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2024-03-10 Kingdom Principles 3 神国法则 (3)

发表于 2024-03-10

Matt 6:24-33 – Prioritising His Kingdom and His righteousness

We looked at two Kingdom Principles at the beginning of the year. 年初,我们分享了两个神国法则。Why are we doing this series? 为什么要做这个系列?Coz God doesn’t wanna see Christians struggling. 神盼望基督徒可以活在祝福里。Just because you’re Christian就算你是基督徒 doesn’t mean you’re blessed in every aspect of your life.并不意味着你活在各样的祝福里。But if we change, 但如果我们改变自己,and get our lives aligned with Kingdom principles, 让我们的所思所想与神国法则统一,we’ll walk in blessings. 我们就会行走在祝福中。So today, let’s continue to review another principle –今天,让我们来看另一个原则--seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness就是要先求他的国和他的义,and all these things will be given to you.这些东西都要加给你们了。

Matt 6:24-33 24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. 24 “一个人不能侍奉两个主。不是恶这个爱那个,就是重这个轻那个。你们不能又侍奉 神,又侍奉玛门(玛门财利的意思)。”25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 25 “所以我告诉你们:不要为生命忧虑吃什么,喝什么,为身体忧虑穿什么。生命不胜于饮食吗?身体不胜于衣裳吗?26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 26 你们看那天上的飞鸟,也不种,也不收,也不积蓄在仓里,你们的天父尚且养活它。你们不比飞鸟贵重得多吗?27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? 27 你们哪一个能用思虑使寿数多加一刻呢(或作使身量多加一肘呢)?28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 28 何必为衣裳忧虑呢?你想:野地里的百合花怎么长起来;它也不劳苦,也不纺线;29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 29 然而我告诉你们:就是所罗门极荣华的时候,他所穿戴的还不如这花一朵呢!30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 30 你们这小信的人哪!野地里的草今天还在,明天就丢在炉里, 神还给它这样的妆饰,何况你们呢!31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 31 所以,不要忧虑说:吃什么?喝什么?穿什么?’32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 32 这都是外邦人所求的。你们需用的这一切东西,你们的天父是知道的。33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 33 你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。

1, Why not to worry? 为什么不要忧虑?

God’s words are powerful medicine for our souls! 神的话是我们灵魂的良药!If you take it in faith, 你若凭信心接受它,healing and restoration will be yours. 就会得到医治和修复。Once, while along the way of following Jesus, 有一次,在跟随耶稣的路上,the disciples became extremely worried. 门徒们也非常忧虑。Because Jesus asked them to supply food for five thousand people, 因为耶稣要他们供应五千人的食物,yet they only had five loaves and two fish at hand. 而他们手头只有五个饼两条鱼。Looking in their own pockets看着自己的口袋,they got worried.他们很愁。But we know the rest of the story, 但我们知道,Jesus miraculously multiplied the five loaves and two fish耶稣奇迹般地使五饼二鱼倍增 and fed the five thousand喂饱了五千人 and there were still leftovers.而且还有余。Jesus provides for our needs. 耶稣供应我们的需要。Coz He is sovereign and compassionate.因为他掌权,又慈爱。In v.24, He said, 24节,耶稣说, no one can serve two masters…You cannot serve both God and money. “一个人不能侍奉两个主。……不能又侍奉 神,又侍奉玛门(玛门财利的意思)。Clearly, Jesus knows that worrying kills, 显然,耶稣知道忧虑是致命的,and it can lead us back into bondage of worshipping idols again. 它会让我们再次陷入拜偶像的捆绑。If we worry, 如果我们担心:“what if I fail my exam…"如果我考试不及格怎么办......what if I lose my job…如果我丢了工作怎么办......what if my child grows up and is left behind…” 如果我的孩子长大被世界淘汰怎么办......"worrying, worrying….

