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2017-02-26 How the small can flourish 如何微小成发达

发表于 2024-01-08

Last week, we held the very first international church service, which was very exciting. 上周,我们真的很兴奋,因为我们开始了第一次的新国际堂的聚会。After the church some people told me that their hearts were touched by the testimony, and they wanted to cry. 聚会结束后,有人告诉我,他们的心被那个见证感动得想哭。I hope that God’s word can always soften and purify our hearts, 但愿主的话总这样柔软和洁净我们的心,so that we will be filled with His Love to follow Him faithfully.使我们被祂的爱充满去衷心的跟随祂。

Today, we’re gonna to go through Job 8:5-7 今天我们要来查考约伯记8:5-7

(KJV) 5 If thou wouldest seek unto God betimes, and make thy supplication to the Almighty; 6 If thou wert pure and upright; surely now he would awake for thee, and make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous. 7 Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.

(NIV) 5 But if you will seek God earnestly and plead with the Almighty, 6 if you are pure and upright, even now he will rouse himself on your behalf and restore you to your prosperous state. 7 Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.


Isn’t it true that even a great successful business starts small? 成功的企业不是都从微小开始的吗?You know, McDonald’s the global hamburger chain, 全球性的汉堡包连锁店麦当劳,in the beginning, 刚开始的时候,just sold one item, hot dogs, in a food stand, it started very small.小到只是摆了一个小摊,卖一样东西——就是热狗。

The Ford car company only had a small group of ten people in the beginning, 福特汽车,刚开始的时候,小到只有十来个人,but now it has become globally business. 现在成了全球闻名的公司。If you have time to do a research, 要是你有时间考察,you will find out more evidence to proof this.必定找到很多别的例子。

When Jesus Christ the author of faith started his ministry on the earth, 为信心创始成终的耶稣基督,刚在地上开展事工的时候,he just began with a small group of 12, 只有12个门徒,but his influence to the world from the beginning to the end is boundless. 但最终他带来了无穷尽的影响力。So, today, may God encourage us through these verses, 愿神今天鼓励我们、启示我们,so that we may be able to commit to the small and lowly things faithfully, 叫我们有信心委身在最小最卑微的事情上,in order that one day we can be entrusted with much.将来可以承受大事。

I will explain the background in the context first.我解释经文中的背景。Some of us may know the story of Job, 我们或许已经知道约伯的故事,that here he is suffering the testing of his faith by unjust judgement of his friend, 他在信心受试炼时,他的朋友却不公义地论断他。for his 7 sons and 3 daughters died when the house collapsed while they were eating in their brother’s place. 7个儿子3个女儿,在其中一个儿子家中吃饭的时候,房子倒了,儿女全死了;On the same day, Job’s possessions were robbed as well.同一天,约伯的财物也被抢劫一空。One of Job’s friend came and tried to comfort Job, saying: 约伯的一个朋友想要安慰他,说:“God is just, “神是公平的,the reason you are suffering from all the disaster, 一定是你的儿女得罪了上帝,is that your children sinned against God, isn’t that true? (v3-4),不是吗?8:3-4but even now if you look to God, and plead with the lmighty, “你若殷勤地寻求神,向全能者恳求;if you are pure and upright, 你若清洁正直,He will rouse himself on your behalf 他必定为你起来,and restore you to your rightful place. 使你公义的居所兴旺。Your beginnings will seem humble, 你起初虽然微小,so prosperous will your future be.”终久必甚发达。”Wow, does this word bring comfort to Job who is suffering loss? 哇,这种话能不能安慰到苦难中的朋友?No, not at all. 当然不能。Although the friend’s theology is correct about the power of the creator God, 虽然他对上帝创造万物大能的神学知识是真实的,he still didn’t understand God’s deeper purpose for Job.但却不知道神对约伯的更深的旨意。So this reminders us, 这里给我们一个提醒,especially for those who are influenced by the idea of Karma just as Hinduism and Buddhism teach. 尤其是受印度教,和佛教的因果报应影响的弟兄姊妹。They believe that if you do good, you will receive a reward, 他们相信善有善报, if you suffer disaster, it is a penalty for what you have done wrong.恶有恶报。

