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2024-10-20 Growing in Gratitude(1) 在感恩中成长(一)

发表于 2024-10-21

Lately, I’ve felt God urging me 最近,我感到神在催促我to speak about growing in gratitude. 来分享在感恩中成长的话题。How many were thankful for those who voluntarily cooked and served at church camp? 有多少人感恩营会里给大家做饭服侍的?Are you willing to serve others out of gratitude? 你想要因感恩起来服事他人吗?Grateful people are joyful, 感恩的人是喜乐的人,while bitter hearts lead to trouble. 苦毒的心则到处制造麻烦。Joyful people bring light, 喜乐的人带来光、smiles, 笑容、and laughter 笑声,wherever they go, 无论他们去那里,influencing their families and others. 都影响着家里人和外面的人。

Grateful people are peacemakers, 感恩的人成就和睦,not troublemakers. 而不是制造麻烦。But bitterness causes gossip, 苦毒则带来谗言、division, 纷争、and hurt. 伤害。As followers of Jesus, 作为基督的跟随者,we must grow in gratitude to influence those around us. 我们当在感恩中成长,来影响周围的人。Today, 今天,we’ll focus on why and how we should practice gratitude. 我们来分享为什么和怎么样操练感恩。Let’s read, 我们来读, 1 Thess 帖前5:18: Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  凡事谢恩,因为这是 神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。Philippians 4:6-7: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 6应当一无挂虑,只要凡事藉着祷告、祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉 神。And the peace of God... will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 7 神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。

1So why should we grow in gratitude? What are the consequences of being ungrateful? 为什么要在感恩中成长?不感恩的后果是什么?

First of all, 首先,ingratitude is a sin. 不感恩是罪。Why did Adam and Eve disobey God’s command and eat the forbidden fruit? 亚当和夏娃为什么违背神的吩咐吃了禁果?The reason is clear: 原因很明显:they weren’t grateful for God’s provision. 他们不感恩神的供应,They thought, 他们想,“God hasn’t given us the best! “神没有把最好的给我们!We wanna get the best for ourselves.” 我们就自己动手。”Does that sound familiar to you? 听起来是不是很熟悉?“God, You haven’t given me the best…“神啊,你没给我最好的……I’ll get the best for myself.” “那我就自己去得。” “I don’t have it, “我没有,I want it…我想要……I want more…” 我要更多……” Ingratitude opens the door to attitudes of greed, 不感恩给贪心、complaint, 抱怨、disobedience, 悖逆不服、idolatry, 拜偶像and other sins.和其他罪开了门。Failing to express gratitude 不去表达感恩,is a form of disobedience to God’s command in 1 Thess 帖前5:8,是违背神在帖前5:8节的吩咐,“Give thanks in all circumstances”. 凡事谢恩。This is God’s command. 这是神的命令。Give thanks not just in good times but bad too不只是在好事里感谢, 更是在不好的时候。Why? 为什么?Because when you give thanks in the bad times, 当你在不顺心时感谢祂,you recognise that He is God, 你是在说祂是神, you’re not你不是。And His plan祂的计划,His timing, 祂的时间,His ways are good祂的道路是好的! And you need to change而你需要改变 and trust in Him.和信靠祂。

And the second part says: 接着经上又说, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 因为这是 神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。Some have asked,有人问 “what is God’s for me?” 神对我的旨意是什么?This is God’s will for you! 这就是神对你的旨意!Give thanks in all circumstances. 凡事谢恩。When you fail to follow God’s command 当你不遵行神的命令,to thank Him and thank people, 不感谢神,也不感谢人when you complain, 抱怨说,“my parents aren’t good, “我父母不好,my school isn’t good, 我的学校不好,my house isn’t good, 我的房子不好,my food isn’t good…” 吃的也不好……”You actually are saying, 你实际上在说,“God, You’re not good, “神啊,因为你是不好的神,that’s why You don’t provide good things for me.” 所以没把好东西给我。” When you don’t give thanks in all circumstances, 你若不能凡事谢恩,you don’t do His will. 就是不遵行神的旨意。

2What’re the consequences of not doing God’s will? 不行神旨意的后果是什么?

