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2024-07-14 Expanding the Kingdom Territory Through Forgiveness 藉饶恕扩展神国领地

发表于 2024-07-15

Medical research supports God's way of blessing. 医学研究证明了神祝福的法则。Unforgiveness has a high cost,不饶恕的代价极高,increasing the risk of heart attacks,它增加了心脏病、high cholesterol,高胆固醇、high blood pressure,高血压、insomnia, and all kinds of pain. 失眠和各种疼痛的风险。Mentally, 在情绪上,it raises levels of anxiety,它提高了焦虑、depression,抑郁and stress levels.和压力的水平。Data shows that 61% of cancer patients struggle with unforgiveness. 数据显示,61%的癌症患者都存在不饶恕。Unforgiveness is a poison. 不饶恕是毒药。Today, we're exploring 'Expanding the Kingdom Territory through forgiveness. 今天,我们探讨“藉饶恕扩展神国领地”。

Matt 18:21-35, Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times? “那时,彼得进前来,对耶稣说:‘主啊,我弟兄得罪我,我当饶恕他几次呢?到七次可以吗?’ 22 Jesus answered, I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. 耶稣说:‘我对你说,不是到七次,乃是到七十个七次。’” 23 Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. “天国好像一个王要和他仆人算账。24 As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold was brought to him. 才算的时候,有人带了一个欠一千万银子的来。25 Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt. 因为他没有什么偿还之物,主人吩咐把他和他妻子儿女并一切所有的都卖了偿还。26 At this the servant fell on his knees before him. Be patient with me, he begged, and I will pay back everything. 那仆人就俯伏拜他说:‘主啊,宽容我,将来我都要还清。’27 The servants master took pity on him, cancelled the debt and let him go. 那仆人的主人就动了慈心,把他释放了,并且免了他的债。28 But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins. He grabbed him and began to choke him. Pay back what you owe me! he demanded. 那仆人出来,遇见一个同伴欠他一百银子,便揪着他,掐住他的喉咙,说:‘你把所欠的还我!’29 His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, Be patient with me, and I will pay it back. 他的同伴就俯伏央求他说:‘宽容我吧,将来我必还清。’30 But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. 他不肯,竟去把他下在监里,等他还了所欠的债。31 When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened. 同伴看见他所做的事,就甚忧愁,去把这一切事都告诉了主人。32 Then the master called the servant in. You wicked servant, he said, I cancelled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. 于是主人叫了他来,对他说:‘你这恶仆,我免了你一切的债,33 Shouldnt you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you? 你不应当怜恤你的同伴,像我怜恤你吗?’34 In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. 主人就大怒,把他交给掌刑的,等他还清了所欠的债。35 This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart. 你们各人若不从心里饶恕你的弟兄,我天父也要这样待你们了。”

1, Forgiving others serves a purpose. 饶恕他人里有神的旨意

v.21-22, 21-22 Peter came to Jesus and asked, 彼得来到耶稣面前问:'How often should I forgive my brother who sins against me?' “主啊,我弟兄得罪我,我当饶恕他几次呢?” Is seven times enough? 7次够多了吗? its enough 够了. I'm not that weak; 我不是好欺负的, I'll get angry.' 我要发火了。” Some believe showing anger demonstrates strength. 有些人认为发怒是强大的象征。 Thats why some like yelling, 因此,有些人喜欢大喊大叫, or banging doors, 或大力关门, or threatening others by withdrawing or killing themselves, 或威胁说要走了、要自杀, thinking thats showing power. 以为那是显示你很厉害。 But these actions only harm relationships. 但这些行为只会伤害关系。 Theyre not of Gods Kingdom. 它们不属神的国度。 Jesus never behaves like that. 耶稣从不这样行。 So Jesus answered, 所以耶稣回答说:“seventy-seven times. “七十个七次。” The number seven symbolises perfection. 数字七象征着完全。 Jesus isn't talking about the number of times. 主不是在讲次数。 coz forgiving is Gods nature and character. 饶恕是神的性情和品格。 Nehemiah 9:17b says, 尼希米记9:17b说:“You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. “你是有赦免之恩的神,慈悲怜悯,不轻易发怒,并有丰盛的慈爱。” So Jesus wants His disciples to be transformed into forgiving hearts by dealing with issues of unforgiveness multiple times. 所以耶稣希望祂的门徒借着很多次去处理心里的不饶恕,而转变成一颗宽容的心。

