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2024-05-12 Letting go of harmful bonds 除去有害的连结

发表于 2024-06-20

 (Gen 35:1-5) 

Today, we’ll look at the topic - 今天我们分享这个主题:letting go of harmful bonds, 除去有害的连结,and remaining grounded in truth and love. 扎根爱和真理。Let’s read 我们来读:Gen 35:1-5, Then God said to Jacob, “Go up to Bethel and settle there, and build an altar there to God, who appeared to you when you were fleeing from your brother Esau.” 神对雅各说:起来!上伯特利去,住在那里,要在那里筑一座坛给 神,就是你逃避你哥哥以扫的时候向你显现的那位。”2 So Jacob said to his household and to all who were with him, “Get rid of the foreign gods you have with you, and purify yourselves and change your clothes. 2雅各就对他家中的人,并一切与他同在的人说:你们要除掉你们中间的外邦神,也要自洁,更换衣裳。3 Then come, let us go up to Bethel, where I will build an altar to God, who answered me in the day of my distress and who has been with me wherever I have gone.” 3我们要起来,上伯特利去,在那里我要筑一座坛给 神,就是在我遭难的日子应允我的祷告、在我行的路上保佑我的那位。”4 So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods they had and the rings in their ears, and Jacob buried them under the oak at Shechem. 4他们就把外邦人的神像和他们耳朵上的环子交给雅各,雅各都藏在示剑那里的橡树底下。5 Then they set out, and the terror of God fell on the towns all around them so that no one pursued them. 5他们便起行前往。 神使那周围城邑的人都甚惊惧,就不追赶雅各的众子了。

1, Ungodly binds hinder us from worshipping God alone. 不敬虔的连结拦阻敬拜神

In the Bible, 圣经中,God is called the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac. 神被称为亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的神。You may think, 你可能会想:“Wow, Jacob must have been an awesome person.” “哇,雅各一定是个很不错的人。”However, 然而,Jacob was well-known for being cunning and dishonest. 雅各是出了名的狡猾和诡诈。For instance, 举个例子,he deceived his twin brother Esau 他蒙骗了双胞胎哥哥以扫,and stole his firstborn blessing 偷走了长子的祝福。(Gen 27). In chapter 32, 创世纪32章,Jacob encountered Esau, 雅各重遇以扫,and was afraid of being attacked. 他很害怕被哥哥报复攻击. Despite praying for God's protection尽管他祷告了求神保护 (v. 9-12), his lack of faith led him to settle in Shechem instead of Bethel 他的不信使他没去伯特利,反在示剑定居下来 (Gen 33:18). Some Bible commentaries say they were there for 10 years. 有些解经说他在那里住了10年。Imagine that, for 10 years, 想想看,有10年之久,Jacob lived his own life雅各过着靠自己的日子 until bad things happened.直到坏事发生了。 Have you ever felt stuck without God’s guidance? 你是否也曾经历那样的日子Jacob’s daughter was raped in Shechem, 在示剑,雅各的女儿被强奸,and his sons killed all the males there. 他的儿子杀光了那地的男人。They had to leave他们不得不逃跑 coz they were afraid of being destroyed by the Canaanites. 他们害怕被迦南人灭绝。In the midst of a life crisis, 在危难中,God instructed Jacob to return to Bethel, 神指示雅各要回到伯特利just 40 Kilometres away, 只有40公里远,and to build an altar there to worship God. 在那里筑一座坛敬拜神。We all are called to worship God alone.我们都蒙召单敬拜神。We all are called to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 你要尽心、尽性、尽意,爱主你的 神。 Matt 22:37   But How can we achieve that?但怎样才能做到?

