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2021-06-20 Psalm 23 (1) The Lord is My Shepherd - 诗篇二十三(1) 耶和华是我的

发表于 2024-01-08

Today, we’re starting a series of messages about Psalm 23. 今天,我们开始关于诗篇23的一系列讲道 I’m a bit excited, 我有兴奋点,because 16 years ago Jesus invaded my life through the image of Psalm 23 to tell me, 因为16年前,耶稣借着诗篇23章的异象进入了我的生,告诉我,that He was my God. 是我的I confessed I was a sinner, 我承认我是个罪人,and He healed me from suffering for 5 years from manic depression, 治愈了我五年的躁狂抑郁症,and He also called me to be a full-time pastor to plant a church in our home. 呼召成了全职牧师,在我们家建Then, the church went through so many wonderful things according to His truth. 然后,这教会按照的真理经历了许多神迹奇事Throughout these 16 years of following and serving Him在这16年的随和服事神的过程中, our family has experienced His faithful promises through Psalm 23我们的家经历了祂在诗篇23里面信实的应许,and we’re still tasting the sweetness of His faithfulness到如今我们仍然品尝着祂信实的甜美。God is an unchangeable God.是不变的


More than 3000 years ago, King David wrote down Psa 23 under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 3000多年前,大卫王在圣灵的感动下写下了诗篇23Why is Psalm 23 known the best? 为什么诗篇第23篇是最著名的? It only has 6 verses. 它只有6节。But people read it at funerals, and when they feel afraid or sad. 但人们在葬礼上读它,当人们感到害怕或悲伤的时候读它。Because the God revealed in Psalm 23 is a personal God.  因为在诗篇23中所启示的神是我们个人的神。King David reveals that God is a personal God. 大卫王向我们显明神是个人的神。He comforts, He leads, He guides, He restores, and He fights for His people in times of trouble. 安慰,领导,引导,祂复兴艰难的时刻为百姓争战He is trustworthy and reliable. 是信实和配得依赖的神。 Psa 23 comforts so many people, 诗篇23安慰了很多人,first the Jewish and then the Gentile believers from age to age. 先是犹太人,后是外邦的信徒们,一代又一代。King David had so much pressure, setbacks, difficulties, and challenges, 大卫王一生经历如此多的压力、挫折、困难和挑战,and was persecuted by King Saul in the desert for more than 10  years, 旷野中被扫罗王追杀逼迫十多年,but his personal relationship with God brought him to a high spiritual realm where he overcame through the goodness and love of God. 但他与的个人关系把他带到了一个极高的属灵境界,他靠着神的良善和爱全然得胜


Apparently, in Psa 23, we’re told that God’s love isn’t for us to enjoy a better life in this world. 显然,在诗篇23中,我们知,上帝的爱并不让我们在这个世界上享受更好的生活。Otherwise, King David wouldn’t have experienced so much hardship. 否则,大卫王就不会经历这么多的艰难困苦了。God’s love for us is to overcome challenges, difficulties and obstacles, 神对我们的爱是让我们胜过挑战、困难和障碍,so that we can be transformed from broken-hearted people into the King’s likeness, 这样我们就可以从伤心破碎的人变为王的样式and get ready in this life, 备好这样的生to reign with Him in the age to come. 主再来得时候与他一同做王


Today, we’ll only look at , 今天,我们只来看看 v.1, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.” 耶和华是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏It’s crucial for us to know who this Lord is. 对我们来说,知道这位主是谁是至关重要的。Because some Christians who have had experiences of ghosts are still very scared of hearing the word “devil or ghost”, 因为一些经历过鬼事的基督徒仍然非常害怕听到魔鬼或鬼这些词, and others who haven’t but have heard about that also are afraid of ‘demons.”  而另一些只听说过的人也害怕邪灵In my ministry我的服事中,lots of Christians have told me the same thing许多基督徒告诉我,“ooh, I’m so scared because a power oppressed me and I couldn’t move last night, they looked like dark shadows.”哦,昨天晚上有股力量压制我,好像是黑影,我很害怕,无法动弹。  We fear because we have the knowledge but haven’t had a revelation about who the Lord really is, 我们害怕,因为我们有知识却没有启示,知道这位主到底是谁,and how His kingdom works, 的国是如何统治的,and how the Kingdom of darkness works. 以及黑暗国是如何运行的。So today, from verse one, we’ll look at three things: 所以今天,从第一节开始,我们要来看三件事:1, The identity of the Shepherd. 这位牧人的身份2, A personal relationship with the Shepherd. 和这牧人的人关系。3, The Provision of the Shepherd. 这位牧人的供应


