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2024-09-15 The Role of the Holy Spirit in God’s Kingdom (2) 圣灵在神国里的职责(二)

发表于 2024-09-17

Last time, 上周,we looked at how the Holy Spirit regenerates us, 我们分享了圣灵的职责,祂重生我们,teaches us, 教导我们,helps us, 帮助我们,and guides us into all truth. 引导我们今天进入一切真理。The key role of the Holy Spirit is to make Jesus known to us. 圣灵的关键职责是使我们得以认识耶稣。We need the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus’ love, 我们需要圣灵把耶稣的爱、justice, 公义、and power to us; 能力启示给我们;without the Holy Spirit, 若没有圣灵,we can’t fully understand God’s love or His will. 我们就无法充分认识神的爱和旨意。Today, 今天,we’re exploring the role of the Holy Spirit 我们要来分享圣灵的另一职责,in empowering and equipping us 就是赐予我们能力、装备我们,to advance God’s Kingdom on earth. 扩展神的国。Let’s read: 我们来读:

Acts 13:4-12 The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia and sailed from there to Cyprus. 4他们既被圣灵差遣,就下到西流基,从那里坐船往塞浦路斯去。5 When they arrived at Salamis, they proclaimed the word of God in the Jewish synagogues. John was with them as their helper. 5到了撒拉米,就在犹太人各会堂里传讲 神的道,也有约翰作他们的帮手。6 They travelled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus, 6经过全岛,直到帕弗,在那里遇见一个有法术、假充先知的犹太人,名叫巴耶稣。7 who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God. 7这人常和方伯士求保罗同在。士求保罗是个通达人,他请了巴拿巴和扫罗来,要听 神的道。8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith. 8只是那行法术的以吕马(这名翻出来就是行法术的意思)敌挡使徒,要叫方伯不信真道。9 Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, 9扫罗又名保罗,被圣灵充满,定睛看他,10 “You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? 10说:你这充满各样诡诈奸恶,魔鬼的儿子、众善的仇敌,你混乱主的正道还不止住吗?11 Now the hand of the Lord is against you. You are going to be blind for a time, not even able to see the light of the sun.” Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand. 11现在主的手加在你身上,你要瞎眼,暂且不见日光。他的眼睛立刻昏蒙黑暗,四下里求人拉着手领他。12 When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord. 12方伯看见所作的事,很希奇主的道,就信了。

1The Holy Spirit’s role in spiritual warfare圣灵在属灵争战中的职责

Last time we saw that Paul and Barnabas were sent by the Holy Spirit on their first missionary trip. 上周我们看见保罗和巴拿巴被圣灵差派开始第一次宣教之旅。 v.6 says, 6节说,When they travelled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. 他们经过全岛,直到帕弗, Something happened. 这时有事发生了。Paphos was a key political and religious centre in ancient Cyprus, 帕弗是古代塞浦路斯的政治和信仰中心,where people worshipped Aphrodite, 当地人信奉阿佛洛狄忒,the goddess of love and beauty, 爱情和美貌之神,daughter of Zeus. 宙斯之女。In that place, 在那里,Paul and Barnabas encountered a sorcerer named Bar-Jesus, 保罗和巴拿巴遇到一个行法术的人,名叫巴耶稣,also called Elymas. 又名以吕马。With our natural eyes, 用肉眼一看,we may think, 我们可能会想,"Ok, this is just a sorcerer. 好吧,就是一个行法术的而已,God is much bigger than him. 我的神比他大得多。” Yes, He is. but we are not if we don’t yield to the Holy Spirit.” 是的,神是,但我们不是, 若我们不与圣灵连结。

