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2025-03-09 James 1:12-18 Temptation 忍受试探 David Ho

发表于 2025-03-10

You know, when I read James 1:12, 当我读雅各书1:12时,I can’t help but think about Psalm 1我会想到诗篇1里说,—where it says, “Blessed is the man…” “……的人便为有福” That whole idea of being blessed, 它描绘出一幅在主里蒙福、being fortunate, 幸运、being happy in God. 快乐的景象。 James starts here with the same thought: 雅各在这里也这样写到:“Blessed is the one who endures temptation. ” “忍受试探的人是有福的。

Now, that might sound strange at first. 这句话刚听上去会让人奇怪。 Blessed? 有福?In temptation? 却在试探中?How is that a good thing?这是哪门子好事呢? Temptation feels like a battle. 试探给人感觉像是置身在一场争战中, It’s this pull toward something that we know is wrong. 它是某种让我们去做错事的牵引力。 But here, 但在这里,James says there’s actually a blessing in enduring it. 雅各说忍受试探实际上是个祝福。 The key word here is “endures. ” 这里的关键词是忍受 The idea is that this isn’t just a one-time thing. 复数表明它不是一次, It’s ongoing. 而是持续的,It’s a lifestyle of standing firm every time temptation comes knocking. 指的是每次试探来临时都坚定站立的生活方式。

But why would that be a blessing? 但为什么这会是个祝福呢? How could something so difficult be good? 如此困难怎么会是好事的呢? Well, James tells us: 哦,雅各接着说: “For when he has been approved…”“因为经过试炼……” That word “approved” is huge. “经过试炼这个词很关键, It means tested, 意味着被测试、refined, 被提炼、proven to be real. 被证明是真的。 It’s the same word used to describe refining metals它是提炼金属的词汇—like gold being purified in fire. ——就像金子在火中被提纯炼净一样。 When we endure temptation, 当我们忍受试探时,it proves our faith. 这证明了我们所信的,It shows what’s real in us. 它显示了我们内心真实的东西。

Think about it让我们想一想—temptation itself isn’t sin. ——试探本身不是罪。 Jesus was in all points tempted, 耶稣像我们一样凡事受试探,as we are, yet without sin. 但祂没有犯罪。 It’s just the pressure to sin. 它只是催逼人犯罪的压力。 It’s an opportunity. 这也会是机会, Not an opportunity to fall, 不是让人跌倒的机会,but an opportunity to prove our faith. 而是一个证明信心的机会。 Every time we resist, 每次我们抵挡,every time we stand strong, 每次我们刚强站立,it’s like our faith is being refined, 我们的信心被炼过,like gold coming out purer on the other side. 好像结束后流出更加纯净的金子。

James isn’t saying temptation is fun or easy. 雅各没有说试探是轻松有趣的,Just like trials, it’s hard. 它和试炼一样不容易。 No one wakes up hoping for more temptation in their life. 没人一睁开眼就盼望生活中出现更多的试探。 But there’s something deep and powerful that happens 但会发生深刻而大能的事,when we endure. 当我们忍受试探时, It’s a proving ground这是一个试验场—a place where we see what we’re really made of, ——一个我们看到自己内心是什么的地方,where our faith is tested and shown to be real. 是我们的信被试验并显为真的地方。

And what’s the result? 其结局是什么呢? James says, 雅各说:“He will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. ” “他将得到生命的冠冕,这是主应许给那些爱他之人的。 That’s incredible! 太不可思议了!

This is the crown, given to those who finish the race, 这是给那些完成比赛those who overcome. 并得胜之人的冠冕。 It’s the same one mentioned in Revelation 2:10, 启示录2:10中提到同一个冠冕,where Jesus tells the church in Smyrna, 耶稣告诉士每拿教会: “Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. 你将要受的苦你不用怕。I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. 魔鬼要把你们中间几个人下在监里,叫你们被试炼,你们必受患难十日。Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown. ” 你务要至死忠心,我就赐给你那生命的冠冕。 They were facing tribulations… 他们面临着苦难……was facing trials, 面临试炼,and no doubt tempted to give in to deny Jesus, 毫无疑问是要他们否认耶稣。But, 但是,here Jesus is encouraging His people to remain faithful, 在这里,耶稣鼓励祂的子民no matter what they face, 务要至死忠心,because the reward is so much greater than the suffering. 因为赏赐远大于苦难。

