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2017-04-23 Three stages of spiritual growth 属灵成长的三个阶段

发表于 2024-01-08

Many people think that to be a Christian is to get into heaven, but I believe, that the richness of Gods salvation is far more than that, as God has 9 extraordinary promises for those who overcome, 很多人认为成为基督徒就是上天堂,但我认为,神丰富的救恩比这大太多了,因神为得胜的基督徒预备了九种特别的应许。Permission to eat from the tree of life (Rev 2:7) 将生命树的果子赐给他吃(启示录 2:7), Receive a crown of life (Rev 2:10赐给他生命的冠冕(启示录 2:10), Be able to eat of the hidden manna (Rev 2:17将隐藏的吗哪赐给他(启示录 2:17

Receive a white stone with a new name engraved upon it (Rev 2:17) 赐他一块白石,石上写着新名(启示录 2:17), Granted power over the nations (Rev 2:26赐给他权柄制伏列国(启示录 2:26),Receive the morning star (Rev 2:28把晨星赐给他(启示录 2:28),Be clothed in white raiment (Rev 3:5) 穿白衣(启示录 3:5), Become a Pillar in the Temple of God, with the name of God, the name of New Jerusalem, and Christs new name engraved upon you (Rev 3:12) 在神殿中作柱子,将我神的名、新耶路撒冷的名、基督的新名都写在上面(3:12),Granted permission to sit with Christ in His Throne (Rev 3:21)赐他在宝座上与基督同坐(启示录 3:21

Are you excited about these words? Today we dont have enough time to explain these in detail, but one day well talk about them again.  读到这些话你兴奋吗?我们今天没时间细讲,但以后会分享这些。The book of Revelation is fascinating, the first time I had a glimpse of the biblical view of overcoming in the book of revelation was 11 years ago, when I was called to build a church and ministered the church in East Asia. 启示录简直太精彩了!我第一次在启示录里,被开启一点点得胜者的圣经真理,是 11 年前,我被神呼召在东亚建立教会和服事时。

One night, I had a dream and I was appalled by its seriousness, in which Revelation 17 was revealed, 有一晚我做了个梦,是关于启示录 17 章的,对那梦的严肃性我感到震惊,and I also was told by the dream, that later all the church leaders I had at that time would lose their battle, that the Beast would wage war against that church.在梦里,神告诉我,启示录17的兽要和那个教会争战,但与我同工的那个教会的领袖们会全然失败 。And the reason those Christian leaders couldnt overcome the evil one was that they valued earthly wealth more than they valued the eternal promises of God. 他们因为看重地上的财富过于神所赐的永恒的应许,就无法胜过那恶者。

The dream also told me that a few years later, after they failed completely to the test of their faith, those leaders would be captured by the woman who sits on the Beast which was written in Re 17 (look at this picture)梦中还启示,几年之后,当他们在信心考试中全然失败,他们会被启示录里“骑在朱红色兽上的女人”掳去。 (看这个图片)

My understanding of The woman is that she represents the religious spirit which has tempted all churches throughout the whole of church history, who tries to entice Gods church to commit spiritual adultery, which is to follow the teaching of the world.   那“女人”,代表诱惑全地教会、诱惑从古至今所有教会的宗教之灵, 牠的使命是诱惑神的教会犯属灵的淫乱,就是听从世界的教导 。

And the dream also revealed that after those leaders had been captured, then, they would leave the church. 这梦还启示,当那些教会领袖们在被掳后,他们都会离开教会。 I didnt dare to eat anything on the second day, because of the astonishing dream, but fasted and prayed. 因这梦太震惊了,第二天我都不敢吃东西,就禁食祷告。 3,4 years later, the whole thing happened gradually just as the dream had told me, and those leaders left the church, one of them went to heresy, another one left the church and divorced, the other one went to a religious community.三四年后,梦里启示的事陆续应验,那些教会领袖离开了教会,一个去了异端,另一个离开教会并且离了婚,还有一个去了一个宗教团体。

