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2024-11-24 Growing in the leading of the Holy Spirit在圣灵的引领下成长

发表于 2024-11-24

How many of us know the parable of the prodigal son? 有多少人熟悉浪子的比喻?In the story, a father had two sons. 故事中,一位父亲有两个儿子。The younger son squandered his inheritance but later returned, 小儿子挥霍了自己的产业,但后来悔改归家,and the father welcomed him with a feast. 父亲以盛宴欢迎他。What? The older was angry大儿子生气了and said, “I’ve worked hard for you我这么为你劳力做工, you didn’t give me a young goat to enjoy with my friends你都没给我一只山羊羔可以和朋友分享。It’s unfair.这不公平” The younger son was lost but is now found这小儿子失丧如今刚被寻回, while the older son is now lost after serving God for many years而大儿子在服侍主多年后却迷失了. Neither of them is the ideal son of God. 大小儿子都不是神理想中的儿子,They both need to change! 他们都需要改变。The ideal pattern of God’s son is Christ Jesus. 理想神儿子的模板是基督耶稣. And all who reflect His character, His love, righteousness公义, mercy怜悯,凡反映祂品格的人—Christ-like sons——基督样式的儿子—are the true sons of God. ——才是真正的神的儿子。Romans 8:13-14, For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; 你们若顺着肉体活着,必要死; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. 若靠着圣灵治死身体的恶行,必要活着。For those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 因为凡被神的灵引导的,都是神的儿子。

1, True sons are led by the Spirit not the flesh. 1.真儿子是被圣灵引导而非旧人

The Greek word for 'sons' here is huios, 这里“儿子”一词在希腊文中是huiosmeaning mature, adult sons. 意思是成熟的、成年的儿子。'Being led by the Spirit of God' . “被神的灵引导”means to be motivated, guided, and directed by the Holy Spirit意味着被圣灵感动、引导和指示In other words, 换句话说, mature believers are not defined by how long we’ve been Christians, 成熟的信徒并不在于信主的时间长短,or how clever our opinions are. 或者自己的观点有多好it’s about whether we surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit in what we think and do. 关键在于我们是否顺服圣灵的引导去想和行事。When facing pressure, 当面对压力、rejection, 拒绝or conflict, 或冲突时,if we quickly turn inward, 如果我们很快回到内心,thinking and acting like, 用旧有的思维去行事,比如:“I’m alone, “我感到孤独…I’m bullied, 我被欺负了…I’m not respected…他们不尊重我…I wanna hide…我想躲起来…I’ll withdraw…” 我要退出…” These old patterns of thinking and acting prevent us from bringing Kingdom influence to others, 这些旧有的思维和行为会阻挡我们将神国的影响力带给他人,and as a result, we can’t fulfil our tasks. 结果也使我们无法完成自己的任务。Only by being led by the Spirit of God, rather than the flesh, can we fulfil our purpose. 只有被神的灵引导,不被旧人引导才能完成命定。

