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2017-10-01 The Lord's prayer 主祷文 (4)

发表于 2024-01-08

We have been working on the Lords prayer for a couple of weeks now, 我们已经连续分享了几周的主祷文,we know that Gods will is not to wait for us to die and go to heaven, 我们知道神的计划不是等我们死了才进天堂,but wait for us to die to ourselves daily and be fully occupied by Christ the King, 而是等候天天我们向己死,被基督掌权,so that we are able to bring heaven down on earth.就能把天国带到地上。

In order to prevent the body of Christ from bringing Heaven down, 为了阻止基督的身体带下天国,the devil will set lots of traps to tempt us. 那恶者会设下很多陷阱来试探我们。Will we win? 我们会赢?Will we lose the battle? 还是会输?It depends on how much of the living word can be made alive in us? 取决于我们活出了多少神的话,Only the truth can defeat lies. 唯有真理可以打败谎言。In the beginning, as the Bible has already told us, 圣经一开始就说,the devil was crafty, 魔鬼很狡猾,and enticed Adam and Eve into the temptation, 试探亚当和夏娃,where they ate the fruit, 吃下果子,so sin and death through one man entered the world. 于是,罪和死由一人进入世界。

Thank God for His Son Christ Jesus, 感谢神,赐爱子耶稣基督,through His death and resurrection, 借着祂的死和复活,Gods abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness may reign in us. (see Rom 5:12,17) 神的洪恩和所赐之义得以在我们生命中做王。Is it gonna be easy to let Jesus reign in us? 让耶稣在我们里面做王容易吗?No, 不,As our natural minds are hostile to God (see Rom 8:7) 因为我们的天然思想与神为敌。Last week, I had a dream, 上周我做了个梦,in which I saw the devil who waged a war against Gods churches, 看到魔鬼与神的教会争战,and wanted to trap people into temptation. 要试探人犯罪。

What is Satans strongest weapon to block us from Gods grace and mercy, 撒旦阻止我们支取神的恩典和怜悯,so that we cant pass on His grace and mercy to others? 不让我们将此传递出去的有力武器是什么呢?Unforgiveness, 是不饶恕,Do you remember? 记不记得?Paul the apostle wrote the letter to the church of Corinth, 保罗写信给哥林多教会,in which he rebuked the one who slept with his mother in law, 责备一个弟兄和继母行淫,and commanded the church to kick that Christian out of the church, 吩咐教会逐出那个弟兄,and handed him over to Satan. 并把这样的人交给撒旦。

But in the book of 2 Cor, 但《哥林多后书》提到,after this man had repented, 那人悔改后,Paul said, forgive him, 保罗说不如“饶恕他”,so that Satan might not outwit us. 免得撒旦趁着机会胜过我们。(see 2 Cor 2:10-11) You see, unforgiveness is the powerful weapon that Satan can outwit us.林后2:10-11),你看,不饶恕会成为撒旦胜过我们的有力武器。Therefore, Jesus teaches us to pray, forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. 所以主耶稣教导我们这样祷告, “免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债”。

1, Forgiveness is based on grace and mercy.  饶恕基于神的恩典和怜悯。

In Matthew 18, 《马太福音》18章,Jesus talked about the importance of forgiveness, 主耶稣讲到饶恕的重要性,He concluded like this, 祂这样总结说,Matt 18:35, so also your heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your bother from your heart.  6:14-15, if you dont forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (太18:35)你们各人若不从心里饶恕你的弟兄,我天父也要这样带你们了。(太6:15)你们不饶恕人的过犯,你们的天父也必不饶恕你们的过犯。

