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2024-02-18 Kingdom Principles 2 神国法则 (2)

发表于 2024-02-18

Last Sunday, we looked at the Kingdom Principles from the Beatitudes, 上个主日,我们看了天国八福中的神国法则,that God doesn’t want us to remain selfish babies. 神不要我们停留在自私的婴儿光景里。He wants us to grow into His Character of humility and meekness and the like, 祂想要我们在他谦卑、柔和等品格上成长,so that we can be rewarded when we reach the end of the race. 这样当我们跑到终点时,就可以得奖赏。How many of us are interested in the rewards God promises? 我们中有多少人对祂应许的奖赏感兴趣? Today, we’re gonna look at another principle of His Kingdom from (Matt 5:17-20), 今天,我们来看看神国度的另一个法则,在Matt 5:17-20, 17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. “莫想我来要废掉律法和先知;我来不是要废掉,乃是要成全。18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 我实在告诉你们,就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 所以,无论何人废掉这诫命中最小的一条,又教训人这样作,他在天国要称为最小的;但无论何人遵行这诫命,又教训人遵行,他在天国要称为大的。20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. 我告诉你们:你们的义若不胜于文士和法利赛人的义,断不能进天国。

1, Degrees of greatness in the Kingdom. 神国里不同程度的大 (Matt 5:19)

After the Beatitudes, Jesus continues his teaching on the principles of the Kingdom. 在八福之后,耶稣继续教导天国的法则。He talks about two key principles in these verses. 他在这些经文中谈到两个关键法则。One is the principle of entering the Kingdom. 一个是进入天国的法则。Your righteousness must surpass the pharisees and the teachers of the Law.你们的义总要胜过法利赛人和文士的义。In Jesus days在耶稣的时代,the pharisees and the teachers carefully kept the law of Moses.法利赛人和文士谨守遵行摩西的律法。However, Jesus called them beautiful on the outside but dead bones and unclean on the inside 然而,耶稣说他们外表体面,但里面是死人骨头和不洁净(Matt 23;27). Romans 3:23,  says "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. 因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了 神的荣耀。” It says, no one can meet God’s holy standards with their own good deeds. 圣经说,没有人能以自己的善行达到神圣洁的标准。It’s by grace, through faith, that we can be born again and enter God’s Kingdom. 救恩本乎恩,因着信,我们可以重生,进入神的国度。So if you wanna enter God’s Kingdom, 所以如果你想进入神的国度,you need to believe in Jesus and what He has done for you. 你需要相信耶稣和他为你所做的一切。

I remember the very first time, 我记得第一次,I said a very simple prayer, 我说了一个非常简单的祷告: “Lord, I’m a sinner, “我是一个罪人,I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins…我相信耶稣为我的罪死在十字架上……I receive Jesus as my Saviour.” 我接受耶稣为我的救主。” He immediately healed my depression, 祂立即医治了我的抑郁症,which medication failed to heal. 这是药物治不好的。So I became a child of God by His grace. 因主恩典我成了上帝的儿女。

Another Principle is from v.17 to v.19, 另一个法则是从第17节到第19节,it reveals degrees of greatness in God’s Kingdom. 它揭示了神国度里的不同程度的大。We’ll come back to it in a moment. 我们等会儿再分享这一点。Here v.17-18, “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets... 莫想我来要废掉律法和先知;我来不是要废掉,乃是要成全。 Jesus is saying, “don’t think that I’ve come to cancel the Law, the Old Covenant, 耶稣说:“不要以为我来是要废除律法,废除旧约, but to fulfil it.而是成就律法Jesus came to set up the new Covenant, 耶稣来立了新约,which is by Grace when he died on the Cross to forgive our sins. 这是因着恩典,他死在十字架上,赦免了我们的罪。He gave us new life and sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in us, 他赐给我们新生命,并差遣圣灵内住在我们里面, and help us to follow God’s commands from the heart帮我们从心里遵行神的话。The Holy Spirit is a Person (the Third Person of the Trinity) 圣灵是三位一体中的一位,He can talk and heal祂能说话,能医治,He can give us wisdom, 祂能给我们智慧,and pour out God’s love into us.祂能把神的爱浇灌在我们里面。He is the One and Only Person who can transform our lives 祂是唯一能改变我们生命的人,and enable us to do what we can’t do. 让我们能做我们不能做的事。We can’t convince or convict people of sin. 我们不能使人信主或悔改罪,Only one Person can, that’s the Holy Spirit. 只有一位可以,那就是圣灵。Even if you’re a believer, 即使你是信徒, you still don’t have the strength to testify for Jesus.你仍然没有力量为耶稣作见证。But when the Holy Spirit comes on you, 但当圣灵降临在你身上时,you’ll receive power, 你就会得着能力,you’ll know how to be His witness. 你就会知道如何为祂作见证。