In Gen 35:2-4, we’re taught教导我们 that as soon as Jacob repented当雅各一悔改and got rid of idols除掉了偶像, God’s protection came over them immediately神的保护就立时临到他们。This was a turning point in Jacob’s relationship with God这是雅各和神关系的转折点。Here, it mentions earrings. 在这里提到了耳环。What did earrings have to do with idolatry? 耳环与拜偶像有什么关系?Clearly, the design of the earrings wasn’t right in God’s eyes. 很明显,耳环的设计是不合神心意的They could have created ungodly bonds with foreign gods, 他们与外邦神建立不敬虔的连结,given the enemy legal rights to lead them astray. 给仇敌合法权利以引诱人偏邪 'loving the Lord our God with all our hearts.' 我们蒙召尽心爱主means that we are designed for a bond, 意味着我们的受造是为建立亲密关系,forming a loving connection with God, the Source of life. 建立与生命之源的神爱的连结, and a healthy connection with people. 并与人有良好的关系。But ever since Adam’s fall, 但亚当堕落后,we were disconnected from God, 我们就失去了与神的连结,seeking security in all we thought was good, 转向在我们认为好的事物中寻求安全感,such as money or power, 如财富或权力,or ungodly relationships, 或不敬虔的性关系等, which results in forming a traumatic mindset or false beliefs. 这导致形成创伤思维和信谎言。

2, Let go of physical items which bind us. 除去实物的不敬虔连结

In Deut 7:24-25, The images of their gods you are to burn in the fire. Do not covet the silver and gold on them, and do not take it for yourselves, or you will be ensnared by it, for it is detestable to the Lord your God. 他们雕刻的神像,你们要用火焚烧,其上的金银你不可贪图,也不可收取,免得你因此陷入网罗,这原是耶和华你 神所憎恶的。26 Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction. Regard it as vile and utterly detest it, for it is set apart for destruction. 26可憎的物,你不可带进家去,不然,你就成了当毁灭的,与那物一样。你要十分厌恶、十分憎嫌,因为这是当毁灭的物。 It clearly states that detestable things这里明明的说, 可憎之物 ungodly attachments就是不敬虔的连结物, and harmful bonds can ensnare us.有害的连结物可以叫我们陷入网罗。Last year, while visiting the Beijing Forbidden City with my Kiwi friend, 去年,我和Kiwi朋友一起参观北京紫禁城,I told my friend not to take photos with dragons in them, 我告诉朋友不要拍摄有龙的图案,explaining their significance as idols告诉她这是偶像. She ignored my advice她没有听进去 coz she didn’t understand the culture behind them. 因不了解背后的文化。I asked God to expose it to her. 我就求神显明给她。That night she didn’t sleep well, 那天晚上她睡得很不好,and the next morning, she fell ill第二天早上,她病了。Praise the Lord, 赞美主,after she repented and deleted the photos, 她悔改并删除了那些照片,she recovered immediately. 她就立即好了。coz the image of dragon represents Satan (Re 12:9) 因为龙代表撒旦,They’re detestable things. 他们是可憎之物。

I have heaps of similar stories to share with you. 类似的见证我可以讲很多。If people keep their previous girlfriend or boyfriend’s gifts or pictures, or items, 若人保留前男女朋友的礼物、图片、物件,they’re called soul ties 这些被称为魂结 or ungodly attachments, 或不敬虔的连结they can give the enemy opportunities to destroy a marriage. 保留那些给仇敌破坏婚姻 1 John 约壹5:19, we know that we are children of God and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. 我们知道我们是属 神的,全世界都卧在那恶者手下;The enemy manipulates the world to place images of false gods, 魔鬼引诱世人将偶像or symbols of the kingdom of darkness, 或黑暗国度的图案,on cups or clothing, 放在杯子或衣物上,disguised as artwork. 伪装好像是艺术品。If you take them home你若把它们带回家and don’t pay attention to what God says, 忽略神的话,a legal entrance will be opened up, 给撒旦合法入侵,you or your family may not sleep well, 你和全家的睡眠可能会受影响, your blessings may be stolen. 祝福被偷走, and your spiritual growth can be blocked. 你的属灵成长也受阻。Coz these items serve as evidence of your disobedience因这些物件是你不顺服的证据, until you get rid of them. 直到你除掉他们。