Worrying can cause mental, 忧虑会导致精神physical, and relational problems,身体和人际关系方面的问题,If you’re worrying and anxious,若你忧虑,焦虑 you can’t sleep well你不能睡好觉. Worrying can get you angry with your spouse or children 焦虑叫你对配偶或孩子发怒, judging them like saying this就论断他们说, “you’re not good enough你不够好…you’re useless你没用…” This can damage your relationships with others这会破坏你和他人的关系. Worrying can lead to sleeplessness, 忧虑导致失眠、high blood pressure, 高血压、headaches, 头痛、chest pains, 胸痛、stomach pains, 胃痛、depression, 抑郁、heart attacks and even death. 心脏病发作甚至死亡。I’ve ministered to lots of cases, 我曾服侍过很多人,and when they confessed their worries and put their trust in God’s promises, 当他们承认自己的忧虑并相信神的应许时,their headaches were gone, 他们的头痛得了医治,their sicknesses healed. 病得医治。How many of us have these problems? 有多少人有这类问题?Don’t worry. 不要忧虑Jesus can heal you! 耶稣能医治你Repentance is the key. 悔改是关键。Jesus came to share the good news of the Kingdom of God with us, 耶稣来传天国的好消息,healing the sick and setting people free. 医治病人,使人得自由。His Kingdom is a Kingdom which sets people free. 祂的国度使人得自由。

The Thursday before上周四a sister came to the Bible group with a strange headache一位姊妹来到圣经小组,which had been there for three days. 她的头痛已经持续三天了。After a prayer, 在祷告后,the strange headache immediately disappeared. 这奇怪的头痛就消失了。Where the Spirit of God is, 神的灵在哪里,there’s freedom and joy. 哪里就有自由和喜乐。Where there’re poverty哪里有贫穷, worrying about not having enough,不够不够、depression, 抑郁、addiction, and sickness, 瘾和疾病,the Kingdom of God needs to come and rule. 哪里就需要神的国度来掌权。

2, What does seek first His Kingdom mean? 先求他的国是什么意思?  

V.25-32, Jesus tells us, “don’t worry.” 25-32 节,耶稣告诉我们 "不要忧虑"But how can we not worry 但忧虑是人的本能反应while worry is a natural reaction for human beings?我们如何才能不忧虑呢?Jesus encouraged us to lift our eyes to the Father, 耶稣要我们举目仰望爱我们的天父the Sources of all, who loves you. —祂是万有之源。He said, “think about the birds and the flowers of the field, 他说:"想想野地里的鸟和花,your heavenly Father feeds them 你们的天父喂养它们,and clothes them in splendor. 给它们穿上华丽的衣服。You’re far more valuable than they’re. 你比它们宝贵得多。If I’m willing to lay down My life and pour out my blood for you, 如果我甘愿为你们舍命流血,how much more do I desire to give you all that I have? 我又何尝不想把我所有的都给你们呢?So don’t worry, 所以不要忧虑,the unbelievers worry about the needs of this life. 不信的人担心的是今生的需要。You’re children of the eternal Kingdom, 你们是永恒国度的儿女,Your heavenly Father knows what you need.” 你们的天父知道你们需要什么。Then, Jesus came up with a summary,然后,耶稣总结道:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness你们要先求他的国和他的义,and all these things will be given to you as well.  这些东西都要加给你们了。

The word “kingdom” here in Greek is “basileia”, 这里的 "国度 "一词在希腊文中是 "basileia"which is equal to the Hebrew word “mamlakah” 相当于希伯来文中的 "mamlakah"which appeared in Gen 1:26 as “dominion.” 在创 1:26 中表示 "掌权"The word “kingdom” here means dominion, sovereign rule, or reign. 这里的 "国度 "指的是统治权、掌权或王权。So seeking first His Kingdom means to seek first His dominion, His rule. 所以先求祂的国是求祂来掌权。Seek His rule in our lives求祂在我们生命中掌权, in our families, 在我们的家庭中掌权in our schools, in our workplaces…在我们的学校,工作单位里掌权Re 1:5-6, To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen. 他爱我们,用自己的血使我们脱离罪恶(脱离有古卷作洗去),6又使我们成为国民,作他父 神的祭司。但愿荣耀、权能归给他,直到永永远远。阿们!