In Jesus sermon on the mountain, 在耶稣的登山宝训中, He said 祂说: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. “使人和睦的人有福了,因为他们必称为神的儿子。” He wants us to bring peace to places where theres no peace. 祂盼望我们在没有和睦的地方带下和睦。 But a bitter heart only causes trouble wherever it goes. 但是苦毒的心只会到处制造麻烦, However, a forgiving heart makes peace with God and others, 然而一颗饶恕的心会与神和人和睦, bringing His blessing to others. 给他人带来祝福。 Then Jesus went on to give a parable, 接着耶稣讲了一个比喻:“23, Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. “天国好像一个王要和他的仆人算账。” Jesus started talking about Kingdom principles. 耶稣开始谈论神国法则。 In this Kingdom, 在这个国度里, if were aligned with His principles, 如果我们遵循祂的法则, were blessed and flourishing. 我们就会蒙福和兴旺。

 The King Jesus is not like Christmas Santa just giving free gifts. 这位王耶稣可不像圣诞老人只是送礼物, He rules in righteousness, 祂以公义、justice, 正直、mercy, 怜悯 and truth. 和真理来统治。 He protects and provides for us 祂会保护和供应我们, if we prioritize His Kingdom and righteousness. 若我们先求祂的国和祂的义, Recently, someone told me that she had achieved another 80% in an exam, 最近,有人告诉我她在这次考试中又得了80分, which had seemed impossible for her years ago. 这在几年前对她来说是不可能的。 One person shared 一个人分享说 that his type 2 diabetes disappeared 他的二型糖尿病好了 and the others stomach illness was cured 另一位说胃病得了医治. Well hear their testimonies in July 他们将在七月份分享见证。 God is good. 神是美善的, But earthly blessings arent our ultimate goal. 但地上的祝福不是我们最终的目标。 We are called to develop a forgiving character on earth. 我们被呼召在地上培植宽容的品格. Why 为什么? Because God is just and loving. 因为神是公义和慈爱的, His justice demands reward or punishment, 祂的公义使祂要赏罚, thats why Jesus has delayed His coming, 所以耶稣推迟再来的日子, one reason is to give us enough time to prepare and develop a Kingdom character, 其中一个原因是要给我们足够的时间去预备和培植神国的品格, so that when He returns, 这样当祂再来时, we wont be punished 我们不会被罚 but can share in His kingship forever as a reward. 我们可以得着与祂永远同掌王权的奖赏。(Revelation 3:21).

2, The consequences of unforgiveness. 不饶恕的后果 

v.24-35, 24-35节,Jesus tells us a story, 耶稣讲了一个故事,that one servant owed the King ten thousand bags of gold, 说有一个人欠王一万他连得银子,the King was Jesus himself. 王就是耶稣自己。This is about the issue of personal justice. 这是在讲公平不公平的事。“It

s unfair. “这不公平。” Pay me back. “把欠债还给我。” We demand justice. 我们要求公平。 But in the story, 但在故事中,were like this man who owed huge sin debts 我们就像这个人,欠了罪的巨债. Sin debts lead to generational curses, 这罪债导致我们承受累代的咒诅,such as mental breakdowns, 例如精神崩溃,or marriage breakdowns, 婚姻破裂,or chronic sicknesses, 慢性病,or barrenness, 不孕不育,or being accident-prone, 容易发生意外事故,or a history of suicide in a family or immature deaths, 家族中有自杀史或早逝,or any other cycles of family failure. 或是任何家族里出现的循环的失败。