John 9:31, We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will. 我们知道 神不听罪人,惟有敬奉 神、遵行他旨意的, 神才听他。

Number one, your prayers go unanswered, 第一,你的祷告得不着回应which is serious! 这太严重了!If your prayer life is hindered, 祷告若被拦阻,you can’t experience God, 你就经历不了神,or grow in the knowledge of Him. 也无法在认识神上成长。

Number two, you can’t be intimate with God. 第二,你无法与神有亲密关系Jesus also warns 耶稣警戒我们,in Matt 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. “凡称呼我主啊,主啊的人,不能都进天国;惟独遵行我天父旨意的人,才能进去。 The word “heaven” in Greek is “Ouranos,” “天国的希腊文是Ouranoswhich can be translated as heaven, 可以翻译为天堂、skies, 天空、or the heavens. 诸天。

There’re a whole lot of things to explore about “Ouranos,” 关于Ouranos有很多可说的,but we won’t go into that today. 但我们今天没时间讲。Here, it simply refers to the place where God dwells. 这里,它指的是神居住的所在。So, what’s Jesus saying? 那么耶稣在说什么?If you don’t do the Father’s will, 若不遵行父的旨意,you can’t enter His presence, 你就不能进入神的同在,you’re unable to have an intimate relationship with Him. 就不能和神有亲密的关系。This verse is about our intimacy with God in relation to eternal reward. 这经文是关于我们和神的亲密程度和将来的赏赐有关。It’s not about salvation, 不是得救不得救,because Eph 2:8 tells us that salvation is by grace, not by works. 2:8说得救本乎恩,不是出于行为。That’s why, 这就解释了,during church worship, 在同一场教会敬拜中,some people are deeply engaged 为什么有些人大受感动,while others feel nothing—另一些人却毫无感觉—their hearts remain numb. 心仍然是麻木的。

Number three, you will be defiled by compliant and unforgiveness. 第三,你会被抱怨和不饶恕污秽If you keep this command in heart and practice it, 你若存记这条命令并去操练‘Lord, Even though I don’t understand主,我虽不明白为什么这样, I thank You Lord, for You’re good但我要感谢你,你是良善…” if you practice it, 若你操练 you’ll receive benefits from it. 就会得福,No dark power can harm you. 黑暗权势就害不了你。

Lately I experienced this at church camp. 这次营会中我有这样的经历。On the first night, 在第一个晚上,I couldn’t sleep because someone was snoring loudly. 有人大打鼾让我睡不着。When your sleep is disrupted, 当睡眠被打搅,how do you react? 你会有什么反应?Get angry easily? 立即发怒?While I was praying, 祷告时,"give thanks to God in all circumstances" came to mind. “凡事谢恩这句出现在我心里,I thanked Him for being my God , 我就感谢神是我的神,I declared that my desire for sleep wasn’t my god. 我宣告睡觉的欲望不是我的神。The most important thing was that I closed the door to evil 最重要的是我向罪关门and allow the peace of Christ reign in me让基督的平安在我心里作主…then I prayed for the camp and others…然后为营会和他人祷告…I was in peace. 我心很平安。God was faithful, 神是信实的,and the next day第二天,I completed my tasks without feeling sleepy. 我完成了任务,没有困倦。God is sovereign and He is able! 神掌权,祂凡事都能!

A thankful heart keeps us from falling into complaining and unforgiveness. 感恩的心让我们不至于掉进抱怨和不饶恕中。  Phi 2:14, Do everything without complaining or arguing, 14凡所行的,都不要发怨言、起争论,15 so that you may become blameless and pure, 15 使你们无可指摘,诚实无伪, it says这里说, if you complain, 你若抱怨,you’ll remain impure. 就不能诚实无伪,then那样, Eph 5:5 says, you’ll have no inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and God在基督和神国里是没有产业的。This is serious! 这太严重了!If I complain, 我若抱怨I’ll repent quickly, 我就快快悔改,so that my debts can be fully paid by the blood of Christ Jesus. 以至于让耶稣的宝血偿还我的罪债。Complaining reflects a heart of ingratitude, 抱怨是因不感恩的心,where there must be lies and unforgiveness we need to address.有信谎言和不饶恕需要去处理。

Number four, dishonouring God leads to mental and relational breakdowns. 第四,不荣耀神导致情绪崩溃和关系破裂Romans 1:21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 因为,他们虽然知道 神,却不当作 神荣耀他,也不感谢他。他们的思念变为虚妄,无知的心就昏暗了。 How to glorify God? 怎样荣耀神?One way is to thank Him感谢祂。But if you complain, 若抱怨you dishonour Him. 就是不荣耀神。Also it says, 这里还说the consequences of failing to appreciate Him 不感谢神的后果,lead to a decline in our thinking,会导致思想迷糊,allowing lies and darkness to enter our hearts. 让谎言和黑暗进入我们的心。In other words, 换句话说,ingratitude leads to mental and relational issues. 不感恩导致情绪出问题、关系出问题。So when we come to inner healing, 当我们想得医治,we need to address unforgiveness and practice being thankful. 就当操练饶恕和感恩。

3How to grow in gratitude? 怎样在感恩中成长?

