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2024-04-14 Kingdom Principles 5 神国法则(5) - The Principle of Love 爱的法则

发表于 2024-04-15

Kingdom principles 5 神国法则(5)-  The Principle of love – breaking shame, finding freedom to love. 爱的法则:破除羞耻感,爱里得自由

Recently, some newcomers have decided to be baptised. 最近,一些新人将要受洗。Congratulations恭喜!But remember, you’re not baptised into a religion. 请记住,你受洗不是加入一个宗教,You’re baptised into a loving relationship with the King and His family. 而是建立与这位王和其家庭成员的亲密关系。In this Kingdom, 在神国里,the King loves, provides and protects His citizens. 这位王爱,供应和保护祂的子民。But we have responsibilities. 但我们有自己的责任,Coz this Kingdom operates in truth, righteousness and divine love. 因神国以真理、公义和神圣的爱运行。If we’re aligned with its ways and principles, 若我们顺服神国的道和法则,we’ll be blessed. 我们就蒙福。But if we’re entangled by our old ways of thinking, 但我们若被旧思想缠住,we’ll still reap the cycles of failure that we experienced before 就仍掉在从前循环倒霉中。That’s why we need to learn the Word of God这就是为什么我们需要学习神的话。So today, we’ll look at the Kingdom principle of love. 所以今天,我们来看爱的法则。

1, The Kingdom Principle of Love. 神爱的法则

Matt 22:35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 35 内中有一个人是律法师,要试探耶稣,就问他说:36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 36 “夫子,律法上的诫命,哪一条是最大的呢?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 37 耶稣对他说:你要尽心、尽性、尽意,爱主你的 神。38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 38 这是诫命中的第一,且是最大的。39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 39 其次也相仿,就是要爱人如己。40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” 40 这两条诫命是律法和先知一切道理的总纲。  The great commandment tells us, 这大诫命说,first, to love God 首先要爱神,our glorious King, 我们荣耀的王,our loving Father. 慈爱的父。Second, to love others just as the way we wanna be loved by others. 其次,是爱人如己。When I just became a Christian long ago, 很久以前,我刚信主时,I asked God, 我问神:"Are there principles that I can follow to prosper both now and in eternity?" “有什么法则可以让我在今生和永恒里都通达?”At that time, I still had a businesswoman’s mindset 初信时,我仍是商人思维,and always tried to maximize profit margins. 老想利润最大化。But God didn’t despise my childish questions. 但神没有轻看我问的幼稚问题。He answered my prayer through the great commandment and Matt 22:35-40, 祂藉着最大的诫命和22:35-40回答了我的祷告,and it seemed to say: 似乎在说:“Don’t try to do good in your own eyes to earn favor from man, “不要去行自己眼中看为好的来得人好评,but rather deny yourself and through the love of Christ, 而是要借着基督的爱否定自己,yield your heart to the Spirit of truth 你心要顺服真理的圣灵,to love those who offend you, 去爱那些冒犯你的人,then you can prosper.” 就能通达。”Practicing Agape Love is the shortest path to eternal prosperity, overcoming. 操练神的爱是通往永恒兴盛和得胜的最短路径。

