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2017-11-05 The Beatitudes (2) 天国八福之二

发表于 2024-01-08

It is said, that “crying lower stress有人说哭泣可以减轻压力; tears release stress眼泪可以释放压力.” How many people believe that多少人相信? Maybe some women have got into a habit可能有些女性已经养成了一个习惯, that when they face stress在有压力时, they weep就哭. By doing that这样做, they maybe feel a little bit more relaxed就觉得好过点, but I think it still doesn’t solve the problem但我相信哭对解决问题没什么用.

When I was a non-Christian信主前, I never believed in tears我从不相信眼泪! My mom used to say to me我妈以前说我, “Are you a woman你是不是女人? You have a stony heart你的心是石头做的!” Thank God感谢主, the first time I repented to God当我第一次在神面前悔改, I didn’t know why I couldn’t stop crying tears不知道为什么不停地流眼泪, He forgave me主赦免了我, and healed me from depression immediately我的抑郁症立即治愈了, and gave me a heart of flesh并给了我一个肉心. Now现在, I am easily touched by God’s words and His love with tears我很容易就被神的话和祂的爱感动流泪! But they are not for self-pity不是觉得自己好可伶, but for what He has graciously done for us而是为神所行的恩典!

Today, we are going to look at what Jesus is saying about “mourning” 今天我們來分享主所说的 哀恸, “crying”, and “weeping”哭泣和流泪. This is what Jesus teaches in the sermon of the Mount主耶稣在山上宝训里说, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” 哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。

1, Then biblical mourning results in happiness. 圣经说的哀恸带来喜乐

The word “blessed” means “happy” blessed”这个词,意思是 快乐, in English versions英文圣经版本很多, there are two ways to translate this verse对这句经文,有两种翻法, “Blessed” or “happy” are those who mourn哀恸的人有福了,或者是,快乐了. In our natural minds在天然人的脑袋里, we say, “really我們会说真的吗? How could that be怎么可能?” because “happy are those who laugh.” 因为,“笑的人才快乐,“Happy are those who win赢的人才快乐…happy are those who are healthy健康的人才快乐嘛.” How can a person who mourn and weep be happy?哀恸哭泣的人,怎么是快乐呢?

Do you remember还记不记得? Last week上周, we shared a message about “poor in spirit我们分享了关于 灵里贫穷的人有福了”, it’s about man in relation to God这贫穷指的是人与神的关系. In the same way同样, all the talks by Jesus Christ are about man in relation to God主耶稣的话,说的全都是指人与神的关系. In the beatitudes山上宝训里, our Lord Jesus talks about true happiness主谈到真正的快乐, which is not what the world tells us那不是世界所说的快乐.

The world says世界这么说, if you are wealthy, you are happy如果你有钱,你就快乐. If you are respected, you are happy如果你受尊重,你就快乐. But when death comes但当死亡来临, no one will be happy没人会快乐, whether male or female无论男女, child or adult老幼, poor or wealthy贫富,all will mourn都要哀恸了. Happy are those who mourn哀恸的人有快乐, you know why为什么? Because they mourn over their own sins before the merciful God因为当人在慈怜的神面前 为自己的罪哀恸, so that God cleanses them神就洁净他们, and gives them eternal joy赐给他们永恒的喜乐! So the term “mourn” 哀恸 这个词refers to experiencing deep grief, sorrow or regret是指经历很深的忧愁,悲伤或后悔, by the conviction of the Holy Spirit被圣灵光照, who leads God’s people to true repentance使信徒得到真正的悔改.

In 2 Cor 7:10, Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.(林后710)因为依着神的意思忧愁,就生出没有后悔的懊悔来,以致得救;但世俗的忧愁是叫人死。

“Godly sorrow” leaves no regret依着神的意思忧愁,不会有后悔because of Jesus’ blood因为耶稣的血, which can completely cleanse the conscience可以全然洁净我們的良心, it will leave no condemnation nor accusation它毫无定罪控告, but leads us to His gracious salvation却领我們进入神丰盛救恩.  