Now, I want to talk about another point: 我想谈谈另一点:temptation reveals—our love for God. 试探揭示了我们对神的爱。 James says this crown is promised to “those who love Him. ” 雅各说,这个冠冕是应许给那些爱祂的人的。 That’s key. 这是关键。 Resisting temptation isn’t just about self-discipline or willpower. 抵挡试探不仅仅是关乎自我约束或意志力, It’s about love. 它是关乎爱。

When we say no to sin, 当我们对罪说不时,we’re saying yes to God. 我们是在对神说是。 We’re choosing Him over our desires. 我们选择祂而不是我们的私欲。 We’re proving, in action, 我们以行动证明,that we love Him more than the fleeting pleasures of sin. 我们爱祂胜过爱短暂的罪中之乐。 Think about relationships. 想一想其中的关系。 Love isn’t just words爱不仅仅是言语—it’s actions. ——它是行动。 If you love someone, 如果你爱某人,you’re going to make choices that honor that relationship. 你的选择会体现你对那段关系的尊重, It’s the same with God. 对神也是一样。 Enduring temptation is an act of love. 忍受试探是一种爱的行为。 It’s saying, 这是在说,“God, I want You more than this. “神,我要你胜过这一切。 I choose You over my sin. ” 我选择你而不是我的罪。” And every time we make that choice, 每次我们做出这选择,it strengthens our love for Him. 它都会加强我们对祂的爱。

So James is showing us 所以雅各告诉我们,that enduring temptation isn’t just about willpower忍受试探不仅仅是关乎意志力—it’s about faith, ——也是关乎信心,and it’s about love. 也是关乎爱。 It’s about proving what’s real in us. 关乎证明我们真实的内心。 And that’s why it’s a blessing. 所以它是祝福,Because in those moments of struggle, 因在挣扎时,we get to see our faith in action. 人就能在自己的行动中看出内心真实所信的。

So, as we continue into verses 13 and 14 of James 1, 所以,当我们继续进入雅各书11314节时,we must first address an important question: 我们先解答一个重要问题:Where does temptation come from? 试探从哪里来? But before we answer that, 但在回答问题之前,we must first clarify where it does not come from. 我们得先弄清楚试探不从哪里来。

James, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, 雅各被圣灵启示,addresses this directly with a clear statement: 用一句话直白地回答到: "Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He tempts no one. " “人被试探,不可说我是被神试探,因为神不能被恶试探,祂也不试探人。James issues a strict prohibition雅各严严地禁止试探来自神的说法—do not say this!——别这样说!

Consider the example of Job. 想想约伯,Job endured unimaginable suffering. 他忍受的痛苦难以想象。 His wealth was taken, 他失去家产,his children taken, 失去孩子,his health deteriorated,

失去健康,and his friends turned against him. 好朋友也反对他。 Yet throughout his trials, 然而,在试炼中,Job never believed that God was tempting him to do wrong. 约伯从不信是神在试探他,不信是神做错事。 Though he questioned his circumstances 虽然他质疑自己的处境,and struggled with despair, 并在灰心绝望中挣扎,he never blamed God for his suffering, 但他从不责怪是神让他受苦,nor did he give in to the temptation to curse God 也没有屈服于诅咒神and abandon his faith. 和放弃信仰的试探。

In stark contrast, 与此成鲜明的对比是,Adam and Eve’s response after the fall exemplifies what we should not do. 亚当和夏娃在堕落后的反应,那不是我们的榜样。 When Adam was confronted with his sin, 当亚当面对自己的罪时,he didn’t fall to his knees in repentance. 他没有跪下悔改。 Instead, 相反,he crafted a reply that was both an accusation and an excuse: 他造了一个既是指责又是借口的回答:“The woman YOU gave me, 是你给我的女人,she gave me the fruit. ” “她给了我果子。” His words were a double-edged sword, 他的话是一把双刃剑,blaming Eve 既责怪夏娃,while subtly questioning God’s wisdom in giving her to him. 又微妙地质疑神把夏娃赐给他的智慧。 Eve, in turn, pointed to the serpent: 夏娃则指向蛇:“The serpent deceived me. ” “是蛇欺骗了我。

They refused to take accountability for their actions, 他们拒绝为自己的行为承担责任,and the blame passed around in a vicious circle, 责怪传下来,成了恶性循环,never landing, never resting, 传个不停,leaving no one to bear the weight of their sin. 结果没有人承担他们犯罪的重担。

