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2025-01-19 Worship and prayer 19th Jan 2025 2025年1月19日赞美敬拜会:敬拜和祷告

发表于 2025-01-27

Worship and prayer 19th Jan 2025 2025119赞美敬拜会:敬拜和祷告

Session 1 第一节:

1, Praise 赞美祂

2, I speak Jesus 宣告耶稣

3, Thank You Jesus for the blood 感谢耶稣你宝血

Session 2第二节:

4, Break the Chain 打破罪和咒诅困锁

Session 3第三节:

5, Repeat the Chorus of “I speak Jesus” again 重复宣告耶稣

Session 4第四节:

6, Repeat the Chorus of “Thank You Jesus for the Blood” again 重复感谢耶稣你宝血

Session 5第五节:

7, Forever we sing Hallelujah 直到永远



1, Praise赞美祂 2, I speak Jesus宣告耶稣 3, Thank You Jesus for the blood感谢耶稣你宝血

(Jane & Jing):

v9b, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。

Yes, Lord Jesus, 是的,主耶稣; thank You for the blood that was shed for our redemption. 感谢你流血赎买我们,Thank You for the price You paid for our salvation. 感谢你为救赎我们付上代价。We’re no longer orphans, 我们不再是孤儿,no longer homeless 我们不再无家可归 —we have an eternal home in Your Kingdom.在你国度里我们有了永恒的家。You are our Father forever, 你是我们永远的阿爸父,and we are Your children. 我们是你的孩子。 We give You thanks and praise! 我们献上感恩和赞美 We welcome You, Jesus, 主耶稣,我们欢迎你, into this house. 来到这里,We honour and adore You. 我们尊崇你,我们渴慕你。

In  Matt 6:9, You teach us to pray, 你教导我们这样祷告, “our Father who is in heaven, “我们在天上的父, hallowed be your name.” 愿人都尊你的名为圣。

Before Jesus Christ’s ascension after his resurrection, 主耶稣在复活升天前, he said to his followers, 对门徒们说, “I’m returning to my Father and your Father,  to my God and your God.” “我要升上去见我的父,也是你们的父;见我的 神,也是你们的 神。 Hebrews 2:10, says,  说,“both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. 因那使人成圣的和那些得以成圣的,都是出于一,So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.”  所以他称他们为弟兄,也不以为耻。

These Scriptures reveal that Christ has brought us into His royal family 这些经文说基督已把我们带回神的家,through the shedding of His blood. 是藉着祂的血。 His Father has become our Father. 祂的父成为我们的父。 So, 因此, when we pray, 当我们祷告时, we say “Our Father.” 我们说我们的父。” It’s about relationship, 这关乎关系, not religion. 而不是宗教。

‘Our Father’ speaks of identity—of who we are. 称祂为父,是表明我们的身份,表明我们是谁。 We are His children. 我们是祂的孩子, It reminds us we are no longer orphans; 它在说我们不再是孤儿,we don’t have to live in fear 我们不再活在惧怕中 or bow to shame. 也不再屈服于羞愧感。 We don’t need to strive to meet our own needs我们无需为日用所需而挣扎,or strive to be the best to win people’s praise. 也无需做到最好来得人的赞扬。 Instead, 相反, we can align our thoughts and minds  with His Truth and His will, 我们当将心思意念与神的真理和旨意一致, crucifying our anxieties, 将焦虑、  fears, 惧怕, shame,  羞愧,pride,  骄傲,and all negative feelings on the cross with Him. 连同一切负面情绪与主同钉十架, He is our Father in heaven, 神是我们天上的父, who is able to provide 祂能供应,  heal, 祂能医治,deliver,  祂能释放,and save! 祂能拯救!

