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2025-03-02 Faith vs Double-Minded Mindset 信心与心怀二意

发表于 2025-03-03

Last Sunday, 上周日,we looked at James 1:5, 我们分享了雅1:5in which James encourages us to ask God for wisdom when facing trials, 雅各鼓励我们在试炼中向神求智慧,so that we don’t feel discouraged 使我们不至灰心,but instead gain pure joy. 反得喜乐。When reading 当你读James 1:5–11, you’ll notice that James appears to jump from one topic to another你可能留意到雅各在不断转换话题—wisdom, doubt, ——智慧和疑惑、and then wealth and pride. 然后是富有和骄傲。However, he was addressing a deeper theme: 其实他是在说更深刻的主题:a steadfast, undivided faith in God, 一种坚定不移、专一的信,especially during trials. 特别是在试炼中。Last week, 上周,Raymond gave us his testimony. Raymond做了见证,He initially doubted that God’s solution to his blocked nose was so simple, 一开始,他怀疑神治他鼻塞的方法过于简单,so he went for what he thought was a wiser option. 就找了自己觉得更聪明的办法。Then, 接着,he got into trouble. 他就遇到了麻烦。Doubt gives the enemy opportunities to steal God’s blessings from us. 疑惑给仇敌机会偷窃神所赐的祝福,Wisdom and faith go together. 而智慧与信心齐头并进。Today, 今天,we’ll touch on the topic of dealing with doubt. 我们来分享处理疑惑的话题。Let’s read verses 6–8. 让我们来读6-8节。 James 1:6-8, But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 只要凭着信心求,一点不疑惑;因为那疑惑的人,就像海中的波浪,被风吹动翻腾。7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 这样的人不要想从主那里得什么。8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. 心怀二意的人,在他一切所行的路上都没有定见。

1, Faith is Essential in Prayer 信心在祷告中至关重要

When you ask, 若你祈求,you must believe and not doubt. 你必须信而不疑。 Mark 11:24: “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. 所以我告诉你们:凡你们祷告祈求的,无论是什么,只要信是得着的,就必得着。 What does it mean to believe? 信是什么意思?Can it mean that if I believe strongly enough, 是不是信的深,I’ll receive whatever I want tonight, 就能马上愿望成真,such as my dream job, 比如信得到梦想的工作,a billion dollars, 十亿刀,a fancy car, etc? 一辆豪车,等等?No. 不。Hebrews 11:6: And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. 人非有信,就不能得 神的喜悦;因为到 神面前来的人,必须信有 神,且信他赏赐那寻求他的人。 This reveals that if you desire to receive from God这经文显明若你想从祂得着, you must first seek to please Him就必须要行讨祂喜悦的事. Faith is essential. 信心是必须的But what kind of faith pleases God? 但什么是讨神喜悦的信心?Firstly, 首先,we must believe that God exists. 我们必须信有神,He is real. 祂是真的。Then, if we’re convinced that He is alive, 若我们确信祂活着,we will trust His promises, 就会信靠祂的应许,and believe that seeking Him is never in vain. 相信寻求祂的永不落空。There may be times when nothing seems to happen可能有时候看着应许没成就, but God is working in ways we can't see. 但神还在做我们看不见的事 Through the testing of faith借信心的考试, we grow in perseverance, 我们在坚忍 Christlike character基督的品格里, and a deeper relationship with Him. 并和祂的关系里成长 God's desire is a unified relationship with us through faith祂盼望我们藉着信与祂合一。

