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2024-05-26 Guard your heart 保守你的心 (Pro箴 4:23)

发表于 2024-06-20

In the bible, the word “heart” is frequently mentioned. 在圣经中,“心”这个词常被提到。Do you know how many times? 你知道有多少次吗?826 times in the KJV version. KJV版本中,共提到了826次。Why is the heart so important? 为什么心如此重要?The heart pumps blood around the body心供血给全身, and if it stops working probably, we’ll die.心不好好运行我们会死。Likewise, if the heart is filled with negative thoughts, 同样, 若心被负面思想掌控,our lives,我们的生活、families, 家庭、and careers事业 will be negatively affected.都会受到消极影响。Today, let’s look at the topic – guard your heart.今天,让我们来看这个话题—保守你的心。

1, The importance of guarding our hearts. 保守心的重要性

Pro 4:23, Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. 你要保守你心,胜过保守一切(或作“你要切切保守你心”),因为一生的果效,是由心发出 It says, your life is shaped by your thoughts. 你的人生取决与你的思想。Jesus said in 耶稣说,Matt 15:18-20, But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 18惟独出口的,是从心里发出来的,这才污秽人。19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 19因为从心里发出来的,有恶念、凶杀、奸淫、苟合、偷盗、妄证、谤讟,20 These are what defile a person.” 20这都是污秽人的。” Jesus says, the heart is the place where various sins are formed. 耶稣说,心是各种罪形成的地方,They can defile us. 它们能污秽我们。In Matt 9, 在《马太福音》9章,where the teachers of the law saw that Jesus declared forgiveness for the paralyzed man, 当律法师看到耶稣对瘫痪的人宣告赦罪时,v. 3 they said in their hearts, “this fellow is blaspheming.” 有几个文士心里说:“这个人说僭妄的话了。”v.4 says, Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? 耶稣知道他们的心意,就说:“你们为什么心里怀着恶念呢?

To entertain thoughts means to welcome thoughts into our hearts and agree with them. 怀着是将意念接入心中并去认同。We’ve gotta be very careful about what thoughts we agree with. 我们当十分小心对意念的认同。Coz judgmental thoughts are evil in God’s eyes论断的意念在神眼中是恶的。A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” 心中喜乐,面带笑容;心里忧愁,灵被损伤。 Pro 15:13. If you agree with the truth with all your heart, 你若全身心认同真理, you’ll be a peaceful and joyful person. 你就会成为和平喜乐的人。If you carry a unforgiving or bitter heart,若你带着一颗不饶恕和苦毒的心,you’ll be a negative person and always complain. 你就会成为负面一直抱怨的人。If you agree with thoughts like, 如果你认同 “no one loves me”, “没有人爱我” you’ll become a sour person, 你就会变成一个酸涩的人、hard to talk to. 难沟通的人。Like Jesus once asked the paralysed man,就像主耶稣问那个瘫子,"Do you wanna get well?"“你要得医治吗?” The man didn’t know how to communicate properly那瘫子不晓得好好回答,and only knew how to complain, 只会抱怨,"no one helps me “没有人帮我, when the water is stirred当水搅动时, Someone else goes down ahead of me…”总有人比我先进了水池……” See?

When the heart is crushed, 当人是破碎的心,people have trouble communicating.他们就沟通困难 They misinterpret things frequently 他们常误解人意, and get more hurt to their own hearts.给自己的心造成更多伤害。 But if your heart believes, 但如果你的心相信,“in this fallen world, “在这个堕落的世界里,Jesus loves me, 耶稣爱我,He is with me, 祂与我同在,I’ve gotta allow His peace, His righteousness, His love to rule in my heart, 我要让祂的平安, 公义和爱在我心中掌权,no matter what, 不管怎样,I believe He is in charge, 我相信祂在掌管, He will work out the good for those who love Him.” 祂会让爱祂的人得益处。” If your heart agrees with the truth, 若你全心信真理, wherever you live, 不管你住在哪个国家, you’ll bring joy, peace, love to impact others. 你都会带来喜乐,平安,爱去影响他人。So, the heart is the place where both sin and faith can be conceived.因此心是孕育罪或信心的地方。Guarding the heart is vital for our spiritual growth. 保守己心对属灵成长至关重要。