In Revelation 12:17, says: Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring--those who keep God's commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus. 启示录 12:17龙向妇人发怒,去与她其余的儿女争战,这儿女就是守神诫命、为耶稣作见证的。

Im 100% sure this is very true, the more we practice keeping Gods commands and  to try to be Jesus testimony, the more the evil one will try to make war against us, but Jesus is our insurance of victory! 我百分百相信这话真实,我们越是操练遵行神的命令、并成为基督的见证人,那恶者就越是要与我们争战。但耶稣是我们得胜的保证

He died and was raised from death. He overcame everything, and He is in us, if we abide in Him, we abide in His victory. 他死了,又从死里复活,胜过了一切;他住在我们里面,如果我们也住在他里面,就是住在得胜里。 So, perfect salvation does not just forgive our sins, but also promises us this: 因此,完全的救恩不单是罪得赦免,神还有这样的应许:He who overcomes will inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he will be my son. Re 21:7 21:7得胜的,必承受这些为业;我要作他的神,他要作我的儿子。

This means that all Jesus has, He will give those who overcomes. And they will truly become sons of God. 就是说,耶稣所有的,都将赐给得胜者,他们也会真正的成为神的儿子 。Yes, we are sons of God,  but now, we are only so in position, not in reality. 是的,我们是神的儿子,但现在只是在地位上,并不是 在实际上。Therefore gradually, we need to grow in the Lord and live lives that testify that no longer we live but Jesus lives in us. 因此,我们需要在主里逐渐成长,来见证不再是我,而是基督在我里面活的生命。

Today, Im gonna to talk about the three parts process to get into maturity. Lets read 1 John 2:12-14: 今天我想分享进到完全地步的三个阶段。让我们先读:约壹 2:12-14    I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name's sake. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, children, because you know the Father.

I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one. 小子们哪,我写信给你们,因为你们的罪借着主名得了赦免。父老啊,我写信给你们,因为你们认识那从起初原有的。少年人哪,我写信给你们,因为你们胜了那恶者。小子们啊,我曾写信给你们,因为你们认识父。父老啊,我曾写信给你们,因为你们认识那起初原有的。少年人哪,我曾写信给你们,因为你们刚强,神的道常存在你们心里,你们也胜了那恶者。

From reading this passage, we realise that John pointed out three stages in the process of spiritual growth: 1, Children.   2, Young men.   3, Fathers. 我们在这段经句里读到约翰给我们的教导,就是灵命成长有三个阶段:1,小子;2,少年人;3,父老。 What happens at these three stages? Lets look at this diagram:  我们在下表里来看看,这三个阶段会发生什么事?

Recipients:        接收者:

Conditions        情况:

1) Children        1)小子

1) their sins are forgiven 罪得赦免(v.12b) they know the Father/ 认识父(v.13b)

2) Fathers         2)父老

they know Him who is from the beginning /他们认识那从起初原有 v.13a) they know Him who is from the beginning (v.14a) 他们认识那从起初原有

3) Young men      3)少年人

they have overcome the evil one / 他们胜了那恶者 (v.13 they are strong / 他们胜了那恶者 (v.13 the word of God abides in them/ 神的道常存在他们心里 (v.14) they have overcome the evil one / 他们胜了那恶者  (v.15)

Now, from the diagram, we basically know what the knowledge of the gospel is, and what the character looks like at each stage of their ongoing journey towards maturity.  从表中我们大致看出,不同阶段的基督徒,对耶稣的认识程度不同,他们逐步走向完全的过程中所表现出的特征也不同。

1 Firstly  lets talk about children. 首先,让我们看看“小子”这个阶段。

Two weeks ago, we mentioned the rebirth, which means that Christians must be born again by the Holy Spirit through Gods grace and their faith. 我们在两周前分享过重生,就是基督徒借着神的恩典和他们的信,必须被圣灵重生。And by taking this step, we become spiritual infants, who have just entered Gods kingdom. At this stage, how do we acknowledge the salvation of God?  借着重生,我们成为神国度的属灵婴儿。在小子阶段,我们对神救恩的认识是怎样的呢 