2, Double–Mindedness ruins our trust in God 心怀二意破坏信心

v.6b to v.7,  6-7节,Here, the Greek word for a “double-minded” person – δίψυχος, dipsuchos,  希腊文的心怀二意是δίψυχοςdipsuchosmeans “two-souled”, 意思是两个心灵describing someone torn between two loyalties: 形容一个人在两种效忠对象之间摇摆:God and the world, 神和世界,faith and unbelief. 信和不信。James compares the doubter to a wave of the sea, 雅各把疑惑的人比作海里的波浪,blown and tossed by the wind被风吹动翻腾—uncertain whether to trust in God’s promises ——不确定该信神的应许,or rely on worldly teachings and personal reasoning. 还是该信世界的教导或人的理性思维。He gives a powerful image: 他清楚给出这样一幅画面:if our loyalty is divided, 若我们的忠心被分裂,if we say, 若我们说,“I love God’s Word,  “我喜欢神的话,but I actually listen to what my unbelieving boss, colleagues, or family members say, 但我实际听的是不信主的老板、同事、家人说的,even though it contradicts Scripture,” 尽管他们说的违背圣经then we’ll become unstable in faith. 我们的信就会摇动。If we pray with this wavering heart, 若我们带着这样的心去祷告神,we should not expect to receive anything from Him 就不要期望从神那里得什么。(James 1:7) So to resolve this, 要解决这个问题,we must first address the issues of the heart. 我们需先解决心的问题。1 Samuel 撒上16:7, man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 因为耶和华不像人看人,人是看外貌,耶和华是看内心。The Bible gives examples of people 圣经里记载了一些例子,who sought God but received nothing 有些人寻求神却什么也没得着,because of doubt or a divided heart. 因为怀疑或心怀二意。King Saul is one of them. 扫罗王是其中一个。1 Samuel 撒上28:6 says, “He inquired of the Lord, but the Lord did not answer him by dreams or Urim or prophets.” 扫罗求问耶和华,耶和华却不藉梦,或乌陵,或先知回答他。 Instead of repenting for his repeated disobedience, 扫罗没有为自己反复悖逆悔改,Saul turned to a medium却去求问交鬼的人—something God hates and strictly forbids. ——那是他曾恨恶并严厉禁止。What can we learn from Saul? 我们从扫罗身上能学到什么?He feared people more than he feared God. 他怕人多过敬畏神,The fear of man can lead us to neglect and disobey God’s commands, 而惧怕人会牵引我们忽略或违背神的命令,causing double-mindedness and unanswered prayers. 导致心怀二意和祷告不得回应。

If your prayers have gone unanswered for a long time, 若你的祷告很长时间都得不着回应,you’ve gotta take a moment to check: 可以花点儿时间鉴察自己: “Have I let the fear of man take over my heart? 你是否心里惧怕人?Have I stopped caring about following God’s commands in my daily life? 你是否在日常生活中没有留心神的命令?Things like, 比如,holding onto bitter judgment or unloving thoughts. 怀着苦毒的论断和无爱的想法。We’ve gotta bring them to the cross 我们当把它们钉上十架,and let His power guide us to follow Christ’s attitude and actions.求神的能力引导你转向基督的心并行出来。In doing this, we show an unwavering heart to God如此行,我们向神显明无疑惑的心。Matt 5: 8 says, A pure heart will see God! 清心的人必得见神!A pure heart will recognise God's wonderful work in their circumstances. 清心的人能在环境中看到神的奇妙作为。

Other examples of double-mindedness, 其他心怀二意的例子,like Lot’s wife, 如罗得的妻子,when God rescued her family from Sodom, 当神救她全家逃离所多玛,He warned them not to look back, 并警告他们不可回头看,but her heart was still tied to the old things, 但她仍然心恋旧事,and she disobeyed. 违背了神的命令。Genesis 19:26 says, “But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.罗得的妻子在后边回头一看,就变成了一根盐柱。 She wanted both safety from God 她又想得神保守,and her old life in her home city. 又思念旧人的生活,Her divided heart cost her everything. 这心怀二意使她失去一切。Balaam is another example. 巴兰也是另一个例子,God told him not to go with King Balak’s men to curse Israel, 神告诉他不要随巴勒王咒诅以色列,he wanted to obey God, 他想遵行神的旨意,but when the king offered him material things, 但当王给他丰厚物质利益,he hesitated. 他于是犹豫了。If we love material things more than God, 若我们爱物质胜过爱神 we become double-minded我们就会心怀二意. Double-mindedness weakens our faith心怀二意削弱信心。Jesus said in 耶稣说Luke 9:62, “No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” 耶稣说:手扶着犁向后看的,不配进 神的国。 If we hesitate between God and the world, 我们若在神和世界之间摇摆不定,we miss out on His best for us. 就得不到神应许给我们的最好的。

3, How to deal with a double-minded mindset?怎样对付心怀二意?

To deal with it, 要对付心怀二意,we must learn to surrender completely to God. 我们当学习全然降服于神。James 4:8 says, Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 你们亲近 神, 神就必亲近你们。有罪的人哪,要洁净你们的手;心怀二意的人哪,要清洁你们的心。 Once again, 再一次,this verse shows that dealing with a divided mind starts with purifying the heart, 这节经文表明除去心怀二意,始于洁净内心,removing anything that keeps us from fully trusting God. 除去任何让我们不能全然信靠神的东西。The Israelites were asked to enter the Promised Land, 神吩咐以色列人进入应许之地,but they wavered between faith and fear. 但他们在信心和惧怕之间游移不定。They said, 他们说:“The enemy is like a giant; “敌人如同巨人,we’re like grasshoppers.” 我们如同蚱蜢。”Fear can shake our faith, 惧怕动摇信心,and bitterness and complaining can defile our hearts (Heb 12:15), 苦毒和抱怨则污秽我们的心,and weaken our trust in God. 削弱对神的信靠。