Growing in gratitude requires an intentional shift. 如要在感恩中成长,就需要有意识去改变。“Yes, Lord, “是的,主啊,I wanna live a life that honours You.我想要有一个荣耀你的生命,You died and suffered on the cross for my sins, 你死在十字架上,为我受苦,I no longer wanna hurt you. 我不要再伤害你,I don’t want my mental health to be affected by complaints and bitterness anymore…我不要再让我的情绪被抱怨和苦毒污秽……I thank You for giving me Yourself as my remedy…感谢你把自己做我的赎价……You treasure me, 你宝贵我,I wanna treasure You in return…我也要宝贵你……I thank You for calling me Your child…谢谢你称我为你的儿女……I thank You for the power of Your forgiveness to set me free from selfishness…” 谢谢你饶恕的大能释放我脱离自私自利……” Growing in gratitude 在感恩中成长,requires intentionally developing a mindset 需要有意识的去培养一种思维方式,that consistently recognises God’s goodness in all circumstances. 持续不断地在各种环境中认出神的良善。Here are some tips: 我有一些小贴士:

a, Shift your focus. A、改变专注点  

Psa 118:1, Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. 你们要称谢耶和华,因他本为善,他的慈爱永远长存! Why should we give thanks to God in all circumstances? 为什么凡事谢恩?Because He is good. 因为神是良善的,His love for us never fails. 祂爱我们的爱永不止息,We thank Him because we recognise His goodness whether in good times or bad. 感谢祂是因在各种环境下都看到祂的良善,His intentions for us are always good. 祂向我们所怀的意念永远是好的。When facing challenges, 面对冲击,we shift our eyes from the circumstances to thank Him, 我们掉转眼目不去看环境,而是去感谢祂,for the opportunity to grow in faith and perseverance, 因这是提升信心和坚忍的机会,trusting His purpose. 我信靠你。“I thank You Jesus, “感谢你耶稣,I’m now stuck in a traffic jam. 我现在遇到堵车,My flesh hates traffic, 我的天然人讨厌堵车,but You’re sovereign, 但你掌权,You allowed it to happen for my good. 你允许它发生是于我有益。 Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. 我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱 神的人得益处,就是按他旨意被召的人。 I put the mindset of complaint on the cross with You. 我把抱怨的心态与你同钉十字架,I thank You for loving me, 感谢你爱我,I wanna love You and honour You by giving You thanks in this moment instead of complaining…” 我也要爱你,就在一刻我要以感谢代替抱怨来尊崇你……”When you thank Him in the bad times, 当在逆境中感谢祂时,you shift your eyes from the situation 你的眼目就会从定睛环境,to recognise His sovereignty and goodness. 转换为认出神的权柄和良善,then you’ll grow in faith and in the knowledge of God. 我们就会在信心和认识神上成长。

The first year during Russia’s invasion, 在俄国入侵乌克兰第一年,332 Baptist churches were occupied, 332间浸信会教会被占领,only 69 pastors were left to serve. 只有69位牧师仍留下服事,72 churches were scattered. 72家教会被拆散,2000 Children died; 2000名儿童死去,more than 10,000 families lost beloved ones. 超过10000个家庭失去亲人,bombing can happen anytime near you. 随时都会有炸弹在你身边爆炸。Would you thank God if you were there? 如果你在那里,你会感谢神吗?The churches in the Ukraine 乌克兰教会感谢神,thank God for His good will. 神的旨意实在良善。And they served passionately by providing food, 他们热切地服侍,去供应食物and pure water, 干净水、supporting war veterans, 给退伍军人、widows, 寡妇、orphans, 孤儿、people with injuries, 伤者、various disorders, 各类病人、and disabilities.  残疾人提供帮助。Now, thousands more people have been touched by Jesus Christ through the love and care of the Church. 如今有几千人因得到教会的爱和关怀,被耶稣摸着。Now they have 1,850 active pastors who are willing to serve. 目前有1850名牧师积极投身服事,More than 10 new churches of Evangelical Christian Baptists have been formed, 十几家新的福音派浸信会联合教会成立,and about 50 missionary groups gathered in the Ukraine in different places 并成立了50个宣教团队在乌克兰不同地区to organize new churches. 帮助新教会运作。This is God’s blessing in disguise. 这是神化了妆的祝福。If you only pursue a comfortable life on earth,若你只是追求地上的舒服生活,how can you truly understand God’s love你怎能真认识神的爱呢? God’s love is for us to be made ready to inherit His eternal Kingdom. 神的爱是预备我们去承受祂永恒的国。