Shall we lift our voices and call Him, 让我们扬声呼求祂, “Our Father “我们的阿爸父—yes,  You are our Father, --是的,你是我们的父,You are my Father, 你是我的阿爸父,You are the good Father…” 你是良善的阿爸父… ”Let us thank Him for being our Father: 为祂做我们的父,我们向祂献上感恩:

“Thank You for being my Father. “谢谢你做我们的父。Thank You for choosing me as Your child before the creation of the world. 感谢你在创世之前就预定拣选我们成为你的孩子。 Thank You for adopting me into Your royal family 感谢你拣选我成为你王室的家人—not by accident, 这不是偶然,but by design. 而是你的计划。Thank You for valuing me  感谢你看重我,and washing me clean through Your Son’s blood. 藉着你独生爱子的血洗净了我, It’s not because I have done good, 不是因着我做得好, but because I have sinned.  而是因着我的罪。Thank You for loving and forgiving me, 感谢你爱我,赦免我, and for continuing to transform me. 不止息地更新我。 Yes, 是的, I no longer live for myself  我不再为自己活,but for You, to live in and through me…而要为让你在我里面活。

Then,  接着,Jesus taught us,  主耶稣教导我们,saying, 说, “Hallowed be Your name.” “愿人都尊你的名为圣。” Which means His name is Holy. 是在说祂的名是圣洁的。  1 Peter 彼前 1:16, says, “be holy, because I’m holy”.  “你们要圣洁,因为我是圣洁的。”1 Thess 帖前  4:3 says 说,, God’s will for you to be holy.  神的旨意就是要你们成为圣洁。His name is holy. 祂的名为圣。 His name is righteous. 祂的名是公义, God hates evil and loves righteousness. 神恨恶罪恶,喜爱公义。

We are called not only to be justified by the blood of Jesus, 我们蒙召不仅为因宝血得称为义, but also to believe in His truth and obey the indwelling Spirit of God.  更要信祂的真理,顺服圣灵的引导。Through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit  藉着圣灵洁净的工作,and belief in the truth, 藉着信祂的话, we can bear fruit that glorifies His name. 我们就可以结果子,荣耀祂的名。

So now, 现在, let’s turn our hearts to Jesus, 让我们的心转向主耶稣,lift our voice to heaven, 向天扬声, begin to pray, 让我们开口祷告, “Jesus, holy is Your name. “主耶稣,你名是圣洁,You are righteous, 你是公义,  You are just,  你是正直,You are love,  你是爱,You are trustworthy…” 你配得一切…” You can lift your voice to pray if you’d like…  如果你愿意,你可以大声向祂祷告……

“Holy ,holy, holy, “圣哉,圣哉,圣哉,” Lord, God Almighty, 主神,权能的父, You’re the first and the last, 你是首先的,你是末后的。 You’re the Alpha and the Omega, 你是阿拉法,你是俄梅戛,You’re our Creator and Saviour, 你是创造主,你是救赎主,You’re our healer and Deliver!  你是我们的医治者,你是我们的拯救者!’You hate evil and love righteous.  你恨恶罪恶,喜爱公义。I come to honour You. 我来要荣耀你!

I have a sinful nature within me, 我里面有一个犯罪的本性,and at times I fall short of Your glory and walk in fleshly desires. 我常常亏缺你的荣耀,在肉体私欲里活,Forgive me and renew me.  求你赦免我、更新我。You are compassionate and forgiving, 你充满慈爱怜悯,乐于饶恕人的过犯,slow to anger, 你不轻易发怒, abounding in love and faithfulness. 你有丰盛的慈爱,你的信实直到永远。

Heb  12:10 says , God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His holiness.惟有万灵的父管教我们,是要我们得益处,使我们在他的圣洁上有份。

Jesus, my Lord  主耶稣,and Saviour, 我的救赎主。 help me to know You more. 帮助我更多认识你。Help me to love what You love and hate what You hate. 帮助我爱你所爱,恨你所恨。 In 2025, 2025年, if I am corrected, 当我被指正, Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊, remind me that this is Your love 求你提醒我,那正是你的爱, and that You desire for me to change 你渴望更新我,and grow to be more like You, my Father. 让我生命成长更像你,更像父。  Help me to happily embrace Your loving correction 帮助我乐意拥抱你纠正的爱,reject condemnation and turn to Your truth. 拒绝控告,转向你的真理。 In doing so, 如此操练, I may experience a breakthrough, 我就能经历突破,shame the devil  使那恶者羞愧,and glorify Your name,  which is holy! 荣耀你圣名!Thank You, Jesus. 谢谢主耶稣, In Jesus’ name, we pray. 奉主耶稣基督的圣名祈求, Amen. 阿们。


4, Break the Chain 打破罪和咒诅捆索

Fu & Jing:

第十节,主啊,愿你的国降临! 愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。” v.10, Your kingdom come! Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

