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2017-06-02 Identity and Ministry 身份和侍奉赞美 (Praise 2)

发表于 2024-01-08

Last time, we shared that praising God can silence our enemies and they will flee, for whenever the name of Jesus is lifted on high, the enemy will bow and miracles will happen, the spiritual atmosphere will be changed because of the presence of God.上周,我们分享了赞美神可以使仇敌闭口、让仇敌逃跑,因为何时耶稣的名被举起,仇敌就要屈膝,神迹要发生,属灵气氛要改变——都因神的同在的大能! 

Today we will continue our message on praising God.1 Peter 2:4-5,9今天,我们继续分享“赞美神”。彼得前书2:4-5,9"4 As you come to Him, the living stone rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him, you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ .

9 you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praise of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.  主乃活石,固然是被人所弃的,却是被神所拣选、所宝贵的。你们来到主面前,也就象活石,被建造成为灵宫,作圣洁的祭司,借着耶稣基督奉献神所悦纳的灵祭,惟有你们是被拣选的族类,是有君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属神的子民,要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。

This passage reminds us, 1, who Jesus Christ is and what did he suffer for us? 2, What is our identity? 3, What are we called to do in terms of this identity? 这段经文提醒我们:1,耶稣是谁,他为我们受了怎样的苦难?2,我们的身份是什么?3,就这身份而言,我们要做什么?

1, who Jesus Christ is and what did he suffer for us? V.4, it tells us that Jesus Christ is the living stone who suffered rejection for us. For redeeming, healing and comforting those who are broken-hearted, Jesus deliberately chose to take the form of humble servant, and he was rejected by man. 1、耶稣是谁,他为我们受了怎样的苦难?第4节,耶稣基督乃是活石,为我们被弃绝。为了赎回、医治、安慰伤心的人,耶稣特意取了卑微的仆人的样式,被人所弃绝。

Do you remember? People were shouting before the cross: Crucify him, crucify him. He suffered rejection and the pain of death for the forgiveness of our sins, so that we can be accepted and called people of God. 大家还记得吗?当人们在十字架前喊着说:“钉死他!钉死他!”他被弃绝,为我们罪得赦免,他受了死的苦,使我们被神接纳、得称为神的子民。2, So who we are, v.9. Have you ever asked yourself who you are? Do you know that knowing your own identity is powerful!  2,我们是谁?第9节。你有没有问过自己,你是谁?认识我们的身份实在是大有能力的事。

Who you consider yourself to be can affect your emotional health, mental health and even your physical health, because Satan wants to destroy us by telling us lies about who we are.  认识你自己是谁,可以影响到你的情绪健康、精神健康、甚至你的身体健康,撒旦想利用谎言窃取我们的身份来摧毁我们。

Who are you? "I am a businessman." "I am a leader." "I am a CEO." umm, I dont have a job’ “Im a failure” “Im a loserIf we base our identity on what we do or what people think about us, even at a church, we will get lost.你是谁?“我是个商人”,“我是领导”,“我是总裁”,嗯,“我没有工作”,“我很失败”,“我很差”,如果我们将身份建立在我们的职业、或者人怎么评价我们之上,哪怕在教会里,我们也会因此迷路。

Our emotions will go up and down depending on what we do or what they do that seems better than us or the impact of what they say about when we do things that are successful or have failed in our own eyes, which can quickly breed fear and self-defence, 我们会因自己做的事,或觉得他人比自己做的好,情绪就上下起伏,或者因为别人说我们做事做的不好,而产生惧怕和快速自我保护。“Did you make this mistake?” “No, I didnt. Because of her a wall of self-defence quickly built up when Adam listened to the devils voice. “是你做错的?”“不是我,是因为她。”亚当听从了恶者后,自我保护的墙就快快地建了起来。

Fear and shame, anxiety and worries, depression and self-rejection, self-pity, and pride, all kinds of ungodly emotions will come, if we allow the world to define us, which can destroy our relationship with people and with God.若我们顺从世界的价值观定义我们的身份,惧怕和羞耻感,焦虑和担心,沮丧和自我拒绝,自怜,骄傲,等等,所有不属神的情绪就都来了,这些足以摧毁我们与人、与神的关系。