1, The identity of the Shepherd. 牧者的身份


v.1, Why is King David so confident in saying because ‘The Lord is my Shepherd? 为什么大卫王如此有信心说,因为耶和华是我的牧so I shall not be in want”? 所以我必不至缺乏Who is this Lord? 这位主耶和华是谁?In the OT, there’re two different words for Lord, one is “Adonai”, which means “Lord or Master. 旧约中,对主耶和华有两个不同的词称呼,一个是阿多奈,意思是主或主人“Adonai” is translated both with a capital case and with a lower-case Lord.  阿多奈被翻译成一个大写字母和一个写字母的主。And the other is “Yahweh or Jehovah.” 另一个是耶和华(中文只有这个名)Yahweh is God’s personal, covenant name. 耶和华神个人的、立约的名字


In Exodus 3, He revealed it to Moses at the burning bush when He told Moses, 在《出埃及记3》中,祂在燃烧的荆棘中向摩西启示祂自己的名说,“I am who I am (niv)” “I am Yehweh – the Lord (NLT).” 我是自有永有的(NIT)”  “我是耶和华(NLT)-我是主So who is the Shepherd in Psalm 23?  那么诗篇23中的牧是谁呢?He is Yehweh . 祂就是耶和华,the Creator God, 造物主上帝,God Almighty, 全能的上帝,God most High, 至高的神,the One True and Living God who makes and keeps His covenant with His people. 独一活的神,的子民立约并保守这约得以完成Actually, God is called ‘the Shepherd’ in many places in the OT 事实上,上帝在旧约的许多地方都被称为


For instance, in Gen 49:24, God is ‘the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel.”  例如,在4924,神是以色列的牧者,以色列的磐石For God leads the Israelites through the wilderness to the Promised Land as a shepherd leads his sheep. 因为神带领以色列人穿过旷野去到应许之地,像牧羊人带领他的羊。But the OT prophecy revealed that not only was Yahweh a shepherd in the OT, 但旧约的先知书启示了,耶和华不仅是旧约中牧者,but one day the Messiah would come as a shepherd King to rule over and take care of His people. 而且有一天弥赛亚会作为牧者、作为王来统治和照看祂的子民。


Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 40:10-11, 先知以赛亚在4010-11中预言, “See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and his arm rules for him. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him. He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. 40:10 主耶和华必像大能者临到,的膀臂必为他掌权。的赏赐在那里,的报应在面前。必像牧人牧养自己的羊群,用膀臂聚集羊羔抱在怀中,慢慢引导那乳养小羊的。Ezekiel also prophesied the coming Shepherd who is the King, the Lord and God. 先知以西结也预言了要来的牧者,祂是王,是主,是神。11 “‘For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. 12 As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep…以西结书 34:11 主耶和华如此说:看哪,我必亲自寻找我的羊,将他们寻见。牧人在羊群四散的日子,怎样寻找他的羊,我必照样寻找我的羊。这些羊在密云黑暗的日子散到各处,我必从那里救回他们来。(The Shepherd is Sovereign, who is God Himself 牧人是主耶和华,就是神自己)16 I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak… 24 I the Lord will be their God, and my servant David will be prince among them.  西 34:16 失丧的,我必寻找,被逐的,我必领回,受伤的,我必缠裹,有病的,我必医治;只是肥的壮的,我必除灭,也要秉公牧养他们。...34:24 我耶和华必作他们的 神,我的仆人大卫必在他们中间作王。这是耶和华说的I the Lord have spoken. 这是耶和华说的。