1) V.12 little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name's sake. 12 节,你们的罪借着主名得了赦免。 2) V.13 children, because you know the Father, 13 节,因为你们认识父,We find that v. 12 and v.13 all have the word - children”,12 节和 13 节里都看到“小子”这个词。The Greek word teknion has been translated into the English word little children or children in 1 John 2:1, 12, 28, which seems to refer to all believers.  希腊词 teknion,英文就是“小孩子”或“孩子”的意思,在约翰一书 2:11228里都出现过,像是指着全体信徒说的。

For example, in v.1 my dear Children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. 比如,第 1 节,“我小子们哪,我将这些话写给你们,是要叫你们不犯罪。 John emphasised his purpose was to write the letter to all believers. 约翰强调这信是给全体信徒的 。The second mention of children in v.13 and v.18, uses a different Greek word – “paidion, which describes new Christians and spiritual children that need to be trained and disciplined in His righteousness.  第二次提到“小子” 在第 1318节,用的是不同的希腊词 paidion,是指需要被神的公义训练和约束的新信徒或属灵婴孩。

So, the most elementary thing we know about Christians is that their sins are forgiven. 所以,关于基督徒最基本的认识是他的罪得了赦免  John the apostle pointed out very clearly why, because you have known the Father.” 使徒约翰非常明确地说“因为你们认识父” Lets think about our own journeys, because someone shared the gospel with us, and we therefore believe that the Father loves us and sent His beloved Son to die for the forgiveness of our sins. 想想我们自己的经历,因有人向我们传了福音,我们就信天父爱我们、信祂差爱子受死是为我们的罪得赦免。

We confessed and repented, so we have joined the family of God and started to know the Father, isnt that true? 于是,我们认罪悔改,就加入神的大家庭,开始认识天父。是不是这样? I once enjoyed the joy of being a baby with the Father who is full of mercy and love. Have you ever enjoyed your experience of being a baby of God? 我曾经很享受做个属灵婴孩,享受天父的怜悯和慈爱。你有没有这样的感觉 就是享受做上帝的婴孩? My experience of spiritual infancy was very funny and ridiculous. 我的属灵婴孩期是又有趣又可笑的。

During the first month after I became a Christian, I had dreams about Gods correction along with bible verses, and something about the future every single night,  成为基督徒的第一个月,每天晚上都有关于神的梦,有纠正,有经文和关于未来的,  I felt that sleep time was such an interesting thing, because I could quickly go to bed and fall asleep so that I might meet God in my dreams. Wasnt that ridiculous? But that was me thinking as a spiritual infant. 我发现睡觉还可以这样有趣,因为天一黑就能快快上床睡觉,和神在梦中相会。是不是很可笑?可确实是我属灵婴孩时的想法。

But God is the God of truth! 但上帝是真理! He wont always allow us to stay in such a dangerous stage of infancy, because without studying Gods word and keeping His word in mind, we are prone to walk the wrong way. 祂不会老让我们停留在这个危险的阶段,如果没有神的话、没有把祂的话记在心中,我们很容易就走偏了。 After a month, I had a false dream, which made me very upset, as an infant I didnt know how to discern what desires or thoughts that were from the flesh. 一个月后,我得了一个假梦,我就很沮丧。因为做属灵婴孩不能分辨哪些是私欲、哪些意念是出自肉体的。

and if I lived according to them, I was putting myself in a dangerous situation, because the enemy came to deceive me by giving false dreams, as I didnt keep Gods word in my heart. 并且若我顺服那些,就危险了,因我没有神的话在心里,仇敌可以用假梦来欺骗我, If we dont keep Gods word in mind, we lose discernment. And if we cant discern what is good and evil according to the truth, we can easily be tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. (Eph 4:14)

我们如果不把神的话存在心里,就不会有辨别力;没有按真理分辨好歹的能力,就会“中了人的诡计和欺骗的法术,被一切异教之风摇动,飘来飘去,就随从各样的异端”。 4:14So, do you see? that if a Spiritual baby remains forever an infant, it causes many problems. 所以,看到了吗?属灵婴孩要是总不长大,就大有问题了。

