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2023-03-26 Perceiving new things 看见神作新事

发表于 2024-01-08

How many of us are keen to try new things? 我们中有多少人热衷于尝试新事物?Like new food, 比如新的食物,new friends, 新朋友,or something new? 或者其他新的事?New things are good, but bring challenges as well. 新事物是好的,但同样会带来挑战。What if God says, 如果神说: “Behold, this is the new thing I’m doing.” “看哪,这是我要做的新事。” Will you join with Him 你会加入祂吗?no matter what the cost? 不管代价如何? Yes. coz He never fails. 是的。因他不会失败。Today, we’re gonna look at our church’s theme verse for 2023, 今天,我们来看看我们教会2023年的年度经文Isaiah 43:19let’s read我们来读 Isaiah 43:15-21, I am the Lord, your Holy One, Israel’s Creator, your King. 16 This is what the Lord says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, 17 who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick: 18 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 20 The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, 21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise 43:15 我是耶和华你们的圣者,是创造以色列的,是你们的君王。”16耶和华在沧海中开道,在大水中开路,17使车辆、马匹、军兵、勇士都出来,一同躺下,不再起来,他们灭没,好像熄灭的灯火。18耶和华如此说:你们不要记念从前的事,也不要思想古时的事。19看哪,我要作一件新事,如今要发现,你们岂不知道吗?我必在旷野开道路,在沙漠开江河。20野地的走兽必尊重我,野狗和鸵鸟也必如此。因我使旷野有水,使沙漠有河,好赐给我的百姓、我的选民喝。21这百姓是我为自己所造的,好述说我的美德。

1, The explanation of the passage. 经文的解释

Whenever we read the bible, we need to look at the context, 无论何时我们阅读圣经,我都需要了解上下文,and to know what God was saying to the original recipients, 去了解神对起初的读者说了什么,and how to apply it into our everyday life without misusing it. 那么该如何应用到现代的日常生活中,而不会误用它?What’s the background behind this passage? 这段经文的背景是什么?Why did God say these words to the Israelites? 神为什么对以色列人说这些话呢?From the book of Exodus, 从出埃及记中,we know that God redeemed the Israelites from Egypt.  我们知道神将以色列人从埃及救赎出来。In v.16-17, 16-17God reminded them that God Himself should have been their King, 神提醒他们,神当作他们的王,because it’s God who split the waters, 因为是神把水分开 saved them from their enemies, 救他们脱离仇敌的手, and brought them into the promised Land.并把他们带进应许之地。Instead of obeying God’s commands, 他们不听从神的命令,they soon were defiled by the culture around them. 很快就被周围的环境所玷污,So they were defeated by their enemies because of idolatry, pride, sexual immorality, and all kinds of sins, 因拜偶像、拜财富、骄傲、淫乱和各样的罪他们被仇敌打败了, At the time they had been taken as captives into the kingdom of Babylon for 70 years. 他们被掳到巴比伦,长达70年。

But God didn’t forget them. 但神并没有忘记他们,He sent His prophet Isaiah to speak hope to them. 祂差遣先知以赛亚对他们传递盼望的信息。“I’m going to do a new thing. 我要作一件新事。Now the word “new thing” is translated from the Hebrew word “chadash”. “新事”这个词是由希伯来语“chadash”翻译过来,It refers to something that has never happened before or something that hasn’t existed before. 指的是以前从未发生过的事情或以前不存在的事情,It’s a brand-new thing. 是全新的东西。To the exiled children of Israel in Isaiah’s age, 对于以赛亚的时代被掳的以色列人,God was saying that He was going to make a way in the desert 神说祂要在旷野开一条路,to deliver them from the Babylonians and bring them back to Jerusalem. 把他们从巴比伦人手里释放出来,带他们回到耶路撒冷。But it also hints at Jesus, the Messiah King, the living water. 但这新事指弥赛亚王,主耶稣,生命的活水。