So you’re Kingdom people. 所以,你们是天国的子民。As Kingdom people, 作为神国子民,we can’t ignore God’s plan for His Kingdom on earth. 我们不能忽视神为祂的国度在地上制定的计划。 In Gen 1:26, Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” 神说:我们要照着我们的形像,按着我们的样式造人,使他们管理海里的鱼、空中的鸟、地上的牲畜和全地,并地上所爬的一切昆虫。See? God’s design for us is to extend His dominion over the earth. 看到了吗?神造我们是为要我们在地上扩张祂的掌权。But Adam failed to listen to God. 但亚当没有听神的话。Since then, 从那时起,number one, man is born to sin. 第一,人就生在罪中。You see even little kids know how to lie to you and be selfish. 你看,连小孩子都知道撒谎和自私;Number two, mankind lost relationship with God and so lost identity and citizenship. 第二,人类失去了与神的关系,也就失去了他们的身份和公民权。Number three, man lost the kingdom. 第三,人类失去了王国。That’s why Satan tempted Jesus by saying, 这就是为什么撒旦试探耶稣说: “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me …” “这一切权柄、荣华我都要给你,因为这原是交付我的,我愿意给谁就给谁。Luke4:6  

The word “deliver” is from Greek word “paradidomi”. "交付 "一词来自希腊文 "paradidomi"Which means someone fails in their role, 意思是某人没有履行自己的职责,so the power is delivered to another person. 因此将权力转交给另一个人。Adam listened to Satan, 亚当听从了撒旦,so Satan got what Adam had. 所以撒旦得到了亚当所拥有的一切。Mankind lost a kingdom人类失去了国 and lost authority and power in God.失去了在神那里的权柄能力。That’s why in this fallen world, 这就是为什么在这个堕落的世界里,people desire power and want to control. 人们渴望权力,想要掌控。We see fighting in the world, 我们看到在世界上的战争,and fights in homes. 在家庭中的战争。All the conflict you see in the world is about who is in power, 你在世上看到的一切冲突都是在争权,who will rule and take in control. 谁来掌权和控制。Conflict between nations, 国与国之间的冲突,who is in power, who will rule. 谁掌权,谁来管。Conflict between husband and wife, 夫妻之间的冲突,whose ideas will take in control. 谁的想法来管这一切。All the arguments between kids and parents, who will take in control? 孩子和父母之间的争吵,谁来掌控? Power issues are found everywhere. 权力问题无处不在。

3, How to seek first His Kingdom and righteousness? 如何先求祂的国和义?

But we’re told, 但我们被告知:“don’t worry about your daily needs, "不要担心你的日常需要,and don’t be kept in fear and become a slave to money anymore不要再被惧怕捆绑就成为金钱的奴隶 and become a stingy person.成为一个吝啬的人。If you can give freely under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, 如果你能在圣灵的引导下自由地奉献,you’ll rule over money and become a good steward of money. 你就会成为神国的金钱的好管家。Don’t worry about losing control over your life不要担心在生活、over your children, over your situation…孩子、环境中失去掌控......turn to believing God who is in control!  转而相信神掌管一切!  “Pastor, pastor pray for me.” "牧师,牧师为我祷告"If you only want your issues to get sorted, 如果你只想让自己的问题得到解决,and then you continue to take control over your own lives, 继续去走老路掌控自己的生活,issues will never cease. 问题就永远不会停止。Coz sin and self-centredness bring us back into bondage 因为罪和自我中心会让我们回到原来的捆绑中。

