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2025-03-23 Merely Listening: A Path to self-deception 仅仅听道:是自欺的路

发表于 2025-03-24

This Monday, 这个星期一,my nearly 91-year-old mum shared her testimony of emotional breakthrough with me. 我快91岁的妈妈分享了她情绪上突破的见证。 Since practising forgiveness, 自从操练饶恕,rejecting negative thoughts, 拒绝负面思想,and filling her heart with God’s Word daily, 并每天用神的话语充满她的心, she has enjoyed months of peace and joy. 她已经经历了几个月的平安喜乐。 She no longer gets upset over things that once angered her过去让她生气的事情不再让她生气,and is blessed because she applies what she hears. 并且因她操练所听到的而蒙福。

If a 91-year-old can experience breakthrough, 若一个91岁的人可以经历突破,what about us? 那我们呢? Today今天we’ll explore how believers can be deceived when they hear God’s Word but fail to put it into practice. 我们来看看单听道却不行道是如何被迷惑的。 James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. 只是你们要行道,不要单听道,自己欺哄自己。23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 23 看见,走后,随即忘了他的相貌如何。 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 24 看见,走后,随即忘了他的相貌如何。 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. 25 惟有详细察看那全备、使人自由之律法,并且时常如此,这人既不是听了就忘,乃是实在行出来,就在他所行的事上必然得福。 26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. 26 若有人自以为虔诚,却不勒住他的舌头,反欺哄自己的心,这人的虔诚是虚的。 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 27 在神我们的父面前,那清洁没有玷污的虔诚,就是看顾在患难中的孤儿寡妇,并且保守自己不沾染世俗。

1, Why does hearing without acting deceive us? 为什么单听道不行道会欺哄我们自己?

As I was reading through this passage, 当我读这段经文时,the word "deceive" stood out to me twice, “欺哄这个词两次引起了我的注意,striking my heart deeply. 深深的触动我的心。In v.22, 22it says if we don’t do what we hear, 它说若我们不行我们所听到的,we deceive ourselves. 我们就自己欺哄自己。 In v.26, 26, it says, 它说,if we consider ourselves committed believers, 若我们认为自己是虔诚的信徒,yet fail to control our tongues, 却不能控制我们的舌头,continue to spread gossip, 继续传播闲言、judgement, 论断、or negativity, 或负面情绪,we deceive ourselves, 我们就自己欺哄自己,and our commitment becomes meaningless. 我们的信仰变得毫无意义。 The word "deceive" means to cause someone to believe something that isn't true, “欺哄这个词的意思是让某人相信不真实的事情,often leading to misunderstanding, harm, or loss. 通常会导致误认为、受伤或受损。But here it refers to self-deception. 但在这里,指的是自欺。Twice, James emphasises the serious consequences of merely hearing God's Word without acting on it leading to self-deception. 雅各两次强调了仅仅听道而不行道导致的自欺的严重后果。

God’s Word is truth! 神的话语是真理!The term "deceive" appears 27 times in the KJV of the Bible. “欺哄这个词在KJV中出现了27次。 Related forms such as "deceived," 相关形式还有被迷惑"deceivers," “诱惑人的” and "deceiving" also appear, 迷惑each highlighting different aspects of deception. 每个词都突出了欺哄的不同方面。 In Gen 3:13, Adam and Eve were deceived by the serpent, 亚当和夏娃被蛇欺骗,leading to the original sin. 导致原罪。

Re 12:9: says, 说,Satan is described as the deceiver who leads the whole world astray. 撒旦被称为迷惑普天下的。In Matt 24:4, 中,Jesus warns us, 耶稣告诫说,‘watch out that no one deceives you. “你们要谨慎,免得有人迷惑你们。” Deception is present and widespread, 欺哄广泛存在,Jesus urges us to watch out. 耶稣敦促我们要警醒。 Gal 6:7 reminds us, 提醒我们,‘don’t be deceived: God can’t be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.不要自欺, 神是轻慢不得的。人种的是什么,收的也是什么。Without sowing没有播种, there is no harvest. 就没有收获。These verses highlight the Bible's emphasis on the dangers of deception, 这些经文强调了圣经很重视欺哄带来的危险,urging believers to remain watchful and grounded in truth. 敦促信徒警醒并扎根真理。Over the last 20 years of ministry, 在过去20年的事工中,I have seen God's Word proven true! 我看到神的话语是真实的! Some believers love listening to good sermons and feel inspired, 一些信徒喜欢听好的讲道,有感动,yet in daily life, 但在日常生活中,they quickly take offence, 他们很快就会感到冒犯,failing to extend God’s grace and forgiveness. 不去操练传递神的恩典去饶恕。They remain trapped in family cycles, 他们仍然被困在家族失败的循环中,inheriting emotional, 继承了情绪上的、physical, 身体上的and financial struggles. 和财务上的倒霉。