B, Recognise God’s provision and be content 认出上帝的供应并知足

James 1:17: Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. 各样美善的恩赐和各样全备的赏赐都是从上头来的,从众光之父那里降下来的。We often take the good gifts God gives us for granted我们常常把上帝赐予我们的美好礼物视为理所当然,and complain about what we don’t have. 并抱怨我们所没有的东西。 “I don’t have enough…” “我不够……”“His house is better than mine…” “他的房子比我的好。” Ungrateful people take everything for granted 忘恩的人认为一切都理所当然,and always find something to complain about. 总能找到抱怨的理由。“my teacher isn’t good老师不好…my boss isn’t good老板不好…” Ingratitude keeps you from joy and contentment. 不感恩的心让你整天不喜乐,也不满足。

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude helps us recognise God’s provision  培养感恩的态度能帮助我们认识到上帝的供应,and become content with what He provides. 并满足于祂的供应。 You can practise this in even the smallest things. 你甚至可以通过最微小的事情来操练感恩。 Have you experienced this?  你有过这样的经历吗?When you can’t find a place to park, 当你找不到停车位时, a car pulls out. 一辆车开了出来。 You can practice thanking God like this, 你可以这样练习感谢上帝: “Thank You Lord for Your provision. “感谢主的供应。 Thank You for caring about even the smallest things in my life, 感谢你关心我生命中最微小的事情, so why do I have to worry? 我还有什么可担心的呢? Forgive me for being anxious about this... 赦免我为此焦虑......You’re my provision and contentment.”  你是我的供应和满足。We’re gotta practice it every single day我们要每天操练,don’t forget all His benefits. 不可忘记主的恩惠。

 (Would you like to practise now? (你现在想练习吗? Something to be grateful for: 感恩的事: “Thank You, Lord, for saving my life…“主啊,感谢你救了我的命...... I’m grateful for the air I breathe…我感谢你所赐给我呼吸的空气...... I’m grateful for the food I eat every day…我感谢每天的食物...... I’m so grateful…” 我心何等感恩......” It affects your emotions, 感恩还是不感恩影响你的情绪soul and spirit. 和心灵。  Psalm 9:1: I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. 我要一心称谢耶和华;我要传扬你一切奇妙作为。Make it a regular practice to thank God for His provision, 时常感谢父神我生命中的供应、 guidance, 引导、 and grace in our lives,  和恩典,both past and present.  无论过去还是现在,都要如此操练。This strengthens your faith  这会增强你对神的信靠,and deepens your gratitude for what He will do in the future. 并加深你对神未来所作所为的感激之情。

C, Sharing testimonies and saying words of appreciation   C, 分享见证并说感谢的话

Psalm 107:1-2: Give thanks to the Lord, 你要称谢耶和华, for he is good; 因他本为善; his love endures forever. 他的慈爱永远长存! Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story. 愿耶和华的赎民说这话,就是他从敌人手中所赎的。When you share testimonies about what God has done in your life, 当你分享神在你生命中所做的见证时,you’re publicly expressing thanks to God, 你就是在公开表达对神的感谢, and this honours Him, 这是在荣耀神,as the Bible instructs us to do. 正如经上所教导我们的那样。It also encourages others to look for God’s work in their own lives.  这也会鼓励其他人在自己的生命中寻求神的作为。We thank God through worship, 我们藉着敬拜、 prayer,  祷告,and testimonies. 和见证来感谢神,as well as through words and actions. 借行动和言语。Giving and serving others are expressions of gratitude. 奉献和参与服侍是感恩的行为。

Each year, at our final 2pm service, 在每年下午两点的最后一场聚会上,we hold a testimony service. 我们都会举行见证会。 I hope everyone will join the queue我希望每个人都能加入 to share what God has done for you this year分享神今年为你所做的一切and express your gratitude. 并表达你的感激之情。Gratitude isn’t just directed towards God感恩不仅是对神, but also towards others. 也是对他人。 We also need to practise it every day: 我们也需要每天操练它: “Mum or Dad, thank you for cooking for me,” “爸或妈,谢谢你为我做饭 “Thank you for doing the laundry for me,”  “谢谢你为我洗衣服“Thank you for…” “谢谢你为……” A word, 一句话,card,  一张卡片,or gift can help you show your appreciation.  或一份礼物都能帮助你表达谢意。Would you like to practise this right now? 你现在想操练一下吗? Find five reasons to thank God 找五个理由感谢上帝, and five reasons to thank your spouse, 找五个理由感谢你的配偶、 parents, 父母, children, 子女 or brothers and sisters around you.  或身边的弟兄姊妹。Then, 然后, we’ll sing the last song. 我们唱最后一首歌。