Paul the apostle has marked some characteristics of infants in Christ in 1 Corinthians 3. 首先,使徒保罗在哥林多前书3 里描绘出属灵婴孩的特点: 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 Brothers, I could not address you as Spiritual but as worldlymere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 3 You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men? 林前 3:1-3弟兄们,我从前对你们说话,不能把你们当作属灵的,只得把你们当作属肉体,在基督里为婴孩的。我是用奶喂你们,没有用饭喂你们。那时你们不能吃,就是如今还是不能。你们仍是属肉体的,因为在你们中间有嫉妒、纷争,这岂不是属乎肉体、照着世人的样子行吗?

As babies in Christ, we still act like mere men who are worldly, loving things in this world, and we have little interest in things eternal. People around us, cant see Jesus though our actions. 我们作基督里的婴孩时,就会照世人的样子行,喜爱世界里的事,对永恒的事兴趣不大;身边的人也从我们身上看不到基督。The second feature, is that we rely on milk, not solid food. 其次,我们只能喝奶,不能吃干粮。 It means that infants in Christ love only getting the understanding of Gods word from somebody else, they havent established they spiritual discipline of reading and meditating on Gods word by faith through the leading of the Holy Spirit yet. 意思是在小子阶段,只能从他人的口里认识神的话,自己还没建立借着信靠圣灵读经,灵修的属灵纪律生活。

Thirdly, staying in this stage causes many problems, such as Jealousy, quarrelling, and other carnal things, that come to disturb us. 第三,停留在这个阶段,会有很多问题和其他情绪来搅扰,比如嫉妒、纷争和其他属肉体的罪, And the enemy also comes to accuse and deceive us, so that at this stage, our emotions can be easily influenced by what people do, and anything else that we allow to.  仇敌也会来控告和欺骗,这个阶段里,我们的情绪很容易被外面的世界影响。 As spiritual babies, we dont know how to apply the word to our own behaviour, so that we are not familiar with the teaching about righteousness. 作为属灵婴孩时期,我们不懂怎样行出神的话,也不熟悉仁义的道理。

However, we all go through this stage, so dont worry. 不过,我们每一个人都要经过这个阶段,所以,不用担心。 Please remember, we have authority to come to the Father because of Jesus Christ, we cry out: Father, forgive me. Then our sins will be forgiven, because we have known the Father, who is able to save.  请记住,我们借着耶稣基督有权来到天父面前,呼叫“父啊,赦免我”,我们的罪就可得赦免;因我们认识父,祂有大能施行拯救。

2 Lets talk about the level of fathers. 现在我们来看看“父老”的阶段。

Remaining in the elementary stage forever is not fun, we should make every effort to go on to maturity. 请大家务必记在心里,长久停留在起步阶段,不会是好玩的事,我们应当竭力进到完全的地步。 Then John wrote to the fathers, I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning." 约翰接着写,“父老啊,我写信给你们,因为你们认识那从起初原有的”。 John didnt say much about the fathers faith, but he only pointed out that they have known Jesus who is from the beginning. 约翰没有多写父老的信心程度如何,只是说他们认识那从起初原有的耶稣。

In the Gospel of John, it says, that Jesus was both the Word and God in the beginning. So, the feature of fathers is that they have known the Word and God who is from beginning. 在约翰福音里说,太初有道,道与神同在,耶稣是道也是神。所以,父老的特征是他们认识那起初原有的神和祂的道。In other words, after years of walking in the Word and in the Holy Spirit, they have come to know the eternal God by their testimony of faith. 也就是说,经过多年在圣灵里和神的话里行走,借着他们的信心见证了他们认识这位永生的神。

For instance, people like Abraham, when his faith was mature, he offered Isaac his only son as a sacrifice without any fear or doubt, because Abrahams faith at that time was mature and he believed that God who is from the beginning, can raise the dead. 亚伯拉罕的信心成熟时,他毫无畏惧毫不怀疑地将独生子以撒献上为祭,因亚伯拉罕那时的信心成熟了,他信神是起初原有的,信神使死人复活 。So he believed that even if he burned his son as a sacrifice, God would raise him up. What strong faith? 亚伯拉罕那时信,即便儿子被献为燔祭,他信神也可以使他复活。这是何等大的信心!

