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2024-08-25 God’s Kingdom in the NT 新约中的神国度

发表于 2024-08-25

Last time, we looked at God’s Kingdom in the OT. 上次我们查看了旧约中的神国度。God always intended to establish His kingdom on earth 神要在地上建立祂的国度 through people made in His own image 藉着按祂形象造的人, right from the beginning从起初开始。Have you ever asked questions like, 你是否问过这样的问题: “Was Adam saved? “ 亚当得救了吗?Will I meet Adam? " 我会遇见亚当吗?” In the NT, 在新约中,Luke traces Jesus’ genealogy back to Adam in Luke 3:38, 路加在3:38中追溯耶稣的家谱到亚当,saying, “the son of Adam, the son of God.亚当是神的儿子。” In Greek, 在希腊原文中,"son of God" is “το Θεο,” “神的儿子“το Θεοnot Huios, 而不是“Huios”(成熟长大的儿子),meaning “of God.” 意思是属于神的。”Adam is still of God 亚当仍然属于神 even though he lost his dominion over the earth. 虽然他失去了对全地的治理权。In the same way同样, we may lose dominion if we fail若我们失败了我们会失去管理权 But we won’t lose our identity in Christ但在基督里的身份不会失去。God is just 神是公平的, to share in God’s dominion, 要与神同掌权,our faith must be tested, 我们的信心必须经过试验,so that we can become mature 使我们可以成熟长大 (James 1:3-4). In other words换句话说, we must grow. 我们必须长大。Maturity requires overcoming sin and Satan’s temptation 成熟需要胜过罪和撒但的试探through tests of faith. 经过信心的考试。Last time, we identified four key elements of a kingdom: 上次我们确定了国度四要素是:a king, 王、a people, 子民、a territory, 领地and governing laws. 和治理的法则。Today, we’ll explore these elements in the NT 今天,我们将探讨新约中的这些要素,to understand God’s Kingdom on earth. 来认识神在地上的国度。

1The people of the Kingdom in the NT新约中的神国子民

In Rev 1:6, To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, “祂爱我们,用自己的血使我们脱离罪恶,6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.  6 又使我们成为国民,作祂父神的祭司;愿荣耀权能归给祂,直到永永远远。阿们。” Gal 3: 4 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. “祂救赎了我们,为使亚伯拉罕的福藉着基督耶稣可以临到外邦人,使我们藉着信得着所应许的圣灵。” Eph 2:19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household. 这样,你们不再作外人和客旅,是与圣徒同国,是神家里的人了。 1 Peter 彼前2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 惟有你们是被拣选的族类,是有君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属神的子民,要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。

God called Israel His Kingdom of priests in the Old Testament. 神在旧约中称以色列为祂的祭司的国度,But these Scriptures show that 而这些经文表明,through Jesus’ sacrifice, 藉着耶稣的牺牲,both Jews and Gentiles in the Church are now His royal priests. 教会中的犹太人和外邦人现在都是祂的君尊祭司。Our mission is to proclaim God’s praises 我们的使命是宣扬神的美德,and guide the nations into His blessing, 并引导万民进入祂的祝福,as Israel was called to do 正如以色列蒙召要做的。(Gen 12:2) Here is a question有个问题,Why did Jesus have to be born as a human? 为什么耶稣必须成为人的样子呢?Because God’s plan is to expand His Kingdom’s reign on earth through people (Gen 126-27) 因神的计划是叫人来扩张祂的国在地上掌权But Adam failed,但亚当失败了 so the Son of God had to become human to fulfil God’s purpose for humanity,所以神的儿子必须成为人的样子来成就神对人的旨意,allowing us to continue His plan.叫我们可以继续神的计划 (Matt 28:18-19)That’s why we need to pray for all nations to be saved through our English Classes. 这就是为什么我们要为万民借这英文课得拯救代祷。

