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2025-02-02 God’s Promises of blessing in Helping the Weak神应许的祝福在眷顾软弱者里(Psa 诗41:1-3)

发表于 2025-02-02

At the beginning of 2025,  2025的开头,who wants to receive God’s blessings? 谁想领受神的赐福?Yes! 是的!All of us 所有人。God’s word is powerful! 神的话是有大能的。Today, we’re gonna read Psa 41:1-3, which contains hidden blessings. 今天我们要一起来读 41:1-3,这里面隐藏着神的祝福。Over the past 20 years, 过去的20年里, I personally experienced God’s promised blessings by applying them to my life. 我亲身经历了,行祂的道而得着神所应许的这些祝福。They’re all true! 它们都是真实的! His promises are trustworthy. 神的应许值得信靠。So let’s read it first and then discover the promises of blessing it holds. 让我们先来读这段经文,然后去找出其中的祝福应许(诗篇 41:1-3 1, Blessed is he who has regard for the weak(niv); 眷顾贫穷的有福了!(或思念贫穷人的有福了 (or Blessed is he who considers the poor (nkjv)); 在患难的日子耶和华必搭救他。 the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. 2, The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; 耶和华必保护他,使他存活; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes. 他必在地上享福,不把他交给仇敌,遂其所愿。 3, The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness. 他病重在榻,耶和华必扶持他;他在病中,耶和华必给他铺床。

1, What are the blessings within them? 这些经文中的祝福是什么?

Let’s first discover the promises of the blessings in these three verses? 让我们先来发现这三节经文中祝福的应许 V.1b, the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. 第一节下半句:在患难的日子,耶和华必搭救他。 As believers, 作为信徒,we’re not promised that we’ll have a trouble-free life, 我们并没有被应许过一个无患难的生活,even Jesus Christ, the Son of God, experienced trouble. 连神的儿子耶稣基督也经历了患难。 In John 12:27, we see that his heart was troubled as he faced the cross. 12:27中,当他面对十字架时,他心里也忧愁了。 In John 13:21, it says that Jesus was troubled in spirit coz he knew someone was gonna betray him. 而在 13:21中提到,耶稣心里忧愁是因为他知道有人将要出卖他。 Yet, despite the trouble, 然而,即使在这些忧愁中,he was strengthened to do the Father’s will. 他仍得着力量完成天父的旨意。 God doesn’t promise us a life free of troubles, 神并没有应许我们没有患难的生活, but He does promise us deliverance, 但祂应许拯救我们,that He will deliver us in times of trouble. 在患难的时候祂必搭救我们。 I’ve experienced His faithfulness to this promise many times. 我亲身经历了祂对这个应许的信实。 I remember, once being in Korea on Jeju Island. 记得有一次我在韩国济州岛, During the entire visit, 那次的整个旅程中,I prayed for Jesus to be known by the people there. 我都在祷告让耶稣的名在当地被人认识。