When Paul the apostles faith was mature, nothing whether good or bad could sway his emotions up and down. 使徒保罗的信心成熟时,无论好事或坏事都不能让他的情绪上下起伏。 Do you remember? In the book of Acts, once, after having been flagged, and putting in a prison, Paul still praised God, and through that God saved jailer and his household miraculously. 大家记得吗?在使徒行转,有一次,保罗被打了,关进监狱,他依然赞美主,借此,神就神奇的拯救了狱卒和狱卒一家。

Paul learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want, he learned the way of being content in every circumstance, because he knew who Jesus is. 保罗随事随在都得了秘诀,或饱足或饥饿,或有余或缺乏,他都学会了知足,因为他真知道了耶稣是谁? For this reason, he practiced dying to himself daily and no longer did he live, but Christ lived in him. 因这个原因,他每天操练向自己死,不再自己活,而是让耶稣在他里面活。

So, we can say the fathers are those who are mature in faith and continue to grow in faith, and their lives only testify that they have learned how God works and how God rules over all, 所以我们可以说,父老阶段的基督徒,他们信心成熟并继续成长,他们的生命见证了他们真知道神在凡事上怎样作工,和祂在一切事上掌权。 and they can turn many to righteousness, because their lives testify that they have known Him who is from the beginning, and who is the sovereign God.  并且他们使许多人归义,父老的生命见证了他们真认识那起初原有的,统管万有的神 。

3Now Lets talk about young men. 现在我们来看看“少年人”阶段。

We are getting into the middle stage, the young men. I love talking about this stage, because this is the most important process for spiritual growth, and also it reveals the secret of growth. 少年人阶段,是属灵生命的中间阶段。我很喜欢多多谈论这个阶段,因这是属灵成长的关键期,并揭示了属灵成长的秘密。 Namely, how can we grow up in the Lord? Lets repeat what John said about the young men. 换句话说,我们怎样在主里成长?让我们回顾一下约翰关于“少年人”的讲论:

1they have overcome the evil one  (v.13)  2) they are strong, (v.14)  3) the word of God abides in them (v.14)  4) they have overcome the evil one  (v.15) 1.他们胜了恶者(13 节);2.他们刚强(14 节);3.神的道常存在他们心里(14 节);4.他们胜了那恶者(15 节) We notice that what children and young man are dealing with is different: with children, it is sins, and with young men it is the evil one. 我们可以看见,属灵小子和属灵少年人所对付的事不一样:属灵婴孩是对付罪,少年人是对付那恶者。

In other words, children live according to the natures desires, they somehow sin against God unconsciously, because they dont know much about what a sin is.  就是说,婴孩因活在肉体中,不怎么认识罪,所以有时得罪神也不知道。 But young men have become strong, because they have learnt the importance of abiding in Gods word rather than abiding in their natures desires. 但少年人因已经学会了住在神的话里,不住在天然人的私欲里的重要性,就刚强起来。

What helps a young man to overcome the evil one? The Word of God abiding in him. 少年人靠什么胜过撒旦?靠神的话常存在他们心里,住在神的话里。In John 15:5 Jesus says: I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, then you will produce much fruit. Without me, you cant do anything. 约翰福音 15:5耶稣说:我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子;因为离了我,你们就不能做什么。If you break a branch from a tree trunk, it will die. 枝子从树干上折下来就枯死了。

In the same way, if we dont read and study Gods word, and meditate on them to feed our souls, 我们也一样,如果我们不读经,学习神的话,不默想,不祷告神的话,喂养我们的魂 。And if we dont seek Gods word and His will in our daily life by the power of the spirit, our spiritual life also will die, because branches cant live by themselves. 若我们不在生活中寻求神话语和祂旨意的引导,我们的属灵生命也不能活,就像枝子离了树活不了一样。 Sin, anger, anxiety, jealousy, self-pity, lust, and all fleshs desires can overwhelm us. 罪,怒气,焦虑,嫉妒,自怜,贪欲,各样肉体的私欲就把我们吞没了。

