不能领会神的爱是要改变“我”, not for ‘me’ to change the people around me, 而不是让这个“我”改变我周围的人, so that His love and nature can flow out of me, 是为让我们身上涌流出神的爱和神的性情, and for me to get ready to inherit what belongs to the Son Christ.使我可以和耶稣基督同受产业。


3, I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever我要永远住在神的殿中 


David was confident in God’s goodness and lovingkindness, 大卫对神的恩惠慈爱有信心,he was saying, 他在说, “For sure, regardless of whatever I do, 毫无疑问,无论我做了什么,God is continually pursuing me to do His transformative work within me, 神在继续追着我,要完成祂对我内心的更新,even if I fail, 就算我跌倒失败God will never give up on me. 神永远不放弃。And what I need to do is to surrender, 我要做的就是降服,and cooperate with His Spirit, not the old self.与圣灵合作,不与旧人合作。  Surely your goodness and mercy will follow me, all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着我;我且要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永远。


David understood God’s goodness and lovingkindness toward him was not just for this life, 大卫明白神向他的恩惠慈爱不是只为今生,but for ever但是为永远 It means for his eternal victory. 是为的得胜。“Dwell” is translated from the Hebrew word “yashab”, 住在“来自希伯来语‘yashab  which means ‘to sit down and stay”.  意思是“坐下并住留”。What does it mean?这是什么意思?We’ll come back to it in a minute. 等会来看


David expressed his hope in 大卫在(Psa17:13-15),表达他的盼望,As for me, I will be vindicated and will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness. 至于我,我必在义中见你的面;我醒了的时候,得见(或译:着)你的形像就心满意足了。 “Awake” means to rise up from the dead. “醒来”是死里复活的意思,He was saying, 他在说,“I won’t look for excuses to justify myself with my mouth, “我不用找借口争辩自己 I wait for Your vindication. 我等候你来显明义My focus isn’t on the fear of making mistakes, 我的焦点不是怕做错,or trying harder driven by guilt 或者被负罪感or shame to gain praise from people, 羞愧感驱使更加努力去做好,讨得人称赞,or make myself feel good. 或是让自己感觉舒服。I rest in Your goodness and mercy, 我安息在你的恩惠慈爱里, coz You’ll never give up on changing me and preparing me for eternal victory. 因你永不放弃为永恒得胜的旨意而来更新我预备我。 


And my job is to repent of striving, 我要做的是悔改自己的奋力,pride, unforgiveness, and all kinds of issues, 骄傲,不饶恕,等等的问题, and allow my heart to be led by Your Spirit, 让我的心被你的灵引导, to meditate, 默想,dwell in, 住进你真理里 and live out of who I am in You. 在你里面活出我的身份Then, 所以,when the resurrection comes, 到了复活的时候,I’ll be satisfied with seeing that I’ve already been transformed into Your likeness, 因看到我被改变成你的样式就心满意足 and I’ll ‘sit down’ with You forever.” 我要与你坐在一起直到永远。 That’s David’s belief and hope. 这是大卫的信和盼望。His faith in God’s enteral purpose made a huge difference in developing his personal relationship with God on earth. 他对神永恒旨意的信,令他在地上与神建立了与众不同的亲密关系。So What does it mean to sit down in the house of the Lord?   那么’ 在神的殿中”是什么意思?


(Hebrews11:6), And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. 人非有信,就不能得 神的喜悦;因为到 神面前来的人必须信有 神,且信他赏赐那寻求他的人。  The bible clearly tells us that God is a rewarder. 圣经明明地说神是赏赐者。 When it comes to giving to others and prayer, 当说到给人祷告时,Jesus tells us in (Matt 6:4-6), 耶稣在告诉我们, your Father sees what is done in secret, He will reward you. 你父在暗中察看,必然报答原文:赏赐你。But if we do it with a desire to be seen by men to earn praise from people, 但我们若为得人称赞而做,we’ve received our reward in full already. 我们就已经得着赏赐了。 