As we prepared to leave, 当我们要离开时,a red storm warning was issued, 突然发布了红色雷暴警告,and all flights were cancelled due to the severe weather, 所有航班因为恶劣天气被取消,and we were expected to stay for another couple of days, 我们被告知可能要多停留几天, which would have caused a big trouble for me. 这会带给我大麻烦。 Yet, miraculously, 然而,奇迹发生了,our flight was the only flight allowed to depart the island. 我们的航班成为唯一被允许离开岛屿的航班。God made a way for me in times of trouble when it seemed impossible. 当情况看似不可能时,神在患难中为我开了一条路。 He is faithful. 祂是信实的。Now, from v.2-3, 从第二到第三节经文中, we can identify seven promises from God. 我们可以发现神给我们的七个应许。Seven promises reflect the fullness of God's promises 7个应许说明了神应许的完备:1, God promises deliverance in times of trouble (v.1b). 神应许在患难中搭救你(第1节下半句)。 This doesn’t mean that as Christians you won’t face trouble, 这并不意味着作为基督徒你不会经历患难,but Jesus promises to deliver you. 但耶稣应许祂会拯救你 2, God promises to protect you. (v.2a)神应许保护你. 3, God promises to revive you back to life (v.2a). 神应许使你存活(第2节上半句)。We cannot fully protect ourselves我们不能完全的保护自己, and insurance is limited.保险也有限,Only God's protection is unlimited and eternal唯有神的保护是无限和永恒。He also promises to revive us when we are discouraged or weak. 祂也应许要从灰心和软弱中复兴我们。 4, God promises to bless you (v.2b). 神应许赐福给你(第2节下半句)。 This blessing could be physically, 这个祝福可以是身体上的、mentally, 心理上的、spiritually, 属灵的、relationally, 人际关系的、socially, 社会上的、financially 财务上的,or eternally. 或是永恒的。When God blesses you, you’re truly blessed. 当神赐福你时,你是确实蒙福的 5, God promises to rescue you from your enemies (v.2b). 神应许拯救你脱离仇敌的攻击(第2节下半句)。 6, God promises to strengthen you when you’re sick (v.3a). 神应许在你病痛时扶持你(第3节上半句)。This could mean God will heal you, 或许指的是神的医治,or give you revelation to strengthen you. 或者祂赐下启示来加添你的力量。 Even when your body is unwell, 即使身体软弱,you can remain strong in spirit. 你的灵里仍可以刚强。 7, God promises to recover you from your weakness (v.3b). 神应许恢复你的软弱(第3节下半句)。These seven promises show that 这七个应许表明 God not only desires to protect and delivers us 神不仅要保护搭救我们,but also to bless, 还愿意赐福、heal,医治and restores us to complete wholeness.复兴和使我们得完全。

2, Receiving the blessings requires responding to God’s Word in faith. 领受祝福需要凭信回应神的话

What incredible blessings God has promised us! 神赐我们祝福的应许是何等大!If you live in these blessings, 如果你活在这些祝福中,you’ll be super joyful你就会极其喜乐and won’t be fearful. 就不会那么怕。However, 然而,the promises of these seven blessings won’t come to you automatically这七重祝福的应许 just because you’re a Christian.不会因为你是基督徒就自动给你。They come with a condition, 他们是有条件的——you must regard the weak and care for the poor. 你必须眷顾软弱,或贫穷的人。The blessing of salvation comes from believing in the work of Jesus on the cross. 救恩的祝福是因信靠耶稣在十字架上的工作而来。 But the promises of the blessing for life on earth are conditional. 但地上生活中的祝福应许却是有条件的。If you desire to receive these blessings, 如果你想得神的这些祝福,you need to respond to God’s word in faith. 你需要凭信心回应祂的话语。But unlike Buddhists, 但不像佛教徒who do good works out of self-righteousness,凭自义做好事,resulting in self-exaltation,果子就是高举自我,pride,骄傲,comparison比较, and quarrelling.吵架,Were called to be led by The Spirit to do good works我们蒙召被圣灵引导做善事, and to produce the fruit of the Spirit. 生出圣灵的果子。