Whose voice should we listen to? Only one voice that can keep us from the pain of sins! That is our creator God who made us in His image! Our saviour and Lord, Jesus who redeemed and purchased us by shedding his blood! If we trust in His words alone, His truth will guide us into His peace. 我们要听从谁的声音?只有一个声音保守我们不受罪的苦,就是照自己的形象创造我们的神,就是流血买赎我们的救主耶稣基督。如果我们只信祂的话,祂的真理就要引导我们进入祂的平安里。

When I was called by the Almighty God to be a full-time minister to serve Him 12 years ago, I lost everything. My successful business, my own company which was thriving, we earned more than at least NZ$ 2 million per year at that time. What was my identity? 十二年前,全能上帝呼召我全职侍奉祂,从此我就失去了一切,成功的事业,蒸蒸日上的公司,那时至少赚纽西兰币200万刀以上的年收入,我的身份是什么?

Many people said, even my relatives, said to me: “Who are you? you were a successful woman but now you are a loser you will have nothing if you continually give your possessions away you are going mad…you are nothing now”. 很多人,包括我的亲戚都对我说:“你是谁?你本来是个成功的女商人,现在却很失败,你若把你的财产再给出去,你将一无所有,你疯了,你啥也没有了。What is our identity? The work we do? the money we earn? The reputation people give us? No! Absolutely, not. 我们的身份是什么?是我们的工作吗?是我们挣得了多少钱吗?是别人给我们的评价吗?都不是,绝对不是。

12 years ago, one day, when I was frustrated by who am I now, for in my family and relatives eyes, I became a layabout. 十二年前,有一天,当我正为“我现在是谁”而沮丧,因为在我家人和亲戚的眼中,我成了一个不务正业的人。Then, I heard a voice into my heart with love and power, You are mine, and Im yours Tears came down from my cheeks, Yes, what is my identity that lasts forever? Im His, Im chosen to be His priest.然后,我听到一个声音,带着爱和能力,深深进到我心:“你属于我,我属于你。”眼泪霎时流淌下来,是的,什么是能存到永远的身份?我是祂的,我是被祂拣选的祭司。

Believing in the identity defined by the Almighty God is powerful and can help us to triumph over the enemys lies And our soul can be renewed and made whole  相信全能神为我们定下的身份是大有能力的。这信里的能力足能帮助我们胜过仇敌的谎言。因信,我们的灵魂 就能被更新,因此得以完全。Whose voice defining who we are should we listen to? From the world? From people? From our own feelings? No! brothers and sisters, listening to His truth alone can make us whole Satan will lose the battle when you only believe your identity is defined by the Almighty God .我们要听谁的呢?是世界的声音?是人的声音?是我们自己的感觉?断乎不是,弟兄姊妹,当听从真理,真理叫我们得完全。当你单单信从全能上帝给你定义的身份,撒旦就失败了。

Col 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. 歌罗西书3:15又要叫基督的平安在你们心里做主;你们为此蒙召,归为一体For what are we called?  We are called to peace.” 我们蒙召做什么?“我们蒙召为平安在里面掌权。Let us repeat it together! We are called to peace  For the purpose of peace we are called”我们来一起说:“我们蒙召为平安在里面掌权,我们为平安而蒙召。But the evil one knows that if we accept his voice and lies, he can rob our peace in the Lord. 那恶者知道,如果听从了他的声音和谎言,我们在基督里的平安就被夺去了。

you arent as successful as your classmates are…” when you accept that and put yourself into such competition, you will lose peace and fail the battle, because its a lie.  “你同学们都比你成功,”要是你听从了这声音,把自己置于这种比较中,你就失去平安,你就中招了,因这是个谎言。Your identity is defined by God alone. 唯有上帝定义了你的身份。

If you only trust in Gods words, rejection? you will have no room for it.若你单信神的话,你还会受拒绝吗?绝对不可能。Self-pity? No way, Hurts? 你还会自怜吗?没门,They will be far away from you. 还会受伤害吗?受伤要远离你。Lets see Gods definition of who we are:  让我们来读 神给我们的身份:1 Peter 2:4-5,9, A, we are like living stones. B, we are His chosen people; C. a holy priesthood; D, a royal priesthood; E, a holy nation, F, a people belonging to God- we are ALL His priests (In the OT, priests are only limited to one tribe, the Levites). 彼得前书2:4-5,9 A,我们就象活石;B,我们是祂拣选的族类;C,我们是圣洁的祭司;D,我们是君尊的祭司;E,我们是圣洁的国度;F,我们是属神的子民。我们全都是祂的祭司。(而在旧约时代,只有利未人可以做祭司。)