3, Let go of emotional binds. 除去有害的情绪捆绑

We're made to abide in God’s love and truth. 我们的受造是为了住在神的爱和真理里,Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.先求神的国和义,其他一切都要白白加给你们了。(Matt 6:33) As Kingdom people因此,作为神国子民 our first priority shouldn’t be seeking a job, 我们首先求的不该是工作, or a husband, 或求一个丈夫, or a wife, 一个妻子,or anything else;或其他任何事;rather, we first pursue intimacy with God like Christ.而是先求与神合一的关系,如同基督一样。 Through this deep connection with God, 借着与神深深的连结,let love and peace flow,让爱和平安流淌,let power flow, 让能力流淌,to enable us to love people and help others. 使我们可以爱人帮助人,Then, all we need will be added to us. 其他的需要祂会供应。If you practice this way, 若你操练, you’ll grow in faith你就在信心上成长。However, emotional bonds can keep us stuck and stagnated. 但与有害情绪的粘合,可以使我们滞后不前。 We see this in Jacob’s life. 我们可以看雅各的例子,When Jacob was in his mum’s womb, 雅各还在母腹里,Gen 25:22-23 tells us, Jacob and his twin brother Esau were fighting. 雅各和双胞胎哥哥以扫就在相争,V.26 says , Jacob came out of his mum’s womb, with his hand grasping Esau’s heel. 随后又生了以扫的兄弟,手抓住以扫的脚跟。 Clearly, in the early stages of Jacob’s life显然, 雅各早期的生命里he was bound by feelings of anxiety, 就被焦虑感,fear, 惧怕感,and emotional insecurity 不安全感捆绑, which drove him toward striving and grasping in search of security这驱使他奋力去抓而找安全感。Psa 51:6, surely you desire truth in the inner parts, you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. 你所喜爱的是内里诚实;你在我隐密处必使我得智慧。God desires our inner life to be attached to His truth and Himself. 神要我们内里与祂和真理连结,He wants us to seek wisdom from Him来寻求祂的智慧。But if our secret places are bound by harmful emotions, 但我们若被有害的情绪捆绑,like fear, 如惧怕、anxiety, 焦虑、worry, 忧虑、or negative imagination 或负面想象,we tend to grasp tangible things rather God 我们就会想抓住有形的东西。For example, 例如,despite knowing God’s promises for him, 尽管雅各知道神对他的应许,Jacob continued to pursue his own desires, 他继续追求己欲的满足,Jacob deceived his father to obtain the firstborn son's blessing, 为得到长子的祝福欺骗了父亲,and he laboured for seven years to marry Rachel. 为娶拉结做了七年苦工,He stayed in Shechem for 10 years 又在示剑停留十年之久,and didn’t move forward to Bethel in obedience to God’s instructions.也不照神的指示去到伯特利敬拜神。

So if a child experiences emotional trauma in the womb, 如果孩子在母腹里经历情感创伤,they can develop harmful emotional bonds, 就会发展出有害的情感纽带,such as insecurity, 如不安全感、fear, 惧怕、or anxiety.焦虑等,This can make it hard for them to form relationships later in life, 这使他们后面的人生难处关系,whether with God, 或与神,parents, 或与父母,spouses, 或与配偶or others. 或与他人。The earlier the trauma happens创伤形成的越早, the deeper the harmful bonds, the person needs to deal with. 人就该更深的去处理这有害的连结。Rejection during pregnancy, 母腹里的被拒绝感, because of gender 不管是因性别被拒绝,or whatever reason,  或其他原因, or premature birth,或早产,or a childhood abuse, 或童年被虐待,all can cause this trauma. 都可能导致这类创伤。

I knew someone who struggled to trust God, 我认识有个人很难信靠神,and had a difficult relationship with his mum. 并与他母亲的关系也很不好。The mum was upset and disappointed, 她很伤心失望,because her son never bought her gifts, 因她的儿子从不给她买礼物,and she thought he was stingy. 她觉得儿子很小气。One day, while praying, 有一天,我祷告时,I saw him being born prematurely 我看到这个孩子是早产,and placed in an incubator, 被放保育箱里,crying desperately. 拼命的哭,Fear and anxiety entered into him. 惧怕和焦虑进入这婴孩。The deep feelings of fear, 深深的惧怕感、anxiety 焦虑、and stress 和紧张,caused him to try to grasp onto something, 导致他要去抓,and to connect with people. 也想人抱。But he couldn’t. 可是抓不到。