In the OT, there’s a story about Naaman, 比如,在旧约中有一个故事讲到乃缦,a commander of the Aramean army who had leprosy. 是亚兰军队的元帅,得了大痲风。 He went to see the prophet Elisha in Israel. 他来到以色列寻找先知以利沙。 In 2 Kings 5, 在列王纪下 5章中,we learn that Elisha didn’t do anything directly for Naaman.我们读到,以利沙并没有直接为乃缦做什么, Instead, he instructed him to go to the Jordan River and wash seven times. 而是指示他去约旦河洗七次。 Naaman had expected Elisha to place his hand on him 乃缦原本以为以利沙会按手在他身上,and pray for healing. 为他祷告得医治。 However, the blessing of healing didn’t come as Naaman had anticipated. 但医治的祝福并没有按乃缦的预期到来, He was required to act in faith. 他需要凭信心去行动。 At first, Naaman was angry at Elisha, 起初,乃缦对以利沙很生气,and disappointed 也很失望,because God’s blessing didn’t align with his expectations. 因为神的祝福与他的期望不符。 Yet, he eventually followed God’s instructions, 然而,他最终还是顺服了神的指示,responded in faith, 凭信心去回应,and received the blessing of healing. 并得到了医治的祝福。What can we learn from this as we begin the year? 我们从中可以学到什么?Firstly, if you wanna help others, 首先,若你想帮助他人, you need to practice rejecting rejection and remain faithful to God just as Elisha did. 你当操练拒绝拒绝感并像以利沙那样对神忠心;Secondly, don’t react to people when your expectations aren’t met, 当你的期望没有达到,不要对人起反应,respond to God’s instructions. 而是要回应神的指示,Put God first! 神在先。 Blessings won’t come with the offences we take into our hearts 祝福不会随着我们心中的怨恨而来, but come with our responses to God’s words. 而是随着我们对神话语的顺服而来。 “He doesn’t respect me, I’m hurt, I don’t wanna talk to him anymore…I don’t wanna trust people anymore…” “他不尊重我,我受伤了,我不想再和他说话了……我不想再信任人了……” You’re not told to trust people but trust God! 但圣经没有教导你信靠人,而是信靠神!Blessing comes when we refuse to react to people 祝福来是因你拒绝对人起反应,but response to God’s commands. 而是去回应神命令。

At the beginning of Jan, 在今年一月初,I received bad news from the home church 我收到一个坏消息,that someone was diagnosed with breast cancer,家中的一位姊妹被诊断出患有乳腺癌, where four tumours were found in her breast. 在她的乳房中发现了四个肿瘤。I felt sad 我感到很难过。 but in her case, I wasn’t surprised,但对她的情况,我并不感到意外,because the sister had experienced God’s grace, 因为这位姊妹曾多次经历神的恩典、provision, 供应、dreams, 异梦、visions, 异象、signs, and wonders,神迹和奇事, yet she held on to deep hatred toward her husband year after year. 但她年复一年地对丈夫怀着怨恨。Unforgiveness gives Satan much power to steal, kill, and destroy. 不饶恕使撒但有权势来偷窃、杀害和毁坏。Fortunately, her cancer was discovered early. 幸运的是,她的癌症被发现时是早期。 God, in His mercy, preserves our lives, 神的怜悯保守了她的生命,but we have a responsibility to respond to His loving commands with obedience. 但我们有责任顺服祂爱的命令,以回应祂的心意。 Ultimately “His command leads to eternal life (John 12:50). 最终,祂的命令就是永生。(约 12:50 So at the start of 2025, 2025年的一开始,I encourage you to trust in His promises 我鼓励你去信靠神的应许,and respond to His conditions in faith. 并凭信心回应祂的条件。So here, what is the condition? 这里的条件是什么呢?

3, The condition is to care for the weak. 条件是眷顾软弱的人

From V.1, we see, that the condition to meet is to regard the weak. 从第一节里我们看到的条件是要眷顾软弱的人。In the NKJV, it states, “Blessed is he who cares for the poor”. 在新译本中,这句话是眷顾贫穷人的有福了 The Hebrew word for the weak is “dal”, 希伯来文中软弱的词是“dal” meaning the poor, the lowly, the weak, the vulnerable, or the helpless. 意思是贫穷、卑微、软弱、脆弱或无助的人 It doesn’t just refer to those who are financially “poor”, 它不仅指经济上的贫穷 but also to those who are spiritually poor and vulnerable, 也包括那些灵里贫穷、脆弱,in need of mercy and help.需要怜悯和帮助的人。

