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2025-03-17 Anger doesn’t lead to God’s righteousness 人的怒气不能成就神的义

发表于 2025-03-24

 (James 1:19-21)

Last Sunday, 上周日,we looked at temptation in the book of James. 我们查考了雅各书中忍受试探的主题。 Today, we’re going to focus on 今天,我们要分享 James 1:19-21: My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 我亲爱的弟兄们,这是你们所知道的。但你们各人要快快地听,慢慢地说,慢慢地动怒,20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. 因为人的怒气并不成就 神的义。21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. 所以,你们要脱去一切的污秽和盈余的邪恶,存温柔的心领受那所栽种的道,就是能救你们灵魂的道。 Have you ever wondered why James seems to jump from one topic to another? 你有没有想过雅各为什么老在转换话题?He moves from the testing of faith to asking for wisdom, 他从信心的试炼,转到求智慧,then to temptation, 然后是忍受试探,and now to anger, 现在跳到怒气,before shifting to listening and acting. 接着是听道和行道。

Why? 为什么?Because the early church faced real challenges in their faith. 因为初代教会在信仰上遇到许多真实的挑战。Just like in James’ time, 与雅各的时代一样,we also face difficulties, 我们也面对难处、conflict, 冲突、division, 纷争、and temptation, 试探,especially when our faith is tested. 尤其在试炼中。Many hear God’s Word but struggle to live it out, 很多人认为活出神的道很难,as worldly influences pull us away from true faith. 因世界的影响常常拉扯我们离开真信心。And when we try to live out every word we receive through the Holy Spirit, 当我们想要活出圣灵所赐的每一句话时,spiritual warfare begins! 属灵争战就来了!Many years ago, 很多年前,I had a dream in which I saw the devil as a lion—我做过一个梦,梦里见到的魔鬼好像狮子,intimidating at first, 开始是很吓人,but powerless like a paper lion dropped from the air 但后来从空中掉下来,原来是纸老虎。when I closed my eyes, 当我闭上眼睛,refused to let my heart react to the circumstances, 不让我的心向环境起反应,and fixed my inner eye only on God’s commands. 心里定睛在神的命令上。Then, 于是,the enemy lost the battle. 仇敌失败了。So I began practicing this and still do于是我就开始操练,并还在操练,it truly works. 这个操练很管用。We can experience the pure joy of overcoming in Christ! 我们可以经历基督里得胜的喜悦!Today, let’s break this passage down: 今天,我们要来逐句分享这段经文。

1, Why should we be quick to listen and slow to anger? 为什么要快快地听、慢慢地动怒?

v.20 say, “For man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” 因为人的怒气并不成就 神的义。 I love this verse, 我喜欢这节经文,and often remind myself of it并常用它来提醒自己 when I see injustice in the world and I feel anger rising. 当我因看见不公义的事而要生气时。I also turn to 我也会思想Psa 37: 8, “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil.” 当止住怒气,离弃忿怒;不要心怀不平,以致作恶。Once, 有一次,I saw a news report of a man beating a young lady. 我看到新闻,一个男人打一位少女,I was indignant and judged him harshly without mercy. 我很气愤,就无怜悯地论断他。But then I lost my peace 但我失去平安,until I repented, 直到悔改,realising I did not know the full story意识到自己并不知道事情的全貌,—only God does. 唯有神知道。Where does human anger come from?