Jesus forgave our debts by shedding His own blood on the cross. 耶稣在十字架上流血赦免了我们的债. The just died for the unjust, 公义的为不义的而死,offering us salvation, eternal life, and a great future. 带来了救赎,永生和美好的未来。 Thats Grace. 这就是恩典。 Thats why He calls us to freely receive and freely give 因此祂叫我们白白得来,白白舍去. However, 然而,this man refused to freely pass the gift of forgiveness on to others. 这个人却拒绝白白地将饶恕恩典传递给他人。 He harboured unforgiveness towards someone who had offended him, 他对冒犯他的人不饶恕,demanding: 要求对方:“I can't forgive him unless he changes. “除非他改变,否则我不能饶恕他。” 32 Then the master called the servant in. You wicked servant, he said, I cancelled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. 32节:“于是主人叫了他来,对他说:‘你这恶仆,我免了你一切的债,因为你求我。 33 Shouldnt you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you? 你不应当怜恤你的同伴,像我怜恤你吗?’” See? 看到了吗? Jesus called his people who dont forgive others wicked servant, 耶稣称那些不饶恕他人的神子民为“恶仆人”, which means one yields to a corrupted nature. 是说这人还顺从堕落的性情。 Unforgiveness causes us to be bound by the corrupted self. 不饶恕使我们被败坏的本性所捆绑.

How many of us find it difficult to follow Jesus? 有多少人觉得跟随耶稣很难? Be honest. 请诚实说. Why? 为什么? Because if you're bound by the corrupted self 若你被败坏的本性捆绑, you'll feel it difficult to carry out God's commands 会觉得上帝的命令是难的. But 1 John 5 says His commands are not burdensome 但约一5章说,他的命令不是难守的. Why is it so hard for you 为什么对你这么难? There must be something within you 一定是你内心的某些东西 that causes you to be bound by the sinful self 让你被罪性的自我捆绑. You need a breakthrough by forgiving someone else in your heart! 你需要借着在心里饶恕某人来得突破! You dont want Jesus to judge you as a wicked servant, do you? 你不希望主耶稣称你为“这恶仆人”吧。 In Matthew 24 在太24, Jesus says 主耶稣说, lazy and wicked servants will be cut to pieces and placed with hypocrites 又懒又恶的仆人将被腰斩,与假冒为善的人同罪. Of course 当然, where they wont die 在那里他们不会死, but will experience regret through weeping and gnashing their teeth 但会哀哭和切齿地懊悔. In Luke 19 在路19章,a wicked servant loses his mina 一个恶仆人失去了他的一千两银子, which means theyll lose their stewardship 他们会失去了管理权.

Also, unforgiveness produces the fruit of bitter judgement 另外, 不饶恕产生苦毒的论断 which actually says Im better than you. 这实际上是在说“我比你好". Bitter judgement is a form of revenge 苦毒的论断是一种报复的形式. But God says, 但神说:“It is mine to avenge; I will repay, and again, The Lord will judge his people. “伸冤在我,我必报应。”又说:“主要审判他的百姓。” 31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God 落在永生神的手里是可怕的. Heb 10:30. God holds the power to judge 神掌握审判的权柄. It says, 经上说,Gods judgement is dreadful 神的审判是可怕的. Hell ultimately judge His people 祂最终会审判祂的百姓. Were now in this process to be transformed into a forgiving character 我们正处在被改变成为有饶恕的心的过程中, so that we wont be judged but be rewarded 使我们将来不被审判,而是得奖赏.