(Luke  6:35), love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. then your reward will be great. 你们倒要爱仇敌,也要善待他们,并要借给人不指望偿还,你们的赏赐就必大了。It says, reward is something God will give us, 这里说,赏赐是神要给我们的,because we’ve done something right in God’s eyes, 我们做 神眼中对的事,or we’ve obeyed God’s will just as the Son Christ did. 或像神儿子那样遵行了神旨意。Rewards show that God is kind and just, 赏赐表明神是公平良善的, because God will repay us far more than what we ever did on earth.因神要赏赐我们的 远超过我们在地上为祂所做的。


In Hebrews 11:6  God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. 神赏赐那些殷勤寻求祂的人。In Hebrew 11, 在希伯来书11章,there’s a list of people of faith列出了一长串信心伟人,who had lain down their rights of temporary pleasure他们放下今生暂时的享受 and riches to serve God faithfully,和财富,凭信心服事神because their hope wasn’t in this life因他们所盼望的不是今生看得见的but in the reward promised by God which can’t be seen.而是神所应许的看不见的赏赐16,For He has prepared a city for them. 因为他已经给他们预备了一座城。(Heb11:16)Notice, 请注意,it’s not talking about entering the Kingdom of God or getting saved. 这里不在说进入神的国或得救的事, It’s talking about giving the overcomers rights to reign with Him in the Holy City, 它在说 赐给胜者权柄在圣城the New Jerusalem forever as a reward, 新耶路撒冷与主一同掌权为赏赐,we see this in the book of Revelation这是启示录说的, when the new heaven and the new earth comes (Rev 21:1-3, 22:4-5, 3:12).当新天新地来到时。


Now, let’s look at (Matt19:27-30) Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” 28 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. 30 But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first. 彼得就对他说:“看哪,我们已经撇下所有的跟从你,将来我们要得什么呢?” 耶稣说:“我实在告诉你们,你们这跟从我的人,到复兴的时候,人子坐在他荣耀的宝座上,你们也要坐在十二个宝座上,审判以色列十二个支派。 凡为我的名撇下房屋,或是弟兄、姐妹、父亲、母亲、(有古卷加:妻子、)儿女、田地的,必要得着百倍,并且承受永生。 然而,有许多在前的,将要在后;在后的,将要在前。”


In the beginning of chapter 19, 19章的开头, Jesus answered the young man who wanted to get eternal life, and said 耶稣回答那个想得永生的年轻人说:“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” “你若愿意作完全人,可去变卖你所有的,分给穷人,就必有财宝在天上,你还要来跟从我。 Jesus’ answer went further than his question. 主耶稣的回答比他的提问更加深入。He was not talking about salvation. 他不是在说关乎得救Because salvation is a free gift, 因为得救是神所赐的恩,you don’t have to sacrifice anything, 人不需要付代价,for Jesus died on the cross as a ransom for our salvation (Eph2:8-9), 是主耶稣死在十字架上为我们作了救恩的赎价,we only need to believe and accept Him.  我们只要相信并接受祂。God’s intention for His people is always more than just getting saved, 神对祂子民的心意远超过仅仅得救,but for many of His mature sons to share in His rulership 更是要带领许多生命成熟的众子与祂一同执掌王权as He planned for us before Adam’s fall and the beginning of the creation (Eph1:4-5, Heb2:10). 亚当犯罪以前、在创世之初为我们定的旨意一样。So here, Jesus is talking about being perfect. 所以这里,主耶稣讲论的是关乎“成为完全”This is another level of faith. 这是信的另一个层面。 It’s talking about growing into the Son’s likeness, 是关乎长大成为儿子的样式,be perfect, 成为完全人, because only God himself is perfect. 因为唯有神自己是完全的。How can we grow and become perfect? 我们如何才能长大并成为完全?What will we receive as a result of making the effort to get there? 我们若为达成这目标而尽心竭力,会得着什么? 