Listen, 请仔细听,if we are not forgiven, 若我们的罪没有被神饶恕,thats terrible, 这就糟糕了,because it can keep us still under the curse of Adam,这会让我们活在亚当的咒诅下。 So family issues, relationships issues, and other issues will never cease. 因此家庭纠纷、人际关系、其他麻烦不会断。Unforgiveness gives the devil power to steal and to destroy and to kill.不饶恕让恶者有权偷窃、杀害、毁坏。Few Christians really understand the liberating power of forgiveness, 很少基督徒真知道饶恕带来的自由大能,and are able to taste the freedom, peace and joy in Christ. 和尝到基督里的自由、平安和喜乐。 Most dont seem to understand the importance of forgiveness. 大部分基督徒不太认识到饶恕的重要性。

some may believe that they are victims, 有些就是觉得自己是受害者,“Not my fault, 我没错,it is he who did something wrong to me, 是他做错,why should I forgive him? 为什么我要原谅他,If we keep blaming someone else, 若我们总是责怪别人,and insist that they need to be punished,总觉得他们应该受惩罚,or they need to pay back what they owe us, 或他们得偿还欠我们的 ,we would be like this unmerciful servant, 我们就会像这个无怜悯心的恶仆人。Then the master called the servant in, You wicked servant’, he said, ‘I cancelled all that debt of yours because you begged me to, Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ In anger his master turned his over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. ” ( Matt 18:32-34   “于是,主人叫了他来,对他说:“你这恶奴才!你央求我,我就把你所欠的都免了。你不应当怜悯你的同伴,像我怜恤你吗?”主人就大怒,把他交给掌刑的,等他还清了所欠的债。”(太18:32-34

Jesus tells us in this parable, 主耶稣用这个比喻告诉我们,we are like a man who owed God ten thousand talents, 我们就像那个欠神一千万两的人,but our great debts were cancelled by His blood that was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. 但这笔巨债因基督的血被免去了,祂流血使我们罪得赦免。Jesus didnt say that someone didnt sin against you, 主耶稣没说若那人没有得罪你,or you should think about how the one who has been good to you, 或说,叫你想想那人对你的好处,so that you should forgive him, 所以你要饶恕他,” No,不是,Jesus said, if he sinned against,  耶稣说,若那人得罪你you should forgive him seventy times seven.你要饶恕他707 You know why? 知道为什么吗?Because our huge debts were graciously forgiven by Gods grace and His mercy. 因我们所欠的巨债,因神的恩典和怜悯,被赦免了。

King David cried, O Lord, have mercy on me, heal me, for I have sinned against you. (Psa 41:4) 大卫王呼求:“耶和华啊,求你怜悯我,医治我,因为我得罪了你。”(诗414When we cry out for mercy, 当我们呼求怜悯,we testify that we have sinned against God, 表明我们得罪了神,we are not innocent. 我们不是无辜的。We all need mercy, 我们都需要怜悯,for all have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. 所有人都犯罪,亏缺了神的荣耀。You and the one who hurt you.  你,和你觉得伤害你的人,都是。All mans debts are waiting to be cancelled, 所有人的欠债都在等候被赦免,through Jesus blood, then through you and me to pass on this free gift. 是借着耶稣的宝血,再借着你和我,把这白白的礼物传递出去。

But the unmerciful servant didnt pass on this mercy he received to the one who owed him a little, 但那无怜悯的恶仆人,没有把他白得的赦免他债的恩典,传递给欠他一点点债的人,he tried to ask for justice and judgement by asking him to pay it back. 反要讨所谓 的公道,就是叫那欠债的人来还清所欠他的。How many times do you forget your sins are forgiven in mercy, 多少次你忘了罪得赦免是因神的怜悯,yet try to pass judgement on others?反倒去恶意审判他人? Remember, justice is not ours, 请记住,我们没有公平, Justice belongs to the one who has no sin.公平属于没有罪的那一位。Because Righteous and justice are the foundation of your throne . (Psa 89: 14)公义和公平是你宝座的根基。(诗89:14

When I was ministering to the home church, 我在从前的教会牧会时,a woman who was oppressed by demons was brought to our home church, 有人带来一个被鬼附的女人,she was an angry person, 她曾是随时发火生气的人,full of bitterness and resentment, 内心苦毒怨恨,no one dared to come close to her, 没有人敢靠近她,because she could get angry easily for all kinds of reasons. 一点小事都能让她生气。She was tortured by demons for 18 years, 她被鬼附18年,whenever she came to the church service, 每次来聚会,the evil one threw her down and hit her back on the ground to hurt her, 那恶者就把她摔在地上,伤害她,she also suffered lots of diseases. 她还得了很多病。