We see when Jesus was in the Jewish synagogue, 但主耶稣在会堂 ,neither the man没有人 nor the religious leaders could recognise who he was, 或宗教领袖认出他是谁,only the evil spirits knew, You are the Son of God.’ (Mark 3:11) . 只有邪灵知道,“你是神的儿子。”  This tells us that when we yield to the nature, 这是说我们若顺服本性, we are spiritually blind就是属灵的瞎子 and can’t recognise either Jesus or evil spirits. 既认不出耶稣,也认不出邪灵的工作。Sorcerers are ambassadors of the dark Kingdom. 行法术的人是黑暗国度的使者。Here, we see that the spiritual force behind Elymas, 此时,我们看到以吕马背后的属灵权势,opposed Paul and Barnabas 与保罗和巴拿巴对抗,and tried to turn the Roman political leader, Sergius Paulus, away from the faith. 想使罗马政治领袖士求方伯不信耶稣。Why does the Bible tell us this story 圣经为什么让我们这么快就读到这个故事,immediately after Paul and Barnabas started sharing the gospel to other nations? 在保罗和巴拿巴刚一开始在外邦传扬福音时?Coz God wants us to understand因神要我们知道 that when the Kingdom of God is advanced当神的国要扩展时 there will be spiritual opposition.必定面临属灵争战。The kingdom of darkness will do everything it can 黑暗国度会尽全力to resist the advance of the Kingdom of Light.阻止光明国度的扩展。That’s why, as soon as they began their mission, 因此,他们一开始宣教使命,spiritual warfare broke out. 属灵争战就发生了。1Peter 彼前5:8 tells us, 说,“your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour 你们的仇敌魔鬼,如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。”The enemy has a mission. 仇敌有一个使命。Jesus told us that he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. 耶稣告诉我们,仇敌来,为要偷窃、杀害、毁坏,He comes to steal our blessings, 牠来偷走我们的祝福,kill our faith, 扼杀我们的信心,and destroy our health mentally, physically, and spiritually, 毁坏我们的身体、情绪、属灵生命的健康,as well as our relationships. 破坏我们的关系。Some people say, 有人说: “I don’t wanna divorce, but I always heard a voice say, ‘get a divorce” “我不想离婚,但我总听到一个声音说离婚吧” That’s the enemy’s voice. 那是仇敌的声音。You need to act wisely and pray, 你当有智慧,祷告 “Lord, I choose to forgive! 主啊,我愿意饶恕!I choose to treat him or her as You treat me我愿意用你待我的方式去待他或她。” Once the door is closed一旦门关上, no flies can get in to cause trouble苍蝇就不能进来捣乱。

Satan’s role is to be our adversary. 撒但的职责是作我们的对头,His schemes include deception, 他的诡计包括欺骗、temptation, 试探and accusations against believers 和控告信徒(Re 12:10). 2 Cor 林后4:4 tells us, 也说,his goal is to weaken our faith, 他的目的是削弱我们的信心,cause division, 制造纷争、judgments, 论断、disputes, 争端,and blind people to the truth of the Gospel. 并让人不明白福音。In Re 12:1-3, A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 1天上现出大异象来:有一个妇人身披日头,脚踏月亮,头戴十二星的冠冕。2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. 2她怀了孕,在生产的艰难中疼痛呼叫。3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 3天上又现出异象来:有一条大红龙,七头十角,七头上戴着七个冠冕。 We see that whether the male child refers to Jesus Christ or His Church, 无论这里的男孩子指的是耶稣基督还是祂的教会,at the time of their birth, 当他们诞生时,v.3 says, 3节说,an enormous red dragon appeared. 有一条大红龙出现了。Then, the following verses tell us that a war breaks out. 经文接着就说,随后爆发了一场战争。After Jesus was born, 耶稣出生后,King Herod sought to kill Him. 希律王想要杀害祂。Throughout Jesus’ ministry on earth, 在耶稣在地上的事工中,He faced spiritual opposition wherever He went. 无论他去到哪里,都面临属灵的对抗。So if our Lord experienced this, 所以,连我们的主都经历了这些,how can we avoid it? 我们又怎能避免呢?Nevertheless, 然而,Jesus overcame Satan’s temptations 耶稣得胜了撒但的试探,by yielding to the Spirit of truth. 藉着顺服真理的圣灵。He began His ministry 他开始了事工,by casting out demons through the Holy Spirit, 靠圣灵赶出污鬼,demonstrating His authority over evil spiritual forces.显明祂的权柄大过邪灵的势力。

All this shows us 所有这些都表明,that the work of the gospel is not physical 福音的工作不是外体上的工作,but spiritual. 而是属灵的。You can tell people about Jesus, 你可以和别人分享耶稣,but evil spirits may turn them away from faith, 但邪灵可能会让他们不信,and leave you feeling ashamed or rejected, 甚至让你感到羞耻或被拒绝,and thinking, 心想:“I won’t try again.” “我不再传福音了。” We need the Holy Spirit’s help. 我们需要圣灵的帮助。In my ministry, 在我的事工中,I’ve seen people have physical reactions during prayers of confession and forgiveness—我见一些人在悔改和饶恕的祷告中有身体反应——like yawning, 比如打哈欠、hiccupping, 打嗝,or even shaking—甚至发抖,and they felt a great sense of release afterwards. 之后他们感到极大的释放。But later on, 但后来,because they yielded to the flesh因体贴肉体 and ignored the truth, 轻忽真理 ,and the issue returned. 问题又回来了。Coz the enemy won’t stop using lies and deception to tempt us away from God’s will. 因为敌人不停地用谎言和迷惑引诱我们远离神的旨意。It’s an ongoing battle这是一场持续不断的争战。