当我们祷告,主啊,愿你的国降临! 愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。” When we pray “Lord, Your kingdom come! Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”我们已被卷入一场属灵争战We‘ve been involved in a spiritual warfare,双方都在抢夺人! where two kingdoms are grabbing people! 撒旦的国想要夺取人的心为领地,The kingdom of Satan tries to seize his territory in people’s hearts, 但借着福音,神的国正在拯救人脱离撒旦权下归向神。 but the Kingdom of God through the gospel is gonna save and deliver people from the power of Satan to God! 借着基督的钉十架和复活,神的国已到来,正在来,还要完全来到! Through Christ‘s crucifixion and resurrection, the Kingdom has come, is coming and yet to come! 在基督第二次降临的时候,神的掌权要得以完全成就, God’s reign will complete at the second coming of the Kingdom of Christ. 当基督来时,天国也降临在地上。When Christ came, the kingdom of heaven was brought down to the earth.天国的王在哪里,天国就在那里。Where the King is, there is the Kingdom of heaven.

耶稣说,Jesus said, “我若靠着神的灵赶鬼,这就是神的国临到你们了 “If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you” ( 12:28Mt 12:28). 神的国降临是为解决人心中的罪。The Kingdom of God has come to deal with sin in everyone’s hearts. 主耶稣宣讲天国的福音,Jesus preached the Kingdom, 医病赶鬼,and cast out demons and healed the sick, 来表明神的国降临,to show that the Kingdom of God comes, 是为要将人心中那看不见的黑暗国度赶出去。to overthrow the invisible kingdom of darkness within people’s hearts.

作为神的祭司,As God’s priests, 我们祷告祈求神改变人心,使人承认耶稣基督为主; we pray for God to transform heartsleading people to confess Jesus Christ as Lord. 我们祈求神国度的能力带来复兴、 we pray for the power of God’s kingdom to bring restoration, 和好、 reconciliation, 医治、 healing, 拯救、 deliverance, 平安、 peace, 喜乐、 joy, 爱和希望; love and hope, 给这个堕落世界。to this fallen world. 我们祷告,求神国掌权! We pray for God’s reign to be established, 来消除世上一切的罪,邪恶和悖逆!uprooting all sin, evil, and rebellion from the world!

在太7:21耶稣说,Jesus said in Matt 7:21, “凡称呼我主啊,主啊的人不能都进天国;“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven,惟独遵行我天父旨意的人才能进去。” but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” 我们若想将来完全承受神的国, If we wanna fully inherit the Kingdom in the future, 就要遵行天父旨意。we need to do the Father’s will.

当这样祷告时,是表明我们将自己的意志降服于神,让神来掌管我们的生命, When we say this prayer, it means that we are surrendering our wills to the reign of God in our lives,不再照着天然倾向,被自己的喜好和恨恶辖制,and are no longer to be ruled by what we like or what we don’t like according to our natural preferences.而是要让祂的旨意成就在我们的生命中,It’s an invitation for His will to be done in our lives,让祂的国度在我们生命中掌权。and for His kingdom to rule in our lives.

让我们祷告let’s pray:

是的,主耶稣,你的国度掌权。Yes, Lord Jesus, Your Kingdom reign. 你掌权作王直到永远。You reign forever. 我们在天上的父,Our Father in heaven,感谢你邀请我们进入你的国和你的家, Thank You for inviting us into Your Kingdom and Your family, 是藉着你的儿子基督舍命在十架上。through Your Son Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross. 现在我们祈求,now we pray,愿你的国降临,let Your Kingdom come,愿你在我们的生命中,let You rule in our lives,在我们的家庭中,in our families,在我们的婚姻中,in our marriages,在我们生活的方方面面掌权, in every aspect of our lives,恢复我们… restore us…圣灵啊,Holy Spirit,求你释放国度的能力在我们心里, release Your Kingdom power into our heart,将黑暗国度和它的道路从我们心里赶出去。 to cast out the kingdom of darkness and its ways from our heart. 我们旧人的思想被自己所见所闻的判断给污秽了,our old ways of thinking have been defiled by our own judgement according to what we see or hear,但基督你不凭眼见耳闻判断 but Christ, You don’t judge by what You see with Your own eyes or hear with Your own ears, 你凭圣灵判断but by the judgement of the Holy Spirit. 2025年,我们祈求你纠正,提醒和教导我们,In 2025, we ask You to correct, remind and teach us,引导我们否定旧人的思维模式 guide us to deny the old ways of thinking,让神的国度更多的在我生命中掌权allow God’s Kingdom to rule more in my life, 让你的旨意更多的成就在我生命中。and Your will to be done more in my life.