2, Shame and fear hinder us from love. 羞耻和惧怕阻挡我们去爱

Matt 5 tells us, 马太福音5告诉我们,46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? “你们若单爱那爱你们的人,有什么赏赐呢? God is God of Rewarder. 神是赏赐人的神。He will reward us if we do good in His eyes. 我们若行神眼中的好,祂就赏赐我们。But if you just love those who treat you nicely, 但你若只爱那对你好的人,you won’t be rewarded. 就得不着赏赐了。In this passage, 这段经文中,we’re called to be perfect just as He is perfect. 祂呼召我们要像祂一样完全。How? 怎样完全?Through loving people unconditionally. 就是无条件地去爱人。Once long ago, apostle Paul tried harder, 使徒保罗尽力过,and he realised this: 但他意识到:Romans 7:18a, 21, “For I have the desire to do what is good, but I can’t carry it out…“立志为善由得我,只是行出来由不得我……21, So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.”  21我觉得有个律,就是我愿意为善的时候,便有恶与我同在。It’s like saying, 就像是在说:“I wanna t love people unconditionally, “我想无条件地爱人,but when I feel offended, 但当我感到被冒犯时,I can feel something there in my heart preventing me from keeping God’s commands.” 我感到心里有东西在阻挡我遵守神的诫命。”Is that true? 这是真的吧So what hinders us from loving unconditionally? 那么是什么阻碍我们无条件地去爱呢?To identity the root cause, 要找到根本原因,we always need to trace back to the book of Gensis. 就要回到《创世记》。在In Gen 2: 23-25, 《创世记》2:23-25中,We see before the fall, 我们看到在堕落之前,under the cover of God’s glory and love, 亚当在神的荣耀和爱的遮盖下,Adam treated his wife as bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh, 视妻子为骨中骨、肉中肉,which means the love between them was perfect. 这意味着亚当和夏娃之间的爱是完全的,They were perfectly united. 他们完全合而为一。They were both naked, but they felt no shame.当时夫妻二人赤身露体并不羞耻。Gen 2:25 How could that happen? 怎么会不羞耻呢?Because their eyes were always on God and never on themselves. 因他们的眼睛都仰望神,没看过自己. Then, in Gen 3, 之后,在《创世记》3章中,after Adam listened to Satan, 亚当听从了撒旦的话,v.7-12, without obeying God’s commands, 不遵行神的命令they lost the cover of God’s glory and love, 他们失去了神的遮盖和爱resulting in the absence of unconditional love between them.使他们之间不再有无条件的爱That’s why Jesus said, 就如耶稣说的,“If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love.你们若遵守我的命令,就常在我的爱里; John 15:10 Otherwise, you’ll disconnect from My love. 不然,你就会与我的爱断开。Without connecting to God’s love, 失去与神的爱连结,a victim mindset immediately entered; 受害者心态立即进入人心,“the woman you put here with me gave me the fruit to eat.”“你所赐给我、与我同居的女人,她把那树上的果子给我,我就吃了。” Gen 3:12Does this sound familiar to us? 我们熟悉这声音吗? Adam shifted the blame 亚当推卸责任,and didn’t take responsibility for the decision he had made. 没有为自己的错误决定承担责任。 “because he did this, that’s why I was angry…因他做了这事,我才生气的……because she said this, that’s why I failed…” 她做了这事,我才跌倒的……”Really? 真的吗?But why didn’t Jesus stumble?但为什么耶稣没有跌倒?It’s our responsibility to choose what to yield. 这是人自己选择的后果If I choose to blame, 我若选择责怪,I choose to connect to Adam, 就是选择与亚当联系,and reject Christ, I’ll reject love. 拒绝基督,就拒绝了爱。Then, I need to repent. 我需要悔改。

So first of all, a blaming mindset hinders love. 首先,怪责他人的心态会阻挡爱。Then, embracing feelings of fear and shame hinders love. 接着,怀抱惧怕和羞耻感也阻挡爱。V.9-10, when God asked Adam, “where are you?” 3:9-10,耶和华 神呼唤那人,对他说:你在哪里?”he answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.” 他说:我在园中听见你的声音,我就害怕,因为我赤身露体,我便藏了。When Adam rejected God, 亚当背弃了神后,he was disconnected from God’s glory, 他与神的荣耀隔绝了,then he realized he was naked. 随即意识到自己赤身露体。Their first action after the fall was to hide themselves from God in fear 犯罪后的第一反应是躲避神的面,because of their nakedness.因赤身露体而害怕。Nakedness related to shame赤身与羞耻感有关。

Interestingly, in the bible, a couple of places mention nakedness. 在圣经中一些地方都提到了赤身露体。For example, 比如In Mark 14, when Jesus was arrested, 在可14章,当耶稣被捕时,v,50 says everyone forsook him and fled. 门徒都离开他逃走了。 V.51 emphasized nakedness in this way: 51节特别提到了一个赤身露体的情景:a young man followed him…but when they seized him, he left the linen cloth and ran away naked.有一个少年人,赤身披着一块麻布,跟随耶稣,众人就捉拿他。他却丢了麻布,赤身逃走了。 This young man was likely the author of the book of Mark. 这位年轻人很可能是《马可福音》的作者。Why did he also mention the nakedness?  为什么他也提到赤身露体呢?Remember, nakedness is associated with shame. 请记住,赤身露体与羞耻感有关。A few hours earlier, 几小时前,after the Lord’s supper, 在主的晚餐后,Jesus warned the disciples, 耶稣警告门徒说:“you will all fall away.” “你们都要跌倒。” Instead of believing in Jesus’ words, 但他们没有相信耶稣的话,accepting their own weaknesses没有接纳自己的软弱 and seeking Jesus’ help,寻求耶稣的帮助。Peter insisted, 彼得极力说:“even if all fall away, I will not.” “众人虽然跌倒,我总不能。”  And the others all followed him. 其他人也都是这样说。Yet when Jesus was arrested, 然而,当耶稣被捕时,they all abandoned the Lord. 他们都离弃了主。At the moment, Mark forsook the Lord, 在马可离弃了主的那一刻,he was fleeing in shame and fear. 他在羞耻感和惧怕中逃走了。