She once deeply believed that she was a victim, 她深深地相信自己是个受害者,and was offended by her mom, her neighbour  too many,觉得都是别人得罪她,妈妈、邻居、好多人,she used to blame others ,她责怪所有人,Until one day, 直到有一天,she really wanted to accept Gods grace of His forgiveness,她心里真的愿意接受神的赦罪恩典,to forgive herself and forgive others,饶恕自己,饶恕他人,she did five and half- hours confession of her sins, 她花了五个半小时承认自己的罪,and the demons left her. 污鬼就离开她出去了。

Her life situation has turned around since then,之后她的生命变了, many diseases have been healed, 很多病得了医治,This case just testifies what Jesus said was true. 证明主耶稣说的是真实的。V.34 and his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers,  34节,主人就大怒,把他交给掌刑的,when she insisted that she had been right and offended, 她坚持自己有理、是别人伤害了她,day and night her soul was tortured by anger, self-pity, judgmental thoughts, and hatred, 她的灵魂就日夜被折磨,发怒、自怜、论断、仇恨,she even tried to commit suicide. 甚至自杀。Forgiveness is a gift of Gods grace and mercy, 饶恕是神白白的恩典和怜悯。

Roms 3:25, (罗3:25God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his bloodto be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. 神设立耶稣作挽回祭,是凭着耶稣的血,借着人的信,要显明神的义。因为他用忍耐心,宽容人先时所犯的罪,好在今时显明他的义,使人知道祂自己为义,也称信耶稣的人为义。

God cancelled our debts without treating us as the way we deserve in His justice. 神免了我们的债,没有照祂的公平让我们罪有应得,He accepted you just as you are, 祂照着我们的本相接纳了我们,why you cant accept your parents, 为什么不能接纳你的父母,your husband and wife, 你的配偶,your kids,孩子,your classmates,同学,all the people around you just as they are ?照他们的本相接纳他们? Yes, maybe they sinned against you, 是,他们可能得罪过你,but maybe you also sinned against them,你也可能得罪了他们,This is part of life in this fallen world that Satan rules. 在撒旦掌管的堕落世界里人生不就是这样?No one is innocent, 人人都有罪,We all were born in sin,人人都生在罪中,We all need Gods mercy to forgive. 我们都需要神的怜悯,赦免我们。

When we say we need Gods mercy to forgive, 我们说我们需要神的怜悯、赦免,God requires you to pass on this free gift to the one who sinned against you, 神则要求你把这白白的礼物,传递给得罪你的人,Thats grace and mercy. 这是神的恩典和怜悯。When we were still sinners, 我们还是罪人的时候,Jesus died for us, 主耶稣为我们死了,and passed mercy onto us, 怜悯了我们,cancelled our debts, 免了我们的债,when you husband, 你丈夫,your mom and dad, 父母,your kids, 孩子,your classmates, 同学,flatmates室友,still live in sinful natures,都还活在罪中, shouldnt we pass this free gift of mercy onto them to cancel their debts, 我们难道不当去把这白白的怜悯和恩典,传递给他们,免他们的债,so that we can act as receivers and ambassadors of grace and mercy, 使我们既成为领受恩典和怜悯的人,又同时成为恩典和怜悯的传递者。

to bring heaven down (restoration and reconciliation) in our family,  来把天国,(把救恩的修复大能与和平)带到你的家庭,our home家中, our school学校, our work place工作场所, to destroy the devils work?来除灭魔鬼的作为?  Yes, We are called to live in His grace in this way.(see Col 3:13) 是,我们蒙召就是为此。(看,西3:13)

2, Forgiveness and Identity. 饶恕和身份。

To know and believe your identity of who you are in Christ is essential, 认识并相信你在基督里的身份很重要,it helps you to forgive yourself and forgive men who sin against you. 会帮助你饶恕自己、饶恕得罪你的人。In John 13:1-6, Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father.13:1-6耶稣知道自己离世归父的时候到了。esus knew who he was, 主耶稣知道自己是谁,when he humbled himself to wash his students feet, 他谦卑虚己洗门徒的脚,he wouldnt have thought that because of doing this, 他不会想自己这样做,he would have lost face and been looked down on. 就没了面子,被人看不起。