If an infant feels safe 若一个婴孩有安全感,and loved by their mother, 并感受到被母亲爱,they’ll have the ability to learn to trust 他们就有能力去学习信任,and connect to others. 与他人建立关系。But if that trust is damaged by fear in their early life, 但若在早期,这种信任感被惧怕破坏,there’ll be issues for them trusting or connecting with others.  他们长大就很难信任人,也不懂处人际关系。In desperation, they only wanna grasp onto things, 他们就只想抓住点什么,perhaps trying to grasp money, 或许想抓钱,or even a man. 或许想抓男人。They can easily be attached to the wrong things. 他们很容易去依附到不该依附的东西上, Unless they truly put their trust in God’s Word and forgive, 除非他们真正信神的话去饶恕,when they can be healed and transformed.他们才能被医治和更新。 There are other things that can cause harmful emotional bonds. 还有其它一些事情会造成有害的情感纽带。 If a child is rejected, 如果孩子遭到拒绝,or abused,或被虐待,or their families are poor, 或家庭贫穷, and their basic needs aren’t met, 幼年时的基本需求得不到满足,their ability to trust and to connect is affected. 他们去信任和与人相处的能力也会受到影响。As they grow up, 当他们长大后,they find it hard to form relationships, 他们很难去与人建立关系,because their deepest places are attached to fear, 因为他们最深的地方被惧怕、or insecurity, 不安全感、or shame. 或羞耻感捆绑。So Instead of seeking a good relationship with others, 他们不想经营关系,they focus on satisfying their own desires to feel safe. 他们只想顺己意里找到安全感。 “If he doesn’t give me all I want, 若他不能给我想要的,I want a divorce. 我就离婚。

Negative emotional bonds also can come from traumatic experiences.负面情绪纽带也可以来自创伤经历。I once ministered to a sister。我曾经服事过一位姊妹,who had struggled with grief and resentment after losing her kids. 她孩子死后一直在伤心和怨恨里。Despite being Christian for a long time, 尽管她做了基督徒很久,her heart was attached to grief and resentment. 仍然被悲伤和怨恨所捆绑。 Until after she had truly believed in God’s words regarding generational curses直到她真正相信神关于世代诅咒的话,and forgave her husband and herself. 饶恕她丈夫和自己。

Near-death experiences, 濒临死亡的经历,like accidents, 如意外事故,which can form ungodly attachments, 会形成不敬虔的魂结,allowing fear and infirmity to enter. 让惧怕和疾病乘虚而入。Yet, 然而,as Jesus said,正如耶稣所说:"Your faith has healed you!" 你的信救了你!Recovery may not be instant, 修复不是一个祷告,but can happen through an ongoing relationship with Jesus, 而是藉着与耶稣建立关系,letting go of emotional bonds, like fear. 放下惧怕。By practicing forgiveness, 借着操练信而饶恕,and obedience to God's commands through faith, 顺服神的命令,healing can come. 医治就会到来。

Harmful emotional bonds prevent us from obeying God's commands. 有害的情感纽带会阻止我们遵守上帝的命令, and abiding in His love (John 15:10). 不能常在神的爱里。We see this also from the parable of the Prodigal son. 我们从浪子的比喻中也可以看到这一点。Luke 15:12, Father, “give me my share of the estate“父亲,请你把我应得的家业分给我。他父亲就把产业分给他们。 Instead of seeking a relationship with the Father, 这儿子不想追求与父亲的关系,the son pursued material possessions, 只是要得物质, “Father, give me what I want…”“父亲,把我想要的给我......” he didn’t value his relationship with his father他不看重与父的关系。 Think about yourself, 想想我们自己,do you truly value seeking a relationship with God? 你真的重视寻求与神的关系吗? And seeking to do His will? 并寻求遵行祂的旨意?Or “do you just want to get stuff from Him like the Prodigal son. 还是像浪子一样只想从神那里得东西?“God, give me what I want……“神啊,给我我想要的......or I’ll upset, ……不然我就不高兴……be disappointed with You……”对你失望......” The Father is seeking a relationship with His children, 天父正在寻求与他的孩子们建立关系,even when their desires aren’t being satisfied, 借着他们的欲望得不到满足,he wants them to seek His will, 他希望他们先寻求他的旨意、His Kingdom, 他的国, His rule,他的掌权,His righteousness,他的公义,His peace first, 他的平安,then they may experience His reality能经历祂的真实, and grow in faith.在信心中成长。