And my friends, this is the human condition laid bare. 朋友们,这就是人性。 How often do we do the same? 我们有多少次也这样做? Accusing God in times of temptation? 在试探时指责神? Now, while it is true that most of us won't directly say, 现在,虽然大多数人不会直接说,“God, this is Your fault,” “神,这是你的错,”but the subtle accusations creep into our hearts in ways we may not even realize. 但指责神会以微妙、让人不易察觉的方式潜入心中。 When life doesn’t go as planned, 当计划落空,when temptation seems overwhelming, 试探要来压倒我们,or when we’re caught in sin, 或当我们陷入罪中时,how often do we question God’s goodness or sovereignty? 我们是否常常怀疑神的良善或主权? How quickly do we wonder if He is really for us? 我们是否速速地怀疑祂是否会真的帮我们? How often do we allow circumstances to distort our understanding of His character? 我们是否常常看环境就扭曲我们对祂的性情的认识? These thoughts are the quiet accusations that, 这些心思意念是无声的控告,though not voiced directly, 虽没有直接说出声,stir within us 但搅动我们内心,and pull us away from trusting God’s perfect will. 使我们不再信神善良纯全可喜悦的旨意。

So, then we come to the inevitable question, 所以,我们不可避免地会问:who then is to blame for our tendency toward sin? 那么谁该为我们倾向于犯罪负责? It might be easy to shift responsibility—可能把责任指向撒旦很容易——just as Eve did—by pointing to Satan. 就像夏娃指责蛇那样。 And indeed, the Bible warns us 确实,圣经警告我们,that he prowls like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). 魔鬼如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人(彼得前书5:8)。 But listen closely to what James 1:14 tells us: 但仔细听雅各书1:14 “Each person is tempted when they are drawn away by their own evil desires and enticed. ” “但各人被试探,乃是被自己的私欲牵引、引诱的。

James makes it abundantly clear: 雅各说得很清楚:the battle doesn’t begin out there in the world争战不是从外面的世界开始—it begins right here, within our own hearts. ——它始于自己的心里。 Yes, the enemy lurks, 是的,仇敌是伏在门前,but it’s the sin within us that gives him a foothold. 但正是我们内心的罪给了他立足之地。

Now, let me pause for a moment 现在我想稍稍停下来,because I want to mention something important, 还有一些重要的事,before moving on to the next portion of this study. 在继续分享之前。

The Greek word for "drawn away," exelko, “牵引这个希腊词,exelkooriginates from fishing and hunting, 原来用于捕鱼和狩猎,meaning to lure from safety or draw out from hiding. 意思是从安全处引诱或从隐藏处引出。 This reflects the devil's tactics: 它描绘出魔鬼的计策:he entices us by appealing to our natural desires, 通过吸引我们的天然欲望来引诱我们,which are inherently good, 这些欲望本来没问题,but he corrupts them. 但他败坏了它们。 Like a skilled fisherman, 就像熟练的渔夫,he studies us, 他研究我们,recognizing our weaknesses 知道我们的弱点,and tailoring his traps to our specific desires. 并根据我们的具体欲望量身定制陷阱。 For one, it may be power; 对一个人来说,可能是权力;for another, wealth; 对另一个人来说,可能是财富;for another, the approval of others. 对另一个人来说,可能是他人的认可。

But don’t let him deceive you! 但不要让他欺骗你! Bring your desires to Jesus. 将你的欲望带到耶稣面前。 Let Him refine them, 让祂来炼,fulfill them, 让祂使之完全,and transform them into something glorious. 并将它们更新为荣耀的东西。

But let me tell you, 但我想说,understanding the source of temptation is only the first step. 认识试探的来源只是第一步。 We must also confront how it works, 我们还必须认识它运作的方式,its deadly progression, 杀害的过程,its destructive path. 以及破坏的路径。 We must now understand the course of temptation. 我们必须了解试探的全过程。

James 1:15 writes: “Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. ” 雅各书1:15写道:私欲既怀了胎,就生出罪来;罪既长成,就生出死来。

Let’s break this down. 让我们来细看。 Earlier, we were talking about fishing metaphors刚才,我们说到捕鱼的比喻—bait, lures, enticements. ——诱饵、诱惑、引诱。 Now, we shift to the idea of "giving birth" or producing something. 现在,我们转向生出或产出的环节。 This progression begins with a desire. 这个过程始于一个欲望。 As I mentioned before, 我之前提到,desire isn’t inherently wrong, 欲望本身没有错,it’s part of being human它是人的一部分—but when unchecked, ——但若不鉴察,it can lead us down a dangerous path. 却能引我们走上危险的道路。