But is it a biblical view? 但圣经是怎么说的呢?Remember what Jesus has said in John 9, 还记不记得耶稣在《约翰福音》9章,When the disciples saw the blind and asked Jesus: 当门徒看见一个瞎子,就问耶稣:“Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “拉比,这人生来是瞎眼的,是谁犯了罪?是这个人呢?是他父母呢?”Jesus answered, 耶稣回答说:“Neither this man nor his parents sinned, “也不是这人犯了罪,也不是他父母犯了罪,but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.”是要在他身上显出神的作为来。

God is merciful and righteous, 神有怜悯有公义,even though sometimes He allows His people to suffer hard times, 就算祂有时候允许祂的子民经历苦难,like the Jews suffered by having only manna to eat when they were walking in the desert.就象以色列民在旷野中行走时,只有吗哪没有别的食物;God’s purpose was to humble and test them, 神的目的是使他们谦卑,试验他们,so that in the end it would go well with them, 叫他们终久享福。which is the word of God written in Deuteronomy 8: 16:申命记8:16He gave you manna to eat in the wilderness, something your fathers had never known, to humble and test you so that in the end it might go well with you.又在旷野将你列祖所不认识的吗哪赐给你吃,是要苦炼你,试验你,叫你终久享福。God’s way is higher than ours, isn’t it? 神的道路高过我们的道路,不是吗?Surely, He gives rich grace and blessings much more than we can comprehend.诚然是!神所赐的恩惠祝福超过我们所求所想!

From Job 8:5-7, 约伯记8:5-7 I will give three points of how we humble ourselves, so our future can be flourishing. 我来分享三点,我们怎样谦卑自己,因此我们的将来可以兴旺发达,Are you interested? 你想要吗?I believe that everybody wants to flourish, 我相信每一个人都想兴旺,not to struggle, isn’t that true? 而不是衰败,对吗?The secret for how the small can flourish, 从最小到兴旺发达,consists of the following three points:这里告诉我们3点秘诀:

1, Seek the Lord diligently. 当殷勤寻求神。

Chinese version in v.5 says: If you diligently seek God, plead with the Almighty. 中文和合翻译本,第5节说,如果你殷勤的寻求神,向全能者恳求,What does “diligently seek the Lord” mean? 什么叫殷勤的寻求神?KJV gives an answer, the word “seek betimes”, is a Hebrew word of (שחרׁ shâchar), KJV版本里“seekbetimes-早早的来寻求,这词给我们一个答案,来自希伯来话שחרׁshâcharwhich means literally to seek in the morning, to seek early;字面直译是清晨寻求、早早寻求的意思;And then, to make it the first thing to look to him immediately when help is needed, 当有事情发生时,第一时间来向神寻求帮助,rather than talk to anybody.而不是向人诉说。

I’ll repeat it again, what does it mean to seek God diligently? 我再说一遍,什么叫殷勤寻求神呢?We should get up early in the morning to pray with faith, 就是我们早早起来,在信心里祷告;or when we wake up, 或者一醒来的时候,let our heart first turn to Him to praise Him and set Him before us,就让我们的心马上转向祂赞美祂,把祂摆在我们面前,Let His words be our first thing to meditate on and think about. 祂的话成为我们默想和思考的第一件事。When we face a problem, 当我们面临任何难处时,not to immediately want to talk to someone else, but only to the Lord. Make Him the first you look to.不是跟人说,而是跟主说。让祂成为我们第一个要仰望的!

