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2024-09-08 The role of Holy Spirit in God’s Kingdom (1) 圣灵在神国里的职责(一)

发表于 2024-09-10

Last month, we covered the Kingdom in the OT and NT. 上个月,我们分享了旧约和新约中的神国度。This September, 进入9月,we're diving into the role of the Holy Spirit. 我们会深入分享圣灵的职责。Are you excited? 感到兴奋吗?I heard some new believers say, 我听到新信徒说,“The Holy Spirit, oh, it’s mysterious to me. 圣灵,感觉很神秘。I really want to know more about Him.”我想多知道祂一些。” Today, 今天,we’re going to learn something about the role the Holy Spirit plays in God’s Kingdom. 我们来分享圣灵在神国中的职责。Let’s start by reading: 让我们来读:1John 约壹5:7 (NKJV / 钦定本), For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. 因为在天上作见证的有三,就是父、道、圣灵,这三乃是一。 Luke 4:18, The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free. “主的灵在我身上,因为他用膏膏我,叫我传福音给贫穷的人;差遣我报告:被掳的得释放,瞎眼的得看见,叫那受压制的得自由。Matt 12:28, But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 我若靠着 神的灵赶鬼,这就是 神的国临到你们了。

1Who is the Holy Spirit? 圣灵是谁?

Some Christians are confused about who the Holy Spirit is, 有些基督徒会为圣灵是谁感到困惑,often thinking of Him as just a power, 会想象祂就是一股能力,coz Acts 2 says, 因使徒行传2章说,when the Holy Spirit came, 圣灵降临的时候,it sounded like a blowing wind. 好像一阵大风经过。Some churches find it strange to talk about the Holy Spirit, 有些教会觉得讲圣灵感觉有点古怪,coz they don’t believe in miracles nowadays. 因他们不信这个时代还有神迹奇事。

Who is the Holy Spirit? 圣灵是谁?The Holy Spirit is mentioned about 250 times in the NT. 新约里圣灵被提到250次。Consider Jesus himself, 想想耶稣自己,the King of the Kingdom of God, 神国度的王 the Saviour of the world, 拯救世界的救赎主,the author and finisher of our faith, 信心的创始成终者,who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, 因圣灵感孕,led and empowered by the Holy Spirit 由圣灵引导,被圣灵充满,to bring God’s Kingdom down to the earth powerfully.大有能力地把神国带到地上。Jesus said, 耶稣说if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you 我若靠着 神的灵赶鬼,这就是 神的国临到你们了。 (Matt 12:28) In other words, 换句话说,the sign of God’s Kingdom coming among people is the casting out of demons through the Holy Spirit. 靠着圣灵赶鬼是神国度在人间的记号。You might think casting out demons is unusual你可能认为驱魔是一件不寻常的事, but it's actually quite common但其实这很常见。

Yesterday, a message made me anxious昨天,一条信息让我感到烦躁, and the feeling of anxiety lingered despite my prayers尽管祷告了,但挥之不去。A small voice in my heart says, “Read the Bible.” 我心里一个小的声音说:读圣经As I read about Jesus’ arrest and prayed当我读到耶稣被抓,祷告时, my anxiety lifted那烦躁离开了。I realised this feeling of anxiety wasn’t just an emotion but a power我意识到这焦躁不是一种情绪,是一种能力, a spirit是一个灵。The Holy Spirit guided me into the Word of God圣灵引导我进入神的话语,the Kingdom of light cast out that power神国的光赶走了黑暗。

So I was reminded again that if negativity persists, 我再次被提醒 若负面情绪反复来 it’s not just an emotion but a hidden force就不只是一种情绪了,乃是有灵。You need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to drive it out. 你需要圣灵的引导把它赶出去。Without cooperating with the Holy Spirit, 若不与圣灵合作,we are unable to bring God's Kingdom to earth. 我们就不能把神国度带到地上。We need to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. 你当与圣灵同工。

