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2024-09-22 The role of the Holy Spirit in God’s Kingdom 3 – Breaking Strongholds 圣灵在神国里的职责 (三) —攻破坚固营垒

发表于 2024-09-22

Some people have asked me, 有人问:“How can I experience a breakthrough 我怎么才能有突破so that my relationship with God deepens?”和神的关系变得更深呢?”and “Why do I always do things without remembering to pray, 或者是“为什么我总是不记得在做事之前祷告,and afterwards, I don’t seem to grow in knowing God’s will for my situation.” 做完之后也没有在这件事上更多明白旨意?” This is a great expression of self-awareness. 这是不错的自我觉醒。 In Col 西1:10, we see, Paul’s prayer for the Colossians 保罗为歌罗西人这样祷告:-- that they may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God. “好叫你们行事为人对得起主,凡事蒙他喜悦,在一切善事上结果子,渐渐地多知道神。”  Here, the word “knowledge” in Greek is “epignosis”. 这里的“知道”在希腊文中是“epignosis”,While the NT also uses the term “gnosis”, 新约圣经有时也用“gnosis”这个词,without “epi”, 没有epi的前缀,as in 2 Cor 10:5. 例如在林后10:5Both terms emphasize knowing God intimately, 两个词都强调亲密地认识神,knowing God and being known by God. 即认识神并被神认识。They involve the ability to discern and recognise God’s work and His Will in our everyday lives. 关乎能够辨别和认出神在我们日常生活中的作为和旨意。However, 然而,“epignosis” is  a deeper, epignosis”代表一种更深、fuller, 更全面or more experiential knowledge. 或更具体验性的认识。1 Cor 林前2:10-11, these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. “但神藉着圣灵向我们显明了这些事,因为圣灵参透万事,就是神深奥的事也参透了。” It means, it’s the Holy Spirit’s role to reveal God’s heart, 这里是说,是圣灵显明神的心意provide spiritual insight 提供属灵的洞察力,and guide believers into deeper relational knowledge. 引导信徒进入更深的关系认识中。In other words换句话说, the Holy Spirit facilitates our growth 圣灵帮助我们,in both knowledge and intimacy with God. 在知识上,也是在与神的亲密关系上成长。

1The reason for demolishing strongholds拆除坚固营垒的原因

Back to the question: 回到上面的问题:why do we, as Christians who have a lot of head knowledge, 为什么我们这些有很多头脑知识的基督徒,often put ourselves first instead of God, 常常把自己放在神的前面,and forget to pray until things become messy? 直到事情变得一团糟才想起祷告?How can we break through? 我们如何突破?2 Cor 10:4-5 tells us that we need to demolish strongholds林后10:4-5说我们当攻破坚固的营垒 so that we can grow in the experiential knowledge of God以至于我们可以在认识神上有长进。

Let’s read 我们来读 2 Cor 林后10:4-5, For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 因为我们虽然在血气中行事,却不凭血气争战。4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 4 我们争战的兵器本不是属血气的,乃是在神面前有能力,可以攻破坚固的营垒,5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 5 将各样的计谋,各样拦阻人认识神的那些至高之事一概攻破了,又将人所有的心意夺回,使它都顺服基督。”

Paul tells us that we are engaged in a war, 保罗告诉我们,我们正在打一场仗,but not a war with people. 但这场战争并不是人与人之间的争战。In the world, 在世上,people wage war against other people, 人与人相争,nation against nation. 国与国相争,But the war we engage in is different. 但我们的争战是不同的。In this context, 在这里,the term "strongholds" refers to spiritual, “坚固营垒”指的是属灵的、mental, 思想的or ideological barriers that resist God’s truth.或意识形态上的障碍来抵挡神的真理。Paul emphasises 保罗强调,that believers are involved in spiritual warfare. 信徒进入属灵争战,We need to be aware 我们需要意识到,that the result of destroying strongholds determines how well we know God这场战争的果子将决定我们对神的认识有多深,and how deep our relationship with Him can be. 以及与祂的关系有多亲密。A lack of awareness of this warfare 如果我们缺乏对这场争战的觉悟,can result in us being robbed of our freedom to love and serve God effectively through the Holy Spirit. 我们可能会失去自由的被圣灵引导去爱和服侍。We’re called to love our enemies我们蒙召去爱仇敌 to love those who don’t treat us nicely爱那些对我们不好的人, and to overcome evil with good like Jesus did像主耶稣一样以善报恶。

