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2020-07-11 Be prepared for Jesus return (3) Matt 太25:1-13 预备主再来(三)

发表于 2024-01-08

We thank God for Raymond’s story last Sunday. 我们为Raymond上周日的见证感谢神。It gave us specifics to know that as Christians we really need to prepare for Jesus return. 它告诉我们,作为基督徒,我们真的需要为主耶稣的再来做准备。Today, we’ll continue our topic of being prepared for Jesus return by looking at Matt 25: 1-13, 今天,我们继续我们的主题,为主耶稣再来做准备,看马太福音251-13节,the parable of the ten virgins.   十童女的比喻。

1, Summarize the story briefly. 简要地总结一下这个故事

Firstly, let’s briefly go through the 3W’s in this parable 首先,让我们简单地看一下这个比喻中的3W - who, what and when人,事,和时间. Who are they in this parable? 在这个比喻中他们是谁?A, Ten virgins – five are wise, and five are foolish. B, the Bridegroom – Jesus (the King of the coming kingdom).  十个童女,五个是智慧的,五个是愚昧的。新郎-耶稣(再来的君王)What has happened? 发生了什么事?This parable is a picture of the church waiting for Jesus the Bridegroom’s return. 这个比喻是一幅教会等待新郎耶稣再来的画面。Traditionally, 传统上,in Hebrew weddings at that time, 在当时的希伯来人婚礼中, the bridegroom and his friends came to the bride’s home at night by torchlight. 新郎和他的朋友们是在晚上拿着火把来接新娘的 If the bridegroom came later than expected, 如果新郎比预期来的晚,the bridesmaids needed to be prepared with extra torches or oil for their lamps. 伴娘需要为她们的灯准备额外的火把或油。Those who were invited to the wedding feast had to prepare themselves. 被请去婚姻的宾客也要预备自己可以赴宴。In the parable, 在这个比喻里,Because of a long unexpected delay由于耽延许久, half of the virgins don’t get themselves ready with enough oil, when Jesus returns.当耶稣再来的时候,有一半的童女没有准备好足够的灯油。 So they won’t qualify for the wedding banquet. 导致她们不能赴这场羔羊婚宴。When will it happen? 什么时候发生?At Jesus’ second coming before the wedding banquet (see Re 19) and the millennial reign of Jesus (see Re: 20:1-6) 耶稣在婚宴前的第二次降临(见《启示录》第19)和耶稣的千年统治(见《启示录》第201-6)Of course, 当然, it’s far before the judgement of all the dead written in Revelation 20, 这远远于《启示录》20章中所写的审判不信死人的日子,which will happen after the 1000 years reign of Jesus (see Re 20:11-15). 那审判将发生在耶稣千年国度之后(见《启示录》2011-15)

2, Who are the virgins? 童女们指的是谁?

25 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 那时,天国好比十个童女拿着灯出去迎接新郎。2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 其中有五个是愚拙的,五个是聪明的。3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 愚拙的拿着灯,却不预备油;4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 聪明的拿着灯,又预备油在器皿里。5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.新郎迟延的时候,她们都打盹睡着了。