When I just became a Christian, 当我刚成为基督徒时,the power of God came on me, 神的大能临到我,I couldn’t stop telling people who Jesus was我不停的向人传耶稣是谁 and how He had healed me.祂是如何医治我的。And I saw people weeping and turning to Jesus. 我看到人们痛哭流涕转向耶稣。Moreover, without being led by the Spirit, 此外,不顺服圣灵,we can’t grow into God’s image. 我们就不能在主里成长。So the New Covenant is a Holy Spirit Covenant. 所以新约是圣灵之约。

In the OT, Israelites needed to obey the Law. 在旧约中,以色列人必需遵守律法。The Law is based on external works 律法是基于外在的行为。Paul the apostle once testified 使徒保罗曾经作证说,that he was blameless in a righteousness coming from obeying the Law , 他在律法的义上是无可指责的(Phi3:6)yet he harshly persecuted the Church. 然而他却残酷地迫害教会。

“I give a tithe, “我奉献十分之一,and read the bible, 读圣经, why does God give to him and not to me…” 为什么神赐给他好处而不赐给我……”Just doing things externally can cause us to become hypocrites, 光做外在的事就会使我们成为伪善的人,and become like the older son, 我们就会像那大儿子一样,when we see the lost son receive good things, 当我们看到浪子得到好处时,we can become jealous, angry, self-pitying…我们就会嫉妒、生气、自悲自怜……which is not the attitude of Christ Jesus. 这不是基督耶稣的心。The Holy Spirit wants to reveal what is hidden in our hearts, 圣灵想要来显明我们内心隐藏的,the wounds, 那些伤害、the unforgiveness, 不饶恕、the lies, 谎言、or the thoughts意念思想、which make walls that hinders us from connecting to God, 所建立的墙使我们不能与神连结He wants us to bring them to the cross,祂要我们把那些都带到十字架so that we can receive healing and blessing in life. 以至于我们可以得着医治和祝福。

Jesus Christ showed us by example that only love fulfils the Law. 耶稣基督给我们树立了一个榜样,就是唯有爱才能成全律法V.19, anyone who breaks one of the least of these commands and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 所以,无论何人废掉这诫命中最小的一条,又教训人这样作,他在天国要称为最小的;但无论何人遵行这诫命,又教训人遵行,他在天国要称为大的。 This is an exciting principle of the Kingdom of Heaven. 这是神国令人兴奋的法则。It brings us hope 它带给我们盼望,and motivates us to follow God’s commands by faith. 并激励我们凭信心去行神的命令。

It says some will be called least, 它说天国里有些人要被称为小的,and some will be called great, 有些人要被称为大的,depending on whether we believe in God's Word selectively or not. 这取决于我们是否是选择性地相信神的话。This reveals that there’re different degrees of greatness in heaven. 这告诉我们天国里有不同程度的大,And our own faith determines whether our future position is to be called least or great. 并且是因为我们的信决定了在未来神国里我们的地位是被称为大还是小。