Its not just selfishly saying Im His priest, but we are ALL His priests! Not only you and me that are precious people of God, but also those you may dislike, they are also precious in Gods eyes.我们不是自私地说:“我是祂的祭司”,而是:我们全都是祂的祭司,不只是你和我是神所宝贵的,还有那些你不喜欢的人,都是神所宝贵的。What is our ministry? Proclaim (declare) the praise of Him (v.9).  我们要如何去侍奉?第9节,宣扬神的美德。

1, Our real identity: we are like living stones the spiritual house of God, what does it mean? 我们真正的身份:我们就象活石,是神的灵宫。

这句话是什么意思?Since we became Christians, we have new life in Jesus who is our foundation, upon which we are being built into His likeness, and we are the dwelling place of the living and Holy God.我们一信主,就有了主里的新生命,有基督为根基,在此基础上,我们被造成为祂的样式,并且我们是圣洁、永活神的居所。So who are we? Please say to the person beside you: you are like living stones.因此大家知道了,我们是谁啊?请对你旁边的人说:你就象活石,1 Peter 1:16, For it is written: Be holy, because I am Holy. How important it is that we can be made holy like Him.彼得前书1:16你们要圣洁,因为我是圣洁的。我们能被建造成为像祂那样圣洁是多么重要啊!

Jesus once prayed, Yet, not as my will, but as Your will (Matt 26:39). The selfs will is the key that can cause us to stumble and to lose peace with people and with God. Jesus asks us to take up our cross, and deny ourselves to follow Him. 耶稣曾祷告说:“然而,不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。马太福音26:39 叫我们跌倒、失去与人,与神和睦关系的关键是“我们自己的意思”;所以耶稣告诉我们,背起自己的十字架,舍己(自己)跟从祂。

What should we deny? Deny ourselves to follow Jesus Deny our own will, our own judgemental thoughts by our own eyes and our own ears that cause us to show partiality, so that we are stumbled by our old flesh.  我们当舍(否定)什么呢?舍己(否定己)来跟随耶稣,否定我们自己的意思,和凭眼见耳闻的论断,否定那叫我们存偏见待人,又叫我们跌倒的旧人。 If in everything we do, we dont follow the worldly pattern to be outwardly successful according to our own will, but instead seek to be like living stones inwardly in Gods eyes, we will do things according to the eternal purpose of Christ. 如果我们做任何事不照世界的样子,不求我们自己的意思,去得外在的成功,而是求在神的眼中,内里像活石,那样,做任何事就是为基督这永恒的目标而做。

We wont be overwhelmed by our weaknesses and failures that breed despair, or fall into pride from worldly success. For Paul the apostle said: I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. 2 Cor 12:10” 我们就不至于跌倒在我们自己的软弱和失败里,就生出失望,或因世人所谓的成功就生出骄傲。使徒保罗说:“就以软弱、凌辱、急难、逼迫、困苦为可喜乐的;哥林多后书12:10

Do you know why? Because in Christ, we must become less, He must become greater (John 3:3). All our old natures work will quickly disappear, but only His work through us will remain forever. 你知道为什么吗?在基督里,我们必须成为衰微,祂必兴旺约翰福音3:30。天然人里一切的工作很快都消失,只有主借着我们的工作永远存留。His power is made perfect in our weakness. So, Paul boasts of his weakness, so that he would experience the Lords power. 祂的能力是在我们的软弱上显得完全。所以保罗只夸口他的软弱,使他能经历神的大能。

When we really seek our identity in Christ alone, we will have no interest in comparing ourselves to others. So that we will give no room for jealousy and self-pity, rejection, and pride, or argue with someone to prove who is right or who is wrong, which causes dissension, and follows the way of the corrupted Adam and this world. 我们真正单寻求在基督里的身份,就不会有兴趣把自己和别人比来比去,也就不会给嫉妒、自怜、被拒绝、骄傲、争谁对,谁错、惹纷争留地步,去顺从败坏的老亚当和世界的道路。Instead, we will consider everything as a chance to seek to be built into His likeness, which is holy and righteous. 相反,我们会把做每一件事当成一个机会,就是能磨成像祂的样子,又圣洁又公义。