The great man David whom God considered as ‘a man after His own heart’ wrote down a secret of flourishing spiritually like this: 信心伟人大卫,被神称为合我心意的人,写下了属灵生命丰盛的秘诀:Psalms 5:3, In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. 5:3,耶和华啊,早晨你必听我的声音;早晨我必向你陈明我的心意,并要警醒!Why could David prosper his kingdom on the earth despite his enemies? Have you ever thought about it? 有没有想过,为什么尽管有那么仇敌,大卫的国度还可以在地上昌盛发达?Because he put God in first place, 因为他把神放在第一位!early in the morning, he laid his requestsbefore God and waited for Him, 每天早晨,他向神陈明心意,并且等候神。and he set the Lord always before him.他总是把神放在面前。But when he forsook seeking the Lord in this way, 但是当他没有这样寻求神的时候,he got up one evening and walked round, 他晚上起来,走走看看,and saw a beautiful woman who was taking a bath. 看到一个正在洗澡的妇人,He fell into temptation and ended up committing the sins of adultery and murder.他就掉进试探中,犯了奸淫杀人的罪。

What a terrible truth the Bible tells us! 圣经告诉我们一个何等可怕的事实,If even a great man can stumble in such a way, 就算象大卫那样的伟人,若不殷勤寻求神,也要跌倒,how can we believe that we are better than David?何况我们?难道我们比大卫还厉害?That we don’t need to start our daytime with seeking God and pleading with the Almighty?难道我们不需要每天从清晨寻求神、向全能者恳求,这样来开始每一天吗?

A survey revealed that six out of ten Brits regularly wake up in a bad mood. 有一个研究说,10个英国人有6个,一早起来的时候情绪就不好。Many people have told me that they are prone to get grumpy in the morning.也有很多人跟我说,他们早上起来时最容易发火。Why don’t you start to try to practice this truth? 为什么我们不开始操练这真理呢?I believe that you will receive unexpected benefits.我相信你若在生活中操练这真理,你必会得到意想不到的好处。

12 years ago, I was seriously depressed when I was a non-Christian. 12年前,我没有信主时,是严重的抑郁症患者,I couldn’t sleep all night and lost my temper easily. 晚上不能睡觉,脾气失控。Can you see on my face depression and grumpiness?现在你看得出我有抑郁、脾气失控吗?Seek the Lord in the early morning, first thing, 清早起来第一时间寻求神,and plead with the Almighty. 向全能者恳求!You will see great changes happen in your life, 你必看见生命的变化,as Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.因耶稣基督昨日、今日、明日都不改变。

2,Willing to be pure and clean.当存清洁的心

How to seek the Lord diligently? 怎样殷勤寻求神?Some people who were Buddhist or another religion who converted to Christianity knew 有些基督徒原来是佛教徒,或者信其他宗教,that they should call on the Lord for help which was their habit at first. 他们已经有这样的习惯,一有事就找他们的神去帮忙。But after a while, they found that God didn’t listen their prayers. Why?但是,再后来,他们发现上帝不听祷告了。为什么?Because they only wanted God to give them things, 因为他们只想上帝给他们:“oh, God, give me a job…“神啊,给我一份工作吧……give me money…给我钱吧……give me a house…给我房子吧……give me a son…给我儿子吧..God, give me…” 给我什么什么吧……”like what they did in their former temple…和从前他们在庙里求的一样,只是他们的神换了名字。But the bible tells us, 但圣经告诉我们,God is Holy, 上帝是圣洁的,if we ask anything according to His will, 如果我们若照祂的旨意求什么,He hears us. 祂就听我们。(1 John 约一5:14-15). What is His will that He wants us to ask for? 那么,神的旨意是什么呢?神希望我们求什么呢?Seek first His righteousness:首先是求祂的义:v.6 if you are pure and upright, even now he will rouse himself on your behalf and restore you to your prosperous state. 8:6,你若清洁正直,他必定为你起来,使你公义的居所兴旺。“Pure” here means “something clean without being mixed with sin” in God’s eyes, Pure”在这里的意思,是在神眼里清洁、没有参合原罪。then God will fulfil His promise to make us flourish.那样,神就会使祂的应许实现,让我们昌盛发达。Jesus also says in Matt 5:8: 耶稣在马太福音5:8说:“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”清心的人有福了,他们必得见神。People come to church and are touched by the Holy Spirit, while others aren’t, even if they all attend the same service and hear the same sermon. Why? 人们来到教会,参加了同样的敬拜,听了同样的道,有的人被圣灵感动,有的人却没有,为什么呢?Because God works for the pure in heart. 因为神做工在清洁的心里。What does pure mean in God’s eyes? 在神眼里,清洁是什么呢?Let’s see the opposite way by describing what is impure in the Scripture.让我们来读一段,关于对不清洁的描述?