v. 1-5, 1-5节里说到,there are five wise and five foolish virgins waiting for the Bridegroom to come. 有五个聪明的童女和五个愚蠢的童女在等候新郎的到来。 In fact, not even one unbeliever will wait for Jesus’ return. 事实上,等待主耶稣的再来的绝不会是不信的人。This is the great hope just for believers.这是赐给信徒的莫大盼望。Apparently, the virgins represent believers. 显然,童女代表信徒。Because whether wise or  foolish, they all take their lamps. 因为无论是智慧的还是愚拙的,都拿着灯。 What do the lamps mean? 油灯代表什么?In the bible, a lamp could be related to two things. 在圣经里,油灯与两样事情有关。One is the Word of God. 其一是神的话。For God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (see Psa119:105). 因为神的话是我们脚前的灯,路上的光。参见诗篇119105 Surely, they all have the Word of God to be their light, 当然,他们都有神的话语作为他们的光and to direct their lives.,指引他们的生活。 The other is by the word of our life testimonies (see Re 12:11). 另一个是通过我们活出来的生命见证(见启示录12:11)We see this in John 5:35, Jesus says this about John the Baptist, 我们在约翰福音535节看到,耶稣是这样提到施洗约翰John was a lamp that burned and gave light, and you chose for a time to enjoy his light约翰是点着的明灯,你们情愿暂时喜欢他的光。”. John’s life testimony is like a burning lamp, 约翰的生命见证像明灯照耀,because he passed the light of the Word to others他将神的道光带给周围的人,through the testimony of his life in the power of the Holy Spirit and his obedience to God’s word. 乃是靠着圣灵的能力并顺服神的话,又真实活出这道见证神。In the parable, 在这个比喻中, we see that both the wise and foolish virgins had lamps and waited for Jesus’ return.我们看到聪明和愚拙的童女都拿着灯,等待耶稣的再来。

In 2 Cor 11,在哥林多后书11章中, Paul the apostle calls every believer a virgin to Christ. 使徒保罗称所有信徒为基督的童女。2 I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy.我为你们起的愤恨原是神那样的愤恨。 I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him. 因为我曾把你们许配一个丈夫,要把你们如同贞洁的童女献给基督。3 But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ我只怕你们的心或偏于邪,失去那向基督所存纯一清洁的心,就像蛇用诡诈诱惑了夏娃一样. When we are born again, 当我们重生得救之后,we are cleansed by the blood of Christ, 我们的罪被基督的宝血洁净,and are betrothed to Christ. 我们也就许配给基督。As we are betrothed to Christ, 我们既然许配给基督,we therefore are in the process of sanctifying ourselves by the truth to be made pure virgins for Christ’s return.就要藉着真理使自己成圣,成为贞洁的童女,等候基督再来。John the apostle also talked about the term ‘virgin’ in Revelation 14,使徒约翰同样用到童女这个称呼是在启示录14章,4 These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. 这些人未曾沾染妇女,他们原是童身。They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. 羔羊无论往哪里去,他们都跟随他。他们是从人间买来的,作初熟的果子归与神和羔羊。5 No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.在他们口中察不出谎言来,他们是没有瑕疵的。 Clearly, virgins here is talking about believers 很明显的,这里的童女就是信徒“they were purchased from among mankind他们是从人间买来的, but they are faithful followers among all the believers. 但是他们是忠心的追随者,For They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. 因为羔羊无论往哪里去,他们都跟随他。Will virgins of Christ be enticed to follow carnal things, 基督的童女会被属肉体的事引诱,so that they don’t literally follow Jesus? 以至于不能真实的跟随耶稣吗?From Paul’s letter mentioned before, 从保罗书信中之前也提到, we know that the believers in the church of Corinth were seduced away from a pure devotion to Christ.我们知道哥林多教会的信徒们被诱惑而不忠于基督。They wandered away. 他们走偏了。

They considered themselves spiritual and followed that way, 他们自认为自己属灵,也走在自认为的属灵道上, but Paul stated that they were carnal但保罗说他们是属肉体的,because they were still dominated by jealousy, blind pride, disunity, sexual sins and doctrinal problems.因为他们仍然活在嫉妒、盲目骄傲、不合一、淫乱、和分不清真理教义等的问题里。It can happen to any church in any generation.它同样可以发生在任何时代的任何教会中。 We are in a battle. 我们处在属灵争战中。God’s purpose is to purify us by the truth.神要用真理来洁净我们。 But the enemy’s purpose is to seduce us away from focusing on Jesus. 但是仇敌想要引诱我们远离神。 And our responsibility is to choose whom to follow in everything we do. 我们的责任是在做每件事上选择要跟随谁。 “I, me, my will first”? "我,我,我的意志优先" ? “we, us, first”?  “我们,我们,第一”?or “Jesus, His footsteps, and the Father’s will first?” 或者将耶稣摆第一,他的脚踪第一,父的旨意第一?”