What can we learn from this? 从中我们学到什么?The moment when we forsake the Lord当我们离弃主, we abandon His commands,背弃祂的命令的那一刻,and we’ll flee in shame and fear, 我们会因羞耻感和惧怕而逃跑we separate ourselves from God’s unconditional love. 和主无条件的爱隔离。Similarly同样, our ancestors experienced the same consequences我们的祖先也一样 when they forsook the Lord当他们丢弃主, their lives lacked unconditional love, 他们也没有无条件的爱,and problems came to the family. 问题就进入家庭。Shame and fear can be generational. 羞耻感和惧怕可能会代代相传。

Shame causes anger. 羞耻感会引发怒气。Why are you angry with yourself? 为什么你生自己的气?Why are you angry with your children? 生孩子的气?Shame羞耻感!“Coz I failed因我没做好……coz they don’t look good in front of others 因他们在人前出丑了……” Shame has triggered that anger. 羞耻感引发了怒气。We’ve gotta address this anger. 我们要处理这怒气,Eph 4:26-27 tells us, 以弗所书4:26-27 告诉我们,that unforgiveness due to unresolved anger opens doorways for the evil ones to enter. 未处理的怒气带来的不饶恕会打开邪灵的大门。As long as the legal doors remain open, 只要合法的门还开着,the enemy comes in 仇敌就会进来,and creates more problems 并在一个家族中制造更多问题and builds cycles of failure in a family,造成累代的失败循环,impacting not only one generation, but generations.影响不止一代,乃是一代又一代。

A sister approached me because her son was suffering from severe asthma, 有位姊妹因她的儿子患有严重哮喘来找我,and medications couldn’t help. 看医生吃药都治不好。God revealed to me that it's a generational issue. 神向我启示这是一个累代咒诅问题。So, I guided her in a prayer of repentance and forgiveness 于是,我带她做了悔改和饶恕的祷告, and broke the power of shame and judgement that caused her to pass down the negative impact onto her son... 断开因她的羞耻感和论断传给儿子的负面权势……After the prayer, I clearly heard the Lord say, 祷告后我清楚地听到主说:"Her son in her home is healed." “她儿子在家里得医治了。”Her son wasn’t there with her, 她的儿子当时不在她身边,but God healed him. 但神医治了他。Since then, it's been 17 years now, 从那时起,已经过去了17年,her son has never again experienced asthma. 她的儿子再也没有发过哮喘。And her own high blood pressure has gone. 她自己的高血压也得到了医治。The wall in her heart that hindered her from loving unconditionally was torn down, 那心中阻挡她去无条件爱的墙被推到了,and her relationship with her family was restored.她和家人的关系修复了。

3, Identify the root cause and overcome it.  认出根源并去得胜

John 8:44 tells us, 8:44告诉我们,that the devil is a liar, 魔鬼是说谎者,and he is the father of lies. 他是谎言之父。When you agree with lies, 当你接受谎言时,“where is God?神在哪里?……I’ve failed我失败了……I failed in school我读书失败……in my job工作失败……in my marriage婚姻失败……I feel ashamed我感到羞耻……I’m not good enough 我不够好……I’m worthless我没用……I’ve gotta look good我必须要做好……I can't show you the real me我不能让你知道真正的我……I can't show you my true feelings 我不能让你知道我的真实感受…I’ve gotta hide the real me from you我必须隐藏真实的自己……I don’t wanna people to know我不想让别人知道……It’s scary to be transparent 敞开自己是可怕的……” Shame gives us all sorts of thoughts to distort our true identity 羞耻感给了我们各种思想来扭曲我们真实的身份– I’m a child of God. ——我是神的孩子。My identity isn’t based on external things, 我的身份不是基于外在的东西,like “what I do 我做了什么or what I have 或者我拥有什么Or what I’ve been entitled to.”  或者我有什么头衔 My identity is rooted in something within me. 我的身份基于我内心的东西。My value isn’t determined by the amount of praise I receive from others. 我的价值不是决定于人给我多少称赞。It’s measured by how much of my inner life is led by the Spirit of Christ. 而是我内在的生命有多少被基督的灵引导。Adam’s path leads to torment and death. 亚当的路引人到被折磨和死亡。 God wants to restore us through our faith in Christ's footsteps.神要借我们信基督的脚踪来修复。Romans 8:14 says, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons (Huios, mature sons) of God. 因为凡被 神的灵引导的,都是 神的儿子(huios,指成熟的儿子)。