Here, v.9, 9节,Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, 保罗被圣灵充满,said to Elymas, 对以吕马说:“You are a child of the devil…你这……魔鬼的儿子……you will be blind for a time…你要瞎眼,暂且不见日光。Immediately, 话音一落,Elymas became blind. 以吕马立刻瞎了眼。When the proconsul saw this, 方伯看见这一切,he believed. 就信了。So the role of the Holy Spirit in opposing evil is 因此,圣灵的职责是to empower us in spiritual warfare赐我们在属灵争战中得力, enabling us to lead others to the truth使我们能够把人引进真理 and allowing God’s glory to be revealed through us on earth让神的荣耀借我们彰显出来。

2The Holy Spirit empowers and equips us in Spiritual warfare圣灵赐能力,装备我们进入属灵争战

How did Paul know that this person was a child of devil? 保罗怎么知道这个人是魔鬼的儿子呢?There’s another example in the NT, 新约中还有另一个例子,when Jesus and His disciples went into a Samaritan village 当耶稣和门徒来到一个撒玛利亚的村庄,and the people opposed them. 村里的人不接待他们。The disciples were angry, 门徒很恼怒,and asked,问:“Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” “主啊,你要我们吩咐火从天上降下来烧灭他们?Jesus rebuked them 耶稣责备门徒,and told them that He came to save people, 告诉他们祂来是为了救人,not to destroy them. 不是灭人。How can we discern whether a situation calls for us to love the people or to confront the spirit? 我们如何分辨在某种情况下是应该爱那些人,还是对抗其中的邪灵呢?Eph 3:10 urges us 提醒我们,that the church should make the manifold wisdom of God known to the invisible world in the heavenly realm. 教会当使看不见的灵界得知神的百般智慧。John 16:14, Jesus said, “the Holy Spirit will bring glory to Me.” “他要荣耀我。 One of the main roles of the Spirit 圣灵其中一个主要职责,is to lead us to live a life that glorifies Jesus. 就是引导我们过一个荣耀耶稣的生活。How? 怎样做到?By developing our intimacy with the Holy Spirit 培植我们与圣灵的亲密关系,through obedience to God’s word. 藉着顺服神的话语。Without yielding to the Holy Spirit, 如果我们不顺服圣灵,we fail to demonstrate God’s wisdom and glorify Jesus at all times. 就无法时时彰显神的智慧,也无法荣耀耶稣。v.9 says, Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said…9节说,保罗,被圣灵充满,定睛看他, So Paul the apostle could discern the situation, 使徒保罗能够分辨当时的情况,because he was filled with the Spirit. 是因为他被圣灵充满。The Holy Spirit empowered him to discern 圣灵赐他能力能够分辨and engage in battle against the evil forces并与那些反对神的真理、that opposed God’s truth and prevented people from coming to God.阻挡人归向神的邪恶势力交战。In 1 Corinthians 12, 林前12章说,it tells us that the Holy Spirit equips believers with spiritual gifts. 圣灵赐给信徒属灵的恩赐。Some of these gifts are crucial for engaging in deliverance ministry and spiritual warfare, 其中一些恩赐在释放事工和属灵争战中至关重要,such as the discernment of spirits 比如辨别诸灵的恩赐、(v.10), healing, and prophecy. 医治和预言的恩赐。

The gift of discerning spirits is particularly important 辨别诸灵的恩赐尤其重要,for recognizing demonic activity. 因为它帮助我们识别邪灵的活动。Without having this gift, 如果没有这恩赐,Paul wouldn’t have confronted the evil force living inside Elymas, 保罗就不会对抗以吕马里面的邪灵,but would have been angry with the person. 而只会对那个人发怒。Then, 这样的话,the proconsul wouldn’t been able to see God’s mighty power over the sorcerer. 方伯就无法看见神向术士行使的大能了。