As Jesus paid the price and purchased us to become His holy people, we are called to establish a life style of Jesus centred-ness and to follow His footsteps. He is the living stone, we are like the living stones and we are His dwelling place.  因耶稣付了代价,买赎了我们,成为祂圣洁的族类,呼召我们建立以耶稣为中心的生活,呼召我们跟从祂的脚踪行。祂是活石,我们就像活石,并成为祂居所。

2, We are a chosen people, a holy and royal priesthood, and a holy nation. 我们是被拣选的子民,是圣洁君尊的祭司,是圣洁的族类。

We are chosen by God, not because of our own works, so that we boast of ourselves that we are better than others. Not at all! Because of His mercy and His grace, He chose us to be His people, a spiritual house for Gods habitation. 我们被神拣选,不是因为我们自己的工作,因此就夸口自己比别人好。断乎不是,那是因祂的怜悯和恩典,祂拣选我们成为子民,成为神居住的灵宫。What is more? We are called to be a holy priesthood, a holy nation, and a royal priesthood. Not just the pastors, but all of us We ALL are priests 另外,我们蒙召成为圣洁的祭司,圣洁的国度,君尊的祭司。不只是牧师才是,所有人都是,我们每一个人都是祭司。

This is who we are! We are chosen to be a holy priesthood, and a royal priesthood, and we are a holy nation. 这是对我们身份的定义,我们是蒙召成为圣洁的祭司,君尊的祭司,和圣洁的国度。Man! what an awesome identity that God has given us, We are a holy nation, a new chosen nation in holiness which is being built across cultures and across colours. 哇!上帝给了我们怎样可畏的身份?我们是圣洁的国度, 我们正在圣洁中,被建造成为一个跨文化,跨肤色的一个新的国度(民族)。

It has nothing to do with our original cultures, our languages, and our original jobs It has something to do only with Gods covenant that we are the chosen one of God, the legitimate Israel of God! Isnt it wonderful? 这和我们本身的文化、语言、从事的职业毫无关系,这只凭神立的约,祂立我们为神拣选的一族,成为真正的神的以色列,这是不是很奇妙?In Exodus 19:4-6, God set up this covenant to the Israelites:

 4 ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. 5 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, 6 you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.” 


This is a covenant that God made with the Israelites in the OT. But because of God’s grace, Jesus Christ was hung on a cross by becoming a curse for us willingly, so that a new nation of God has been formed by faith to inherit the blessing given to Abraham, and that we therefore receive the promise of the Spirit, to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.这是神和以色列民在旧约所立的约。但因着神的恩典,耶稣基督甘愿为我们成为咒诅,被挂在十字架上,神的新国度(民族)就得以因信而承受神所赐给亚伯拉罕的福,得着赐圣灵的应许,作祭司的国度,和圣洁的国民。

Praise the Lord! We are now a holy and a royal priesthood, and a holy nation that is our identity from the everlasting God! Please say to the person beside you. 赞美主!我们现在是圣洁,君尊的祭司,圣洁的族类,这是从永生神所受的身份.请你对你身边的人说。But, what shall we do as a holy and a royal priesthood, and a holy nation? 但是,作为圣洁君尊祭司、圣洁的族类,神要我们做什么?

3, What is our ministry? Proclaim (declare) the praise of Him (v.9)我们的侍奉是什么?宣扬祂的美德(第9节)。

We are commanded to "praise, bless, honor, give thanks to" the LORD, for He called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. Thats why whenever His churches gather together, we sing praise to Jesus and honor Him.我们奉命要 “赞美,祝福,荣耀,感谢”我们的主,祂召我们出黑暗进入祂的奇妙光明,这就是无论何地祂的教会聚集,都当颂赞、归荣耀给耶稣的原因。