Romans 8:5 says, For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, 因为,随从肉体的人体贴肉体的事;(worry about what can eat, drink and dress? weather people affirm me, or not?...) (吃什么、喝什么、穿什么,人们有没有肯定我......but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. 随从圣灵的人体贴圣灵的事。The Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity, 圣灵是三位一体中的第三个位格,known as the Spirit of truth. 被称为真理的灵。 Jesus said, 主耶稣说,“…the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, 就是从父出来真理的圣灵, he will testify about me.” 他来了,就要为我作见证。 John15:26. The Spirit of truth is sent to guide us into God’s perspective, 真理的灵被差遣来引导我们进入神的视角,His ways of seeing things—ways that are just, righteous, loving, and merciful. 祂看事物的方式是公义、正直、慈爱和怜悯的。Being led by the Spirit means humbling ourselves, 被圣灵引导意味着谦卑自己,denying our own judgements, 否定自己的判断,and allowing the Spirit of truth to change us 允许真理的灵改变我们,into how He sees things and people, 使我们按祂的眼光看待事物和人。We judge people based on their appearance我们照外貌判断人, their jobs, 他是做什么的 their degrees拿什么文凭的... But God searches people's hearts但神监察人的心 and seeks to use those who trust in Him寻找去使用那些信靠祂人。And He also wants us to be changed into His ways of doing life, 祂也想我们被改变,进入祂的方式来生活、marriage, 经营婚姻and ministry. 和开展事工。In other words, 换句话说,God desires us to embrace ongoing change to fulfil our mission on earth. 神渴望我们不断改变,以完成祂在地上的使命。Each New Year, 每年新年,I pray: 我都会祷告:“Lord, change me continuously. “主啊,持续改变我,Renew my understanding of who You are and Your ways.” 更新我对祢和祢法则的认识。”Recently, 最近,through the US election, 藉着美国大选,God reshaped my understanding of His ways. 神重新塑造了我对祂法则的认知。Four years ago, 四年前,I heard God say something about a leader, 我听见神说一位领袖,and He would pull that person down from his position, 祂将那人从其位上拉下来,and it happened. 于是真的发生了。But four years later, 但四年后,it didn’t. 这次却没有再发生。Instead, 相反,God showed me a dream about correction. 神藉着一个梦来纠正我。I love God’s loving correction. 我喜爱神慈爱的纠正。I repented and learned a crucial lesson: 我悔改并得了一个重要的教训:I can’t rely on yesterday’s revelation to define my understanding of His will for today. 不能依赖昨天的启示来定义我对神今天旨意的认识。Actually, 实际上,being led by the Spirit of Truth is the most challenging part. 被真理的灵引导是最具挑战性的。We can be moved by the Spirit in worship, 在敬拜中,我们被圣灵感动,but can quickly fall back into old ways of thinking, 但很快又会回到旧有的思维方式,leading to anger, 就生气、disappointment 灰心or other negative emotions. 或其他负面情绪And be captured by the thoughts of the flesh again被老自己的思想又困住了。So We need the Holy Spirit 我们需要圣灵 The Holy Spirit comes to transform us 圣灵来是为要改变我们,and empower us 赐予我们力量,to fulfil our purpose. 成就我们的命定。So learning to be led by the Spirit of Truth 因此,学习被真理的灵引导,instead of the old self, 而非旧人掌控,is key to growing in Christ.是在基督里成长的关键。

2, Surrender to the Spirit of truth. 2.降服真理的灵。

So how to be led by the Spirit? 那么,如何被圣灵引领呢?First of all, practice denying the voices of the self 首先,练习否定自我的声音,and surrender to the Spirit of truth. 降服于真理。Throughout history在历史上, many spiritual revival movements have occurred许多的属灵复兴发生过. The Holy Spirit was poured out圣灵浇灌下来, and people were saved人得救了, healed得了医治, and transformed被改变. Many missionaries were raised up产生了很多的宣教士. But when the flesh got in its ways, 但当肉体思想进来 it shut down the flow of the Holy Spirit.圣灵的流动就被止住了。Romans 8:5-6 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; 因为,随从肉体的人体贴肉体的事;but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 随从圣灵的人体贴圣灵的事。 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, 体贴肉体的,就是死; but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 体贴圣灵的,乃是生命、平安。 It says that true transformation occurs when we surrender our minds to the Word of God, 真正的改变是在我们将心意降服于神的话之时,for the Spirit of truth works through the truth we believe. 因为真理的灵是藉着我们所相信的真理动工的。Self-centred, or rational thoughts, however, can rob us of peace. 自我中心,或自认为合理的思想却会夺去我们的平安。Is surrender something we can practice easily? 降服是一件容易操练的事吗?Not at all. 断乎不是。As humans, 作为人,we tend to control instead of surrender. 我们喜欢掌控而非降服。 Is it easy for us to surrender our reputation to God, 你是否能轻松地将自己的名声交托给神,without justifying ourselves when we feel wronged like Christ did? 像基督那样,被冤枉时不为自己伸冤?Is it easy for you to surrender your life to God 你是否能轻松地将生命交托给神,and spend time with Him, 愿意花时间亲近祂,seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness, 先求神的国和神的义while you're feeling worried about your job, finances, or children? 当正面对工作、财务或孩子的担忧时? Gal 5:17 tells us 告诉我们,that surrender comes as a result after we fight off the desires of the self. 降服是我们战胜私欲的果子。So, to surrender, 因此,要想降服,we first need to recognise what causes us to control rather than surrender? 我们首先需要认识到是什么导致我们掌控而不是降服?