让我们也为全国的浸信会和全地祂的教会的属灵觉醒祷告。 Let’s also pray for spiritual awakening for the Baptist churches across the country and all of His churches over the world…求神将天国和得胜者的应许启示给祂的众教会, Pray that God would give the revelation of the Kingdom of God and of the promise for the overcomers to His churches,使祂的子民得着信心 so that His people will receive faith,改变优先次序,to change their priorities, 先求神的国降临和祂的旨意成就。 for God’s Kingdom to come and His will be done…

2025年,我们祈求圣灵的倾倒,带来灵魂的复兴和得救。In2025, we pray for the outpouring of Your Spirit, for a revival that brings salvation to souls. 主啊,我们渴望看到我们的朋友、家人和社区因耶稣的名得救。Lord, we long to see our friends, our families, and our communities saved in Jesus’ mighty name.我们为那些被邪灵折磨、被锁链束缚、陷于成瘾的人祷告,求你赐下自由。We pray for freedom for those tormented by demons, bound by chains, and trapped in addictions.愿你的荣耀彰显,触动他们的心,让他们知道你是神。Let the manifestation of Your glory convince their hearts that You are God.求主砍断罪的锁链,To break the chains of sin,将人从黑暗国度里拯救出来,and deliver people from the kingdom of darkness,藉着祂儿子的福音恢复他们。and restore them through the gospel of His Son…

主啊,没有你我们什么也做不了。Lord, we cannot do anything without You.我们渴望你的荣耀。We long for Your glory. 主啊,愿你的国降临! 愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。” “Lord, Your kingdom come! Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” 我们祷告,求你将你的能力浇灌在教会中。We pray that You will pour out Your power on the church. 圣灵,求你来,come, Holy Spirit圣灵的能力,求你将下来,come, the power of the Holy Spirit. 让你的教会行出神迹奇事,并伴随着你的道。let Your church move in signs and wonders, accompanied by Your Word.父啊,我们奉耶稣的大能的圣名祈求,让你的教会看见超自然的彰显, Father, we pray in the mighty name of Jesus that we will see the supernatural in our churches,并让教会披戴能力去得胜罪和撒旦,奉耶稣的名祷告! and You would clothe Your church with power to overcome sin and Satan in 2025. In Jesus' name we pray!


5, Repeat the Chorus of “I speak Jesus” again重复宣告耶稣

(Alan & Kayla):

v.11, Give us today our daily bread. 我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们。

This verse reminds us that God is our creator, provider, and cares for even the smallest needs. 这节经文提醒我们,神是我们的创造者、供应者,祂关心我们哪怕是最小的需要。Jesus urges us to trust Him and not worry. 耶稣敦促我们信靠祂,不要忧虑。Worry and anxiety can weaken our faith in God. 忧虑和焦虑会削弱我们对神的信心。If God cares for the birds, He will also meet our needs. 如果神关心飞鸟,祂也会满足我们的需要。  However, Satan distracts us with worry and self-reliance. 然而,撒但用忧虑和靠自己来分散我们的注意力。  He keeps us busy and burdened by worldly concerns, reducing our faith in God. 祂使我们忙于世俗的忧虑,背负重担,削弱我们对神的信心。  But we’re His people, Jesus is our King. 但我们是祂的子民,耶稣是我们的王。  If we live according to His principles, the King of the Kingdom will provide for our unique daily needs. 如果我们按照祂的原则生活,这位天国的王将供应我们独特的每日需要。  Let’s put our trust in His words and seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. 让我们信靠祂的话语,先求祂的国和祂的义。And pray to break free from worry, anxiety, comparison, and jealousy. 让我们祷告,脱离忧虑、焦虑、比较和嫉妒。And allow gratitude, not comparison or jealousy, to fill our hearts. 让感恩充满我们的心,而不是比较或嫉妒。

Now let’s pray:  让我们祷告:

Father, we acknowledge that the phrase "give us" signifies a need, 我们承认赐给我们这句话表明了我们的需要,something we lack我们是缺乏的,something we cannot provide for ourselves.是我们自己无法提供的。If we already had it, we wouldn’t need to ask如果我们已经拥有,就无需祈求,But, Lord, You are our source. 但主啊,你是我们的源头。 We are merely branches connected to the vine, and Jesus, You are the vine. 我们只是连接在葡萄树上的枝子,而耶稣,你是那葡萄树。You are the answer to every fundamental question of life. 你是生命中每一个根本问题的答案。 Father, we bring our petitions to the throne of grace. 父啊,我们将我们的祈求带到恩典的宝座前。Whatever the need 任何我们的需要—our physical needs, 我们的身体需要,or spiritual needs, 属灵需要, healing, 医治, or breakthrough, 突破, or restoration in relationships关系的医治—we need Your provision. 我们需要你的供应。
Your Word says we can approach You with confidence as Your children. 你的话语告诉我们,作为你的儿女,我们可以坦然无惧地来到你面前。If you have a need today, lift your hand to the Father, with no shame or hesitation. 如果今天你有需要,请向天父举起你的手,不要羞愧或犹豫。 There is no request too small or too great for Him to hear. 没有任何祈求太小或太大,是祂不能垂听的。 You can ask the Father for your needs right now, 你可以为你的需要来祷告天父, If you‘d like to pray for others who needs healing or breakthroughs, you can also pray for others. 若你愿意为他人的需求或突破祷告,你也可以为他人代祷 As the body of Christ, we stand together, united in faith, praying and believing for one another. 作为基督的身体,我们同心站立,彼此代祷,相信神的作为。

Let’s lift our voices together in prayer: 让我们一同高声祷告: Father, we come boldly to Your throne. 父啊,我们坦然无惧地来到你的宝座前, We ask You to give us this day our daily bread. 我们求你今日赐给我们日用的饮食。 Lord, we need Your strength, Your healing, Your deliverance, and Your salvation. 主啊,我们需要你的力量、你的医治、你的释放和你的救恩, We need breakthroughs in our lives, in our finances, in our relationships, in our health, and in our spirits. 我们需要在生活、财务、关系、健康和灵里都经历突破。 Father, You are the source of all things.
父啊,你是万物的源头。 We ask, Lord, that You move in ways only You can.
主啊,我们求你以只有你能做到的方式动工。Bring breakthrough where it is needed. Bring healing where there is sickness. 在需要突破的地方带来突破,在有疾病的地方带来医治。 Bring deliverance where there is bondage 在有捆绑的地方带去释放. Bring salvation to those who are lost. 将救恩带给那些失丧的人Father, we pray for healing, breakthrough, and deliverance. 父啊,我们祈求医治、突破和释放。  We ask for Your mercy, Your grace, and Your Spirit to be released over us right now. 我们祈求你的怜悯、你的恩典和你的灵现在降临在我们身上。We pray that You would breathe a fresh breath of life into Your people, bringing revival to Your house. 我们祈求你向你的子民吹一口新鲜的生命气息,将复兴带到你的家中。 In Jesus' name, Amen. 奉耶稣的名,阿们

v. 12, Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。

Jesus teaches us that we should forgive others, because He has forgiven us. 耶稣教导我们应该饶恕别人,因为祂已经饶恕了我们。Forgiveness enables us to enter the blessings of God.饶恕使我们能够进入神的祝福.

In this fallen world that Satan rules, 在撒旦掌管的堕落世界里, no one is innocent, 人人都有罪, We all were born in sin, 人人都生在罪中,We all need God’s mercy to forgive. 我们都需要神的怜悯,赦免我们。 If we don’t forgive, Father will not forgive us. 如果我们不饶恕别人,天父也不会饶恕我们。 If we’re not forgiven, we put ourselves under the attack of the evil one. 如果我们得不到饶恕,我们就会置身于恶者的攻击中。Bad luck will happen to us 倒霉就会来到。

Forgiveness doesn’t mean what the person did to you was right. 饶恕不是说被饶恕那人对你们所行的是对的, Forgiveness is to leave our right for God to judge, 饶恕是把主权交给神, who judges justly. 按公义审判的神。  If we choose to cancel their debts, 如果我们选择免他人的债,and pass the free gift of forgiveness on to others, 并把这份饶恕传递给他人,we will be freed from bitterness, grumpiness and hatred.就会从苦毒、抱怨、仇恨中得释放。  And also而且, we will be able to live in joy, peace and love. 我们就可以活出喜乐、平安和爱。