So as spiritual young men, we know that abiding in Gods word can help us to resist the desires of the flesh, and that can make us strong.  因此,作为属灵少年人,认识住在神的话语里,就能帮我们抵挡肉体的各样私欲,就可使我们刚强起来。 Also, by practicing abiding in the word, our spiritual eyes can be opened, and our attention will not focus on people, which may cause us to alienate them from us because of their bad behaviour in our own judgement. 不但如此,操练住在神的话语里,可以使我们属灵的眼睛被打开,使我们的注意力不是老盯在人身上,以至于因为人的不好的行为,就论断人,不理人 

But if we focus on peoples faults, we will easily to be stumbled, because it will cause us to be alienated from Gods love, and Satan will take advantage of us.  若我们总盯着他人的错误,就很容易被绊倒,把自己从神的爱里隔绝了,而且我们也会给撒旦利用。 Paul the apostle said in Eph 6:12, We arent fighting against human enemies but against rulers, authorities, forces of cosmic darkness, and spiritual powers of evil in the heavens.  使徒保罗在 6:12说,因我们不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。

He indicates that our enemies are not those who are living or working with us who cause friction, but are evil spirits which cause friction between people. 他是说,我们的敌人不是那些和我们一起生活工作跟我们起摩擦的人, 而是那引起人与人起摩擦的邪灵 。There is story in the Bible, when Paul the apostle and his companion were on their way to somewhere, a girl followed Paul and shouted: 圣经里有一个记载。当使徒保罗和同工去到一个地方,有一个使女跟着保罗喊: “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.” “这些是至高神的仆人,对你们传说救人的道。

And Paul finally became troubled by her. How do you think Paul responded to this girl?  保罗最后心中厌烦。弟兄姊妹想想,保罗要对这个使女说什么? How did you respond to her if you were there? Would you immediately say to her with anger, shut up? Do you know, you are so annoying, go away. ” 如果你在那里,你会怎样做?你会不会立即恼怒的对那女的说:“住口!”  “你知不知道,你很烦啊,走开”。

Paul wasnt angry with the girls annoying actions, nor did he say anything negative to the person, but he rebuked the spirit to come out of the girl in the name of Jesus, and the girl was set free, for the bible said that she had been possessed by a spirit to earn money for her owner by fortune-telling.  保罗没有因这使女,叫人厌烦的举动而发怒,也没有向她说任何负面的话,而是奉主的名斥责那灵从使女身上出来,使女就得了释放。圣经里说她被巫鬼所附,用法术叫她的主人们大得财利。

Paul didnt fight against a human, but against the evil one, by the power of Jesus to save a person who was oppressed. Praise God!  保罗没有和人争战,而是和那恶者争战,靠耶稣的能力拯救了被压制的人。赞美主!Now, brothers and sisters, please dont misunderstand what I have said, Im not saying that whenever you have problems with other people, that is because they have oppressed by an evil spirit. 弟兄姊妹不要误解我的话,我不是说,当你和他人相处起麻烦时,都是因为别人被鬼附着而导致的。

No, Here Paul accurately acknowledged the evil one and overcame it in the power of the Lord, because he abided in the word of God, instead of abiding in the flesh, his inner man was strong enough to overcome his own flesh,and the evil ones scheme. 当然不是这样,保罗因住在神的话里,不是在肉体里,他的里面的人足以刚强的胜过自己的肉体和那恶者的计谋。所以,他清楚地认出那恶者,并靠主的能力胜过了它。

So, brothers and sister, it is all about truth. 因此,弟兄姊妹,得胜在于真理。If we abide in the truth, instead of abiding in our flesh and its concepts from the world, we are not only set free, but also, we can overcome the evil one.如果我们的内心,不是住在自己的肉体和世界给我们的价值观里,而是住在真理里,我们不单得释放,还可以得胜那恶者 。