Psalm 147:3 says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” 他医好伤心的人,裹好他们的伤处。 Why does God desire to heal our hearts? 为什么神要医治人的心?Because the heart is the place where we communicate with God因为心是和神交通的地方. If our hearts are broken若心是破碎的 or buried by past pain或里面埋了很多伤害, then whenever we feel stressed每当感受到压力 or reminded of past trauma或者和过去这伤害有关, instead of turning to God, we may turn to substitutions我们就不会转向神,反而转向其他, like social media or other things世界媒体或别的—seeking comfort寻找安慰 or avoiding the pain或不面对那痛—but this only worsens the problem这只能更糟糕. While social media or movies may offer temporary distraction媒体或电影或许暂时分散我们的注意力, numbing the pain does not heal it麻醉伤痛不能使它得医治. Burying pain in our hearts gives unforgiveness power埋葬伤痛在心里只能给不饶恕能力, weakening our faith消弱我们的信 and allowing the enemy to steal our blessings并让仇敌偷去我们的祝福. Only turning to God, and yielding to His truth, 唯有转向神,顺服祂的真理can heal our hearts能医治我们的心 and restore our ability to hear Him intimately. 修复我们得听见祂亲密声音的能力。If we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to help us recognise our past wounds若我们不让圣灵帮我们认出过去的伤害. They can open the door to defilement, 他们就会给污秽开门,leading to doubt, 导致怀疑、fear, 惧怕、and impure motives. 不洁的动机。

Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8 is a clear example of double-mindedness. 使徒行传8章,术士西门是一个明显的心怀二意的例子。When he saw the Holy Spirit come upon people through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, 看到使徒按手后圣灵就降下来,he wanted it too, 他也想要,but for the wrong reason: 动机却是错误的:to impress people. 他想叫人敬佩他。So he offered money to buy the power of the Spirit. 于是他拿钱买圣灵的能力。Peter saw through his motives and rebuked him, 彼得看出他的动机,就责备他,You are full of bitterness and captive to sin.”我看出你正在苦胆之中,被罪恶捆绑。” Acts8:23 This reveals how harbouring bitterness and unforgiveness can defile the heart, 这里启示了怀藏苦毒和不饶恕会污秽人的心,give the enemy a foothold, 给仇敌留地步,and distort a person’s motives, 扭曲人的动机,even in serving God. 甚至是在服事神的事上。Simon, unaware of the deception in his heart, 西门不认识自己内心的诡诈,pleaded, 请求使徒说:‘pray to the Lord for me so that nothing you’ve said may happen to me.” 愿你们为我求主,叫你们所说的,没有一样临到我身上。 Simon believed that God both blesses and judges. 西门信神是赐福和审判的神。His story warns us, 他的故事告诉我们,that unresolved wounds can lead to spiritual deception. 未处理的伤害带来属灵上的欺骗,His defiled heart left him double-minded, 他的心被污秽导致心怀二意,seeking God, 一边在寻求神,yet, still craving self-glory. 然而,一边仍在贪慕个人荣耀。

So how do we overcome double-mindedness? 怎样胜过心怀二意?

A, Cultivate a

Steadfast Heart through reading the Word and Prayer. A、藉着读经祷告培植专一 Faith comes by the Word of God可见信道是从听道来的,听道是从基督的话来的。 (Romans 10:17). Reading Scripture and engaging in worship allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith, 读经和敬拜能使圣灵坚固信心,shift our focus from circumstances to God, 将我们的焦点从环境转向神,and align our hearts with His will. 使我们的心与神合一。B, Recognize the Root. B、识别罪根 Double-mindedness comes from unresolved wounds, 心怀二意来自未处理的伤害、fear, 惧怕、bitterness, 苦毒and divided loyalties和爱世界不专一爱神 (James 1:8). Bitterness fuels instability. But Forgiveness heals the heart and creates space for God’s Word to replace doubt with His promises 苦毒导致动摇。但饶恕医治心灵,神的话得以藉应许代替疑惑。 (Psa 37:5).  C, Walk in Obedience and Resist Worldly Influences. C、顺服神、抵挡世界的影响 Faith grows through obedience to God’s Word 信心因顺服神的话而成长(James 1:22). Cultivate a lifestyle of reading the Bible and praying daily. 培养每天读经祷告的习惯。And by rejecting worldly influences and fully surrendering to God, 藉着抵挡世界的影响,和全然降服神而行,we develop an unwavering, 我们就生出不动摇的、single-minded faith. 全心全意的信。