A priest in the OT is one who intercedes before God for another person, a family, a city, or a nation. Priests are not all about me, I””bless meits about all God, bless them about those people who are in a dark place that need to be saved.旧约时代的祭司是站在神和人,或家庭,或城市,或国家之间来代祷的人。祭司不是关乎“我啊”,“请祝福我啊,”这职分是关乎全民的,神啊,求你祝福他们,是关乎那在黑暗中、需要拯救的人群。

Now our identity is ALL as royal priests, that God has given this privilege to us, and we should stand before God and people to pray for others in His mercy, for your family members, for your neighbours, your enemies in the flesh and to proclaim the praise of God.  所有基督徒的身份既然都是君尊的祭司,神给我们这项特权,我们就要站在神和人之间,在神的怜悯中为他人祷告,为你家里人、为你的邻居、为你肉身的仇敌祷告 ,宣扬神的美德。But Somebody may ask why God commands us to praise Him? Actually, God doesnt need us to praise Him, For He is the owner of the universe He commands us to praise Him for our benefit.有人或许会问,神为什么命令我们赞美祂?实际上,神并不需要我们赞美,因祂是万有的主宰,祂吩咐我们赞美祂,是为我们的益处。

Last time we shared that praise is a weapon to help us overcome fear, and lifts our eyes from self-focus to His victory. Today, we will share another amazing story about praising God from the Bible. 上周我们分享了赞美是神,是祂赐给我们的武器,使我们胜过恐惧,将我们从关注自己中提升到祂的得胜中。今天,我们再来分享圣经另一个赞美神的奇妙事件。

In Acts 16, After Paul the apostle cast out evil spirits from a girl who had followed them shouting, the owners of the girl realized that their hope of making money was gone, so they persecuted Paul and Silas, and put them into a jail. 在徒16章,有个使女跟着保罗和同工, 不停喊叫,保罗就吩咐那鬼从使女身上出去。使女的主人们见得利的指望没有了,就迫害保罗和西拉,将他们下到监里。Can you imagine? You just successfully cast out evil spirits from a girl, and she was set free, but nobody around her cheered for what you had done, rather, they banded together to put you into a prison. How would you respond to that? 你能想象得到吗?你刚将邪灵从一个女孩身上赶出去,释放了这女孩;可女孩周围的人不但没有为你的作为欢呼,还同心合意把你下在监里。你会怎样反应呢?

A good thing turned into a bad thing, and even after experiencing prison, wouldn’t you start to doubt God’s will and to count people’s faults, and wouldn’t you give room to complaints, frustrations, and negative thoughts? 好事变坏事,还因此坐了牢,你会不会开始怀疑神的旨意、开始计算人的过犯?你会不会给抱怨、沮丧、给负面思想留地步?What a frustrating thing that Paul and Silas faced with at that time? But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God, and the prisoners listened to them. 临到保罗和西拉的是多么沮丧的事啊?约在半夜,保罗和西拉祷告,唱诗赞美神,众囚犯也侧耳而听。

Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed. 忽然,地大震动,甚至监牢的地基都摇动了,监门立刻全开,众囚犯的锁链也都松开了。They didn’t try to escape from the prison rather they shared the gospel with the jailer, who was saved with all his household! Praise God.他们没有想逃跑,反而向狱卒传福音,狱卒全家都得救了。赞美神!A miraculous salvation story arose, because of the spiritual sacrifice of praising God that Paul and Silas offered in their hard time, when they were judged unjustly by men. 在被冤屈定罪的患难中,保罗和西拉赞美神,献上了赞美神的灵祭,救恩的神迹奇事发生了。

Lets think about how bad a situation they were in when they forgot themselves to offer such a powerful sacrifice of praise to God? They were attacked by men, stripped, and beaten (v.22). 让我们想一下,当他们忘我,献上这样有力的赞美神的祭时,当时的情形有多么的糟糕?22节,他们被人攻击,被人剥了衣裳,用棍打。They were flogged severely and thrown into prison (v.23) with their feet fastened in the stocks (v.24). A dark, damp, and uncomfortable place without freedom just for them.23节,严严地打了,下在监里;24节,两脚上了木狗。等待他们的是一个阴暗、潮湿、极不舒服、又失去自由的地方。