2, Do not dwell on the past. 不停留在过去

v. 18-19, God was telling them not to look back where they had been in slavery and bondage. 18-19,神告诉他们不要回头顺从被掳为奴的样子,Similarly, God doesn’t want us to dwell on our old ways of thinking 同样,神也不希望我们停留在旧的思维方式上,just as He called Israel to forget the former things. 就像祂呼召以色列人不要记念从前的事一样。“Former things” was translated from the Hebrew word “rishon”, which also means first”. “从前的事情”是由希伯来语“riishon”翻译而来,也意味着“第一”或“起先”。When we lived a life without God, 当我们过着没有神的生活,we lived as slaves of sin and Satan, 我们是罪和撒但的奴隶,our natural thoughts were manipulated by invisible enemies. 我们的天然思想被看不见的敌人操纵。In difficult circumstances, 当我们遇困境,our first thoughts always centre around fear and worry, 我们的第一个想法总是围绕着恐惧、担心 and then quickly produce negative imaginations然后很快产生负面想象, “what If I fail…如果我失败了怎么办…what if I lose money…如果我亏钱了怎么办…what if I get cancer…如果我得癌症了怎么办…what if…如果…” As long as you dwell on these imaginations只要停留在这些想象上,you begin to get angry at someone你就开始对某人的生气 or to complaining about someone, 或你开始去抱怨人, or to blame someone去责怪他人, it’s because of he who didn’t help me…“就是因为他没有帮我…it’s because she…就是因为她…” Then you’ll act like Adam instead of Christ the Son. 这样你的行为像亚当不像基督1 John 3:10, In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother. 从此,就显出谁是神的儿女,谁是魔鬼的儿女。凡不行义的就不属神,不爱弟兄的也是如此It tells us, whenever we act like Adam 这是说,无论何时我们照亚当而行,we need to repent. 我们要悔改,Otherwise, we’ll be caught by our previous king Satan. 不然我们就被从前的王魔鬼抓住,Instead of producing the fruit of the Spirit, 不能结圣灵的果子,we’ll produce the fruit of unrighteousness,反而结不义的果子, like bitterness, blame, unforgiveness, and the like. 苦毒,责怪,不饶恕等等

3, Perceive the new thing. 观看新事

Thurs God says所以神说, See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland看哪,我要作一件新事,如今要发现,你们岂不知道吗?我必在旷野开道路,在沙漠开江河。 I remember that our youth worker Renee came up with an interesting point after the reading of this passage at our Leader’s Retreat, 我们的青年事工的同工Renee在领袖退修会上读完这段话后提出了一个有意思的观点,and she said, 她说:“interestingly, waters are mentioned here so many times.” 有意思,这段话中不断地说到水。” Yes, if you count it, 是的,若你数一数,you’ll find that five times, the word “water” and “steams” are mentioned from v.16 to v.20. 你会发现,从第16节到第20节,“水”和“江河”这个词被提到了五次。What is God trying to say to us here? 神在这里想对我们说什么?In the NT, 新约里,Jesus said to the Samaritan woman,耶稣对撒玛利亚妇人说: “if you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.耶稣回答说:你若知道 神的恩赐,和对你说给我水喝的是谁,你必早求他,他也必早给了你活水。John 4:10” In John 7:38, Jesus said, 耶稣说, Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.信我的人,就如经上所说,从他腹中要流出活水的江河来  【约7:39 By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.”  耶稣这话是指着信他之人要受圣灵说的。 So Living Water refers to the given of Holy Spirit. 这活水是指要赐下的圣灵。

This is a brand-new thing for the OT saints, 对于旧约圣徒来说,这是一件全新的事情,coz they didn’t have such a common grace to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit. 因为他们当时还没有被圣灵重生的普遍恩典。But God says, 但是神说: “see, I’m doing a new thing.” “看,我正在做一件新事。” Now Salvation has come through Jesus Christ 如今救恩借着耶稣基督来到,who died for our sins and rose again.他为我们的罪死,又复活了,We’ve been given the living water.让我们得着了活水。We’ve entered a new era. 我们进入了一个新时代,God is doing a new thing. 神正在做一件新事。Do you perceive it? 你察觉到了吗?Look at the new building behind us, 看看我们身后的新建筑,that’s a new thing God has done for OTBC. 那是神为OTBC做的新事,But God is still doing a new thing. 祂仍在继续做新事。Do you perceive it? 你察觉到了吗?V.15, from the beginning of this passage, 15节,从这段经文的开始,God declared,神宣告说: “I am the Lord, your Holy One, Israel’s Creator, your King.” 我是耶和华你们的圣者,是创造以色列的,是你们的君王。 Instead of saying, “I’m your God”, 神没有说“我是你们的神”,God says, “I’m your King.”而是说“我是你们的王”,Why? 为什么?Last Sunday, brother David gave us Col 1:12-13, 上周主日,David弟兄分享了西1:12-13, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. 12又感谢父,叫我们能与众圣徒在光明中同得基业。13他救了我们脱离黑暗的权势,把我们迁到他爱子的国里,It reveals that there are two invisible kingdoms involved. 它揭示了我们被卷入两个看不见的国度。The former kingdom is dark, 从前的是黑暗国度,the current one is light. 现在的是光明国度,The two kingdoms clash in terms of values, 两个国度在价值观、principles, 法则、governmental structure, 管治结构、interests, ways of doing life. 兴趣爱好和生活方式上都是冲突的。