It comes from eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 人发怒,是因吃了分辨知识善恶树的果子。In Gen 2:16-17, God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from this tree. 起初神吩咐亚当和夏娃不要吃那树上的果子。Before the fall, 未堕落之先,they lived in harmony with God , 他们与神和睦同居,free from fear, 没有惧怕,shame, 没有羞耻感,or the need to judge也无需自己判断—because God was their sole source of wisdom. ——因神就是他们智慧的来源。After eating the forbidden fruit, 吃了禁果之后,they began judging right from wrong from their limited perspective, 他们开始以受局限的眼光判断对错,a pattern passed down through generations. 这个模式从此代代相传。For example, 比如,a grieving family furious at a doctor for delaying surgery on their son. 一个悲痛的家人对医生推迟儿子的手术感到愤怒,But they didn’t know the doctor had undergone surgery himself 哪医生自己也是刚做过手术,and was unable to work. 无法工作。A wife was angry because her husband came home late, 一位妻子因丈夫晚归而愤怒,not realising he had lost his phone 哪知丈夫丢了电话,and couldn’t contact her. 不能打电话告诉她。Anger often clouds our judgment, 怒气使我们的判断蒙上阴影,but only God sees the full picture. 唯有神看到全貌。That’s why James tells us, 因此雅各对我们说,“everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. 但你们各人要快快地听,慢慢地说,慢慢地动怒,v.19”

2, Human Anger as a result of fall in the bible. 怒气源于亚当的堕落

After the fall, 人类堕落之后,pride, 骄傲、rejection, 被拒绝、fear, 惧怕、selfishness, 自私、impatience and self-righteousness 无忍耐和自义,lead us to fleshly anger, 引我们的肉体发怒,which has nothing to do with God's righteousness. 这与神的 义无关系。The first recorded case of human anger appears in 第一个人发怒的例子记在Gen 4:3-8, when Cain became angry and killed his brother Abel. 该隐发怒,杀了他的兄弟亚伯。Why? 为什么?Because God accepted Abel’s offering but rejected Cain’s. 因神看中了亚伯的供物,看不中该隐的供物。Cain offered "some of the fruits of the soil" 该隐…… 拿地里的出产为供物 (Gen 4:3), giving what he chose 他献上的是自己想给的,rather than what God desired. 而不是神想要的。

However, 然而,Abel offered a blood sacrifice, 亚伯献带血的羊为供物, foreshadowing Jesus Christ, 预表耶稣基督,the Lamb of God, 神的羔羊,given as a sin offering to redeem the world. 作为免去世人的罪孽的赎罪祭。Abel took a risk in faith, 亚伯因信而冒险,as animals weren’t for food at that time 因那时动物不能拿来吃,but for atonement and worship. 只能用于献祭和敬拜。This shows that even in the OT, 这表明,即便在旧约,it was faith with actions是信心的行为,—not willful deeds ——不是自己的偏要行,—that captured God’s heart. 打动了神的心。However, instead of repenting, 可是,该隐没有悔改, Cain let anger take root, 反而让怒气在心里生根, leading him to murder his brother.杀害了自己的兄弟。1 John 约壹3:15, Everyone who hates his brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 3:15】凡恨他弟兄的,就是杀人的。你们晓得凡杀人的,没有永生存在他里面。 Fleshly anger can lead to hatred. 肉体的怒气导致仇恨,Hatred is like the sin of murder恨人就是杀人,—when it takes root, 一旦怒气在心里生根,it opens the door to greater sin. 就为更大的罪开门。

Another example is in 另一个例子在Exo 16:2-3, the Israelites complained to Moses: 以色列人向摩西发抱怨: “If only we had died in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve to death!” “巴不得我们早死在埃及地耶和华的手下,那时我们坐在肉锅旁边,吃得饱足;你们将我们领出来,到这旷野,是要叫这全会众都饿死啊!How familiar this is! 这是何等熟悉!“You didn’t give me what I wanted! 你没有给我我想要的 so I’ll do things my own way! 我要按自己的方式做Instead of trusting in God’s provision, 以色列民不信靠神的供应,they reacted with frustration, 他们灰心沮丧、complaint, 抱怨and unbelief. 和不信。In Numbers 14:1-4, after hearing the report about the giants in the Promised Land, 当听到应许之地的仇敌像巨人的凶信,they became fearful and angry, 他们就惧怕并且恼怒,they grumbled against Moses and said: 并抱怨摩西:“Let’s choose a leader and go back to Egypt.” “我们不如立一个首领,回埃及去吧!” (v. 4).