Now Let us pray: 让我们一起祷告

Thank You Lord Jesus for the cross where Your love poured out for each of us. 谢谢你主耶稣, 在十字架上倾倒你的大爱, Come Lord, reign in us with the power of Your forgiveness. 求你的饶恕大能在我们里面掌权。 Thank You for cancelling our debts freely…感谢你免了我们的债…… Thank You for the pain of betrayal and rejection, 感谢你为我们承受了背叛和拒绝的痛苦,suffering humiliation and the punishment for sin You took for us, 你为我们担当了羞辱和罪的刑罚的痛苦 You teach us to pray, 你教导我们这样祷告: “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” “免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。”  Now we open our hearts and be honest to the Lord……现在我们敞开我们的心,诚实面对主…  who or what that you need to forgive? 你需要饶恕什么人或什么事?Are you still angry or not happy with your family members? 你仍然对你家人有怒气?不开心?Your spouse? 对你的配偶?parents? 父母? children? 孩子?Or a leader in your life? 或哪个领袖?or yourself? 或对你自己?or you felt offended by what they said or did…或者你因他们的言语或行为而感到被冒犯… You can pray, 你可以祷告,

“Forgive me, Lord, 主啊,赦免我!I sinned against you,我得罪了你,you didn’t count my faults, 你没有计算我的恶, but shed your blood for me to forgive me. 反而流出你的宝血来饶恕我, I receive Your forgiveness from the cross of Jesus, 我接受耶稣你十字架上的饶恕,to forgive myself, 饶恕我自己,and to forgive my parents, family members, leaders …饶恕我的父母,家人和领导, let go of the anger, the shame, the bitterness, and the judgement, 放下愤怒、羞耻感、苦毒和论断,we all fall short of Your glory,  我们都亏欠了你的荣耀,we were all broken-hearted people…他们也是心灵破碎的人…You forgive me, 你饶恕了我,I also forgive them and accept them just as they are…我也照着他们的本相饶恕和接纳他们…because Jesus accepted us just as we are….. 因主耶稣你照我们的本相接纳我们…Let go of all unforgiveness and grievances…放下一切的不饶恕和怨恨… I choose to love them to set myself free ” ……我选择爱他们来释放我自己得自由…” 

Lord Jesus, 主耶稣,thank You for Your cross, 感谢你的十字架, which brings us forgiveness, healing, deliverance, freedom and great Hope. 因十字架带给我们饶恕、医治、释放、自由和极大的盼望。 Amen. 阿们。


6, Repeat the Chorus of “Thank You Jesus for the Blood” again重复感谢耶稣你宝血

(David & Jing):

Matthew 6:13 says, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. ” 马太福音6:13不叫我们遇见试探, 救我们脱离凶恶。

These words from Jesus are both a prayer and a spiritual weapon, 耶稣的话是祷告, 也是属灵的兵器, reminding us of the daily spiritual battle we face. 我们每天都处在属灵争战的战场。The verse addresses two realities: 我们当看到两个现实:temptation and evil. 试探和邪恶四面环绕。

The first plea, “Lead us not into temptation, ” 第一句不要叫我们遇见试探” calls for a clear distinction between testing and tempting. 呼吁我们区分试炼和试探。 God does not tempt us, 神不试探我们, as James 1:13 states: 雅各书1:13说:“God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone. ” “因为神不能被恶试探, 祂也不试探人。

Temptation arises from within—试探来自我们的内心—our own desires—来自我们的私欲—as James 1:14 explains, 雅各书1:14说:“We are tempted when we are drawn away by our own desires. ” “我们被试探, 是被自己的私欲牵引诱惑的。

The devil exploits these desires, 魔鬼利用私欲试探我们, tempting and pulling us away from God’s will. 牵引我们偏离神旨意。Like a fisherman with bait, 如同渔夫用鱼饵, he lures us from safety. 引诱我们离开安全的地方。

When we pray, “Lead us not into temptation, ” 我们祷告不要叫我们遇见试探”, we ask God to guide us away from these snares, 我们是求神引导我们远离网罗, and strengthen us in our struggles. 在争战中坚固我们。Yet, this prayer requires our faith in action, 然而, 这个祷告向我们要日日行道的信心, as Galatians 5:17 reminds us of the daily battle between the flesh and the Spirit. 正如5:17, 情欲与圣灵、圣灵与情欲相争。