When he was on earth, 当他在世上时,he was the Son of God, 他是神的儿子,fully God and fully man, 完全神,完全人,though he appeared as the son of a carpenter, 虽然表面上是木匠的儿子,who had no education, 没有学历,no money and no power; 没有钱,没有能力; people mocked him, 人们取笑他,rejected him, 拒绝他,and even his disciples betrayed him, 甚至门徒也出卖他,he still forgave and never felt hurt, 他仍然饶恕,从不感到受伤害,because he knew his identity who he was, 因他知道自己的身份,知道自己是谁,and where he came from and where he would go to. 知道自己从哪里来,要去哪里。

Why can you be so easily hurt by peoples words or actions? 为什么你很容易因人的言语行为受伤害?“Mom loves my brother, doesnt love me,妈妈喜欢哥哥,不喜欢我,” Feeling unloved, 觉得不被爱,“Your classmate has brought a house. 你的同学买了一栋房子。” Feeling inferior and unworthy. 觉得不如人、自我价值低。 When you arent strongly rooted in your identity in Christ, 当你的身份认同感不扎根在基督里, the devil can use all kinds of lies to make you angry, 那恶者可以用各种谎言来让你发怒 , You may be angry with yourself, and with others. 你可以对自己发怒,也对别人发怒 。

Eph 4:26-27 In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.以弗所书 4:26-27生气却不要犯罪;不可含怒到日落,也不可给魔鬼留地步。When you allow the sense of anger to stay overnight, 当你含怒过夜   it can become unforgiveness. 这怒气就成了不饶恕 。 In Romans 4:7 says, Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.  罗马书 4:7说:得赦免其过、遮盖其罪的,这人是有福的。

if you dont forgive men when they sin against you, 当你不饶恕得罪你的人,the Father will not forgive you. 天父也不饶恕你, And you are unable to be rooted in your identity in Christ, 那样你的身份认同感就不能扎根在基督里。because unforgiveness gives power to the devil to keep people continuously in bondage, 因为不饶恕给撒旦地步来让人继续活在捆绑中,bondage of jealousy,嫉妒的捆绑, of manipulation, 操纵的捆绑,of gossip, 说闲话的捆绑,and of judgemental thoughts. 论断的捆绑, Even in bondage to addictions, 甚至陷在各种瘾的捆绑里,alcohol, 酒精、drugs, 毒品、sex abuse,性乱 、eating disorders, 饮食失调、homosexuality, and so on. 同性恋,等等 。

And their relationship with God and with people can still stay problematic. 不饶恕的人,他们与神与人的关系仍然在问题中 ,Knowing and believing in the truth of who you are in Christ can defeat the devils scheme: 知道和信在真理中的身份,你是谁可以帮你打败撒旦的计谋,Who are you in Christ: You are loved. 1 John 3:1 You are accepted. Rom 15:7 You are redeemed and forgiven. Colossians 1:14, 在基督里的身份?1,你是神所爱的,约壹3:1 2,你被神所接纳 , 15:73, 你被神赦免 ,西1:14Lets look at the screen to see who you are? 请看屏幕,你是谁?Our enemy Satan never ceases to try to confuse our identities. 我们的仇敌撒旦从没停止来混乱我们的身份。In the church service, 在聚会中,we say we believe that we are Gods children, 我们说信自己是神的儿女 ,but how you really see yourself who you are in your circumstances, is the real identity you are taking. 但在环境里你怎么认同你自己的身份才是你的真信。

