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2024-02-11 Living Out the Kingdom Principles 活出神国法则 (1)

发表于 2024-02-12

(Matt 5:3-12)

I didn’t drive when I was in Asia last November, 去年11月我在亚洲的时候没有开车,coz I had forgot the traffic rules there. 因为我忘记了那里的交通规则。If I had driven, I would have got into trouble. 如果我开车,就一定会遇麻烦。Similarly, 同样,after shifting to the Kingdom of God from the kingdom of darkness, 当我们从黑暗的国度进入神的国度之后,how can we avoid getting into trouble? 我们如何避免遇到麻烦?Just because God is love, doesn’t mean His kingdom is lawless. 就因为神是爱,并不意味着他的国度是无法的。How can we receive full blessings in the Kingdom of God? 我们如何在神的国度里得着全备的祝福?What are these blessings about? 这些祝福有哪些呢?At the beginning of the year, we’re gonna look for answers to these questions in the Beatitudes.在年初,让我们带着这些问题来看天国八福。Matt 5:3-12.  “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 3“虚心的人有福了,因为天国是他们的。4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 4哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 5温柔的人有福了,因为他们必承受地土。6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 6饥渴慕义的人有福了,因为他们必得饱足。7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 7怜恤人的人有福了,因为他们必蒙怜恤。8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 8清心的人有福了,因为他们必得见 神。9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. 9使人和睦的人有福了,因为他们必称为 神的儿子。10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 10为义受逼迫的人有福了,因为天国是他们的。11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 11人若因我辱骂你们,逼迫你们,捏造各样坏话毁谤你们,你们就有福了。12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. 12应当欢喜快乐,因为你们在天上的赏赐是大的。在你们以前的先知,人也是这样逼迫他们。

1.The Beatitudes reveal God’s divine nature on earth. 从天国八福看到神的性情

In the beginning of this chapter, 马太福音第五章的一开头,Jesus taught people on a mountain. 耶稣在山上教导人。What did he teach? 他教导了什么?Did he teach us to be better people? 他教导我们成为更好的人?Or how to get to heaven? 或如何进入天堂吗?No! 不!Jesus’ message was always about the Kingdom, 耶稣的信息总是关于天国,the principles of the Kingdom, 即天国的法则,and how to live out them as a preparation for the coming Kingdom. 以及如何活出这些法则,为将要来的天国做准备Coz His Kingdom has come but is yet to come in its fullness.因祂的国已经来到,还要全备的来到。  “Repent, the kingdom of heaven is near.” “天国近了,你们应当悔改!”(Matt 4:17)  “Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the Kingdom…”耶稣走遍加利利,在各会堂里教训人,传天国的福音,医治百姓各样的病症。 (Matt 4:23) In the Lord’s prayer, 在主祷文中,Jesus teaches us to pray, 耶稣教导我们祈祷:““Your Kingdom come…” 你的国降临...” SeeGod’s intention is to bring the rule of His Kingdom to the earth! 看,神的旨意是祂国度来地上掌权!What is the Kingdom of God? 什么是神的国?Simply, It’s about the right of the King to rule. 简单地说,就是关于这王来掌权。We’re living in a “me” orientated world, 现今我们生活在一个自我导向的世界,everything is about “Me” ruling in my life. 生活中无论何事都由来掌管。“I think” “I prefer” … “我认为”“我喜欢”...But the Kingdom of God is about the King ruling through His way, His truth and His principles. 但神的国度是关于这王用祂的方式、祂的真理和祂的法则来掌权。The King rules with righteousness, 这王以公义、Humility, 谦卑、holiness, 圣洁、purity, 清洁、meekness, 温柔、mercy, 怜悯、love, etc. 爱等来掌权。