However, 然而,those who obediently apply God's Word, 那些操练神话的人,though they stumble at times, 尽管有时会跌倒,still experience transformation and blessing. 仍然经历转变和祝福。Brother Alan testified that 2024 has been another year of practising obedience to God. 艾伦弟兄见证说,2024年又是操练顺服上帝的一年。As a result, he has experienced growth— 结果是,他经历成长both in his relationship with God 无论是在他与上帝的关系上,and in his finances还是在财务上, confirming the truth of God’s Word. 这印证了上帝话语的真实性。This also proves Jesus' parable of the Sower这也证实了主耶稣的撒种比喻—some receive the Word with joy but lack deep roots, 有些人欢喜领受话语,但缺乏深根,while others are choked by the deceitfulness of wealth and worldly distractions, 而另一些人则被钱财的迷惑和世上的思虑牵引,making them unfruitful. 结不出果子。Only the good soil produces a harvest. 只有好土才能长庄稼。


2, How does the perfect law bring freedom? 全备的律法如何使人得自由?

v.23-24, 23-24James gives us the image of a person looking into a mirror 雅各给我们描绘了一个人照镜子的形象,and noticing, 注意到, "Oops, there’s a breadcrumb above my mouth... “哎呀,我嘴上有面包屑…… there’s dirt on my check," 我脸上有污垢,” but then walking away without cleaning it off, 但随后走开而不清理,quickly forgetting how dirty they are. 很快就忘记了自己有多脏。 This gives a picture of self-deception这给出了一幅自欺的画面—like hearing the Word without taking action. ——就像听道而不行道一样。 "I've read the Bible, “我读了圣经,I've heard the Word,  我听了道,yet I remain dirty and uncleansed 我仍然不干净,unless I make a change." 除非我做出改变。” A mirror shows us reality. 镜子显出真相。

Jesus’ complete submission to the Father’s will, 耶稣完全顺服父的旨意,even to death on the cross, 甚至死在十字架上,exposes how our sinful mind are hostile to God and refuse to submit to His law 揭示了我们的旧人思想何等与神并为敌,并不能服祂的律法(Romans 8:7). ‘Why should I endure being wronged? “为什么我要受冤枉?Why should I forgive? 为什么我要饶恕?Why should I tame my tongue 为什么我要止住口(v.26)? Why should I use my money to care for the vulnerable in society 为什么我要用我的钱来看顾社会中的弱势群体(v.27)? Why…为什么……” Romans 5:13 says, sin is not counted where there is no law. 但没有律法,罪也不算罪。The law was given for these purposes: 律法的目的是

 A, Revealing God’s Holiness and Character揭示神的圣洁和品格The law reflects God's holiness, 律法反映了神的圣洁、righteousness, 公义and perfect moral standards 和完全的道德标准(Leviticus 19:2; Romans 7:12).

B, Exposing Human Sinfulness揭示人类的原罪The law makes us aware of our sinfulness and inability to fully obey God’s standards, 律法使我们认识到自己的原罪和无法完全遵守神的标准,highlighting our need for grace and forgiveness . 突显了我们对恩典和饶恕的需求(Romans 3:20; Romans 7:7) C, Leading Us to Christ引导我们归向基督The law acts as a tutor or guardian, 律法是师傅和引导,leading us to recognise our need for Jesus Christ as our Saviour 引我们到知道我们需要耶稣基督为我们的救主(Gal 3:24–25). Jesus came to fulfil the Law 耶稣来是要成全律法(Matt 5:17). Indeed, 确实,Christ is the fulfilment and the end goal of the law 律法的总结就是基督(Romans 10;4).  Why then does the perfect law bring freedom? 那么,为什么全备的律法会使人得自由呢? A rich young man came to Jesus, asking: 一个富有的年轻人来到耶稣面前,问:“What must I do to inherit eternal life?” “我该做什么才能承受永生?Jesus pointed him to the commandments (the law). 耶稣指向诫命(律法)。The young man said he had obeyed them all since childhood. 年轻人说他从小就遵守了所有诫命。