In v.34-35, 34-35节,in anger the Master will hand the wicked servant over to the jailers to be tortured. 主人在怒中将恶仆人交给掌刑的。 Who are the torturers? 掌刑的是什么? Evil spirits 是邪灵. Unforgiveness and bitterness open the doors to spirits of infirmity and tormenting spirits 不饶恕和苦毒为疾病的灵和折磨人的灵打开了大门. In my ministry 在我的事工中, I see people suffering from mental disturbances 我看到许多人因不饶恕而遭受情绪困扰, depression 抑郁, physical pain 身体疼痛, insomnia 失眠, various illnesses 各种疾病, broken relationships in marriage and other areas because of unforgiveness 婚姻破裂及其他方面的问题. Yet, 然而, after they had released others from the heart through repentance and forgiveness 当他们悔改饶恕,从心里释放他人时, they themselves were released from the torturers 他们自己也从折磨中得到释放.

Exodus 23:25, Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you. “你们要侍奉耶和华你们的神,他必赐福与你们的粮与你们的水,也必从你们中间除去疾病。” Somebody shared this with me a while ago 有人对我说: when she didn't forgive others 当她不肯饶恕他人, she had food poisoning 她吃了中毒的食物. Why? 为啥? Coz whenever we abandon Gods commands 当我们丢弃神的命令 we lose Gods protection 就失去神的保护. Bad luck can happen to us at any time 倒霉事就来了. Psalm 103:3, who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. “他赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。” Isaiah 33:24 No one living in Zion will say, "I am ill"; and the sins of those who dwell there will be forgiven. “城内居民必不说:‘我病了’,其中居住的百姓罪孽都赦免了。” All of these tell us about the relationship between forgiveness of sins and healing 这些经文都告诉我们赦免罪与医治之间的关系. Jesus says: 耶稣说:14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. “你们饶恕人的过犯,你们的天父也必饶恕你们的过犯; 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. 你们不饶恕人的过犯,你们的天父也必不饶恕你们的过犯。” What if were not forgiven by God? 如果我们不被神饶恕会发生什么? Very simple 很简单, we lose Gods protection, provision, and blessings 就失去神的保护、供应和祝福. Whatever bad luck we experienced as sinners 作为罪人时所经历的倒霉事, well experience again 我们会再次经历, until we learn to forgive 直到我们学会饶恕. That's why many Christians ask 这就是为什么许多基督徒问: "Why am I not blessed?" “为什么我没有被祝福?” The answer often lies in unforgiveness 答案常常在于不饶恕. Interestingly, each year I dream dreams about the same person who lacks forgiveness 我每年都梦见一个人缺乏饶恕. She is tormented by sickness and pain 她被病和疼痛折磨 that doctors can't resolve 医生也没办法. But when she forgives 但当她饶恕时, God heals her 上帝就医治了她, but the cycle repeats 但这一直在循环. This has gone on for 20 years 这情况持续了20. Isnt God merciful enough 你认为神够慈悲吗? Yes, He is waiting for us to develop a merciful heart like His 祂在等待祂的百姓培植出像祂一样的慈悲的心. If we cling to our old ways of thinking 但我们照老思想行, we suffer 就多受罪了.

3, Expanding your territory through forgiveness 借着饶恕扩张你的领地

In 1 Chorn 代上4:10 Jabez prayed, 雅比斯祷告说:“Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain. And God granted his request. “甚愿祢赐福于我,扩张我的境界,常与我同在,保佑我不遭患难,不受痛苦。” 神就应允了他的祈求。Jabez's prayer was straightforward: 雅比斯的祷告很简单:'Bless me and expand my territory.' “赐福我,扩张我的领地。” How? 怎么做到呢? By having a heart free from pain. 借着一颗不苦痛的心。 Because pain and hurt get us nowhere, 因为痛和伤害的心不会给我们带来任何好处, only causing problems and creating a negative influence. 只会制造麻烦带来负面影响。 That's why people who have unresolved hurts or pain 那些心中有未处理的伤害或痛苦的人, cant bring a kingdom influence to the people around them. 无法对周围的人带来神国影响力。 An unforgiving, bitter, and resentful heart only imprisons itself. 不饶恕、苦毒和怨恨的心只会牢狱自己。 But forgiveness set us free from pain 饶恕释放我们心中的苦痛 and empowers us to expand the Kingdom's territory. 赋予力量去扩张神国度的领地。