2The King of the Kingdom in the NT新约中的神国之王

From the beginning in the NT, 新约的起头,we’re told that Jesus was born as king, 我们就读到说耶稣是诞生为王的。King Herod anxiously asked, 希律王焦虑地问:“where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?” “那生下来作犹太人之王的在哪里? In Heb 1:2-3, It says, through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory. 神…曾藉着他创造诸世界。他是 神荣耀所发的光辉。In John 10:30, Jesus said, “I and the Father are one. 耶稣说:我与父原为一。”Jesus is the Son of God and God Himself. 祂是神的儿子,也是神自己。our God is three in ONE. 因为我们的神是三位一体的神:The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 圣父、圣子、圣灵,three Persons, One God. 三位一体的神。Before Jesus started his ministry, 在开始事工之前,he was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to overcome Satan’s temptation. 耶稣被圣灵引到旷野去胜过撒但的试探。Emerging victoriously, 得胜出来后,Matt 4:23 says, Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. 耶稣走遍加利利,在各会堂里教训人,传天国的福音,医治百姓各样的病症。 Why did Jesus do that? 为什么耶稣这样做呢?John the Baptist once said, 施洗约翰曾说:“Look, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” “看哪,神的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的!”But later he questioned when in prison if Jesus was the Messiah King. 但后来他在监狱中却怀疑耶稣是否真的是弥赛亚王。Jewish believers were expecting the promised Messiah King to come. 犹太信徒一直盼望那应许中的弥赛亚王降临。In 2 Sam 撒下7:13, God promised that the Messiah King would come from the line of David, 神应许弥赛亚王将出自大卫的后裔,who would establish His Kingdom built upon justice forever. 祂将建立公义的国度。So John the Baptist believed, 所以施洗约翰相信,if Jesus was the conquering King, 如果耶稣是那位得胜的王,he should have done something for the Jews, 祂应该为犹太人做点什么,like intervening in Roman politics, 比如介入罗马的政权,or changing the government. 或者改变政权。

But, Jesus responded by pointing to His miracles, 但耶稣回应时却指向了祂的神迹。Luke 7:22:...The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. “瞎子看见,瘸子行走,长大麻风的洁净,聋子听见,死人复活,穷人有福音传给他们。 Why did Jesus constantly do that throughout his ministry? 为什么耶稣在祂的整个事工中不断做这些事呢?Because Jesus is the fulfilled promise of the Messiah in the OT. 因为耶稣来就是要成就旧约关于弥赛亚的应许,He came not to conquer people, 祂来不是要征服人,nor government, 或政府,but to conquer sin and Satan, 而是为了胜过罪和撒但,to redeem people from sin将人从罪 and the rule of Satan back to the Kingdom of God.和撒但的权势下救赎出来,归回神的国度。Sin leads to sickness and death.罪导致疾病和死亡。

In Gen 3:15, right after Adam’s fall, 亚当堕落后,God prophesied that the seed of the woman would be a serpent-crushing Savior for the world. 神就预言有位女人的后裔要成为击碎蛇头的救主。In 1 John 约一3:8 says, the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. “神的儿子显现出来,为要除灭魔鬼的作为。In the gospels, 在福音书中,we see demons were terrified of Jesus, shouting, 我们看到鬼魔对耶稣感到极其害怕,喊叫着:we know who you are – the Holy One of God…” “我们知道你是谁,是神的圣者……”They bow down to Jesus它们在耶稣面前屈膝下拜。Who is the King? 谁是王?Jesus, not the demons. 是耶稣,不是魔鬼。Isaiah 35:5-6 foretold that the Messiah King would heal the blind, 预言弥赛亚王将医治瞎子、the lame, 瘸子and the mute. 和哑巴。So Jesus came to demonstrate his power over all,因此耶稣来显明他的权柄超乎一切,he turned water into wine, 他把水变成酒、calmed storms, 平静风暴、multiplied food, 使食物增多,cast out demons, 赶出邪灵、and healed those tormented by the power of Satan. 医治受撒但权势折磨的人。In the battle between sight and blindness, 在看见与瞎眼、health and sickness, 健康与疾病、life and death, 生与死的争战中,who’s in control? 谁掌权?It’s not Satan, 不是撒但,but Jesus. 而是耶稣。So if Jesus reigns in you, 若耶稣在你里面掌权,fear will be gone,惧怕就跑了 torment will be gone折磨被赶跑了, demons will be cast out邪灵也跑了, and healing, joy, peace, and love will be yours! 医治,喜乐平安和爱就是你的!You won’t turn pale when  encountering demons遇到邪灵你也不会怕; they will bow down before you because of Christ reigning in you他们要因你里面掌权的基督向你下拜。So all the miracles reveal that Jesus’ authority surpasses Satan’s 这些神迹揭示了耶稣的权柄超越撒但,and that God’s Kingdom is the highest authority. 并且神的国度是至高的。