When Jesus brought us into His Kingdom, 当耶稣带我们进入祂的国度,it was like immigrating to a new country. 我们就像移民到一个新国家。When you immigrate to NZ, 当你移民新西兰时,you need to learn the laws of NZ and obey them. 你需要学习新西兰的法律并遵守它,Otherwise, you’re in danger. 否则你就有危险了。Similarly, our residency in God’s Kingdom 同样,我们在神国里的居住权,requires a new life governed by the principles of the Kingdom. 也需要一个被天国法则管理的新生活。

Last time we learned the principle of gratitude; 上次我们学了神国里感恩的法则,There’s also the principle of humility, 还有谦卑的法则, “God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble.” 经上说: 神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。4:6If you’re proud, you’ll make trouble for yourself in the Kingdom of God. 如果你骄傲,你就会在神的国里给自己制造麻烦。The principle of exercising Jesus’ authority through obedience to the King; 有顺服耶稣得行使权柄的法则, Israel lost everything at that time 那时以色列失去了一切,because they didn’t treat God as King by listening to Him. 因他们不顺服神,不把神当王对待。There’re a whole lot of Kingdom Principles from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. 耶稣的登山宝训中有很多关于神国度的法则。If you learn and live in it, 若你学了又活在其中,you’ll flourish in the Kingdom of God. 你就能在神的国度里兴盛。Coz the lifestyle of the Kingdom of God is completely opposite to that of the kingdom of the world. 因为天国的生活方式与世界的生活方式是完全相反的,We must learn and live by Kingdom principle to receive the benefits of residency in the Kingdom.我们必须学习并活在神国的法则里,才能得着神国居民的福利。

The dominion of Darkness means that something is hidden, 在黑暗权势下意味着某些东西被掩盖起来,which gives the dark powers legal rights to seize your life. 这给了黑暗权势控制你生命的合法权利,Or that something is covered because of unresolved wounds, 或者因为是未处理的伤害,which gives the spirits legal rights to control you to do things, 有灵进入来控制你去做事,so that you lose the freedom to trust in God. 你失去了信靠神的自由。Now only God knows the hidden things, 唯有神知道隐藏的事,and His Spirit can help us to find it out what it is. 祂的灵能帮助我们找出那是什么。

Last Monday night I had a dream, 上星期一夜里,我做了一个梦,in which I was corrected of a quick thought opposite to the Kingdom values. 在梦里,我被指正了一个快速闪过的与神国价值观相反的想法,But I couldn’t remember what it was. 但我却不记得那是什么了。During my devotional that morning, 在那天早上的灵修中,the word “he who feeds on his bread will live forever.” 我读到“人若吃这粮必永远活着”,Suddenly, I was reminded that on Monday I was dealing with a fine mink fur coat I had bought 28 years ago, 我突然想起了周一我在处理一件28年前买的精美貂皮大衣,which cost about NZD 6,000 according to the exchange rates at that time.按照当时的汇率,这件大衣大约要花6千纽币。A proud thought flashed through my mind, 一个骄傲的念头掠过我心里: “I was such a successful businesswoman when only in my 20’s.” “我仅在20多岁时就已经是个成功商人了。”but I didn’t realise it. 但我当时没有意识到。Yet God saw the glimmer of pride 然而,神看到了那闪过的骄傲意念,and immediately gave me the dream that night 立即在夜间给我这梦,to remind me that all good gifts are given by God. 提醒我所有美好的恩赐都是神所赐。In this Kingdom, the King rules with righteousness, justice, humility, agape love, mercy…在神国度里,王以公义、公平、谦卑、爱、怜悯来治理……when we’re brought into this Kingdom, 当我们被带入神的国,we’re brought under His rule. 我们就被置于祂的治理下。If my thoughts are in alignment with the King’s, 如果我的思想与王的思想一致,I overcome my previous king Satan, 我就胜过了从前的王撒但,coz King Jesus overcomes Satan.因为君王耶稣打败了撒但。