Peter asked Jesus this question,彼得曾这样问耶稣:“We’ve sacrificed all we have to follow you, 我们已经放下一切所有的来跟从你, we’ve given up our careers, 我们舍弃了事业,we’ve given up our families, 舍弃了家庭,we’ve given up our comfortable lives, 舍弃了舒适的生活,we’ve been following You as Your disciples 我们跟随你作门徒,and suffered for doing good, 我们为行善而受苦,and endured it patiently because of Your name, 我们为你的名而忍耐,what’s in this for us?” 将来我们要得什么呢? Peter isn’t asking how to be saved. 彼得问的不是怎样才能得救 He is asking what they will receive as a result, 而是问,这样的跟随会得到什么为赏赐if they pay the price to follow Jesus, 如果这样付代价跟随耶稣,and to make God and His priorities first in their lives. 把神放在我们生命的首位。


Jesus answered,   主耶稣回答说:  “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. “我实在告诉你们:你们这跟从我的人,到复兴的时候,人子坐在他荣耀的宝座上,你们也要坐在十二个宝座上,审判以色列十二个支派。 In other words, 换句话说 “at the time when I’ll have returned to reign on earth, “到我再来到地上作王掌权sitting on My glorious throne, 坐在我荣耀宝座上的时 those who have paid the price to follow me will also sit on twelve thrones, 那些付代价跟从我的人也要坐在十二个宝座上,sharing in My rulership and able to judge.” 与我一同掌权并施行审判。


Similarly, 同样, when King David mentioned dwell (sitting down) in the house of God forever, 当大卫王说坐(住)在神的殿中直到永远”,he also referred to being victorious and reigning with Christ forever.   也是指“得胜并与基督一同作王直到永远” Because Rev3:21-22】Tells us To the one who is victorious (who overcomes), I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” 21得胜的,我要赐他在我宝座上与我同坐,就如我得了胜,在我父的宝座上与他同坐一般。22圣灵向众教会所说的话,凡有耳的,就应当听。” Overcoming is the highest calling hidden in the gospel. 得胜是隐藏在福音中的最高呼召。 It’s worthwhile for us to seek this by sacrificing everything we have to follow Jesus. 为寻求这呼召,放下一切所有跟随耶稣是值得的。


Hebrews 11 says this about Moses,  希伯来书11章这样描述摩西:24 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. 25 He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. 26 He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. 【来11:24-26】24摩西因着信,长大了就不肯称为法老女儿之子。25他宁可和 神的百姓同受苦害,也不愿暂时享受罪中之乐。26他看为基督受的凌辱比埃及的财物更宝贵,因他想望所要得的赏赐。Moses received a revelation about this reward, 摩西得着了关乎这“赏赐”的启示,that’s why he gave up being respected as the prince of Egypt. 因此他舍弃了人所尊贵的埃及王子的地位。 In other words, 换句话说, he gave up sitting in a throne next to Pharaoh他放弃了与法老一同坐宝座, ruling over a country, which could be seen, 一个眼所能见的国家,in pursuit of something that couldn’t be seen 去追求那眼所不能见的、which was God’s eternal promise of sitting with Christ on His throne.  所赐的永恒里与基督一同坐在祂宝座上的应许。


By faith, King David said this in Psa 17:14-15, 大卫王因着信,在1714-15节说: “all those who oppose me have put their hope in this life. 那些与我为敌的人只仰望今生。They want to be rich and better in this life, 他们想要今生发财、过好日子, they have nothing to look forward to liking an eternal reward. 却没有什么永恒奖赏的盼望。But as for me, 但至于我,I fix my eyes on the eternal purpose, 我要定睛在永恒的目标上,I obey God’s Word我要顺服神的话, and overcome to be made more like You. 得胜被磨成更像基督