As a pastor from Asia, 作为一名来自亚洲的牧师,I’ve often been asked questions like, 我常常被问到类似的问题:“What do you think of Western churches? “你如何看待西方的教会?What improvements should Western churches make?” 西方教会应该做哪些改进?”I have found that churches here often have well-structured programmes, 我发现,这里的教会通常有安排得很好的项目,but a lack of focus on deepening spiritual practices and experiences但缺乏对属灵操练和经历的深入关注。—such as praying against the work of the flesh 比如,缺少抵挡肉体行为的祷告,and allowing the Holy Spirit to discern spirits 或未能让圣灵引导辨别诸灵and reveal God’s strategy for overcoming in spiritual warfare并让圣灵启示打赢属灵争战的策略,which can lead to failures in spiritual battles. 这会导致在属灵争战中的失败. This results in spiritual blindness and dryness among individuals, 其结果是导致属灵的眼瞎和干枯,leaving many hidden issues within the church, 使教会中存在许多隐藏的问题, and making its relationships with God and others superficial. 让教会与神与人的关系表面化。

2The Holy Spirit’s role to help believers get breakthroughs圣灵的职责:帮助信徒得突破

Here, it talks about “the weapons of our warfare”. 这段经文谈到“我们争战的兵器”。Apparently, 显然,as Christians, 作为基督徒,we can’t just focus on getting the job done. 我们不能仅仅专注于把事做完。It says, we have “warfare”, 经文说我们有“争战”,and we’re given “weapons”. 而且我们赐有“兵器”。If we don’t use the weapons, 若我们不使用这些兵器,we’ll be defeated. 就会被打败。God wants us to live out Christ’s victory, not be defeated. 神希望我们活出基督的得胜,而不是被打败。v.4 says, 4节说,the weapons we use have divine power, 我们的兵器有属天的能力,referring to the Holy Spirit. 这指的是圣灵。The Holy Spirit equips believers with spiritual tools, 圣灵装备信徒属灵的工具,such as the Word of God, 比如神的话语、prayer in faith, 信心的祷告,to demolish strongholds, 用来攻破坚固营垒,and bring our thoughts back to be obedient to Christ. 并且使我们的心意顺服基督。

Galatians 5:13 tells us 告诉我们that we're called to freedom, 我们是蒙召得自由的,but that freedom should lead us to love and serve others. 但这自由应该引导我们去爱和服事他人。The battle is always around our relationship with God, 争战常常是围绕着我们与神的关系、our marriages, 婚姻、families, 家庭relationships with others 和他人的关系and finances和财务。When our relationship with God is ruined,当我们与神的关系被破坏后 our finances will suffer.我们的财务就会倒霉。This is evident in Judges 6, 6告诉我们这真理 v.1 says that Israel became deeply impoverished 1节说以色列就及其穷乏because they did evil in the eyes of the Lord, 因为他们做了神眼中的恶事so the Lord gave them into their enemies hands神就把他们交给他们的敌人v.1节). This tells us, 这告诉我们 that if our finances are declining若我们的财务出问题了, don’t blame others不要埋怨人, Instead, check if you need to put your relationship right with God当省查是否当将你和神的关系搞对了。This principle applies to individuals, families, and churches. 这原则适用与个人,家庭和教会。

Our fight is against the desires of the flesh, 我们的争战是对付肉体私欲,and unseen, hostile spirits in the heavenly realm. 以及在天上看不见的属灵气的恶魔。If we get offended by people 若我们接受被人冒犯, and react to them并向人发火 We fail the warfare. 那么我们就失败了。We need to repent again. 我们就需要悔改了The enemy will try to stir up the strongholds within us to defeat us.撒旦要鼓动我们里面的营垒来打败我们。The Holy Spirit’s role is to release divine power 圣灵的职责是释放属神的能力to demolish strongholds 攻破坚固的营垒,and help us get a breakthrough. 帮助我们得突破。