In Acts 5, 使徒行传第5章,Peter discerned that Satan had filled the hearts of the couple Ananias and Sapphira, 彼得分辨出撒但充满了亚拿尼亚夫妇的心,that they had lied to God not to man, 他们向神而不是向人撒谎,and he brought God’s just judgement on them, 彼得带来了神公义的审判,they died, 他们当场死了,and the whole church was filled with awe and put their trust in God’s justice. 全教会就敬畏信服神的公义。If you wanna engage in Deliverance Ministry, 如果你想从事释放事工,you need the gift of discernment of spirits, 你需要辨别诸灵的恩赐,so that you won’t always end up getting angry with people. 这样你就不会总对人生气。I remember, in the early days of my ministry, 我记得在我事工的早期,I faced opposition quiet often. 常常经历对抗。One day, a woman visited our home church. 有一天,一个女人来我们家里的教会。She had invited spirits into her home 她曾在家里养鬼,and set up altars to gain power. 并设立祭坛来获取能力。During the gathering, 在聚会里,the evil spirits manifested through her, 邪灵就借着她彰显出来, and she began saying things to confuse the truth, 她开始说些混乱主道的话,such as, 比如: “Is Jesus love? “耶稣是爱吗?Is He God alone? 他是唯一的神吗?He is a dictator…” 他太专制了...... ”Suddenly, 突然, the Holy Spirit spoke through me, saying, 圣灵藉着我的口说话:“Within three months, “在三个月内,something significant will happen to you, 你会有大事发生,and then you’ll know your gods can’t bless you.” 到那时你就会知道你的神不能保护你 。”Hearing this, 听到这话,she and some of our home church members were very angry at me. 她和我们家庭教会的一些肢体都对我非常生气。

However, 然而,a month later, 一个月后,all her savings were stolen by her boyfriend, 她所有的积蓄都被男友偷走了,who then disappeared. 然后男友就失踪了。Her gods couldn’t protect her from suffering from a financial curse. 她的神不能保护她免受经济诅咒。Those church members who had doubted the reality of God began to put their trust in His truth. 那些曾怀疑神的真实性的肢体开始信真理。The Holy Spirit empowers 圣灵赐我们能力and equips us with power and spiritual gifts装备我们恩赐 to combat the work of evil forces 使我们能够战胜恶势力,and to restore individuals affected by them, 使受其影响的人得到恢复,which is for the common good of the church. 是为了教会众人的益处。

3The Holy Spirit convicts us of sins and intercedes for us圣灵使我们知罪,并为我们代求

John 16:8 explains that sin deceives us into thinking, 解释说,罪会迷惑我们,让我们自以为义,“I’m right. “我是对的。I don’t need to change. 我不需要改变。Someone needs to change, not me.” 他需要被改变, 不是我。” But the Holy Spirit reveals God’s truth 但圣灵揭示了上帝的真理,and exposes our need for repentance. 显明我们需要悔改。Romans 8:26-27, it says, 说,the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness 圣灵在我们软弱的时候帮助我们,and intercedes according to God’s will, 按着神的旨意代求,especially when we don’t know how to pray during spiritual battles. 特别是当我们在属灵争战中不知道如何祷告的时候。

Early in my ministry, 在我事工的早期,someone asked me for help with a strange fever, 有个人因奇怪的发烧、vomiting, 呕吐and diarrhoea和腹泻请求帮助,that medication couldn’t fix. 因吃药打针没有好转。I wasn’t sure how to pray, 我不知道该如何祷告,but as I was praying, 但当我祷告时,the Holy Spirit convicted him of sins, 圣灵显出他的罪,leading him to repentance. 引导他悔改。Suddenly, 突然,my tongue changed, 我的舌头变了,English came out of my mouth, 从嘴里吐出英语:“In the name of Jesus, “奉主耶稣基督的圣名,you evil spirits, 我命令你们这些邪灵, go… ” 离开…… ”I felt so weird, 我觉得很奇怪,but he was healed. 但这个人得到了医治。He then admitted he had sinned at a bar with Westerners. 然后,他承认自己在一个有西方人的酒吧里犯了罪。 Would evil spirits from the west go into a Chinese 难道西方人的邪灵会跑到中国人的身体里,so that the Holy Spirit could command them to go out in English? 让圣灵用英语命令他们出来吗?That’s ridiculous! 这太荒谬了吧!Nonetheless, 尽管如此,everyone recognised that the Holy Spirit was at work, 每个人都认识到圣灵在做工,the person put his trust in God那人转向了神 and those around all gave glory to God. 边上的人都将荣耀归给了上帝。