But if my thoughts secretly agree with pride, anger, comparison, or whatever, 但若我的思想哪怕是暗中与骄傲、愤怒、比较或别的什么相合,even if I serve in the church and give all my money away, 即便我服事教会,把我所有的钱都捐出去,I still will come under Satan’s rule. 我仍然还是受撒但的辖制,and I’ll lose everything, 并将失去一切,including losing the authority over Satan. 包括失去胜过撒但的权柄。Because Satan wants to control us little by litter through unresolved tiny problems. 因为撒旦想通过不处理的小问题一点一点地控制我们. But praise God, who gives us the grace to repent, 赞美神,赐给我们悔改的恩典,so that we can come back under the rule of the King Jesus again. 使我们能回到主耶稣的管治之下。For He is Just, love, and willing to forgive! 祂公平又慈怜, 乐意饶恕人。

Now back to the point, 回到正题,what is the new thing for the 2pm Service in OTBC? 神在OTBC 的下午 2 点聚会做什么新事?When Jesus started his ministry, he said, 当耶稣开始事工时,他说:Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Matt 4:17下,天国近了,你们应当悔改!Jesus didn’t preach the church but preached the Kingdom. 耶稣没有传讲教会,而是传讲天国。There’re different concepts. 教会和国度是不同的概念。Today I don’t enough time to go into all of this今天我不够时间细讲. You can do your own study on the parables that Jesus gave to explain the Kingdom. 你可以自己研究主耶稣关于天国的比喻。Overall, the bible tells us that now through Jesus, the Kingdom has come into people's hearts in a spiritual way. 总的来说,圣经告诉我们,现今是通过耶稣,王国以属灵的方式进入了人们的内心. In this life, 在此生, we’re in a process of training, transformation, and preparation我们处受训、改变和准备的过程中。At last最后, when Jesus returns with His overcomers, 当耶稣带着祂的得胜者回来时,the Kingdom will come in its fullness国度将完全到来。It’ll bring about the restoration of all things on earth (Romans 8:19-21). 它将带来地上万物的复兴,They will reign on the earth for 1000 years (Re 20). 他们将在地上作王 一千年And not only so, but they’ll reign forever in the new heaven and the new earth ( Re 22). 不仅如此,他们还将在新天新地永远掌权。

For this purpose, 为这目的Jesus came to demonstrate the kingdom主耶稣来将这国表明出来。Matt 10:1, Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness...耶稣叫了十二个门徒来,给他们权柄,能赶逐污鬼,并医治各样的病症。2这十二使徒的名:头一个叫西门,又称彼得,还有他兄弟安得烈,西庇太的儿子雅各和雅各的兄弟约翰,Then he instructed them: 然后他指示门徒: 10:7-8 7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. 随走随传,说:天国近了!’:8医治病人,叫死人复活,叫长大麻风的洁净,把鬼赶出去。你们白白地得来,也要白白地舍去。Matt 12:28, But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 我若靠着 神的灵赶鬼,这就是 神的国临到你们了。 What’s going on here? 这里发生了什么? Jesus sent people into the kingdom of darkness to preach another kingdom. 主耶稣差人进入黑暗的国度去传讲另一个国度。When people believe and repent,当人们信而悔改,the invisible dark kingdom will be overturned by the Kingdom of God, 看不见的黑暗国度就被神的国赶出去,and people will be set free and healed. 人就可以得自由和医治。This is an ongoing process. 这是个持续的过程。It exposed that prior to the Kingdom of God people lived under the principles of the dark kingdom. 这揭露了,在神国度来临之前,人是活在黑暗国度的法则之下。It caused them to sin. 它导致人犯罪,And sin gives the evil spirits legal access to enter 罪给了邪灵合法的途径进入,and cause all kinds of problems, 并引起各种各样的问题,mentally, 精神的,psychologically, 心理的,spiritually, 心灵的,physically, 身体的, socially, 社会的,academically, 学术的,and financially as well.财务上的,等等。We’ve heard so many testimonies through our service, 在服事中我们看到了很多见证,“someone was sick, 有人生病了,someone had some sort of disease, 有人得了某种疾病,someone had suicidal tendencies, 有人想自杀,students who studied their first year of Uni for two or three years couldn’t even advance to their second year, 有学生读大一两三年也无法升大二,but after being led in prayers of confession and forgiveness in faith, 但在带着做信心的悔改和饶恕的祷告后,some have experienced healing, 一些人被医治,and some have got their problems sorted.” 问题得到了解决。Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, 借着耶稣的死和复活,the given grace of repentance and forgiveness makes room for the Holy Spirit 悔改和饶恕给圣灵工作的空间,to cast out the involvement of the evil kingdom and brings restoration! 赶出邪恶国度的运行,并带来复兴!