So who is the Holy Spirit? 那么圣灵是谁?(1 John 约壹5:7 NKJV / 钦定本) tells us, 告诉我们,The Father, the Word (Christ), and the Holy Spirit are Three Persons, One God. 父,子,圣灵是三个位格,同一位神。The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity .圣灵是三位一体真神的第三个位格。The Holy Spirit is God Himself. 圣灵就是神自己。 

2The Holy Spirit regenerates us 圣灵重生我们

The Holy Spirit is essential to regenerate us. 我们得重生的关键是圣灵。In John 3, 在约3Jesus said to Nicodemus, a Jewish ruling councillor, 耶稣对犹太人的官尼哥底母说,“no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again. 人若不重生,就不能见 神的国。,” He is saying that people must receive the Holy Spirit through faith to be born again, 他在说人必须藉着信领受圣灵来得重生,so that they can understand and experience God’s Kingdom in the spiritual realm. 从而得以认识经历这看不见的灵界的神国度。Without having the Holy Spirit, 没有圣灵,people would say人会说, “what! “什么! Jesus cast out demons and healed the sick? 耶稣医病赶鬼?Nonsense! 太荒谬了!Go, see a doctor if your son suffers from seizures.” 你儿子有癫痫, 去找医生。” But the church is meant to be a place where God’s Kingdom and power are manifested on earth through the Holy Spirit, 教会应当是神的国度和神的大能藉着圣灵彰显于地的所在,to heal the sick 是医治病人、and deliver the oppressed, 释放受压制的、and continue what Jesus did on earth. 在全地延续耶稣所做的。Titus 3:5 says, He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. 他便救了我们……藉着重生的洗和圣灵的更新。 Buddhism asks people to do good, 佛教教人做好事,but they’re not sure if they can have eternal life. 但信徒却不知道是否有永生。The truth tells us, 真理告诉我们,we’re saved through rebirth by the Holy Spirit. 我们藉着圣灵重生得救。It’s the Holy Spirit’s role to give us a new life. 圣灵的职责是赐给我们新生命Jesus says, “The Spirit gives life, and the flesh counts for nothing.”主耶稣说,“叫人活的乃是灵,肉体是无益的。”

Last Thursday, a sister testified on Zoom that last year her daughter was in the ICU with a failing lung. 上周四,一位姐妹在Zoom上作见证,说去年她女儿因肺衰竭住进了ICUThe doctor said she was dying, and no one had survived in that ICU. 医生说她快不行了,而且从来没有人能从那个ICU活下来。The sister flew to MOLC, where I was holding a gathering, and responded to the altar call, repenting after years away from God. 这位姐妹飞到我在MOLC举办的聚会,并在祭坛呼召时悔改,因她多年远离神。By Monday, her daughter was moved out of the ICU. 到了周一,她的女儿就从ICU转出了。The previous Thursday, she and her daughter returned up on Zoom , seeking help as her daughter’s condition had worsened again. 前一个星期四,她和她女儿再次来到我们的Zoom会议,寻求帮助,因为她女儿的病情再次恶化。She shared that she had dreamed where I led her in a prayer of repentance and forgiveness她分享说她梦见我带领她作悔改和饶恕的祷告and I recognised it as the work of the Holy Spirit.我意识到这是圣灵的工作。So, I did it. 于是我带她祷告。Last Thursday, she testified that her daughter had regained strength上周四,这位姐妹见证她女儿恢复了力量 and can now walk 1,500 steps daily—something impossible before the prayer.现在每天可以走1500步了——在祷告之前,这是不可能的。It’s the Holy Spirit, who makes us alive, 是圣灵叫人活,and brings the presence, 并将神国度的同在、power 能力、and authority of God’s Kingdom into our lives. 权柄带进我们的生命里。Therefore, it is vital for us to develop our personal relationship with the Holy Spirit through obedience. 所以,借顺服与圣灵建立个人关系至关重要。Without His protection, 若没有圣灵保护,we expose ourselves to attack by evil spirits. 我们把自己暴露在邪灵的攻击之下。