Im not as excellent as he is ,我不如他优秀,Im better than he is,我比他好,I want to be like that famous man, 我要像那个名人那样,I want to be like this rich man ,我要像那个人那样有钱。” From this comparison mindset comes lies and a false identity, 从这些比较心态出来的身份认同都是假的, for example, He is a successful business manIm a failure ,” 比如,他是成功的商人,我是失败者,because those false identity based on comparison mindset of who is better or who is inferior, which is from the fallen world. 因为这些假身份认同感是基于这个堕落的世界里比较心理而来的谁好谁差。

it is not from the truth but from the shamed-based identity of Adam. 因为这不是出于真理,而是从亚当犯罪后的羞愧感里出来的。 If people believe lies, 若人信谎言,they can be easily hurt, 就很容易受伤害,the hurts produce unforgiveness.伤害就产生不饶恕。 Unforgiveness shapes false identity,不饶恕塑造假身份认同感, False identity keeps us from living in our real identities in Christ. 假的身份认同感阻止我们相信基督里的真身份。

This week,这周,I read a testimony about a young Indian man who is in America, 我读了一个印度年轻人在美国的见证。he said he wasnt set free from lots of negative and shameful thoughts and unforgiveness, 他说他曾在很多的负面,羞耻感和不饶恕里,不得释放,because he didnt accept his earthly identity, 因他不能接受他地上的身份认同感, he strived to prove that he was an American, 他拼命的证明他是美国人,because his only language was English. 因为他的母语是英语。As long as people didnt agree, 只要人说他不是he was angry and not forgiving.他就很生气不能饶恕 。

until one day at a conference, 直到有一天在一个聚会中,he accepted his earthly identity of who he was,他接纳了他地上的身份,he accepted himself.在神的恩典中他接纳了自己。and accepted those had hurt him by Gods grace,也接纳了那些伤害他的人, and his relationship with God and people turned around. 他和神和人的关系改变了。 This testimony recalled to my memory, 这个见证使我想起一件事,that two years ago, when I was doing an internship here. 就是两年前,我在这里做实习。

a leader of our church pointed out a number of international people to me, 一个教会领袖给我一些国际人士的名单,and asked me to do some pastoral care. 让我去做牧养。an Asian who has been here for long time saw that her name was on the list, 一个在这里呆了很久的亚洲人看见她的名字在那里,she was hurt,  她很受伤,said to me,对我说: “They wont treat us as their own people, 他们不会把我们当他们的人,no matter how long we have been here, 不管我们在这里呆多久,they will still treat us as an international.他们始终把我们外国人。”

When God recalled this to my mind,当神使我想起这些, I know that person was rejected by the identity people gave her. 我知道那人因别人对她的身份的归类就受拒绝伤害了。 So who are you? 你是谁 A New Zealand-born Chinese, 一个新西兰出生的中国人,a New Zealand-born Indian, 一个新西兰出生的印度人,international student,一个国际学生 ,an Asian who holds PR so you can legally live in NZ, 一个有PR的亚洲人,可以在这里合法住着,thats true.这是你地上的身份。But if a coloured race, you and me, 但像我们这样的有色人种,if we stay here for a while, 若我们在这里住久了,we therefore define ourselves as kiwi.然后我们就定义我们就是kiwi了。when kiwis strongly disagree, kiwi们全然不认同这个身份时,you will be hurt, 你就会受伤害,and that hurt can affect your identity in Christ. 这伤害可以影响你去信在基督里的身份。

because its not peoples problem,这不是他人的问题, its your problem, 这是你自己的问题,because you have accepted lies to define yourself.因为你接受了谎言来定义你自己, So that hurt is not from people, 所以,这伤害不是从他人来的,but because you yourself believe a lie which hurt yourself. 乃是因你信了谎言,你伤害了你自己 。In the same way, people can be hurt by themselves, because of any lies that theyve believed. 同样,人会被自己所信的任何谎言所伤害。Thats the devils scheme. 这是撒旦的计谋。In the beginning, 在起初,when God created all things,当神创造万物, 7 times the bible says, 7次说,“according to their kindsGen 1:20-25, 各从其类。(创1:20-25