 2, Eternal honour and Reward in the coming Kingdom再来国度的永恒荣耀和赏赐

In Hebrews 11, we’re told what faith is. V.6 says, 希伯来书116节说And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. 人非有信,就不能得 神的喜悦;因为到 神面前来的人,必须信有 神,且信他赏赐那寻求他的人。 Only faith pleases God. 只有信心才能讨神的喜悦。And it requires two things. 信神包括信两件事:A, To believe God is real. 相信神是真实存在的,B, To believe God is a Rewarder. 相信神是赏赐的神。It says he rewards those who earnestly seek him. 经上说,祂赏赐那切切寻求他的人。The rewards He promises are to motivate us to seek intimacy with Him. 祂应许的奖赏是要激励我们寻求与祂更亲密的关系。God’s rewards can be earthly and eternal. 神的赏赐可以是今生的,和永恒的。He may reward you with a holiday, 祂或许会奖励你一个假期,a house, 一所房子,or other good things in this life. 或任何今生的好东西。But Jesus wants us to pursue His eternal rewards. 但是耶稣要我们追求永恒的奖赏。

In Hebrews 11, 在希伯来书第11章,we’re given a bunch of people who by faith listened to God, 我们看到一群人,他们凭信心听从了神的话,willingly took risks, 他们甘愿冒险,gave up their good lives, 放弃美好的生活,and endured hardship忍受苦难 in exchange for the promised City which they couldn’t see as a reward for their faith.为了得那座应许的肉眼不能看见的城,作为信心的回报。However, the territory where God’s Kingdom reigns is not just a City. 然而,神国度的掌权范围不只是一座城。In Re 21:1-3, 211-3中,we see a new heaven and a new earth, 我们看到一个新天新地,so the rule of the coming Kingdom is over all the earth and heaven 所以 主再来的国是掌管上天下地. But only in the City is there the throne of God and the Lamb and His servants, 但只有在城里,才有神的宝座、羔羊和神仆人, who have His name on their foreheads will reign forever 唯有额头上写着神名字的仆人们才会和祂掌权到永远。(Re 22:3-5)

Re 21:2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 我又看见圣城新耶路撒冷由 神那里从天而降,预备好了,就如新妇妆饰整齐,等候丈夫。V.9, One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” 拿着七个金碗、盛满末后七灾的七位天使中,有一位来对我说:你到这里来,我要将新妇,就是羔羊的妻,指给你看。”10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. 我被圣灵感动,天使就带我到一座高大的山,将那由 神那里从天而降的圣城耶路撒冷指示我。

From all these words, 从这些话中,we see that the Holy City represents the prepared Bride. 我们看到圣城代表着预备好的新娘。Then from v.11 to v.21, 接着从第11节到第21节,the words written to describe the Bride, 描述新娘的话,such as: shining with the glory of God (v.10), 比如:有神荣耀的光辉(10)jasper, crystal (v.11), 碧玉,水晶(11)as pure as glass (v.18), 如同明净的玻璃(18)as pure as gold, like transparent glass (v.21), etc. 是精金的,明如水晶(21),等等。They all symbolize that the Bride and Groom have very similar qualities of life. 它们都象征着新娘和新郎有相似的生命品质,“I’m in Him and He is in me.” “我在他里面,他也在我里面。” So God’s greatest reward for us is Himself. 所以神要赐我们最大的奖赏就是得着全备的祂自己。Becoming one with Him results in reigning with Him 与祂合一就会与祂一同掌权(Re 3:21). That’s why Paul said that he counted everything as rubbish, 这就是为什么保罗看万事为粪土,fame, 名誉,wealth or whatever, 财富或任何东西,in order to gain the fullness of Christ and win the heavenly prize 只为得着基督的丰满和天上的赏赐。