Because of their rebellious anger, 因怒气悖逆神,being quick to complain, 他们快快地抱怨,slow to trust, 慢慢地信靠,and easily angered, 轻易发怒,they were stuck in the wilderness for 40 years, 就被困在旷野40年,and never entered the Promised Land. 进不了应许之地。In the NT, 新约中,the Pharisees were quick to judge Jesus, 法利赛人快快地论断耶稣,and easily angered by what Jesus did, 因耶稣所行的轻易发怒,and plotting to kill Jesus. 设谋杀害耶稣。In John 8, 约翰福音8章,when they saw a woman committing the sin of adultery, 他们看到一个行淫的妇人,they were quick to condemn others, 便快快地定了她的罪,forgetting their own sin. 却忘记自己的罪。On the contrary, 与此相反,in 1 Sam 撒上25:2-35, when Nabal repaid David’s kindness with insults and evil, 当拿八对大卫以恶报善,以羞辱报友爱,David became furious and planned to kill him. 大卫怒火中烧,要杀拿八。However, 然而,Abigail intervened and wisely pleaded, 亚比该以智慧居中调解,为拿八求情: 'My master, refrain from bloodshed and from avenging yourself with your own hands…so that when God's time comes for you to be king of Israel…no wrongdoing will be found in you.' “我主现在若不亲手报仇,流无辜人的血,到了耶和华照所应许你的话赐福与你,立你作以色列的王,那时我主必不至心里不安,觉得良心有亏。”

Because of trusting in God’s sovereignty, 因信靠神掌权,David quickly listened instead of acting on his anger. 大卫快快地听从了劝解,没有照怒气行事。His willingness to be quick to listen 他愿意快快地听,and slow to anger 慢慢地动怒,pleased God. 就讨了神的喜悦。Although David stumbled at times. 尽管他也跌倒过,God does not seek perfection, 神却不要求完美,but rather those with humble, 祂寻找谦卑痛悔,repentant hearts who desire to follow after God’s own heart.寻求神旨意的心。

3, How to overcome fleshly anger? 怎样即时胜过怒气?

v.21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. 所以,你们要脱去一切的污秽和盈余的邪恶,存温柔的心领受那所栽种的道,就是能救你们灵魂的道。 The word "therefore" (διὸ - dio) links directly to dealing with fleshly anger. “所以这个词直接指向要处理肉体怒气。James gives two clear steps: 雅各给出两个步骤:A. Remove moral filth and evil. A除去一切污秽和邪恶;B. Humbly walk in the Word. B谦卑行在神的话语中。"Moral filth" (ῥυπαρία - rhuparía) refers to moral impurities 污秽指的是道德上的不洁,like sexual sin 比如性犯罪,(1 Cor 林前6:16-18), occult practices 异端邪教,(Deut 18:10-12), lying 撒谎,(John 8:44), and unforgiveness 不饶恕,or bitterness 苦毒。(Matt 18:34-35). James calls us to remove all these that fuel anger 雅各呼召我们除去这些引发怒气的罪,and allow God’s Word to transform us. 并让神的话语更新我们。 Eph 4:26 says In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold 26生气却不要犯罪,不可含怒到日落, 27 也不可给魔鬼留地步。Anger is natural怒气是天然人的性情,—it’s okay to feel it. 感到愤怒很正常的。But we must not let it turn into bitter judgment. 但我们不当让它演变为苦毒的论断,We are called to hate sin, 我们蒙召恨恶罪,not people. 而不是恨罪人。If we see injustice, 若看到不公义的事,we should pray instead of judging. 我们当祷告而不是论断。Because if we judge若我们论断, we’ll be judged. 我们就被定罪。 To deal with anger要对付怒气,we must first recognise what fuels it: 我们必须意识到哪些会激怒人:

A, Unmet expectations and pride. 期望未满足和骄傲。When we don’t get what we want, 当我们没得到想要的,we get angry. 就会发怒,Coz we feel we’re entitled. 因觉得应该得的没有得着。The underlying thought is, “you owe me”. 潜在的想法是你欠我的(Matt 18:28). B, Hurt and offense. 伤害和冒犯。When we feel wronged当被冤枉、overlooked, 被藐视、offended or rejected, 被冒犯或拒绝,anger arises就会发怒 (Matt 5:23-24). C, Fear, shame, and anxiety. 惧怕、羞耻感、焦虑。Worry can lead to frustration and anger. 忧虑导致沮丧和发怒 (Phil 4:6-7)

D, Injustice.不公义。Seeing unfairness can stir anger 看到不公平的事情会引发怒气 (Eccl 5:8). E, Bitterness and unforgiveness. 苦毒和不饶恕。Holding onto past hurts keeps us in a ‘you owe me’ mindset  抓住过去的伤害使我们困在你欠我的思维方式里 (Eph 4:31). This gives the enemy a foothold to create further problems 就给仇敌留地步制造更多问题(Eph 4:27). Unforgiveness fuels anger, 不饶恕会加剧怒气,when anger lingers in our hearts, 怒气萦绕内心,it leads to more unforgiveness, 就会导致更多不饶恕,building walls between us and God. 在我们和神之间筑起高墙。In Matt 5:22, Jesus says, anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgement. 只是我告诉你们:凡向弟兄动怒的,难免受审判(有古卷在字下添无缘无故地五字)。So nurturing anger in our hearts is dangerous. 在心里喂养怒气是危险的。That’s why God calls us to quickly reconcile, 因此神呼召我们快快转道,forgive, 饶恕,and pursue peace. 追求和睦。Recently, a brother has shared his story with me最近,有个弟兄和我分享他的见证. Though devoted to the Lord for years, 尽管多年奉献给主,his prayers felt empty, 他的祷告似乎是空洞无力的,and Scripture only remained in his mind without taking root in his heart. 圣经的话仅仅停留在头脑中,而没有扎根在心里。He would only pray after things went wrong. 他只能在事后祷告,Barriers remained 总是有障碍,until he recognised deep-seated anger—直到他认识到内心深藏的怒气,not just from childhood hurts 不但有来自儿时的,but also from family patterns of pride. 还有来自家族骄傲的思维模式的。

For example, 例如, if someone said, 如果有人说, ‘You’ve made a mistake,’  “你做错了they would immediately make excuses to defend themselves or react with anger. 他们即刻发怒,并找各种理由为己辩护. Coz shame was deeply rooted in the family. 因为羞耻深深的扎根在家族里。This mindset hurt both their relationships and themselves. 这种伤害思维,伤害自己和人际关系。 Determined to break free, 定意要脱离捆绑, he began practising forgiveness towards his family, 他开始操练饶恕家人, praying to detach himself from family patterns,  藉祷告脱离家族思维模式,and pushing back negative feelings 并拒绝负面情绪—such as shame or rejection when corrected. 比如被纠正时的羞耻感或被拒绝感。

At times, 有时, he failed, 他失败了, but he didn’t give it up on cultivating this new way of thinking. 但他并没有放弃培养这种新的思维模式。 This year, 今年,he experienced a breakthrough.  他取得了突破。Many times, after praying not to embrace his own feelings 他多次祷告不信自己的感觉感受, but to trust in God’s promises, 而是转向信靠神的应许, he encountered God’s vivid guidance and wisdom. 他经历了神鲜活的引领和智慧启示。Reflecting on his journey, 回顾他的心路历程, he realised, 他意识到: ‘Simply getting rid of anger and bitterness from the depths of the heart, 只要从内心深处除去怒气和苦毒,and shifting from a proud mindset of judging right and wrong 从如神般断定好坏的骄傲心态, to aligning with the attitude of Jesus, 转向为与耶稣的性情合一, allows God’s Word to take root in our hearts 就能让神的话在我们心中生根, and leads us to the joy and hope of the gospel. 并引我们到福音的喜乐和盼望。 Of course, constant prayer is essential. 当然,恒切的祷告是必须的。Let’s sing the last song.  让我们来唱最后一首歌。