Then Jesus challenged him, 然后耶稣对他说,“Sell everything you have, “变卖你所有的,give to the poor, 分给穷人,and follow me.” 来跟从我。” The man went away sad 那人忧忧愁愁地走了,because he loved his wealth more than he loved God. 因他爱财富胜过爱神。 So just doing what the law says outwardly can’t free us from idolatry, selfishness, or sin rooted in our hearts. 所以,仅仅在外表上遵守律法不能使我们从心中的拜偶像、自私或其他原罪里得自由。The perfect law brings freedom because it draws us to Christ. 全备的律法带来自由,因它引导我们归向基督。 That's why, each time after hearing the Word during a service, 这就是为什么每次在礼拜中听道后,we set aside time for prayer. 我们都会留出时间祷告。

Simply hearing the Word doesn't save us. 仅仅听道不能拯救我们。 But responding humbly to Jesus by confessing our sins, repenting, 但谦卑地回应耶稣,承认我们的罪,and renouncing our old ways, 悔改并放弃旧的方式,and allowing the Holy Spirit并允许圣灵—given to us by Jesus, 耶稣赐给我们的,to cleanse, transform, and empower us. 来洁净、改变和赋予我们力量。 As we then love, give, and serve from the heart, 当我们从心里去爱、给予和服事,faithfully living out His calling with compassion and holiness 忠实地以怜悯和圣洁活出祂的呼召(v.26-27), we overcome deception and truly experience His blessing. 我们就可战胜迷惑,真正体验到祂的祝福。

3. What stops us from doing instead of just listening? 什么拦阻我们只听道而不行道?

Some key points of what stops us from doing: 拦阻我们去做的一些关键点: A. Forgetfulness and Self-Deception 忘记和自欺(James 1:22–24): Jesus Christ wouldn’t forget God’s Word as He walked on earth. 当基督耶稣在地上他不忘记神的话 So why do we forget so quickly?为什么我们那么快忘记?This pattern is rooted in humanity’s original sin 这种模式根植于人类的原罪(Gen 3), seeking knowledge without submission to God. 只追求知识而不顺服神。

Some say, 有些人说,“I love reading books…“我喜欢读书……” Well, this is good, 嗯,这很好,but if learning only increases knowledge and pride, 但若学习只增加知识和骄傲,we remain under Adam’s curse rather than God’s blessing. 我们就仍在亚当的咒诅而不是神的祝福之下。 To break this habit, 要打破这个习惯,we must intentionally focus on obedience to God’s will, 我们必须有意地去专注于顺服神的旨意,regularly reflect on His Word, 常思想祂的话语,allow our wrong motives to be removed, 让我们的错误动机被除去,and joyfully follow the leading of the Spirit of truth. 并喜乐跟随真理之灵的引导。

 B. Distraction and Divided Hearts 分心和三心二意(Matt 13:18–23): The Parable of the Sower shows how life's worries, 撒种的比喻显示了生活的忧虑、ambitions, 野心and worldly desires distract us and divide our hearts, 和世上的思虑分散我们的注意力,并使我们三心二意,making it hard to live out God's Word. 使我们活不出神的话语。 To overcome this, 要胜过这一点,we must prioritise Christ, 我们必须把基督摆在第一位,simplify our lives, 简化我们的生活,and seek His kingdom first先求祂的国(Matthew 6:33).

C. Spiritual Strongholds 属灵的坚固营垒(2 Cor 林后10:3–5): Strongholds such as fear, 惧怕、manipulation, 操纵、pride, 骄傲、disobedience, 不顺服、bitterness, 苦毒and unbelief 和不信等坚固营垒significantly hinder us from acting on God’s Word. 大大拦阻我们行出神的话语。 True obedience isn’t about outward deeds, 真正的顺服不是外在的做事,like the Pharisees who fasted, prayed, and tithed 就像那些禁食、祷告和奉献十分之一的法利赛人,yet were called “whitewashed tombs” 却被称为粉饰的坟墓(Matt 23:27). Righteousness comes from a heart transformed by the Holy Spirit through humility, repentance, and trust in His guidance, 义来自于谦卑、悔改和信靠祂的引导而被圣灵改变的心,enabling us to live out God’s Word as the Spirit of truth leads. 使我们能够按照真理之灵的引导活出神的话语。

