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2022-09-18 Restore the altar of God 重建祭坛

发表于 2024-01-08

During the weekend when we were in Akaroa two weeks ago, 两周前我们在Akaroa的那个周末,I prayed, 我祷告说:“Lord, I wanna see people come to the service hungry, “主啊,我想看到人们饥渴地参加礼拜,and I wanna see everyone experiencing miracles, 我想看到每个人都经历奇迹,I wanna see your fire come down from heaven…” 我想看到你的火从天上降下来……”Then, I felt like reading 1 Kings 18, 然后,我就想要读列王记上的第18章,so I read it through and meditated. Today, I wanna share this message with you. 我就去通读了整章并且默想。今天,我想和你们分享这个信息。1 kings 王上18:30-39, Then Elijah said to all the people, Come here to me. They came to him, and he repaired the altar of the Lord, which had been torn down. 以利亚对众民说:“你们到我这里来。”众民就到他那里。他便重修已经毁坏耶和华的坛。31 Elijah took twelve stones, one for each of the tribes descended from Jacob, to whom the word of the Lord had come, saying, Your name shall be Israel. 31 以利亚照雅各子孙支派的数目,取了十二块石头(耶和华的话曾临到雅各说:“你的名要叫以色列”),32 With the stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord, and he dug a trench around it large enough to hold two seahs[a] of seed. 32 用这些石头为耶和华的名筑一座坛,在坛的四围挖沟,可容谷种二细亚,33 He arranged the wood, cut the bull into pieces and laid it on the wood. Then he said to them, Fill four large jars with water and pour it on the offering and on the wood. 33 又在坛上摆好了柴,把牛犊切成块子,放在柴上,对众人说:“你们用四个桶盛满水,倒在燔祭和柴上。”34 Do it again, he said, and they did it again. Do it a third time, he ordered, and they did it the third time. 34 又说:“倒第二次。”他们就倒第二次。又说:“倒第三次。”他们就倒第三次。35 The water ran down around the altar and even filled the trench. 35 水流在坛的四围,沟里也满了水。36 At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. 36 到了献晚祭的时候,先知以利亚近前来,说:“亚伯拉罕、以撒、以色列的 神,耶和华啊,求你今日使人知道你是以色列的 神,也知道我是你的仆人,又是奉你的命行这一切事。37 Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again. 37 耶和华啊,求你应允我,应允我!使这民知道你耶和华是 神,又知道是你叫这民的心回转。” 38 Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench. 38 于是,耶和华降下火来,烧尽燔祭、木柴、石头、尘土,又烧干沟里的水。39 When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, The Lordhe is God! The Lordhe is God! 39 众民看见了,就俯伏在地,说:“耶和华是 神!耶和华是 神!”

1, Background. 背景

The story begins with the Israelites who doubt who the Lord is. 故事的开始,是以色列人怀疑耶和华是不是神,V,21, Elijah said to the people, 21节,以利亚对以色列众人说, How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him, but if Baal is God, follow him. “你们心持两意要到几时呢?若耶和华是 神,就当顺从耶和华;若巴力是 神,就当顺从巴力。” The people kept silent. 但众人都沉默不语。What had happened to the nation? 这个民族发生了什么事?Why had they lost God as their focus? 为什么他们不再以神为中心?At the time of Ahabs rule, 亚哈王在位的时期, the nation was divided into two Judah and Israel. 整个国家分裂为犹大人和以色列人。Ahabs wife, Jezebel, 亚哈的妻子耶洗别,seduced her husband and the whole community into worshipping a false god named Baal. 引诱丈夫和整个国家去拜假神巴力, The name Baal meant lord. 巴力就是主的意思, He was considered the god of wind, 被认为是风神、the god of rain,雨神、the god of fire, 火神、the god of war, 战争之神and the god of fertility.和生育之神。Baal was also believed to cause fire to come down from heaven. 人们也相信巴力可从天上降火下来。The people were deceived, they forsook the living God, 以色列人被诱骗离弃了永生神,and they ruined the altar of the Lord. 又毁坏了神的祭坛。

When theres a broken altar of God, 当神的祭坛被毁坏,we lose our passion for Jesus. 我们就失去了对耶稣的热情。Then, something else will creep in and fill our lives. 于是,别的东西进来充满了我们的心。Things like movies, 比如电影、TV shows, 电视连续剧、games, 游戏、wealth, 财富、success, 成功、romance, 爱情、even our personal safety and security can become our idols. 甚至人身安全等都可以成我们的偶像。But therere always consequences from substitutes. 但信替代品总归会有后果,The blessing of God can be gradually diminished in our lives. 神的祝福会渐渐从生命中消退.