We see in Nehemiah 8我们来看《尼希米记》8, when Ezra the priest read God’s word to the Israelites当祭司以斯拉在以色列民面前,读这律法书who had been the first exiles who returned from Babylon他们是从巴比伦归回的第一批被掳者before the Water Gate of Jerusalem聚集在耶路撒冷水门前, they were mourning and weeping大家都哭了. Do you know why为什么? Because “through the law we become conscious of sin Romans 3:20因律法本是叫人知罪(罗3:20 the law shows men their sins律法显明人的罪。

for example比如, when I first read Jesus’ words我第一次读到, “If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other alsoMatthew 5:39)有人打你的右脸,把你的左脸也转过来由他打(太5:39.” “What什么?” My heart said?我心里说, “Lord, that’s unfair主啊,不公平! If someone strikes me on the right cheek要有人打我右脸, I will strike him back on both sides of his cheeks我要还手打他两边脸.” But what does the bible say about sin可 圣经怎么说到罪? In 1 John 3:4, “Everyone who sins break the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.” (约一3:4)凡犯罪的,就是违背律法;违背律法,就是罪。

when I meditated on Jesus Christ当我默想主耶稣, who is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Romans 10:4), 律法的总结就是基督,使凡信他的都得着义(罗10:4)。He was spit in his face and slapped by the people whom He made祂被自己所造的人吐口水、打巴掌, but He didn’t strike them back却不还手, only surrendered himself to the Father who judges justly只把自己交托按公义审判的父, and forgave his enemies in His love在爱中饶恕仇敌.  Then I became conscious of what I had thought was sin这才明白,我所思想的都是罪, because this was from the natural mind是从天然人的思想而来, where there was lawlessness那里没有律法被存记.

If Jesus had done what I had judged in light of who is right or who is wrong 如果主耶稣照我所断定的 谁对谁错去做, mankind wouldn’t have been saved人类就不会得拯救了! When I realized this我恍然大悟, I cried out with tears流泪说, “Forgive me, Lord赦免我,主, what I thought was lawlessness我所思所想的,都是没有律法的, thank you for loving me when I don’t understand your love感谢你在我还不明白你的爱的时候, guide me with your words用你的话引导我…” 

I believe that when the Israelites stood and listened to the law Ezra read我相信当以色列民聚集,站着听以斯拉读这律法, it convicted their hearts to think how they had offended God who loved them蒙了光照,使他们想起是怎样得罪了爱他们的神, so they mourned and wept就哀恸哭泣了, for they all saw themselves guilty before God因他们在神面前都看到了自己的罪. True repentance from reading God’s words and from the convicting work of the Holy Spirit读神的话、从圣灵光照而来的真悔改, which results in cleansing and joy带来洁净和喜乐!

Because it leads us to turn to the merciful God, who will abundantly pardon因它引导我们转向怜恤人的神,祂广行赦免 (see Isa 55:7) (见 赛55:7! Thus因此, after they had wept before God以色列民在神面前痛哭后, they received great joy就得了大喜乐, and went back to eat and drink with great joy回去快乐吃喝! For the joy of the Lord is our strength (see Nehemiah 8:10) 因靠耶和华而得的喜乐是我们的力量(见 尼8:10, which comes after a humble and a contrite heart喜乐在谦卑痛悔的心之后! In our natural minds天然人的思想里, when we realize what we have done wrong to somebody当我们发现自己亏负了什么人, we also will regret or sorrow or grieve就会后悔、忧愁、难过. But the result of this regret or grief brings death但带来的是死.

We can see this in Matt 27我们可以从《马太福音》27章看到, when Judas had betrayed Jesus犹大出卖耶稣后, he saw that Jesus was condemned看见耶稣被定了罪, the bible says圣经说, “repented himself, and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders v.3 他就后悔,把那三十块钱拿回来给祭司长和长老(第3节).” Judas regretted what he had done犹大为所行的后悔, and he also made up for what he had done也自己来弥补, that was to give the thirty pieces of silver back to the chief priests and elders就是把三十块钱还给祭司长和长老. And he also said还说, “I have sinned, for I have betrayed innocent blood我卖了无辜之人的血是有罪了(第4节) But his regret and sorrow但他的后悔和难过didn’t bring him to hope, joy and peace没有把他带到盼望、喜乐和平安, instead相反, he killed himself and died他自杀死了!

