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2024-08-12 The Kingdom in the OT 神国在旧约的显现

发表于 2024-08-12

This year, we’ve been exploring a series on understanding the Kingdom. 我们今年分享了几次认识神的国,Do you know that God's Kingdom includes the educational, 你知道神国里也有教育系统、economic, 经济体系、and political systems?  政治体系吗?Of course, it does. 当然有。The Bible guides us on how to educate our children and manage money, 圣经教导我们如何教养孩子和管理钱财,and also tells us that God’s political rule is built on justice, 也告诉我们神的政治制度建立于公平、righteousness, 公义、mercy, 怜悯and truth.和真理之上。So, understanding what the Kingdom is all about 因此,认识神的国的真正含义can inspire us to grow as a church community. 可以激励我们作为一个教会团体不断成长。We have a whole lot of things to learn, haven’t we? 我们有很多需要学的,不是吗?So today, we’re going to look at God’s Kingdom in the Old Testament, 今天我们来看在旧约里的神国,and next time, we’ll explore God's Kingdom in the NT, 下次我们再看新约中的神国,and then, the role of the Holy Spirit. 再后面,我们要分享圣灵的职责。

1, “The Lord reigns” implies God as King in His Kingdom.神作王”隐意神作神国的王

The phrase “the Kingdom of God” doesn’t really appear in the OT. 旧约中没有神的国这一词,How could the Jewish disciples understand the concept但犹太门徒是怎么明白when Jesus and John the Baptist preached,耶稣和施洗约翰所传的 “repent, the Kingdom of God is near”? “天国近了,你们当悔改的意思呢?Even though the exact phrase doesn’t appear in the OT, 尽管旧约里找不到这个词句,the idea of God as King is well-established in Jewish thought. 但神是王的概念却是扎根在犹太人的心里。What’s the function of a king?王的职责是什么?The King rules over His Kingdom. 王掌管祂的国度。The Psalms frequently declare 诗篇多次宣告,“The Lord reigns” 惟耶和华坐着为王, (Psa 9:7). 1 Chorn 代上16:31, Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, “The Lord reigns!” 愿天欢喜,愿快乐,愿人在列邦中说:耶和华作王了!’Psa 96:10, Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns.” The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity. 人在列邦中要说:耶和华作王,世界就坚定,不得动摇;他要按公正审判众民They all indicate that God is the King who reigns over heaven and earth. 这些经句都表明神是王,祂掌管天和地。From 1 Chorn 代上16:31 we see看见, God's Kingdom on earth involves: 在地上的神国包含:a. The subjects神子民: The nations- the people of God 是列国-神子民;b. The territory领地: The world and the earth. 是世界和全地;c. The way God rules神治理的法则: Based on His unchanging character. 是基于神永不改变的性情。Thus, 所以,the concept of the Kingdom of God on earth includes four elements: 地上神的国包含四个要素:The King. 王,The people. 子民,The earth. 全地,God’s ways and truths. 神的道和真理。

2, God’s Kingdom was hidden in Eden.神国度藏在伊甸园里

Gen 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.起初 神创造天地。This means that God’s rule is first shown in creation 这意味着,神的掌权最先在造物之工中显明,because He owes everything 因神拥有万物. God is the Creator King. 神是创造万物的王。Then, God created the people in His image. 并且神照自己的形象造人。In Gen 1:26-27, God appointed Adam and Eve to oversee creation in His Kingdom on earth. 神指派亚当夏娃照看祂地上国度中一切祂所造的。And God set laws in His Kingdom on earth. 上帝颁布了律法在祂地上的国度。In Genesis 2:15-17, God commanded them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 神吩咐他们不可吃分辨善恶树上的果子。This meant that the authority God granted to them is limited,这意味着这神赐他们的权柄是有限的 and only effective when humans follow His laws and submit to His Lordship.只在人遵行神的律法并降服于神的主权时才有效。So the Kingdom of God first appeared on earth因此,神的国度最初出现在地, in the Garden of Eden. 是在伊甸园。There was God as King那里有神为王, His people有祂的百姓 the land有领地, and the laws by which the King governed His Kingdom. 以及王用来治理国度的律法。If they had obeyed, 若他们那时遵守了,their close relationship with God would have allowed them to subdue the enemy 他们与神的亲密关系就能使他们制服仇敌,and share in God’s rule on earth. 并与神一同在地上掌权。Nature would have been under human control, 自然界就仍会在人类掌权中,and there wouldn’t have been climate change就不会气候变暖 or any predators or prey.或不会有食肉动物和猎物。It breaks my heart to see wild animals consuming each other, 看到野生动物互相为食,and humans fighting for power. 人类为权力互相争斗,我很痛心。I eagerly await the day described in Romans 8:19 when God will restore everything, 我切切期盼着8:19中所说神复兴万物的日子来到,by then, there won’t be any predators anymore那时野兽也不再吃肉, coz they’ll all graze peacefully. 他们也都吃草了 (Isaiah 11:7). The earth will be filled with peace and the glory of God. 认识耶和华荣耀的知识要充满遍地。In Gen 2:20, Adam was full of wisdom.亚当智慧充足。He named the animals and birds他给动物飞鸟起名。Why is a tiger called a tiger? 为什么老虎叫老虎? You can ask Adam when you see him later. 当你以后见亚当时,你可以问他。This reflected the wisdom, the authority and kingship God had delegated to humans. 彰显神赐予人的智慧、权柄、王权。Initially, 起初,salvation wasn’t necessary in God’s Kingdom on earth.在地上的神国中并不需要救恩。