3, The need  to prepare enough oil for your lamp. V.6-9 要预备灯油,6-9

6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ 7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ 9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’ 半夜有人喊着说:新郎来了,你们出来迎接他!那些童女就都起来收拾灯。 愚拙的对聪明的说:请分点油给我们,因为我们的灯要灭了。聪明的回答说:恐怕不够你我用的;不如你们自己到卖油的那里去买吧。

We see that the difference between the wise and the foolish virgins is not that the wise ones are richer, 聪明的童女不同于愚拙的童女,不是因为聪明的童女更富有,or more successful than the foolish ones, 或者更成功,or the wise virgins have acquired more theological knowledge than the foolish ones. 或者比后者知道更多的神学知识。

No. 不! Jesus himself told us why the foolish virgins became foolish in the eyes of God. 耶稣亲自告诉我们,愚拙的童女为什么在神眼中是愚拙的。It’s because they didn’t prepare enough oil, 是因为她们没有备足够的油, so their lamps were going out. 因此她们的灯就要灭了。What is oil? 油是什么?The Holy Spirit represents oil. 油代表圣灵。 God commands us to be filled with the Spirit. 神吩咐我们要被圣灵充满。(see Eph 5:18) The process of sanctification is a process of dying to the flesh and bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit (see Gal 5:16-22). 成圣的过程是向己欲死、结出圣灵果子的过程。

Last Friday night, 上周五晚上 a Christian friend of mine visited me我和基督徒朋友聊天, and she told me that she got a migraine attack a week ago by the enemy after she had felt been falsely accused by someone. 她说当她感到被人定罪控告时,就被仇敌用偏头痛攻击了,But she said, “I prayed afterwards and I have forgiven her. I’m ok now.”但她说,过后我祷告了,也饶恕了, 我就好了” I said to her, “next time you need to turn to God and pray immediately, 我说下次,你要立即转向神祷告,‘Lord, I reject the feeling of rejection主啊,我拒绝被拒绝的感受…those who curse me, I bless them in Jesus name咒诅我的,我奉主名祝福他…no one is perfect没有人是完美的, I turn to You, please fill me with the power of Your love and the Holy Spirit 我转向你,求你用爱和圣灵来充满我…I receive Your forgiveness to forgive and love them我接受你的饶恕去饶恕…I embrace Your love rather than embracing my own feelings我拥抱你的爱,不拥抱自己的感觉感受…” And I said to her,并且我说 “if you pray afterwards, you will suffer loss initially, 如果你过后才祷告,你会先承受损失but if you turn to God immediately, 但你若即时转向神you’ll starve the stronghold of imaginations within you and rely on God’s power to overcome你就饿死自己的营垒并倚靠神得胜.”

She said, “oh, yes, overcome! but I always pray afterwards.” 她说,对哦,得胜。但有点难,我都是过后才祷告” That’s why we need the Holy Spirit to remind us and help us in our circumstances, 我们需要求圣灵来提醒和在环境中帮助我们,so that we may turn to God immediately instead of suffering loss by relying on our own strength .因此我们可以立即转向神,不因靠自己就先承受损失。