Then, over a period of time, 然后,经过一段时间,the nation had been put into bondage.整个国家就陷入捆绑里, They became impoverished. 他们陷入贫困中。Families began to break down. 家庭破碎,People were filled with bitterness, 人们心里充满苦毒、rejection, 被拒绝伤害、and fear. 和惧怕,And there was a drought for years. 又发生多年的干旱。Why did God allow them to suffer? 为什么神允许以色列人受苦?Because the Kingdom of God is about the principle of God. 因神的国关乎神的法则,Its about bringing our lives into divine order. 是关乎进入神的次序。When we live under divine order, 当活在神的次序中,when we obey the Fathers commands, 遵守天父的命令,blessings flow upon and through our lives.  祝福就临到我们、充满我们。Jesus came and showed us how to live under authority. 耶稣来表明如何顺服权柄,Obedience brings us spiritual success and blessing. 顺服权柄使我们属灵上通达和蒙福。The sins of rebellion and disobedience bring us back under the influence of the cycles of defeat. 而悖逆和不顺服使我们回到失败的循环里。




The people of Israel served Baal, the god of rain, 以色列民事奉雨神巴力,so God had shut up the heavens to tell them,于是神就关闭天上的窗户,要告诉以色列民, Baal is powerless, 巴力是无能的,he isnt a true God, 巴力不是真神,theres no rain. 巴力不能降雨。Then, God was going to open heaven and let rain come down. 然后,神要打开天窗要降雨。Some people told me that whenever their hearts were set on making more money, 有人告诉我每当他们一心想要赚钱,instead of worshipping God, 而不是敬拜神,they lost money in many ways. 他们的钱就从很多地方漏掉了。God strikes down our false gods, 神击打我们的假神,in order to bring us back into real blessing. 是为了让我们回转进入真正的祝福。Substitutes for God ruin our lives. 以别物替代神毁坏我们的生命。In v.30, 30节,we see the key to bring change is to restore the altar of the Lord. 我们看到重建祭坛是带来复兴的关键;In v.37-39, 37-39节,after Elijah prayed, 以利亚祷告后,fire came down from heaven and burned the offering, 火从天上降下烧尽祭物,having seen the miracle, 以色列民看到这个神迹,they shouted, 他们就欢呼:“The Lord is God, 耶和华是神,The Lord, He is God. 耶和华是神。 The repaired altar of God brings change. 重修祭坛带来这个改变。

2, The meaning of the altar of the Lord. 祭坛的含义

v. 31-35, Elijah took twelve stones, and said, 31-35节,以利亚取了12块石头,并说,Your name shall be Israel. “你的名要叫以色列。” God hates division. 神恨恶分裂,The altar of God is about unity and commitment. 祭坛关乎合一和委身。Elijah arranged the wood, 以利亚摆好木柴,cut the bull into pieces, 把牛犊切成块子, and laid it on the wood, 放在柴上,and three times he asked the people to pour water in the offering and on the wood. 又三次叫人浇水在祭物和柴上。Why did Elijah use these things to build the altar of God? 以利亚为什么用这几样东西来建造祭坛?What is the hidden symbolism? 它们象征着什么?How does it relate to our lives? 和我们的生活有什么联系?First of all, 首先,why is the altar of the Lord so significant? 为什么祭坛如此重要?

In the OT, 旧约里,we see that Jacob built an altar after encountering the living God. 记载了雅各在遇见神的地方建了一座坛,So an altar is a place to encounter God. 因此,祭坛是一个遇见神的地方,Its a place of covenant. 祭坛是一个立约的地方, In Gen 12:6-9, God appeared to Abram and promised him to give the land to his offspring. 神向亚伯拉罕显现,并应许将那地赐给他的后裔为业。An altar was built by Abram, where a covenant was made between God and man. 亚伯兰筑了祭坛给神,代表着神和人立约。Throughout the OT, there were altars, 贯穿整个旧约时期有许多祭坛,even in the Book of Revelation, 甚至在《启示录》中,there was a golden altar before the throne in heaven 在天上的宝座前也有一个金色祭坛 (Rev 8:3)