The Son of God came to reveal the principles of the Kingdom to us. 神儿子来向我们揭示神国的法则。And over and over, Jesus calls us to lay down the desires of this world, 耶稣一次又一次地呼召我们放下对这个世界的欲望,and points us to different degrees of honour and reward in heaven. 把未来天上有不同程度的荣耀和赏赐指给我们看。In Matt 19:28, Jesus said, when he returns, 耶稣说,他再来的时候,you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 你们这跟从我的人,也要坐在十二个宝座上,审判以色列十二个支派。This’s the promise of the ultimate eternal reward. 这是最终永恒奖赏的承诺。Then, He goes on to explain what it means to follow him, 然后,他继续解释跟随他意味着什么,that we’ve gotta put Jesus first ahead of our parents, or children, or possessions (v.29).  我们必须把耶稣放在我们的父母、孩子或财产之前(29)In Matt 5;11-12, Jesus says, that those who endure persecutions for His name will receive great reward. 耶稣说,那些为他的名忍受逼迫的人将会得大赏赐。At the end of this chapter, Jesus said, 在这一章的最后,耶稣说, if you just love those who love you, what reward will you get? 你们若单爱那爱你们的人,有什么赏赐呢? And then, in chapter 6, 然后,在第6章,Jesus encourages us to pray and give secretly, 耶稣鼓励我们在暗中祷告和施舍,then, our Father in heaven sees what is done in secret and will reward us. 我们在天上的父在暗中察看,就必赏赐。

In the parable of ten Minas, 在十锭银子的比喻中,those faithful servants will be rewarded with ten cities, or five cities to govern. 那些忠心的仆人将得到十座或五座城来管理, But those unfaithful servants will have their stewardship taken away. 而那些不忠心的仆人,他们的管理权被夺去。The reward here is about authority over cities. 赏赐在这里意味着城市的管理权。In the parable of ten Virgins, 在十童女的比喻中,those who are filled with the Holy Spirit and lived a life of surrender to the Father’s will will enter the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. 那些被圣灵充满,并顺服天父旨意的人将进入羔羊的婚宴,While the foolish ones will lose this reward.而愚拙的童女将失去这赏赐。All these promises have nothing to do with losing salvation, 这些都与得不得救无关,coz nothing can change who we are in Christ.因为没有什么能改变我们在基督里的身份。 But there’re different degrees of honour and reward in the coming Kingdom, 但是,在将来的神国度里,荣耀和奖赏有大小程度之分, depending on the different levels of surrender and faithfulness to God in this life. 这取决于我们今生顺服神和对神忠心的不同程度。

3. Follow in the footsteps of the greatest to serve. 跟从最大者的脚踪去服侍

Greatness in the coming Kingdom won’t be dependent on our gifts, or our

success, or how people talk about us. 将来在神国度里为大或小,不是取决于我们的恩赐,成就,或者别人的评价。Paul said in 1 Cor 林前4:5, 保罗在哥林多前书4:5说,Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God. 所以,时候未到,什么都不要论断,只等主来,他要照出暗中的隐情,显明人心的意念。那时,各人要从 神那里得着称赞。 See? The motives of the heart as to why we follow God’s commands are very important. 这里说,我们遵守神的命令的内心动机非常重要。God won’t judge us according to the outward appearance. 神不凭外貌断人,He’ll judge our motives, 而是会审判我们的动机:“why do you do it?” “你是为什么而做?”Is it because of fear? 是因为害怕吗?Or envy? 因为嫉妒?Or selfish ambition? 还是私欲的野心?Or is it out of an attitude of exchange? 还是出于交换的心?

Paul said that he was chained because of Christ Jesus, 保罗说他是为基督耶稣被囚的,which was out of love. 这是出于爱。He declared, 他说: “This life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave me himself for me.” . “我如今在肉身活着,是因信神的儿子活着,他是爱我,为我舍己。Gal 2:20 It’s out of love, 这是出于爱,Paul followed Jesus. 保罗跟随耶稣,He preached, 他布道,he served, 他服侍,he laid down what he had, 他放下了所有,lived and he died. 他活过又死了,Now there’s a crown of righteousness in store for him. 如今有公义的冠冕为他存留。And, to all who long for this crown of life, 并所有渴望得到这生命冠冕的人,are encouraged to follow this way. 都被鼓励去跟随这条路。