3, God’s Kingdom was hidden in Israel’s history 神国度藏在以色列的历史里

Yet, 然而,after Adam listened to Satan, 亚当听从了撒旦,Satan stole everything from Adam. 撒旦夺去了亚当所有的。That’s why 1 John 5:19 says, 这就是为什么约一5:19the whole world is under the control of the evil one. 全世界都卧在那恶者手下; The kingdom of darkness then began to overshadow the rule of the Kingdom of God on earth. 黑暗国度开始在地上给神国法则蒙上阴影。Instead of justice, 不再是公平、righteousness, 公义、mercy 怜悯、and truth ruling over the world, 真理在地上掌权,sin, 而是罪,lies, 谎言,hatred, 仇恨,killing, 凶杀,poverty, 贫穷,sickness, 疾病、abuse, 辱骂、wars, 战争,and all the bad things began to dominate the world. 不好的事情掌管了全世界。But God's intention for establishing His Kingdom and His rule on earth through humans remains the same.但神要借着人在地上建立祂的国度和法则的旨意从没有改变。In Gen 12, God chose a man called Abram, 神拣选了一个人叫亚伯兰,God made a covenant with Abram and his descendants 祂与亚伯兰和他的后代立约 in v.2-3, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 我必叫你成为大国。我必赐福给你,叫你的名为大,你也要叫别人得福。

3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” 为你祝福的,我必赐福与他;那咒诅你的,我必咒诅他。地上的万族都要因你得福In Exo 19:5-6, God said to Israel, 神对以色列说, 5 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, 如今你们若实在听从我的话,遵守我的约,就要在万民中作属我的子民;因为全地都是我的。6 you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.” 你们要归我作祭司的国度,为圣洁的国民这些话你要告诉以色列人。Here, we see that, 我们看到,first, 首先,God will make Abram and his descendants a great nation; 神会使亚伯拉罕和他的子孙成为大国,a kingdom, a people of God.一个国度,属神的子民。Second, 其次,they are called to obey God’s commands, 他们蒙召遵行神的命令,meaning they are to be under God’s rule. 意思是他们当服从神的法则。So again, it fits the four elements of a kingdom因此又是国度的四要素: a King , a people人民, a land or a territory地方或领土, and principles or laws 和法则或法规。

