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2017-08-22 Put God first 把神放第一位 (3)

发表于 2024-01-08

We all love to have a happy life, dont we? 我们是不是都希望有快乐人生? We all dont like endless troubles, do we? 是不是都讨厌不断的出状况?In this life, whether Christian or non- Christian.基督徒也好,非基督徒也好, we all confront troubles, challenges, and difficulties.所有人都会面对麻烦、挑战、困难。

Jesus never promises us a trouble-free life when we accept Him as our saviour.我们接受耶稣为救主时,耶稣从未应许我们会没有困难。 But He said, In this world you will have trouble, in Me you may have peace. 但祂又说,“在世上,你们有苦难;在我里面有平安。”Because He has overcome the world. 因祂已经胜了世界。 In Him we will have peace to overcome various troubles.在祂里面,我们有平安胜过一切苦难,  this is Gods promise to us这是神的应许。

Do you know a man who has no arms and no legs.有一个没有手没有脚的人,你有没有听说过? He prayed that God would give him arms and legs他向神祷告,求神赐给他手和脚,  but actually God didnt神没有应允.  He is a person who can reasonably say I cant do this, and I cant do that. Im frustrated.这个人,该是最有资格说 “我做不了这个;我也做不了那个;我好难过” But when he exalted Jesus in his life.但是当他在生命中高举基督后, his life has been totally changed.他的生活全然改变了。

no fear, no dismay, no despair,不再惧怕,不再迷茫,不再绝望but peace and hope充满的是平安、盼望,  and he brings a big influence of Gods love and peace to the world借着神的爱与平安,他大大影响了世界,  which is Gods power that restores peoples lives.这就是神复兴生命的大能。

So today, Im gonna continue my message of how to keep God first? 今天我继续分享:怎样把神放第一位?We know that God wants to bless us with His abundant life.我们知道,神要赐福我们,要给我们祂那丰盛的生命, so that one day we can inherit the kingdom of God forever.凭着这生命,有一天我们要继承永恒的产业。

But we as natural men living on this earth作为天然人,we want to be blessed with earthly blessings,我们只想要地上的好处, such as holidays, jobs, houses, wealth, and health, 就如假期、工作、房子、有钱财、有健康,anything we think that is good for us. 任何我们认为的好东西。How can we adjust our purposes to match the divine purposes of God, so that we can receive His entire blessings? 那么,怎样才可以把我们的意思和神的旨意对上使我们可以得着那全备的祝福呢?

God has a way for us to receive His full blessings神指给我们一条路,叫我们得着全备祝福, that is to invite us to offer our faith to the Lord祂邀请我们这样做:就是要我们凭着信心,by obeying the word of God through the Holy Spirit. 靠着圣灵来遵行祂的话。In other words, I will say, Gods entire blessings are not automatically upon our lives.换句话,否则全备的祝福是不会自动临到我们,unless we obey the word of God in faith, 除非我们凭信心遵行神的话,without faith it is impossible to please God。人非有信,就不能得神的喜悦。

Have you found in the bible there are many conditional promises of God? 你有没有发现,在圣经有许多带条件的应许?In the Bible, you can find many places, God says, 在圣经很多地方,神说:“If you do this and this,I will do that and that,”如果你这样这样做,我就会那样那样做。Without knowing God words, how can we receive the blessings of what he has promised? 不知道神的话,我们怎能领受神所应许的福呢?Therefore, keeping God first in our lives is to Keep Gods words in our minds, 因此,要把神放第一位,需要我们将神的话存记在心里,

because A, Gods word renews our minds. 因为: A,神的话更新我们的思想。

Roms 12:2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.罗马书12:2不要效法这个世界, 只要心意更新而变化,叫你们察验何为神的善良、纯全、可喜悦的旨意。All Christians want to know the will of Father, dont they? 基督徒是不是都想知道父的旨意?Jesus said, no one can enter the kingdom of heaven, unless they do the will of the Father.” 耶稣说:“惟独遵行我天父旨意的人才能进天国。From this verse, we can see that before we acknowledge the will of the Father从这节经文看,想要察验父的旨意, our minds must be renewed by Gods word to put away the old values from the world.我们心里旧有的价值观,必须先靠神的话语更新。 This is an action of our faith to show that we are keeping in repentance.这是我们信心的行动表明我们持守在悔改里。

So, keeping God first is our action of repentance by turning to God and continually turning to God. 把神放第一位,是悔改的行动, 转向神,并且持续转向祂。We no longer put ourselves first.我们不再把自己放在第一位,Because we are not God.我们不是神,But let the living God be first. 让永生神在前面。This is true repentance. 这就是真正的悔改。