This is a law which exists in all things from the natural world that God created. 这是神所造的自然世界里存在的法则。But only in Christ do all men become one. Gal 3:28 但我们在基督里成为一。3:28 God accepted us just as who we were and who we are, 神按我们的本相接纳了我们,You dont need to become anyone else,你不需要去成为别人,You dont need to become kiwi, 你不需要成为kiwi, or an American,或成为美国人, or someone else that you thought if you were him,或你觉得如果你成为某人,  or if you married to him or her, you would be better.或嫁娶某人,你就比他人强了。

Thats a lie.那是谎言。This is the truth, 真理是,You are fearfully and wonderfully made in Gods image.你的受造奇妙可畏!是按神的形象所造。You are not shamefully made,你不是在羞愧里被造,Each one of us is uniquely made. 每一个人的被造都是独特的。You are of Gods work. 你是神的工作。 (Please say this to each other,请对身边的人说) If you dont accept yourself just as you are, 若你不能接纳你的本相,you will not be able to experience freedom until you do. 你绝不可能经历基督里的自由,直到你肯接纳。Because God has accepted us just as we are, 因为神已经接纳了那个本相的你,If you dont accept as you are, 若你不肯接纳你自己的本相,you can be offended anywhere you go, 你去哪里都会被冒犯,and you can get angry with anybody you get along with. 你就会对和你相处的任何人发怒。

Paul the apostle, is a man with great faith. 使徒保罗是大有信心的人。He is also the first person that carried the Gospel into Asia Minor, 他也是第一个将福音带到亚西亚,and several large cities on the continent of Europe, 和欧洲大陆几个大城市的人,which marks a great advance in fulfilling the commission to "make disciples of all nations".(Matt28:19)这标志着在完成大使命,“使万民做我的门徒”,28:19)这件事上是一个巨大的进展。

Lets see how Paul defines his earthly identity?让我们看看保罗怎样定义他自己的身份? In Rom 11:1, I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. 罗马书 11:1我且说,神弃绝了他的百姓吗?断乎没有!因为我也是以色列人,亚伯拉罕的后裔,属便雅悯支派的。

Paul emphatically asserted that he was a Jew. 保罗强调他是犹太人 But in Acts 22,但在使徒行传22when Paul was arrested at Jerusalem, 当保罗在耶路撒冷被捕时,v.26-28, When the centurion heard this, he went to the commander and reported it. What are you going to do? he asked. This man is a Roman citizen. The commander went to Paul and asked, Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” “Yes, I am, he answered. Then the commander said, I had to pay a lot of money for my citizenship.” “But I was born a citizen, Paul replied.26-28节)百夫长听见这话,就去见千夫长,告诉他说:“你要做什么?这人是罗马人。”千夫长就来问保罗说:“你告诉我,你是罗马人吗?”保罗说:“是。”千夫长说:“我用许多银子才入了罗马的民籍。”保罗说:“我生来就是。”

In that age, 在那个年代,the Roman Empire had great influence over the world, 罗马帝国的巨大影响力覆盖全地,they were more influential than Americans today I think. 我想他们的影响力绝对超过今天的美国。 According to history, 按照历史记载,by all means the colonials would try to get Roman citizenship,当时的殖民地人士都在想尽一切办法去得到罗马人的身份, so that they might get human rights and respect. 因此他们就能得着人权和尊严。Same to this age, 就像这个时代, people want to get American citizenship or other advanced countries citizenship. 人们想得到美国身份或其他发达国家的身份。 Because they thought that the changing of their earthly identity could bring them more human right and respect. 因为他们觉得地上身份的改变可以给他们带来更多人权和尊重。

Therefore, this commander had to pay a big price for his citizenship of Rome.所以,这个千夫长就花了大价钱去买罗马人的身份。But Paul was born a citizen,但保罗说他生来就是罗马人,He still defined himself as a Jew publicly without feeling shamed, 他依然公开承认自己是犹太人,并不感到羞耻,although the identity of Ramon citizen was highly respected. 虽然作为罗马公民会使他得着更多的尊严。 and Jewish people were like a slave of Roman Empire at that time. 那时犹太人就像罗马帝国的奴隶, Why wasnt Paul proud of being a Ramon citizen? 为什么保罗没有为自己是罗马人而骄傲? Because he knew his real identity and who he was? 因为他知道他真正的身份,他是谁 ?