3The Place of the Kingdom in the NT新约中的神国之地

Now Jesus teaches us to pray, 现在耶稣教我们祷告说:Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heave.” “愿你的国降临,愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。” This means, 这意味着,the way God’s Kingdom rules in heaven should be the same as on earth. 神国度在天上的掌权也当同样行在地上。But after Adam had handed over dominion to Satan, 但自从亚当将他的治理权交给撒但后,we had lost identity of who we were meant to be. 我们曾不知道自己的身份。We listened to lies我们听信谎言, “you’ve gotta be successful like him 你要像他那样成功, or be famous like her要像她那样出名, or be rich要像他那么有钱, or be this and that要这样那样...' Then, we started feeling accused然后,就被控告 'I’m not good enough.'". “我不够好。” we strived, 我们挣扎,we tried to beat others. 试图超过别人。Pride and hatred trapped us in family curses and cycles of generational failure. 骄傲和仇恨将我们困在家庭诅咒和累代失败的循环中。Jesus came to save us, 耶稣来是为了拯救我们,freeing us from lies, 使我们脱离谎言,and restoring us to His original plan. 恢复祂创造我们的计划。Our King is a righteous, 我们的王是一位公义、loving, 慈爱、merciful, 怜悯、and faithful Servant. 信实的仆人。He also came to serve us. 祂来是为了服侍我们。Where does the Kingdom reside now? 神的国度现在在哪里呢?and Where does Jesus serve us 耶稣在哪里服侍我们?

Jesus said, “the Kingdom of God is within you.” 耶稣说:神的国就在你们心里。 Jesus came to change hearts. 耶稣来是为了改变人心。The heart is where God’s Kingdom and His ways dwell now. 心是神国度和祂法则现在居住的地方。A bitter and angry heart doesn’t show God’s Kingdom reign. 一颗苦毒和愤怒的心,不显明神的国度掌权;it’s showing the other kingdom reign 是显明另个国在掌权。A selfish heart doesn’t show God’s Kingdom reign. 一颗自私的心,不能显明神的国度掌权。Poverty, 贫穷、sickness, 疾病、depression, 抑郁、addiction, 成瘾、divorce, 离婚、violence, 暴力、injustice, and suicide 不公正和自杀,aren’t showing God’s Kingdom reign. 不能显明神的国度掌权。Romans 14:17 says, 说,there are signs to show God’s Kingdom reigning in you: 这些才是神国度在你里面掌权的标志:righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 圣灵中的公义、和平与喜乐。It’s about listening to the Spirit of truth, 这关乎聆听真理的圣灵,not what social media tells you, 而不是社交媒体告诉你的,or your unbelieving family members, or friends tell you to do. 或者你不信的家人和朋友告诉你该做的事。Discerning and resisting lies 分辨和抵制谎言,and allowing the truth to rule in our hearts 让真理在我们心中掌权,is essential. 是至关重要的。