So we’re not just called to get saved and come to church and participate in activities or programmes. 所以我们不只是被呼召去得救,到教会去做活动或办节目。Jesus here talks about deliverance. 耶稣在这里谈到拯救和释放,The invading Kingdom of heaven is about bringing deliverance. 天国的降临是为了拯救人类,And we’re called to do a deliverance ministry here. 我们被召唤来做释放的事工,That’s the new thing for OTBC. 这对OTBC来说是件新事。Have you perceived it? 你察觉到了吗?In fact, God has been doing it through the 2pm service for the last 7 years. 事实上,在过去的7年里,神一直在通过下午2点的事工来做这件事。And He is still doing it and will largely expand His Kingdom into people’s hearts through deliverance ministry. 祂仍然在做这件事,并将通过医治释放的事工把祂的国度大大扩展到人的心中。But it’s not just about casting out demons. 但它不只是关乎赶出魔鬼, It’s about the kingdom of heaven invading hearts through driving away the kingdom of darkness. 这是关乎天国通过赶出黑暗国度而进入人的心中,It’s about humility expressed through ongoing repentance to create room for the Holy Spirit to reveal hidden problems; 这是关于借着持续谦卑的悔改,让圣灵可以来显明隐藏的问题,it’s about removing hidden obstacles, and restoring passion for Jesus; 是关乎除去隐藏的障碍,恢复对耶稣的热情,it’s about enabling people to live by the Kingdom principles freely, 是关乎让人可以自由地按照天国的法则生活,allowing people to experience more of the freedom and blessings of the Kingdom, 让人体验更多天国的自由和祝福,and passing the blessings freely and growing in the image of Jesus fully.  并自由地传递祝福,长成耶稣的完全。

Our God is a merciful Father. 我们的上帝是仁慈的父亲,He doesn’t wanna see people come to church and serving, 祂不愿意看到人来到教会服事,yet in secret places still tormented by unaddressed fear, 却在隐秘处被没有处理的惧怕、rejection, 拒绝感、shame, 羞耻感、anger, 怒气、lust, 淫乱,bitterness, and the like;苦毒等等所折磨;God doesn’t want His people to come to church and giving, 神不希望祂的子民来教会奉献钱,yet still entangled by the characteristic of the pervious kingdom, such as worry, judgemental thoughts, or addictions; 私下却仍被前国度的特征所捆绑,像忧虑、论断、有瘾的思想; He doesn’t wanna His people entangled by the things that they know they shouldn’t do, 祂不希望祂的子民明知道不应该做, but are still doing. 却被捆绑去做。God says, “I have compassion on you! 神说:“我怜恤你! I’m doing a new thing! 我在做一件新事情!Do you not perceive it?” 你看不出来吗?”

Yes, people need Deliverance to set them free from the secret, the hidden and the covered entanglements. 人需要被释放,让他们从秘密、隐藏和掩盖的捆锁中释放出来。If you wanna go to set others free, 如果你想释放别人得自由,you yourself must be set free first. 你必须先让自己得自由。How many of us today wanna say to the Lord, 今天我们当中有多少人想对主说: “Lord Jesus, I don’t wanna miss out on the new thing you’re doing here. 主耶稣,我不想错过你在这里所做的新事。 I wanna see it, 我想看见,taste it, 我要品尝它,and I wanna participate in it.” 我也想参与在其中。If that’s you, 如果是你,please stand up on your feet, 请站起来,and cry out to our Lord Jesus,  让我们向主耶稣呼求,

“Jesus, my King, 耶稣,我的王,my Lord, 我的主,my heavenly Father, 我的天父,save my soul to a deep extent! 求你更深地拯救我的灵魂! Thank You Lord, 感谢主耶稣,that You died on the cross, 你死在十字架上,and You took the shame and pain of sin and death for me. 为我承担了罪和死的羞耻和痛苦。When I sinned against you, 我向你犯罪的时候,instead of retaliating, 你没有以恶来报恶,You were pierced for my transgressions, 却愿意为我的过犯被扎,and You were bruised for my iniquities, 我的罪孽被压伤,the punishment that brought me peace was put on You.因你的刑罚我得平安You rose again and You gave me Your Spirit to be with me, 你复活了,你把圣灵赐给我,与我同在,to demonstrate that You love me, 来见证你爱我,and You want see me to shake off the hidden entanglements 你愿意我能摆脱隐藏的捆锁,and come to a new level of freedom in You.在你里面得到新的自由。