Recently, 最近,I ministered to a believer who loved God’s Word, 我服侍了一位爱读神的话、prayed daily, 每天祷告、served others, 服侍他人and tithed faithfully. 并忠实奉献十分之一的信徒。Yet, 然而,her heart felt numb, 她的心是麻木的,and she struggled to connect with God in her daily life. 在自己的环境中很难与神连接。 There was no evident work of the Holy Spirit没有明显的圣灵工作—only dead works只有死的工作 leaving her frustrated. 让她感到灰心沮丧。 I sought God earnestly for the root cause. 我恳切地寻求神。 One day, I received a word: 一天,我得着一个词:“familiar spirits” and 1 Sam 15:23, 熟悉的灵撒上15:23"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry." “悖逆的罪与行邪术的罪相等,顽梗的罪与拜虚神和偶像的罪相同。

In the OT, 在旧约中,familiar spirits operated through mediums, 熟悉的灵通过巫师、fortune-tellers, 算命者and necromancers 和招魂者运作(Levi 19:31; Deut 18:10–12; 1 Sam 撒上28). Those spirits can mimic people's voices这些邪灵模仿人的声音, including their own. 甚至是人自己的声音。 People may think they are talking to themselves, 人觉得是自己和自己对话,but they are actually engaging with evil spirits. 却不知道是在和邪灵说话。These spirits deceive and manipulate, 他们欺骗和操纵, even giving false prophetic dreams甚至给假的预言性的梦, to keep people away from God's truth. 是让人远离神的真理。

Then, 然后, she said that both her paternal and maternal grandmothers were witchdoctors. 她说她奶奶和外婆都是巫医。Her mum had prophetic dreams, 她母亲做过预言性的梦, but they didnt lead her to Gods truth, 但那些没有引她到真理里, only reinforcing self-righteousness—“SeeIm right. 只是加增自义—“看,我是对的吧。” These spirits actively run through the family. 这些灵在她家族里活跃的运行。You can only fight effectively if you know your enemy. 你只有知道敌人是谁才能打胜仗。

During prayers, 在祷告中,she realised that past wounds, bitter judgments, and unforgiveness towards her ancestors, and even a teacher, 她意识到对祖先甚至老师的过去的伤害、苦毒的论断和不饶恕,had opened doors to rebellion and stubbornness: 打开了悖逆和顽梗的门:“If you want me to do it, I won’t.” “你要我做,我就偏不做。” Or stubbornness: 或顽梗:“I’ll do it my way.” “我照我自己的意思做。

Unforgiveness both towards others and herself不饶恕家人和自己kept her trapped in unhealthy family patterns, 使她陷在家族有害的思维模式里,under the influence of familiar and religious spirits. 受熟悉的灵和宗教之灵的影响。No matter how much she read the Bible or tried hard to do good, 无论她读了多少圣经或努力行善,her heart remained numb, 她的心仍然麻木,and frustration grew. 沮丧感不断增加。 Fear and control took over replacing her trust in God. 惧怕和控制取代了对神的信靠。

But Jesus is alive. 但耶稣是活着的。 After prayers of forgiveness and breaking free from deception, 在饶恕的祷告和摆脱欺骗之后,her heart came alive little by little. 她的心一点一点地活了过来。 The battle requires perseverance. 这场战斗需要坚持。 But by God’s grace, 但靠着神的恩典,if we pursue Him earnestly, 若我们恳切地追求祂,the Spirit of Truth will guide us, 真理的灵会引导我们,not just to listen but to act from the inside out, 不仅仅是听道,而是从内到外地行道,no matter how the enemy tries to deceive! 无论敌人怎样来试图欺哄我们。


Prayer: 祷告:

Yes! Hallelujah! Death has lost its grip on me. 是的!哈利路亚!死亡不再辖制我。 Thank You, Jesus—you have overcome sin and the grave! 谢谢你,耶稣——你已经胜过罪和坟墓! Through Your complete obedience to the Father, 藉着你完全顺服父神,even to death on the cross, 甚至死在十字架上,You have broken every chain. 你打破了每一条锁链。 You bore the pain of our shame and sin, 你担当了我们羞耻和罪, yet You were resurrected! 但你复活了! You are our living hope, and we praise You! 你是我们永活的盼望,我们赞美你! We thank You for loving us so deeply that You poured Yourself out for us. 谢谢你如此深地爱我们,为我们倾倒自己。