For example, let’s say you have a desire to get rich. 例如,假设你有想发财的欲望。 The payoff in your mind is clear: 你心里想要的回报是明确的:lots and lots of money. 大笔大笔的钱财。 That desire already exists within you, 这种欲望已经存在于你内心,dormant but present. 在那里潜伏着。Then comes the enticement, 接着引诱来了,and temptation enters the picture. 试探开始出现。 A voice may whisper, 一个声音可能会低语,Here’s a way to achieve what you want. 有个方法可以实现你想要的。Maybe it’s through fraud, dishonesty, or some other sinful action 也许是通过欺诈、不诚实,或其他罪行,that would get me that money that I so desperately want. 我就能得到渴想的钱。

Okay so here's the course of Temptation, 这就是试探的过程,it starts out with that desire 它从一个欲望开始,suddenly there's an enticement, 突然引诱来了,there's something that comes in to pull us… 有东西进来拉我们……to draw us. 进来吸引我们。 That's the conceiving process of desire. 那是欲望的孕育过程。

And ultimately if we give into it, . 最终,如果我们顺从它,if we yield to it it gives forth to sin就生出罪来。 Now pregnancy takes 9 months, 人类怀孕过程是9个月,but this process can take any amount of time. 但罪的孕育过程,时间可长可短。 I mean, it could be a matter of seconds from desire to enticement to sin. 从欲望到引诱到犯罪可能只是几秒钟的事。while other times, it unfolds over months or even years. 又或者,是几个月甚至几年。 And so, the course of temptation follows a clear progression: 因此,试探的过程是显明的:desire → 欲望→enticement → 引诱→sin. 犯罪。 And no biblical account illustrates this better than the tragic story of King David and Bathsheba. 圣经里大卫王和拔示巴的悲剧最能说明这一点。

It began with desire. 它开始是因情欲, On the rooftop he was and saw Bathsheba bathing. 大卫在屋顶看见拔示巴在洗澡。 He allowed lust to take root in his heart. 他让情欲在他心中扎根。 Instead of looking away, 他没有转开头,he entertained the thought. 而是接受了这个念头。 Then came the enticement: 然后是引诱:“She’s beautiful. “她很美,She’s available. 我能得到她,No one has to know. ”没有人会知道。” David acted on the temptation, 大卫按试探行事,sending for her and committing adultery. 派人去叫她,并犯了奸淫。

But sin doesn’t stop there但罪没有停—it escalates. ——它在升级。 What started as a fleeting desire 一开始只是短暂的欲望,spiraled into not only adultery, 后来演变成不仅是奸淫,but deception, and murder. 还有欺骗和谋杀。

Contrast David’s response with Joseph’s in Genesis 39. 对比大卫和约瑟在创世记39中的反应。 When Potiphar’s wife tempted Joseph, 当波提乏的妻子引诱约瑟时,he recognized the danger immediately and fled. 他立刻意识到危险并逃跑了。 He didn’t entertain the thought 他没有接受这个意念,or try to justify his actions也没有试图为自己的行为辩解—he ran. ——他跑开了。 David, however, stayed in the moment too long. 然而,大卫在引诱中停留过久, He let the enticement pull him closer 他允许引诱拉他,instead of pushing it away. 而不是推开它。

And so, 因此,temptation when yielded to always follows this course when it's yielded to it 当顺从试探时,其过程总是如此,produces sin, 顺从试探生出罪,and what does Sin bring forth? 罪带来什么?Death… 死亡……sin leads to death 罪导致死亡,Romans 6:23 says that the wages of sin is death. 罗马书6:23罪的工价乃是死。

Now we know that there are really three kinds of death. 我们知道有三种死。 There's eternal death, 有永远的死,spiritual death 属灵的死,and physical death 肉体的死,all of those were results of the sin in the garden. 这些都是园中罪的果子。

First, there’s eternal death, 首先,永远的死,which represents complete separation from God for those who remain unrepentant. 代表那些不悔改的人与神完全隔离。

Then there’s spiritual death, 然后是属灵的死,the state of being spiritually dead in our sins and trespasses指的是因罪和过犯导致的属灵的死—a condition described in Ephesians 2. ——以弗所书2中描述的状态。