The Kingdom we’ve entered is all about the King’s will being done. 我们如今所进入的这国,是关于王的旨意要成就。So, why are the Beatitudes so important 那么,为什么天国八福如此重要,that Jesus taught them in his first sermon on the mountain? 以至于成为主耶稣第一次登山讲道中的主题?Remember in Matthew chapter 7? Jesus said, 还记得马太福音第7章吗?耶稣说, “many will say to me on that day, ‘lord, lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?” Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you.” 当那日,必有许多人对我说:主啊,主啊,我们不是奉你的名传道,奉你的名赶鬼,奉你的名行许多异能吗?23我就明明地告诉他们说:我从来不认识你们,你们这些作恶的人,离开我去吧!’” (Matt 7:22-23) How can Jesus say, “I never knew you” when they called Him “Lord”? 耶稣怎么会对很多称他主啊的人说我不认识你呢? 1 Cor 林前 12:3 clearly says, 林前 12:3说得很清楚,“no one can say that Jesus is Lord except in the Holy Spirit.”若不是被圣灵感动的,也没有能说耶稣是主的。 So apparently, 很显然 they’re people of God, 他们是神的子民 coz only in the Holy Spirit we call Jesus Lord (Greek: Kurios ; Hebrew: Yahweh). 因只有被圣灵感动,他们才称耶稣为主。In v.23-27, 23 27节,Jesus explained that they were like foolish builders,主耶稣解释了他们像无知的人 even though they served with given spiritual gifts, 虽然他们借着所赐的恩赐服侍,yet they hadn’t built up inner character through the word, 但他们没有因信神的话去建造内在性情,so they failed in the tests所以他们在试炼中失败了.

Many years ago, two born-again brothers passed away in their thirties 许多年前,有两个弟兄离世了。One thing they had in common was that they had both insisted on praying to the Lord,他们有个共同点就是他们都坚持着向主求 “Let me get a divorce, 让我离婚or I choose to die 不然我选择死coz I know I can go to heaven因为我知道我可以去天堂.” God revealed the mystery of His words to us through these real-life cases. 神将祂话语的奥秘借着这活生生的案例向我们解开。

Here, the Greek word “knew” is “ginosko”, 在这里,希腊语中的知道“ginosko”which means a deep intimate relationship with the Lord. 意思是与主的亲密关系。 “Ginosko” describes an intimate relationship between husband and wife in a marriage covenant. “Ginosko”描述了婚姻中丈夫和妻子之间的亲密关系,It talks about knowing someone experientially through the intentional development of intimacy. 是指通过有意识地发展亲密关系来体验地了解一个人。Therefore, Jesus is saying, 因此,耶稣说: “despite what you’ve done, you haven’t paid the price to surrender to My will 不管你做了什么,你还没有付出代价来降服于我的旨意,in order to develop intimacy with Me.” 就没有与我建立亲密关系。” The Beatitudes tell us 天国八福告诉我们,after being born into God’s family重生后,God looks for the fruit of the transformation of inner character, 神盼望我们结出内在品格转变的果子,not just for us to do things for Him. 而不仅仅是让我们为他做事。The Father desires an unified relationship with us 天父渴望与我们有合一的关系,like He had with Christ the Son. 就像他与圣子基督一样,Then out of the result of intimacy, His glory can be revealed through us, just as Christ did. 神的荣耀就借着这亲密关系彰显,就像基督所行的.

2.The Beatitudes reveal the characteristics of the heirs of the Kingdom. 从天国八福看到承受神国的后嗣的品格

So Jesus says, 因此主说, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 虚心的人有福了,因为天国是他们的。Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. 温柔的人有福了,因为他们必承受地土。 They aren’t about us getting into the family of God or into heaven. 它们不是关于我们得救或进入天堂。They’re about the principles of personal preparation 而是关于个人预备的法则,to be qualified as heirs to inherit what Jesus has 使自己有资格继承耶稣所拥有的– the power and the authority to rule with Him on earth in His Kingdom. ——在他的国度里与他一起管理全地的权柄能力。In other words, 换句话说,He’s calling His people to prepare and be qualified into His future leadership team in His coming Kingdom 他在呼召他的子民预备,并有资格进入他未来国度的领导团队。So V.3 says. The first quality of heavenly heirs is humility, V.3说,作天国后嗣的首要品质是谦卑. Then, meekness. 然后是温柔。