3The Holy Spirit’s role to help us recognise and demolish strongholds圣灵的职责是帮助我们识别并攻破坚固的营垒

So what is a stronghold? 那么,什么是坚固营垒呢?Strongholds are fortified places in the mind, 坚固营垒是心思意念中的堡垒,the patterns, ways of thinking, 是思维模式和习惯,where the enemy, the father of lies can gain control, 仇敌,那说谎之父,可以借此来掌控我们,keeping us from fully experiencing God’s truth and love. 使我们无法完全经历神的真理和爱。It’s deeply influenced by lies, 这些营垒深受谎言的影响,causing people to oppose God’s truth and will. 导致人们抵挡神的真理和旨意。“How many of us think money is good?” “有多少人认为钱是好东西?”I did. 我曾经也这样想。I once believed, 我曾经相信,“Wealth is good . “财富是好的,it defines me, 它定义我是谁and guarantees me a good life." 并保证我有美好生活。” Until I nearly reached the end of my life. 直到我几乎走到了生命的尽头。Wealth didn’t save my life钱财救不了我的命。Jesus told the parable of the rich fool in Luke 12:16-21耶稣讲了一个关于愚昧财主的比喻, a rich man一个财主 who boasted about his future security and trusted in his riches信靠钱财,为有保障而自夸。But he neglected God and the reality of death, 但轻忽神和死亡的现实,Jesus called him a fool. 耶稣称他为愚蠢,coz his life wasn’t in his control因为生命并不在他的掌控中。Strongholds of lies lead us to neglect God’s truth and suffer foolishness. 谎言的坚固营垒使我们忽视神的真理,陷入愚蠢之中。v.4 says, 4节说,they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 4 我们争战的兵器本不是属血气的,乃是在神面前有能力,可以攻破坚固的营垒,5 We demolish arguments (imagination, kjv) and every pretension (every high thing) that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 5 将各样的计谋,各样拦阻人认识神的那些自高之事一概攻破了,又将人所有的心意夺回,使它都顺服基督。” Here, strongholds refer to arguments, 这里的坚固营垒指的是各种论断、imagination (kjv), 想象(KJV版本)、and patterns of thinking or ungodly beliefs which contradict God’s truth. 以及与神真理不符的思维模式或不敬虔的信念。To deal with them, 要解决这些问题,we first need the Holy Spirit to expose them to us, 首先我们需要圣灵来揭露它们coz they are hidden, 因为这些营垒是隐藏着的,but hindering us from experiencing and knowing God. 但却阻挡了我们认识和经历神。It’s the Holy Spirit who can identify what the stronghold is 是圣灵帮助我们识别这些坚固营垒,and help us to demolish it through our prayers. 并藉着祷告帮助我们将它们攻破。

Strongholds could be rooted in unresolved emotional wounds, 坚固的营垒可以是根植于未处理的情感创伤,such as rejection, 比如拒绝感、shame, 羞耻、fear, 惧怕、anger, 怒气、bitterness, 苦毒、lust, and etc. 情欲淫乱等。Let’s look at some common strongholds. 让我们来看看一些常见的坚固营垒。Rejection is a major one, 拒绝感是其中一个主要的根源,often rooted in lies like 常常植根于这样的谎言:“I’m not accepted” .  “我不被接受”or “I’m not good enough.” 或“我不够好”。If we accept these lies, 如果我们接受这些谎言,the enemy feeds more into our thinking: 敌人就会放入更多负面思想:“They don’t want me,” “他们不需要我”,“I don’t fit in,” “我不合群”or “I don’t belong.” 或“我不属于这里”。

Rejection may come from our childhood 这种拒绝感可能来自我们的童年,or even previous generations. 甚至是前几代人的经历 。If one of our parents has this mindset, 如果我们的父母之一有这种思维模式, if we judge or don’t forgive them, 而我们论断或不饶恕他们,it’ll become our pattern of thinking. 这也会成为我们的思维方式。This stronghold, 这种坚固营垒,along with the work of the evil spirits that torment us加上撒旦的折磨,keeps us trapped会使我们被困住。