We can imagine the atmosphere there was depressing. Yet, despite the physical pain in their bodies and the depressing atmosphere, at midnight Paul and Silas were faithfully praising God as royal and holy priests, which brought down God’s presence with wonderful power and salvation for the Gentiles.我们可以想到那情形有多么令人沮丧。然而,尽管他们身体疼痛,周围气氛压抑,半夜的时候,作为君尊、圣洁的祭司,保罗和西拉仍然忠心的起来赞美神,这牺牲的赞美祭带下了神的同在,使外邦人经历 神奇妙的大能和救恩。

4, There is a cost of being a royal and holy priesthood to offer a spiritual sacrifice of praise. 作君尊圣洁的祭司献上赞美的灵祭,是需要付代价的。

From Paul’s story above, we found that he only lived what he believed. In Phi 2: 14-15, he taught Christians in Philippians, "Do everything without grumbling or complaining, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like starts in the universe. 从保罗的见证里,我们看到他只活在他的信仰里。2:14-15凡所行的,都不要发怨言,起争论,使你们无可指摘,诚实无伪,在这弯曲悖谬的世代作神无瑕疵的儿女。

Paul followed his own teaching, do everything without grumbling or complaining, even taking the risk that put him into a prison, he still acted like a royal and holy priest to offer a spiritual sacrifice of praise to the Lord. 保罗行出他所教导的 “凡所行的,都不要发怨言,起争论”,就算承受危险,落到监里,他仍然行出君尊圣洁祭司的样式,向主献上赞美的灵祭。Praise sometimes is not free, it involves cost and requires our faith to trust in Him whether in our times of tears or in our times of joy. 赞美有时不是容易的,需要付代价,需要付信心的代价,无论我们高兴时还是悲哀时,都要信靠赞美祂。

Its easy for us to praise God when we think He did something good for us. 当我们觉得祂为我们做了什么好事,去赞美祂,这对每个人都很容易。But do you know, the vital moment for us to increase our faith and triumph over complaining and grumbling and other negative thoughts is that we can offer a sacrifice offering of praise to God in a dark hour, in doing that we enthrone Him back on His throne where He belongs. 但你知不知道?能使我们信心提升,胜过抱怨,埋怨(叽里咕噜)和其他负面思想的关键时刻,是我们能在困境中献上赞美为祭,使神在我们心中重新登上属祂的宝座。

Complaining and grumbling can quench His light in us, and bring us into a dark place where we will separate ourselves from His Holiness and His presence, which is just the enemys scheme. 抱怨和埋怨的叽里咕噜,会熄灭祂在我们里面的光,把我们带到黑暗中,使我们与祂的圣洁的同在隔离,这是魔鬼的诡计。Satan wants us to stop praising the Creator, so that we are filled with bitterness and unforgiveness, un-thankfulness and unkindness, just as he wants us to be. 撒旦想让我们停止赞美我们的造物主,因此我们就成为那恶者想要的样子,充满苦毒和不饶恕,无感恩和无恩慈。

So How do we share in our Lord’s victory? pay the price of offering a royal spiritual sacrifice of praise to Him, whether we are in good times or bad times in our own sight, deny our own judgement of what is good and what is bad to Praise Him for His wonderful salvation! 我们怎样与主的得胜有份?付上代价,无论在我们自己眼中是顺境,还是逆境,否定我们自己的好坏判断,献上忠诚的赞美灵祭,为祂的奇妙拯救赞美祂!How do you know what happened to Paul and Silas would not happen to you, so that others could be saved? Praise Him for the wonderful identity that He has given us, we are His, and He is ours.你怎么知道保罗和西拉遇到的好事, 你不会遇到呢?你怎么知道不会有人因此得救呢?赞美主赐我们奇妙的身份,我们属祂,祂属我们。

This is one of the powerful bible verses that God encourages me to acclaim Him in every hard time throughout 12 or more years ministry of serving Him, which can always bring me from looking at the difficulties to looking at His wonderful and unfailing salvation and rejoice in Him.这是上帝在我12年多的服事当中,所赐给我的其中一句极有大能的经文,每次都能激励我在困境中向祂欢呼,并总能把我的眼光从定睛困境,转向 定睛祂奇妙,不更改的救恩而欢呼喜乐。

Habakkuk 3:17-18, Though the fig tree does not bud, and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails, and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.  哈巴谷书3:17-18虽然无花果不发旺,葡萄树不结果,橄榄树也不效力,田地不出粮食,圈中绝了羊,棚内也没有牛;然而,我要因耶和华欢欣,因救我的神喜乐。