Inheriting means coming to a place of sharing the authority, power, and governance with Jesus in His Kingdom. 继承是指可在他的国里,与主耶稣分享权柄能力和管治权。v.4 tells us compassion, mourn with those who mourn. 4节告诉我们要同情,与哀哭的人同哭,And followed by righteousness, 之后是公义,mercy, 怜悯,purity, 清洁,peacemaking, 使人和睦,enduring persecution, 忍受逼迫,and overcoming evil with good. 以善胜恶。They all talk about the character requirements. 这都在说对这些性情的要求。That’s why in both 1 Cor 林前6:9 and Gal 5:21 we’re told, 这就是为什么林前6:9和加5:21都告诉我们,that all those who continue to practice the acts of the sinful nature, 凡继续在旧人性情里行的人,like sexual immorality, 如淫乱、impurity, 污秽、idolatry, 拜偶像、witchcraft (manipulation, control), 巫术(操纵、控制)hatred (unforgiveness, bitterness), 仇恨(不饶恕、苦毒)jealousy, 嫉妒、fits of rage, 暴怒、selfish ambition, and the like, 自私自利,等等,will not inherit the Kingdom of God. 都不能承受神的国。This’s not about entering the Kingdom of God, 这不是讲进入神的国but about becoming mature to inherit the Father’s business. 而是关于长大可以承受天父的产业。

So just confessing our sins with our mouths is not enough. 可见,仅仅嘴上悔改是不够的。If we wanna receive honour, inheritance, and reward from the Lord when He returns, 如果我们想要在主再来时得到荣耀、产业和奖赏, we need to change our inward character 我们需要改变我们内在的性情,and produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit to be like our King and Groom.结出圣灵的果子,像我们的君王和新郎一样。Humility and meekness are core character traits of King Jesus of the Kingdom. 谦卑温柔是神国君王耶稣的性情。 Matt 11:28-29 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle (Kjv: meek) and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 29我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。Jesus mentioned two key qualities, 耶稣提到了两个关键的品质: “I am meek and humble in heart.” “我心里柔和谦卑。”What is the humility Jesus refers to? 耶稣所指的谦卑是什么? Jesus was God Himself, 耶稣是神自己but He made himself nothing却存心成为无有的样子, completely obedient to the Father’s will until His death on the cross顺服父旨意直至死在十架上. Yet, he overcame temptation, offense, rejection, and the shame of the cross. 但他却胜过了试探,冒犯感,拒绝感,和十架的羞辱感。He said, “follow me. 他说:“跟从我,follow my way of doing life and relationships, 遵循我的生活方式和与人相处,and learn from Me.” 学我的样式。“Take my yoke on you” in Greek means to “come to an intimate relationship with Me, “负我的轭在希腊文中的意思是与我建立亲密的关系,so that I can share your heavy load”.使我能分担你的重担I heard people complain,我听见人抱怨说 “I’ve done many works for Him, 我为祂做了很多事why didn’t Him share my burden?祂为什么不分担我的重担?” Remember Jesus said this to Martha, 记得主对马大说的吗? “Martha, Martha, you’re worried and upset about many things. But ONLY one thing is needed. “马大,马大,你为许多的事思虑烦扰, 但是不可少的只有一件。 In the Kingdom of God, 在神的国里it’s not about how many church meetings you’ve attended不在乎你去了多少场聚会, or about doing things or ministry itself或者你做了多少事或事工本身; it’s always about laying down yourself, 总是关乎放下自己allowing the King’s will be your will, and the King’s life be your life.  让这位王的意思成为你的意思,祂的生命成为你的生命  However this requires us to trust Him humbly. 但这要求我们谦卑地信靠他。