King David faced rejection from a young age. 大卫王从小就经历了拒绝。When the prophet Samuel came to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as king, 当先知撒母耳来膏立耶西的儿子为王时,David was forgotten by his father. 大卫被他的父亲遗忘了。That must have been deeply hurtful! 这对他来说一定是极其伤害的!Yet, David said, 然而,大卫却说:“where can I go from your Spirit? where can I flee from Your presence? “我往哪里去躲避你的灵?我往哪里逃避你的面?I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful. ……我要称谢你,因我受造奇妙可畏,你的作为奇妙,这是我心深知道的。”Psa 139:7, 15. The Holy Spirit worked through the truth, 圣灵藉着真理工作,guided David’s thoughts to focus on God’s judgment. 引导大卫的思想专注于神的判断。Through forgiveness, worship, and prayer, 借着饶恕、敬拜和祷告,the Holy Spirit helped David to demolish the strongholds of rejection and lies, 圣灵帮助大卫攻破了拒绝感和谎言的坚固营垒。“Though my father and mother forsake me, but the Lord will receive me... “我父母离弃我,耶和华必收留我……I’ll see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 我在活人之地,必得见耶和华的恩惠。” David was transformed by the Holy Spirit to fulfil God’s divine purpose. 圣灵改变了大卫,使他得以成就神的旨意。Christ Jesus was called the Son of David. 耶稣基督也被称为大卫的子孙。

Shame is another powerful stronghold, 羞耻感是另一种强有力的坚固营垒,creating a false belief: 它带来错误的信念:“I’m wrong.” “我有问题”,“I’m  worthless.” “我没有用”。Shame makes people feel so bad about themselves羞耻感让人自觉羞愧, so they defend themselves that they haven’t done wrong. 叫人争辩自己没有错。But this mindset keeps us from reflecting Jesus’ humility and meekness.但这种思想模式使我们不能彰显基督的谦卑和柔和。Shame causes us to be scared of being judged or rejected, 羞耻感使我们害怕被论断或被拒绝,so we put a mask on and say, 于是我们戴上面具,说:“I’m fine.”  “我很好。”

 In my ministry在我的事工里, I’ve discovered the enemy's scheme. 我发现仇敌的诡计He will keep drawing your attention to people’s attitudes and words牠不断的拉你的思想去想人怎么说, saying, “See, you’re less important.”看,你被轻视 “you’re not good enough你不够好.” If you accept it你若接受, you will withdraw, 就想要逃跑 thinking, “I don’t fit; I’ll leave.” 觉得我不合适这里,我要走。 We’ve got to push back the enemy’s voices and declare the truth我们当抵挡撒旦的声音并宣告真理: 'I am an ambassador of the Kingdom of God我是神国的大使. God is the ultimate Judge, who is Just. Everyone will give account to the Lord 有天每个人都要向主交账. I’m not here to react to people我不是蒙召去和人吵架的; but to fulfil God’s unique call in my life我来是为完成神在我生命里的独特呼召, to bring blessings to others去祝福他人的.' Don’t let the enemy defeat you with the weapon of shame不要让敌人用羞耻的武器打败你。Instead, believe in the truth and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome shame! 相反,要相信真理,依靠圣灵的力量得胜羞耻感!We need the Holy Spirit to help us recognise and address the stronghold of shame, 我们需要圣灵帮助我们识别和处理羞耻的坚固营垒,so that we can move forward. 好让我们有突破。

I remember, 我记得, before I came to NZ, 在来新西兰之前, I had dreamed a dream我曾做过一个梦, where someone spoke a word in English, I couldn’t understand. 梦见有人用英语说了一个词,我听不懂的话。I felt ashamed, 我感到很羞愧and my face turned red. 脸涨得通红。The dream finished. 梦完了。The Holy Spirit knows what’s in our hearts圣灵知道我们里面有什么,and how the enemy uses it to distract us from Jesus, 也知道仇敌是怎样利用它来不让我们注视主耶稣,shifting our focus to ourselves叫我们去关注自己,and filling us with negative feelings like frustration, 让我们充满沮丧、comparison, and complaint, 比较和抱怨等负面情绪,leading us to stop trusting God, 导致我们不再信靠神, and believing lies, 去信谎言, such as, 比如, "God doesn’t care for me"  “神不眷顾我 ” or "God doesn’t exist."  上帝不存在