In v.16, it sounds so familiar, 16节听起来很熟悉,I’ll search for the lost失丧的,我必寻找;. In the NT, Jesus says, 新约中,耶稣说The Son of Man came to save what was lost. 人子来为要拯救失丧的人 Matt 18:11” In John 10:11, Jesus said, 耶稣说I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 我是好牧人;好牧人为羊舍命 In Hebrews 13:20, Jesus is called the great Shepherd of the sheep. 耶稣被称为群羊的大牧人 So who is the Lord our Shepherd? 那么我们的大牧人究竟是谁呢? Yahweh, Jesus, who is the Sovereign God and the King. 耶和华、耶稣,这位掌管万有的神,掌权的大君王。When we talk about the king, 说到我们的大君王, Rev 19:16 tells us, On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of kings and Lord of lords. 16 在他衣服和大腿上,有名写着说,万王之王,万主之主。 It means the Lord, the Shepherd is the supreme ruler. 意思是,我们的主,我们的大牧人,是至高掌权者。He is the highest emperor. 是至高的君王。


Col 西1:16 says, For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 因为万有都是靠他造的,无论是天上的,地上的,能看见的,不能看见的,或是有位的,主治的,执政的,掌权的,一概都是借着他造的,又是为他造的。 It says, there’s nothing greater than the Lord, the Shepherd, 这里说,再无任何事物大过我们的主,大过我们的大牧人, whether in the material world or in the spiritual world, 无论是在看得见的物质世界,或是看不见的灵界,He is the head of all. 祂是元首,He has the power and authority to rule over all. 权柄能力都属祂,祂统管万有。


Psa 103:19 says, The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. 19 耶和华在天上立定宝座。他的权柄(原文作国)统管万有。 1Chronicles 代上29:11 says, Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. 11 耶和华阿,尊大,能力,荣耀,强胜,威严都是你的。凡天上地下的都是你的。国度也是你的,并且你为至高,为万有之首。 The Lord (the Shepherd) is the King of His Kingdom. 我们的主(这位大牧人)是祂国度的君王,And His Kingdom rules over all, 并祂的国度掌管万有,all authorities and powers, 执掌一切权柄、能力,all people and spirits, 统管万民、万灵, He rules over territories and realms. 管辖所有疆界。In the NT, we see the bible describes this, 新约圣经里这样描述神的权柄,“whenever the evil spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, “You are the Son of God.” 污鬼无论何时看见他,就俯伏在他面前,喊着说:你是神的儿子。Mark311Mark 6:6:7 Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. Calling the Twelve to him, he sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits. 他也诧异他们不信,就往周围乡村教训人去了。耶稣叫了十二个门徒来,差遣他们两个两个的出去。也赐给他们权柄,制伏污鬼。(Mark 6:6-7They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them. 13 又赶出许多的鬼,用油抹了许多病人,治好他们。(Mark 6:13The Lord rules over all spirits, 主制服一切污鬼, His power is over sin and diseases. 祂的权能胜过一切罪和疾病。 When Jesus was resurrected, 主复活后这样说:He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 耶稣进前来,对他们说:天上地下所有的权柄都赐给我了。(Matt2818 In other words, Jesus is the sovereign emperor, 换句话说,耶稣是掌管万有的大君王, no one is more powerful than Him. 无人比祂更强大。 Jesus is the Lord and the Shepherd King, 耶稣是主,是大牧人,是君王, and His kingdom is a superior Kingdom. 祂的国度也为至高, He has the legal authority to rule over all kingdoms. 祂拥有掌管众国度的合法权柄。


What a privilege it is to be part of His Kingdom! 成为神国度的一份子是何等荣幸! Why should we fear ghosts? 我们为什么还要怕鬼呢?We should seek to know and turn to the truth to live, 我们应当寻求明白和转向真理而活,so that we can be set free from fear. 以至于我们就会从惧怕中得自由。Well, you may raise the question, 可能你会有疑问, “how come there’re so many problems in the world and in my life, 那为什么这世界还有这么多问题,我的生命中会有这么多问题,when the Lord, the good Shepherd, is the highest ruler who rules over all?” 要是主耶稣我们的好牧人是统管一切的至高者?


2, A personal relationship with the Shepherd 与大牧人建立个人关系.