Christians are expected to grow and mature into Christlikeness, 神盼望基督徒成熟长大像耶稣,the more we’re led by the Holy Spirit 我们越多被圣灵引导,to be like Christ in love在爱、humility, 谦卑,meekness, 柔和,mercy, 怜悯,perseverance, 忍耐,righteousness and peace公义和平安中像基督,the greater value we gain in His Kingdom. 我们在祂的国度里的价值就越大。Coz God will ultimately reward His mature sons to rule with Him forever. 因神最终会奖赏成熟的儿子们与祂一起掌权到永远。Jesus paid the price to redeem us, 耶稣为赎买我们付了代价,and our identity and value are found in Him. 我们的身份和价值都在祂里面。Col 西3:3, for you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 因为你们已经死了,你们的生命与基督一同藏在 神里面。

Shame and fear teach us to seek value through unhealthy competition with others, 羞耻感和惧怕教我们通过争竞来寻求自我价值,“hi, remember the winning and losing game? 嘿,还记得赢家和输家的游戏吗?You’ve gotta beat her. 你必须打败她。If she wins, you lose. 她赢了,你就输了。If you win, she loses.” 你赢了,她就输了。Don’t listen to the lies! 别听谎言!This won’t work in the Kingdom of God. 这在神的国度里行不通。We’re called to put the old ways of thinking to death. 我们被呼召要治死旧人的思维方式,The old way of thinking hinders us from loving God and loving people. 旧思想拦阻我们去爱神爱人,And it separates us from the blessings of God. 使我们与神的祝福隔绝。The enemy desires that you fail. 仇敌希望你失败。Your enemy is not external but internal. 你的仇敌不是外面的,是里面的。We’ve gotta address the wounds, 当需要处理过去的伤害、the rejection, 被拒绝、the shame, the lies that once we received 羞耻感和谎言,and allowed to control our way of thinking. 这些东西控制了我们的思维方式。Don't be bullied by shame and fear! 不要被羞耻感和惧怕欺负!Don’t let them ruin your great destiny. 不要让它们毁掉你的美好命定。

A comparison mindset is built upon lies. 比较心态建基于谎言。If we accept lies, 若我们接受谎言,we open a legal door for the spirit of unbelief and confusion 就为不信和迷惑之灵打开合法的门,to torture us. 让我们自己受折磨。Shame, fear, anxiety, can cause depression, 羞耻感、惧怕和焦虑可能导致抑郁、mental illness 精神疾病and physical illness even suicide. 甚至自杀和身体疾病。So we’ve gotta choose to believe in the truth 因此,我们当信真理,“at whatever point I fail, 我只要跌倒, it’s where I’ve abandoned the Lord and His words, 就是因弃掉主和主的话。“when pride comes, then shame comes, but with the humility is wisdom. 骄傲来,羞耻也来,谦逊人却有智慧。Pro 11:2” I failed, because I yielded to my pride, 失败是因我顺从了骄傲,and abandoned the Lord like Adam and Mark did, 像亚当和马可那样弃掉主和祂的话语,I suffer shame and fear. 就因羞耻感和惧怕受苦。But I thank God for offering me the Lamb of God, 但我感谢神羔羊,through the blood of Jesus 借着耶稣的宝血,I can be cleansed as white as snow…我可以洁净如雪……So I turn to the Lord, 我转向主,I repent. 我悔改。I root my faith in the Word of God我把我的信根植于神的话语上……I can overcome shame through yielding to God’s commands…遵从神的命令我就能胜过羞耻感……