Peoples words of contempt couldnt push him down, 人的羞辱他的话不能将他推倒,He followed the Lords footsteps of despising humans glory and exalting the glory of God, 他跟随基督的脚踪,轻看人的荣耀,高举神的荣耀 。His faith saved himself from hurt and unforgiveness.他的信心使他脱离受伤害和不饶恕。 Also, he passed this grace onto others. 并且,他将这恩典传递给他人。In Roman 1:1, 罗马书11he defines himself, 他这样定义自己的身份 Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God” 耶稣基督的仆人保罗,奉召为使徒,特派传神的福音。

He called himself, 他称呼自己, a servant of Christ Jesus,, 基督耶稣的仆人, He knew his purpose why he stayed in this world. 他知道他活在这世上的目的 。Its for the gospels sake and for the kingdoms sake. 是为福音的缘故和国度的缘故。We all can live in this way of freedom by Gods grace. 我们都可以在神的恩典里这样自由的活着。Paul said,保罗说, May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation. 但我断不以别的夸口,只夸我们主耶稣基督的十字架;因这十字架,就我而论,世界已经钉在十字架上;就世界而论,我已经钉在十字架上。受割礼不受割礼都无关紧要,要紧的就是作新造的人。

What counts is the new creation. 最要紧的是做新造的人。Jesus loves you and gave himself for you, 耶稣爱我们,把祂自己给了我们 ,Forgiveness is a gift through the Son Christ Jesus who die once for all, 饶恕是白白的礼物,借着基督一次受死, and paid for our debts.还清了我们的罪债。 Our Lord Jesus has no sin, 耶稣没有罪 ,and doesnt deserve to be crucified. 祂不该被钉死。But because of His love,但因着祂的爱, He willingly shed His blood for us and paid for our penalty, 祂甘愿为我们流血来还我们的罪债,  You are forgiven just as you are,神按你的本相赦免你,Its a gift of His mercy.这是祂怜悯白送的恩典。So He calls us to forgive them who have sinned against you just as they are.因此祂呼召我们去赦免那些得罪你的人,按他们的本相饶恕他们。

Dont try to be someone else that you thought you would become better, 不要想成为别人,就觉得自己好多了,Thats a lie. 那是个谎言。God wants to make you to become the best, 神要塑造你成为那最好的,Thats Jesus Christ-likeness.就是像基督。Only Jesus is the best, 唯有基督是最好的,You are accepted just as you are,神按你的本相接纳你 ,You are being made His-likeness. 你要被造成像基督。

Who are you? 你是谁?In the flesh we are sinners, 在旧人里,我们是罪人;in Jesus we are the new creation. 在基督里,我们是新造的人。So when people say to you,因此当人对你说 “You are not a kiwi, 你又不是kiwi your English is not good,你的英文又不好,your job is not good,你又没有好工作,the house you live is not good,你住的房子那么烂,you did this this that you are wrong,看你做是事,都是错,” You dont have to accept hurt or get angry immediately, 你不必急,急就受伤发怒,but need to turn to God,你只需要转向神 and pray immediately快快祷告: Thank you Lord for your love to send people to remind me, 谢谢主,你的爱,差人来提醒我, that I need to abide in you.我需要与你连结 。

abide in Your love abide in Your grace of forgiveness not to abide in my old-self,不是与旧人连结,yes, the old-self and its unforgiveness and anger deserve to be despised and crucified.这旧人的不饶恕,发怒活该被藐视和钉十字架。 Lord, I exalt You,我高举你,you died for the forgiveness of my sins,主你为赦免我罪而死, I believe who I am in you?我信在你里面我是谁?in your grace of your forgiveness,在饶恕的恩典中, I forgive myself and forgive those who sinned against me,我饶恕自己,我饶恕那些得罪我的人,for I accept you grace and pass Your grace onto others,这样行,我就会更像你。thank you for your love,谢谢你的爱和怜悯,In Your mercy, 在祂的怜悯中,we cry out,我们呼求, “Father, forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.”父啊,免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。


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