Joseph forgave his brothers who sold him into slavery in Egypt, 约瑟饶恕了把他卖到埃及做奴隶的哥哥们, demonstrating remarkable character and deep faith in God. 展示了极其美的品格和对神的极深信心。 He blessed his entire family 他祝福了整个家庭, and successfully expanded his spiritual territory. 并成功地扩展了他的属灵领地。 David showed profound faith in God by forgiving King Saul and leaving judgement to God, 大卫借着饶恕扫罗王并将审判交给神, which allowed God to unite Israel's tribes 这使得神在他治理期间 and expand its territory during his reign. 统一了以色列各支派并扩张了领地。 Jesus set the example for us on the cross 耶稣在十字架上为我们做了榜样, when He cried out, 他呼求:“Father, forgive them, for they dont know what they do. “父啊,赦免他们,因为他们所做的,他们不晓得。” Christ wasnt a mere man like us, 基督不仅仅是我们这样的人, he was fully man and fully God. 他是完全的人和完全的神。 He wasnt weak or powerless. 他不是软弱或无力的, He has the power to kill everyone, 他有能力杀了所有人, yet, he willingly chose to be rejected, 但他甘愿选择被自己的百姓拒绝, betrayed, 出卖, flogged, 鞭打, shamed by His own people. 和羞辱。“look, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. “看哪,神的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的。” Its for the sake of forgiving our sins, 为了赦免我们的罪, He took the pain of our punishment and death on the cross. 他承受了我们当受的刑罚,替我们死在十字架上。 But God raised Christ Jesus, 但神叫基督耶稣复活了, so Christ said, 他说:“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, “天上地下所有的权柄都赐给我了。19 所以你们要去,使万民作我的门徒。” It tells us, 这是说, that Christs obedience and his level of forgiveness expanded His territory even more. 基督的顺服和饶恕的程度更加扩张了他的领地。

The grip of Satan over peoples hearts has been broken. 撒但对人心的控制已经被打破。 Jesus has made a way for us! 耶稣为我们开辟了道路! Just as God gave the Israelites the promised land to conquer, 正如神赐给以色列人应许之地让他们去征服, He has given us all nations to make disciples for Him as our territory. 他也赐我们万民,使他们作他的门徒,作为我们的领地。 Its possible now! 现在,这成为可能了! By embracing forgiveness, 藉着拥抱饶恕, Jesus Christ fulfilled His purpose on earth. 耶稣基督在地上成就了旨意。 Are you walking in His footsteps, 你是否在行他的脚踪, expanding Kingdom territory through forgiveness? 以饶恕扩展神国的领地?


Prayer: 祷告:

Thank You, Jesus, the Lamb of God, 感谢耶稣,神羔羊, who was slain for our sins. 你为我们的罪孽而被杀。 The Lion of the tribe of Judah, 犹大支派的狮子, who was resurrected. 你已复活。 Youre the King, the King of kings. 你是王,是万王之王。 Your name is the highest. 你的名为至高, Your name is the greatest. 你的名为至大。 We praise You! 我们赞美你!

Thank You for letting us know, 感谢你让我们知道, that a forgiving heart, 一颗饶恕的心, a forgiving life makes a great difference in the cold world 一个饶恕的生命,会给这个冰冷的世界带来巨大的改变, and allows You to enlarge the Kingdom territory through us. 并让你通过我们来扩张神国的领地。 But unforgiveness only poisons and imprisons us 但不饶恕只会毒害和禁锢我们, and gets us nowhere but to be placed under cycles of generational curses. 让我们陷入世代循环的诅咒之中。