How to Keep God first? 怎样将神放第一位?we must keep Gods words first in our minds,必须将神的话先存记在心里,  and allow Gods words to renew our minds. 并让神的话语来更新我们的思想。We know that what we thought was right or wrong from the society we live in can change quickly.我们都知道从这个社会来的何为对何为错的观念,会变的很快 ,because it is a changeable and sinful world因这个世界就是可变的、充满罪的。 But Gods words are unchangeable and righteous. 但神的话语从不改变永远公义。

When we pick up values from society around us for what is right or wrong, 当我们从周围环境中拾取了一些何为对何为错的观念后, we are prone to become god to judge others unjustly, 我们就会很容易如神一样去不公义的判断别人,because we thought that the values or moral standards we picked up are much better than others.  我们必定会认为自己的价值观或道德标准,比别人更好,Think about it, is it true? 想想看,是不是这样? Is it a source of where our judgemental thoughts come from? 这是不是我们论断的源头?

You may read many books, 或许你读过很多书,you might think that you were more intelligent than others, 你会认为自己比别人更聪明,but the knowledge you learnt is not your life. 但是,你所学的知识并不是你的生命。 What is revealed in your mortal flesh will represent what you have absorbed. 我们肉身活出的生命,体现了我们吸收了怎样的观念?Namely, the way you behave, it reveals who you really are? 也就是说,你的行为见证你活出的是谁?

Our Lord Jesus Christ walked in what he said. 主耶稣活出了他自己说的。When people rejected him, slandered and crushed him, 当人拒绝他,诽谤他和压伤他,Christ revealed a life of forgiveness and of loving his enemies by dying to himself for their sins, 基督活出了爱仇敌的生命,他舍命饶恕他们的罪。he didnt just teach knowledge alone to show that he knew something, 他没有只是教知识来彰显他知道点什么,but walked in what he said even shed his blood for the forgiveness for his enemies, 他行在他的话里,哪怕流血去饶恕他的仇敌。so that the Fathers will could be fulfilled,因此父的旨意得着成就。

He also calls us to follow Him in this way. 祂也呼召我们跟随他走这条路,Reading the Bible is different from reading other books, 读圣经和读其他的书不同,because the Bible has mighty power to change our lives.因为圣经有大能改变生命。If we really allow the Holy Spirit to correct the old values in our minds, 若我们让圣灵在我们里面纠正我们各种观念,and carefully walk in what we believe, even when it hurts, then we will be renewed. 就算自己吃亏,也留意行出我们所信的, 我们就能被更新。

This life will reveal no feeling of rejection, 他显出的生命是不受拒绝伤害的生命,no bitterness, and no slander, 没有苦毒,没有诽谤, no feeling hurt and repaying evil for evil.没有受伤的情绪,让他以恶报恶. If we boast of some knowledge that we have acquired, 如果我们因自己得到的知识自夸,but we still present a life just like broken-hearted people, 但活出的生命却是一个易受伤的样子,we are but eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 那我们就不过是在吃分辨善恶树的果子。

This is the way what the world and Satan wants his people to live.这是属世界和撒旦的人所走的道路。But God wants to give us life. 但神要给我们生命。By feeding His words into our souls, 要用祂的话喂养我们的灵魂,He wants to transform our lives. 祂要改变我们的生命。Jesus is the bread of life. 耶稣就是生命的粮。

When we eat daily bread, our body absorbs nutrition from the bread, 当我们吃日用饮食,身体就从中吸收养份,and eliminates useless elements from the body. 把无用的东西排出体外。Similarly, Gods word has the power to renew us, 与此类似,神的话语有更新我们的能力,if we allow Gods word to renew us, 只要我们允许神的话语更新我们,we will be judged by the word of truth initially, 我们就开始被真理的话语审判,and we confess the former things are wrong. 于是我们承认之前的观念是错误的。

that need to be removed from our hearts. 需要把它们从心里除去。If we accept the truth which becomes our values and standards and a part of our lives, 我们若接受真理做我们的价值和准绳,做我们生命的一部分, if we ask the Holy Spirit to release His power to help us to keep what we learnt in mind, 我们若求圣灵释放祂的能力,帮助我们把祂的话存记于心,and if we carefully live in what we have absorbed in truth and in the Holy Spirit, 我们若靠真理和圣灵小心地照着所学的去行,then we will be made a new creation truly. 我们就会成为真正新造的人。