In the book of Matthew, 在马太福音中,we see Jesus feed the 5,000 and the 4,000我们看到耶稣用五饼二鱼喂饱了五千人和四千人, showing His concern that they might collapse from hunger on their way home. 显示出祂关心那些可能因饥饿而软弱无力回不到家的人。 God cares deeply for the poor and hungry 神深深的眷顾贫穷和饥饿的人,and desires to meet their needs through His agents—that’s us! 祂渴望通过祂的使者也就是你我,来满足他们的需要。 However, Jesus doesn’t want people to follow Him just for material benefits, 然而,耶稣不愿意人们仅仅因为物质利益而跟随祂, or to view Him as a political king (John 6:15). 把祂视为一个地上的王( 6:15)。 His kingdom is eternal, not earthly. 祂的国度是永恒的,不是属世的。 Jesus’ mission on earth is to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, and to release the oppressed. 耶稣在世的使命是传福音给贫穷的人,报告被掳的得释放,瞎眼的得看见,叫那受压制的得自由(路 4:18)。 Jesus healed the sick, 祂医治病人,restored the blind, 使瞎眼的得看见,uplifted the vulnerable, 扶起受压制的人,and cast out demons, 并赶出污鬼, showing compassion both for the physically and spiritually weak. 显明祂对身体和灵里软弱之人的怜悯。 The cross of Jesus demonstrates the ultimate act of Love and care for the weak耶稣的十字架是爱与眷顾软弱者的终极行动--He sacrificed himself as the lamb of God to restore the broken.——祂为修复破碎之人,作为神的羔羊,献上了自己。Isaiah 53:4–5: “Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering… He was pierced for our transgressions; and was bruised for our iniquities.” 以赛亚书 53:4-5他诚然担当我们的忧患,背负我们的痛苦……因我们的过犯被扎,因我们的罪孽被压伤。Transgressions, iniquities, sin cause humanity’s greatest poverty, 过犯、罪孽、罪恶使人类陷入最大的贫穷,separating us from God, our Creator, 将我们与创造主神隔绝,and cutting us off from His provision and protection. 切断了神的供应和保护。This separation leaves us poor and vulnerable. 这种隔绝让我们变得贫穷和脆弱,That’s why people are all broken and under the control of the evil one (1 John 5:19). 因此,人们心灵破碎,被恶者压制(约一5:19)。If you constantly long for people’s love and acceptance, 你若总想得别人的爱和接纳,you will inevitably feel rejected. 你必会感到被拒绝。Coz people are imperfect and they make mistakes at all times. 因人是不完全的, 人常犯错误。Weve gotta always ask ourselves, 我们当常问自己, “do I allow others to make mistakes towards me? “我允许别人犯错得罪我吗?Will I make mistakes towards others?” 我是否也会犯错得罪人?” What did Jesus do to the weak, 耶稣怎样待了软弱的人,like you and me, who hurt Him through our mistakes? 比如你和我这些得罪祂的人?Today, we’re going to take communion, 今天,我们要来领圣餐,and take some time to reflect on how Jesus did to care for the weak. 让我们花一点儿时间思想耶稣怎样眷顾弱者。Let’s sing the last song 我们来唱最后一首诗歌– Thank You Jesus for the Blood.——感谢耶稣你宝血。

Prayer: 祷告:

“Thank You, Jesus感谢你,耶稣,—our dear Lord, Saviour, 亲爱的主,我的救主,and Life -Giver. 你是生命的源头,Thank You for the blood You shed on the cross for each of us. 谢谢你在十字架上为我们每个人流出宝血,Thank You for caring for the poor and the weak so deeply, 谢谢你深深眷顾着贫穷软弱的人,that You did not judge or despise us你没有论断我们,—the weak and vulnerable, 也没有藐视我们这些脆弱的人,who frequently make mistakes 尽管我们常常犯错,and whose sins grieve and hurt You. 我们的罪常使你担忧,也常常伤害了你。Yet, out of love and mercy, 但因着爱和怜悯,You placed Yourself in our vulnerability, 你取了儿女软弱的样式,enduring the pain of rejection, 你忍受拒绝的痛、mockery, 被戏弄的痛,and even death. 直至死在十架,The Highest became the lowest 至高的成为至卑微的,to care for the poor, the weak, and the vulnerable.为要眷顾贫穷、软弱和脆弱的人。