So altars are places of encountering God, 所以祭坛是遇见神的地方,places of sacrifice and surrender, 是献祭和降服的地方,places of forgiveness and healing, 是饶恕和得医治的地方,intercession and exchange. 是代祷和得转换的地方。But in terms of the things in the OT, 但关于旧约的事,the NT says, 新约却说,Col 西2:17  These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.这些原是后事的影儿,那形体却是基督。 As we read in Matt 27:39-50,  我们来读太2739-50This passage is all about humiliating Jesus and crucifying him. 这段经文记载了耶稣受羞辱和被钉十字架的过程,v.45 tells us that the whole nation was under darkness. 45节说遍地都黑暗了,Jesus was hanging on the cross. 耶稣被挂在十字架上,Some said, 人们说, He saved others, but he cant save himself “他救了别人,不能救自己。”. Jesus cried out, my God, my God, why have you forsaken me? “我的 神,我的 神!为什么离弃我?”  People said, 听到的人说, Hes calling Elijah. “这个人呼叫以利亚呢!” They offered a sponge filled with vinegar wine for Jesus to drink, 内中有人拿了蘸满醋的海绵给耶稣喝,but he refused and gave up his spirit to the Father. 耶稣不肯喝,把自己的灵魂交在天父手里。

The cross of Jesus is the true altar of God. 耶稣的十字架是真正的祭坛。Hebrews 13:1012 10 We have an altarthe cross where Christ was sacrificedwhere those who continue to seek salvation by obeying Jewish laws can never be helped. 我们有一祭坛,上面的祭物是那些在帐幕中供职的人不可同吃的。12 That is why Jesus suffered and died outside the city, where his blood washed our sins away. 所以耶稣要用自己的血叫百姓成圣,也就在城门外受苦。The cross is all what the OT altars point to. 旧约里所有的祭坛都指向十字架。Jesus is the lamb of God. 耶稣是神的羔羊,He offered himself as a ransom for our sins on the altar of God. 他把自己献在祭坛上,作为罪的赎价。The cross is about shaming the criminal. 十字架是为了羞辱罪犯的,Its all about publicly humiliating the criminal. 且是公开地羞辱。We see that they spat on him, 人吐唾沫在他身上,they took the staff and struck him on the head again and again (v.30) 用苇子一次又一次地打他的头(30)Then they stripped him naked and put a scarlet robe on him, 接着剥光了他的衣服,给他穿上一件朱红色的袍子,mocking him as if he was a king (v.28), 戏弄他,好像他是一个王(28)they hurled insults at him, 他们辱骂他,shaking their heads to ashame him (v.39), 摇着头羞辱他(39)they mocked him (41). 嘲笑他(41)Just now we read that someone took a sponge on a stick and dipped it in vinegar and put it up to his mouth. 刚才我们读到,有人拿一块蘸满醋的海绵绑在棍子上,递到他嘴边。I didnt really understand the meaning of why they did this to Jesus until one day I read this, 我不太明白他们为什么要这样对待耶稣,直到有一天我读到这个,In Roman ancient toilets, 在古罗马的厕所里,people used a sponge on a wooden stick called a Tersorium in place of toilet paper (see pictures). 人们用一根叫做“Tersorium”的绑在木棍上的海绵来代替厕纸(见图)After being used, 用完后,people kept them in vinegar to keep them disinfected. 人们把它们放在醋里消毒。So they used this way to humiliate Jesus. 所以,他们用这种方式羞辱耶稣. Thats why Luke 23:36-37  said, " 36 The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar兵丁也戏弄他,上前拿醋送给他喝, 37 and said, If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself. 37 说:“你若是犹太人的王,可以救自己吧!” They offered him wine vinegar 罗马士兵给他酒, not just to make the pain less, 不是单为了减轻人的痛苦,but to keep mocking him, 更是为了继续朝弄他.