2, The need to heal the heart. 医治心的必要性

Deut 4:29, if you seek Him with all your heart但你们在那里必寻求耶和华你的 神。你尽心尽性寻求他的时候,就必寻见。 Deut 6:5, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart你要尽心、尽性、尽力爱耶和华你的 神。Deut 10:12, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart… Pro 3:5, Trust in the Lord with all your heart你要专心仰赖耶和华We’re told to love, 神吩咐我们去全心爱主、serve 全心服事、and trust in God with all our hearts. 全心信靠祂。However, 然而,since the heart is broken, 若心是破碎的,trust has become an issue. 信就成了心的问题。That’s why Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted, 这就是为什么耶稣来医治破碎的心,and reconnect us to Himself. 并使我们与他重新连接。The process of healing the heart transforms us. 心的医治过程会改变我们。If the heart carries rejection, 如果心里充满了拒绝、fear, 惧怕、loneliness, 孤独、shame, 羞耻,we can’t truly trust in God. 我们就无法真正信靠神。

Let’s look at the apostle Peter’s example. 让我们来看使徒彼得的例子。In Matt 15, 在太15章中,Peter saw Jesus perform miracles, 彼得见证了耶稣行神迹,heal the sick医治病人,and even the miracle of feeding the five thousand with 5 loaves and 2 fish. 甚至用五饼二鱼喂饱五千人。And then, 然后,when Jesus said he would be crucified on the Cross 当耶稣说他将被钉在十字架上,and on the third day he would rise again. 并在第三天复活时, But fear kept Peter from hearing the promise of the resurrection. 但惧怕让彼得听不见复活的应许,so he tried to manipulate Jesus by saying, 于是想操纵耶稣,就说:“never, Lord, don’t do it.” “主啊,万不可如此。” Jesus rebuked Peter, 耶稣对彼得说:“Get behind me, Satan.”  “撒但,退我后边去吧!”

That’s so serious! 这太严重了!But Jesus is revealing the spiritual reality to us, 但主耶稣是在揭示一个属灵的实际,it wasn’t Peter who said this to Jesus, 这不是彼得对耶稣说的,  but the spirit. 这是个灵,Jesus called him, “Satan.” 耶稣称他为“撒但”。When you’re afraid, and try to control, 当你因惧怕而试图控制时,you actually put yourself under the rule of Satan. 实际上你俯伏在撒旦的掌权下。Years ago, 多年前,I ministered to a sister, 我服事过一位姐妹,who felt rejection from her mum, 她从母亲那里感受到拒绝,coz her mum had been rejected by her dad因为她的母亲被她父亲拒绝了,who had an affair with another woman. 当时他有了外遇。Her mum’s heart was filled with fear, 她母亲的心中充满了惧怕、bitterness, 苦毒and unforgiveness. 和不饶恕。Out of fear, 出于惧怕,her mum tried to control everything in search of security. 她母亲以掌控一切来得安全感。The sister was fed up with her mum’s controlling behaviour. 这位姐妹厌烦了母亲的操控行为,She hadn’t fully forgiven her mum. 她没有完全饶恕母亲。

Later on, 后来,the family curse passed down to her, 家族咒诅也临到了她,because of the bonds of judgement and unforgiveness. 因与论断和不饶恕连结。But praise the Lord, 但感谢主,she was a Christian, 她是基督徒,she learnt to forgave, 她操练了饶恕,God save their marriage. 神挽救了他们的婚姻。But, she hadn’t addressed the fear within her heart, 但她没有去处理心里的惧怕,and her manipulative behaviour also caused her child to feel hurt and rejected. 她操纵的行为让孩子受伤和感到被拒绝。See, generation after generation 一代又一代,if we don’t overcome fear and judgement through trusting in God’s love and sovereignty, 若我们不借着信靠神的爱和掌权来胜过惧怕和论断,we and our family will suffer loss. 我们和我们的家就会白白受苦。What legacy are you leaving for the next generation? 你正在传递什么给后代?