3The Holy Spirit teaches, guides, helps, and transforms us. 圣灵教训,引导,帮助,并更新我们

The Holy Spirit teaches and speaks to us. 圣灵会教导人,会说话Since the Holy Spirit is God Himself, 圣灵就是神自己,Psa 94:9 says, does He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye, shall He not see? 造耳朵的,难道自己不听见吗?造眼睛的,难道自己不看见吗? Yes, 是的,the Holy Spirit can hear, 圣灵能听见,He can see, 看见,He can talk and feel. 祂会说话,祂有感觉。So you won’t feel bored if you follow Him. 你不会感觉到无聊 。You talk to Him, 你对祂说话,He will talk to You祂也会对你说话。But His words always lead you back to God’s will. 但祂的话总是要把你带进神的旨意里。The Spirit will speak to you through the Word of God,圣灵会用神的话对你说话 dreams异梦, visions 异像and any other ways that your heart can understand.和任何其他你心可以明白的方式。

In Acts 13:2 As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them. 他们侍奉主,禁食的时候,圣灵说:“要为我分派巴拿巴和扫罗,去作我召他们所作的工。”  That was the very first time in church history, 这是教会历史上,the Holy Spirit directly spoke to the leaders of Antioch church, 首次圣灵直接对安提阿教会领袖说话,guiding them to send Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey.指示他们分派扫罗和巴拿巴开始第一次宣教之旅。You might say, 你可能会说:“Well, why haven’t I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me?” “哦,我为什么从未听到圣灵对我说话?”The Holy Spirit isn’t a magical power. 圣灵不是一种魔力,He speaks to guide us into God’s purposes. 祂说话的目的是要把我们带进神旨意里。If you’re ready to obey, 你若愿意顺服,He’ll speak to you. 祂就会对你说话。But if you just wanna experience something special 但人若只想得到某种特殊的体验,but aren’t ready to do what God says, 却不愿遵行神所吩咐的,He will wait, 祂会等,until you’re prepared to follow His commands. 直到人预备好听从神吩咐。God is love and truth. 神是爱和真理,And He understands that we can be entangled by the ways of the previous kingdom 祂知道我们会被以前的国度的规则缠住,through unresolved fear, 因有未处理的惧怕,bitterness, 苦毒,wounds, 伤害,doubt, etc.怀疑不信,等等。 So Jesus said in John 14:18因此耶稣说,  I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 我不撇下你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。 How? 如何做到?By sending the Holy Spirit to be with us. 借着差遣圣灵到我们这里。So the Holy Spirit is the unlimited presence of Jesus who is with us. 圣灵就是无限量的耶稣的同在。However, you can’t touch Him with your hands as the disciples did, 你虽不能像门徒一样用手去摸到圣灵,yet you can be touched within your hearts. 你的心却可以被祂触摸。That’s why keeping your heart tender is crucial. 因此保持柔软的心何等重要。Bitter judgment and unforgiveness hardens our heart苦毒的论断和不饶恕刚硬我们的心,preventing us from being touched by the Holy Spirit。拦阻我们不被圣灵触摸。That’s why we need to be humble and always ask the Holy Spirit, 这就是为何我们当常谦卑寻求圣灵, “where do I need to forgive.” 哪里我需要去饶恕的?

John14:16-17 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师(或作“训慰师”。下同),叫他永远与你们同在,17 the Spirit of truth. 17就是真理的圣灵。 John 16:13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. 只等真理的圣灵来了,他要引导你们明白(原文作“进入”)一切的真理。See? 看到吗?the Holy Spirit isn’t like some sort of unknown spirit, 圣灵不像某种不知名的灵,giving you magical experiences 带给你魔幻的经历,and then keeping you bound by fear or curses. 然后用惧怕或咒诅控制你。The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. 圣灵是真理的灵,The Holy Spirit works with the truth. 圣灵与真理同工。That’s why, after becoming Christians, 这就是为什么我们信主后,we need to read the bible and pray according to the truth, 要读经和照真理祷告,not just asking for stuff. 而不单只是要地上的好处。Coz stuff is temporary, 因那些只是暂时的,but the Holy Spirit leads us to eternity.而圣灵领我们进入永生。