The unclean misjudged the clean to have an unclean mouth. 不洁净人论断洁净人的口不洁净。Christ didnt open his mouth基督没有开口, he didnt respond with anger,他没有用生气来回应,but entrusted himself to the Father who judges justly.而是把自己交托给了按公义审判众人的父。This is the altar of God, 这是神的坛,that Christ willingly laid down his life for us, 就是基督甘心为我们舍命,in order to restore us. 要叫我们得更新。The shame of abandonment. 被抛弃的羞耻,The shame of betrayal. 背叛的羞耻,The shame of failure, 失败的羞耻,failure in life, 生命中的失败,in marriage, 婚姻上的失败,in our financial status, 财务上的失败,whatever it is, 不管是什么失败,Jesus took them all on himself. 耶稣都亲自担当在他自己身上,He carried our pain and shame. 他背负我们的痛苦和羞耻感。The cross is the altar of God.  十字架就是神的祭坛。

3, Restore the altar of God in our lives. 修复我们生命中神的祭坛

When God looked at the altar, 当神看这祭坛,where his son had obediently sacrificed his life on the wood, the cross, 祂的儿子在十字架上顺服、舍命,immediately God responded to the altar with fire from heaven. 神立刻从天上降下火来回应这祭坛。The veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom. 殿里的幔子从上到下裂为两半。Resurrection power therefore was released. 复活的能力被释放出来。Great things happened in the early church. 早期的教会里立即发生了大神迹奇事。The altar of God is always connected to the power of the Holy Spirit being released. 神的祭坛总是与圣灵的能力被释放有关。This is the altar of God. 这是神的祭坛。If the altar of the Lord has broken down in our lives, 如果神的祭坛在我们的生命中倒塌了,what does that look like? 将会是什么光景?We lose our passion for Jesus. 我们会失去对耶稣的热情。Other things come in and fill our life to be substitutes for God. 其它事物进入并充满我们的生命,代替了神。You become lukewarm, 你会变得不冷不热,you try to control your life and others, because of fear. 你会因为惧怕,就想操纵你自己和他人的人生 And you get offended and disappointed easily, when people do things other than your way. 当别人不照你的方式做事时,你很容易生气、失望。 You lose joy in serving the living God. 你失去了事奉永生神的喜乐。

When the altar of the Lord has broken down, 当主的祭坛毁坏了,your personal prayer life has broken down. 你个人的祷告生活毁坏了。Your commitment has broken down. 你对神的委身也毁坏了。You start to try to solve problem after problem, 你就要开始不断去解决一个又一个的问题,because youre under the control of other spirits, 因为你被别的灵辖制了,just as the Israelites were under the power of divination and idolatry because of disobedience and arrogance. 就如以色列人因悖逆、骄傲而被邪术和拜偶像的罪辖制。1 Samuel 撒上15:23For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. 悖逆的罪与行邪术的罪相等;顽梗的罪与拜虚神和偶像的罪相同。

We need to restore the altar of the Lord just as Elijah did. 我们当像以利亚一样去修复耶和华的祭坛。We need a fresh encounter with God every single day, 我们每天都需要与神有新鲜的相遇,to get fire and help us to overcome. 得着火去帮助我们得胜。Only at the altar of God, 唯有在神的祭坛,the power of God is released. 神的能力才会释放。How? 我们当怎样行?

Number one, we need to bring back the cross to our lives.第一,需要把十字架带回到我们的生命中。

The cross means to die. 十字架意味着死。Die to sin, die to carnal anger, die to fear,  and live for righteousness. 在罪上死,向属肉体的怒气死,向惧怕死,在义上活。1 Peter 彼前2:24  He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; 他被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪,使我们既然在罪上死,就得以在义上活。因他受的鞭伤,你们便得了医治。 The cross is about humility. 十字架意味着谦卑。Its about humbling ourselves. 意味着谦卑自己。When we read the bible, 当我们读圣经时,we praise Him, 我们赞美祂,we appreciate what He has done for us, 感谢祂为我们所做的一切,and we say, 说:“Lord, Im naked, “主啊,我是赤身露体的,whatever I think is right is wrong. 一切我认为对的都是错的。I no longer believe in my own judgement, 我不再相信自己的判断, I turn to you, 我转向你,I repent, 悔改,I deny my own thoughts, 否定我自己的想法、my own judgments, 自己的判断,show me Your truth and your ways. 显明你的真理和你的法则。I listen to you. 我愿意听从你。”  An altar is a place of meeting with God, 祭坛是一个我们得以见神面的地方。it costs us something to surrender, 需要我们付代价去降服,we pray, 我们祷告,we sacrifice something in our lives, 我们舍弃自己生命中所爱的,we crucify it on the cross with Christ, 把它与基督一同钉上十字架,but in return, 但作为回报,we receive His abundant life, 我们将得着祂丰盛的生命、 His love, 祂的爱、His power, 祂的能力,we receive fire from heaven. 得着从天上降下的火。We can be stirred up, 我们会被鼓舞,joy and hope will come back, 重得喜乐和盼望,people around us will see and exclaim, 我们身边的人会看见并惊呼:“He is the Lord! He is God. “祂是耶和华!祂是神。”