King David didn’t say, “the Lord is the Shepherd, 大卫王没有说“耶和华是那位牧者”, but said, “the Lord, the sovereign ruler is ‘my’ Shepherd, 而是说这至高者耶和华是‘我的’牧者,I have a personal, intimate relationship with Him.” 我和祂有个人的、亲密的关系。 in other words, 换句话说, “I accept the sovereign Lord to be my God and my King.”我接受至高神是我的神、我的王。 Do you really know what that means when you say “the Lord is my Shepherd, my God and my King”? 当你说耶和华是‘我的’牧者,是我的神,是我的王时,你真知道其中的含义吗? If we really knew this, 若是真知道, we would be greatly changed, in terms of how we would do life on earth. 我们就在如何度此生的观念上,大大被改变。 When you declare, “the Lord is my Shepherd,” 当你宣告“耶和华是我的牧者it means you’re asking the supreme King to rule in your life. 就意味着你在邀请至高者在你生命中掌权。You wanna do whatever He says. 你就愿意照祂命令行, You’re giving up your right to control your life你就会放下你生命的主权, in exchange for the King ruling over your life, 换取让这大君王来掌管你的生命,and for all His blessings, protection, provision and power becoming available to you. 并换得祂全部的祝福、祂的保守、祂的供应和祂一切的能力。


Because you believe the highest King doesn’t just care for you, 因你信至高的君王不只是眷顾你,but also wants an intimate relationship with you through your surrender, 祂还盼望藉着你的降服与你建立亲密的关系, so that you’ll be able to taste all His fullness in this life without being worried about anything. 好让你可以品尝祂生命的丰盛,再也不用忧虑任何事。


Why do we struggle to surrender? 可为什么我们会为降服于祂而挣扎呢?Coz we don’t really know that what we’re giving up is just trash, 因我们并非真知道我们放下的全是垃圾, and that what we’re gaining is the real treasure.而得着的是真宝藏。In Matt 8, Mark 5 and Luke 8, are written similar stories. 马太福音8章、马可福音5章、路加福音8章都记载了类似的故事。 Jesus healed a man possessed by a legion of demons, who used to live in tombs. 耶稣医治了一个被群鬼所附的人,那人一直住在坟墓里。 Mark 5:4 says, he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him因为人屡次用脚镣和铁链捆锁他,铁链竟被他挣断了,脚镣也被他弄碎了。总没有人能制伏他。 People might think he had a mental problem, because his behaviour was like a psychopath, 我相信那里的人会以为他是个精神病,因他的举止就像个精神病人, but the truth says, he suffered torture by the work of demons. 但真理说,他因被鬼附而受苦。 Jesus deliberately went there to set him free. 耶稣特意去到那里释放他。Now what I’m gonna highlight in the story is, 现在我想强调的问题是, “why did the whole town after seeing the person healed beg Jesus to leave their region (Matt 8:34, mark 5:17)?为什么合城的人看到这人被医治后,却央求耶稣离开呢?


And Luke 8:37 gives more of an explanation, 路加福音8:37给了更多解释,Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear. So he got into the boat and left. 37 格拉森四围的人,因为害怕得很,都求耶稣离开他们。耶稣就上船回去了。After healing the demon possessed, 当这鬼附的人被医治, instead of being welcome, Jesus was kicked out of that region. 耶稣不但没因此受到欢迎,反而被撵走了。 Why? 为什么?because people were filled with fear. 因众人很害怕。 Why? 什么原因? In Mark 5:11-13 says, a Legion of unclean spirits begged Jesus to permit them to go into a large herd of pigs on the nearby hillside, 群鬼央求耶稣,准他们附在不远处的一大群猪身上。 Jesus allowed it. 耶稣准了他们。