Romans 罗马书1:29-31They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.装满了各样不义,邪恶,贪婪,恶毒;满心是嫉妒,凶杀,争竞,诡诈,毒恨;又是谗毁的,背后说人的,怨恨神的,侮慢人的,自夸的,捏造恶事的,违背父母的,无知的,背约的,无亲情的,不怜悯人的。So, from the Scriptures we know what is impure, 从这段经文里我们就知道,什么是不清洁,that we should cast these off from our hearts. 需要从我们的心里除去。Things like, covetousness and greed that cause us to want to have something that doesn’t belong to us.比如贪婪和贪心,使我们想得到不属于我们的东西。Covetousness and greed can cause us to fall into other sins, 贪心会使我们掉进其他的罪中。for example, when David committed adultery, 当大卫犯了奸淫,God didn’t judge the cause of his sin which was the lust of his eyes, 神不是判断大卫因眼目的情欲而犯罪,but said this:而是这样判断:“I gave your master’s house to you, “我将你主人的家业赐给你,and your master’s wives into your arms. 将你主人的妻交在你怀里,I gave you all Israel and Judah. 又将以色列和犹大家赐给你;And if all this had been too little, 你若以为不足,I would have given you even more.”我早就加倍地赐给你。”Only God knows the root of sins. 只有上帝能判断罪根在哪里。This is the cause in God’s eyes of why David committed adultery and murder, 说大卫起了贪心,才是神判断大卫犯下淫乱和杀人罪的原因。because of covetousness he wasn’t content with what he had.因贪婪,大卫就不满足于他已有的。In the same way, if we aren’t content with what we have, 如果我们不满足于我们所有的,and always compare ourselves with others, 总是把自己和别人比较,then, envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice, 然后嫉妒,杀人,纷争,欺骗,恶毒,all other sins will follow. 等等罪都会进来,That’s why the bible teaches us in Colossians 西3:5这样教导我们: Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature; sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.所以,要治死你们在地上的肢体,就如淫乱、污秽、邪情、恶欲,和贪婪(贪婪就与拜偶像一样)。What does “put to death” mean? 什么叫治死?When those kinds of ideas come to entice us to think and act wrongly, 当有那样的意念来引诱我们去思想和行动时,turn to God and give no response to them, 当转向神,内心向那些意念是不回应的,that is “die” to them. 就是向他们是死的。Philippians 2:14-15上, Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, 凡所行的,都不要发怨言,起争论,15使你们无可指摘,诚实无伪。How can we become pure and blameless? 怎样才能成为无可指摘,清洁无伪?The Bible tells us: do everything without grumbling or arguing.这里告诉我们,做任何事都当没有怨言,和比较争竞,Put grumbling or arguing to death, 当治死怨言和争竞,don’t let our hearts be overwhelmed with grumbling or arguing.不要让我们的心被怨言和比较争竞胜过。