Jesus Christ, 耶稣基督,the Son of God, 神的儿子,is our perfect example of faith. 信心的创始成终者, He lived in complete obedience, 祂完全顺服,seeking only the Father’s will 只寻求父的旨意 (John 5:19). Christ refused to let fear, 祂没有让惧怕、human reasoning, 理性思想、or even suffering distract Him from His calling. 或受苦来分心就忘记呼召。In Gethsemane, 在客西马尼园,He fully surrendered, 他全然顺服,praying, 祷告说:“Father, not My will, but Yours be done” “父啊,……不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的意思。”(Luke 22:42). At the cross, 十字架上,His single-minded faith reached its ultimate fulfilment. 他一心一意的信达到顶点,Even in pain, 哪怕在痛苦中,He refused to embrace bitterness and instead pleaded, 祂拒绝接受苦毒,而是恳求父:Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” “父啊,赦免他们!因为他们所作的,他们不晓得。” (Luke 23:34). For the joy set before Him, 因前面摆放的喜乐,He endured shame, 祂忍受羞辱、suffering, 痛苦、and the weight of the world’s sin, 全世界的罪压在祂身上,and He declared in victory, 祂得胜了,祂宣告:“It is finished” 成了!”(John 19:30). Yes! 是的!Double-mindedness can be overcome! 胜过心怀二意!Jesus has already won the battle for us. 为了我们,耶稣已得胜。Pay the price让我们付上代价—be rooted in the Word, ——扎根神的话,steadfast in prayer, 恒切祷告,and obedient to God顺服神—and a single-minded faith will grow in you! ——一心一意的信就会在你里面长大!Let’s sing the last song. 让我们来唱最后一首诗歌……


Prayer and taking Communion: 祷告和领圣餐

Thank You, Jesus. 感谢你,主耶稣。Yes, Lord, we thank You. 你是主,我们称谢你。Thank You for the blood You shed for the forgiveness of our sins. 感谢你流出宝血使我们罪得赦免。 What a priceless debt You paid for our redemption on the cross.  你在十字架上为救赎我们付上了重价。The suffering, 那痛苦、the shame, 羞辱、 the rejection, 拒绝, the pain of death 那死亡之痛—You took it all for us so that we might be free. 你为我们得自由而承受了这一切。 Lord, Your sacrifice will not be in vain. 主耶稣,你不会白白的牺牲。Today, 今天We, 我们, the redeemed by Your blood, 被你宝血所赎买的这一群, are here to worship You and give You thanks… 在此敬拜你、感恩你……

If you’d like to pray on your own, 如果你想自己祷告, feel free to do so.  可以向他倾心吐意。Or you can follow my prayer: 或者你可以跟着我祷告:

"Lord, I want to honour You 主,我愿尊崇你圣名—Jesus, our Lord and Saviour! – 主耶稣,我们的主,我们的救赎者!You are the author and perfecter of our faith, 你是我们信心的创始成终者, my ultimate example of faith and obedience. 也是信和顺服的终极榜样。 As I sit before Your communion table, 当我坐在你的圣餐桌前, I reflect on what You have done for me on the cross 我思想你在十架上为我所做的一切, and the call to live with a single-minded faith, 呼召我活出全心全意的信, fulfilling the Great Commandment to love You and love others. 行出爱神爱人的最大诫命。 I confess我承认, that at times I have been double-minded, 我有时心怀二意, torn between trusting in You and holding onto past hurts在信靠你和抓住过去的伤害, or worldly influences, 或在你和世俗的影响之间纠结, acting in my own strength凭自己的血肉膀臂行事, instead of reflecting Christ. 而不是活出基督的荣光。

You see the wounds in my heart 你看到我内心受创伤—the pain of the injustice I have experienced, 我经历不公平对待的痛, the bitter judgements I have carried towards authority figures, 我苦毒地论断了权柄人士, and the struggles within me.  我内心挣扎。Today, 今天, I ask You to release Your grace and revelation into my life. 我求你在我生命中释放恩典和启示, If there is anything I need to let go of, 如果我还需要放下什么, or someone I need to forgive, 或者需要饶恕什么人, help me to recognise it. 请帮助我认识到这一点。 Perhaps I have been judged unfairly, 也许我曾不公平地论断他人, felt vulnerable, 感到自己很脆弱, or made inner vows not to trust anyone but myself. 或曾在内心发誓不相信任何人,只信自己。 Lord, I surrender these to You. 主啊,我将这些交托给你。