If you don't address fear and controlling behaviour, 若你不处理惧怕和操控的行为导向,it's like an open wound,这就像裂开的伤口, attracting flies,招来苍蝇,demons will come to make more trouble in your life. 邪灵也这样来在你生活中扰乱。So healing the heart is needed, 心的医治是需要的, but it’s a process.它是一个过程, It won't occur automatically. 不会自动发生。Instead, it requires us to pay the price to root ourselves in the word of God.它需要我们付出代价去扎根神的话。This week, 这周, someone told me 有人告诉我,that she used to have exam scores around 45%.她从前考试成绩都是在45%左右的, But since she practiced repentance and forgiveness, 自从她操练悔改和饶恕, her exam scores have all been above 60%她的成绩都高过60%, and this time she even got 82%.这次居然高达82% See? God is faithful! 看到吗?神何等信实!He delivers us from family curses if we walk in His way.若我们行祂的道,祂救我们脱离家族咒诅。

Now let’s go back to Peter’s story, 回到彼得的事上,out of fear, the apostle Peter denied Jesus three times, 使徒彼得因惧怕三次不认主:“I don’t know him.” “我不认识他。” But the Lord Jesus wasn’t offended, 但主耶稣没有被冒犯, after His resurrection, 当他复活后, He accepted Peter with love again.祂再一次用爱接纳了彼得, And filled him with the Holy Spirit,并用圣灵充满他。 Peter was changed, 彼得被改变了,he preached the gospel with boldness. 他勇敢传讲福音,He was able to heal the sick, 他医治病人,and even his shadow passing by could heal the sick. 甚至他的影子经过都能治病。You can imagine what a life changing experience Peter had had. 你可以想象彼得经历了多么巨大的生命改变。

But 14 years later, 然而,14年后,in Gal 2, 在《加拉太书》2章中,one day有一天,when Peter was eating with the Gentiles, 彼得本与外邦人一起坐席,certain Jewish men came, 一些犹太人来了,and he was afraid, 他又害怕了,coz he was mixing with the Gentiles, 因为他和外邦人在一起,so he separated himself from them. 所以他就与外邦人分开了。Remember? In Acts 10, 在徒10章,God sent Peter to the Gentile Centurion Cornelius’ house, 神差彼得到外邦人百夫长哥尼流的家里,and God poured out the Holy Spirit on them, 神将圣灵降在外邦人身上,and they were saved with joy. 他们喜乐地得救了。 Acts 10:48 tells us说, that Peter stayed with them for a few days, 彼得和外邦人同住了几天,eating together with the Gentiles 同吃同住,without fear but full of joy. 并没有惧怕,而是充满了喜乐。

Why was Peter afraid of eating with Gentiles after 14 years of serving the living God? 为什么彼得在事奉活神14年后还会感到害怕呢?Gal 2:12 says, As soon as certain men arrived, 一些人到来后,Peter became afraid, 彼得感到害怕。Whybecause he felt under pressure, 他感受到了压力,and the fear caused him to act as a hypocrite.他的惧怕导致他假冒伪善。v.13 says, the other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy. 2:13,其余的犹太人也都随着他装假。even Barnabas was led astray. 巴拿巴也跟着假装。 Fear leads Christians to hypocrisy, and hypocrisy is contagious. 惧怕会导致基督徒假冒伪善,而假冒为善具有传染性。Under pressure, Peter failed again. 在压力之下,彼得再次失败了。So guarding your heart is a lifelong practice 因此保守你的心是一生的操练, which involves spiritual warfare, 并涉及属灵争战。