The second plea, “But deliver us from evil, ” 第二句, “救我们脱离凶恶”, asks for God’s protection from harm—physical, emotional, and spiritual. 求神保护我们免受身体、情感和属灵的伤害。 The Greek word ponēros refers to all that is wicked or harmful. 希腊文“ponēros”指一切邪恶或有害的事物。 This is not just about avoiding sin 不单是寻求不要犯罪跌倒, but seeking God’s protection, as seen in Job 1:9-10. 还当寻求神的保守, 1:9-10所说。Even Satan acknowledges God’s protective hand over Job. 连撒但也承认是神在四面保护约伯。

Jesus calls us to pray for this same protection —耶稣呼召我们求神保守—for ourselves and our loved ones. 为我们自己和所爱的人。 This divine protection can only be breached through disobedience, unbelief, or unrepentant sin. 唯有悖逆、不信或不悔改的罪, 能破坏这属天的保守。

Therefore, 因此, we must pray daily for discernment to recognise the enemy’s traps. 我们当日日祷告, 求赐下属灵的分辨力, 识别仇敌的陷阱, We pray for strength to resist and for the Spirit of God to fill every part of our lives. 求主赐下力量抵挡仇敌, 求圣灵充满我们, Leaving no space for the enemy to work. 不给仇敌留地步。

 So, Let’s pray together: 现在, 让我们一同祷告: Heavenly Father, 天父, we come to You in the name of Jesus Christ, 我们奉耶稣基督的名来到你面前, the Name above all names. 耶稣的名超乎万名, The One who has already triumphed over sin, death, and the power of the enemy. 耶稣已胜过罪恶, 胜过死亡, 胜过仇敌一切权势。 Father, we confess 父啊, 我们承认, that within us there are desires that draw us away from You. 在我们里面的私欲使我们远离你, As Your Word says, we are tempted when we are drawn away by our own lusts. 正如你的话说, 我们被试探是因为被自己的私欲牵引诱惑。

We repent of these desires, Lord—主啊, 我们为私欲悔改——those areas in our hearts where we have allowed the flesh to dominate. 为我们心中被肉体掌权的地方悔改, We renounce all ungodly cravings, whether they are for pleasure, power, or possessions. 弃绝一切不敬虔的贪念,追求享乐、权力或财物的渴望从我们里面出去 We surrender them to You right now in Jesus’ name. 奉耶稣的名, 我们愿全然降服于你。 In the name of Jesus Your Son, 奉神儿子耶稣的名, we command every demonic spirit that has taken advantage of our weaknesses to leave us now. 命令一切用我们的软弱辖制我们的邪灵离开。Spirits of lust, 情欲、greed, 贪婪、pride, 骄傲、anger, 怒气、fear, 惧怕, or any other unclean spirit, 或其他污秽的灵, we bind you now and cast you out in the name of Jesus Christ. 奉主名捆绑你们, 斥责你们出去并离开,For you have no authority here, 你们对我们无份无关无权柄,for we are bought with the blood of Jesus. 因耶稣用宝血买赎了我们。 We belong to Him, 我们属于祂, and He is our Lord and Saviour. 耶稣是我们的主, 是我们的救赎主。 Lord, we thank You for the victory that is ours in Christ. 主啊, 我们感谢你, 在基督里我们已得胜。 We stand on Your Word, 我们站立在你的话语上, which promises that You are faithful 你是信实的, and will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. 必不叫我们受试探过于我们所能承受的。

Teach us, O Lord, to walk daily in Your strength. 主啊, 教导我们每天都在你的能力中行走, To guard our hearts and to resist the schemes of the enemy. 保守我们的心, 抵挡仇敌的诡计。 Heavenly Father, we also pray for Your divine hedge of protection to surround us. 天父, 求你圈上篱笆四面围护我们, Surround our families and all that You have entrusted to us. 围护我们的家和一切交付我们的, Just as You placed a hedge around Job, his household, and everything he owned. 正如你曾圈上篱笆四面围护约伯全家和他一切所有的。