“Worldly sorrow brings death” 世俗的忧愁是叫人死! Can you see the difference你能看出当中的区别吗? From v. 3 we can check all the verbs我们来查第3节的所有动词, “Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders.” “这时候,卖耶稣的犹大看见耶稣已经定了罪,就后悔,把那三十块钱拿回来给祭司长和长老,出去吊死了。”

Saw (by himself) (自己)看见----- felt (by himself)(自己)觉得后悔---returned (by himself) (自己)拿回来---hanged himself自杀 (all proceed from the self 所有过程都从自己来), Godly sorrow照着神的意思忧愁---- God’s words and the conviction of the Spirit神的话和圣灵的光照-----repentance悔改-----cleansing洁净--- comfort, joy and happiness安慰,喜乐和开心。(all proceed from faith that God is involved所有过程都在信心中,有神参与)

In Judas’ actions犹大的所有行为, God’s grace and salvation were not involved全没有神的恩典和拯救 参与其中, but his own self只有自己的意思, his own seeing自己的看见, his own feeling自己的感受, and his own actions自己的行为, which resulted in death就生出死来!

As Christians作为基督徒, if we look at ourselves如果我们看自己, and realize that we have done something wrong意识到自己做了错事, we regret it我们后悔, and try to make up for it by our own actions想要用自己的行为去补救, or we feel self-pity又或者产生自怜“nobody cares for me没有人关心我…” weep and think only about the self只为自己难过 想着自己, which can result in spiritual death就会带来灵性的死亡because the devil can accuse and condemn us因撒旦可借此控告定罪我们, and if we don’t turn to Jesus’ blood ang His grace of forgiveness我们若不转向耶稣的宝血和赦罪的恩典, this feeling of condemnation or isolation can kill our faith这种定罪感和孤立感会扼杀信心! Why do so many people attend churches but still commit suicide为什么许多人去教会聚会,却还要自杀?

Recently Ive heard a couple of cases that young people前不久,我听说一些年轻人, both kiwi and nz-born Chinese本地kiwi和本地出生的华人, who had attended churches services killed themselves都有去主日礼拜的,却自杀了. Regret in the self has nothing to do with salvation在自己里面的后悔,与救恩毫无关系, we need to turn to God’s kind forgiveness我们当转向神恩典的赦免!   

Once upon a time有一次, demons manifested through a university student at our home church在家里的教会,一个大学生鬼附发作, whose forefather was a Buddhist abbot那人的祖先是庙里的方丈, when a new-comer was taking photos当一个新信徒正在拍摄她, the demon shouted邪灵大叫, “How dare you to take pictures of me, when you are a fornicator你怎么敢拍我,你是淫乱的.” That new-comer was so afraid那个新信徒怕了and stopped taking photos不敢再照拍, because she had just quit a wrong relationship with a man who had a wife因她的确刚跟一个有妇之夫分了手, and nobody knew this没有人知道这件事. Then another brother took over her job of taking pictures另一个弟兄接手继续拍, but the demon accused him as well但邪灵也控告他, “You also slept with women你也和女人上床!”

But he declared in faith但这位弟兄在信心里宣告, “Yes, I was a sinner我是罪人, but now Jesus’ blood has cleansed me但耶稣的宝血洁净了我!” The demon’s mouth was shut by the blood of Jesus Christ邪灵的口就马上被宝血止住了! Godly mourning through the conviction of the word of God and the Spirit of God借着神话语和圣灵的光照,照着神的意思忧愁, results in cleansing就带来洁净, forgiveness赦免, happiness快乐, joy and peace喜乐和平安! Because there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). 如今,那些在耶稣基督里的就不定罪了(罗8:1)。

2, The biblical mourning results in comfort. 圣经说的哀恸带来安慰

Before Jesus Christ went to the Cross主耶稣上十字架前, he had told the disciples他告诉门徒, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever John 14:16” “我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师,叫他永远与你们同在(约14:16)。”

So when we agree with God about the conviction of sin through the Holy Spirit所以,当我们接受圣灵对我们罪的光照, and repent of it为此悔改, there is no guilt or shame remaining in us里面就没有内疚和羞耻, but we are comforted反而得了安慰! Because the Holy Spirit is Jesus Himself unlimited (see 2 Cor 3:17). 因为圣灵就是耶稣自己,是没有限量的(见 林后317

Once一次, Jesus was invited to a dinner party主耶稣到人家里坐席, where a woman brought an alabaster jar of perfume有个女人拿了一瓶盛香膏的玉瓶, and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping站在耶稣背后,挨着他的脚哭, she began to wet his feet with her tears眼泪湿了耶稣的脚. Then she wiped them with her hair就用自己的头发擦干, kissed them and poured perfume on them又用嘴连连亲他的脚,把香膏抹上.