Remember, it is only the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus that can set us free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). 记得,是 唯有赐生命圣灵的律因为赐生命圣灵的律,在基督耶稣里释放了我们,使我们脱离罪和死的律 Lacking the enough filling of the Holy Spirit, 没有足够的被圣灵充满,we are unable to overcome the desires of the flesh, 就胜不过肉体私欲, the light of life will be covered by the flesh. 肉体就会盖住生命之光。those who are in the realm of the flesh can’t please God. Romans 8:8.而且属肉体的人不能得 神的喜欢。 (罗马书 8:8 )

v.8, 8节说, the foolish virgins didn’t get ready for Jesus’ return, 愚拙的童女没有预备好迎接耶稣再来, because they lacked oil, 因为油不够, “our lamps are quenched.” “我们的灯快要灭了。”There is a lifelong wait for the Bridegroom to come, 迎接新郎是一生的等待,why haven’t they prepared enough oil? 为什么她们不预备足够的油呢?This is an issue of the heart that their priority wasn’t to be emptied of the self and be filled with the Spirit, 这是心的问题,因她们心里的首位,并非是倒空自己而被圣灵充满,so that they could live by the Spirit, 以至于可以靠圣灵得生,and keep in step with the Spirit (see Gal 5:25).并靠圣灵行事(加525)。They said to the wise, 她们对聪明的童女说,“give us some of your oil. 请分点油给我们,” The wise replied, 聪明的童女回答,“go and buy for yourself.” ‘不如你们自己到卖油的那里去买吧。

“Buying” means to pay a price. “意味着自己付代价。 Everyone needs to pay the price themselves to be filled with the Holy Spirit every single day. 每个人每一天都要自己被圣灵充满付代价。No one can borrow faith or anointing power from someone else. 没有人可以借别人信心和膏油。You need to pay a price for your own faith. 你要为自己的信心付上代价。 I need to pay a price for my own faith. 我需要为自己的信心付代价, You can’t borrow it from me, 你没法借我的,and I can’t borrow it from you. 我也没法借你的。

Each of us must pay a price for an extra portion of the Holy Spirit to saturate our entire being, 我们每个人都必须付代价,求让圣灵满足我们自己的全人全心,as we’re waiting for the Bridegroom to come, 来等候新郎, so that when temptation, or hardship, or challenges, or persecution, or any testing of our faith comes, 以至于当遇见试探、患难、挑战、逼迫等等信心试炼中,our light won’t  go out, because of yielding ourselves to complaints, 我们的灯不至于因顺服抱怨or bitterness或苦毒, or criticism或挑剔批评, or unforgiveness或不饶恕, or any unbelieving reactions just like an unbeliever would reacted to their circumstances. 或和不信的人一样对环境的反应而熄灭

The amount of oil we have every single day determines our future reward, 我们每天拥有多少油,决定了我们将来得怎样的赏赐,whether we enter the wedding feast and reign with Christ in His coming Kingdom or not. 决定我们能否进入婚宴,能否在基督再来国度中与祂一同做王。Consequently, there must be different ranks of authority, responsibility and different realms of glory to be given to us当然,那时赏赐我们的权柄、责任和荣耀会各不相同, according to our different levels of faithfulness in following him是根据我们跟随耶稣的信心程度不同,when Jesus returns to reward us in the coming Kingdom. 在耶稣的国度降临、行赏赐的时候In the parable of the ten Minas, 在十锭银子的比喻中,Jesus himself tells us, 耶稣说,that some will be given ten cities to take charge of, 有的人可以有权柄管十座城,and some five cities, 有的人可以管五座城,but the unfaithful servant will be given nothing to take charge of. 但不忠心的仆人什么也得不到。Just as 1 Cor 3:15 says, If someone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss. He himself will be saved, but only as through fire. 人的工程若被烧了,他就要受亏损,自己却要得救;虽然得救,乃像从火里经过的一样。 (哥林多前书 3:15)