The opposite of meekness is being angry at others, 温柔的反面是对别人发怒,where we count other’s faults and do not forgive them. 我们总是计算他人的错就不饶恕别人。Meekness means I can deal with rejection, hurt and other negative feelings by the grace of God, 温柔意味着我可以在神的恩典下处理拒绝、伤害和其他负面情绪,and treat my enemies with gentleness and love. 并以温柔和爱对待我的敌人。God loves us, 神爱我们,Jesus poured out all he had to redeem and welcome us into His Kingdom. 耶稣倾其所有来救赎我们,欢迎我们进入他的国度。He never changes His purpose of why He made us in Gen 1:26. 祂在创世记1:26中创造我们的目的从来没有改变过。Only by living out the teaching of the Beatitudes through faith只有因信活出天国八福 can we reveal the characteristics of the heirs of the Kingdom我们才会彰显天国后嗣的特征。

3.Pride is our greatest enemy. 骄傲是大敌

On our way to seek to become more like the Character of Jesus, 在我们寻求变

得更像耶稣的路上,we must be aware that pride is the greatest enemy of Humility. 我们必须知道骄傲是谦卑的最大敌人。Jesus teaches us,耶稣教导我们, “watch and pray, so that you’ll not fall into temptation. 总要警醒祷告,免得入了迷惑。” (Matt 26:41)” Humility teaches us to pray in every circumstance, 谦卑教导我们在任何情况下都要祷告,as we seek God’s will to be done in all we do. 因我们要在一切所做的事上寻求神旨意成就。Pride teaches us to be independent from God, 骄傲教导我们不要祷告,不要靠神,“this is just a small thing, “这只是一件小事,I don’t need to pray, I can do it.” 我不需要祷告,我能行。” Pride leads to a downfall. 骄傲导致失败。

In the OT, there’s a king of Judah, called Uzziah. 在旧约中,有一个犹大王,名叫乌西雅。He sought God as a king from when he was sixteen years old. 他从十六岁登基就开始寻求神。God gave him success. 神赐他成功。But starting the journey well doesn’t mean ending it well. 但是好的开始并不意味着好的结束。Later in his life, 在后来,the Lord struck him with leprosy, 神让他长了麻风病,and he lived alone until he died. 他独居直到去世。

Why didn’t God heal him? 为什么神不医治他? 2 Chr 代下26:16 says, but after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. 他既强盛,就心高气傲,以致行事邪僻,干犯耶和华他的 神。 pride is Satan’s nature. 因为骄傲是撒旦的本性。In this Kingdom, 在神国里,God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble.神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。(Jam4:6) Our God is not a God who wants to punish us when we do wrong. 我们的神不会在我们做错事时惩罚我们。God is a God whose goodness leads us to repentance神是一位仁慈引导我们悔改的神(Roman 2:4). Repentance means turning from trusting in the self to trusting in God. 悔改意味着从信靠自己转向信靠神。Repentance and forgiveness of others are things that we need to practice daily in our Christian walk with the Lord, 悔改和饶恕他人是我们每日与主同行时需要操练的事,so that we can build an inward character of Humility and meekness. 以至于我们可以在内心建立谦卑和温柔的品格。Jesus said in Matt 24:10, “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another…12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” 10那时,必有许多人跌倒,也要彼此陷害,彼此恨恶,……12只因不法的事增多,许多人的爱心才渐渐冷淡了。” It says, in the last days, “many”, 它说,在末后的日子,有许多人,“many” means not a small group but a large number of people of God will abandon love. 意味着不是一小群人,而是很多属神子民会离弃爱。Why? 为什么?It makes it clear, 它清楚地表明,that hiding feelings of offense, 隐藏被冒犯感、unforgiveness and unresolved anger can cause love to grow cold. 不饶恕和未解决的愤怒会导致爱心冷淡。They show the fruit of being led by the flesh not the Holy Spirit,这些是被肉体引导所结的果子,不是圣灵的果子。If I just wanna to be filled with the Spirit, 若果我只是想被圣灵充满but I can’t be led by the Spirit,却不能被圣灵引导I still remain a baby in the Kingdom 我仍停留在小孩的光景里.” 