3, Fear is a key issue that hinders us from surrendering. 惧怕是阻碍我们降服的关键问题。Romans 815 for you did not receive a spirit, that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship, and by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 你们所受的不是奴仆的心,仍旧害怕,所受的乃是儿子的心,因此我们呼叫:“阿爸,父!” It hints that the Holy Spirit frees us from sin这里暗示 圣灵使我们从罪里得自由. The Holy Spirit gives us life圣灵赐生命, and brings about our adoption to sonship导致我们被收养, transforming us into mature sons of God改变我们成为儿子的心. However, 然而 a major hindrance is fear, 一个主要的阻碍是惧怕It says这里说, firstly首先, fear is a spirit惧怕是个灵. Secondly其次, the spirit of fear has the power惧怕的灵有能力 to make us slaves again to the fear of man让我们再次成为人的奴隶, fear of rejection怕被拒绝, fear of the unknown future怕未知的未来……Fear greatly prevents us from being led by the Spirit of Truth.惧怕大大阻碍我们被真理的灵引导。

How many of us have this fear issue? 有谁有这样惧怕的?In the bible, 在圣经中,we see the Israelites whether at the Red Sea, 我们看到以色列人无论是在红海边,or in the wilderness, 还是在旷野中,they were terrified, 他们都充满惧怕,and doubted God’s provision and deliverance, 怀疑神的供应和拯救,fear blocked their trust in His plan. 惧怕阻挡了他们对神计划的信靠。Similarly, 同样,King Saul, was afraid of the people 扫罗王因为惧怕百姓,and always tended to please them, 总是想要讨好人,so he couldn’t fully surrender to God’s commands. 他就无法完全降服于神的命令。In John 9:22, Jesus healed the blind man, 耶稣医治了一个瞎子,but his parents didn’t openly acknowledge Jesus, 但那人的父母不敢公开承认耶稣,because they were afraid of being kicked out of the synagogue. 因害怕被赶出会堂。Their fear kept them from witnessing what Jesus had done for their son. 他们的惧怕使他们无法见证耶稣为他们儿子所做的一切。The fear of man can cause us to be led by the flesh, 惧怕人会让我们随从肉体,preventing us from being led by the Holy Spirit to boldly testify about Jesus. 而无法被圣灵引导,勇敢地为耶稣作见证。On 15 December, at the last 2pm service for 2024, 20241215日的最后一场下午两点聚会中,I hope more of us will boldly testify what Jesus has done for you and your family this year! 我盼望更多人能够见证耶稣今年在你和你家人身上的作为!Fear drove the Pharisees to oppose Jesus and his ministry, 惧怕使法利赛人反对耶稣和他的事工,because his growing influence threatened their power and control. 因为耶稣日益增长的影响力威胁到了他们的权力和控制。They said, 他们说,See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!” 法利赛人彼此说:“看哪,你们是徒劳无益,世人都随从他去了。”