Finally, there’s physical death, 最后,是肉体的死,which is the perishing of this physical body. 即这个肉体的消亡。

When we yield to temptation, 当我们顺从试探时,we set ourselves on a trajectory toward death. 我们把自己放在通向死亡的轨道上。 Some temptations accelerate this process more quickly than others. 有些试探比其他试探更迅速。

But let us not be deceived! 但我们不要受骗! The course of temptation follows a predictable pattern: 试探的过程遵循可预测的模式:desire → 欲望→enticement → 引诱→sin → 犯罪→death. 死亡。 Understanding this progression equips us to recognize temptation for what it truly is: 理解这个进程使我们能够认识到试探的本质:a deadly trap. 它是一个致命的网罗。 And by God’s grace, 靠着神的恩典,we can resist it before it takes hold. 我们可以在它抓住我们之前抵挡它。

Now, I don’t want to leave you in despair. 请不要灰心失望。 No matter where you are, 无论你在哪里,whether you’re battling temptation, 无论你是在与试探争战,caught in the grip of sin, 还是已被罪捆绑,or carrying the heavy weight of its consequences, there is hope. 或是背负着它的沉重后果,你仍满有盼望。

James 1:16-18 shines a light on this truth, 雅各书1:16-18的真理照亮人心,“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. “各样美善的恩赐和各样全备的赏赐都是从上头来的,从众光之父那里降下来的,在祂并没有改变,也没有转动的影儿。 By His will, He gave us life through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all He created. ” 祂按自己的旨意,用真道生了我们,叫我们在祂所造的万物中好像初熟的果子。

James doesn’t end with trials or temptations; 雅各没有说试炼或试探是结局;he points us to the unchanging nature of God. 他带我们定睛神永恒不变的性情。 In a world of uncertainty, 在这充满不确定性的世界里,God remains constant, 神始终不变,the source of all goodness, light, and hope. 祂是一切美善、光明和盼望的源泉。 He reminds us 他提醒我们,that our struggles are not the end of the story. 我们的挣扎并非故事的结局, They are met by a God who redeems, 因遇到了救赎的神,restores, 祂要恢复我们,and remains faithful. 祂的信实永远长存。

As we end today, let me share a personal story最后让我分享我自己的故事—something I’m not proud of but learned from deeply. ——不是令人自豪的事,但我从中学到很多。 There was a season in my life 有个阶段,when I felt trapped in a battle I thought I could never win. 我被困在一场我以为永远赢不了的争战中。 Lust wasn’t just a temptation; 情欲不仅仅是试探;it became a stronghold, 而且成了坚固营垒,a relentless force 一股残酷的力量,that seemed to control me no matter how hard I fought. 无论我如何努力抗争,它都控制着我。

At one point, 在那时,I made a bold declaration: 我大胆宣告: “I’m going to conquer this sin if it’s the last thing I do. ” “我一定要打掉这个罪,哪怕打死我。” With determination burning in my heart, 我满心坚定,I clenched my teeth 咬紧牙关,and began building a wall of willpower. 开始建造意志高墙。 I dug deep, 我深挖内心,made promises to God, 与神立约,and vowed to change. 发誓要改变。 I said, 我说,“Lord, I don’t want to live like this anymore. “主啊,我不想再这样生活了。I don’t want this sin ruling my life. ”我不想让这个罪控制我的生活。” When I stumbled, 当我跌倒时,I thought, 我想,“Maybe I’m not trying hard enough. “也许我做得不够,Maybe I need to resist more, 也许我得更用力抵抗,fight harder. ”更努力争战。” Brick by brick, 一砖一瓦,day by day, 一天一天,I built that wall. 我建起了那堵墙。

For a while, 有一段时间,it seemed to work. 它似乎奏效了。 A week passed, 一个星期过去了,then two weeks, 然后是两个星期,maybe even a month. 甚至有一个月了。 I started feeling confident, 我开始有了信心,thinking, 想着,“I’ve got this! “我搞定了!This wall is solid. 这堵墙很坚固。It’s going to hold. 它会撑住的。I’m finally free. ”我终于自由了。

But here’s the problem但问题是—I used the wrong words when I said, “I’m going to do it. ”——当我说我要做时,我说错了。 Because the next time temptation came knocking, 因试探又来临,the enemy huffed and puffed, 当仇敌吼叫,and that wall I had worked so hard to build came crashing down. 我辛苦建造的墙就倒塌了。