The key role of the Holy Spirit is to teach us, 圣灵的主要职责是教导、help us, 帮助、guide us into all truth. 引导我们进入一切真理。He is called the “Comforter” or “Helper” 祂的名叫“安慰者”或“帮助者”,(John 14:16)which means that He will be alongside you to help you when you get upset, or whatever 意味着祂在你沮丧时, 或任何时候,会一直陪伴你帮助你,guide you, 祂引导你、teach you 教训你,about His Son Christ’s mindset and attitude, 使你得着神儿子基督的心和思维方向,so that you can be comforted by His truth. 因此你就会因真理得安慰。And transformed into His peace, 改变进入神的平安、love, 慈爱and joy.和喜乐。The Holy Spirit wants to be your Friend and Guide in life 圣灵愿意成为你生命中的朋友和引导者,wherever you go, 无论你往哪里去,but it’s your choice to listen to Him or resist Him. 但这在乎你是否选择去听从祂,或抵挡祂。

I recall a sister telling me years ago, 有一位姊妹几年前对我说, that she was afraid God might not allow her to do what she wanted. 因她怕神不许她做想做的事。” So she did ask God for guidance, 所以她不寻求神的带领,and ended up suffering financial loss. 结果却遭受财务上的损失。2 Cor 林后3:17, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 主的灵在哪里,那里就得以自由。 We often think freedom means doing whatever we want without restrictions. 我们常常觉得自由就是不要拦阻我想干什么干什么。However, the Holy Spirit may say ‘no’ us. 可圣灵却会对我们说“不”。But He leads us to true freedom 但祂却带给我们真自由,where we can’t sin against God 当我们不做得罪神的事and can rejoice in His presence. 就能在祂的同在中喜乐。

A sister told me that she and her family travelled to the US 一位姊妹说她和她家人去美国旅游and she wanted to visit Mexico. 她也想去墨西哥。Her relatives warned her, 亲戚警告说她:'Don’t go there, “别去那里,or at least ask God to guide you.' 至少你也要祷告求神带领。”She refused, 她拒绝了,coz she was afraid that the Holy Spirit might give her a dream advising against the trip. 因担心圣灵给她梦阻止她。She went ahead anyway.可她还是去了。At the border, she encountered trouble, 在边境,她遇到了麻烦,she lost her contact number, 因找不到联系电话了,and the whole family ended up in detention. 全家都被关进小房间。In her distress, 在难处中,she turned to God, 她转向神,who, in His mercy, 因着神的怜悯引导,guided her to find the number, 她找到了号码,and she was eventually set free. 终于被放了出来。

Sometimes, 有时, the Holy Spirit may say, 圣灵可能会说“no, don’t do it”. “不,不要去做 But it is for our good. 但这是为了我们好,coz He is a loving Father. 因为祂是慈爱的父亲。And He knows what is best for us. 他知道什么对我们最好。In Acts 16, 在徒16章中, Paul and his companions planned to preach in Asia and Bithynia, 保罗和他的同伴计划在亚西亚和比提尼亚传道 but the Holy Spirit stopped them, 但圣灵阻止了他们, and sent Paul a vision, 并给了保罗一个异象,a man from Macedonia asking for help. 异象中有一个来自马其顿的人请求帮助。

Consequently, 因此,they headed to Europe instead of Asia, 他们前往欧洲而不是亚洲,which is why the church was initially established in Europe rather than Asia. 这也是教会最初建立在欧洲而不是亚洲的原因。Later, 后来,God sent missionaries from Europe to the rest of the world. 神把传教士从欧洲派往世界各地。Now, 现在,God is also sending missionaries from Asia to all corners of the world. 神又从亚洲向世界各个角落差派传教士。So the Holy Spirit makes Jesus and His plan known to us. 因此,圣灵让我们了解耶稣和祂的计划。The Spirit understands the Will of God, 圣灵了解神的旨意, and reveals to us what He is for向我们揭示祂的旨意, why, and what He does.原因和所做的事。But God gives us the free choice 但是,神给了我们自由选择的权利to either yield to His Spirit, 或顺服于圣灵, or resist Him. 或抵挡他。