Apparently, God wants to continue to establish His Kingdom on earth 很显然 神要继续在地上建立祂的国,through the obedience of Abraham and his descendants. 要借着亚伯拉罕和子孙的顺服。In Exo 4:22-23, God called Israel, the descendant of Abraham, 神称亚伯拉罕的子孙以色列,“My son”, 我的儿子highlighting their special status. 标示出他们的特殊地位。However, due to the fall, 然而,因为亚当的堕落,salvation is needed for sinners to become Kingdom people. 罪人必须借助救恩才能成为神的国民。In the OT, 在旧约里,God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt, 神从埃及救出以色列,and leading them to Canaan, 把他们带到迦南地,represents a key aspect of salvation 体现了救恩的一个关键面,and the path to the kingdom.以及去到神国的路径。In the OT, 在旧约中, we see a glimpse of God’s Kingdom reign during Solomon’s reign, 我们看到了所罗门统治时期神国度掌权的一瞥,showcasing its magnificence when God's reign is fully established on earth. 缩显了一点神的国度在地上完全建立后的辉煌。 In 1 King  王上4:20-34, Solomon’s early kingdom under God’s authority was unified, secure, and prosperous.  所罗门在神的掌权下建立的早期王国是合一、稳固和昌盛的。v.20 says, 20节说, the people were as numerousas the sand on the seashore”. 人民多得像海边的沙一样That sounds very flourishing非常兴旺. v. 21 highlights Solomon’s dominion over the region from the Euphrates River to the border of Egypt,  21 节强调了所罗门对从幼发拉底河到埃及边境地区的统治 (see the picture)(见图片) with surrounding nations submitting and bringing tribute. 周边国家臣服并进贡。Unlike today, where Israel and Gaza are at war, 不像今天,以色列和迦沙正在交战,and Iran, called Persia in the bible, 伊朗(圣经中称为波斯)also wants to attack Israel.  也想攻击以色列。So how important it is for God’s people to listen to God?神的子民听从神是何等的重要?

In v.22-24, 在第22-24节中,Solomon's daily feast with an abundance of food: 所罗门每天都有丰盛的筵席:ten stall-fed cattle, 十头棚养的牛,twenty pasture-fed cattle二十头牧养的牛 and a hundred sheep and goats, 一百只绵羊和山羊,as well as deer and other things, 还有鹿和其他东西. Far out! 不可思议!How can a person consume such a feast daily? 一个人怎么能每天享用这样的盛宴呢?It showed the great wealth God gave Israel when they followed Him. 表明了在以色列听神话时是何等的富足。v.25-28 show unity between Judah and Israel,  25-28 节显示了犹大和以色列的团结,and the nation’s strong defence with 12,000 horses and 4,000 chariots, all under God’s guidance.  以及国家在神的指引下拥有 12000 匹马和 4000 辆战车的强大国防。This abundance was a result of God's justice,  这种富足是神的公义、wisdom,  智慧、righteousness, 公义、 mercy, 慈爱, and truth ruling over the nation和真理统治国家的结果。This also applies to our personal life, our family, and our business. 这同样适用于个人生活、家庭和事业。If you’re aligned with God’s principles of doing life and business, 如果你的生活和事业符合神的原则,prosperity, 繁荣、abundance and protection will be yours.  富足和保护就会属于你。Otherwise, 否则,trouble, poverty, and bullying will follow you, 烦恼、贫穷和欺凌就会随之而来,if you base your worldview on what the world says around you rather than God’s word. 假若你的世界观建立在周围世界的观念而不是神的话语之上。It is such a real thing! 这是何等真实!

Two weeks ago二周前, a girl felt overwhelmed by bad luck一个女孩快要被倒霉事压垮了 because she had just accepted Jesus因她才接受主耶稣 and didn’t know God’s ways不知道神的法则, so she reacted poorly when others scolded her所以,人骂她,她就回骂。After leading her in a prayer of repentance and forgiveness, 带她作了悔改饶恕祷告后she was able to sleep well她可以睡好觉了 and even got a new job甚至还找到了工作。God's way is suitable for any time and anyone.神的方法适用于任何时间和任何人。

Spiritually, 在灵性上, during the early period of Solomon’s reign, 所罗门统治初期,God’s Kingdom was evident through his extraordinary wisdom,  神国度借着他非凡的智慧显现出来,which surpassed that of all the men of the East (Job 1:3).  他的智慧超过了东方所有的人。This wisdom allowed Solomon to see hidden opportunities,  这智慧使所罗门能够看到隐藏的机会、traps,  陷阱、God’s will, 神的旨意,or the enemies’ schemes. 或敌人的阴谋。Wisdom can help you see hidden dangers, 智慧可以帮助你看到潜在危险, so you won’t touch what you shouldn’t touch.  从而避免去碰不该碰的东西。Wisdom also can help you not to follow the crowd, 智慧还能帮助你不随大流, if you always follow the crowd,  如果你总是随大流,you’re just one of them. 那你只是他们中的一员。But wisdom enables you to think differently但智慧能让你的思想与人不同and bring kingdom influence to others. 为他人带来神国度的影响力。Also, 此外wisdom brings you honour and glory, 智慧会给你带来尊贵和荣耀,while pride brings you shame and failure.  而骄傲则会给你带来羞耻和失败。