Just like that, 就这样,all my efforts were undone. 我所有的努力都白费。 Discouragement set in, heavier than ever. 我的灰心沮丧比过去更甚。 The cycle repeated itself, 循环往复,leaving me defeated and hopeless. 我感到失败和无望。

My brothers and sisters, 弟兄姐妹们,I don’t know where you are right now or what battles you’re facing. 我不知道你们处于什么环境,或者你们正在面对什么样的争战,But hear this: 但请听我说:I was trying to build my own walls of protection using sheer willpower. 当我想纯粹用意志力来建立自己的保护墙, But they were nothing 其实它们什么都不是,compared to the wall of fire that only His presence could provide. 与神同在带来的火墙相比。

You see, 你看,“The presence of Jesus is the only thing that overpowers the demonic powers that come against us. ” “耶稣的同在是战胜攻击我们的邪恶权势的唯一秘诀。” It’s an absolute necessity for God’s people to have and maintain His presence at all times. 对于神子民,持守在祂的同在中是绝对必要的。 We must have that continual, 我们的生命中必须有不断绝的、awesome presence of Jesus in our lives. 令人敬畏的耶稣的同在。 Those who don’t walk in His presence 那些不在祂的同在中行走and lack His abiding presence 并缺乏祂持久同在的人are easy prey for the devil. 是魔鬼可轻松猎取的食物。

Let me tell you something: 告诉你一件事:there’s only one power Satan runs from, 只有一种力量会让撒旦逃跑,only one thing that makes him tremble. 只有一种东西会让他颤抖, It’s the presence of God. 那就是神的同在。 The Bible says the enemy shall perish at the presence of the Lord. 圣经说,仇敌在主的同在中必灭亡。 The word “perish” means the enemy shall be trapped, “灭亡这个词意味着敌人将被困住,losing all power and effectiveness. 失去全部力量,毫无用处。

It also means he fails in his mission. 这也意味着仇敌的任务失败了。 The devil’s mission is to destroy you, 魔鬼的任务是毁灭你,deceive you, 欺骗你,bring guilt, 让罪恶感、fear, 惧怕、and condemnation upon your heart, 定罪感进入你的心中,and cause you to live in fear. 使你生活在惧怕中。

But the Bible says 但圣经说,that when you have the presence of Jesus in you, 当你有耶稣的同在时,the enemy is made ineffective. 敌人就会失去力量。 He fails in his mission to deceive you. 他欺骗你的任务就失败。

That’s the power of the presence of Jesus. 那就是耶稣同在的大能。 It’s the only thing that overpowers the demonic powers that come against us. 那是唯一能战胜攻击我们的邪恶力量的东西。 So, don’t try to face life, 所以,不要试图独自面对生活挑战,or the devil on your own. 不要靠自己面对魔鬼。

Run to Jesus! 奔向耶稣! Stay in His presence. 住在祂的同在中。 Just get so much of His presence, 尽可能地得着这同在,for He is embracing you. 因为祂拥抱着你。 When you come out, 当你得着了,you’ll look at that hill, 你会看到大山挪移,and you’ll see your problems are gone. 你的难题消失了。 God can remove those mountains. 神可使大山挪移,He can level those hills. 祂可以削平山岭。 The very presence of the Lord, our God, 主神与我们同在,is our wall of fire and glory. 祂是我们的火墙,是我们的荣耀。

Amen. 阿们。


Prayer: 祷告:

Heavenly Father, 天父,We come boldly in the mighty name of Jesus, 靠着耶稣的名,我们来到你面前, not as ordinary believers 我们不是普通的信徒, but as children of the Most High, 而是至高神的儿女。filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit! 被圣灵充满的神儿女。 This is a divine encounter与你相遇的神圣时刻—so we cry out for breakthrough, ——因此我们呼求突破, for deliverance, 呼求拯救, for a fresh encounter with You. 呼求与祢亲密相交。O Lord, 哦,主啊, baptize us with fire! 求你用火为我们施洗! Let Your consuming flame descend upon us. 让祢焚烧的灵火降临在我们身上,Ignite a renewed passion for Your glory点燃我们对祢荣耀的渴慕,and move powerfully in our midst. 在我们中间大能地运行。