In whatever circumstances, let our hearts remember who He is and who we are? And what our ministry is? Praise Him with all our hearteven paying a price, we will see His glory. 无论任何环境,让我们的心记住:他是谁?我们是谁?我们当如何侍奉?就算付上代价,仍要全心赞美祂,我们就会见到祂的荣耀。

Finally, I will show you a testimony on the screen, from a sister who heard the message of “the power of praise” a week ago which we shared in this service, she started to practice how to praise God in her bad circumstances, then a powerful thing happened to her lets see what happened.  最后,我给大家看一个见证。上周,有个姊妹听了“赞美的大能”这篇道后,她开始操练在她的困境中赞美神,然后大能的事就发生了。让我们来看发生了什么?

I lost the presence of God because of sins of disobedience and unforgiveness that I committed. On 17th February 2017, a girl who shut a car door in anger that crushed the ring finger of my left hand.  A doctor I saw didn’t find the problem out, so that it wasn’t dealt with well immediately. 2017217日,因着不饶恕和悖逆神,遭了咒诅,手指被车门夹到骨折,医生没有发现,没有及时处理。 Until 1st May 2017, I went to see another doctor, because I felt sharp pain on that finger and it was getting crooked, swollen, and unable to straighten.201751日因手指变形,疼痛,肿胀,不能伸直,我就去看医生。The doctor diagnosed as “Fracture in the middle segment of the ring finger on the left side”.X光片上看,医生诊断“左侧环指中节指骨骨折”。The doctor said that neither an operation nor plaster fixation could make it straight, for it was delayed treatment for two more months.医生说就算动手术或石膏固定,也挽救不了,只能是这样弯的。已经耽误2个多月了。

After seeing the doctor, I prayed and started to confess and repent to the Lord. While I was praying, I couldn’t stop checking my finger, to see if it would become straight or not. In this purpose I prayed and prayed, then I found nothing that happened, so that I couldnt stop complaining God.Not only was the finger not healed, but also my heart was filled with bitterness and complaints due to the increased pain.看完医生,回来就去祷告,每天不停的祷告认罪,祷告中途悔改一下就去看看手指有没有变直,这样以手指变直为目的的祷告,过了很久看手指没有变化,就抱怨神。手指不但没好,更加疼而且更加怨恨。Jane sent us her message of the power of praise on 27th May. She said that if we practiced praising God, we would see Gods power. Because of Gods words, my heart started to turn to God.527日,叶阿姨发来《赞美的大能》的讲章,她说我们操练赞美神,就能看见神的大能。因神的话,我的心有点转向信神了。

The next day (28th May), sisters and I from the home church practiced singing praise songs to God loudly following a worship songs video, we gave thanks to Him. During the worship, I forgot all my worries about the finger, and God became my centre again.528日,与姊妹一同起来操练赞美神,与赞美诗视频一起来大声歌唱赞美,称谢祂、以神为焦点、忧虑统统都抛在脑后。敬拜期间完全忘记手指这回事。The following day (29th May), the pain of the finger was completely gone, And I was still practicing praising God according to the book of Psalms.529日,手指的疼痛完全的消失了,继续照着诗篇的话赞美神。I was continually praising God on 30th May Not for gaining the worldly benefits, but for the purpose of being obedient to His will. 530日,继续赞美祂,不为得现世的好处,只为了爱祂,遵行祂的旨意。

On the first day of June, when I looked at my finger, I found it was getting straight. I realized that my finger was getting better and better as if it hadnt been hurt since I worshiped God on 28th May when I forgot myself to praise Him. 61日,无意间去看手指,发现变直了一点,想起从28日敬拜过以后,手指轻松了,像没有受伤一样。I realised that the pain of the finger was gone on 1st June 2017, and when I looked at the crooked finger, I found that it was getting better. 201761日,意识到手指不疼了,无意间看到手指那个地方直了许多。On 2nd June 2017, we sent this testimony to Jane. She asked me to go to hospital and take another X-Ray check to testify if God has done wonderful deeds or not.201762号,我们把这个见证给了叶阿姨,她要我再去医院拍片来见证神的作为。