4The King governs His kingdom through His laws and principles王藉着祂的律法和法则治理祂的国度

Some say, 有人说,:“We’re NT saints; we don’t need the law anymore.” “我们是新约的圣徒,不再需要律法了。” Who said that? 谁说的?Jesus came to fulfil the law, 耶稣来是要成全律法,not abolish it. 而不是废掉律法。He said, 祂说:“It’s easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of the law to fail”天地废去比律法的一点一画落空还容易” (Luke 16:17)Romans 3:31 asks, 问道:Do we nullify the law by this faith? “这样,我们因信废了律法吗?Not at all! Rather, we uphold it.” 断乎不是!更是坚固律法。 Why is the law still important in God’s Kingdom? 为什么神的律法这么重要?cos God’s Kingdom is founded on justice, 因神的国度是建立在公平、righteousness, 公义、mercy, and truth. 怜悯和真理之上的。Matthew 12:18 says Jesus came to proclaim justice to the nations. 耶稣来是将公理传给外邦The government of God’s Kingdom reflects the King’s nature 神国的政府反映了王的本性(Isaiah 11:4-5)The law is a mirror of God’s character律法是上帝本性的镜子 revealing His justice显明神的公义。The purpose of the legal system is to protect society一个国家的法律制度是为了保护社会, create order and blessing, 创造秩序和赐福,and hold individuals accountable. 同时也要求人们承担责任。Without a legal system没有法律制度 a country would be chaotic一个国家就陷入混乱中。Why are many Christians suffering and tormented? 为什么许多基督徒被痛苦折磨?Because they’ve broken God’s laws. 因为他们违法了。And they overlooked that God’s Kingdom has a legal system. 他们轻忽了上帝的国里是有法律体系. Romans 3:20 says, that the function of the law, 律法的功用is to show us that we’re guilty让我们看见自己有罪。Then还有, Gal 3:24, that the law leads us to Christ so we can be justified by faith. 律法引领我们到基督那里,使我们可以因信称义。 So the second function is to lead us to Christ and be justified. 其次 把我们领到基督面前, 被称义。In the justice system of God’s Kingdom, 在神国度的法律体系里,someone is watching you day and night, 有人日夜在监视你,ready to accuse you. 随时准备控告你。Satan might say, 撒但可能会说:“The way you treat others doesn’t reflect the King. “你对待他人的方式没有体现君王的品性。The King is love, 君王是爱,but you’re mean. 但你却待人刻薄。The King is truth, 君王是真理,but you’re influenced by lies. 但你却受谎言影响。The King is generous, 君王是慷慨的,but you’re selfish. 但你却自私。The King is forgiving, 君王是饶恕的,but you’re judgmental.” 但你却论断他人。”  As NT believers但作为新约的信徒we can’t be ignorant我们不能无知, because the law is still at work.因律法仍在发挥作用。Our enemy is ready to bring us to the court of heaven to defeat us我们的仇敌要把我们告上天上的法庭, leading to torment.以击败我们,叫我们受折磨。But only our faith saves us!只有我们的信心可以救我们!Faith doesn’t ignore the facts信心不是忽视事实and say, ‘I’m fine, I’m good.’ 并说‘我很好,我没事’。Instead, faith first leads us to repentance. 相反,信心首先引我们悔改。If we confess our sins, He will forgive us and purify us from all unrighteousness. 我们若认自己的罪, 神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义。

Yesterday, a new believer asked me for help昨天一个新信徒找我帮助 coz she couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt after wronging someone她冤枉了他人,被负罪感控告了。I led her in a prayer我带她祷告, to declare that it’s the blood of Jesus that cancels her debts是耶稣的宝血赦免她的罪, not her own efforts不是靠自己。She confessed and received the forgiveness of Christ to forgive herself.她悔改并接受饶恕,饶恕了自己。Afterwards, she said the feeling was gone过后,那定罪感没有了 and she would ring that person to apologise.她可以打电话给那人道歉了。Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ helps us overcome guilt and shame. 信耶稣的宝血帮我们胜过罪恶感和羞耻感。Faith also leads us to transformation, 信心也引我们改变, when we choose to forgive and to love,当我选择饶恕和爱 ,as love fulfils the Law. 因为爱成全了律法。

Last story, 最后一个故事,nature reflects the way the world operates, 大自然反映了这个世界的运行方式,which is the opposite of God’s Kingdom. 它与神的国度是完全相反的。In this picture, 在这幅图中,a pack of wolves are on a journey. 一群狼正在旅途中。The first three wolves are old and sick; 前三只狼是年老和生病的,if attacked, 如果遭到攻击,they’ll be sacrificed first. 它们会首先被牺牲。The second and fourth groups are the stronger wolves 第二组和第四组是更强壮的狼,who protect the middle—它们保护着中间的狼群——the future of the pack. 狼群的未来。The last wolf is the king. 而最后一只狼是狼王,He’ll sacrifice everyone else to save himself. 它会牺牲其他所有的狼来保全自己。