2 Tim 提后1:7 says说,fear is not just a feeling, 惧怕不仅仅是一种感觉,it’s a spirit.它是一个灵,It’s an evil power, 是一种恶势力,which can cause pressure.可以造成压力。You can feel under pressure anywhere, 你可以在任何地方感受到压力,in your workplace在工作场所or in your home. 或在家里。If you submit to the pressure若你向那压力屈服,and do what it wants, 你做它教你做的,you fail. 你就会失败。For example, 例如,when you feel under pressure, 你感受到压力时,instead of praying to trust in God’s sovereignty 你没有去祷告信靠神掌权,you wanna control others, 却想要操控别人听你的,then the spirit will teach you: 这种灵会教导你:Yelling! 大声喊叫!bursting of anger! 发怒!Banging doors! 大力摔门!throwing stuff! 扔东西!Threaten to kill yourself! 威胁要自杀!Or a cold war! 或去冷战!Give a black look in silence! 黑着脸不说话!

If you do so, 如果你这样做,the spirit of fear and manipulation will seize you, 惧怕和操纵的灵就抓住你,causing intimidation and rejection, 造成恐吓和拒绝感,to destroy your relationships with God and others.毁坏你和上帝并人的关系。And if you don’t repent, 如果你不悔改,you’ll become a hypocrite 你将成为一个假冒为善的人,and be kept far from the joy of God’s presence. 并远离神的喜乐。That’s why Gal 5: 17-23 teaches us that 这就是为什么5:17-23教导我们,the process of healing the heart also involves denying the desires of the flesh医治心灵的过程需要否定肉体的私欲,and being led by the Holy Spirit.并被圣灵的引导。

3, The practice of guard the heart操练保守你的心

The bible doesn’t hide the apostle Peter’s faults. 圣经没有隐瞒彼得的过失。God is the truth! 神是真理!Peter’s faults are exposed again and again.彼得的失败一次又一次地被曝光。 Yet, Peter wasn’t discouraged or felt ashamed. 但彼得没有灰心,也没有抱愧。Rather, he wrote this 相反,他写道,in I Peter 彼前2:6b, “whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.’ ……信靠他的人必不至于羞愧。” He realised that the moment he didn’t put his trust in God he was ashamed. 他发现他羞愧的时刻,正是他没有信靠神的时候。In I Peter 彼前1:24 he mentioned, “all men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever”. “凡有血气的,尽都如草,他的美荣都像草上的花。草必枯干,花必凋谢; Peter learnt how to guard his heart with the word of God, 彼得学习了用神的话保守自己的心,and he said, 他说, Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 所以,你们既除去一切的恶毒(或作“阴毒”)、诡诈并假善、嫉妒和一切毁谤的话,2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 2就要爱慕那纯净的灵奶,像才生的婴孩爱慕奶一样,叫你们因此渐长,以致得救。(1 Peter 彼前2:1-2)  

He is saying, 他是说, 'If you wanna continue experiencing the goodness of God, 若你想一直经历主恩,you need to keep repenting 你需要一直悔改,and growing in your salvation, 并在救恩中成长。In chapter 4, he said 在第4章他说道,arm yourself with the same attitude with Jesus Christ”你们也当将这样的心志作为兵器,……” not my will but the Father’s will be done.不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。”” This is not just Peter the apostle’s teaching, 这不仅是使徒彼得的教导,it’s his footsteps,  他的脚踪and his experiences with Jesus!  也是他和主的经历。Peter experienced profound love from Jesus, 彼得经历了耶稣最深的爱,because he realised that such a sinner like him had been forgiven ,因为他意识到,像他这样的罪人竟被赦免,and continued to be given chances to serve the Holy God,  并继续赐与机会去侍奉圣洁的神,God’s love cast out fear! 的爱胜过了惧怕!When he was being martyred, 当他殉道时,he said,  他说, “I’m not worthy to die in the same way as my Lord Jesus did,”“我不配像我的主耶稣那样钉十架, who is the Holy One.” 他是圣洁的主。“Peter asked to be crucified upside down. 彼得请求倒钉十字架。Peter the apostle’s final action of humility 这是使徒彼得最后的谦卑之举,speaks of his profound love for Jesus, 见证了他对耶稣最深的爱,which overcomes fear.  这爱胜过了惧怕。