Father, forgive me. 阿爸天父,赦免我。 I have felt hurt. 我感到受伤害。 I have felt injustice. 我感到不公平,But instead of releasing it to You, 但我没有把它交给你, I have carried the wounds. 而是背负着伤痛。 I have built walls, 我筑起高墙, taken offence, 生气, judged others, 论断他人, and tried to protect myself in my own way. 试图用自己的方式保护自己。Yet, this has only led to brokenness and separation from Your grace. 但这只能让我更破碎远离你的恩典。 Today,今天,Lord, I repent. 主耶稣,我愿向你悔改,I ask for Your forgiveness. 我求你赦免我的罪,From the depths of my heart, I release this pain to You. 我将内心深处的痛苦敞开给你, I also choose to forgive those who have hurt me. 我也愿饶恕那一切伤害我的人。 I renounce every foothold the enemy has gained in my life through unresolved wounds. 我弃绝仇敌藉着未处理的伤害在我生命中的地步。Today, 今天, I put my trust in You. 我信靠你, I embrace Your love 我敞开心,拥抱你的大爱, and the blood You poured out for me on the cross. 领受你在十架上为我而的宝血。 In the name of Jesus, 奉主耶稣基督的圣名, I take the authority You have given me, 我拿起你所赐给我的权柄, and I ask You, 我呼求你, Holy Spirit, 宝贵的圣灵啊, to tear down every stronghold of judgement, 拆毁每一个论, pride, 骄傲, and bitterness that has created a double-minded spirit within me. 和苦毒的坚固营垒,造成我心怀二意。 Break it in Jesus' name! 奉主耶稣基督的圣名破除! I take every thought captive in obedience to Christ. 我夺回每一个心思意念来降服基督。 Create in me a pure heart, O God. 主啊,求你为我造清洁的心。 Heal my divided heart  医治我的心怀二意的心,and make me steadfast in my devotion to You…" 惟你配得,让我坚定地献上一切给你......

Now, 现在, you may pray on your own. 你现在可以自己祷告。 Those serving communion may come forward. 领圣餐的人可以上前。 You are welcome to continue praying or worshipping在我们准备一起领圣餐时, as we prepare to take communion together. 欢迎你继续祷告或敬拜。

1 Corinthians 林前 11:23-24 – The Lord Jesus, on the night He was betrayed, took bread, 我当日传给你们的,原是从主领受的,就是主耶稣被卖的那一夜,拿起饼来,and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, "This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me." 祝谢了,就擘开,说:这是我的身体,为你们舍的。你们应当如此行,为的是记念我。As we take this bread, 每当我们拿起饼, we thank You, Lord Jesus, 主耶稣,我们感谢你, that Your body was pierced for our healing and wholeness. 你的身体被擘开,为我们得医治和得完全。 Let us take it

 together. 让我们一起领受这饼。

1 Corinthians 林前 11:25-26 – In the same way, after supper, He took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood; 饭后,也照样拿起杯来,说,:这杯是用我的血所立的新约。do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of Me."  你们每逢喝的时候,要如此行,为的是记念我。  ”For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. 你们每逢吃这饼,喝这杯,是表明主的死,直等他到来。  

As we drink this cup, 每当我们拿起杯,  we remember the blood of Jesus, 我们记念你主耶稣,shed for the forgiveness of our sins. 你为赦免我们的罪流宝血。 Lord, let this communion be more than a ritual主啊,让这次圣餐不仅仅是一个仪式—let it be our declaration of faith. –让这成为我们信仰宣言。  We choose You alone. 我们惟独选择你,We will not waver. 我们不再疑惑, Let’s drink together. 让我们一起领受这杯。


Thank You, Jesus, 感谢你,主耶稣, for Your truth, 感谢你的真理、 the power of Your love, 你爱的能力, and the cleansing work of the Holy Spirit. 和圣灵洁净的善工。 As we leave this place, 当我们要离开这聚会, let Your Word and Spirit continue to transform us. 愿你的真理和圣灵继续更新我们心思意念。 Help us focus on You alone.  帮助我们惟独顺从你。Guide us, 求引导我们, to stand firm against doubt, 藉着你的恩典,使我们坚定地抵挡疑惑, fear, 恐惧, and bitterness through Your grace. 和苦毒。 Strengthen our faith, 坚固我们的信心, keep our hearts undivided, 让我们存专一的心、and let our lives be a testimony 让我们成为你活的见证, to Your goodness, 彰显你的美德,bringing glory to Your name. 荣耀你的圣名。


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