What a sad world that looks like. 这是多么悲哀的世界!How can you find love, 如何能在这个邪恶的世界中找到爱、justice 公义、and peace in this evil world 和平?if you follow its principles? 如果你跟随这世界的法则?You’ll always feel, “it’s unfair.” 你总会感到这不公平A worldly worldview leaves us feeling lost and sad due to injustice. 世俗的世界观让我们因不公正而感到迷失和悲伤。But in God’s Kingdom, 但在神的国度中,the story is different. 故事是不同的。our King blesses the humble, 我们的王祝福那些谦卑的、the meek, 温柔的、the merciful, 怜悯的、and the persecuted. 受逼迫的人。He went ahead of us. 祂走在我们前头,He sacrificed Himself for our wrongdoings, 祂为我们的过犯牺牲了自己,showing us the path to true justice and peace. 向我们展示了通往真正公义与和平的道路。He served as the lowliest servant, 祂以最卑微的仆人身份服侍我们,so that we, the lowly, can be exalted in His Kingdom. 为的是我们这些卑微的人可以在祂的国度中被高举。He is calling祂在呼召, “come, and follow me,跟从我 treat others the way I treat you待人像我待你一样, you can be healed your wounds你就会得医治, I’ll bless you and your children我要赐福你和你的后代, and you’re to bless others你也要去祝福他人

Prayer: 祷告:

Yes, Jesus, we praise You.  是的,主耶稣,我们赞美你。You’re the King— 你是王——King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 万王之王、万主之主。You’re the Creator King.  你是造物主之王。All power,  所有的能力、authority,  权柄and wisdom are Yours.  和智慧都是你的。You’re the humble King,  你是谦卑的君王,the King before Creation,  是创世之前的王,born to be King and dying as King,  生为王,死亦为王,the Victorious King, 你是得胜的王, the resurrected King.  复活的王。You’re King of Kings forever. 你是万王之王,直到永远。

In this world,  在这世上,which religious leader go ahead of their people有哪位宗教领袖能在子民的前面行,and sacrifice themselves for their people’s good?  为子民的利益而牺牲自己?None but Jesus, 除了主耶稣,再无别神!for the world often sacrifices people for their leaders’ benefit.  因为这世界常常为了领袖的利益而牺牲他人,Only God’s love is sacrificial.  惟有神的爱是牺牲自己。We thank You for Your unfailing love and sacrifice, 我们感谢您永不止息的爱和牺牲,for taking our place  感谢你代替我们,and bearing our burdens.  承受我们的罪的重担。Thank You for Your grace  感谢您的恩典,and for the hope and redemption,  带给我们盼望和救赎,the Kingdom, You bring to us. 感谢你带我们进入你的国度。Lord Jesus,  主耶稣,You’ve called us to follow You,  你呼召我们跟随你,not the world. 而不是世界。 You said,  你说: “I’ll bless you…and you will be a blessing to all nations.”  “我要赐福给你们......你们要成为万国的祝福How many of you want to respond to this call?  你们当中有多少人愿意回应这呼召?  Respond to the Lord: 回应父神: “Yes, I want this blessing,  “是的,我想要这份祝福,I want Your favor to be upon me and my family.” 我想要你的好处临到我和我的家人身上. I also wanna be a channel of blessings to your family,  我也愿意成为祝福的管道,祝福我的家人、your children,  孩子、your colleagues,  同事、your schoolmates,  同学、your neighbors,  邻舍、and everyone God brings to me…以及神带给我的每一个人.....I wanna be generous like You, 我愿意像你那样慷慨…be a blessing like You 像你那样去祝福他人…If that’s your response若这是你的回应, I invite you to come, come to the front, 我邀请你们来,到前面来,just come...只管来……

You can cry out to Him for help, 你可以向祂呼求:“Lord, I’m willing,“主啊,我愿意,change my heart!  请你改变我的心!Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,help me to change my way of thinking…   请帮助我改变我的思维方式...... forgive me for listening to lies…求你赦免我听信谎言...... forgive me for holding any grudges against the old, or the young,  or the weak…  赦免我对老幼弱小心怀怨恨...... for I judged them… 因我论断了他们……