There’re tips to practice guarding your heart and overcoming fear: 练习保守你的心和战胜惧怕的方式有: 1, Spend time, 花时间,lots of time worshipping, 大量的时间敬拜,  reading,  读经、meditating on, 默想、 praying about the word of God, 祷读神的话, immerse yourself in the presence of God. 让自己沉浸在神的同在中。 2, Repent of wrong pursuits, 悔改错误的追求, like seeking the glory of man, 求人的荣耀, rather than the glory of God,过于神的荣耀; or trying to control, 或试图去控制, or fear or any sins within the heart. 或惧怕或任何内心的罪。 3, identify the pain within your heart, 找出内心的创伤的根,if there are traumatic experiences,  如果有创伤经历,forgive the people the way Jesus forgave you. 要像主耶稣饶恕你一样去饶恕别人。 4, Allow the love of Christ to repair your broken heart,让基督的爱修复你破碎的心,and fill you with love for the people who offended you 让爱充满你去爱冒犯你的人, and carry the presence of God to serve where you’re called to serve. 带着神的同在去服侍你被呼召去服侍的事工。5, Continue to practice guarding your heart with God’s word in your circumstances. 继续在环境里用神的话操练保守你的心。

Today, 今天, we’re gonna practice how to guard the heart through meditating on Pro 4:23: 我们将通过默想 4:23 来练习如何保守己心Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. 你要保守你心,胜过保守一切,因为一生的果效,是由心发出。

You can repeat these words, 你可以重复这些话,and make it personal, 把你改成我“above all else, 最重要的是,guard my heart;  保守我的心,for it is the source of life.”因为一生的果效是从心发出的。” Yes, 是的, Amen, 阿门,Lord,主啊, I believe Your words say. 我信你的话: ‘It’s out of the heart, 由心发出的, that negative attitudes arise.是负面的思想。If my heart loses peace, 若我的心失去平安, I’ll get angry. 我就会发怒。 If my heart is gripped by fear, 若我的心被惧怕抓住, I’ll try to control. 我就会去控制。 If my heart is hurt,  若我的心受到伤害,I’ll harbour unforgiveness.我就会不饶恕。Yes, Lord, 是的主,it’s my job to guard my heart, 保守我的心是我的工作,  it’s my responsibility. 是我的职责。 For out of it flows the issues of life. 因为问题由心而出。 Forgive me 原谅我,that I didn’t take the responsibility intentionally, 我没有去承担这个责任,I didn’t guard my heart intentionally, 我没有有意识的去保守我的心,that’s why negative attitudes came into my life. 所以一些负面思想进入我的生命。”

Perhaps you’ve discovered, 也许你已经发现了,there’s fear within your heart, 内心有惧怕,that has caused you to try to control, 导致你试图控制,fear of being looked down on by people, 害怕被人看不起,or fear of being rejected, 害怕被人拒绝or there’s loneliness within your heart, 或者内心孤独,and you’ve developed habit of disconnecting. 养成了独处的习惯。

Perhaps you once made agreement with the spirit of death, 也许你听了死亡之灵的声音,you vowed, 你发狠说,“I want to die.”  “我想去死。”or you threatened others, 或者你威胁别人说: “I’ll kill myself.”“我死给你看。” This has given the spirit of death legal right to come in, 这给了死亡之灵合法的权利,    and numb your emotions, 让它进来麻木你的情感, and shut down your feelings, 让你关闭内心, so you don’t feel anything, 所以你什么都感觉不到,you’ve become numb. 你变得麻木了。 God has sent His Spirit to dwell within You, 上帝差祂的灵居住在你里面,He wants to restore connection with you. 他想恢复你和他的关系。 It is your job to guard your heart  保守己心,and steward your heart, 管理己心,based on believing in the truth. 都是在于信服真理。