This is Gods grace, 这是神的恩典。so that we wont boast of ourselves, 我们就不再自夸,but humble ourselves而是谦卑自己,and exalt Jesus for what he has done for us in His love. 来举起耶稣,和祂的大爱和救恩。

B, keeping God’s word first sanctifies us. 把神的话放第一位,可使我们成为圣洁。

When the Israelites were brought out of Egypt, God said to them, 当以色列人出埃及时,神说:"Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Exodus 19:5a 如今你若实在听从我的话,遵守我的约,就要在万民中作属我的子民。"195Thank God ,that the blessing given to Abraham has come to us through Jesus Christ. 感谢主!如今,给亚伯拉罕的福借着耶稣基督临到我们。

So how can we become His treasured possession and not be dishonourable in His family? 那么,怎样才能成为神家贵重的产业,而不是卑贱的?God says, If you obey me fully and keep my covenant, 神说,“如今你若实在听从我的话,遵守我的约,then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.就要在万民中作属我的子民。”You know why? 为什么呢?Because in His great house, 因为在神的大家庭里,there are not only vessels of gold and silver, 不但有金器银器,but also of wood and clay, 也有木器瓦器;some for honour and some for dishonour.有作为贵重的,有作为卑贱的。提后220

If we honour and obey Gods words in faith, 我们若看重神的话,凭信心持守,cleanse ourselves from what is dishonourable, 除去卑贱,sanctify ourselves and become useful for the Master, 洁净自己成为圣洁,成为主可用的,we can become His honourable vessels and prepared to do any good work. 就能成为神贵重的器皿预备做各样的善工。

What are dishonourable and unclean things in Gods eyes? 什么是神眼中卑贱和不洁的事呢?Of course, something opposite to His holiness. 当然是那些和祂的圣洁性情相违背的事。Thanks for Gods love, 感谢主的爱, it is by His grace we can be made clean and whole. 是因为祂的恩典,我们成为洁净和完全。You know how?  你知道怎样才能成为好器皿吗?

Recently, a young believer said to me, 最近,有位年轻基督徒跟我说,“I dont know why recently I have been in an unlucky cycle, 我不知道最近为啥不顺的事一个接一个,and suffering unexpected financial loss somehow. 连钱财也莫名其妙地受亏损。”I replied, firstly, check if you have lost the presence of God ,于是我回答,你先检查自己有没有失去神的同在,by unforgiving others or doing anything unclean in Gods eyes? 就是有没有不饶恕,或者做了什么神眼中不洁的事?” the one asked admitted, 这位基督徒承认说,“Oh, yes, I have watched some pornographic videos. 哦,对了,我看了色情影片。”

this person repented and renounced of her sin, and thanked God for His love of correction .于是她悔改离弃这罪, 感谢神指正的爱。 because God is teaching her how to separate herself from dishonourable and unclean things by the way of sanctification, 这是成圣路上,神在教导她怎样把自己从卑贱不洁的事上分离出来,so that she may be made clean and useful for the Master. 得以成为清洁器皿,为主所用。

C, Keeping God’s words first is a way of releasing God’s various blessings. 将神的话放第一位,就会释放神各样祝福。

In Deuteronomy 11:13-15, 申命记1113-15"So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today to love the LORD your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil. I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied. 你们若留意听从我今日所吩咐的诫命,爱耶和华你们的神,尽心尽性事奉祂,祂必按时降秋雨春雨在你们的地上,使你们可以收藏五谷、新酒,和油,也必使你吃得饱足,并使田野为你的牲畜长草。"

In other words, we can see that if we want to be blessed with harvest in season, 换句话说,我们若是想要得丰收,if we dont want to have famine and drought, 我们若不想饥荒干旱临到,if we want to be blessed financially, 想要经济上得祝福,we as a nation of God should faithfully obey the commands in faith, 作为神的子民我们就要在信心里遵守神的诫命,and God will keep His promise to bless us.神也必照祂所应许的赐福我们。

In Deuteronomy 15:4-5 it also says, 申命记154-5还说:if you fully obey the word of the Lord, then there will be no poor among you.你若留意听从耶和华你神的话,谨守遵行我今日所吩咐你这一切的命令,就必在你们中间没有穷人了。

I witnessed His faithfulness to His words when I was ministering to my home church in Asia for many years. 在亚洲牧养教会的多年里,我目睹了神话语的信实,Some people came to faith when they were poor and even in debt, 有些人来信耶稣,刚来的时候很穷,甚至欠着债,but after they had put their faith in the Lord, 但是当他们开始信靠神,and carefully applied the words they had heard in their daily life by repentance, 在生活中留意照神的话行悔改的道,and practiced forgiveness and loved others to follow Jesus footsteps, 操练饶恕,和跟从耶稣的脚踪爱他人,their financial situation was turned around他们的经济状况就反转过来, and their debts were paid soon after. 债务也清偿了。