Fear led them to cling to control and power, 惧怕使他们紧抓权力和控制不放,instead of seeking to experience the life-changing power of God. 而不是寻求经历神那改变生命的大能。The same work of the religious spirit still attempts to hinder God’s church through fear today. 同样的宗教灵今天依然试图藉着惧怕来阻挡神的教会。In 2 Tim 提后1:7, Pual said to young leader Timothy, 保罗对年轻的领袖提摩太说,“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 因为神赐给我们,不是胆怯的心,乃是刚强,仁爱、谨守的心。 Paul sees the spiritual reality in the Spirit, 保罗在圣灵里看见了属灵的实况:that fear, 惧怕——fear of man, 无论是怕人、persecution, 怕逼迫,or other things - 还是怕别的——shifts God’s people’s focus from God to themselves and others. 都会使神子民将焦点从神转向自己或他人。“I’m not good enough…比如,“我不够好……I can’t do it…我做不到……” Fear gets us focused on ourselves, 惧怕让我们专注于自己,leading to comparison引向比较, “he is better than me…他比我好 then, producing jealousy就生产嫉妒, unforgiveness不饶恕, disobedience悖逆, “why didn’t God give me?....’ 为什么神不赐给我?When we fear, 当我们惧怕,we tend to control, 就要掌控,control our lives, 控制我们要怎么活、money, 钱、time, or children 时间或孩子,based on our own ideas of good, 都要按自己所认为的好去掌控,rather than trusting and surrendering to the Spirit of truth. 而不是信靠并降服于真理的灵。This stops the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 这阻挡了圣灵在我们生命里的运行。Next year, 明年with the support of church leadership, 在教会领袖团队的支持下,we’ll launch revival worship services, 我们将启动复兴敬拜聚会,aligning with the dreams God has revealed. 正是按神赐的异梦所启示的。Revival begins when individuals respond to God’s Word with true repentance, 当个人以真实的悔改、 faith, and surrender. 信心和降服来回应神的话语时,复兴就开始了。However, 然而,fear惧怕—whether fear of man or fear of circumstances -无论是怕人还是怕环境 —can keep us self-focused 都会让我们专注自我,and hinder the flow of the Holy Spirit. 拦阻圣灵运行。 So how to overcome fear那么,如何战胜惧怕,and practice surrender to the Spirit of Truth? 降服于圣灵呢?

a, Acknowledge, deal with, and reject fear. 承认、处理和拒绝惧怕。Firstly, 首先we need to acknowledge fear 我们需要认出惧怕, and resist it through prayer. 并借着祷告来抵挡它。 For example, 例如, if you hesitate to witness about Jesus, 如果你不能在人前为耶稣作见证, fear being judged, 怕被论断, or avoid speaking truth, 或回避讲真理, or standing for justice, 或不敢为正义发声,there must be strongholds of fear within you你里面一定有惧怕的营垒. And you need to ask God to reveal whether there’re any unresolved traumas, 求神显明你是否有未处理的创伤,or people that you need to forgive and love. 或需要饶恕和去爱的人。For love conquers fear因为爱里没有惧怕 (1John 约一 4:18).

B, Become conscious of God. 要常意识到神 (1 Peter 彼前 2:19) For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. 倘若人为叫良心对得住神,就忍受冤屈的苦楚,这是可喜爱的。 Suffering unjustly and enduring wrongs 遭受不公正的苦难和忍受被冤枉are part of growing process if we wanna become mature in Christ. 是成熟长大像耶稣所要操练的一部分。 How would Christ endure suffering? 基督会如何忍受苦难? How would Joseph, 约瑟、 Moses, 摩西、David, 大卫, the prophets, and the disciples先知和门徒们 endure and overcome fear? 又是如何忍受和战胜惧怕的呢?They all remained conscious of God. 他们常意识到神。In your circumstances若在你的环境中, if you feel wronged or bullied你感到被冤枉或欺负, and if you’re conscious of God但若你意识到神 and believe that He is watching how you will glorify Him并信祂在观看你要怎样荣耀祂, you won’t react to people你就不会和人争. Instead相反, you will pray and allow God to go before you. 你会祷告,让神走在你前面。So how to practice be conscious of God? 那么,如何操练意识到神呢?