We’re called to grow. 我们被呼召要成大。During our journey of growth, 在我们成熟长大的过程中,we’ll face pressure or criticism, 我们会面临压力或批评,or at times, even injustice. 有时甚至是不公平对待。Look at Jesus, our Lord, 定睛主耶稣,he faced rejection, offences, and unjust judgement from people, 他面对过被人拒绝,冒犯和不公义的审判,yet, under the terrible pressure he humbled himself, 然而,在巨大的压力下,他谦卑自己,He didn’t become angry at people because he was offended, nor did he become independent from his Heavenly Father. 他没有因被冒犯,就对人恼怒或不再靠天父。

Jesus Christ stayed faithful to the Father’s call even to the point of death, 耶稣基督到死一直忠于父的呼召,but the Father resurrected him. 但父却使他复活。And the whole world is blessed due to his sacrifice and obedience. 全世界都因他的牺牲和顺服而蒙福。We’re called to follow His ways 我们蒙召跟随祂的道路 not to take grace for granted and still follow the way of the world不是理所当然的徒受恩典. Last story, 最后说一个故事,Last October,去年十月,the previous leader of the home church before Fu sent me a text message,在付传道之前的家里教会的领袖给我发了一个信息 and asked us to pray for her daughter, 请我们为她女儿祷告who was in ICU in a critical situation.女儿在重症监护室,情况十分危急 I felt sympathy for the family. 我心怜悯这个家To cut the story short长话短说, her husband was one of the brothers I mentioned just before.她丈夫就是我前面提到的两个弟兄中的一个 He died at the age of 39 39岁走了and didn’t escape his family curse没有逃脱家族咒诅, where none of the men lived past the age of 40.在他家里男丁 都是40岁之前死的。Now it seemed as if the bad luck had been inflicted onto their daughter. 现在好像厄运临到了他们的女儿During my prayers,在我祷告中 I was reminded that God wants us to turn,我领受是神要悔改 so that He can save.祂能拯救 So I encouraged her to repent and turn to God所以我对她说要悔改. And the whole church prayed for the family.并且全教会为她祷告。

Our God was merciful. 我们的神满有怜悯 Since she turned a little, 自从她转回一点her daughter got a little better她女儿有点好转. Anyway, she flew to the city where I was holding a gathering.然后,她就飞来我办聚会的城市。She cried bitterly to the Lord and confessed that she hadn’t listened to the Lord, 她痛哭,承认自己没有听神的but had listened to her daughter, 反而去听了女儿who had persuaded her not to serve the Lord. 叫她不要侍奉主She asked the Lord to forgive her and her daughter她求主赦免她和她的女儿. Our God is faithful我们的神是大有怜悯. Even though we’re unfaithful, 就算我们不信实He remains faithful祂仍然信实. People are broken and unfaithful人是既破碎又不可靠. But our God is full of mercy但我们的神大有怜悯. He is willing to save祂愿意拯救; He is willing to heal;祂愿意医治 He is willing to give us a second chance,祂愿意赐我们机会悔改 another chance再给机会悔改. His goodness leads us to repentance祂的恩慈领我们悔改… At the beginning of the year, her daughter came out of the hospital and went back home. 年初,她的女儿出院回家了。 But the battle is continuing. 但争战仍在持续。

The test of faith comes to each of us who are citizens of the Kingdom, 信心的考验将临到我们每一个天国的子民,to test whether we’re living out the principles of this Kingdom 考验我们是否践行了天国的原则,and growing in humility, meekness, purity, compassion, and perseverance in preparation for Jesus’ return. 是否在谦卑、温柔、清心、怜悯和坚忍中成熟长大,为耶稣的再来做好准备。For He wants us to have His inheritance in eternity. 因祂想要我们在永恒里得着祂的产业. His heart for us is love. 祂对我们的心是爱。