God created us for relationship. 神创造我们为建立关系。 But if we just want to get stuff from Him, 但如果我们只想从祂那里得到东西,and if we don’t pay attention to and deal with harmful emotional bonds, 若我们不注重去处理这些有害情绪连结,but listen to them, 而是听从它们,and try to grasp onto things, 去抓我们要的东西,we’ll get stuck like Jacob did. 我们就会像雅各一样陷入困境。

Jacob’s relationship with God was stagnant, 雅各与神的关系停滞不前,he chose to stay in Shechem for 10 years, 他选择呆在示剑 10 年, instead of moving forward 40 Kilometres to build an altar for God. 却没有前行 40 公里为神筑祭坛。After his wife Rachel had died在妻子拉结去世、 and his son Joseph had disappeared,儿子约瑟失踪之后, the Bible tells us that Jacob’s heart became numb (Gen 45:26). 圣经说,雅各的心变得麻木了( 4526) Until Jacob came to believe that Joseph was alive, 直到雅各知道约瑟还活着, the spirit of their father Jacob revived他们父亲雅各……心就苏醒了。 (Gen 45:27). How long did Jacob’s heart remain numb? 雅各的心麻木了多久?Some Bible commentaries suggest一些圣经注释认为,that it was about 28 years, 约有28年,after the child Joseph was sold to Egypt by his brothers, 在约瑟被他的兄弟们卖到埃及,and later became an officer of the Pharaoh. 并成为法老的内臣后。For 10 years, Jacob stayed in Shechem; 雅各在示剑呆了 10 年,for 28 years, Jacob’s heart was numb. 他的心麻木了 28 年。Throughout Jacob’s journey with God, for 38 years, 在雅各与神同行的38年里, he remained disconnected from God, 他与神断开连结,because he tended to grasp things in search of security, 因他要抓住自己想要的东西去得安全感, rather than to trust in God, 而不是信靠神,and do what God said. 照神的话去做。

Jacob did everything he could to get what he wanted; 雅各尽全力去得他想要的;he worked hard to marry Rachel. 他为了娶拉结而做苦工。 Similarly, 同样, Rachel did everything she could to get her father’s idols for herself, 拉结也想尽全力去得父亲的神像,yes, she succeeded. 是的,她成功了。But for what? 但那又怎样呢? Rachel lost her life. 拉结死了。 Jacob too, lost what he had worked so hard for. 雅各也失去了他全力要得的。The goal in life is not to achieve what we want, 人生的目标并不是实现我们想要得的, coz the number of our days is not in our hands. 因为我们的寿数不在我们手中。It’s for us to know more of Jesus, 人生的目标是更多地认识耶稣,allow the Holy Spirit to change us让圣灵改变我们, and make us one with Him in truth and love. 使我们在真理和爱中与祂合一。 Jacob learnt the lesson of faith through his failures. 雅各在失败中学习了信心的功课。When he was dying, 快死的时候,he prayed, 他祷告说 , “God has been my shepherd all my life to this day…神是一生牧养我直到今日的 神…… Heb 11:21, by faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, bowing in worship over the head of his staff. 雅各因着信,临死的时候,给约瑟的两个儿子各自祝福,扶着杖头敬拜 神 As Jacob approached death, 濒临死亡时, his body weakened. 雅各的身体很虚弱, But he didn’t listen to the feelings in his body. 但他却没有顺从身体的感觉。Instead, 相反, he did everything he could to fulfil God’s will, 他尽全力去顺服神的旨意,by praying for his sons.为儿子们祷告。With faith, 凭着信心,Jacob leaned on his shepherd’s staff, 雅各靠在牧人的杖上,which means that he relied on God with all his heart, 这是说他全心地依靠神, and worshiped God with all his strength. 用尽全力去敬拜神。Jacob finished his race雅各跑尽了他的路, he repented and changed他悔改了,他改变了, and became a living testimony to God. 成为神活的见证。God was the Shepherd of all his life神曾是牧养他一生的牧人, and never abandoned him. 从未离弃过他。Now the God of Jacob made a new covenant with you through the shedding of his own blood, 雅各的神流出祂的血和我们立了新约,He is also waiting for you to build an altar in your heart for Him, 祂也在等待你在心里建祭坛,the altar of the cross, 十字架的祭坛,where you let go of ungodly bonds, 在那里你除去不敬虔的捆绑,and abide in His truth. 住在祂的真理里。



Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness. 主啊,感谢你的良善,Thank You for being so faithful to me. 感谢你如此信实,Thank You for the new covenant You made with me through the shedding of Your precious blood. 感谢你用宝血与我立下新约, I thank You for Your love. 感谢你的大爱。

Today, we want to repent of harmful bonds we've formed in the depths of our hearts. 今天,我们要为心深处形成的有害连结来悔改,When Jacob got rid of the idols, 当雅各除去偶像时,You showed Your sovereign protection over him and his household. 你向他和他全家彰显了你的保护。You're an unchangeable God. 你是永不改变的神,The God of Jacob is also my God. 雅各的神也是我的神, I turn to You.我要回转向你。

The journey of knowing God is also the journey of discovering yourself. 认识神的过程也是认知自己的过程。 Perhaps you have experienced similar symptoms: 也许你也有过类似的症状:grasping for material possessions, 抓着物质财富不放, clinging to someone, 抓住某人不放,or becoming attached to things like games, 或者沉迷游戏、media, 媒体、 or TV shows that steal your time and affection. 或电视节目等夺走你时间和情感的东西。Perhaps you went through trauma也许你经历过创伤, or experienced deep rejection during your time in the womb, 或者在母腹里, or in early childhood. 或幼年时期,深深地被拒绝。 Maybe you suffered poverty, 也许你曾遭受贫困, lacked basic needs, 缺乏基本需求, or experienced accidents, 或面临意外,which lead to fear and the attachment to fear. 导致惧怕和与恐惧的连结。

You can say to the Lord: 你可以对神说 "Jesus, my Savior, I confess that I've attached myself to wrong things. “耶稣,我的救主,我承认我错误地依恋了一些东西。”I have been like the prodigal son, 我一直像浪子一样,desiring material gain from You instead of seeking an intimate relationship with You. 渴望从你那里得到物质的东西,而不是寻求与你的亲密关系。 When You didn't give me what I wanted, 当我发现你没有给我我想要的东西时,I was disappointed and upset with You. 我对你感到失望和沮丧, and also blamed other people. 也对人不满。 Forgive me and renew me. 求你饶恕我,更新我。

I renounce and break the agreements and bonds with false refuges. 我奉主耶稣的名,弃绝并破除一切与虚假安全感的连结。I ask You, Holy Spirit, to heal my innermost being with Your truth. 我祈求你的圣灵,用真理医治我的内心。I believe that because my ancestors and I disobeyed Your commands, 我相信,因为我和我的祖先违背了你的命令,we’ve been under attack by the evil one. 我们受到了恶者的攻击。 My ancestors were wounded, 我的祖先受了伤,my parents were wounded, 我的父母受了伤,and I was wounded我也受了伤, and exposed to fear and anxiety. 暴露在惧怕和焦虑中。

Today, 今天,I come to You,我来到你施恩座前, I receive Your truth.我接受你的真理。 You died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins. 你为饶恕我的罪而舍命在十架上,I accept Your forgiveness to forgive my parents我接受你的宽恕,宽恕我的父母和我自己, and myself, 和我自己,and the people I thought have hurt me. 以及我认为伤害过我的人。 In the name of Jesus, 奉主耶稣的圣名, I break ungodly bonds, 我破除那不敬虔的捆绑, and release those areas of my heart释放我的心灵, to be attached to Your truth and Your love. 让我的心降服于你的真理和你的爱。In Jesus' name, 奉主耶稣的圣名,I rebuke fear, 我斥责恐惧、 rejection, 被拒绝感、 anxiety, 焦虑、unclean spirits, 不洁净的灵、death, and torment. 死亡和折磨。 Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,heal me, 求你医治我,restore me for Your use. 恢复我,能为你所用。

Yes, Lord, 是的,主啊,through the cross, 藉着十字架,You overcome fear and anxiety.你胜过恐惧和焦虑。 You are our refuge.你是我们的避难所, You are our strength.你是我们的力量, You are wisdom and the source of life. 你是智慧和生命的泉源,You alone, we worship! 我们单单敬拜你!Holy Spirit, 宝贵的圣灵啊 continue to teach us how to rid ourselves of harmful bonds,请继续教导我们如何摆脱有害的捆绑,and help us connect to and abide in Your truth. 帮助我们持守并住在真理里。


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