Because “The Lord is My Shepherd, 因为耶和华是我的牧者, He is my Provider and Protector, 是供应我、保护我的, I lack nothing. 我必不至缺乏 He guides me along the righteous paths, 祂引导我走正义的道路,whenever I wander astray, 当我走迷了路,I don’t fear, 我不惧怕,because You guide me like guiding Your sheep, 因为你引导我如同引导你的羊群,and I’m willing to turn我愿意转回, and surrender to You humbly, 谦卑向你降服, then, my head will be anointed with fresh oil. 那时, 你用新油膏了我的头。By following You by emptying myself, 藉着倒空我自己而跟随你,and putting Your priorities first, 将你的旨意放首位, my relationship with You will become more intimate.  我与你的关系就会更亲密。Now, I know for sure, 现在,我确信, that Your goodness and mercy are for me to be eternally victorious, 你的恩惠和慈爱是为了我能得胜到永远so that I may fulfil the eternal purpose You have for me in this life, 以至于我能在今生 完成你对我永恒的旨意, then, when You return, 等到你再来的时候,I’ll sit with You and reign with Your forever.  我将与你同坐席、同作王直到永远


We’ve finished the series of messages about Psalm 23. 我们已经结束了整篇诗篇23的系列分享Have you updated your understanding of Psalm 23 a little bit? 你是否对诗篇23的认识有点点的更新?Psalm 23 is something significant to my life and my family诗篇23对我和我的家庭来说意义重大 because it seems to be a heavenly call upon me因为这对我是从天上来的呼召 When I was still a non-believer当我还是非信徒, God took my soul out of my body神将我的灵魂提出我身体 and He put me in the imagery of Psalm 23 把我放在诗篇23 的景象中where I got a glimpse of who I was那里我知道了一点我是谁and what I needed to accomplish through surrendering to Him constantly in this life for His eternal purpose for me. 和我需要在今生完成祂对我永恒的旨意No matter what the cost不管付上什么代价coz we’re called equally我们同蒙召 we’re all called to the same heavenly calling to live out victory in this life我们同蒙召去在今生活出得胜 What does Psalm 23 mean to you? 诗篇23 对你意味着什么呢?What is God speaking to you through this Psalm? 神借这诗篇在对你说什么呢?



Concluding Prayer: 结束祷告:


Hosanna, Hosanna, 和散那,和散那,the Lamb of God that was slain, 曾被杀的神羔羊,Jesus died and rose again. 耶稣从死里复活。Thank You Lord for dying for us and being resurrected for us. 感谢主为我们死,又为我们复活。You’re worthy to receive power, glory, honour and praise! 你配得权柄、荣耀、尊贵和颂赞! To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be praise, honour, and glory and power for ever and ever!   愿颂赞,尊贵,荣耀和权能,归与坐宝座的和羔羊,直到永永远远!

What a great Shepherd we have! 我们的牧者何等伟大! Father, we don’t deserve Your love. 天父,我们不配得你的爱。Yet You love us according to Your own nature, 然而你爱我们是因你自己的属性because God is love! 因为神就是爱! “You are utterly trustworthy. “你配得完全地信靠。You feed me, 你喂养我, You lead me, 引导我,You guard me, 看顾我,and You protect me. 保护我。 And You never give me up, 你永不放弃我,because Your love is unfailing. 因你的慈爱存到永远 Your love and goodness chase after me all the days of my life.”  你的慈爱与恩惠伴随我生命的每一天。


Would you please thank Him right now in your own words? 现在你可以自己祷告向祂献上感谢吗?Thank Him for His goodness and unfailing love for all the days of your life. 感谢祂在你生命的每一天以恩惠和慈爱待你。Thank Him for His eternal purpose for your life…感谢祂对你的生命有永恒的旨意Surely your goodness and mercy will follow me, all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着我,我且要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永远。


Ask the Holy Spirit to open up His words to you…求圣灵向你开启祂的话What is He saying to you through this verse? 祂藉这节经文要对你说什么呢?Is there any area where you’re walking in dead works, 生命中哪里正在做死的工such as desperately trying to look good, 比如拼命想外表好,covering up by doing good, 靠外在的好行为掩饰自己,while inwardly still struggling with fear or guilt or shame, 内心却在惧怕、罪疚感或羞耻感里挣扎when corrected, do we feel shame or fear, and say, 当被纠正时,就感到羞耻、惧怕,说: “no, no,no 不不不it’s because of this, so I did that…” 是因为这样,所以我才那样…”