What’s your response to the word of God this afternoon? 今天下午你对神的话语有何回应?How many of us want to say Lord, I once was unfaithful有多少人说,“主, 我也曾是不信实的,I once failed to apply Your words to my life, 我也是没有操练你的话的but in 2024,但在2024 I wanna turn, I wanna turn to You我愿意转,转向你. I need Your power from on high to come upon me, 我需要你的能力从天上临到我I need Your power of the Spirit to fill me,我需要你的能力充满我 so that I can live out  the Principles of Your Kingdom. 以至于我可以活出你国度的法则”。 If that’s you, 如果那个人就是你,I invite you to make your way to the front. 我邀请你到前面来。We’re gonna sing the last song, 我们要唱最后一首歌,and pray to ask for His new and fresh anointing to come upon us, 祈求祂新的恩膏临到我们,please come.请上来。

Prayer: 祷告:

Yes, Lord, we’re gonna sing of Your goodness, 是的,主啊,我们要歌颂你的良善,coz You’re worthy of our adoration!因为你值得我们尊崇!thank You for paying the price to lay down yourself for us to be redeemed and reconciled. 感谢你为我们付出代价,舍己为赎买我们,使我们与天父和好。Yes,  Lord, we’re gonna sing of Your goodness whether in the mountains or the valleys, 是的,主啊,我们要歌颂你的良善,无论是在高山还是在低谷,whether in our happy times or hard times, 无论感到开心还是艰难,we sing of Your goodness as a weapon to triumph over our enemies!我们都要歌唱你的良善,以此作为战胜敌人的武器!

As we start the year, we say, 新的一年开始时,我们说: “Lord, I wanna start my year strong in the Holy Spirit. “主啊,我想这一年在圣灵引领中启航。 coz Your Spirit of truth entered my life to shape me, 因为你真理的灵进入我里面为要塑造我、引导我、改变我,guide me, and transform me to be more like You.使我更像你。” I’m sorry for the last few months, 我很抱歉,在过去的几个月里,instead of feeding my soul with the truth and building a strong prayer life in my heart and my home, 我没有用真理喂养我的灵魂,没有在我的心里和家里建立稳固的祷告生活, I fed my soul with too much media and worldly stuff, 而是用太多的媒体和世俗的东西喂养我的灵魂,I lost my spiritual appetite for Your Word, 我失去了对你的话语的属灵胃口,I failed in many ways.’ 我在很多方面都失败了。If that’s you, you can now confess to the Lord on your own.如果这就是你,你现在可以自己向主悔改。

“I’m sorry Lord, "主啊,对不起,instead of showing gratitude, humility, meekness, mercy, perseverance, love to my family or others, 我没有对家人或他人感恩、谦卑、温柔、怜悯、坚忍和爱,I failed, 我失败了,I was offended and hurt by their words and actions, 我被他们的言行冒犯和伤害了,and I was angry and have held grudges in my heart…我很生气,心里一直有怨恨......  Now as I start the New Year, 现在,新年伊始,I don’t wanna grieve the Holy Spirit! 我不想让圣灵担忧!I don’t wanna embrace feelings of offense, 我不想接受冒犯的感觉,and build walls of rejection, bitterness and unforgiveness, 筑起拒绝、苦毒和不饶恕的高墙,so that  I disconnect from the Source of Life, 从而与生命之源断绝关系,and become independent and proud in Your eyes…在你眼中变得独立和骄傲。I wanna deal with it now…”我愿现在就处理......" Now, I can bring them to the Cross.现在,我可以把它们带到十字架前。