Do you know why she did this她为什么这样? Because she realized that she had sinned因为那女人认识自己犯了罪, she didn’t look for a remedy from people她没有从人那里去找补救的方法or by her own actions to make up for it或用自己的行为去补救. But she came to Jesus weeping over her sins in faith而是因信来到耶稣跟前,为自己的罪哭泣. Do you know what happened然后发生了什么事? Did Jesus shame her主耶稣羞辱她了? or despise her轻看她了? No! Rather相反, Jesus comforted her耶稣安慰了她! Said, “your sins are forgiven.” 说,你的罪赦免了。Those who weep and mourn over their sin那些为罪哭泣哀恸的人find mercy and the heart of God得着了怜悯,摸到了神的心! Mourning over their sins results in forgiveness and cleansing from God他们为罪哀恸,带来从神而来的赦免和洁净!

Jesus also said to the Pharisee主耶稣还对法利赛人说,  “...Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You didn’t give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair…therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven- for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little Luke 7:40-47” 你看见这女人吗?我进了你的家,你没有给我水洗脚,但这女人用眼泪湿了我的脚,用头发擦干;你没有与我亲嘴,但这女人从我进来的时候就不住地用嘴亲我的脚;你没有用油抹我的头,但这女人用香膏抹我的脚。所以我告诉你,她许多的罪都赦免了,因为她的爱多;但那赦免少的,他的爱就少。(路7:40-47 Jesus pointed out主耶稣指出, that the Pharisee hadn’t shown much love to Jesus法利赛人之所以没有向耶稣表达多少爱because he wasn’t aware that he owed “much sin debt” to God是因为对自己欠神的债无知. And he also hadn’t asked for forgiveness也没有求赦免和悔改, so he was unable to show thankfulness and love for God’s mercy所以就不能向神的怜悯有感恩和爱!  But the woman did但这个女人, she showed her love for Jesus她向耶稣表达她的爱by laying down her dignity and her self-esteem放下自尊尊严, and wiping Jesus’ feet with her hair用自己的头发来擦耶稣的脚.

Now it brings us a question现在有个问题, how much do you love Jesus你爱耶稣多少? Jesus points out that it depends on how much of our great sin debt to God we are aware of耶稣指出,这取决于我们对 自己欠神的罪债 所知多少. The more and deeply aware we are of our own sin debts to God that have been forgiven对自己被神赦免的罪知道的越多越深, the more and the deeper the love and gratitude to God for His mercy and grace we will be able to show to Jesus向耶稣生出的爱和感恩 就越多越深, and also be able to show to people (family members, colleagues, classmates, and flatmates…) around us也就能够传扬给周围的人(家庭,同事,同学,室友)!

When I was in China在中国的时候, I heard some people say我听有些人说, “I would never be able to love Jesus我可能没有那么多爱来爱主as much as those who are murderers不会像那些杀人的, thieves偷东西的, adulterers淫乱的人, who are really awful sinners那些大罪人, because their huge debts have been forgiven因为他们欠的债多,赦免的多, so they love Jesus much向耶稣的爱就多, Whereas I haven’t actually committed so many sins可我没有犯那么多的罪.”  

How does God define a sinner神给罪人的定义是什么? A law breaker违背律法的人! Sin is lawlessness罪就是心中没有律法 就违背律法! When I had just become a Christian我刚信主时, God allowed lots of wrong things to happen to me神允许很多冤枉我的事发生, I felt so wronged我感到好委屈, my heart said我心里说, “I didn’t do anything wrong我又没有做错什么, I just chose to follow the call of the Lord我只是跟随主的呼召, why have I become an enemy to so many为什么却成了众人的仇敌?”

When I read the bible直到我读经时, I wept就哭了, because I found that in the midst of my troubles因为我发现在困境中, my heart said我的心在说, “I didn’t do anything wrong我又没有做错? Why do they treat me like this他们为什么这样对我? Why do they hate me without reason他们为什么无缘无故恨我...” Are God words involved in directing my thoughts有神的话引导我的思想吗? No没有! there is lawlessness这就是没有律法! I was still a law breaker though I had become a Christian就算我成了基督徒,我仍然是违背律法的人! For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every who believes因律法的总结就是基督,使凡信他的都称为义.