We thank You for Your humility and mercy… 我们感谢你的谦卑和怜悯……Yes, Lord, Your words are trustworthy! 是的,主啊,你的话是可信的! You said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” 你说,听神之道而遵守的人更是有福的。Today, we acknowledge that hearing Your Word is not enough, 今天,我们承认仅仅听你的话是不够的,for only those who walk in obedience to what they have heard will be truly blessed. 只有那些遵行所听之道的人才是真正有福的。 Yes, Lord, we desire this blessing. 是的,主啊,我们渴望这个祝福。 Now, you can pray on your own, 现在,你可以自己祷告,or if you like, you can repeat this prayer with me: 或者你若愿意,可以跟我一起重复这个祷告:

 “Yes, Lord Jesus, I want to act on what I hear. “是的,主耶稣,我想行出我所听到的。 Holy Spirit, help me! 圣灵,帮助我! Forgive me for the times I have sought knowledge without recognising the importance of submission to You. 饶恕我曾经追求知识却没有认识到顺服你的重要性。Now I believe this truth: 我相信这个真理:knowledge alone cannot set me free or transform me into Your likeness仅有知识不能使我自由或改变我成为你的样式—but constant, obedient action will bring Your blessing. ——但持续的、顺服的行动会带来你的祝福。 Holy Spirit, break the pattern of forgetfulness in me. 圣灵,打破我里面的健忘模式。 Break the power of deception, pride, complacency, and resistance that keep me from living out Your Word” 打破欺骗、骄傲、自满和抵抗的力量,这些阻止我活出你的话语。

If you feel that something is hindering you from praying and acting on God’s commands, ask Him: 若你觉得有什么在阻碍你祷告和行出神的命令,求问他: “Lord, is there any authority figure—an ancestor, teacher, boss, or leader—that I need to forgive?” “主啊,有没有什么权威人物——祖先、老师、老板或领导——是我需要饶恕的?” We have entered the Kingdom of God我们已经进入了神的国度—a Kingdom of light, love, humility, mercy, and justice. ——一个光明、爱、谦卑、怜悯和公义的国度。

Jesus suffered for our sins so that we could receive forgiveness and freedom. 耶稣为我们的罪受苦,使我们可以得到饶恕和自由。 Forgiveness breaks chains! 饶恕打破锁链! You can tell the Lord: 你可以告诉主:

“Jesus, You paid the price to forgive me. “耶稣,你付出了代价来饶恕我。 I repent, I forgive, and I let go of control. 我悔改,我饶恕,我放弃控制。 I trust in You我信靠你。 I take the authority You have given me. 我接受你给我的权柄。 In the name of Jesus, I break the hold of controlling powers in me! 奉耶稣的名,我打破我里面控制的权势! I break the hold of self-deception in me. 我打破我里面自欺的权势。 I give my heart to You, Lord—fill me with Your light and truth. 我把我的心交给你,主啊——用你的光和真理充满我。 Holy Spirit, renew my mind 圣灵,更新我的心思意念,so that I may not forget Your Word in my daily life but act on it obediently through Your leading. 使我在我的环境中不忘记你的话语,而是藉着你的引导顺服地行出来。 Let me walk in Your blessing and be a witness to Your truth…” 让我行在你的祝福中,成为你真理的见证……”


Thank You Jesus, our Heavenly Father and Deliverer! 谢谢你,耶稣,我们的天父和拯救者! Thank You for delivering us through Your truth. 谢谢你藉着你的真理拯救我们。 For Your truth brings true freedom. 因你的真理带来真正的自由。 We surrender our minds, our habits, and our desires to You. 我们把我们的心思、习惯和欲望交给你。 We ask You to continue to expose any hidden obstacles to us, 我们求你继续揭示任何隐藏的障碍,so that we can bring them to an end on Your cross, 使我们可以在你的十字架上终结它们,allowing Your Spirit to feely guide us in Your path of righteousness, 让你的灵自由地引导我们走在你的义路上,and bring You glory in all we do. 并在我们所做的一切中荣耀你。 Thank You Jesus. Amen. 谢谢你,耶稣。阿们。


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