Which life style brings happiness? 哪种生活方式带来快乐?To put ourselves first before God to bring trouble to ourselves? 是把自己放在神之前,以至于让自己倒霉?Or to put God first, to bring peace, joy and blessings to us? 还是把神放在第一位,带来平安、喜乐和祝福?Because we are not God. 因为我们不是神。 People and jobs, wealth and holidays are not God. 这人或那人、工作、财富、假期都不是神, Only Jesus is God. 惟有耶稣是神。

God is the source of all that we need. 神才是我们一切所需的源头,Im not saying that if we follow Jesus we can become wealthy, 我不是说,跟从了耶稣会让我们很有钱,What I am saying is that if we put God first, and carefully follow the word of God, 我想说,如果我们把神放第一位,留意听从神的话,not only our earthly problems will become a small thing, 地上的难题会变的微不足道;Because no problem is too big for Gods power. 因为在神的能力面前,没有一样是难的。

but also, we will reap abundant life as an entire blessing, 我们还要收获丰盛的生命,When we keep Gods word first in our lives, blessings are released. 当我们把神放第一位,神要释放祝福,A real and happy life is in the abundant life in Christ. 一个真正快乐的生命是在基督的丰盛生命里。Yes,We have been given fullness in Christ. 是的,我们是在基督里得了丰盛,He is the head over every power and authority. 他是各样执政掌权的元首。

Now because of the limited time, I will leave the last part that has been prepared to next time .因为时间有限,我要把最后的部分留到下次分享,That part Im gonna talk about prayer. 那部分我要讲一下祷告,By prayer and waiting for Him, we allow Him to go before us.借着祷告,我们让他走在我们前面,We are just His followers,我们只是跟随者,Jesus is the head of all.祂才是头。

For a long period, we have been busy doing this and that很长时间以来, 我们忙着做这做那, although we put in lots of effort and almost burned out from doing many things尽管我们努力做很多事,到了精疲力尽的地步, including cooking food for people 包括给大家煮饭, the outcome has not been equal to the price we paid. 所得的却与付出的不相称。

When I was spending time with God to seek his answer, 当我花时间求问神, why? Lord?” “主啊,为什么这样?” A bible verse turned up in my heart一句圣经的话进入我的心, Psa 127:1诗篇127:1, Unless the Lord builds the house its builders labour in vain, Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain若不是耶和华建造房屋, 建造的人就枉然劳力,若不是耶和华看守城池, 看守的人就枉然警醒。 Unless I let the Lord go before me,除非我让神行在我前面, what I do is in vain, whatever effort I made.否则无论我多努力,所做的都是无用。

In the prayer, I turned to God and said to Him,在祷告中,我转向神,说, Thank you for your instruction and your correction,主啊,谢谢你的指正和指教,teach me what I should do,教导我该如何做, what I should cut out, 哪些事要停下来,   although they are all for Your kingdoms sake, not for myself尽管都是为神的国,不为我自己, they still need to be prioritised 这些仍然需要摆对次序。” 

Then, something happened,祷告后不久,有事发生了, God revealed something, so that we know that it is time to quit the Sunday Lunch, that we can save more time to pray. 神启示了一些东西, 让我们知道是时候停下周日午餐, 当花更多时间来祷告,God is good.神是良善的。When we were sharing this topic, 当我们正在分享这个主题时, God corrected and adjusted us in time.神及时地指正我们、调整我们的方向。This is His mercy and love toward us. 这是神向我们的怜悯和爱。

So if we Keep God first, we keep God words in our minds firstwhich can renew our minds.  若我们把神放第一,我们就要先牢记神的话,神的话可以更新我们的思想。Secondly, God words has the power to sanctify us, if we allow Him to correct us. 第二,若我们愿意被神的话指正,神的话有大能使我们成圣。Thirdly, God will release His blessings though His words, if we really keep them by living according to the Holy Spirit.  第三,若我们靠圣灵遵行神的话,神会借此赐福。

Lord, we welcome You to continually correct us, 主啊,我们欢迎你,不断地指正我们,and guide us in the way we should go, 引导我们在当行的路上,as we are willing to keep you first in our lives.因我们愿意把你放在生命中第一位。Thanks be to God! 感谢主!  


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