Now Im concluding the message with Heb 12:1-2, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. 我以来 12:1-2 来结束今天的分享: 这样我们, 就 当放 下 各 样 的 重 担 , 脱 去 容 易 缠 累 我 们 的 罪 , 存 心 忍 耐 , 奔 那 摆 在 我们 前 头 的 路 程 ,仰 望 为 我 们 信 心 创 始 成 终 的 耶 稣 。 Let us remember, it is only abiding in Gods word that makes us strong and able to overcome the evil one.  让我们记住,只有住在神的话语里,才可以使我们刚强、也能使我们胜过那恶者。


Lord, we thank you for the unfolding words that You have given us, so that we are able to know what happens at the three stages of spiritual growth, 主啊,我们感谢你赐下对属灵三个成长阶段的开启, 使我们知道这属灵的三个阶段是怎样的?and Your word is like a mirror, when we look at the mirror, weve known little bit about ourselves what stage we are in.   并且,主啊,你的话就像一面镜子,当我们照了这个镜子,就对自己还处在哪个阶段有了些认识。

We know, this is Your grace and mercy as You dont want us to be deceived by our own thoughts and pride. By Your words, we now have known that we should press on the goal, which is to allow Christ who lives in us completely.  我们知道,这是你的恩典和怜悯,因你不愿意我们被自己的想法和骄傲欺骗,借着你的话语,我们才知道,当向着标杆直跑,这标杆就是基督住在我们里面完全的掌权。

Now, the following prayer part, you may repeat after me in your heart or in your mouth with faith if you like. I believe that if you do this way, it may help you to be washed clean and be refreshed by the Holy Spirit. Because your own faith and prayer in Gods eyes are very important: 下面的祷告部分,你若愿意,就可以凭着信心,跟着在你心里,或嘴里一起来祷告。 我相信你跟着祷,或许能帮到你,使你可以被洁净,和被圣灵来更新。因你自己的信心在神眼中非常的重要:

Lord, any thoughts, that I have allowed to enter my heart to cause me laziness to seek Your truth and Your face, or any other sins sins like unforgiveness  jealousy covetousness or telling lies if they are hidden in my heart, please help me to recall my memory so that I will be able to confess before you 主啊,我所许可,让任何意念思想进入我的里面,引起我懒惰,不来寻求你的真理和你的面的,或还有其他的罪,比如,有不饶恕的,有嫉妒的,有贪的,有说谎的,如果他们有在我里面藏着求你帮助我想起来,让我可以来你面前承认。

Thanks for Your endless love, when I sinned against Your holiness unconsciously, You never condemn me, but You patiently wait for me to come back, just as the father of the lost son who waited for his son back patiently. 谢谢你永不止境的爱,当我无意识得罪你的圣洁,你从不定我的罪,还忍耐等候我回转向你,就像那个浪子的父亲忍耐等候他的儿子回家。

so I cry out: Father, forgive me. I confess and renounceth e sins that Ive confessed just now  Please wash me by your precious blood and fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may possess Your power to acknowledge my enemies that are not human, but I should fight against the authorities, against the rulers, against the power of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  因此,我呼求:父啊,赦免我,我承认并离弃所有我刚才承认的罪,求你用你的宝血洁净我,用你的圣灵充满我。因此,我就能带着你的能力,去识别出我的敌人,不是人,而是那执政的,掌权的,管辖幽暗世界的,以及空中属灵气的恶魔。

You have told us, that young man who are strong, is because that they abide in the word of God. Lord, teach us the way of abiding in You, guide us the way of seeking Your words earnestly, so that we may live out faith to triumph over our enemies, and to bring the light to the dark world, and to set people who are in bandages free! Thank You Lord, in Jesus name we prayer. Amen!  你告诉我们,少年人刚强,是因为他们住在你的真理里。主啊,求你教导我们住在你里面,引导我们切切的寻求你的真理。那样,我们就能活出信心,胜过我们的仇敌,把你的光带去这黑暗的世界,也可以使被捆绑的人得自由。 谢谢主耶稣,奉主耶稣的名祷告。阿门!


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