Many international people struggle with learning English, 很多国际人士在学习英语时都很费劲, saying it’s too hard说英语很难, and they haven't improved after months of study. 学了几个月也没有进步。 Gen 11:1-9 tells how humanity’s pride in Babel讲述了人类在巴别的骄傲, led to God confusing their languages 导致上帝混淆他们的语言and scattering them. 并将他们分散。 When the Holy Spirit led me into Scripture, 当圣灵引导我读经时 I realised I had believed lies我意识到自己曾信了谎言,that caused me shame这谎言让我感到羞愧 and fear of making mistakes when speaking English. 害怕在说英语时出错。In my prayers, 在我的祷告中,the Holy Spirit reminded me  圣灵提醒我,that I had felt shame as a child when my mum couldn’t speak the local dialect properly,  小时候,妈妈讲不好我们当地的方言,我就接受羞愧,and my judgement of her made me afraid of being judged. 我对她的论断让我害怕被人评判。I repented, forgave,  我悔改、饶恕 and prayed in Jesus’ name for the Holy Spirit to demolish the strongholds of shame and fear. 并奉耶稣的名祈求圣灵拆毁羞愧和恐惧的坚固营垒。Praise the Lord! 赞美主! Now, I’m free. 现在,我自由了。I can laugh at myself if I make mistakes. 我可以自嘲,若我讲错了。Now, this is the thing,重点是 we're called to be perfect in sharing Christ’s character, 我们蒙召是为在基督的性情上完全,not in our own competence. 而不是自己有多大的能力。

There are other strongholds of bitterness, 还有苦毒、 lust, 情欲、 fear, 惧怕and addiction, 和上瘾等其它营垒 ,all of which can defile us. 它们都会玷污我们。 Strongholds don't disappear automatically. 营垒不会自动消失。If we don’t demolish them, 如果我们不拆毁它们 we remain immature in Christ, 我们在基督里就会一直不成熟,as they prevent us from loving, 因为它们会阻碍我们去爱、 serving, 服事,and truly knowing Jesus. 真认识耶稣。 Strongholds can be passed down from previous generations, 营垒会代代相传,affecting families for generations. 一直会影响后代。 Jesus Christ died on the cross for our freedom from sin, 耶稣基督为让我们从罪中得自由而死在十字架上,and He has sent His Spirit to help us identify strongholds,  祂差遣圣灵帮助我们识别营垒,demolish them, 拆毁它们,and set us free to trust in God让我们自由地信靠祂, serve the Holy God, 侍奉圣洁的神,no longer serving fear, 不再服事惧怕、 lust, 情欲、 rejection, 拒绝、 doubt, 怀疑、 addiction, 上瘾、 unforgiveness, 不饶恕, or false beliefs. 或信谎言。 God wants you to be the generation to break these old patterns, 神何等愿意从你这代起,就能打破这些旧模式,demolish strongholds through His divine power, 通过祂的能力拆毁营垒, and build a great future for your family and His Kingdom on earth. 为你的家庭和祂在地上的国度创造美好的未来。 What is your response to His calling?  你对神的呼召有什么回应?

Prayer: 祷告:

Yes, Jesus, 是的,主耶稣,Forever You reign. 你永远掌权。All glory, 所有的荣耀、 power, 权能、wisdom, 智慧、 and the Kingdom belong to You!  和国度都属于你!We thank You for the price You paid for our freedom. 感谢你为我们得自由而付上重价,Thank You for overcoming the fear of death for us. 感谢你为我们战胜了死亡的恐惧。Thank You for enduring the shame of being stripped and beaten, 感谢你忍受被剥光衣服和殴打的耻辱,taking on the shame of sin, 承担罪的羞耻, so that we could be accepted. 使我们能够被接纳。 We thank You so much for Your sacrificial love. 我们何等感谢你牺牲的爱。