Thank you for showing us the example of how You expand the Kingdom territory through forgiveness. 感谢你为我们作了如何通过饶恕来扩张神国领土的榜样。 You paid the price of forgiveness for us, 你为赦免我们而付上了重价, and we are redeemed. 让我们得着了救赎。 How many of us say, 我们当中有多少人说:“I believe bitterness is a curse; “我相信苦毒是个诅咒; Unforgiveness is a curse. 不宽恕是一种诅咒。” Theyre diseases of the heart. 它们是心灵的疾病, They open the door to spirits of infirmity, tormenting spirits. 它们给疾病的灵、折磨人的灵打开了大门。 I dont want to be tortured by the enemy through unforgiveness and bitterness. 我不想被仇敌借着不饶恕和苦毒来折磨, I want to be free. 我想要自由, I want my spiritual territory to be enlarged, 我想扩张我的属灵领地, so that living water can flow out of me to influence others 让活水从我身上流出,影响他人......

Jesus, my Lord, 主耶稣,我的主, search my heart, 求你监察我的心, see if theres an area of my heart that is still bound by unforgiveness, 看看我的心是否仍被不饶恕、 bitterness, 苦毒、 bitter judgement, 苦毒的论断、 hurts 伤害所捆绑......

I lift my eyes to You. 我举目仰望你, when I look to people, 当我看人的时候, people are broken 人们都在破碎中...... why did I get hurt? 为什么我会受伤? Because I shifted my eyes off you, 因为我把目光从你身上移开, I put my trust in myself, 我信自己, in others, 看他人, in circumstances, 看环境, I got angry 我生气了。 But Jesus, 但是主耶稣, when You were hung on the Cross, 当你被钉在十字架上, being rejected by the people You loved, 被你所爱的人拒绝时, You didnt get angry, 你没有生气, You cried out, 你呼喊道: Father, they dont know what they do. “父啊,他们所做的他们不晓得”。 You didnt entrust yourself to man, 你没有把自己交给人, but entrusted yourself to the Father who judges justly. 而是把自己交给按公正审判的父。 I turn to You. 我转向你。 I leave the right of judgement to You, 我把审判权交给你, Coz Youre a just God. 因为你是公平公义的神。 Youll judge. 你会审判。 Your judgement is just. 你的审判是公正的。 You see the whole picture. 你能看到全局, I can see only what I see with my own eyes, 我只能看到我自己的眼睛所看到的, which can be wrong 而这也可能是错误的判断...... I let go of resentful feelings, 我放下怨恨的情绪, I forgive 我选择饶恕, forgive myself 饶恕我自己…

In the name of Jesus, 奉主耶稣的圣名, I break agreement with lies, 我破除与谎言、 controlling spirits, 操纵的灵、 unforgiveness, 不饶恕的灵、 bitter judgement 苦毒的论断的不敬虔的魂结…… I rebuke all the evil power to leave my life now 我斥责所有的邪恶势力从我的生命中离开…… I recommit my life to Jesus 我重新将我的生命主权交给主耶稣...... Holy Spirit, 圣灵, transform my heart into a forgiving heart, 求你改变我的心成为一颗饶恕的心, because I trust You, 因我信靠你, who judges justly! 你是公义的审判者! Rebuild my intimacy with You 重建我与你的亲密关系, because my life is found in You 因我的生命源于你......

Thank You, Jesus, 感谢你,主耶稣, for revealing Your truth to us. 你向我们显明你的真理。 Your truth alone brings true freedom. 惟独你的真理可以带来真自由。 Help us remember, 求你帮助我们记住, that Your gift of grace is meant to be shared with others, 你的恩典是用来与他人分享的, not kept to ourselves, 而不是独留自己的, and unforgiveness ruins our future, 不饶恕会毁掉我们的未来, but a forgiving heart enlarges the Kingdom Territory. 但饶恕的心会扩大神国的领土。 We pray that You would keep guiding us in Your grace and the power of forgiveness, 求你在恩典和饶恕的大能中不断引导我们, so that we may expand Your Kingdom on earth powerfully 使我们能够在地上有力地扩展你的国度, and bring glory to Your Holy name. 荣耀你圣名。


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