In v.29, 在第29节中God gave Solomon wisdom and great insight,  神赐给所罗门智慧和洞察力,attracting kings from all nations to hear his wise words. 吸引了万国的君王来聆听他的智慧之言。 In 1 Kings王上 10: 1,3, the Queen of Sheba heard about Solomon’s wisdom and wealth, 示巴女王听说所罗门的智慧和财富,she came to test him with hard questions. 就来问他问题,but the bible says, 但经上记着, “nothing was too hard for the king to explain to her”. 没有一句不明白、不能答的。The Queen was in awe, 女王心生敬畏,and praised God by saying, 赞美神说  “The report I heard in my own country about your achievements and your wisdom is true.  “我在本国里所听见论到你的事和你的智慧实在是真的。7 But I did not believe these things until I came and saw with my own eyes. 我先不信那些话,及至我来亲眼见了  1 Kings  王上10:6-7.  “9 Praise be to the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. “耶和华你的 神是应当称颂的,他喜悦你,使你坐以色列的国位。 Because of the Lord’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king to maintain justice and righteousness"  因为他永远爱以色列,所以立你作王,使你秉公行义。

See?看到不?The Gentile queen also witnessed God's wisdom连这外邦女王也看见了神的智慧,justice公平,and righteousness 公义,ruling in Israel through Solomon’s reign. 借所罗门在以色列掌权。However, 然而,Solomon’s reign did not last. 所罗门的统治并没有持续下去。He sinned, leading to the division of the kingdom. 他犯了罪,导致王国分裂。But God's kingdom reign in the OT through Solomon offers a glimpse of what God’s Kingdom reign on earth will be like. 但是,旧约中神借所罗门时期的统治让我们看到神国在地上掌权的一点缩影。God’s initial plan to establish His Kingdom on earth was through his human son, Adam,  神最初计划借着他的人类儿子亚当在地上建立祂的王国,but Adam failed;  但亚当失败了;Then His chosen son - Israel,  然后是祂所拣选的儿子--以色列,but the nation failed too.  但这个国家也失败了。

In the book of Revelation, 在启示录中, John, the disciple of Jesus, 耶稣基督的门徒约翰, heard a loud voice asking, 他听到一个响亮的声音问道, “who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” 有谁配展开那书卷,揭开那七印呢?  No one was found worthy in heaven and on earth, 天上地下没有人配得上,and John wept.  约翰就哭了。Then he heard: 接着他听到, “Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tripe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed.”不要哭!看哪,犹大支派中的狮子,大卫的根,他已得胜!Christ the Son of God, 基督神的儿子,the Second Person of  the Trinity brings hope for us. 三位一体中的第二个位格--给我们带来了盼望。 The first Adam failed to bring God’s Kingdom on earth, 首先的亚当未能将神国度带到人间,resulting in chaos and curses in the world. 造成了全世界的混乱和诅咒。The last Adam, 末后的亚当, a life-giving spirit, 是赐生命的灵 ,brought God’s Kingdom down to the earth. 将神的国度带到了地上,Christ brought liberality and blessings to this world. 基督将自由和祝福带给全地。Now, 现在,Christ Jesus the Son of God has ensured God's plan to continue, 耶稣基督确证神的计划不会停止,that He will continue to establish His Kingdom rule on earth through us, 就是祂持续在地上借着我们建立神国统治,His redeemed people. 我们就是祂的赎民。 Through your obedience to His commands, 借着你遵从祂的命令,His rule on earth can be continuing. 祂的统管在地上可以延续下去。Now,  现在,we, the NT Saints are called to this mission. 我们这些新约圣徒被呼召完成这一使命。 Are you participating? 你正在参与其中吗?Are you aligning with the first Adam or the last Adam in your daily life? 在你的日常生活中,你是在顺服首先的亚当,还是末后的亚当?