4, The necessity of keeping watch v.10-13 要警醒,10-13

10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. 11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’ 12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. 她们去买的时候,新郎到了。那预备好了的,同他进去坐席,门就关了。 其余的童女随后也来了,说:主啊,主啊,给我们开门!他却回答说:我实在告诉你们,我不认识你们。所以,你们要警醒;因为那日子,那时辰,你们不知道。”(马太福音 25:10-13)When the foolish virgins came, 等到愚拙的童女回来, the door was shut. 门却关上了。And Jesus replied, 耶稣回答说, “truly I tell you, I don’t know you.” “我实在告诉你们,我不认识你们。”This is not the door of salvation, 这门指的不是救恩的门,but the door to enter the wedding banquet which is a reward for faithful followers. 而是进入婚宴、忠心跟随者受赏赐的门。 “I don’t know you” means “I don’t recognize you as my faithful followers. “我不认识你们,意思是我不当你是我忠心的跟随者。 I don’t see in you the marks of obedient faithfulness to me.” “在你里面我看不到忠心顺服我的印记。” In Revelation 14:1-5 mentioned just before, 前面提到启示录141-5may give us more information to understand Jesus’ words.这些经文可让我们更多认识耶稣的话。John the apostle says,使徒约翰说, before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads… 4 These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. 5 No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless. 我又观看,见羔羊站在锡安山,同他又有十四万四千人,都有他的名和他父的名写在额上。 我听见从天上有声音,像众水的声音和大雷的声音,并且我所听见的好像弹琴的所弹的琴声。 他们在宝座前,并在四活物和众长老前唱歌,仿佛是新歌;除了从地上买来的那十四万四千人以外,没有人能学这歌。 这些人未曾沾染妇女,他们原是童身。羔羊无论往哪里去,他们都跟随他。他们是从人间买来的,作初熟的果子归与 神和羔羊。 在他们口中察不出谎言来;他们是没有瑕疵的。(启示录 14:1-5) We don’t know whether this 144,000 is a real number or just symbolic, 我们不清楚这144000是一个真实的数字还是一个预表,but we know that there are a number of faithful followers among all the believers. 但我们知道在众信徒中的忠心跟随者是有一个数字的。 V.4 emphasizes that this is a people of God 4节强调这是一群神的子民,who have gone through the process of purity, 他们经历了被洁净的过程, and they stand firm by paying the price to follow Jesus faithfully in whatever situation. 他们在一切环境中都付出代价、忠实地跟随耶稣并站立得住。

But when it comes to the number of all believers,但说到所有信徒的数目, Revelation 7:9a  After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. [7:9]此后,我观看,见有许多的人,没有人能数过来,是从各国、各族、各民、各方来的,站在宝座和羔羊面前,It tells us that there are countless people saved from all nations, 这里告诉我们有无数得救的人从各国来,and no one can count the number. 没有人能数出数目。But the number of faithful followers is countable. 但是忠心跟随者的数目是可以数的。Are we with them?我们在他们当中吗?

Then, our Lord warns us, 所以主警戒我们说: “therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.”  “所以你们要警醒,因为那日子,那时辰,你们不知道。He is talking to God’s people, 祂是在和神的子民说话, not the unbelievers. 不是跟不信的人说。 Jesus’ reward is on the way. 耶稣的赏赐近了。His return is on the way. 祂再来的日子近了。 We don’t know when, 我们不晓得那日子,but we know when He returns, 但我们知道祂再来的时候,these things will happen. 这一切将会发生。He will reward and judge His people (see Heb 10:30).祂要赏赐并审判祂的子民(见来10:30) “Therefore, keep watch; 所以,要警醒;stay alert and be prayerful; 要保持警惕、不住祷告;keep discerning what is influencing your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions, 要搞清楚到底是什么在影响你的思想、感受、情绪和行为, just like the story Raymond told last Sunday. 如同上周主日Raymond所分享的。Watch and pray, 要警醒祷告, in order that you may stay sensitive to the voice of God 以保持对神声音的敏锐,and resist the voice of the deceiver. 抵挡那诱惑人的声音。 This is the price we must pay as we follow Jesus’ footsteps.这是我们跟随耶稣的脚踪所必须付出的代价。