C, Meditate on God’s Promises. 默想神的应许。Fill your minds with His truth not what others say about you. 内心充满神的真理而不是别人对你的评价。“I wanna do better… 我想做的更好……I feel ashamed, or condemned when I’m corrected…” 当被纠正时,我感到羞愧或被定罪......” Fear cripples our identity. 惧怕会削弱你的身份认同感。Your identity or value shouldn’t be rooted in the work you do你的身份或价值不当扎根在你所做的工里Otherwise, 不然 if your work fails你的工作不成功, you’ll feel ashamed and hopeless. 你就感到羞耻和绝望. Over the past seven years在过往的7年中, I didn’t see God’s prophetic dreams become reality我没有看到神赐我的预言性的梦成真, and all my hard work seemed in vain我所有的工作似乎是白费的. What is God’s will for me in this? 神在这其中对我的旨意是什么?I shed many tears, 我流了很多的泪learning to grow stronger in the leading of the Spirit by denying the thoughts of self. 借着否定自我的思想,顺服圣灵的引导学习成长强大。Whether the ministry is successful or not doesn’t matter无论事工是否成功都不重要, because God values faithfulness, not success. 因神看重的是忠心 Success comes from Him,成功是祂赐的 while faithfulness is born out of our trust in Him, no matter the cost. 而忠心是从付代价的信靠祂里生出来的。After another seven years of refining my faith, 这又7年的被炼净信心后 the dream of offering free English classes has become a reality this year神赐英文班的梦今年终于成了. Another prophetic dream I had seven years ago还有一个7年前的预言性的梦—seeing revival among the Baptists我看见在浸信人里的复兴—is now in preparation现在正在筹备. We are planning to start revival worship with other Baptist churches next year. 我们在预备明年和其他浸信会一起办复兴敬拜会。And you’re all called to participate and contribute.你们都被呼召参与其中。We’ve gotta be humble and pray continuously to get ourselves ready当继续谦卑祷告预备自己。

So don’t believe the lies! 不要信谎言!You are who God says you are 你就是神所说你是谁—your identity is found internally, in Christ! --你的价值是在内住的基督里!“Whether you’re a small potato or someone else, 不管你是小人物还是别的,it’s just people’s judgement. 这只是人的判断。It won’t last forever. 这不能永存。But if you practise surrendering to God, not to self,但你若操练顺服神不顺服自己 the fruit of that will last forever!这果子要存到永恒。Meditating on Bible verses affirms God’s faithfulness, 默想经文会确认神的信实、protection, and love, 保守和爱,It allows His perfect love to drive out fear 让祂完全的爱赶走惧怕(1 John 约一4:18). and enables you to forgive, 这使你能饶恕、accept, 接纳,and love others 和爱别人,as Jesus does for you. 如同耶稣为你所做的一样。It shifts your focus from fear to purpose 把注意力从惧怕转移到命定上 helping you grow in being led by the Spirit of Truth. 帮助你在真理之灵的引领下成长。

Would you like to practice meditating on God’s promise right now? 你现在想操练默想神的应许吗? I’d like to pick up two bible verses: 我摘取了两段经文:Isa 41:10, So do not fear, for I am with you; 你不要害怕,因为我与你同在; do not be dismayed for I am your God. 不要惊惶,因为我是你的神。 I will strengthen you and help you; 我必坚固你,我必帮助你; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 我比用我公义的右手扶持你。 1 John 约一 4;18, there is no fear in love. 爱里没有惧怕。 But perfect love drives out fear. 惧怕的人在爱里未得完全。 The first bible verse God gave me was第一节经文是神给我的 when I was called to preach the gospel当时我刚成为基督徒30 and plant a home church just 30 days after I had become a Christian. 就被呼召去传福音和建立家庭教会。I knew nothing about the bible, 我对圣经一无所知, I was terrified. 我很害怕。But God said, 但神说, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit.” “不是倚靠才能,不是倚靠势力,乃是倚靠你的灵。”“Do not fear, for I am with you, “不要惧怕,因为我与你同在, do not be dismayed for I am your God. 不要惊惶,因为我是你的神。 I will strengthen you and help you; 我必坚固你,我必帮助你; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” 我比用我公义的右手扶持你。 And He did it. 他做到了。 He has been faithful to His promises. 他持守他的约。Would you like to practice now? 现在想操练一下吗? If you’d like, 如果你愿意, you can follow me to read the bible verses slowly and repeatedly. 可以跟着我反复慢读圣经经文。