Number two, apart from a personal altar we need to build a family altar.第二,除了个人祭坛,我们还要建立家庭祭坛。

If husband and wife are both Christians, 如果丈夫和妻子都是基督徒,we need to build a marriage altar. 我们需要建立婚姻的祭坛。 In the days of King Ahab, 在亚哈王时期,the woman Jezebel controlled her husband, 妇人耶洗别控制她的丈夫,she robbed Ahabs spiritual authority as the leader of the family, 抢夺了亚哈作为家里的头的属灵权柄,Jezebel caused the whole nation to be rooted in bitterness and division. 也使整个国家陷入苦痛和分裂中。In Re 2:20 在启示录2:20Jesus warns the Church in the last days, 耶稣警戒在末后的教会, dont tolerate the woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess. 不可容忍那自称先知的妇人耶洗别。

The person Jezebel has been dead for more than a thousand year, 耶洗别这个人已经死了一千多年,why does Jesus still warn the church to fight against her? 为什么耶稣仍然警戒教会要抵挡她呢? It must not be the person but be the spirit of Jezebel, 必不是抵挡这个人,而是抵挡耶洗别的灵。In the last days, 在末后的日子,the spirit of Jezebel, 耶洗别的灵,the spirit of manipulation就是操纵的灵 tries to attack both church and family through peoples unresolved pain in the heart试图藉人心中未处理的伤害、a broken heart破碎的心、filled with fear, insecurity, and jealousy.充满惧怕、不安、嫉妒来攻击教会和家庭。A broken heart will try to control and stop themselves being hurt. 一颗破碎的心会竭力掌控、去阻止自己被伤害。When people have been hurt and abandoned, 当人被伤害和接受弃绝感, when people have been traumatized, 当人受到创伤,they try to control the pain, 他们自我控制疗伤, they try to control their spouses, 他们要去控制他们的配偶,to make their children listen to them. 让孩子听他们的。If you dont come to God and repent and forgive 如果你不来到神面前悔改,饶恕,and allow God to control you, 让神来掌管你,you will come under the power of Jezebel. 你就会被耶洗别掌控的权势所辖制。

Building a marriage altar helps develop intimacy and togetherness. 建立夫妻祷告祭坛会使彼此的关系更加亲密、和睦。For the last 17 years,在过去的17年中 Raymond and I have been building a family altar in our marriageRaymond和我一直在我们的婚姻中建造家庭祭坛, we see the constant sickness in the house stopped我们看到从前家里不断的疾病被止住了, we see our relationships restored我们看到我们的关系恢复了, we see the next generation being blessed我们看到下一代被祝福了, we see blessings flowing我们看到祝福流淌, we see fire come down from heaven not only in our marriage 我们看到火来 从天上降下的不仅在我们的婚姻里 but also in the home church还在家里的教会里.

An altar in marriage is when the husband and the wife come together to the Lord and pray. 婚姻的祭坛是丈夫和妻子一起到主面前祷告。“Jesus, I humble myself before you, “主耶稣,我在你面前谦卑自己,show me my wrongdoings, 求你让我认识自己的过犯,I need the on-going sanctification work of the Holy Spirit within me, 我需要圣灵在我里面不断做成圣的工作,to cleanse me and heal me, 洁净我,医治我, I choose to die to control, 我选择向“操纵控制”死,I repent of my compromises, 我为我的妥协而悔改, I forgive…我愿意饶恕……I surrender to You. 我愿向你降服。Help me to respect and love my wife…求你帮助我尊重、爱我的妻子…..help me to respect and submit to my husband. 求你帮助我敬重、顺服我的丈夫。” Then you together pray for your children, 然后你们一起为孩子祷告, pray for your family. 为家人祷告。You dont have to preach in your prayer, 你不要在祷告中布道,but just pray from your heart humbly, 只要谦卑地从心里发出祷告,God sees our hearts, 神看我们的心, if our prayers are offered with a self-denial and humble attitude, 如果我们以舍己谦卑的态度祷告,God promises that He will hear us from heaven and restore us. 神应许祂会从天上听我们的祷告并且复兴我们。2 Chor 代下7:14  if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 这称为我名下的子民,若是自卑、祷告,寻求我的面,转离他们的恶行,我必从天上垂听,赦免他们的罪,医治他们的地。