The Jewish disciples knew that God’s Kingdom had different levels of greatness. 犹太门徒们知道神国度有不同程度的大。So while following Jesus, 在跟随耶稣的路上,they argued about who was the greatest. 他们争论谁为大。Jesus said, in the Kingdom of God, 耶稣说,在神的国里, Luke 22:26 the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. 你们里头为大的,倒要像年幼的;为首领的,倒要像服侍人的。Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 因为人子来,并不是要受人的服侍,乃是要服侍人,并且要舍命,作多人的赎价。The world demands greatness, 这个世界要争大,the world praises greatness, 这个世界高举为大的,but a greatness that will remain forever is something that the world doesn’t understand. 但是,这永恒里的大是这个世界无法理解的。We can’t understand with the sinful nature. 我们用带罪的天然思想也无法理解。But the Holy Spirit comes to reveal this greatness of Jesus to us, 但是圣灵来是要将耶稣的大显明给我们,He comes to make known the Kingdom and its principles to us. 圣灵来要把天国和天国的法则开启给我们。The Great God humbled himself. 最大的神谦卑自己,The Greatest among us was like the least 在我们中间这位最大的如同最小的,who served us with all his heart 祂全心全意地服事我们and is still serving wholeheartedly.现在仍在全心全意地服事我们。

At the last supper, 在最后的晚餐,he stood up at the table, 他离席站起来,and washed people’s feet like the most despised servant. 他为人洗脚如同那最被轻贱的佣人。He willingly laid down his life to love those who would still abandon, reject, and betray him after he had shed his blood as a ransom for them. 他甘愿牺牲自己的生命去爱那些 就算在他流血舍命,为他们作赎价后,仍然会抛弃、拒绝和背叛他的人。Yet, He willingly went to the brutal cross for the sake of love. 然而,为了爱,他心甘情愿地走上残酷的十字架。His greatness was reflected in His sacrificial love and his humility. 他的伟大体现在他的牺牲之爱和谦卑之中。Through self-sacrifice, the greatness of life is revealed. 借着舍己,生命的伟大被显明。He calls us into this greatness, 他呼召我们进入这大,to lay down the self and serve with Him; 放下自我,与他一同事奉;He calls us into this greatness, 他呼召我们进入他的大,to join Him in loving the lost with this sacrificial and forgiving love; 和他一起用牺牲和饶恕的爱来爱失丧的人;He is calling us into this degree of greatness…他呼召我们进到这大……

Pray: 祷告:

Yes Lord, You’re our living hope. 是的,主啊,你是我们永活的盼望。Thank You for this hope of salvation. 感谢你给我救恩的盼望,Thank You for making known to us the hope of your calling. 感谢你使我们知道呼召的盼望,Thank You for the shedding of Your own blood to accept us who are imperfect. 感谢祢用自己的宝血来接纳我们这些不完美的人。Thank You for the sacrificial love You poured out on the cross. 感谢你在十字架上倾倒你牺牲的爱,Thank You for giving us Your own life and calling us into the greatness of Your eternal Kingdom… 感谢你把你自己的生命赐给我们,呼召我们进入你永恒国度的大…Yes Lord, what a great hope You’ve given us. 是的,主啊,你给了我们何等盼望。This world is not our home. 这个世界不是我们的家,It’s temporary. 是暂时的,We all leave this world for our eternal home, 我们都将离开这个世界,回到我们永恒的家,when You will judge and reward us. 到那时你将审判并赏赐我们。

Today, we thank You for motivating us to live for the hope of what is to come, 今天,我们感谢你激励我们为将来的盼望而活,not for temporary glory, 不是为了短暂的荣耀,nor for the praise of men, 或人的称赞,but for eternal glory, 而是为了永恒的荣耀,for praise from God. 来自神的称赞。Thank You for telling us that Your reward is great if we keep all your commands in our hearts, 感谢你告诉我们,如果我们把你所有的命令记在心里,live out unconditional love to serve and give. 活出这种无条件的爱去服侍和给予,这赏赐是大的Coz love is the fulfilment of the Law. 因为爱完全了律法。