Prayer 祷告:

Yes Jesus, You’re worthy of it all. 是的,耶稣,你配得一切,You’re worthy of all the glory, power, wisdom, and the Kingdom, 你配得一切荣耀、能力、智慧、国度,for You created them all. 因万有都是你所造。And praise, glory, power, authority, wisdom, and the Kingdom are Yours forever. 愿颂赞、荣耀、能力、权柄、智慧、国度都归于你,直到永永远远。Thank You for making Your will known to us through the OT. 感谢你用旧约启示给我们你的旨意。

Thank You for telling us that Adam failed, 感谢你告诉我们 亚当失败了,the nation of Israel also fell short. 以色列民族失败了,But Christ Jesus made it! 但耶稣基督成了!Your true Son Christ paid the price for the obedience to the Father’s word, 基督,你的真儿子,为顺服父的话付了代价,even unto death, 以致于死,and overcame disobedience and Satan. 胜过了悖逆和撒旦。Thank You Jesus, 感谢你耶稣,You’re the resurrected King 你是复活的主:- the King before Your birth, 你为王,在你降世前的世代,the King after Your birth, 也在你之后的世代,the King who defeated the devil who once held the power of death, 你是打败死亡权势的王,setting us free from the fear of death. 你释放我们脱离怕死。The King came to restore the Father’s plan on earth, 王曾来到地上,为要恢复父的计划,and the King will return to bring the Kingdom’s rule on earth. 王还将再来,为要让天国统治全地。You’re King, King of kings forever! 你是王,万王之王,直到永远!

Thank You, Jesus, 感谢你,耶稣,for calling us to join You. 因你呼召我们加入你的计划。Even before creation, 在万古以前,You had this plan in Your mind, 你心中已有蓝图,wanting to share Your Kingdom with us. 要与我们一同分享你的国度。That’s why You said, 因此你说,Don’t be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom.” “你们这小群,不要惧怕,因为你们的父乐意把国赐给你们。That's why you called us, your disciples, to follow you. 因此你呼召我们这些门徒来跟从你。We are no longer following the teaching of the world. 我们不再跟从世界的教导,We are following the teaching of your Bible. 我们跟从你圣经的教导,You called us to share your possession, that is your kingdom. 你呼召我们分享你的产业,就是你的国度。

Everything You’ve done for us on the cross is not just for our salvation, 你在十字架上所做的一切,不是仅仅让我们得救,but for us to return to Your original plan 还要让我们归回你起初的计划,and allow Your Kingdom’s rule on earth in us and through us. 并让你的国在我们里面,也借着我们顺服你而在地上掌权。

You said the Father has been pleased to give us the kingdom. 你说天父乐意将国度赐给我们。The kingdom should be our priority. 国度应当是我们的第一位。Forgive us Lord. 主啊,赦免我们。How many times, how many hours, how long, in the day, in our mind, we've been thinking about the kingdom, 在一天中,我们有多少次、多少小时、多久在思想你的国度,and made the kingdom as our priority in our lives? 并将国度摆在我们生命中的第一位?Lord forgive us for our ignorance of your plan. 主啊,赦免我们对你计划的无知。Please set us free from your delusion. 请将我们从你的迷惑中释放出来。Forgive me, Father, for being focused on human matters rather than Your concerns. 求你赦免我,天父,因我们体贴人的事,却不体贴你的心意。Forgive me for thinking like a child, 求你赦免我,想的像孩子,focusing on “me,” “I,” and “mine,” 只顾”“”“which has led to fear, worry, hurt, and even resentment. 以致于结出惧怕、担忧、伤害、仇恨的果子。Right now, I ask You for Your forgiveness, 现在,我们求你赦免饶恕,I turn to You. 我愿转向你,I want to grow in You. 我愿在你里面成长,I'm responding to Your call. 我要回应你呼召,I wanna live according to Your plan.”我愿照着你的计划生活。In your plan I can live out joy. 在你的计划中,我能够活出喜乐,I can live out peace. 活出平安,I can live out abundance. 活出丰盛。I cry out for your help Jesus. 耶稣,我向你呼求帮助。

You can cry out to Jesus for help, 你可以呼求耶稣的帮助,“Lord Jesus, I need a breakthrough in an area of my life. “主耶稣,我的生命需要在某方面突破, I’m stuck and want You to set me free…”但我停顿了,求你帮助我,使我得自由……”