“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” “天上地下所有的权柄都赐给我了。 Jesus was resurrected from death, 耶稣从死里复活,and He holds the power over all! 祂拥有掌管一切的权柄!He defeated the grave祂战胜了坟墓 the power of sin and death and Satan.罪、死亡和撒旦的权势。All authority and power have been given back to Jesus. 所有的权柄和能力都交还给了耶稣。We’ve been brought back to His Kingdom, 我们被带回祂的国度,where the King rules in power and righteousness. 在那里,王以权柄和公义治理一切。King Jesus provides! 君王耶稣会供应!He cares! 祂关怀!He heals! 祂医治!He loves us so much. 祂深爱着我们。He is in control. He said, 祂掌管一切。祂说:“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 耶稣进前来,对他们说:天上地下所有的权柄都赐给我了。19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 所以,你们要去,使万民作我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗(或作给他们施洗,归于父、子、圣灵的名)。20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守,我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了。”Matt28:18-20

God’s design for why He created mankind never changes. 神创造人类的初衷从未改变。Christ Jesus enables us to continue what Adam failed to do. 基督耶稣使我们能够继续亚当未能做到的事。God wants us to partner with Him 神希望我们和祂合作and extend His dominion over the earth.将祂国度的掌权扩展到全地。Under Satan’s rule, 在撒旦的掌权下,the whole world is full of darkness, 整个世界充满了黑暗、separation, 分裂、sickness, 疾病、poverty, 贫穷、depression, hopelessness. 沮丧和无望。The Kingdom of God brings peace, 神的国度带来和平、love, 爱、joy, 喜乐、healing, 医治、restoration, 恢复、freedom, 自由、eternal life, and great hope. 永生和巨大的盼望。You're made for His kingdom! 是为神的国度而生的!You’re made for a relationship with the Creator God. 你是为与造物主建立关系而生。He wants to give you peace, love, joy in His Spirit, 祂要你在祂圣灵里得平安、爱和喜乐,which the world can’t give you. 这是世界无法给你的。You can have a changed life, 你可以拥有一个改变的人生,a blessed life. 一个蒙福的人生。That’s why we run the English Class on Tuesdays. 这就是我们开办周二英语课的原因。So “don’t worry”. 所以,"不要忧虑"Jesus said, 耶稣说:“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” 33 你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。

Jeus said, ‘first’! 耶稣说的是首先not last. Not later on. 而不是最后,不是等会儿、后来。“I’m worrying… "我担心...... No, ‘First’! I push back the worrying. 不,是'首先'!我把忧虑抵挡回去。I won't be like the people of Gerasenes, 我不想像格拉森的人who cared more about their pigs and drove Jesus away 他们更关心他们的猪就把耶稣赶跑了。I repent of worrying. 我要为忧虑悔改。‘First’, I seek God’s truth to rule in my heart '首先',我需要寻求神的真理我心中的掌权。First, I need to pray我需要祷告 and nail all the unbelieving thoughts on the cross with Him.与祂一起把所有不信的想法钉在十字架上。

‘First’, I seek a closer relationship with Him…‘首先',我寻求与祂建立更亲密的关系...... and allow His peace to rule in my heart…” 并让祂的平安在我心里掌权......What does it mean to seek His righteousness? 寻求祂的公义意味着什么?Simply, the opposite of righteousness is sin 很简单,公义的反面就是罪。 Isaiah 32:17, The fruit of righteousness will be peace; it’s effect will be quietness and confidence forever. 公义的果效必是平安,公义的效验必是平稳,直到永远。 In other words, 换句话说,peace is the evidence to show if you’re abiding in Jesus’ righteousness平安是证明你是遵守耶稣的义 or you’re connected to sin.还是与罪相连的证据。That’s why Paul teaches us in Col 西3:15, 这就是为什么保罗在西 3:15 中教导我们Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. 又要叫基督的平安在你们心里作主,你们也为此蒙召,归为一体,且要存感谢的心。