The word “legion” is used as a reference to the Roman military unit, 是一个罗马军事编制的单位,军团,each legion had between 4000 to 6000 soldiers.每个军团大约有4000-6000名士兵。You can tell how many unclean spirits the man had within him. 这下你知道那人身上有多少污鬼了。 Jesus allowed it. 耶稣准了他们, Then the impure spirits went into the pigs. 这群污鬼就进入猪群。 There were about 2000 in number, 那群猪约有2000头,and they rushed down into the lake and were drowned. 都闯下山崖投在湖里淹死了。That’s meant a lot of money. 这意味着一笔巨额的损失, They could have been worth half a million dollars or more in NZ dollars today. 这群猪在现在至少值50万新西兰元。 In the story, again, we see the Lord is the supreme King, 再一次我们看到主是至高者,without his permission, the demons are unable to kill the herd. 没有他的许可,污鬼不能杀死牲畜。But why? 可是,为什么?why did Jesus permit the demons to cause financial loss? 为什么耶稣准许污鬼造成经济损失? Would you fear and kick Jesus out, 你也会害怕并撵走耶稣吗,if saving the lost and casting demons resulted in economic loss? 要是赶鬼救人命会导致损失金钱?What would you choose in a situation like this? 你在这样的环境中会怎样选择呢?


Do you value your relationship with the King? 你会看重和这君王的关系呢? Or do you care more about the half a million dollars? 还是更看重几十万刀? The whole town didn’t choose Jesus to be their Shepherd, 合城的人都没有选择耶稣做他们的牧者, because they didn’t know who He really was after seeing the testimony. 因他们看见了这见证却不知道耶稣到底是谁。 Couldn't the Lord who gives life to the dead have given them more than the value of 2000 pigs? 叫死人复活的主难道还不能赐他们比2000头猪更多的钱吗?


3, The Provision of the Shepherd大牧人供应我们.


Back to the question, 我们回到上面的问题, “why did Jesus permit the demons to cause so much financial loss?” 为什么耶稣准许污鬼造成巨额经济损失?Let’s think about why Jesus came to earth. 让我们来思想,耶稣为什么来到地上。 In Church, we’re often told, 我们在教会常听到说,that Jesus came for salvation, 耶稣来使人得救, He came to save the lost. 祂来拯救失丧的人。 Yes, true. 是的,没错, But salvation is just a part of God’s plan for His Kingdom to invade earth. 但得救只是神国度降临在地的计划的一部分。When Jesus started his ministry on earth,当耶稣开始地上的事工,He said, 他说,The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news. 神的国近了。你们当悔改,信福音! Mark 1:15” Then, 之后,Matthew 4:23, says Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. 23耶稣走遍加利利,在各会堂里教训人,传天国的福音,医治百姓各样的病症。 Luke 4:43 But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” 43 但耶稣对他们说我也必须在别城传神国的福音。因我奉差原是为此。Jesus teaches us the Lord’s prayer, 主耶稣教导我们主祷文,“Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth. 愿你的降临;愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。(Matt610  It’s all about the invasion of God’s kingdom onto the earth. 全都关乎神的国度进入到地上,It’s all about Heaven invading earth through the good news. 全是关乎天国藉着福音降临在地上, That’s why Jesus teaches us,因此主耶稣教导我们说,Don’t worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear…But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  31所以,不要忧虑说,吃什么?喝什么?穿什么? 33 你们要先求他的国和他的义。这些东西都要加给你们了。 Matt 6:3133What does that really mean for us? 这对我们有何真实的含义?


Jesus knows that in the flesh we’re ruled by a kingdom, the kingdom of darkness. 耶稣知道在天然人里 我们是黑暗国度的奴仆, We’ve been used to Satan’s rule. 我们一直被撒旦奴役。 Satan rules over us through sins, 撒旦藉着各种罪掌管我们, like unbelief, 就如不信、 fear, 惧怕、worry, 忧虑、 idolatry, 拜偶像、 laziness, 懒惰、lust 淫乱、 unforgiveness 不饶恕、 rebellion, etc.悖逆,等等。 “Hi, let's worry about your family,嗨,来为你的家庭忧虑吧, worry about your money, 为钱财忧虑吧, worry about tomorrow…”为明天忧虑吧……”