In Acts 7:51, Stephen said to the people of Israel, 司提反对以色列人说: “You stiff-necked people… "你们这些硬着颈项的人......you always resist the Holy Spirit. 你们总是抵挡圣灵。” In anger, 在恼怒中,the people stoned him. 人们用石头打死了他。 But is that true? 但这是真的吗?Yes, it’s true. 是的,这是真的。Truth can sometimes cut our hearts真理有时会扎我们的心 and lead us to repentance, 引导我们悔改 ,so that we can be justified by God and be blessed. 从而使我们称义和蒙福。  

If we resist the Holy Spirit’s guidance, 若我们抗拒圣灵的指引,we resist His leadership 就是抗拒祂的领导,and Jesus as our King, 拒绝耶稣做我们的王,which can only lead to trouble. 这会导致我们陷入麻烦中。Even if we attend church and help out, 即使我们参加教会活动并服侍,we might only show a form of godliness我们也可能只是有敬虔的外表,without its true power. 却没有真正的能力(敬虔的实意)。God wants us to be filled with the Holy Spirit 神希望我们被圣灵充满,and led by Him to see as He sees在祂的引领下,以祂的眼光去看,and follow His guidance in all areas of life, 完全遵从祂的引导 ,so we can be truly blessed. 这样我们才能真正蒙福。

Recently, 最近,someone’s cat stayed with us, 某人的猫住在我们家,the cat didn’t eat well on the first day, 第一天猫胃口不好,possibly feeling abandoned 可能是觉得被抛弃了,and anxious. 有焦虑。Our dog, Ace, 我家的狗艾斯 ,had a similar experience. 它也有过类似的经历。When we put Ace in a kennel so we could attend the church camp, 当我们把Ace放狗酒店去营会,our food-loving Labrador lost 3 kg in just three days. 这爱吃的拉布拉多3天内瘦了3公斤。That’s phenomenal. 太惊人了。It reminds me 这让我想到,that God created animals and humans with love. 神在爱中创造了动物和人类。He placed within them a deep need for their owners’ love. 祂把对主人爱的渴望放在他们里面。God understands that feeling abandoned can harm us deeply. 祂知道被遗弃的感觉会深深的伤害我们。 So Jesus promised, 因此耶稣应许说:I will not leave you as orphans; 我不撇下你们为孤儿,I will come to you. 我要到你们这里来。The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, 父奉我名所要差来的圣灵, will teach you all things 要将万事教导你们,and remind you of everything I have said to you. 并且要叫你们想起我对你们所说的一切话。

Isn’t that amazing? 这难道不奇妙吗? The Holy Spirit is always there for us. 圣灵一直与我们同住。When you feel sad, 当你感到悲伤时,He’s ready to comfort you. 祂就安慰你。When you struggle to remember God’s Word, 当你拼命想记住神的话语时 ,He helps you recall it, 祂会帮助你回忆起来;when you don’t know where to go当不知道往哪里走, He says, “follow Me.”  祂说,来跟从我。He wants to be your personal Coach and Guide throughout your life, 祂希望成为你一生的私人教练和引路人,leading you to fulfil your purpose in the Kingdom of God, 引领你实现在神国度中的目标,so that you can inherit His Kingdom when He returns.以至于当祂再来时,你可以承受祂的国。Shouldn’t we consider the Holy Spirit our dearest friend? 难道我们不应该把圣灵当作我们最亲爱的朋友吗?Are you ready to make Him your best friend? 你准备好让祂成为你最好的朋友了吗?