When Jesus was wronged主耶稣被冤枉时, he was so humble like a lamb to be slaughtered他那么谦卑,像羊羔被牵到宰杀之地, he loved his enemies and cried out for forgiveness for them他爱仇敌,为他们蒙赦免呼求父…from that I was saved正因如此,我被拯救了! How much of those kinds of instinctive thoughts led my mind to think and act有多少本能的思想引导着我行事为人, when I faced a challenge or mistreatment在面对挑战或者被冤枉的环境里?

What did I believe我信的是什么? Who was the mirror that I needed to look at in my troubles谁才是难处中我要对照的镜子? So that I could be transformed from my natural self into His likeness使我从一个天然人可以被改变成祂的形象? They are Jesus footsteps and the truth是耶稣的脚踪,是真理!If where there were no truth involved要是没有真理在其中, I had been a law breaker indeed我就是十足违背律法的人! When I realized that当我认识到后, my heart was filled with thankfulness and comfort我的心充满感恩和安慰, because I had been forgiven MUCH因我被赦免的极其多! The more we realize this我们对罪认识的多, the more we will be able to love爱的力量就大! Also, we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we have received from God2Cor 1:4b同时 我们能用神所赐的安慰去安慰那遭各样患难的人(林后1:4下)!  

3. The biblical mourning is a blessing to others. 圣经说的哀恸是祝福他人

Do those who mourn do so because they are emotional? 那些哀恸的人是因为他们很情绪化?Or because they enjoy mourning? 或他们喜欢哭?No.不是 God calls us to not only mourn over our own sins神不单呼召我们为自己的罪哀恸, but to mourn over others’ sins也为他人的罪哀恸. Jesus Christ our Lord主耶稣, as the perfect intercessor我们的代祷者, was like this “Surely our griefs He Himself bore, and our sorrows he carried" (Isa 53:4)”祂是诚然担当我们的痛苦 背负我们的忧患(赛53:4)。

It tells us that when Christ sees our wrong doings 这是说当耶稣看见我们的错, He never immediately gets angry with us 他从来没立即对我们发火, or blames us或责怪, or rejects us或拒绝我们, “You get me annoyed, I don’t like you你好烦,我讨厌你!’ No 不是, He carries our sorrows and prays for us 他背负我们的忧患,为我们祷告, “Father, forgive them父啊,赦免他们, they know not what they do他们所做的他们不晓得.” Christ Jesus was on our behalf crying out for mercy 基督站在我们的地位上为我们怜悯代求, he even shed his blood for the forgiveness of our sins 甚至流血舍命来赦免我们. Jeremiah is called the “weeping prophet”耶利米被称为眼泪先知 , Jer 9:1, “Oh that my head were a spring of water, and my eyes a fountain of teas! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people” (耶9:1):但愿我的头为水,我的眼为泪的泉源,我好为我百姓中被杀的人昼夜哭泣。

Jeremiah has the heart of Jesus Christ to mourn over the people’s sins 耶利米有基督的心肠为神子民哭求, and ask for mercy and forgiveness for them哭求怜悯和赦免! When he saw they had turned away from God当他看见神子民离开神 and sinned against God得罪神, and the nation was going to be captured国家要被掳, Jeremiah didn’t criticize the people in anger耶利米没有在怒中批评百姓, or make bitter judgement towards them to blame them or hated them或责怪,论断和恨他们, but he wept for them before God但他在神的面前哭泣.

“Oh that my head were a spring of water, and my eyes a fountain of teas! “I will weep and wail for the mountains…9:1” (耶9:1)但愿我的头为水,我的眼为泪的泉源,我好为百姓中被杀的人昼夜哭泣。 Jer 13:17, But if you will not listen, my soul will weep in secret for your pride; my eyes will weep bitterly and run down with tears, because the Lord’s flock has been taken captive.  (耶13:17)你们若不听这话,我必因你们的骄傲,在暗地哭泣;我眼必痛哭流泪,因为耶和华的群众被掳去了。

Now, if God had told you that the country would be destroyed 若神告诉你国家要被毁, and everyone would be captured人要被掳 and taken as exiles because of their sins因为罪人人要被流放, what would you have done then你会怎么做? Would you have blamed the whole country in anger for doing wrong你会不会发怒责怪整个国家都做错了? Or how do you act when you see your husband 当你看见你丈夫 or your wife你妻子, or your parents你父母, or your children你孩子, or your colleagues你的同事, or leaders of the world这世界的领袖, or a country that does things in ways you think that are not right或一个国家他们在你眼中都做错了,你会怎样?