We ask You to place Your impenetrable shield around us. 求你在我们四围安置盾牌, Guard our lives against all harm—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 保护我们免受身体、情感和属灵的伤害。 Let no weapon formed against us prosper, and let no scheme of the enemy prevail. 叫一切起来攻击我们的归于无有, 叫仇敌一切计谋都落空。 For You, O Lord, are our shield and fortress, and in You we trust. 因为你是我们的盾牌, 是我们的山寨, 我们信靠你。 So we thank You for Your faithfulness, we trust in Your providence and protection. 感谢你的信实, 我们信靠你的供应和保守。 We declare that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. 我们宣告, 靠着那爱我们的主, 我们已经得胜有余。 In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen. 奉耶稣基督的名祷告, 阿们。


7, Forever we sing Hallelujah 直到永远

(Jane & Jing):

v13b, For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever! Amen! 因为国度、权柄和荣耀全是你的,直到永远!

Yes, forever, He is glorified; forever, He is lifted high; forever, He is risen. 是的,永远祂被荣耀,永远祂被高举,永远祂已复活。He is alive! He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. 祂是活着的!祂是万王之王,万主之主。"Now, Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever." “现在,国度、权柄和荣耀全是你的,直到永远。” You are the King over the heavens and the earth. 你是天地的君王。Let’s now give Jesus all the glory and honour. 现在,让我们将一切荣耀和尊崇都归给耶稣。Everything we have—our energy, our time, our bodies, our finances—comes from God and belongs to God. 我们所拥有的一切——我们的精力、时间、身体、财务——都来自神,并且都属于神。Jesus has ownership over all that we possess. 耶稣掌管我们所拥有的一切。We’re to honour Him with our energy, time, bodies, finances, and everything we have. 我们当用我们的精力、时间、身体、财务和一切所有来尊崇祂。

“Lord, we lift our voices to offer You a sacrifice of praise!” 主啊,我们高声向你献上赞美的祭!To You belong all the glory and praise. 一切荣耀和赞美都属于你。

You are holy. You are the Lord God Almighty, who alone is worthy. 你是圣洁的,你是全能的主,唯有你是配得的。You are to be feared above all other gods. 你是超越万神的,你当受敬畏!Nothing can compare to You! 没有什么可以与你相比!You are far greater than Mammon! 你远超玛门!You are far more powerful than any human authority because You made the heavens, the earth, and everything in them. 你远比任何人的权柄更有能力,因为你创造了天地和其中的一切。

Everything is limited, but You are infinite. 万物都是有限的,唯有你是无限的。Your wisdom is beyond our comprehension, and Your power is immeasurable. 你的智慧超乎我们所能测度,你的能力无可限量。 You give life to the dead and call into existence things that do not yet exist. 你使死人复活,使无变为有。You hold the keys of death and Hades. 你掌管死亡和阴间的钥匙。What You open, no one can shut, and what You shut, no one can open. 你所开门的,没有人能关;你所关门的,没有人能开。

Through Your love and by Your blood, we are freed from our sins and made into a kingdom and priests to serve You, our God and Father. 因着你的爱,借着你的宝血,我们从罪中得释放,被造成为国度和祭司,来侍奉你——我们的神和父。To You be glory and power forever and ever! 愿荣耀和权能归于你,直到永永远远!

Now, we pray that all the earth will rejoice in Your salvation in 2025. 现在,我们祈求在2025,普天下都因你的救恩欢喜快乐。May the year be a year of many souls coming to know Jesus and His salvation. 2025年成为许多人认识耶稣救恩的一年。May our neighbours come to know the love of God. 愿我们的邻居认识神的爱。May our family members, schoolmates, colleagues, friends, and newcomers to our city and country all come to know that You love them. 愿我们的家人、同学、同事、朋友,以及我们城市和国家的新来者,都能知道你爱他们。And that You alone are God, who is able to bless, provide, protect, heal, and restore. 并且唯有你是神,你能赐福、供应、保护、医治和恢复。 " May many addictions be broken, many sicknesses healed愿看见许多有瘾的得释放, 病得医治, and many spiritual prisoners set free! 属灵的囚犯得自由!May Your Kingdom come powerfully among us and on earth in 2025. 2025你的国度大有能力的降临在我们中间,并在全地,May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! 你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。

For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever! Amen! 因为国度、权柄和荣耀全是你的,直到永远!阿们!


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