 “So do not fear, "所以不要惧怕, do not fear, 不要惧怕, do not fear, 不要惧怕, for I am with you. 因为我与你同在。 Don’t be dismayed, 不要惊惶, don’t be dismayed, 不要惊惶, For I am your God. 因为我是你的神。 Yes, 是的,do not fear, 不要惧怕, don’t be dismayed, 不要惊惶 You, 你,the Almighty God, 全能的神,the God who created heavens and earth is my God, 创造天地的神是我的神, You’re my God. 你是我的神。You’ve made Yourself personal to me. 你让我和你有个人关系。You love me!你爱我。For You will strengthen me and help me. 因我必坚固你,我必帮助你。 You, 你,the Creator God, 创造主神,the Source of life, 生命之源, who holds the keys of death and Hades, 掌管死亡和阴间的钥匙,the wellspring of wisdom, 智慧、 power, 能力, and strength 和力量的泉源—will strengthen and help me. –你将坚固我,帮助我。With Your righteous right hand upholding me, 有你公义的右手扶持我, whom shall I fear? 我还怕谁呢? Why do I always look at people, 为什么我总是看着人, so that I fear? 如此惧怕?Or look at myself, 或看了己,feeling dismayed? 感到沮丧? Forgive me, Lord, 主啊,赦免我。I’ve looked in wrong direction. 我看错了方向。People will fall, 人会倒 circumstances will change环境会变, but You’ll never change但你永不改变! Why should I focus on things that will fall so easily and leave my heart faint? 我为何要定睛那些容易倒塌、使我心感软弱的事物呢?I turn to You! 我转向你 Your love for me is steadfast and eternal.你对我的爱是坚贞和永恒。 On that cross, You poured out Your precious blood for me, not because I did anything good, but because I’ve sinned. 在十字架上,你为我倾尽宝血,不是因为我做了什么好事,而是因为我犯罪了。My mum and dad, and my ancestors, have all sinned. 我的父母和祖先都犯了罪。Yet, You suffered the pain of rejection and death to redeem me from the death and curses of sin.然而,你承受了被拒绝和死亡的痛苦,为了将我从罪的死亡和咒诅中赎回。Your perfect love drives out fear.你的完全的爱赶走一切惧怕。Your love is forgiving, and I embrace Your forgiving love into my heart to drive out fear—the fear in me caused by any threatening words or actions from my family members or others,你的爱是赦免的,我将你的赦免之爱拥入心中,驱除内心的惧怕——那些因家人或他人威胁性的言语和行为所产生的惧怕,the fear that caused me to control and not fully trust in Your loving plan for me. 那种让我控制和不完全信靠你对我爱计划的惧怕。In the name of Jesus, I declare forgiveness over XXX…奉耶稣的名,我宣告对XXX的饶恕…I’ve sinned, he has sinned, she has sinned, we all fall short of God’s glory.我有罪,他有罪,她有罪,我们都亏缺了神的荣耀。You forgave me, I forgive them... forgiveness has set me free from spiritual prison.你赦免了我,我也饶恕他们... 饶恕让我从属灵的监牢中得以自由。In Jesus’ name, I break the power of fear in me!奉耶稣的名,我破除内心的惧怕的权势!I break the power of control and manipulation.我破除控制与操控的权势。Fill me with Your Spirit and love. 用你的圣灵与爱充满我。Jesus, Your perfect love drives out fear.耶稣,你完全的爱驱除一切惧怕。Guide me to love others with Your love…引导我用你的爱去爱他人…

Now Let’s sing the last song… 现在我们来唱最后一首歌……


Yes, 是的,Amen, 阿们,Amen, 阿们,Amen, 阿们, thank You Jesus, 感谢主耶稣,for freeing us all once were held in slavery by our fear of death, 释放了我们这些因怕死成为奴仆的人,Thank You for blessing us with eternal life. 感谢你赐予我们永生。 Yes, 是的, May His favor be upon us, 愿你的恩典降临在我们身上, and a thousand generations, 降临在千万代,and our family 降临在我们的家人,and our children, 我们的后代, and their children, 他们的后代, and their children! 他们的后代身上!Again, We take the authority You gave us, In Jesus name, 我们再次奉主耶稣名,并主的权柄,we again break generational curses of fear, 我们再次破除世代相传的惧怕,idolatry, 拜偶像, religious idolatry, 宗教偶像崇拜的咒诅, we break the power of control and manipulation! 破除控制和操纵的权势,We command all spirits of fear and torment to leave. 斥责一切的惧怕和折磨的灵离开。Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, 用你的灵充满我,bless us with more of Your anointing power! 用你更多的恩膏力量祝福我们!Prepare all of us for more of Your Kingdom to come! 求你预备我们, 愿你的国降临!Thank You Jesus! 感谢你,主耶稣!


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