Prayer: 祷告:

Yes, Lord, 是的,主耶稣,Your name is victory, 你的名就是得胜, and all praise rises to Christ our King. 所有的颂赞都归于我们的君王基督。 We praise You, 我们赞美你, Jesus, for who You are. 因你的名叫耶稣。Thank You, 感谢你, Lord, 主神, for the sacrificial love You showed us on the cross. 感谢你在十架上向我们显明你的牺牲之爱。 Thank You for enduring the pain of shame, 感谢你为我们每个人忍受羞耻、 rejection, and death for each of us. 拒绝和死亡的痛苦。 We were ungrateful people. 我们是忘恩的人。 We sinned against You.  我们得罪了你。We pierced You with our sins, 因我们所犯的罪刺伤了你, yet You took our infirmities 但你却担当了我们的软弱, and bore our sicknesses. 承担了我们的疾病。 We thank You for breaking the chains of generational curses for us. 感谢你为我们打破了世代的咒诅。 By Your stripes, 因你受鞭伤,we are healed. 我们得医治。 We thank You for forgiving the mess and failures we’ve made. 感谢你饶恕了我们的搞砸和失败。Instead of punishing us, 你没有刑罚我们,You’ve blessed us with eternal life. 而是祝福我们得永生。


Would you take a moment to thank God on your own? 你愿意花一点时间自己来感谢上帝吗? If there’s any bitterness, 如果你内心有任何苦毒、 complaining, 抱怨、unforgiveness, 不饶恕、 or ingratitude within you, 或忘恩负义, you can say,  你可以说,“Lord, forgive me. “主啊,赦免我。I repent of ingratitude, 我为忘恩负义、 failing to express thankfulness, 不表达感恩、 failing to testify, 不作见证、 failing to bless or serve others. 不祝福或服事他人而悔改。 Jesus, You are my example; 主耶稣,你是我的榜样; I want to be a person of gratitude. 我愿成为一个懂得感恩的人。 You paid the price for me to become a grateful person. 你为我付出了代价,让我成为一个懂得感恩的人。 So now I respond to You! 所以,我现在就要回应你!My self-centred mindset has messed up my life, 我以自我为中心的心态毁了我的生活,but You forgave me. 但你却饶恕了我。 I forgive myself and those I once held grudges against. 我愿饶恕接纳我自己,也愿饶恕那些我恨的人。 I let go coz I’ve received grace, 我愿放下是因为我已经得到了恩典,and I pass that grace on to others without condition. 我也会无条件地将恩典传递给他人。

Lord Jesus, 主耶稣, I ask You to release a fresh impartation of grace into my heart 我恳求你将新的恩典充满我的心,to tear down strongholds of ingratitude, 拆毁忘恩、 self-pity, 自卑自怜、complaint, and comparison. 抱怨和比较的坚固营垒。 Thank You, Jesus. 感谢你,我的救主耶稣。 I’m blessed, 我是有福的, and I can be a blessing to others.  我也可以成为他人的祝福。Thank You for Your faithfulness…”  感谢你的信实……”

Thank You, Lord Jesus, 感谢你,慈爱的恩主耶稣, for Your goodness and faithfulness to us. 感谢你以良善和信实待我们。 Thank You for the unfailing love and grace 感谢你藉着流宝血, You showed us through the shedding of Your blood. 向我们显明了你永恒不变的爱和恩典。Thank You for the blessings You poured out through the cross. 感谢你藉着十字架倾福给我们。 We receive them 我们打开心来领受,and are willing to pass them on! 并愿意将这恩传递下去!Holy Spirit,  亲爱的圣灵啊,help us to be grateful and gracious people of God, 请帮助我们成为感恩者和传递祝福的人,living out our gratitude活出感恩,as examples for our children and grandchildren. 成为子孙后代的榜样。 May our homes be filled with thankfulness, 愿我们的家充满感恩, and may our communities be touched by Your love and grace through us. 愿我们的社区因你的爱和恩典而被触摸改变。 Amen! 阿们!


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