Thank God that He gives us His Son Jesus Christ who died on our behalf, 感谢神将自己的儿子耶稣基督赐给我们,为我们而死,so that through his precious blood we can be cleansed, 使我们因他的宝血得洁净,through the Holy Spirit who is in us, 借着祂的圣灵在我们里面,we can be renewed and yield the fruit of the Holy Spirit.我们可以被更新,并结出圣灵的果子。Remember, no one can be pure by his own works, 记住,我们没有一个人可以因自己做好事得洁净,but through the grace, we confess and repent, 乃是因祂的恩典,我们承认和悔改,God will make us pure and let us see His work in us.神可以洁净我们,并让我们可以看见祂的工作。

Last week, a sister who has only been Christian for two years from the church in Shenzhen sent me a message, 上周,一个在深圳教会刚信主两年的姊妹,发了信息给我,saying that when she stopped her wrong relationship with her boyfriend, 她说,她结束了和男朋友的关系,which had been going on for many years when she was a non-Christian, suddenly, 那男朋友是从她不信主时到如今的,已经几年了。her terrible financial situation turned around,当这段不当的关系结束的霎时,她惨状的财物忽然好转起来,and good things happened one after another. 好事一件接着一件;Many orders came into the company she runs which was about to be closed.她开的公司,本来就要做不下去了,一下子接到好多生意!She testified that God really blesses those who are pure in heart, 她见证神真的祝福那些心里清洁的人,and His deeds can be plainly seen when we seek Him diligently with a pure heart, 殷勤寻求神的,祂就显出祂的作为;and do good in His eyes, not in our own eyes.要行神看为好的,不是我们自己看为正的!

3Be upright and act with integrity.当正直完全

What does “to be upright” mean? 成为正直是什么意思?In the beginning of the book of Job, the scripture describes Job like this: 约伯书一开头,圣经这样说约伯,“In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. “乌斯地有一个人名叫约伯;那人完全正直,敬畏神,远离恶事。This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.” What does upright mean biblically? 圣经里正直是什么意思?– fear God and shun evil. —敬畏神,远离恶事!

And what does “fear of God” mean in the bible? 圣经里敬畏神是什么意思?Proverbs 箴言8:13 says:这样说:“To fear the Lord is to hate evil; hate pride and arrogance, evil behaviour and perverse speech.”,敬畏神在乎恨恶邪恶;那骄傲、狂妄,并恶道,以及乖谬的口,都为我所恨恶。a, Hate evil. 一是,恨恶邪恶;b, hate pride and arrogance, 二是,恨恶骄傲和狂妄;c, evil behaviour, 三是恶道;d, perverse speech四是乖谬的口。Wow, this is a strong confirmation that God hates evil. 哇!这里用了这么强烈的口气,来表达神憎恶邪恶的态度!“Hate” and “evil” are both used twice in one verse. .”在一节经文里,同时有两个恨恶,两个邪恶。To fear the Lord is to have the same attitude as what the Lord has 敬畏神,就是要与神持相同的态度——- “hate evil, 恨恶邪恶!hate pride and arrogance, 恨恶骄傲和狂妄!evil behaviour and perverse speech恨恶恶道!恨恶乖谬的口!

When we talk about evil or evil behaviour, 当我们一谈到罪和邪恶的行为时,somebody or something may immediately come to mind, then we say: 我们可能马上想到一个人,或者一件事,“umm, somebody is evil…. “嗯!谁谁谁很邪恶…umm, something is evil…” 什么什么事很邪恶…”Please we must stop judging on our own, 我们不要自己去判断,because we aren’t God, 因为我们不是神,let’s turn to God’s judgement 我们当转向神的判断。In Romans 罗马书7:21-22 So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law;我觉得有个律,就是我愿意为善的时候,便有恶与我同在。因为按着我里面的意思,我是喜欢神的律;This is the law Paul the Apostles finds out 这是使徒保罗告诉我们的律,that when he wants to do good, 就是当他想要行善的时候,evil is right there with him.便有恶与他同在。Although he delights in God’s law, 虽然他喜欢神的律,he finds that through his nature he cannot do what is good in God’s eyes. 但却发现,他靠本性,行不出神看为善的事!Is it the same thing we face every day? 是不是和我们今天的情况一样?Yes, it is! 的确!一模一样!