Lord, You’re King, King of kings. 主啊,你是王,万王之王, Yet, You made yourself nothing and humbled yourself for the broken world. 你却把自己打造为一无所有,向这个破碎的世界谦卑。You were rejected for me. 你为我被弃绝。You took the pain and shame of the cross for me. 你为我承受了十字架上的痛苦和耻辱。I’m loved and welcomed into Your Kingdom. 你爱我,欢迎我进入你的国度。 But a “me”-centred, carnal Christian can’t represent You properly. 但一个以 " "为中心的肉体基督徒无法代表你。 A “me”-centred, carnal Christian can easily become angry and lose peace and joy. " "为中心的肉体基督徒很容易发怒,失去平安和喜乐。 Blessed are those who are poor in Spirit, 灵里贫穷的人有福了,for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.因为天国是他们的。 Blessed are the meek, 温柔的人有福了,for they will inherit the Kingdom.因为他们要承受天国。 For the sake of training me to grow and get ready to inherit Your Kingdom, 为了训练我成熟长大继承你的国,You allow all these things to happen to me, 你允许这些事情发生在我身上,which is for me to grow in Your humility, meekness, purity, peacemaking and perseverance. 让我在你的谦卑、温柔、清心、使人和睦和忍耐中成熟长大。It’s not for me to get angry at others, 你不是要让我生别人的气,and try to crucify people. 要把别人钉死在十字架上。

Now I turn to You. 现在我回转向你。 for Your goodness leads me to turn to You. 你的怜悯引领我回转向你。 I receive Your forgiveness which was poured out from that cross onto all sinners. 我接受你的赦免,它从十字架上倾倒到所有罪人身上。 Lord, I receive it, I pass it on to those who I think have hurt or wronged me, 主啊,我接受它,并将它传递给那些我认为伤害或冤枉过我的人,for I’ve done the same. 因为我和他们做了同样的事。 You’re the just judge. 你是公正的审判者。 I leave the right of the judgment for You to judge. 我把审判的权利交给你。Then my yoke is easy. 这样我的轭就轻松了。In the name of Jesus, 奉主耶稣的圣名,I break the walls of offense and bitterness within me, 我破除我内心的冒犯和苦毒的墙,which come from any agreement I made with lies.这墙来自我与谎言达成的协议。 I command the spirit of lies, bitterness, unforgiveness, manipulation, pride and all unclean spirits 我命令谎言、苦毒、不饶恕、操纵、骄傲和一切不洁的灵to leave my life and my family. 离开我的生命和家庭。I ask the Holy Spirit to fill me. 求圣灵充满我。My body is the temple of the Lord. 我的身体是主的圣殿。 Holy Spirit, come upon me and set a fire in my heart, 圣灵啊,求你降临在我身上,inspire me to watch and pray in every circumstance; 在我心里燃起火焰,激励我在任何情况下都要儆醒祷告; Holy Spirit, come upon me to make me hungry 圣灵啊,求你降临在我身上,and thirsty to learn and live out Your Kingdon principles,让我渴慕认识你天国的法则,活出你天国的法则,so that I may grow and represent You correctly for I bear Your name.” 使我成熟长大能代表你,因为我身上有你的名。

(Closing) Thank You Jesus for Your goodness is running after us. 感谢主耶稣,你的良善在围绕着我们。Yes, this is true, for You’re the good and righteous Father forever! 是的,这是真的,因为你是永远善良公义的天父!We thank You for leading us into 2024 and preparing us for good things to happen. 感谢您引领我们进入2024年,为我们预备好美好的事情。For You’re good. 因为你是良善的。 We ask You to bless this church, bless the people here. 求你祝福这个教会,祝福这里的人们。We pray that Your Kingdom will continue to come in more powerful ways in this place in the year ahead.  求你的国度在新的一年里继续更大地降临在这地。 Prepare us, train us, equip us, empower us, to expand Your Kingdom on earth through this place.  预备我们、训练我们、装备我们、赐我们力量,借着这里扩展你在地上的国度。


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