The third altar is to build an altar in church. 第三个是在教会建立的祭坛。

We gather together as a church to pray for the kingdom to come to our neighbours, to our cites and to all nations. 我们聚集,成为一个教会,为神的国度临到我们的邻舍、临到我们的城市、临到万国而祷告祈求。Some may say, 有人会说: My spouse hasnt become a believer yet, what can I do? “我的配偶还没信主,我该怎么办?” The altar is about bringing the cross back to our own lives. 这祭坛是把十字架带回到我们自己的生命中。Its about sacrificing something on the altar, 祭坛是关于你在神的坛上献上,舍己,in return, 作为回报,we receive abundant life, 我们将得着丰盛的生命,we encounter God in a fresh way. 我们会在新的途径里遇见神。When you see your children are bound by computer games, 当你看到孩子被电脑游戏捆绑,you see constant sickness in your house, 当你看到你家疾病不断you or your family becomes consistently sick, 你或你家人不断地生病,constant depression, or constant conflict, 不断地忧郁沮丧、家庭冲突、or constant turmoil in relationships,家里吵架多多,or whatever bad things happen consistently, 或发生各样的倒霉事,God is calling you to restore the altar of your heart. 是神在呼唤你要起来修复心中祷告的祭坛.

The altar is a place of exchange, 祭坛是一个转换的地方,where you give yourself as a living sacrifice, 在那里你把自己献上当作活祭,you lay down your fear, 放下你的惧怕,you lay down your control, 放下你的操纵,your rights, 放下你的权利,you fully surrender yourself to God, 你完全向神降服,even if things don't go your way即便事情不照你的意思发展,you believe that God is in control. 你也相信上帝在掌权, you pray, 你祷告,you repent, 你悔改,you call on His name humbly, 你谦卑求告祂的名,if God sees the sacrifice you offer on the altar is in alignment with His Sons, 神若看见你所献的祭与祂儿子的祭相合,God will immediately respond to the sacrifice with fire from heaven. 就会立刻从天上降下火来回应你的祭。Because He is the unchangeable God. 因祂是永不改变的神。Then people around you will see and exclaim, 那时,你身边的人看见了必惊呼: The Lord is God, He is God. “耶和华是神,祂是神。”

Lets stand on our feet, right now. 现在,让我们起身。How many have heard the call today? 今天有多少人听到了这个呼召? That you wanna restore the altar of God in your heart, and in your family, 你愿意在你心中,还有你的家里,恢复神的祭坛,reach out your hands to heaven, 向天国伸出祷告的手, lets start to respond to God. 让我们开始回应神。 Lift your voice to God. 向父神扬声呼求。 If youre a couple here, 如果你们是这里的一对夫妇,I encourage you to hold hands together, 我鼓励你们手牵手, lift your voice to praise Him, 来扬声来赞美他,lift your voice to God, 扬声来呼求父,repair the altar of the Lord with your heart. 用心发出祷告来重修神的祭坛。 Build an altar of the Lord. 建立起祷告的祭坛, Lift your voice to God. 你要向父神大声呼求。

Elijah arranged the wood, the sacrifice and the water for the altar. 以利亚为祭坛放了木头、祭物和水。 We need to bring the cross back into our lives. 我们需要在生活中重新背起十字架。If you wanna a breakthrough in your life, 如果你渴慕你的生命得突破,if you realize that theres controlling power in your life如果你意识到有操纵控制的灵在你生命中, because of fear, 是因着恐惧,you wanna control your family members, or others, 你想控制你的家人,或其他人, whenever they dont do things your way, 每当他们不按你的方式来,you get angry, 你就发怒。you get irritated, 你就被激怒, your peace is based on everything in your control, 你的平安是建立在你自己的操控欲上,once you get out of control, 一旦你失控,once people dont listen to you, 一旦人不听你的,you lose peace. 你就失去平安。You need to repent. 你需要悔改。 You need Gods love to fill your heart, 你需要神的爱来填满你的心,and help you to overcome. 并帮助你克服。