How important it is for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 被圣灵充满对我们来说是多么重要。The kingdom of darkness will do everything to oppose the arrival of God’s Kingdom on earth, 黑暗的国度会想尽一切办法反对神的国度降临人间,and the enemy will use every trick to try to defeat you. 仇敌会用尽各种手段试图打败你。Don’t try harder in your own strength in your Christian walk在基督徒的道路上,不要靠自己的力量去努力,—it won’t work!——那是行不通的!It’s the Holy Spirit’s role to bring change. 圣灵的作用就是带来改变。He convicts, 祂指正你,equips, 装备你, empowers, 赐你力量,and intercedes with you in prayer. 并为你祷告代求。 He wants to see you stand firm in Christ’s victory during spiritual warfare, 祂甚愿看到你在属灵争战中,在基督的得胜中站立,He wants to empower you to fulfil your life purpose. 祂愿意赋予你能力来实现你的人生目标。He longs to fill you with power, 祂渴望用能力充满你,so that you can carry His wisdom, 使你满得着祂的智慧、His love, 祂的爱, joy, 喜乐、peace, 平安,into your home进入你的家 into your workplace,你的工作场所、into your school, 学校、into your community, 社区,to advance God’s Kingdom on earth. 在地上扩展神的国。Are you ready for the Holy Spirit to fill you? 你准备好让圣灵来充满你 Empower and equip you? 装备你赐你能力了吗?


Prayer: 祷告:

Amen, 阿们!Amen, 阿们! Amen, 阿们! Yes, Jesus, 是的,主耶稣,You’re for us. 你全然是为了我们。You died on the cross to redeem us from the curse of the law. 你死在十字架上,救赎我们脱离律法的咒诅。 You redeemed us你救赎我们,in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to us是为了让亚伯拉罕的祝福临到我们 - the Gentiles, ——这些外邦人身上,so that by faith we can receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. 使我们因信可以得到应许的圣灵。Yes, Jesus, 是的,主耶稣,after Your resurrection, 在你复活之后,You breathed on Your disciples and said, 你向你的门徒们吹了一口气,说: “receive the Holy Spirit.” “受圣灵。

Today, 今天,we cry out to You, 我们向你呼求,Lord, Jesus, 主耶稣,we’re Your disciples, 我们是你的门徒, we’re Your followers, 我们是跟随者,we need Your Spirit to fill us, 我们需要你灵的充满,empower us, 赐下能力,so that we can carry Your light, 使我们能带着你的光、 love, 大爱、and power 和能力,to confront the kingdom of darkness, 去胜过黑暗的国度,and advance Your Kingdom in our family, 在我们的家庭、 in our workplace, 工作场所、 and wherever we go… 我们所到之处,推进你的国度……

If you want the Holy Spirit to fill you, 如果你想让圣灵充满你,you can ask, 你可以祈求,“yes Lord, I’m hungry for the Holy Spirit. 是的主,我渴求圣灵。 Jesus promises, 主耶稣应许说,“ask, it will be given to you.”你们祈求,就给你们。 Seek, and you will find. 寻找,就必寻见。Knock, and the door will be opened to you.” 叩门,门就给你们开 He is faithful. 他是信实的。We’ve gotta make room for the Holy Spirit. 我们要为圣灵腾出空间。

If there’s anything you need to repent of如果你有任何需要悔改的地方,when you’ve grieved the Holy Spirit, 你让圣灵担忧了 or quenched the Holy Spirit, 或消灭过圣灵的感动or the way you treated people wasn’t the way Jesus treated you, 或你对待别人的方式与耶稣对待你的方式不同, you can ask Jesus, 你可以向主祈求,“forgive me…” “求你赦免我……” Or anything you need to forgive, 或者你需要饶恕的任何事情,“Jesus, I forgive…” “主耶稣,我愿饶恕……” Or anything you need to surrender, 或者你在哪些事上需要降服, “Father, I surrender..." “阿爸,我愿降服……” Make room for the Holy Spirit to fill you… 让圣灵充满你...

“In Jesus' name, “奉主耶稣基督的圣名,I break free from the spirit of bitterness, 我脱离苦毒的灵 spirit of oppression, 压制的灵a spirit of manipulation. 操纵的灵。 I break free from the spirit of fear, 我脱离恐惧的灵、 of religion…宗教的灵......fill me with the love of the Holy Spirit, 求你用圣灵的爱、 the power, 能力、 the revelation of the Holy Spirit… 圣灵的启示充满我......

Thank You, Lord, 主啊,for revealing the truth about the Holy Spirit's role in spiritual warfare. 感谢你启示给我们圣灵在属灵争战中的职责。 Help us remain aware of the daily spiritual opposition we face. 帮助我们时刻意识到我们每天所面临的属灵对抗。 Empower and equip us with the gifts we need 赐我们能力,用恩赐来装备我们,to overcome the enemy’s schemes, 来胜过仇敌的计谋,so we don’t focus on people这样我们就不会把注意力集中在人身上,or become hurt and unforgiving. 也不会变得受伤害和不饶恕人。 Instead, 相反,help us to fight the good fight of faith请帮助我们打赢信心的仗,and pray against evil powers, 祷告抵挡邪恶权势,advancing Your Kingdom on earth effectively. 在地上扩张你的国。


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