You can see the difference between the previous X-Ray film and the late one which was from 2nd June. 62日去医院拍片,和之前的手指已经不同。X-Ray manifestation:The fracture line blurred, The fracture segment was aligned, Bone rare--faction was changed.Diagnosed: Fracture in middle segment of the ring finger was restored after treatment. 影像表现:骨折线变模糊,骨折断端对位,骨质疏松改变。诊断意见:环指中节骨折治疗后改变,(实际情况是治疗也无法改善形状)

In addition: There are some medicines that the doctor asked me to eat, but because of my stomach that has chemical reaction to medicines, I stopped having them since I took them for 6 days. And I tried to spread ointment on that ring finger, but it couldn’t be touched due to the sharp pain, so that I gave up having any medicines. 附加:这些是医生开的药,因吃了6天药引起胃不适 (有药物反应),敷药反而疼痛加剧,手指不能碰,就停止了用药,现在还有没用完的药。

Thanks to our God Jesus who is worthy of our praise! Doctors said that my fractured finger couldnt be restored because the treatment is delayed for two months. But God is amazing! Nothing is impossible for Him. 感谢归给上帝耶稣,祂配得我们的赞美。 因为延误2个月,医生说我断裂的手指不能恢复,但是上帝是奇妙的上帝,祂凡事都能。Hallelujah! God is worthy of our praise! Isnt He? 哈利路亚!神配得我们赞美,祂配得。

Do you want to stand up right now and open your mouth to Praise Him? 想不想 ,现在就站起来开口赞美祂?Even the heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims the work of His hands. 诸天述说神的荣耀,穹苍传扬祂的手段。Birds sing songs to praise God every day. 雀鸟唱诗,日夜歌颂。if we keep quiet, the stones will cry out. 如果我们不做声,石头必要呼叫起来。 Lets stand up to exalt Him and praise Him.让我们站起来高举祂的名,一同来赞美祂。


We are your people, the sheep of your pasture, we will praise you forever; from generation to generation we will proclaim your praise. Psa 79:13My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure. Pas 71:15  "Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands."

Psa. 63:3-4Praise God for His mercy that we are called to be in His peace Praise God for His divine purpose that we are called be His chosen people to be like living stones, being built into a spiritual house of God  Praise God for His divine purpose that we are being built as a holy habitation of the living God Praise God for the identity that He has graciously given us we no longer define ourselves according to people’s words about who we are,or upon our own feelings by comparing ourselves to others to define if we are better than them, or inferior to them, and to be deceived by the evil one.

Lord, forgive us, that we once defined who we are this wayThanks for Your blood that is always available to wash our sins clean Thank You for the Holy Spirit who is powerful enough that can disconnect us from the false identity we have been given from the evil one We praise God for the identity that You’ve given us through Jesus Christ who paid price for us  so that we now are a holy priesthood of the Almighty God  sanctify us in Your truth Lord help us trust in Your words and practice Your words and to be Your Holy priests. 

we are a royal priesthood of the Most High God We are a holy nation of God being built upon the foundation of Christ across cultures and across colours and languages  Praise God for His call to be ALL His priests Our ministry is to proclaim Your praise from the time of the rising of the Sun to its setting! Our mouth is to tell of your righteousness, and of your salvation all day long.

Thank You, Lord, for the privilege of being Your Priests through the blood of Jesus Christ, we now can come into Your presence with confidence! (If you have burdens and worries about tomorrow Praise God for who he is and his promise that He will never leave us or forsake us cast your cares on the Lord, and He will sustain you  praise Him for His sovereignty Praise Him for the free gift of salvation and eternal life )As a kingdom of priests, we are called to intercede for others through the Holy Spirit.

Let us take this authority to pray for others pray for your family members that they would be saved  pray for our neighbours that their eyes would be opened  pray for our colleagues and bosses that they would see the light and turn to the kingdom of light.pray for a city a nation We praise You for who You are and what You have done. "

I will give you thanks in the great congregation: I will praise you among much people." Psa. 35:18Psalm 34:1 I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.For we are like living stones, being built into a spiritual house of God; we are His chosen people; a holy priesthood; a royal priesthood; a holy nation; a people belonging to God- we are ALL His priests.


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