If you realize that youve received fear如果你意识到你已经接受了恐惧,because of your mum or dad who were controlling, or other people, 是因着为你的父母控制,或其他人,such as your teacher, 比如你的老师,your previous boss or whoever, who manipulated you or threatened you, 你以前的老板或谁操纵你或威胁你, you became passive, 你变得很被动,you started to disobey Gods order你开始违背神的次序,because of fear and you started to seek false peace with people, 因着惧怕,你开始寻求与人相处的表面和睦, but neglected Gods commands, 却忽视神的命令,and you tolerated that, 你容忍了这些罪, you need to repent, 你需要向神悔改。you need to bring it to the cross and repent, 你需要把这些带到十字架面前并向神悔改。when you position yourself under the authority of God to submit to God, 当把自己放在神神的权柄下,并顺服神, you will be restored into your authority, 你的权柄就会被恢复, to be able to command that spirit to go, 将有能力命令那邪灵离开,and stand up in your rightful place against the spirits, 站在你该站的地位与邪灵争战, your prayer will be effective. 你的祷告将是有功效的。 

So, will you pray after me? 那么,你愿意跟着我一起祷告吗?“Thank You Jesus for Your cross. 感谢主耶稣为你上十字架。Forgive me for tolerating that spirit of control, 请饶恕我容忍那操控的灵在我身上,Jesus, forgive me for my compromises. 主耶稣,请赦免我的妥协。Forgive me for compromising to secret idols, and fear. 请赦免我向偶像和惧怕妥协。I bring my wounded heart to You, 我把我破碎受伤的心带到你面前, heal me of my fear and my trauma, 求你医治我的恐惧和创伤。



Lord, I receive what You have done on the cross for me.主耶稣,我接受你在十字架上为我所做的一切。You paid the price for me. 你为我付上重价。I receive Your forgiveness, 我接受你的赦罪之恩,I forgive my mum and dad…我愿饶恕了我的父母……who were vulnerable people like me, 像我一样脆弱的人,they dont owe me, 他们不欠我,I owe you. 而我却亏欠了你。But You cancelled my debts. 然而你免去了我所有的罪债。I also cancel their debts. 我也愿饶恕他们。All my life needs is to encounter You. 我生命唯一的需要是可以遇见你。I surrender to You. 我愿降服于你。I take the authority Youve given me in Christ我拿起在基督里的权柄,to tear down strongholds of bitterness, fear and manipulation.摧毁一切苦毒、恐惧和操纵的坚固营垒。I take dominion over the spirits of control, 我奉主耶稣基督的名命令操控的灵,self-pity, 自怜的灵、 fear, 恐惧的灵, manipulation and passiveness,操纵和被操纵的灵and the spirit of death, 死亡的灵, spirit of grief, 悲伤的灵,tormenting spirits, 折磨的灵, and all evil spirits,一切邪恶的灵,in Jesus name, go!离开我。 Go out of my life, 离开我的生命, go out of my family, 离开我的家庭, go out of our church. 离开我们的教会。I declare freedom in my life. 我宣告我的生命得自由。The fire of the Holy Spirit come upon me. 求圣洁的灵火降临我身。The Holy Spirit of might anoint me. 求圣灵膏抹我。Holy Spirit, empower me, 圣灵,求你赐能力, strengthen me to restore the altar of God in my life, 坚固我,在我生命中in my family, 在我的家庭中,and in our church.”在我们的教会中,重修祷告的祭坛。

Now, I want you to lift your voice to cry to God.现在,请大家大声呼求神…….Then, well sing the last song and finish todays service. 然后,我们唱完这最后一首诗歌,结束今天的聚会。

Thank You Jesus for Your presence with us. 感谢主耶稣你与我们同在。 Thank You for calling us to restore the altar of the Lord感谢你呼召我们恢复祷告的祭坛, which starts with our personal altars. 是从我们个人的祷告祭坛开始。Thank You for calling us to bring the cross back into our lives, 谢谢你呼召我们在生活中背起自己的十字架,where we exchange broken lives for the abundant life you have promised us in Christ. 用基督丰盛的生命取代我们破碎的生命。 Jesus, let a double portion of the spirit of Elijah come upon us. 主耶稣,求你让那感动以利亚的灵,加倍地来感动我们, On behalf of the church, 我代表教会,we declare war over the spirit of Jezebel, 宣告向耶洗别的灵宣战,for Lord Youve defeated it. 因为主早已打败了它。 Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,help us to walk with the repaired altar to You wherever we go, 求你帮助我们,行走在祷告的祭坛里,enable us to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, 以致于我们能使为父的心转向儿女,and the hearts of the children to their fathers.使儿女的心转向父。 Amen. 阿们!


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