Jesus, You were arrested so that we could be set free! 耶稣,你被捆绑,使我得释放!You were flogged, spat on, and beaten from head to toe, 你被鞭打,被吐唾沫,从头到脚都被打伤,so that we—the sick—could be healed. 使我们这些有病的人可以被医治;You were stripped and shamed, 你被剥光受羞辱,so that we—the weak—could be accepted. 让我们这些软弱的人被接纳;You were handed over to be tormented, 你被交给人折磨苦待,so that we—the vulnerable—让我们这些容易受伤的人,could be delivered from the enemy’s hands and made strong! 可以从仇敌手中得释放,使软弱的变刚强!We thank You for the hope of eternal life 我们感谢你赐永生的盼望,and for the blessings available to all who put their faith into action in You. 感谢你赐这些祝福的应许给所有因信而带出行动跟随你的人。

Lord, today, as we gather at Your table, 主啊,今天当我们聚集在你的桌前,reflecting on how You care for the poor and the weak—思想你如何眷顾贫穷软弱的人——how You care for each of us—你如何眷顾我们每一个人——we desire to follow Your example. 我们渴望跟随你的榜样。We want to fulfil the calling to care for the poor and weak, 我们愿意履行呼召,去眷顾贫穷和软弱的人,just as You have cared for us. 正如你曾这样眷顾我们。Holy Spirit, 圣灵,come and search our hearts right now. 此刻求你来察验我们的心,Reveal anything that hinders us from caring for the poor—显明任何阻挡我们去眷顾贫穷人的拦阻——whether it’s unresolved offence from family members, 无论是来自家人的未处理的冒犯,past misunderstandings, 过去曾被人误解、rejection, 被拒绝,or hurt from those we tried to help. 或是曾试图帮助他人却受到伤害的经历。Is there pride, 我们里面是否有骄傲、judgment, 论断,or a lack of mercy 或缺乏怜悯,that prevents us from seeing the poor and weak through God’s eyes? 使我们无法用神的眼光看待贫穷和软弱的人?Is there someone I need to forgive? ” 是否有些人我需要去饶恕?

Is there anything today that you feel prompted to say to the Lord今天,是否有感动,你想对主说—such as, ‘I want to join in caring for the weak through the church’s ministries, like English Classes, Mainly Music…’ ——比如:我愿意参与教会的事工来眷顾软弱的人,如英语班、Mainly Music…音乐班…” or any other area where the Holy Spirit is prompting you to contribute your time, energy, money, prayer, 或者,任何领域圣灵感动你去奉献你的时间、精力、金钱、祷告,or any other support? 或任何其他支持?You can pray on your own...你可以自己向神祷告…  You can also ask God to reveal any hidden pain, 你也可以求神显明任何隐藏的苦痛、unresolved hurt, or bitterness 未处理的伤害或苦毒,that may have taken root, 这些可能已经在你里面生根,leading to judgment or unforgiveness. 导致你对他人产生论断或不饶恕。Have you ever had thoughts like, 你是否曾经有这样的想法:“They’re lazy… “他们太懒了……she’s greedy… 她太贪心了……he’s a difficult person, I don’t want to talk to him… 他很难相处,我不想和他说话……yes, he is my relative or friend, but I don’t want to visit him…”? 是的,他是我的亲人或朋友,但我不想去见他……”If so, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any hidden pain or offence you may have harboured. 如果有,就请圣灵显明你里面是否有隐藏的痛苦或怒气。By God’s grace, let’s pray: 藉着神的恩典,让我们来祷告:

"Lord, I was once under the control of the evil one, “主啊,我曾被恶者掌控, bound by the judgement of this world, 被这世界的论断捆绑,repaying evil with evil. 以恶报恶。Yet, You repaid evil with good. 然而,你却以善胜恶,You cared for me to the point of shedding Your own blood. 你顾念我到为我流出宝血。Today, as I take communion, 今天,当我领受圣餐时,I’m reminded that I’m Your follower. 我再次被提醒我是你的跟随者。I ask You to forgive me 我求你饶恕我,for allowing worldly lies to lead me into hurt and negative judgement. 因信那些世界的谎言而受伤、落入负面的论断。Today, I turn to Your mercy and unforgiveness. 今天,我回转向你的怜悯和饶恕。I choose to release the compassion and forgiveness I have received from You 我选择释放从你领受的怜悯和饶恕,and extend them to those who have offended me." 传递给那些曾冒犯过我的人。

If any names come to mind, let’s declare: 如果你心中浮现某些人的名字,让我们宣告:"Lord, You cared for me—the weak and the poor. “主啊,你曾眷我这顾贫穷软弱的人。I am willing to take up my cross now 现在,我愿意背起我的十字架,and follow in Your footsteps by forgiving those who have offended me. 跟随你的脚踪,去饶恕那些冒犯我的人,so that Your love and care may flow freely through me以至于你的爱可以自由的从我身上流淌出去。Holy Spirit圣灵, tear down the strongholds of negative judgment, 拆毁一切负面的论断、unforgiveness, 不饶恕、fear, and self-focused thoughts right now! 惧怕和自我中心的思维!Replace them with Your truth and freedom. 求你用真理和自由来代替In the name of Jesus, 奉耶稣的名,I break the chains of lies, bitterness, resentment, and fear 我斩断一切谎言、苦毒、怨恨和惧怕的锁链,that hold me back from receiving Your promised blessings through caring for the weak. 拦阻我因眷顾贫穷人而得着你所应许的祝福。Make me a holy and caring vessel of Your healing and restoration in this world." 求你使我成为你在这世上的医治与复兴的圣洁器皿。”  Now, let’s take the bread together…现在,让我们一同擘饼……

Thank You Jesus, 感谢你耶稣,for breaking Your body for us.  为我们舍了身体。After supper, Jesus took the cup, saying: 饭后,耶稣拿起杯来说:

"This is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." “这杯是用我血所立的新约。你们每逢喝的时候,要如此行,为的是记念我。1 Cor林前 11:25

This reminds us of the cost of our forgiveness提醒我们饶恕得来的代价,—that we are also called to follow Jesus in accepting others just as they are, 也提醒我们蒙召去跟随耶稣,去接纳他人,even when it is difficult. 即使这并不容易。

Let’s drink the cup together…让我们一同饮这杯……


Lord Jesus, we thank You for the gift of salvation 主耶稣,我们感谢你赐下救恩,and the promised blessings on earth. 并赐下在地上得祝福的应许。Holy Spirit, remind us that Your promised blessings come with the condition of caring for the poor and the weak. 圣灵,求你提醒我们,你地上这些祝福带着条件,就是要我们去眷顾贫穷软弱的人。帮助我们去完成这呼召,so that we may only receive the fullness of Your promised blessings on earth, 使我们不仅得着你在地上的丰盛祝福,but also be transformed to be more like You, 更在生命中被塑造成你的样式,fulfilling our eternal purpose in this life. 成就我们在世上的永恒国度使命。Help us to be merciful and completely humble, 帮助我们成为怜悯并完全谦卑的人,for Your command is love! 因为你的命令就是神圣爱!In 2025, 2025年,guide us to apply Your truth—引导我们活出你的真理——overcoming self-focused thoughts and the powers of darkness胜过自我中心的思维,抵挡黑暗权势,—so that we may bring Your Kingdom’s influence to the world around us. 使我们能将神国度的影响力带给世界。May all glory be Yours! Amen! 愿一切荣耀归于你!阿们!


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