Prayer:  祷告:

Yes, Jesus, 是的,主耶稣, You are worthy 惟你是配得—worthy of all our praise and honour. 配得我们的一切赞美和尊崇。 The Highest became the lowest, 至高的王降至最卑微, willingly bearing rejection, shame, and death on the cross 甘愿在十架上承受着被拒绝、羞辱和死亡,for the forgiveness of all who had gone astray. 为了饶恕所有迷失的罪人。 Each of us has turned to our own way, 我们如羊走迷, yet You came to lead us back to Your righteous path. 但你来了,要引领我们回到你义路上来。Jesus, You came. 主耶稣,你来了。 You made a way for our freedom. 你为我们的自由开辟了恩典之路。We give You thanks! 我们献上真诚地感恩!We thank You for the grace and meekness that You revealed to us on the Cross. 感谢你在十字架上向我们显明的恩典和谦卑。 Your meekness and forgiveness overcome fleshly anger. 你用谦卑柔和和饶恕胜过了肉体的愤怒。

Today, 今天,You’ve taught us 你教导我们: to be quick to listen, 要快快地听, slow to speak, 慢慢地说, and slow to become angry, 慢慢地动怒, coz our human anger does not produce the righteousness You require. 因人的怒气不能成就神的义。 Too often, we rely on our own understanding of right and wrong,  我们常常陷在对错中,allowing anger to take hold. 被生气的情绪抓住。Holding on to our rights, 坚持自己的权利、entitlements, 自己该得的,or putting demands on others, 或整天要求对方,他人满足自己, grieves Your Spirit who loves and lives with us, 这让爱我们的圣灵忧伤, and leaves us trapped in anger.  并叫我们自己陷入恼怒之中。So today, 所以今天, we come before You, 我们来到你施恩座前, Holy Spirit, 亲爱的圣灵啊, help us! ” 求你帮我们!

If your anger quickly arises when your expectations aren’t met, 如果当你的期望没有得到满足时,or when you feel entitled, 或者当你觉得自己该得什么没有得着、 wronged, 被冤枉、overlooked,  被忽视、offended,  被冒犯,or rejected或被拒绝时—or if stress causes you to become easily angry 若压力会让你很容易发怒,you can ask the Lord: ——你可以问主, 'Lord, where does this come from? “这是从哪里来的? When have I allowed anger to build a stronghold within me?  什么时候我允许怒气在我里面建立了营垒?Who am I angry with?  我在对谁发怒?Who do I need to forgive?  我需要饶恕谁?Is this a pattern in my family?” 这是否是我家族里的一种思维模式?

Now, 现在, you can pray on your own 你可以自己祷告, or repeat after me in prayer. 或者可以跟着我祷告。 “Show me, Lord,  “主耶稣,求你显明, where this anger comes from.” 我的易怒是从哪里来的?” If your mum or dad was an angry person, 如果你的妈妈或爸爸是一个易怒的人, or if either of them was harsh to you in your childhood, 或者他们中的任何一个在你童年时对你很严厉, you need to forgive them. 你都需要饶恕他们。 Forgiveness sets you free, 饶恕可以释放你得真自由, and breaks the pattern that may have been passed down through your family. 并能打破从家族遗传下来的思维模式。 When these areas of your heart are cleansed, 当你的内心的这些地土被洁净, God’s Word can take root and bring transformation. 神的话就能扎根并带来更新改变。 You can say like,