Yes, Lord, 是的,主啊,I wanna see this new thing happening in my own life and in our church life and extend to more souls this year. 我今年渴想看到这新事发生在我的生命里,发生在我们的教会里,并扩展到更多的灵魂。Now if this is also your desire, 如果这也是你渴望的,you may call on His name and pray on your own now…现在你可以呼求他的名,自己祷告

You can ask the Holy Spirit, 你可以求问圣灵,perhaps there’s the power of fear, 也许有惧怕的权势,perhaps there’s the power of worry, 也许有忧虑的权势,perhaps there’s the power of self-pity, 也许有自卑自怜的权势, perhaps there’s the power of control, or the power of grief, 也许有操纵的权势,或者伤心的权势,hidden in your life, 隐藏在你的生命里,that hold you back from trusting in God in all circumstances. 使你在环境中不能信靠神。You may cry to the Holy Spirit.你可以向圣灵呼求。

“Holy Spirit, whether there’s unresolved wounds within my heart? 圣灵啊,我心中是否还有未解决的创伤? whether I’ve been going through a life experience where I feel I’ve been betrayed by someone in my life? 我是否有这样的经历觉得自己被别人背叛了? Or I’ve been bullied by someone,

或者我被人欺负, or I’ve been mistreated by someone, 或者我被人恶待了,or despised, 被人讨厌,or abandoned…”被人抛弃…”

Ask the Holy Spirit to bring the hidden things to the surface, so that you can confess to the Lord, 祈求圣灵把隐藏的事显给你,你就可以悔改,and forgive those who hurt you 并去饶恕人….“Lord, today, I turn to You,“我今天要回转向你。Today, I ask You to forgive me for listening to the thoughts of the self…今天,我求你赦免我的罪,因为我听从了自己的想法……I open the door of my heart to receive Your loving forgiveness to forgive myself, 我打开我的心门,接受你爱的赦免来饶恕我自己,You don’t condemn me but forgive me, I choose to forgive (someone) from my heart…你不定我的罪,你单单饶恕我,我选择饶恕他人……I take the authority Jesus gives me, In the name of Jesus, 我接受耶稣你给我的权柄,、奉主耶稣的名, I break the agreements with the hidden entanglements of fear, 断开自己与暗藏的惧怕,worry, 担忧,control, 操控,bitterness…苦毒的连结……I rebuke you evil powers to go in Jesus name! 我奉主耶稣的命斥责黑暗权势离开我!I recommit my life to You Jesus, 我把我的生命重新献给你耶稣,fill me with Your power of Love, 求你用爱的能力充满我,fill me with the freedom in Christ 用基督里的自由充满我,so that I may live freely by the principles of Your Kingdom of Light…这样我就可以按照你光明国度的法则自由地生活……

Now I’ll give you few minutes to pray on your own…现在我给你们几分钟自己祈祷……then we’ll sing the last song. 然后我们唱最后一首歌。

Yes Lord, You’re worthy of our praises. 是的,主啊,你配得我们的赞美, You’re worthy of it all. 你配得拥有这一切,For Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory forever and forever. 因为国度、权柄、荣耀、都是你的、直到永永远远。
We thank You for the new thing that You’re doing in our midst.
感谢你在我们中间所做的新事, We see Your Kingdom come through healing and Deliverance. 我们看到你的国度借着医治释放降临这地,We see Your Kingdom is the Supreme Kingdom 我们看到你的国度至高,that disempowers the kingdom of darkness 它能打破黑暗国度的权势,and changes people’s lives 改变人的生命,and brings blessing on those who once suffered generational curses.给那些曾经遭受累代诅咒的人带来祝福。Open our eyes Lord, we pray! 主啊,我们呼求,求你开我们的眼,Wake us up, 求你苏醒我们,so that we may see more of what You’re doing in the whole church life, 使我们能看见你在全教会中所做的事,enable us to participate in the new thing You’re doing in this place.  使我们能参与你在这地所做的新事。Thank You Lord, 谢谢主,in Jesus name we pray! Amen! 奉主耶稣基督的圣名祈求,阿门!


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