“Yes, Lord, Your name is the highest. “是的,主,你的名为至高,Your name is the greatest. 你的名为至大,Your name stands above them all. 你的名超乎一切。 We praise You, Lord. 我们赞美你,主! You’re our loving Father. 你是爱我们的天父。You’re our King. 你是我们的君王。

Thank You for including us as Your Kingdom people through the shedding of Your blood. 感谢你用你的宝血将我们带入你的国度。 And for sending Your Spirit to be with us, 感谢你差遣保恵师与我们同住, to nurture us, 养育我们,teach us, 教导我们,guide us, 引导我们,and transform us into all Your truth, 并改变我们像你,so that we will no longer be like orphans 使我们不再像孤儿,but will be united with You in Your righteousness, 而是在你的公义、 Your strength, 力量、Your love, 爱、 peace and joy. 平安和喜乐中与你合一。 Orphans struggle with lack of provision, 孤儿总是担心缺乏供应,but we have Your Spirit to be with us, 但我们有你的灵与我们同在,to provide for us when we’re in need of counsel and comfort. 在我们需要建议和安慰时,你供应我们。Yes, Lord, we need You. 是的,主,我们需要你。Holy Spirit, we need You every moment of our lives. 圣灵,我们需要你,生命中的每时都需要你。

We confess that we often fall short of Your guidance. 我们承认我们常常没有你的引导,We sometimes resist Your Spirit’s leading, 我们有时会抗拒圣灵的引领,choosing our own way over Yours.” 随己心行事,而不是遵行你的旨意


Now you can pray on your own, 你现在可以自己祷告, or you can repeat my prayer 或者你跟着我祷告,and make it your own: 随后再用自己的话祷告:

“Forgive me for the times when I yielded to fear “求你赦免我顺从了惧怕,and didn’t think about what Your Will was for me in the situation, 没有考虑过在这种情况下你的旨意是什么? then, 然而, I suffered loss. 我遭受了损失。Now I surrender! 现在我降服于你! Lord, I surrender… 主啊,我愿降服……You’re good! 你是良善的父!You left Your Spirit with me to counsel me, 你差遣圣灵指引我, comfort me 安慰我,and guide me into Your way of seeing things, 引导我进入你看事物的方式,so that I won’t fear! 这样我就不会害怕了!I can be lifted up! 我可以被提升!Yes, I need it. 是的,我需要它。 I need Your Spirit to teach and guide me. 我需要你的灵来教导和引导我。I surrender myself to You, 我将自己交给你。

Holy Spirit.宝贵的圣灵。Cleanse me and change me! 洁净我、改变我!Tear down the strongholds of fear, 拆毁我内心惧怕、 doubt, 怀疑、 worry within me. 忧虑的坚固营垒。 Holy Spirit, 施恩的灵啊,release Your power into my life. 释放天上来的能力进到我的生命里。In the name of Jesus, 奉主耶稣圣名,I break the power of bitterness that leads me to blame others 我破除引导我指责他人的怨恨的邪灵。 I declare forgiveness over people. 我宣告我饶恕他人。I surrender myself to God.我将自己交托给你。I break the power of oppression and control, 我破除压制和操纵的邪灵,I break the power of fear that tries to keep me under the control of the spirit of religion. 我破除想让我被宗教的灵控制的惧怕邪灵。 I surrender myself to You, Holy Spirit…” 我将自己交给你,圣灵……”

Thank You, Jesus, 感谢您,主耶稣!for Your tender heart towards us感谢你温柔爱我们,and for always calling us back to You. 感谢你总是呼唤我们回到你身边。 It is through the Holy Spirit that we have experienced rebirth. 藉着圣灵的洗,我们经历了重生。 Having begun in the Holy Spirit, 从圣灵入门,we cannot be made perfect by the flesh, 我们无法靠着肉身成全,but only by the work of Your Holy Spirit. 只能靠你圣灵的工作。 Continue to help us surrender fully to Your Spirit of truth, 求你继续帮助我们完全降服于你真理的灵,even when it challenges our desires. 即使它挑战我们的欲望。 Soften our hearts , 柔软我们的心,and make Your voice clear to us. 使我们清楚地听到你的声音。Strengthen our faith 坚固我们的信心,so that we can follow Your guidance, 使我们能够遵循你的指引,even when it requires sacrifice. 即使这需要我们做出牺牲。 Help us to make the Spirit of truth our best friend, 帮助我们让真理之灵成为我们最好的朋友,relying on Him in all things, 凡事依靠祂,so that the weak may be made strong in the Kingdom of God使软弱的变刚强,在神的国度里,and bring glory to Your name. 荣耀你圣名。


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