Perhaps there’s someone you need to forgive and leave room for God to judge…或许你需要原谅某个人,并让上帝来断定……Perhaps there are anxious thoughts and worries that you need to nail to the cross and put your trust in God…或许你有需要钉在十字架上的焦虑和担忧,并信靠上帝……Perhaps you need to ask the Holy Spirit to break the chains of unforgiveness, of doubt.…或许你需要请求圣灵打破不饶恕、怀疑不信的枷锁……and change your way of thinking并改变你的思维方式,for God’s words say “as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” 因为上帝的话说他心里怎样思量,他为人就是怎样。In our old ways of thinking, 在我们旧的思维方式中 there’s no God involved, but only the self, people and circumstances…没有上帝,只有自我、人和环境……

Holy Spirit, burn away my spiritual laziness that leads me to not watch and pray. 圣灵啊,焚烧我那使我不儆醒祷告的属灵懒惰,set fire in my heart to burn with Jesus Christ. 圣灵啊,燃烧我心,使我与耶稣基督一同燃烧,to burn in the plan of God for Jesus Christ. 在神为耶稣基督预定的蓝图燃烧。Remind me always to watch and pray. 时常提醒我要儆醒祷告,Watch over my own heart and pray so that I will not fall into temptation. 儆醒守护我的心,并祷告,免得陷入试探。Yes Lord, in the name of Jesus I break free from unbelief. 是的,主啊,奉耶稣的名,释放我脱离不信, from doubt. 脱离疑惑,from fear, 脱离惧怕,from worry, 脱离忧虑,from judgement, 脱离论断,from unforgiveness. 脱离不饶恕,from fixing my eyes on people and circumstances. 脱离眼目定睛在人和环境。

Help me Jesus. Help me Holy Spirit. 耶稣啊,帮助我。to put my trust in your words at all times.圣灵啊,帮助我,在任何时候都信靠你的话语,Not just in the time that I gather together with my brothers and sisters in the church. 不仅是在与教会的弟兄姐妹一同聚会时,But at all times.而是在所有时候。When I fix my eyes on people, on circumstances, 当我将眼目定睛在人和环境上时,Holy Spirit remind me, 圣灵啊,提醒我,what's the will of the Father for me right now in this circumstance? 天父在我目前的处境中对我的旨意是什么?What's the will of the Father for me right now when I'm experiencing this? 当我经历这些时,天父对我的旨意是什么?Let this be my thought and the way of my thought. 让这成为我的思想和思维方式,So that I will not always fix my eyes on people. 使我不再总是定睛在人上,to blame people, 就怪人,blame myself, 怪自己,blame this, 怪这,blame that. 怪那,to fall into temptation. Help me Lord.陷入试探中。

In every circumstance, guide me to raise up my voice to give thanks to you. 在每个环境中,引导我扬声感谢你。This is the will of the Father for me. 这是天父对我的旨意。Be joyful. And pray constantly. And give thanks to the Father in all circumstances. 要常常喜乐,不住祷告,凡事谢恩,That's the will of the Father for me. 这就是天父对我的旨意。Change the old ways of thinking within me. 主啊,改变我内在旧有的思维方式。Holy Spirit, set me free from the bondage of the old ways of thinking right now. 圣灵啊,现在就释放我脱离旧有思维方式的捆绑。Help me to practice this new way of thinking within me. 帮助我在内心中操练这种新的思维方式,So that I can be changed. I can be changed forever. 使我能够改变,能够永远改变。If I practice this command, 我们若操练这个命令,I will encounter Jesus, 就会遇见耶稣,I will encounter His provision, 经历祂的供应、His protection, 祂的保护、His joy, 祂的喜乐、His love, 祂的爱、His mighty presence, 祂的同在,because He is faithful. 因为祂是信实的。

Thank You Jesus, for making us a kingdom and priests to serve the Holy God and Father. 感谢你耶稣,你创造我们成为一个祭司的国度,事奉天父和圣灵。What a privilege to be called sons and daughters of the Almighty God. 何等恩典我们竟被称为全能神的儿女。We belong to You, we’re citizens of the Kingdom of heaven. 我们属于你,我们是天国的国民。We cry out to heaven, 我们要向天呼求,“Lord Jesus, come and reign! “主耶稣,求你来掌权!Your Kingdom principles and ways reign in our hearts and lives, 让天国的法则和道路在我们心中掌权,reign in our church, 在我们的教会掌权,reign in our city, country and across the earth在我们的城市、国家直到地极掌权。. Let the knowledge of the glory of the Lord fill the earth as the waters cover the sea! 让耶和华荣耀的知识充满遍地,如同水充满洋海!Amen. 阿们。


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