Father, 父神, we come as we are 我们带着本相到你面前—broken, ——破碎的、desperate for Your grace. 渴慕的,恳求祢的恩典。We confess our struggles in a fallen world, 我们承认在这个堕落的世界中,where temptation lurks at every turn. 我们面临挣扎,诱惑无处不在。Like David, 像大卫, who fell when he became complacent, 因骄傲而跌倒,we too have let our guard down. 我们也会不警醒,Small compromises小小的妥协,lead to chains we never meant to wear. 却成了我们想不到的枷锁。

Forgive us, Lord, 主啊,求你赦免我们 for lingering where we shouldn’t, 赦免我们停留在不该停留的地方,for thoughts and actions that dishonour You.  赦免那些不荣耀祢的思想和行为。We lay down our burdens我们将重担卸给祢—be it spiritual laziness, ——无论是属灵的懒惰、pride, 骄傲、 self-reliance, 靠自己、lust, 情欲,or secret sins. 还是隐藏的罪。

Jesus, 主耶稣,You have overcome sin, temptation, and death. 祢已胜过罪、诱惑、死亡,Your grace is sufficient. 祢的恩典够我们用,Your love never fails. 你的爱永不止息,Break what needs breaking. 求祢破碎需要破碎的,Heal what needs healing. 医治需要医治的,Restore what has been stolen. 归还被偷走的,Fill us afresh with Your Spirit, 求祢用祢的灵充满我们,that we may walk in victory使我们能行走在在得胜里,and shine as lights in this world. 在这世上发光。

So, 现在, right now if you’d like to pray on your own feel free to do so, 如果你想自己祷告,可以自由祷告;or you can follow my prayer: 或者跟着我的祷告:

Lord, 主啊, I want to honour You. 我愿尊崇你。For, You are my God, 因你是我的神, my King, 我的王, my Redeemer! 我的救赎主!Jesus, 主耶稣,You are the Author and Perfecter of my faith, 你是我们信心的创始成终者, the Alpha and the Omega, 你是阿拉法,你是俄梅戛, the One who holds all things together. 是托住万有的那一位。You have called me to walk in holiness, 祢呼召我活在圣洁中,to live in freedom, 活在自由里,and to stand firm in the truth of Your Word. 并在祢真理的话语中站立得住。

But Lord, 但主啊, I cry out to You now 我现在向你呼求—for I am in a battle! ——因我正在争战中!A fierce war rages within me, 一场激烈的战争在我里面、around me,  在我四围,and against me. 想胜过我。 And without Your presence, 若没有祢的同在,I cannot prevail. 我无法得胜。

Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,please examine my heart, 求祢鉴察我的心,see if there’s anything in my life that has opened the door to temptation看看我生命中是否有任何为诱惑开门的事—spiritual laziness, ——比如属灵的懒惰,such as neglecting reading the bible and prayer, 如忽略读经和祷告;ungodly habits, 比如不敬虔的习惯,such as impure thoughts, 如不洁的思想、self-reliance, 靠自己、 gossip, 说闲话、 worry, 忧愁、 anxiety, 焦虑、 anger, 怒气、 negative imaginations, 负面想象、bitterness, 苦毒、unforgiveness, 不饶恕, or any hidden rebellion或任何隐藏的悖逆—reveal it to me now. ——求祢光照我。If there is someone I need to forgive, 如果有我不饶恕的人,bring their name to my heart, 求祢让我想起他们的名字,Lord, that I may release them into Your hands. 我愿释放他们,交给父祢。

For today, 今天, I choose life, 我选择生命, I choose to turn away from every thought, action, and attitude that separates me from Your perfect will. 选择远离一切使我与祢美好旨意隔绝的思想、行为和态度。I lay down my pride, 我将我的骄傲、 my self-defense, 自我保护、 my anger,  and my hurt at Your feet.  怒气和伤害,都放在祢脚前。I refuse to carry these burdens any longer. 我拒绝再背负这些重担。 I surrender my wounds to You, 我将我的伤口交给祢, knowing that You alone are my Healer. 因我知道唯有祢是我的医治者。 As I release this pain, 当我释放这些痛苦时,I declare我宣告: that no longer will I allow the wounds of my past to be an open door for the enemy’s schemes.  我不再让过去的伤口给仇敌留地步。