Last week, in the 11am service, 上周11点的聚会中,Chris talked about loving our enemies. Chris说到要爱仇敌。Is it easy to apply this in our daily life?在生活中爱仇敌容易吗?When somebody bullies you…如果有人欺负你,when you feel rejected by someone…如果你觉得有人拒绝了你,when your interests and rights are infringed by your flatmate or someone else…或者你的利益权利被室友或某人侵犯了……your heart may delight in doing good, and said: 你的心想要行善,就告诉自己:“Forgive them…love my enemies.”原谅他们……要爱仇敌……But evil is right there with the flesh, saying: 但是,恶就在肉体中,说:“Why should I forgive them……” “我干嘛要饶恕他们?……Ok, I can forgive them, but I don’t want to speak to them any more... 算了,我可以饶恕他们,但我不想再跟他们讲话了……Why should I love them when they treat me badly 他们对我这么坏,我干嘛要对他们好,干嘛要爱他们……”Evil is right there in our flesh when we want to do good, 恶就在我们肉体里面!我们愿意为善的时候,it will wage war against the law of our mind and want to make us a prisoner of the law of sin.便有恶与我们同在;它要挑起我们不服神的律法,使我们成为罪和死的律的奴仆。Evil voices will lead us to dislike and hate others, 邪恶的声音把我们引到讨厌人,恨人,to judge others which only the Lord should do, 论断人,如神一样论断人;and eventually to destroy our relationship with one another.最终,人与人之间的关系就被破坏了!

Meanwhile, our mental health, spiritual health and physical health also will be affected badly. 然后,我们的情绪、属灵状况和身体状况,都会被严重破坏!Evil is right there in everybody’s sinful nature, 恶,就在每个人的天然本性里,you, and me, who will rescue us from this body of death?你,我都一样!谁来救我们脱离我们这取死的身体呢?Paul testified: 保罗见证到:“Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!” 感谢神!靠着我们的主耶稣基督就能脱离了!Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from death, 耶稣基督为我们的罪死了,又从死里复活!now He is in us to help us to overcome the desires of the sinful nature, 祂如今在我们里面,可以帮助我们胜过一切私欲,and guide us into His uprightness and integrity 引导我们进入祂的正直完全里!Saint Augustine said that the confession of bad works is the beginning of good works. 圣徒奥古斯丁说,承认恶事是行善的开始。If we are serious about becoming a man or woman of uprightness and integrity, 如果我们真想要成为正直完全人,the first step is to confess that in our sinful nature we haven’t had uprightness and integrity.第一步就是承认,就是在我们的天然本性里,没有正直完全。We maybe often judge others by our own measurement, 我们会经常用我们自己的量器判断别人,dislike or like people by our own standards…照我们自己的标准讨厌人、喜欢人…which may block us into the holy presence of God to receive blessings这拦阻了我们进入神圣洁的同在,使我们失去祝福。Don’t worry! 不用担心,By His grace we can be renewed! Just confess it to the Lord whose blood can wash us clean 只要向主承认,祂的宝血可以洁净我们,and His Spirit will renew us into His pure uprightness. 祂的灵必更新我们,进入祂的清洁正直。This is what hope that we can be renewed by His grace! 这是我们的盼望所在,就是借着恩典,我们被更新!