The wolves' pack puts the old and the weak ahead to be sacrificed so the strong survive.  狼群把年老体弱的放在前面牺牲,让强者得以存活。But this is not the way the Kingdom of God operates!  但神运行祂国度的方式却截然不同!As the King of kings, Jesus, 作为万王之王耶稣基督,You didn’t put Your own interests ahead of others 祢没有把自己的利益放在别人之前,but placed the interests of others before Yourself.  而是把他人的利益放在自己之前。 You ask us to be obedient to the Father’s commands,  你要我们顺从天父的命令, and You went ahead of us.  但你却在我们前头行。

“Forgive me, Lord. “主耶稣,赦免我。” Instead of blessing my family,  我没有祝福我的家人, I’ve been angry with them.  反倒对他们发怒。I’m not happy with them,  对他们不满,coz I tried to draw love from the old,  or the weak,  因为我试图从老人或弱者那里索取爱,and obedience from the young.  从年轻人那里索取顺服。When they failed to meet my expectations,  当他们没有达到我的期望时, I became angry with them...  我就对他们发怒......But Your words say 但你的话说, that if I want them to do something for me, 如果我们愿意他们如何待我,I should first do it for them. 我首先要如何待他们。 Jesus,  主耶稣,You walked in the truth,  你在真理中前行,without demanding anything from us,  不要求我们做任何事,You went ahead of us,  你在我们前头行,You poured out yourself for the weak,  为弱者、the sick,  病人、 the oppressed,  受压迫者、the old, and the young…  老人和孩子倾倒你自己……Why did I get hurt and disappointed? 我为什么会受伤和失望?It’s because I abandoned Your words.  因为我离弃了你的话。I criticized the weak,  我挑剔弱者、 the feeble,   孱弱者、the oppressed,  被压制的人、 the broken,  伤心的人、the old, and the young.  老人和年轻人。My own way of thinking caused me to fail…我自己旧有的思维方式导致了我的失败...... Jesus, You are faithful.  主耶稣,你是信实的。 If I confess my sins, 如果我承认自己的罪, You will forgive me 你就赦免我的罪, and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.  宝血洗净我一切的不义。I turn to Your unfailing love.  我回转向你永不止息的爱,I turn to You forgiveness, 我转向你的饶恕,and I forgive myself  我也愿饶恕我自己, and my children,  我的孩子、 my family, and my…我的家人和我的…… Guide me to learn from You,  引导我效法你,to sacrifice my own desires to listen to You.  牺牲自己的欲望来聆听你。Only the way, the truth, and the life can lead me  惟有道路、真理和生命才能引领我and my family to eternal blessings  和我的家人获得永恒的祝福,and make us a channel of blessing to others.  并使我们成为祝福他人的管道。In the name of Jesus, 奉主耶稣基督的名, I take the authority You gave me;  我接受你赐我的权柄,I rebuke the controlling power of lies,  我斥责一切谎言的操控的邪灵,and I command them to go.  我命令你们离开。Break me free from unforgiveness, 释放我脱离不饶恕、 judgment, 论断、 bitterness,  苦毒、fear;  惧怕,let them go. 离开我。 Holy Spirit,  宝贵的圣灵啊,I give my heart to be filled with Your sacrificial love    我将我的心交给你,让你牺牲的爱充满我的心,so I can do what You want me to do.” 这样我才能做你要我做的事。


Thank You, Jesus.  感谢你,主耶稣。 You are love,  你就是爱,the fulfilment of the law.  你是律法的总纲。Thank You for calling us to love.  感谢你呼召我们去爱。Thank You for setting an example before us, 感谢你在我们前面设立了榜样, humbly serving  谦卑服事, and loving with the love You received from the Father. 用你从天父那里领受的爱去爱。 In a world that reflects injustice and selfishness,  在充斥着不公和自私的世界里,we see Your Kingdom's beauty and truth so clearly through Your example.  你做了榜样,清楚显明你国度的美好和真理。You bless the humble  你赐福谦卑的人, and oppose the proud.  阻挡骄傲的人。Help us to trust in You,  帮助我们信靠你,be humble,  谦卑,transform us, 改变我们, renew us, 更新我们, and set us on a path of flourishing in Your Kingdom.  让我们在你的国度里走上丰盛的道路。Remind us to treat others as You have treated us.  提醒我们待人如己。May Your Kingdom come,  愿你的国降临,and Your will be done in our lives.  愿你的旨意行在我们的生命中。 Amen.  


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