Worry kills our faith when we yield to it. 当我们顺服忧虑,就失去信心,coz Satan rules through that.因撒旦藉着忧虑掌权。 The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. 贪财是万恶之根。(1Tim提前610The lust for money will steal our time from reading and meditating on the word of God. 贪财会偷走我们阅读和默想神话语的时间。Jesus says, 主耶稣说, Satan’s mission is only to steal and kill and destroy, 撒但的目的无非就是偷窃、杀害、毁坏, but the good Shepherd Jesus came 但好牧人耶稣来了,to give His sheep life that they may have it abundantly (John 10:10). 是要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛 (约翰福音10:10)That’s why Jesus allowed the Legion of unclean spirits to go into the two thousand pigs, 这就是为什么主耶稣允许污鬼的军团进入两千头猪的身体。and it says, 经上说, the pigs were immediately killed by the demons.  这些猪立刻被污鬼杀了。 Jesus made the invisible destroying power visible through this incident. 藉这个事件,主耶稣使那眼不能见的毁坏力量显现出来。And I believe that He wanted His people to think about it, 我相信祂希望祂的子民去思想:“which kingdom and its teaching are you holding on to?” “你正持守在哪个国度和它的教导里? If we’re still holding on to the old ways of thinking, 如果我们仍然坚持旧的思维方式,we put ourselves at stake.   我们将置自己于危险之中。


I’ve been doing deliverance ministry for 16 years, 我做医治释放事工已经16年了, I’ve found that people need to be delivered, 我发现人需要被释放, because there’s some part of their lives that broke the law of God 因为他们在生命的某些方面得罪了神,and opened legal access for demons 给魔鬼打开合法的通道,to come in and torture them. 可以进来折磨他们。 They didn’t know the root cause of that sin to repent and renounce it, 他们却不晓得罪根的所在并去悔改和离弃罪, so that they could turn to live by way and the rule of the Kingdom of God. 使他们可以照神国度的道和法则去生活。


We’re born again, 我们已经重生,and He has rescued us from the Kingdom of darkness, 祂已经救我们脱离了黑暗的国度, and brought us into another Kingdom by faith (Col 1:13), 因信带我们进入了另一个国度(西1:13)the King of this Superior Kingdom is Jesus, 这个至高国度的君王是耶稣, who is the King of kings and Lord of lords. 祂是万王之王,万主之主。We’ve gotta learn to live in alignment with the way and rule of His Kingdom by denying the old ways of the kingdom of darkness.  我们必须弃绝旧人的属黑暗国度的思维方式,学习过让思想与神国的道和法则一致的生活 So seeking first the Kingdom and His righteousness 所以先求他的国和他的义means that my first priority is to find out God’s order and way for my life; 意味着,我第一要寻求的是神(在这事上)对我生命的旨意和祂的道路是什么,my first priority is to seek a close personal relationship with Jesus, my King, 我的首要任务是寻求与主耶稣——我的王建立亲密的个人关系,and I’m seeking to surrender to His rule in my life according to His truth. 寻求的是我全然降服祂的真理,让祂在我生命中掌权。


I don’t worry about anything I need for this life, 我不为今生所需忧虑,because “The Lord, the Most High God, Yahweh, 因为主,至高的神,耶和华the One who says “I am who I am” is ‘my’ good Shepherd, 那位说我是自有永有的是我的好牧人,He died for the forgiveness of my sins. 祂为赦免我的罪而舍命。Through faith by Grace, 靠着恩典,凭着信心,I’ve entered His Kingdom and started a new life, 我已进入祂的国,我已有一个新生命, I have access to His blessings, 我可以得着祂所有的祝福,access to His wisdom and strength; 我可以得着祂的智慧和力量;access to His supreme power and authority over sin, Satan and death. 我有权行使祂至高的能力和权柄,胜过罪、胜过撒但和死亡。The highest King is my Provide, 至高的王是我的供应者,I lack nothing 我必不至缺乏,but pursue life under the rule of this Kingdom.” 只要追求被这国度掌管的生命。




Concluding prayer: 结束祷告:


Father, we thank You that Jesus Christ has freed us from our sins by His blood. 天父我们感谢你,耶稣基督藉祂的宝血将我们从罪中释放出来。We thank You for making us to be a kingdom and priests to serve You, 感谢你使我们成为国度、成为祭司可以来服侍你,our great Shepherd, the almighty God. 我们的大牧者,全能的神。What an honour to be a part of Your Kingdom.   我们与你的国度有份是何等荣耀!