“the Son can do nothing by himself.” “子凭着自己不能作什么,” “by myself I can do nothing”. “我凭着自己不能作什么The Son Christ was powerful enough to do everything he wanted, 圣子基督足有能力去做他想做的事,but he emptied himself, 但他却倒空自己,and lived a life completely dependent on the Father. 活出了完全依赖天父的生命。 He is the ultimate example for us to follow.他是我们跟随的终极榜样。

Are you paying the price by emptying the self你是否在付代价倒空自己、 and being filled with more oil to follow Jesus? 被更多的膏油充满来跟随耶稣?Are you paying the price by meditating on the Word of God 你是否付代价默想神的话、and obeying what He is telling you to do? 遵祂的命令而行? Do you pay the price by seeking a pure heart, 你是否每天付代价寻求得着清洁的心 a humble heart, a loving and faithful heart to follow in Jesus’ footstep?寻求谦卑的心,和忠心来跟随耶稣的脚踪?

There is only “One thing” worth purposing with our lifetime. 唯有一件事值得我们一生去追求。King David heard the “one thing” from God in 大卫王在诗篇6211-12节讲到他从神听到的这一件事Psa 62:11-12, One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: ‘Power belongs to you, God, and with you, Lord, is unfailing love’; and, ‘You reward everyone according to what they have done.’ 11 神说了一次、两次,我都听见,(直译:一件事神说了,两件事我听到),就是能力都属乎 神。12主啊,慈爱也是属乎你,因为你照着各人所行的报应他。 What is ‘the one thing’ that God has spoken”? 神所说的这一件事是什么?”What are ‘the two things’ that David heard?大卫听到的两件事是什么?One thing is that “God is powerful and sovereign and God is loving.” 一个是神是有大能、有权柄、充满慈爱的 We don’t have to worry! 我们不必忧虑 To him belong strength and insight; both deceived and deceiver are His. Job 12:16. 【伯12:16】在他有能力和智慧,被诱惑的与诱惑人的都是属他。God is able, and He is loving! 神凡事都能,祂是爱!

 The other is that God rewards. 另一个是神会赏赐。God is a rewarder! 神是赏赐者! He rewards those who diligently seek Him. 祂赏赐那些殷勤寻求祂的人。King David proclaimed that this is the  “One thing” which was worth pursuing with his whole life. 大卫王宣告这一件事是值得他一生去追求的。 For God’s love is to save His people from their sins.因神的爱就是将祂的百姓从罪恶中拯救出来。

King David tasted the sweetness of God’s love, 大卫王品尝过神爱的甘甜,whether in good times or bad times, 无论在顺境或逆境, God was willing to save him in His unfailing love! 神都愿意以祂永远的慈爱拯救他!There’s no need to worry! 我们不需要忧虑!God has prepared a table before us in the presence of our enemies! 在我们敌人面前,神为我们摆设筵席!We just need to pursue “One thing” 我们只要去追求一件事” - pray and watch and seek His face! ——祷告、警醒、寻求祂的面!  Everything  in world is fading, 世上万物都在衰残, nothing can stand forever, 没有什么可以存到永远,and nothing is worthy to be prioritised as first in our lives, 没有什么值得摆在我们生命的第一位。only one thing should we seek with all our heart, 只有一件事值得我们去全心寻求,that is to empty the desires of the self那就是,倒空肉体的私欲, and be filled with the fullness of Jesus. 被耶稣的完全所充满。

Our Lord Jesus is the only ONE who lovingly wants to give us all the good things; 我们的主耶稣是唯一愿意把一切的美好都赐给我们的那一位; He is the only ONE who is powerfully able to give them to us; 祂是唯一有能力赐给我们的那一位;He is the only ONE who gives us rest 祂是唯一能使我们得安息、and transforms our lives; 翻转我们生命的那一位;He is the only ONE whose rewards can satisfy our thirst惟有神的赏赐能满足我们饥渴的心, and remain with us forever; 并永远与我们同在; Let ONE thing be our priority让这一件事成为我们生命的第一位 – Jesus alone!——唯有耶稣!


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