Is there any area where you chase after a temporary pleasure rather than develop your relationship with God? 是否宁愿追求一时的享乐却不肯与神去建立好关系? Lord, show us this afternoon, 主啊,求你今天下午就向我们显明, so we can repent and turn from it, 好叫我们悔改并转离这一切,because Your mercy leads us to repentance. 因你的怜悯引导我们悔改。


Let’s cry out to Him, 让我们向祂呼求: “Father, open my mind and heart 父啊,求你开启我的心,to understand what you’re speaking to me this afternoon. 让我能明白你今天下午对我所说的话。 Moses, Abraham, Noah, David, 摩西,亚伯拉罕,挪亚,大卫,all those people of faith listed in Hebrews 11 所有《希伯来书》11章提到的信心伟人,who had a revelation of the eternal reward were motivated to overcome the desires of the sinful nature他们都得着了永恒奖赏的启示,都被激励去战胜肉体的私欲、 and the enticement of the world and Satan 世界和撒但的诱惑,by doing what was right in Your eyes. 行了你眼中认为对的事。 Father, give me Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation, 天父,求你赐我智慧启示的灵, so that I may know Your eternal purpose better. 使我能更明白你永恒的旨意。


Forgive me for not trusting Your unfailing love that is for changing me to be more like you, 赦免我不信你的慈爱是为改变我的生命更像你,forgive me for yielding to fear, guilt and shame 赦免我顺从了惧怕、罪疚感和羞耻感,and struggling to be good enough instead of repenting. 挣扎着去“做好”却不肯悔改。


God, You says, “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word. 神啊,你说,我所看顾的就是虚心,痛悔,因我话而战兢的人 

You want me to turn to trusting in You你要我转向信靠你You want me to surrender to You rather than struggle to do good in my own strength你要我降服你,不再靠自己去做好so that I still live in the old life and fear and bitterness. 以至于仍然活在旧人,惧怕和苦毒里面


Today, I turn to You, 今天我要转向你,You give grace to the humble, 你赐恩给谦卑的人 make me clean, 求你洁净我,make me passionate about intimacy with You, 让我为和你有亲密的关系而火热,make me different…让我的生命不再一样Now, you can pray on Your own. 现在你可以自己祷告。


Father, 天父,we thank You for Your amazing goodness and mercy that is extended to us in Jesus Christ. 感谢你在基督里赐下奇妙恩惠慈爱,Surely, Your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life” 我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着我;我且要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永远。(诗23:6). This is not because we’re good, 不是因为我们好,but because we’ve sinned, 而是因为我们犯了罪, that’s why Your goodness and mercy pursue us, 所以你的恩惠慈爱追赶我们,chase after us, 我们,in order to transform us from defeat to victory in Christ! 要在基督里将我们从失败中更新改变为得胜的样式!Father, 天父,breath into us, 求你向我们吹气,speak into us, 对我们说话, renew our understanding of who You are, 求你更新我们对你是谁的认识,and why we are here on earth, 更新我们为什么在地上活的目的,tear down strongholds of fear and shame within us, 求你拆毁我们里面惧怕羞愧的坚固营垒,and fill us with Your fresh oil. 用你新鲜的膏油充满我们。Help us to fix our eyes on the eternal, 求你帮助我们定睛在永恒, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 我且要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永远。 May the unfolding of Your words give us wisdom and motivate us to overcome, 愿你的话语解开,赐给我们智慧,激励我们得胜,no matter what the cost. 无论付出何种代价。 May we be restored into Your image愿你恢复我们有你的形象,just as You designed us to be before the creation of the world. 就如你在创世之前预定我们的样式。May this life be for us is to get ready for eternal rewards, 愿我们为永恒的赏赐预备今生,the rewards of eternal authority! Amen! 为得永恒权柄而预备此生!阿们!


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