Last story, 最后一个故事。in the OT, there’s a woman called Naomi, 在旧约中有一位妇人叫拿俄米,but she said, “don’t call me Naomi anymore, call me “Mara”, 但她说:别叫我拿俄米,要叫我玛拉meaning bitter. 意思是苦。She said, 她说:because the Almighty had made my life very bitter.” 因全能者使我受了大苦。Why did she say that? 为什么她会这么说呢?Naomi and her husband, 拿俄米和她的丈夫及and their two sons moved to a foreign land to escape a famine in Judah.两个儿子逃离犹大地的饥荒来到外邦。However, all the males died there, 然而,家里所有男人都死在那里,leaving her and her two daughters in-law. 只留下她和两个儿媳。The loss of males in a household 家中男丁丧命,and the lack of financial support 失去财务支柱,and offspring 家里后继无人,brought shame to Naomi. 使拿俄米感到羞耻。Shame produces a pain in the heart which results in bitterness. 羞耻感让她心里痛苦,滋生苦毒。When you’re bitter, 当人们心中充满苦毒时,you complain, 就总是抱怨:“where is God? 神在哪里?Why does God allow it to happen 为什么神让这样的事情发生……”In the midst of a life crisis, 在人生危机中,she heard that God had provided food for His people in Judah. 她听说神赐食物给犹大人。

Romans 10:17 says, faith comes by hearing.信道是从听道来的。 Naomi received faith by hearing the good news of God, 拿俄米因听到神的好消息得着信心,she decided to return. 她决定返回,Turn back to relying on God. 重新依靠神。We know the rest of the story, 后面发生的事我们都知道,under Naomi's guidance, 在拿俄米的引导下,Ruth her daughter-in-law married to a wealthy man named Boaz, 路得嫁给了一个名叫波阿斯的富人,and God blessed them with a son. 神赐福给他们一个儿子。The old widow Naomi took the child 老寡妇拿俄米接过孩子来抚养,and became foster mother of the child. 成为孩子的养母。People there said, “Naomi has a son.” 人们说:拿俄米有儿子了。The widow's shame was wiped away, 寡妇的羞耻被抹去,and her heart rejoiced in the Lord. 她的心因主而欢喜。The boy was named Obed, 这个孩子名叫俄备得,who became the grandfather of King David. 是大卫王的祖父,Christ Jesus was also called the Son of David. 基督耶稣也被称为大卫的子孙。God turned a life with shame and bitterness into blessing. 神将充满羞耻感和苦毒的人生变成了祝福

Today, how many of us say, 今天,有多少人说:“Lord, I thank You for loving me, 主啊,感谢祢爱我,thank You for sending Jesus Christ to be my cover. 感谢你差遣耶稣基督来成为我的遮盖。I don’t wanna carry the shame and bitterness anymore我不要再被羞耻感和苦毒引导活着, I don’t wanna put on a mask我不要再戴面具活在人前, looking all good on the outside while inside hurting外面看着好,里面却是伤害… Lord Jesus, 主耶稣,我的救主 I repent我悔改, I want my life story to be transformed from shame and bitterness into blessing because of Your love…我的人生要从羞耻感和苦毒里被你爱的大能医治转向祝福If that’s you, 如果这是你come to the front请到前面来……we’re gonna deal with it after singing the last song…我们会在唱最后一首歌后处理它……



“Yes, Jesus, I love You Lord, 是的,耶稣,我爱你,because You loved me first. 主啊,因你先爱了我。You paid the price for me 你为我付了代价,to be brought back to the Kingdom of light. 让我重回光明国度。Jesus, You were hung on the cross. 耶稣,你被挂在十字架上,You were rejected, 你被拒绝,humiliated, 被羞辱,stripped of your clothes, 被剥光了衣服,naked, 赤身露体,You were publicly shamed. 你被当着众人受羞辱。You bore our shame for us. 你担当我们的羞愧,You took the pain of shame and rejection 承受我们的羞辱和被拒绝的痛苦,and exchanged them for our honour. 换我们得尊荣。By Your wounds we can be healed.” 因着你的鞭伤,我们得医治