Or how do you act when people don’t listen to you when you are really speaking from God 当人不听你从神而来的话,你会怎样? Will you mourn over your own pride你会为自己的骄傲哀恸, and also mourn over their pride为他人的骄傲哭泣, and ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness哭求神的怜悯和饶恕?

Or will you just blame others for their faults还是你只是责怪他们? Blessed are those who mourn哀恸的人有福了, for they will be comforted他们必得安慰! After Jeremiah had mourned over the Israelites’ sins在耶利米为以色列人哭泣, his heart was comforted by God’s promise 神安慰了他的心, “Restrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes form tears, for your work will be rewarded,” declares the Lord, “They will return from the land of the enemy. So there is hope for your future, your children will return to their own land Jer 31:16” “你禁止声音不要哀哭,禁止眼目不要流泪,因你所做之工,必有赏赐,他们必从敌国归回。这是耶和华说的。“你末后必有指望,你的儿女必回到自己的境界。”(耶31:16

This is comfort from the Lord这是从神来的安慰! Who is the same yesterday祂从昨日, today到今日, and forever more到永远都是一样的! God never looks for a judge神从来没有寻找一个审判官, for Himself is the judge因为祂自己就是审判官! God is looking for someone 神正在寻找一些人who has a humble and a contrite heart 他们有谦卑痛悔的心who will mourn over his own sins and others’ sins他们会为自己的罪哭泣也为他人的罪哭泣, in order that God may be able to pour out His mercy and forgiveness to save your family members这样神能倾倒祂的怜悯和赦免来拯救你的家人, your classmates你的同学, your colleagues你的同事, even nations直至国家! “Father, forgive us 父啊,赦免我们! And forgive them也赦免他们!” If we stop judging others’ faults若我们停止论断他人, stop counting other’s wrongs停止计算他人的恶, but mourn over our own pride却为我们的骄傲哀恸, mourn over other’s pride为他人的骄傲哀恸, our heart’s will be comforted我们的心就能被安慰!

In the end最后, I’m going to tell you a testimony我要讲一个见证, two months ago两个月前, a friend of mine from another city came to this service我一个朋友从其他城市来到我们当中聚会, I remember that day we were sharing a message of forgiveness我记得那天我们正分享饶恕的信息. During the sung worship and the prayer在敬拜和祷告时, some people heard her weeping and weeping with tears and snorts大家听见她在那里眼泪鼻涕的哭泣. That night当晚, she told me that she had been framed and trapped by a young man她告诉我她被一个年轻人陷害诬陷了, which caused her to lose her job使她失去了工作. She told me how wrong the young man had been她告诉我那个人有多坏, who was a non-Christian不是基督徒. I prayed for her 我为她祷告and asked God to bring her to the cross to only look to His power of forgiveness求主将她带回到十字架来仰望祂的饶恕恩典…Two weeks ago两周前, I received a phone call from her我接到她电话, she told me that she had totally forgiven her enemy and blessed him她告诉我,她已经完全饶恕那人并祝福了他.

And she asked me to pray for her job她要我为她的工作祷告,during the prayer在祷告中, my heart was touched by God’s love我的心被主爱触摸, it’s God who allowed such a thing to happen这是神应许发生的, which was not to harm her不是为害她, but to edify her to be more like Jesus却为造就她 使她更像基督, when His children finish their tasks当神的儿女完成他们当行的, they will be comforted他们会得安慰! Sure enough果然, this Tuesday这周二, she phoned me cheerfully她高兴的打电话给我, to tell me that she has a new job她得了一个新工作 , and she loved it very much并且非常的喜欢这工作! Praise the Lord赞美主! weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning Psm 30:5. 一宿虽然有哭泣,早晨必欢呼(诗30:5Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted! 哀恸的人有福了,天国是他们的!


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