We thank You for sending Your Spirit to dwell in us and help us. 我们感谢你差遣你的灵住在我们里面,帮助我们。Now Holy Spirit, “please reveal to me the lies that is hidden deep in my heart, 圣灵啊,求你将隐藏在我心里的谎言显明给我,which have caused me to feel rejected, worried, afraid of not being enough这些谎言使我感到被拒绝、忧虑、害怕不够 and kept me from following Your commands让我不能行你的命令;Holy Spirit, reveal to me the thoughts that have caused me to believe selectively in Your Word, 圣灵,求你显明哪里有选择地相信你的话语,thinking that I believe this and not that in the bible. 信这句不信那句。Do I really believe Your promise about eternal rewards? 我真的相信你关于永恒赏赐的应许吗?Do I really seek You earnestly because I believe that You’re faithful and You’ll reward me? 我真的恳切地寻求你,因为我相信你是信实的,你会赏赐我吗? Do I really believe Your greatest reward for me is to have the fullness of Yourself, 我真的相信你给我最大的奖赏就是拥有你自己的丰盛,so that I can get ready to inherit Your Kingdom? 好让我可以准备好承受你的国度吗? Do I truly believe in the hope of this calling, 我是否真的相信这呼召的盼望,and respond in faith to Your sacrificial love 并以信心回应你牺牲的爱,to the extent that I practice laying down my own desires and thoughts daily in order to seek Your will to be done in everything I do? …以致每天放下自己的欲望和思想,在我所做的每一件事上寻求你的旨意呢?…

Lord, forgive me for my ignorance and pride. 主啊,赦免我的无知和骄傲,Forgive me for my little faith. 赦免我的小信。Increase my faith. 求你加增我的信心,Let Your sacrificial love motivate me to love Your promises and love people…让你牺牲的爱激励我去爱你的应许和爱人…I choose to humble myself to forgive, serve and give…我选择谦卑自己去饶恕,服侍和付出…Lord Jesus, you were beaten 39 times on your body, 主耶稣,你身上被鞭打了三十九次 which is for my healing是为了我得医治, how much do you wanna me to be healed.你是多么愿意我得医治 If I don’t forgive若我不饶恕…I don’t obey Your commands不听你的命令, I’ll open doors for evil spirits to attack me,我会开门让邪灵来攻击我and steal the blessings You’ve prepared for me,来偷窃你已经为我预备的祝福 I’m willing to forgive and let go of the judgement I made on my parents or XXX赦免我一切对父母的论断

In the name of Jesus, 奉耶稣的名,I break the chains of lies, control, rejection, bitterness, shame, fear, addictions... 我打破谎言,控制,拒绝,痛苦,羞耻,恐惧,上瘾的枷锁…I break the family curses which came to me because of disobedience奉主名破除一切因悖逆而受的家庭咒诅…I declare forgiveness over my parents (or XXX…)宣告饶恕父母或…..I command all the demonic powers to go now…我命令所有的黑暗权势离开……be free in Jesus' name! 以耶稣的名义获得自由!We decree breakthrough! 我们宣告突破!We declare freedom in Jesus!我们在耶稣里宣告自由!


Thank You Jesus, 感谢主耶稣,for Your Words this afternoon, which have given us wisdom to discover our purpose in this life, 今天下午你的话语给了我们智慧,让我们明白我们今生的目的,and also given us the right motive to seek a life deeply rooted in the love of God, 也给了我们正确的动机,让我们寻求一个深深植根于神的爱中的生活,so that we may overcome all opposition, 使我们可以胜过所有的反对,and live out the Kingdom principles to fulfil the hope of Your calling. 活出神国法则,成就呼召的盼望。We love You Lord, 主啊,我们爱你,for Your loved us first. 因为你先爱我们。We ask You, 我们请求你,Holy Spirit, 圣灵,to continue to pour out Your love into our hearts, 继续把你的爱浇灌在我们的心里,make us Your Kingdom people who have a great love for the lost sheep. 使我们成为你王国的子民,以你大爱去爱那些迷失的羊。


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