Today, 今天, You’re calling us to trust in You, and to love and serve freely. 你呼召我们去信靠你,并自由地去爱和服事。We desire an intimate relationship with You, 我们渴望与你建立亲密的关系,so that Your wisdom, 让你的智慧、 Your power, 你的能力 Your character might flow through us. 和你的性情在我们身上流淌。 Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊, search our hearts and minds. 求你监察我们的心思意念,Illuminate any anger, 显明任何怒气、 rejection, 拒绝、 worry, 忧虑、  fear, 惧怕、  lust, 情欲、 lies, 谎言, or any false beliefs或任何错误的信,that have given the enemy opportunity to build strongholds within us. 给仇敌机会在我们内心建立的营垒。 Today, 今天, we ask You, 我们呼求你,圣灵,Holy Spirit to demolish strongholds, 求你摧毁一切营垒,and take our thoughts back to be obedient to Jesus Christ. 并夺回一切心思意念,来顺服耶稣基督。

“Holy Spirit, help me…” “
圣灵,请帮助我......”  Let’s cry out to the Lord for help. 让我们呼求主,寻求帮助。 Is there past pain you need to bring to Him? 你是否有过往的痛要带到祂面前? Is there someone you need to forgive? 你是否需要饶恕某个人? Are there any lies you've accepted to define yourself that you need to repent of?  你是否接受过一些谎言来定义自己,需要悔改的?Do you need to break those agreements? 你需要打破那些约定吗? Is there a pattern of defensiveness you need the Holy Spirit to reveal, 你是否有些老喜欢为自己辩护的习惯,需要圣灵来,showing if fear or rejection has allowed the enemy to build strongholds within you? 显明是否因惧怕或怕被拒绝而让仇敌在你里面建立了营垒?

“Father, forgive me for judging XXX for their anxious and defensive behaviour. “阿爸父,赦免我论断了 XXX 焦虑和自我保护。 They were affected by fear, 他们被惧怕、shame, 羞耻感、and rejection, 被拒绝感入侵,and I wasn’t any better than them. 我并不比他们强。Because of my judgment and unforgiveness, 因我的论断和不饶恕,I, too, have been impacted by fear, 我也被惧怕、shame, 羞耻感、and rejection. 被拒绝感影响了。I thank You for opening the door to forgiveness through Your own broken body. 感谢你裂开身体,打开了宽恕的门,Your precious blood washes my sin away. 你的宝血洗净我的罪,I receive the power of Your forgiveness to forgive myself 我接受你饶恕的大能饶恕我自己,and forgive those I once judged bitterly by my own standards. 也饶恕那些我以自己的标准去苦毒论断的人;I break that agreement with lies. 我打破与谎言的协议,I break the agreement with fearful and anxious thoughts, 破除与惧怕、焦虑的意念的协议,and negative imagination. 破除与负面想象的协议;I break any agreements with demonic lies and false beliefs. 我破除我与鬼魔的谎言和错误的信之间的协议;I cancel the enemy’s hold over my life 破除仇敌对我生命的掌控,and declare freedom in Your name. 奉你的名宣告我得自由;I bring my thoughts and emotions into alignment with Your Word 我将我的心思意念、情感情绪交给你的话,与你合一,and choose to believe and obey Your truth. 我愿遵真理而行。Thank You for sending Your Spirit to counsel me, 感谢你差来圣灵引导我,teach me, 教导我,help me demolish strongholds 帮助我拆毁坚固营垒,and setting me free! 释放我得自由!I give You thanks!” 感谢赞美主!Now you can pray on your own…现在你们可以自己向神祷告……


Lord Jesus, 主耶稣,Thank You, Lord, 谢谢你,for the incredible work You are doing in our lives. 感谢你在我生命中奇妙作为。We trust in Your power 我们相信你的大能,to deliver and transform us. 使我们得自由、得更新。Holy Spirit, 圣灵,continue to renew our minds and thoughts with Your truth. 请继续更新我们的心思意念,与真理合一,Remind us to close the door to the enemy 求你提醒我们向仇敌关门,and destroy every stronghold that opposes Your truth. 攻破一切抵挡真理的坚固营垒,Make us Your noble vessels 使我们成为你尊贵的器皿,to advance Your Kingdom on earth with power and effectiveness. 大有能力地在地上扩展你的国。


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