So In our daily prayer life, 在我们的日常祷告生活中,seeking His righteousness means to pray and get rid of all thoughts of worry, 寻求祂的公义就是要祷告,除去一切使我们的心失去平安的忧虑、fear, 恐惧、shame, 羞愧、pride, 骄傲、comparison, 比较、jealousy, 嫉妒、unforgiveness, 不饶恕、anger 怒气,self-pity, and the like, 自怜等想法,which cause our hearts to lose peace, 这些使我们的心不平安, and allow His truth, His love, His Kingdom principles to rule in our hearts. 让祂的真理、祂的爱、祂的国度法则在我们心中掌权. As a result of that, the presence of God will flow from us to bring Kingdom impact to others. 这样,神的同在就会从我们身上流淌出来,给他人带来国度的影响。If you do so如果你这样做,the Father’s name will be honoured神的名得荣耀 and all your need will be given to you.所有需要都会赐给你。

My own story. 我自己的故事,When I first became a Christian, 当我刚刚成为基督徒时,I was a successful businesswoman. 我是一个成功的女商人。In a couple of dreams, 在几次梦中,God instructed me to sell our stock, funds and some of the properties, 神指示我卖掉我们的股票、基金和一些房产,and give the money to the poor. 把钱捐给穷人。But the Lord knew that as a young Christian I didn’t have such big faith, 但神知道我一个刚信主的没有那么大的信心,so he did lots of miracles before us to show us How Sovereign He was.  所以他在我们面前行了许多神迹,向我们表明他何等掌权。In 2005, 2005 年,I organized a baptism for a tour group of about 30 people at a beach for the very first time, 我第一次组织了一个约 30 人的去海边的受洗旅行团,which required NZ$7,000. 要花 7000 新西兰元。Just before the day of the baptism, 就在受洗前一天,unexpectedly, I found that my stock account had been allocated new shares through a lottery.我意外地发现自己的股票账户抽到了新股。I sold them我把那股票卖掉 and got the exact amount of money needed for the baptism group. 正好就是受洗团所需的全部资金。Wow, I was amazed, as if God was telling me, 哇,我很惊奇,好像神在告诉我:“it’s not you. It’s I who Provides.” . "不是你。是我在供应"I got a little bit of faith to sell our possessions to follow Jesus. 我有了一点信心,去卖掉我们的财产去跟随耶稣。

Another story: 还有一个故事:During a period when God brought 20 to 30 people to eat with us daily, 在神每天带二三十个人和我们一起吃饭的那段时间里,one night I had a dream, 有一天晚上我做了一个梦,in which I was given a stock code 梦中我看见一只股票代码,and showed at which price to buy and sell. 并告诉我应该以什么价格买卖。After waking up醒来后,I was stunned,我很吃惊,and I prayed urgently, 急急地祷告:"Lord, I don't want to serve money anymore..." "主啊,我不想再服侍金钱了......"However, the Holy Spirit urged me to act. 然而,圣灵敦促我去买。To cut the story short, I obeyed. 长话短说,我顺从了。That year, whenever we needed money to provide for the needs of the home church and such a big group of people, 那一年,每当我们需要钱来支付家里教会和这一大群人的需要,I sold some of the stock shares我就卖掉一些股票 and got the funds to feed them. 得了资金来供人的需要。Isn’t the Jesus who fed 5,000 with five loaves and two fish still alive? 难道这不是用五饼二鱼喂饱五千人的耶稣,祂还活着?Yes, He is my God! 是的,祂是我的神!And your God too. 也是你的神。First seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, 首先寻求祂的国度和公义,and all these things will be given to you! 这些东西都会赐给你!And you’ll receive miracles你还会经历神迹。

So today, if you wanna respond to God and say, 所以今天,如果你想回应神说:“yes, Jesus, You’re my God, "是的,耶稣,你是我的神,You’re sovereign, 你掌权,I don’t wanna be captured by fear or worry. 我不想被惧怕和担忧所俘虏。I wanna walk in Your truth to know You more.” 我想在你的真理中前行,我要更加认识你"If that’s you, 如果这是你,I invite you to come forward, 我邀请你上前来,and worship God in the front row, 在前排敬拜神,and tell Him with all your heart, 全心全意地告诉祂:“Yes, Lord, I desire a closer relationship with You. "是的,主啊,我渴望与祢建立更亲密的关系。I want learn to seek first Your Kingdom…我要学习来首先寻求你的国度......