“The Lord is my Shepherd, I’ll not be in want.” 耶和华是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏。”What are You trying to say to me? 你藉这话要对我说什么呢? What do You want me to understand about Your heart from this verse? 从这经文里你想我明白你怎样的心意? Let’s ask the Lord.  让我们来求问主。


“The Lord, 主,Yahweh, 耶和华,the Creator God, 造物主神, the Almighty God, 全能的神,the Most high God, 至高的神,Jesus, 耶稣, You’re the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, 你是万王之王、万主之主, You’re ‘my’ Shepherd. 你是我的牧者。The God who from the highest realm of heaven came down and stood in my place and died for my sins, 神从至高的天上降下,站在我的地位,为我的罪而死,to give me all You have – Your life and Your Kingdom. 将你一切所有,你的生命和你的国都赐给我。


How much do you care for me that You wanna develop an intimate personal relationship with me? 你何等看顾我,愿意我和你建立亲密的个人关系! And that You desire to completely break the rule of Satan in my life, 你何等渴望完全破除撒但在我生命中的权势,so that I can live under the rule of Your Kingdom of light to overcome like Your Son Christ did.  让我被你的光明国度掌权,像你的儿子基督那样得胜。“the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” 耶和华是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏。” Am I really asking You – the supreme King to rule in my life? 我是否真的寻求你——至高的君王来掌管我的生命? Am I really giving up my right to be in charge of my life in exchange for You to rule over my life? 我真愿意放下自己作王的权利,让你在我生命中掌权吗? Am I really joyfully giving up my earthly desires to gain more of Your rule in my life? 我真愿意欢欢喜喜放下世俗的私欲,让生命更多被你掌管吗?Will I kick You out of my heart if I lose money because of setting others free like that whole town did? 我会像那合城的人,因释放救他人导致自己财务受损,而将你从我心中赶出去呢?Why am I struggling to surrender? 为什么挣扎不能降服你的话?


Lord, I do believe, help me to overcome my unbelief! 主啊,我信,求你帮助我胜过不信! Forgive me for allowing my heart to receive worry and unbelief. 赦免我的心常接受忧虑和不信的意念。I accept Your forgiveness and the rule of Your Kingdom, 我接受你的饶恕和你国度的掌管,touch me Lord, with Your power…and set me free from worry. 主啊触摸我,求你释放能力救我脱离忧虑。Holy Spirit, destroy the strongholds of fear, rejection and worry…圣灵啊,求你破除惧怕、拒绝和忧虑的坚固营垒…Release fresh peace and faith into my heart…释放新的平安和信心在我心中…Your kingdom rule in my heart... 愿你的国度在我心中掌权


Father, thank You for calling us to seek first Your Kingdom, 天父,感谢祢呼召我们先求祢的国,to make it our first priority. 使它成为我们的第一要务。It’s such a blessing to pursue knowledge of You, knowing Your ways, Your principles, and Your protocols. 寻求认识你,晓得你的道路、你的法则和你的引导,是何等有福。 We’ve entered a Kingdom, 我们已经进入一个国度,it’ll never be destroyed but will rule over all forever, 这国度永不朽坏并掌权直到永远,and its King is the King of kings who is our Provider. 这国的王乃是万王之王,是我们的供应者。“The Lord is my Shepherd”耶和华是我的牧者 King David’s Shepherd is our Shepherd, 大卫王的牧者也是我们的牧者,whose faithfulness remains forever! 祂的信实永远长存。“we lack nothing.”我必不至于缺乏。” We take the authority You gave us to speak against all powers of unbelief, doubt, fear, and worry in our lives. 我们奉主名用你所赐的权柄,去抵挡我们生命中一切不信、疑惑、惧怕和忧虑的权势。We ask You to open our eyes and understand what we’ve heard today. 求祢开我们的眼睛,使我们能明白今天所听的道。We pray Your blessing on every area of OTBC, 求你赐福OTBC的一切, we pray for development and growth for this church, 我们为教会的发展和成长祷告,we pray for Your Kingdom come 愿你的国降临在这里,and Will be done in this church. Amen愿你的旨意行在这个教会。阿们!


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