Let’s be honest with ourselves, 诚实面对自己,and with the Lord. 诚实面对主。Are there things in your life you’re ashamed of? 生命中是否有令你感到羞耻的事?Perhaps when you were young, you were yelled at, or scolded by your parents, or teachers, or someone else. 也许你小时候被父母吼了,或被老师骂了,或被谁羞辱了Perhaps you were agreed with the lies, 或许你也接受了那些谎言and felt ashamed of yourself 对自己有羞耻感, or judged yourself and them论断了自己和他人. “I don’t look good我长的不好看…I can’t do stuff well我做不好事… “I failed in school我读书失败……in my job工作失败…in marriage婚姻失败…I feel ashamed感到羞耻感…I’m not good enough我不够好…I’m useless我没用……” Or perhaps you grew up in a poor family, 或你小时候家里穷,“I’m ashamed of it我感到羞耻……or I’m ashamed of my parents who are not good enough我父母不够好,我有羞耻感…… so I’m afraid to show the real me to others我害怕向别人透露真实的自我……I’m scared to be transparent我害怕透明

Now Jesus, my Saviour, 主耶稣,我的救主 I turn to You. 我转向你。I choose to believe the truth.我选择信真理。It’s not because I’m not good enough, 不是因我不够好,so that I failed. 所以我失败了。The moment I failed, 我失败的那一刻,it’s because I was like Mark the disciple, 我就像马可和其他门徒一样,我when I abandoned You and Your word, 离弃了你和你的话语,I was separated from Your love我和你的爱断开, that’s why I was overtaken by shame and fear. 所以我被羞耻感和惧怕胜过。

Similarly,同样 it’s not because my parents are not good enough. 不是我的父母不够好It’s because they're like me他们和我一样; when they forsook You and Your commands当他们丢弃你和你的命令, they were covered by shame and fear他们在惧怕和羞耻感的笼罩下, they didn’t have unconditional love to love me, just as I didn’t have unconditional love to love others.他们就没有无条件的爱来爱我,就像我没有无条件的爱去爱他人without yielding to Your commands 没有行在你的命令里we lost the ability to love,我们与你的爱断开 and became trapped in cycles of failure被循环的失败抓住.  I thank You,我感谢你 Lord Jesus,主耶稣You shed your blood to forgive my sins and failure.你流宝血赦免我的罪和失败 I receive Your forgiveness to forgive myself我接受你的饶恕来饶恕我自己…I forgive my parents... 我饶恕我的父母……my teacher我的老师……”or anyone else who once spoke those words to you 或者任何曾经对你说过那些话and you accepted anger, shame, fear… 并且让你接受了怒气、羞耻感、惧怕的人……forgive them! 饶恕他们!In the name of Jesus. 我奉耶稣的名,I take the authority You gave me, 并你赐我的权柄,to break the agreement I made with lies, 打破与谎言、shame, 羞耻感、condemnation, 定罪、fear, 惧怕、anger…怒气等的约定。Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,I ask You to release Your resurrection power 求你释放复活的大能,to tear down strongholds of shame, 拆毁我内心中羞耻感、fear, 惧怕、anger, 怒气、blaming, 责怪、self-pity, 自怜、the victim mindset, 受害者心态、confusion and unbelief within me.迷惑和不信的营垒。In the name of Jesus, 奉耶稣的名,I command all the evil powers to leave my life and my family…我命令所有邪恶权势离开我的生活和我的家庭……I embrace the truth. 我接受真理,I’m a child of God. 我是神的孩子,I’m wonderfully and fearfully made. 我的受造奇妙可畏。If I put Your Word first, 我若把你的话放在首位,practice loving people through the love I receive, 藉着我所领受的爱来爱人,and being led by the Spirit of truth, 并被真理的灵引导,I’ll be able to defeat cycles of failure, 就能胜过失败的循环,and be blessed in every way in life. 方方面面都蒙福。This is the truth, 这就是真理,I believe!” 我相信!Now you can pray on your own. 现在你可以自己祷告

Thank You Jesus, 感谢神,for valuing us by sacrificing Your son for us 因你为我们舍弃爱子,and sending Your Spirit to assist us. 又赐下圣灵来帮助我们。Thank You for restoring us into Your truth. 感谢你在真理中恢复我们。Help us to remember that we have adversaries named shame and fear, 求你使我们记得,羞耻感和惧怕是我们的对头,who strive to hinder us from loving You and Your people 他们竭力阻挡我们爱你和你的子民,and to prevent us from receiving blessings. 阻挡我们领受祝福。Guide us to anchor ourselves in Your love and truth 求你引导我们根植在你的爱和真理中,and empower us to fight the good fight for our faith, 赐我们能力,为我们的信打那美好的仗,so that we may stand steadfast in faith 使我们能坚定站立在信心中,and bring Your name glory. 让你的名得着荣耀。Amen阿门


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