How many people want to confess to the Lord right now? ……多少人在这时想来要向主承认的,祷告的?…Do you want to confess right now…你此刻想向主承认,祷告吗?…If you want to confess to the Lord, 若你想向主悔改承认,but don’t know how to do it, 但你却不知道怎么祷告,I will lead you to do a prayer…我将带领你做祷告。

please pray after me… 请跟着我祷告,repeat in your heart or with your mouth what I have said to the Lord with faith.在口里或心里向主重复我说的。

During the prayer, 在祷告时,if you think that you have more to say, 若你想起更多要祷告的,you may confess more…你可以承认更多…if you think you don’t have it, just wait for others…若你觉得你没有那些,就可以等候

Are you read? Let’s pray 准备好了吗?让我们来祷告:

If we plead with the Almighty, seek Him diligently; 若我们向全能者恳求,殷勤寻求祂,if we are willing to be pure and upright, 若愿意成为清洁正直,that is to fear the Lord, 就是敬畏神,hate evil, 恨恶邪恶,acknowledge our own evil voice within ourselves, stop judging others, and pointing at others, be upright in God’s eyes, 认出我们自己里面邪恶的声音,而不是判断别人、指指点点。如果我们行神眼中看为正直的事,then God will fulfil His promises according to His faithfulness. 那样,神必会照祂的信实成就所应许的。Yes! Though your beginning was small, yet in the end you should greatly prosper. 必是如此!你起初虽然微小,终久必甚发达!

A confession Prayer: 悔改的祷告:

Dear Lord Jesus, 亲爱的主耶稣,I confess that when I disconnected with you, 我在你面前承认,在我不与你连接,living in my flesh, 住在肉体私欲里的时候,I did something evil in Your eyes that I didn’t know it.我在你眼里行了恶,我自己却不晓得。Something like, gossip, that I judged people according to what I ‘ve heard by my ears, 像谗言,我照着耳朵听见的,and what I’ve preferred by my own standards,自己喜欢的标准去论断他人,which wasn’t from Your just judgement; 那不是你公义的断定。If people judge me in this way, will I happy? 如果他人用这种方式论断我,我高兴吗?No, I won’t.我不高兴。So, I confess and ask You to release Your mighty power to cleanse me by Your precious blood, 因此主啊,我向你悔改,求你释放你宝血的大能来洁净我,and renew my mind into the new way 和更新我的思想进入新的样子that is to think and act according to Your truth就是照你真理去想和行。—seek You diligently, ---殷勤寻求你,and plead with the Almighty, be pure and upright, 恳求全能神,存清洁正直的心,then You will prosper me spiritually.那样,你就能使我胜过仇敌。

Greed, that I wasn’t content with what I’ve had, 我也承认有贪,so I compared myself with other, 我没有以我有的为满足,and compare what I have with others as well… 因此,我把自己和自己有的和他人比较,then I complained and grumbled from my heart to my mouth…就从内心到嘴巴说出抱怨和嘟囔的话…which allowed the enemy to steal joy of You from me…给仇敌偷去了你赐给我的喜乐…forgive me Lord, 求你赦免我,You love me by nailing youself on the cross for me, 你爱我,为我流血舍命,is there anything more than your love that makes me satisified? 有什么比你的爱更让我满足呢?Now I turn to you, and accept the love that You have demonstrated on the cross by shedding your blood…现在,我转向你,接受你在十字架为我流血的大爱,thank you for the grace of the forgiveness of sins that you have poured out…I accept it…and I forgive myself and also forgive those whom I once held their faults in my heart… 感谢你向我倾倒这赦罪的恩典我接受这恩典,饶恕我自己,也饶恕那些我觉得恶待我的人…Renew me, 更新我,and make me hungry and thirsty for seeking You and Your word, 求你使我饥渴慕义寻求你和你的话语,so that in the morning I will be able to seek You humbly, 因此在早晨我能谦卑来寻求你,and plead with You in every hour I live; 在我活着的每一刻,都来呼求你;Teach me the way of purity and uprightness, 教导我洁净和正直的道路,so that I can see flourishing that you’ve promised, 以至于我能见到你应许的发达昌盛,which may glorify Your name. 可以荣耀你的名。In Jesus name we pray! 奉主耶稣的名祷告!


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