Yes, Lord, You’re the King of my heart. 是的,主啊,你是我心中的王。You’re the King of love. 你是爱的王。You’re the King who sacrificed your own blood for the forgiveness of my sins. 你是为了赦免我的罪而献出自己宝血的王。I praise You. 我赞美你。I thank You. 我感谢你,I receive Your love…我接受你的爱......You can give thanks to the King - your heavenly Father on your own. 你可以独自向这位王,你的天父,献上感恩。

Today, if you’re not Christians here, 今天,如果你不是这里的基督徒,or if you’re new to the Kingdom of God, 或者你是才信不久的,and you wanna experience more of the reality of the eternal King, 你想更多地经历永恒之主的真实,the Creator Father, 造物主天父的真实,and if you have lots of worries, 如果你有很多烦恼,you’re worried about your job, or money, or where to live, 若你正在为工作、金钱、住在哪里而烦恼,or worried about your children, 或者为你的孩子而烦恼,or whatever, 或者为其他什么烦恼,would you like to pray a prayer with me? 你愿意和我一起祷告吗?

“Dear Jesus, I thank you for loving me. "亲爱的耶稣,感谢你爱我。I thank you for the shedding of Your own blood for the forgiveness of my sins. 我感谢您为赦免我的罪而亲自流血。I receive You as my Saviour. 我接受你为我的救主。Today, I repent of being worried about money, health, relationship with my kids, and other things. 今天,我为自己为金钱、健康、与孩子的关系等许多方面的忧虑向你悔改。Instead of seeking first Your Kingdom, Your ways and the principles for doing life, 我没有首先寻求你的国度、你的生活方式和法则,I’ve opened doors for worry, anxiety, fear to come in 而是为忧虑、焦虑、惧怕敞开大门and have the opportunity to build strongholds within me.让它们有机会进入我的内心,在我的内心建立了营垒。I ask You to forgive me. 求你赦免我,And I thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse me. 感谢你用耶稣基督的宝血洁净了我。In the name of Jesus, I break the agreement I’ve made with them.” 奉主耶稣的名,我破除他们和我的连结。If your parents are easily worried, getting nervous and angry. 如果你的父母很容易担忧、紧张和生气,Forgive them, 饶恕他们,forgiveness can set your free from the bad things of your family cycles. 可以让你从家族咒诅中释放出来。 “Lord, I forgive them for they’re just human like me, "主啊,我饶恕他们,因为他们和我一样都是人,you forgive me, 你饶恕了我,I forgive them. 我也饶恕了他们。Now I ask the Holy Spirit to release resurrection power into my life 现在我请求圣灵在我的生命中释放复活的能力,to break off the chains of worry, anxiety, and fear from me,释放我脱离忧虑、焦虑和惧怕的捆绑,and rebuke all the evil powers to go out of my life. 斥责所有邪恶的力量离开我。I yield to Your Holy Spirit. 我向你的圣灵降服。Thank You Jesus. 感谢你,耶稣。Holy Spirit, fill me. 圣灵,充满我。Today, I surrender to You. 今天,我降伏与你。Teach me to pray and seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness, 教导我祷告,先求你的国和你的义,and make me a new person for Your Kingdom’s use.  使我成为一个全新的人,为你的国度所用……

Jesus, we thank You for Your presence. 耶稣,我们感谢你的同在。Thank You for releasing the clarity and revelation of Your call to us in this bible passage. 感谢你向我们清晰地释放了你的呼召和启示。Yes, “don’t worry, 是的,"不要忧虑,but first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, 只要先求他的国和他的义,and all these things will be given to us”. 这些东西就都赐给我们了"Holy Spirit, help us to make it our number one priority. 圣灵啊,请帮助我们将此作为首要任务. Seeking to know You more, 寻求更多了解你,and seeking to walk in Your Kingdom Principles, and Your ways of doing life, !  寻求在你的国度的法则和原则里行走度日,and bring Your Kingdom influence to the world around us将你的国度的影响传给我们周围的世界!  


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