So, 因此, let’s respond to Jesus, 让我们来回应耶稣, and say, 说,“Yes, Lord,是的,主,I respond to Your truth now. 我现在回应的你的话。 I thank You for Loving me感谢你爱我,and calling me to repent. 呼召我回转。 You don’t want me to be left behind, 你不希望我被滞后,and be tortured by the spirit of fear, 被惧怕的灵折磨, that’s why You came, 这就是为什么你来, You were rejected, 你被弃绝,tortured 受折磨,and suffered the pain of death, 忍受死亡折磨的痛苦。You paid the price for my freedom,  你付重价使我得自由,Your blood washes my sins away, 你的宝血洗净我的罪,Your love rescue me from fear. 你的爱拯救我脱离惧怕。 Now I bring all the fear  现在,我把所有的惧怕,whether caused by my own fault, 不管是自己的过错, like watching horror movies, 比如看恐怖电影, or listening to horror stories, 听恐怖故事, or by my brother or sister’s fault, 还是兄弟姐妹的过错, or my parents’ fault, 还是父母的过错, I bring them all to the cross… 我统统带到十字架前 Now if anything is coming up to your mind, bring them to the cross…若想起任何事,把他们带到十字架上。“Lord, thank You for shedding Your blood on the cross for our faults, 感谢你为我们的过错在十字架上流血, You forgive me for my fault, 你赦免了我的过错, I receive Your forgiveness  我接受你的宽恕,to forgive them for their faults… 宽恕他们的过错......for they were like me, 因他们和我一样。when they felt under pressure, 当他们感受到压力, they reacted in wrong ways. 他们也是用错误的方式应对。”

Repentance and forgiveness restore your heart and your connection to God! 悔改和饶恕能恢复你的心, 并你与上帝的联系!Now,  现在,“In the name of Jesus, 奉主耶稣的圣名,I break the agreement with spirits of fear, 我奉主名破除与惧怕的灵,rejectionmanipulation, 拒绝操纵的灵,lies, 谎言、 unbelief, 不信的灵,and the spirit of death that has numbed my emotions. 麻木情感的死亡之灵之间的约。I rebuke you all to go out of my life. 我奉主名斥责你们从我的生命中离开。 I break the agreement with the spirit of control (witchcraft) 我奉主名破除与操控之灵(巫术)的协议,which has attacked and numbed and shut down my heart. 它攻击、麻木并封闭了我的心。

In the name of Jesus, 奉主耶稣的圣名, I command you to release your captives to be free now. 我命令你现在释放你得自由。Yes, 是的, Lord, Jesus,  主耶稣,I take the responsibility to guard my heart! 我愿意承担起保守我心的责任。It’s my job to guard my heart! 保护我的心是我的责任! It’s my job to feed my heart with Your truth! 用你的真理喂养我的心是我的责任!Thank You Jesus, 感谢主耶稣, for healing my heart, 治愈我的心灵, and filling my heart with Your love! 用你的爱充满我的心! Yes Lord,  是的,主,You’re the King of my heart!  你就是我心中的王!I praise You! 我要赞美你!

 Thank You Jesus. 谢谢主耶稣。 Yes, You’re the King of kings and Lord of lords. 是的,你是王万之王、万主之主。You’re the King of our hearts! 你是我们心中的王! Thanks for reminding us 感谢你提醒我们, that we need to guard our hearts, 我们需要保守自己的心, for it is the Source of life.因为一生的果效是由心而发出。 Thank You for releasing the grip of fear and manipulation from our hearts,  感谢你释放了我们心中的惧怕和操纵,and filling our hearts with Your love and truth!用你的爱和真理充满了我们的心。 As we walk out of the door, 当我们走出家门时, help us to continue to live in Your presence, 帮助我们继续活在你的同在中,and guard our hearts, 保守我们的心,to love and serve去爱,去侍奉, and bring Your blessing to the people around us! 给我们周围的人带去你的祝福。


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