Heavenly Father, 天父, I declare this truth right now. 我宣告真理: By the Blood of Jesus, 因耶稣的宝血, we can be covered and washed clean. 我们被遮盖、得洁净。 So we do not fight in our own strength因此,我们不是靠自己去争战—we run to Christ! ——我们奔向爱我们的主耶稣基督! We cling to Him as our only hope, 因祂是我们唯一的盼望、our refuge, 是我们的避难所、our shield, 我们的盾牌,our victory. 是得胜的旌旗,Christ Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords. 基督耶稣是万王之王、万主之主。

And so in the authority of Jesus Christ, 我奉主耶稣基督的权柄, I stand against every force of darkness! 抵挡一切黑暗的势力! I renounce every agreement I have made with the world, 我弃绝与世界、 the flesh, and the devil. 与肉体和魔鬼所立的一切约定。I cancel every vow, pledge, and covenant I have entered into with demonic powers. 我撤消一切向邪恶权势所起的誓、发出的承诺、或所立的约,I break all generational curses, iniquities, and sins passed down from my ancestors. 我破除并砍断一切从我祖先传下来的累代咒诅和过犯罪孽。I command every familiar spirit, 我奉耶稣的名,命令一切家族邪灵、demon, and evil presence assigned to destroy me to leave now in Jesus’ name! 恶魔和邪恶势力离开我! So break the power of every work of darkness, 求祢破除一切黑暗势力、 every stronghold,  坚固营垒、every chain, 捆绑,every snare. 和陷阱网罗。 For we renounce it all right now in the powerful name of Jesus! 因我们现在奉主耶稣基督大能的名弃绝这一切!

Take authority, O God! 神啊,求祢掌权! Take authority over my life! 求祢在我的生命中掌权!  You are not a passive ruler, 祢不是被动的统治者, nor are You a distant king. 也不是遥不可及的君王。 You reign in power, in holiness, in righteousness! 祢以能力、圣洁和公义掌权! There is no part of me that does not belong to You.  我生命的每一部分都属于祢。So rule over my heart,  我求祢掌管我的心、my desires, 掌管我的欲望、my affections. 我的情感。 Let nothing remain that does not bow before Your throne. 将一切不拜你的都除去,Flood me with Your Spirit用祢的灵充满我, until I am consumed by Your love直到我被祢的爱燃烧, and transformed by Your grace. 被祢的恩典改变。

Lord, take hold of me! 主啊,求祢扶持我!Strengthen me by Your Spirit! 用祢的灵加力量给我!And cause me to cling to Christ使我紧紧抓住基督,and Christ alone. 单单抓住基督。Let Your fire fall upon me today, Lord. 主啊,求祢的焚烧之火今天降在我身上。Burn away everything that does not glorify You. 烧尽一切不荣耀祢的邪情私欲。And let the weight of Your shekinah glory, 让祢的荣耀the visible manifestation of Your presence 你同在的彰显 fall on me right now. 降临我身。

“Let us pause for a moment  让我们暂停片刻,and just simply dwell in His presence right now.” 安静在祂的同在中。Just stand still in His presence…只需在祂的同在中站立……be quiet before Him, 在祂面前安静,For His presence is here right now. 因祂的同在此时就在这里。

Thank You, Jesus, 感谢你,主耶稣,for loving us感谢祢爱我们,to the point of shedding Your blood不惜为我们流出宝血—a love that forgives before we ask, 这是我们尚未开口就得赦免、heals before we’re ready, 尚未祈求就得医治、and restores beyond what we deserve. 我们绝不配得的恢复和爱。

Oh, 哦,how deeply You mean these words: 祢何等深情:“I love you.”孩子,我爱你们。Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊, help us to always remember this truth.  求祢帮助我们永远存记真理。When trials or storms come, 当试炼或风暴来临时,before our hearts revert to old ways of thinking, 在我们的心回到旧有的思维方式之前,let this be our cry: 让我们恳切呼求:I love You, Jesus. 我爱祢,耶稣。I love You, Jesus, 我爱祢,耶稣,more than the desires of the self. 胜过自我的欲望。When our hearts and actions yield to loving You alone, 当我们的心和行动都降服于你,来爱祢时,the enemy flees! 仇敌就逃跑了!For this alone is enough! 因这爱已足够!Love conquer fear! 爱里没有惧怕!We thank You for Your faithfulness, 我们感谢祢的信实、for Your protection, 你的保守,and for Your providence over our lives. 感谢你供应我们所需。In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we pray. 奉主耶稣基督的名祈求。Amen. 阿们。


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