可以这样说,“Lord Jesus,  主耶稣,thank You for Your meekness and mercy. 感谢你的柔和谦卑和慈怜。When I was lost, 当我迷失时, You sought me out 你寻找我, and suffered for me. 为我受苦。 I thank You for not embracing Your pain 我感谢你没有顾惜你自己的痛,but paying the price to forgive me. 反倒是为赦免我的过犯而付上重价。And now I receive the power of Your love and forgiveness into my heart. 现在,我敞开心,接受从你而来的爱和饶恕。 Today, 今天, I choose to forgive my mum  我选择饶恕我的妈妈,(or dad, or other family members)  (或爸爸,或其他家人)for being harsh to me when I was young. 在幼年时对我的严厉态度。I received fear at that time 我接受了惧怕,and in embracing my own pain, 只体贴自己的痛,I bitterly judged them. 就苦毒地论断了他们。But my judgement placed me under the chains of the family pattern. 但这论断把我自己困锁在家族的循环里。I realise that I have reacted in similar ways我意识到我也是同样的反应—becoming easily angered or frustrated when my expectations weren’t met, ——当我的期望没有得到满足时,就易生气或感到灰心沮丧,feeling entitled or offended. 觉得自己该得的没有得着,感到被冒犯了。

In my flesh在旧人里, I am no better than my ancestors我没有比我祖先强. I came from them and inherited their sin我从他们而生,并遗传了他们的原罪 We have all been sold as slaves to sin.我们都卖给了原罪。So, 故此, Lord, 阿爸父, I also choose to forgive myself. 我也愿意选择饶恕我自己. I reject the lie that says, 'I’m not good enough.' 我弃绝谎言说“我不够好。” My beauty and wisdom come from being connected to my Creator我的美和智慧是来自连于我的创造主, Jesus, 耶稣,not the fallen self. 不是我自己 Whatever I have judged with my own eyes wasn’t in alignment with Your judgment,无论我凭自己断定什么都不是从你来的。 It only produced more shame, 只能加增羞耻感、frustration灰心, and anger, 恼怒,keeping me trapped in the enemy’s snare. 把我扣在仇敌的网罗里。Now, I also forgive my parents and others… 我也饶恕父母和其他人… I let go of shame, 我愿放下我的羞愧、frustration, and anger. 灰心沮丧和怒气。 I declare I trust in Your truth 我奉主名宣告我信靠你的真理 - my anger, whether towards myself or others, ——我的生气,不管是对自己还是对他人,does not lead to Your righteousness. 都不会带来你的公义。 Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,tear down the strongholds of anger,  求你释放从天上来的大能,拆毁我心中的怒气、frustration, 灰心沮丧、pride,  骄傲and offence in my heart. 和冒犯感的坚固营垒。I detach myself from unhealthy family patterns 我砍断从家族而来的不健康的思维模式,and ask You to fill the areas once occupied by anger,  求你用你的真理充满我那颗曾被怒气、unforgiveness,  不饶恕、and pride with Your truth. 和骄傲充满的心。I belong to You. 主,我愿属你。 Let Your Word take deep root in my heart, 让你的话语在我心中深深扎根,not just remain in my head, 而不仅仅停留在我的脑海中,so that I may walk and grow in Your truth.” 这样我才能在你的真理中前行和成长。” Now you can pray on your own… 现在你可以自己祷告了…….

Thank You, Jesus, 感谢你,我的救主耶稣,for ministering to us in the areas of our hearts that need cleansing and restoration. 在我们心灵需要洁净和修复之处服侍我们。We ask You to continue bringing hidden things to the surface 我们求你继续将暗中的隐情显明出来,and to replace anger, bitterness, pride, and all moral impurities with Your truth, humility, and meekness. 用你的真理、谦卑和柔和取代一切愤怒、苦毒、骄傲和所有道德上的污秽。May Your Word take deep root in us, 愿你的话在我们心中深深扎根,reshaping our thoughts and responses. 重塑我们的新思维和反应机制。Give us the wisdom  赐给我们真智慧,to be quick to listen, 让我们快快地听,slow to speak, 慢慢地说,and slow to anger. 慢慢地动怒。Help us to walk in step with Your Spirit, 帮助我们与圣灵合一,reflecting the attitude of Christ in all we do. 在我们一切所行的事上辉映神儿子耶稣基督的样式,Amen. 阿们。


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